2020 VOTER’S GUIDE INFORMATION The purpose of the 2020 Voters Guide is to share information about area candidates seeking to serve their communities by being elected to city council, school board, county board, legislative and congressional district seats in the Echo Journal coverage area. This guide concentrates on candidates in contested races, and includes their answers to three questions in hopes of helping voters decide who to cast votes for at the polls Tuesday,
Nov. 3, or via absentee or mail ballots. The Echo Journal reached out to candidates multiple times via email and telephone to receive as many responses as possible. Candidates in each race are listed in alphabetical order. Because of space constraints, only contested area races are included in this guide, and candidates were limited to 75-word answers per question. The two city council candidates for a special election in Manhat-
tan Beach didn’t respond to the Echo Journal, but we included the information they shared with the Brainerd Dispatch. There is no race for another city council seat or the clerk/treasurer seat in that city. Candidates are incumbent Janis Allen for the council seat and Marlene Yurek (currently holds seat via appointment) for clerk/treasurer. There are no contested races in Lake Shore, Backus, Chickamaw Beach or East Gull Lake. Candidates in those cities are:
Lake Shore
Chickamaw Beach
East Gull Lake
Mayor: Krista Knudsen, curMayor: Murel Backman. rent city council member. Kevin City council (elect 2): Lindsey Egan did not file for re-election. Lindstrom and LeAnn Sand. City council (elect 2): IncumCouncil special election (elect bent Wayne Anderson and Henry 1): Suzanne Henk. Cote. Mayor: Incumbent Dave KavaMayor: Incumbent Kurt Sawnaugh. yer. City council (elect 2): IncumCity council (elect 2): Incumbent Karl Flier and John Wieber bents Tim Bergin and Carol Demgen. (appointed).
Tyler Gardner
James Tayloe
Position sought: Pequot Lakes mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Our zoning rules that seem to be so restrictive need to be looked at. In order to not only attract new business, but encourage current businesses to grow, we need to take a good hard look at not only the rules, but the process as well. This will be especially important with the Heart of the Good Life project getting going. Planning for a future of long-term growth also. How would you address those issues? I will dive into the process of applying for permits to narrow down the core issues that prevent newcomers, and potentially drive out existing businesses who are looking to expand. Then we work together with planning and zoning to come up with A: a better, smoother process or B: a way to adjust or fix the current rules and regulations. Why are you the best candidate? Born and raised in Pequot Lakes, I have deep roots here. I truly believe that our town is an amazing place to raise a family. My goal is to do my part to help Pequot continue its growth for the next generation and those after. I believe in networking to get more of our residents interested in being a part of what happens to and in our city.
Jason Baca
Position sought: Pequot Lakes City Council What are the top issues your city needs to address? The top issues I want to work on as a council member will be to keep taxes from going up any more; I will not vote for any tax increase. We have a projected deficit of 12.5% and I will address that is due to the current economic situation caused by Gov. Walz and COVID-19 related restrictions. I think the spending on the new park and pet projects should stop until economic conditions improve. How would you address those issues? I will ask all wonderful staff to redo their budgets and maintain a 0 percent increase or preferably cutting costs due to the economic situation. I want to reduce commercial taxes and look for ways to increase the retail and small business investments. I feel we have been at a competitive disadvantage since the bypass and we need to support small business. Why are you the best candidate? I am the best candidate because I have 20 years as a small business owner in Pequot and operating without debt the entire time. I will provide low taxes, less regulations, less laws and better property rights for all property owners. I will be the most fiscally conservative council person and will require fiscal accountability in all departments and provide a more competitive opportunity for housing and business growth. I appreciate your vote.
Scott Pederson Position sought: Pequot Lakes City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Economic growth: More businesses (retail, service, manufacturing) and more housing are needed to ensure the financial stability of our town. Streets and parks and neighborhoods need to be maintained and improved to encourage that growth. Property taxes: Our current tax rate is too high. (i.e. Breezy Point, 7% less). Safety: Everyone needs to feel safe in their homes and businesses and when we drive or walk or bike around town. How would you address those issues? To attract business, to keep people in town and encourage others to move to Pequot Lakes the city tax rate must be reduced and become competitive with our neighbors. As a councilor I have consistently opposed increasing the city tax rate and continue to do so. Taxes can be reduced if we spend money wisely and can still maintain and enhance our vital amenities of streets, parks, pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths. Why are you the best candidate? I have the experience of serving on the council. I’ll continue to oppose unnecessary spending even when other councilors have not. I’m a leader who wrote the city policy to get our businesses back open. I’m a strong supporter of our police and support the continued enhancement of businesses and parks. I’m a 25-year resident with kids and grandkids living here and I’ll continue working to make Pequot Lakes the best it can be.
Position sought: Pequot Lakes mayor
Pequot Lakes City Council Mayor: Elect 1 ► Tyler Gardner ► James Tayloe (incumbent) City council: Elect 2 ► Jason Baca ► Pete Clement ► Kent Johnson ► Scott Pederson (incumbent) ► Mimi Swanson (incumbent)
Pete Clement Position sought: Pequot Lakes City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? My biggest concern for our city is balancing our quality of life and small town feel with the growth and promotion of business. How would you address those issues? I would support decisions that promote new business while considering the needs of our current business owners all the while maintaining minimal costs to the city and its taxpayers. Why are you the best candidate? I’m the best candidate because I’m a longtime resident of Pequot Lakes. We own a home and a business in the city limits. I was chosen as an interim city council member last winter. I worked for the city for five years as a maintenance worker, which gained me a good working knowledge of the personnel, policies and infrastructure of our town. This along with my pride for Pequot Lakes makes me the best candidate.
What are the top issues your city needs to address? We want our local businesses to continue to provide the products and services that local residents and visitors are looking for. We want our local businesses to thrive. We need to keep city parks, streets and sidewalks clean and safe to make our city welcoming. The city will ensure these things. The city must show support for local business by sharing with visitors and residents what our businesses have to offer. How would you address those issues? I will make it a priority to find out what local business owners are expecting from city services, what they are satisfied with and where they would expect more. Listening to the local businesses is critical. Often the small local businesses are more successful if they work closely with the mayor and city council members. They learn about community changes much quicker and have more opportunity to provide input to city leaders. Why are you the best candidate? Personable, I get along with people, do not expect to have it my way all the time, good listener, willing to collaborate and negotiate on sticky issues, quick learner, lived and worked in city for 16 years, raised my family here, have demonstrated support for schools (my wife works at elementary school), local businesses, residents. Have created relationships with many stakeholders.
Kent Johnson Position sought: Pequot Lakes City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? There are many regulations that are preventing businesses from wanting to move into our city. One example is that certain areas of the city require businesses to plant a screen to block 50% of the business. This is just one example of some of the rules that need change. How would you address those issues? The city rules and regulations need to be gone through and see what ones are still needed and which ones need to be removed so that it makes us more attractive to possible businesses. Why are you the best candidate? I’m a fresh new voice. I’m politically neutral in my decisions, meaning I’m here for the betterment of the city and not a group. I want to help the city of Pequot Lakes continue to grow into a thriving community with lots of opportunities for our youth to want to stay here, young couples to want to start families here, older couples to stay youthful here, and vacationers to want to visit here.
Mimi Swanson Position sought: Pequot Lakes City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? A. Keep our downtown and small businesses vibrant and encourage local entrepreneurship. Shop local must be our battle cry! Let’s keep our town attractive to tourism and encourage our own residents to come downtown for shopping, dining and family friendly activities. B. Promote Heart of the Good Life. This venture is poised to attract new business, raise new tax dollars for our city and attract new jobs and opportunities for existing citizens and new residents. How would you address those issues? Be visible in the community by asking questions, listening to business people and citizens and continuing to be involved in the community. The city is in the planning stages of erecting a splash park in our city park. I would encourage the acceleration of these plans so our city could enjoy a splash park in early summer 2021. I support and stand behind the Heart of the Good Life, a great business and recreational opportunity. Why are you the best candidate? I am honest, motivated and balanced. I believe that my job is about the people of Pequot Lakes, making their lives better for as many as I can. My first four years of service to the city have provided me with the knowledge and opportunity to do just that. I look forward to another four years to continue the job of ensuring that Pequot Lakes stays smart, sustainable and safe.
2020 Voters Guide
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Jeanean Bye Position sought: Pine River mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Pine River needs additional tax revenue to help lower Pine River businesses’ and homeowners’ property tax burden.
Tamara Hansen
Pine River City Council Mayor: Elect 1 ► Jeanean Bye ► Tamara Hansen (incumbent)
How would you address those issues? A. Pine River needs revitalization, utilizing social media to promote the current town businesses and community. B. Reaching out to franchises that are an ideal fit for the town, a necessity and jobs for many. C. Reach out to residents, current businesses and building owners alike to get community ideas on what they would like to see happen for the future of the town. Why are you the best candidate? I really care about my town and community. Using my experience in finance, budgeting and marketing to find additional resources or a niche that pulls in additional revenue for our town.
Mark Bye
Position sought: Pine River City Council What are the top issues your city needs to address? 1. Attracting new businesses to Pine River. 2. Looking for a way to balance the tax burden between nonprofit businesses, forprofit businesses, county-owned land and citizens of Pine River. 3. Promote the city. We need to attract more of the tourist traffic to come off the highway when they’re traveling through the town. How would you address those issues? We need to promote the city on social media, community involvement, promotions and other means of advertising. Why are you the best candidate? I’m not going to make a statement such as, “I’m the best candidate” for Pine River City Council. I will say that I care for the future of Pine River and will always work for what is best for all citizens of our community.
Kim Bolz-Andolshek Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? The next few years are going to present challenges to all public schools that have never been seen before. New ways of teaching and learning, possible budget constraints and still striving for excellence in a new world. There will be a lot of unknown in the coming years or more and we need to stay focused on what makes Pequot Lakes public education great: our students, our staff and our community. How would you address those issues? In the last few years we have stayed focused on our mission and clearly defined the education and educational opportunities we want to provide. Our mission has not changed, but how we get there most certainly will need to be adjusted. Working together with the board, administration, staff, students and public to navigate together will be imperative as we move forward. Why are you the best candidate? With 17 years of service to the school district of Pequot Lakes, I have learned incredible lessons. My professional background is in educational technology and I have a unique lens into education across the U.S. I am passionate about public education, students, staff and community. My passion, leadership and experience have added value to the seat I have been elected to four times and it would be an honor to continue to serve.
Curt Johnson Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? We are specifically concerned for the safety of our students, their families and our staff and their families right now with COVID-19. It is so essential that our staff be able to do what they do “in person” so that each student gets the very best we have to offer at PLHS. These times are very trying for everyone, and there are many that are heroic in their efforts! How would you address those issues? We are coordinating with the county health coordinator, the Minnesota Department of Education and the Minnesota Department of Health. We are also engaging our staff as to their concerns and recommendations. We have the best staff in the state! Why are you the best candidate? I am an incumbent and I believe that I have served our district in the capacity that our taxpayers have wanted, and I am committed to continuing that effort! I am a Patriot through and through. Every student should have a dream and I am committed to that!
Cassandra James Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? I believe our biggest issues are putting money into the same specific areas instead of looking at the district as a whole and using what we have to benefit the community/school equally. Listening to what people are asking for, what we need and what will benefit us best over time. | Echo Journal
City council: Elect 2 ► Mark Bye ► Troy Gregory (incumbent) ► Tammy Hansen (incumbent)
Troy Gregory Position sought: Pine River City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? The top city issues are continuing to work on the dam and park renovation projects and planning future street and utility updates. As a city, we are certainly aware of the housing shortages throughout our region. Therefore, I consider it a personal goal to help find ways for families and retirees to have quality housing in our area. Continued business development in conjunction with additional housing creates a city of stable growth and purpose. How would you address those issues? As a city council member, I would like to see and help create a flexible development package available to entice potential businesses to move into Pine River. With business growth comes the need for additional housing. Joint meetings with builders and developers is essential to addressing our housing needs. We need to continue our work on updating city ordinances to better fit our community’s needs and sustain a high quality of life for our residents. Why are you the best candidate? I’m a community-driven person that is connected and committed to Pine River. I serve on multiple committees and boards whose purpose is to create opportunities and better our community. This allows me to hear many voices, needs and desires from multiple segments of our community. I am reflective and thoughtful in my decision making and do so with integrity. I truly care about the future of our city and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.
Pequot Lakes School Board Elect 4
► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►
Brad Becklin (Did not respond) Kimberly Bolz-Andolshek (incumbent) Mariah Hines Cassandra James Curt Johnson (incumbent) Pamela Johnson Susan Mathison-Young (incumbent) Amy Sjoblad
Mariah Hines Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board
Position sought: Pine River mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? The top issues facing the city of Pine River today are economic growth and housing. Costs of operating the city continue to grow and it’s important that it’s outpaced by an increase in tax base. The city faces challenges with its small boundaries and numerous nontaxable properties, but by working with our neighbors, incentivising business and housing growth, we can create opportunities to make our community a better place to live and work. How would you address those issues? While being mayor, the city has worked with developers to assist with housing projects as well as with manufacturers to bring jobs and business to Pine River. If re-elected, I would continue to promote and incentivise more housing development, new business opportunities and job growth. I also feel that once you combine current and future planned projects, some of Pine River’s best days are just ahead. Why are you the best candidate? I’m the best candidate because of my experience and my willingness to do what’s best for Pine River without a personal agenda attached to it. As the mayor of Pine River, I will continue to work hard to make Pine River a safe, prosperous and welcoming community for all.
Tammy Hansen Position sought: Pine River City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? One of the top issues for the city of Pine River would be business retention during this COVID-19 pandemic. Some of our businesses have undergone severe financial setbacks due to the mandate to shut down. Maintaining the safety of people while operating under new restrictions yet maintaining the survival of the businesses poses a daily challenge. The other issue would be a shortage of housing available for families interested in moving to the area. How would you address those issues? If I get re-elected, I would continue to participate in monthly planning and zoning meetings to keep abreast of the welfare of the businesses and the citizens within the city. Additionally, I would continue to collaborate and create ways for the city to offer incentives for housing developers as well as try and draw new businesses to Pine River. Why are you the best candidate? I have a desire to learn the ins and outs of how a city operates. My agenda would be nothing other than to see the city I live in thrive. I have been involved in the beginning stages of exciting things coming to Pine River, the new Essentia Clinic and dam and bridge project among them. I would love to be able to remain on the council to see these projects come to fruition.
Pamela Johnson Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? Pequot Lakes is a great school district. I think it is less of an issue within our school district and more of an issue in the school districts across the country. Schools are becoming politicized and not the nonpartisan institutes they are meant to be. I simply want to maintain the integrity of our school district and keep politics away from our children’s education.
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? Continuing to maximize opportunities for all students in the district with revenues available. ISD 186 had historically done a lot with a little. We can work to increase awareness and involvement from all stakeholders in the district’s strategic plans, student/ facility needs and opportunities for learning outside the classrooms. Our local businesses and community members are an asset to our students that I feel we are just beginning to tap into.
How would you address those issues? I intend to remain nonpartisan when it comes to school board issues. I want to hear from the other residents, students and parents. Like any elected official, I want to be there to represent what the community wants, not what I, myself, want necessarily. I want to hold meetings and forums to stay informed on what the community wants to see and vote according to those results.
How would you address those issues? Recognizing that our students bring an immense range of skills, experiences and perspectives to the classrooms, we need to ensure that we are working among all vested partners to maximize students’ experiences while maintaining high expectations for their learning and developmental needs. ISD 186 is a great school to be a part of and my goal in participating with the school board is to strengthen the foundation that has begun.
Why are you the best candidate? I’ve lived all over the country and have seen what is happening to schools across the nation. Now that I have two of my own children in the Pequot Lakes School District, I want to empower the students and parents to have their voices heard. We need to take back our children’s education from politicians. Parents and students should be making the choices for our education system and I intend to make that happen.
Why are you the best candidate? My experience serving on a nonprofit board will be an asset in working with ISD 186. I have been a TeamMates Mentor working in middle and high school levels. As a business consultant I have strength in strategic planning and implementation, an important quality for board members as we work on future strategies to maintain that our students receive the best quality education - in the classroom and in our community.
Amy Sjoblad
Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board What are the top issues your school district needs to address? Although our district is better prepared than many, tough decisions will need to be made because of the pandemic. Providing high-quality education that prepares all students to succeed after high school is especially imperative. Our district must continue to be innovative in designing in-person and remote curriculum that supports and engages all students at various levels. We must provide hands-on, meaningful experiences for students for the jobs of today and for jobs of the future.
How would you address those issues? I will listen to the needs of staff, community, students and employees to help come up with solutions that we can all be proud of.
How would you address those issues? I will listen to the needs of our students, families and community. I will focus on the big picture, not partisan issues, to ensure students, educators and taxpayers are all being considered. Our students cannot succeed without our educators, and I will continually look for creative ways to retain talented staff. As a result of COVID-19, financial decisions will need to be made and I will look for innovative ways to handle budget constraints.
Why are you the best candidate? I have been in this community for over 30 years. I have watched as we make some great decisions and also some that I feel leave us all confused. I have coached youth sports for over 10 years and have seen where we are lacking and also where we thrive. I think I will bring a new perspective to the school board, something I think we need to move forward in the right direction.
Why are you the best candidate? My background in HR, finance and career advising, coupled with my current experience in workforce development, has prepared me for this important role. I helped implement the ISD 186 Internship program and served on our District Advisory Council. Additionally, as the mom of two children who have been Pequot Lakes Patriots since kindergarten, I want to give back and take an active role to ensure that future students will be afforded even greater opportunities.
Susan Mathison-Young Position sought: Pequot Lakes School Board
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? This year will socially, emotionally and financially challenge students, parents and district staff - everyone is affected. Stable school districts play a crucial role in keeping communities whole and grounded. It is likely the district will not see favorable funding next year so the financial health of the district will be a major concern. Another paramount issue is working toward optimizing the emotional health of our students, especially now with the distance learning model. How would you address those issues? The support students, parents and staff need this year varies from previous years. The board must recognize the strain this year is having on the financial situation of its tax base and consider that with any expenditures. I’d like to participate in community/student forums and informational sessions on topics necessary to student success. We have students in the district who are not represented well and that should change - everyone listened to and everyone heard. Why are you the best candidate? With eight years on the board, 20 years of nonprofit organizational leadership experience, and 30 years working in health care, I understand the importance of viewing concerns from different angles and gathering information before making decisions that affect people’s lives. Everyone’s concerns are unique and need to be considered. I also love advising students in three different activities six months out of the school year. This helps me stay connected throughout the year. | Echo Journal
2020 Voters Guide
Chris Cunningham
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Roger Hoplin
Position sought: Pine River-Backus School Board
Position sought: Pine River-Backus School Board
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? We need to make sure we are staying relevant for all students in our district as we would like to see all students go on to further education that might not be in the cards for everyone. We need to make sure that all of our children are ready for the real world when they leave PR-B.
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? We need to ensure that each student is getting their educational needs met. Our mission should be to provide the best education possible for our students in a fiscally responsible manner. Promote the hiring and retention of the highest quality staff possible in a safe environment.
How would you address those issues? By asking the tough questions people might be afraid of. By being a better communicator for all of the amazing things that are going on inside of our district. Shining the spotlight on not just the education piece, but the many other activities our students achieve. Fighting for the programs that will continue our success at PR-B.
How would you address those issues? It would be very important as a new board member to align with those members that have the same goals and objectives. Why are you the best candidate? I don’t feel I should try to put any of my opponents down to make me look better than they are. I feel we have some great people running and it would be my pleasure to fill one of the three positions and work with whoever the other two are who are elected. I will be taking great pride in our successful completion of these goals!
Why are you the best candidate? I take time to go in and listen to staff, students and families, not just when activities are going on on campus, but also when school is in session. I have strong ties to both Pine River and Backus communities and have many interests in our townships. I have the passion to make sure we are doing what is right for the students and families, sometimes looking outside the box for help and funding.
David Sheley
Position sought: Pine River-Backus School Board
Dawn Rubner
Position sought: Pine River-Backus School Board What are the top issues your school district needs to address? I want to help the PR-B School District raise their test scores. The 2020 “pandemic” has forced PR-B to teach our students in a number of different formats. I have been a PR-B school member for a number of years. I do believe it takes a village to help students grow. How would you address those issues? The PR-B School Board needs to support the staff, administration and the students. PR-B needs to follow state and federal mandates and regulations. The school board needs to give administration and staff the resources needed to teach our students.
Pine River-Backus School Board Elect 3 ► Chris Cunningham (incumbent) ► Roger Hoplin ► Dawn Rubner (incumbent) ► David Sheley (incumbent)
Fred Heidmann
John Ryan
Position sought: Nisswa Mayor
Position sought: Nisswa Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? 1) The No. 1 issue plaguing the city for more than eight years is staff from pre-city administrator days. City staff, which undermined our previous city clerk, is now working to undermine our city administrator. That needs to change. We do not want to lose our administrator. 2) Next would be monitoring the effects of COVID-19 on city revenues. 3) Continued work expanding city trails.
Why are you the best candidate? I have been the only member of the council who has openly acknowledged the problem and am willing to tackle it. I am strong, determined and always the advocate for the citizens, even when the blowback is fierce. I am the person of choice citizens come to when needing an advocate. Police, public works, P&Z matters - I get more calls for help and guidance than any elected official.
Nisswa City Council Mayor: Elect 1 ► Fred Heidmann (incumbent) ► John Ryan (council member)
Nisswa City Council Bob Fier
Position sought: Nisswa City Council
How would you address those issues? Be present and engaged at the meetings and work sessions. Be involved in the community. Ask questions - Listen to the people who I represent. I want to be part of a board that works together and uses the resources we have to help our students become successful and productive citizens. Why are you the best candidate? I have experience working on the board. I’m a team player. I’m able to see many different viewpoints and I would like to think I always keep our students and families as our priority. We are a little diamond in the rough. I’m proud of PR-B; I’m proud to be a part of a board where we make decisions based on what is best for kids. I want to continue to be part of that.
Why are you the best candidate? I have had about 10 years of experience on the PR-B School Board. I have also had over six years of experience on the Timothy Township Board. I ask questions and I use data to make my decisions. Students and test scores are my top priority.
How would you address those issues? First, the council needs to take the matter seriously and stop pretending. We need to get professional advice on how to bring this to a rapid end, implementing recommendations. We have great potential in the area of walking and biking trails in the community. Making Nisswa even more pedestrian friendly, we need to explore and grow this for our children and residents.
What are the top issues your school district needs to address? The top issues are all the challenges that the pandemic brings for our families, students, staff and the school district in general. We will need to keep a close eye on our finances and make good solid decisions based on data. We also need to address our tech ed offerings and facilities and begin coming up with a plan for improvement. The music and drama departments are also in need of some upgrades.
Elect 2
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Expanding our commercial businesses in a way that strengthens our economy and provides employment opportunities. Doing so in such a way that we can maintain our identity as a destination for vacationers, preserve our environmental assets, and provide those services our community wants. We need to continue updating and improving our infrastructure so we can safely move traffic (pedestrian, motor vehicle and bike) in a safe manner. How would you address those issues? By clear and realistic direction given to the city staff, many of these problems can be addressed. Engaging the public for input will allow more ideas to flow and better information to be gathered. We should also review our comprehensive plan annually as a general guide. Then act on this input. We must also think of the long term, not just a few years down the road. Why are you the best candidate? We have seen too many elected officials with agendas over the years, and once elected it blinds them to the issues as a whole. I have no agenda. I don’t believe in agendas and refuse to believe one size fits all. Nisswa is not my town, it’s our town, and as such you deserve to have a voice. You also deserve to have an explanation as to why things are done the way they are.
► Bob Fier ► Ross Krautkremer ► Mark Utzinger
Ross Krautkremer Position sought: Nisswa City Council
Mark Utzinger Position sought: Nisswa City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? A balanced budget for 2021, based on the city’s diminished tax revenue stream due to COVID-19. Listening to our citizens’ and business owners’ recovery ideas as a result of the governor’s imposed shutdowns of our schools, businesses, churches, etc. Generate a policy, reviewed by our citizens, on how to utilize excess money in our cities “unallocated funds” account, beyond the level recommended by the League of Minnesota Cities.
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Planning and zoning, I believe, needs a rethink. If you look over the history of this department, it has been very inconsistent with its decisions in the zoning, enforcement of infractions and planning for the future development of the city. I also believe we need to be more intentional in the planning for the future of our city. This includes all aspects of the city from finances, employees, to roads, to infrastructure and equipment.
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Nisswa is blessed being in the middle of lake country. In fact, this is where the name of Nisswa comes from - the translation from the Ojibwe word “nessawae,” or “in the middle.” This confluence of lakes is our treasure and is the reason so many people come here to relax and enjoy the beauty of the area. I believe we should responsibly and carefully develop this treasure while protecting it for future generations.
How would you address those issues? Calculate the city tax revenue for 2020 and assume that this will continue into 2021. Annualize any gross revenue reduction as compared to 2019 and divide it amongst city departments. Then ask the department heads to come up with a handful of line items to reduce, in order to meet this scenario. Monitor 2021 tax revenues carefully and make adjustments to the city budget (up or down) to maintain a balanced budget.
How would you address those issues? I would work with current staff and council to have honest conversations of what’s working and what’s not in planning/zoning. Bring in outside organizations to help, talk/work with local businesses and visit other cities that have successful departments. Proper development equals income for the city. Planning for the future should be in everything that we do. We need to intentionally plan for 20 years down the road. Our children will thank us!
How would you address those issues? I would encourage us to further develop our tourist infrastructure - such as off road trails for bicycles and pedestrian walkways. Improve safety of the most heavily traveled roads. Finish the development of the Nisswa city park through private and matching city contributions, which will benefit the downtown businesses. Expand parking and available space for downtown businesses to grow.
Why are you the best candidate? Twenty-eight years with Boeing & Amgen as a manager making financial, business and technical decisions in meeting customers’ needs while maintaining schedules and budgets. Fifteen years as an owner of a Power Sports Business, employing 18 people. Surviving by monitoring customers’ needs, staying open til the job was done and continually telling our clients, “We appreciate their business,” and asking, “How can we do better?” A member of Nisswa’s Planning & Zoning Commission.
Why are you the best candidate? I have lived in Nisswa for 48 years, 24 years on the Nisswa Fire Department and a prior councilman. I’ve spent my career working in Nisswa. I’m a commonsense person who is upfront and transparent. I know what it takes to be an effective councilman and I’m committed to giving 100% for you. I will do the hard work to make Nisswa a better place while protecting our future. I humbly ask for your vote!
Why are you the best candidate? I graduated from Macalester College. Then I lived and worked in Japan for five years. I joined a Japanese manufacturer and established the company in Canada and the U.S. I was promoted to president of manufacturing in Rockmart, Georgia, and later chief operating officer of the North American operations overseeing finances, legal, quality control and human resources activities. I bring a consensus style, professional, nonpartisan, no-drama approach to problem solving the challenges of Nisswa.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Mayor: Elect 1
► Tom Lillehei (incumbent) ► Todd Roggenkamp
Tom Lillehei Position sought: Breezy Point Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? The top two issues facing Breezy Point are excessive tax forfeit properties and workforce housing. First issue: Breezy Point is home to approximately 118 tax forfeit tracts that do not generate any tax dollars and owe approximately $141,692 in special assessments. Second issue: Breezy Point does not have any rental apartments and few starter homes that are affordable to the workforce in the area, which makes it difficult for local businesses to hire employees. How would you address those issues? First issue: We worked with county Land Services to consolidate small lots into larger tracts of two or more priced lower than the sum of the individual lots, thereby reducing the number of tracts from 400+ six years ago to 118 today. Second issue: We are working with developers to encourage development of apartments and single-family homes targeted for the county median income. Consider tax incentives like what was offered for the Breezy Point Clinic. Why are you the best candidate? Highly experienced: four years on planning commission (two years chairman); four years on city council; six years as mayor. When I took office in 2015, my primary goal remains to grow the city incrementally each year without taking on any debt. To this end, I have been completely successful. In less than two years, Breezy Point will be debt free. I do believe that we are the most financially secure city in the county.
Lee Brisbin
Position sought: Breezy Point City Council What are the top issues your city needs to address? Better communication and accountability between city officials and contracted workers. I would like to see more community involvement on city financial matters that are purposed for spending, less favoritism for larger businesses and more transparency for all. How would you address those issues? I would have the city be more involved with what these contracted workers are doing and how they are conducting themselves with the public. Too much confusion is going on with ordinances and building at hand. I would like the citizens to be more involved in the issues at hand - less behind-the-door meetings. I think money is being spent that nobody knows about. I see too much of the good ol’ boys club going on. Why are you the best candidate? I think that I would be a good council member because I have good relationships with a good number of people in the city. I feel that I can be a voice for the people and can hear their concerns. I feel that if you rally with the people, they might be more apt to get involved and come to council meetings more often. Thank you all. And remember to get out and vote.
2020 Voters Guide
Breezy Point City Council | Echo Journal
City council: ► Rebecca Ball (incumbent) ► Lee Brisbin Elect 2 ► Mark Miller ► Gary Mitchell (incumbent)
Rebecca Ball Position sought: Breezy Point City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Road maintenance and improvements, including minimum maintenance roads; rules for short-term vacation rentals; business expansion and retention; and yearround employment opportunities. How would you address those issues? Collaboration and engagement with the citizens of Breezy Point, public and private partners, as well as city officials and employees. It has been my privilege to serve as your councilwoman and I would be honored to have your continued support. Why are you the best candidate? My experience, education and commitment to the city of Breezy Point and its residents is what makes me the best candidate for reelection. Having served on the council for the past 3.5 years I am passionate about and understand the issues and opportunities of the city. As a mother of two young children, I am also focused on maintaining safe neighborhoods, improving existing parks and supporting the development of a centralized gathering space.
Mark Miller
Position sought: Breezy Point City Council What are the top issues your city needs to address? Many residents of Breezy Point believe that their elected officials are not acting in the best interest of the city, that decisions are being made without enough public information being provided, and that an overall lack of transparency has left people in the dark. These concerns have caused many of my neighbors and community members to wonder who is fighting for their voices to be heard. How would you address those issues? I would encourage my fellow constituents to attend meetings in person or in a digital format, to be proactive with informing the public of the city’s agenda so that they could present me with their questions and concerns. Finally, I would make every effort to be available to my constituents and to provide them with confidence that their voice will be echoed in my actions and in my leadership. Why are you the best candidate? I want to be a voice for the residents of Breezy Point; and their concerns deserve to be heard. They expect their elected officials to represent them ethically and with a level of transparency. My focus as a city council member will be to preserve our beautiful community, to prevent change that takes away the people’s rights, and to make myself available to those needing to be heard. Miller’s website: https://breezypoint.
Todd Roggenkamp Position sought: Breezy Point Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Work for more citizen involvement to determine the vision for the city moving forward. What do the citizens of Breezy Point want to see in their city? Address the current policy of assessing 100% of road improvements back to the citizens. Work with the city council to provide more transparency to the citizens of the community on proposals and plans surrounding improvements, taxes and business growth. How would you address those issues? Provide opportunities for citizens and businesses to participate in city town meetings where suggestions/ideas/concerns can be brought to the city council. Develop a survey to send out to all full-time residents of Breezy Point and poll them to see what potential amenities they would like to see the city work toward providing. Work with city staff to ascertain considerations to help reduce burden on residents regarding road improvements. Why are you the best candidate? Being born, raised and having lived most of my life in the Breezy Point area, I believe I have a good understanding of the area and what the people want from their city. I believe in being for the citizens of Breezy Point and what they would like to see in their city for a vision moving forward. I will work with the city council to ensure we are listening to the citizens ideas/concerns.
Gary Mitchell Position sought: Breezy Point City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? 1. Excessive number of lots not on the tax rolls because of tax forfeiture. 2. Roads and streets in disrepair because of age. 3. We need more businesses in Breezy Point. How would you address those issues? 1. Make them more affordable and accessible. 2. Start escrowing more funds to repair or replace roads and streets without assessments and keeping taxes to a minimum. 3. Making desirable locations more available. Easing tax and licensing costs to businesses for their initial start up periods. Why are you the best candidate? I have been on the Breezy Point City Council for the past four years and have gained experience and knowledge on how to best serve the citizens of this fine city. Breezy Point has so much to offer, we need to get that out to more people in outlying areas so they will spend time here and see for themselves. I’m a conservative and believe in honesty and integrity.
Patty Norgaard Position sought: Crosslake Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? My priorities: Economic development, and environmental as well as fiscal responsibility are interwoven into the issues that face Crosslake today. These Include strong infrastructure - good roads, state-of-the-art communication services, public safety and the protection of our most important asset of all, the lakes. And, develop a resourceful city government that listens to the concerns and makes decisions based on what’s best for all constituents - residents, businesses and visitors alike. It’s essential.
Dave Nevin Position sought: Crosslake Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? The top issues in Crosslake right now are (a) water quality, (b) assessment policy, (c) fire hall remodel and (d) supporting local businesses. How would you address those issues? (a) We completed the Manhattan Point stormwater pond allowing contaminated water to filter through the soil before re-entering the lake. We will do this practice in the future where possible. (b) A fair assessment for improvements using 30% assessment as a guideline. (c) Complete fire and first responder station by removing all building concerns and establishing an upto-date facility. (d) Contribute to county COVID-19 relief rund to specifically help Crosslake businesses affected by COVID-19 shutdown. Why are you the best candidate? I have lived, raised a family and owned a business in Crosslake for 30 years. I want to maintain the integrity of our town. I fully respect the taxpayers in town whether they are homesteaded or seasonal and I will be responsible with their money through property taxes. I care deeply about this town and will always respect its citizens.
Aaron Herzog
Crosslake City Council Mayor: Elect 1 ► Dave Nevin (incumbent) ► Patty Norgaard City council: Elect 2 ► Catharine Funk ► Aaron Herzog (appointed) ► Marcia Seibert-Volz (appointed)
Position sought: Crosslake City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Right now it would be getting businesses, residents and guests of our city safely through the COVID-19 issue. This is going to continue through well into 2021 and the council needs to keep on top of what is happening and look at what we can do to help out. Next I believe we need to be fiscally solvent in not just our budgeting but in when and how we spend city funds. How would you address those issues? First we (council) need to be listening to the community and for staff to have a greater dialog with the business community to understand who is in need and what the needs are. We are already looking for ways to directly assist our city and especially those who are hit the hardest among us. Council will have more dialog at our next meeting to begin the process of working toward our businesses being successful. Why are you the best candidate? I have over 40 years of experience working in city government and have been through down turns and huge budget cuts. In retirement I can be of service to Crosslake. I was appointed to the planning commission and served for seven years, including being the chair, and then I was appointed to the city council and I have been there for 20 months. Last, I have no personal or hidden agendas.
Catharine Funk Position sought: Crosslake City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address and how would you address those issues? Housing: The city has had several go arounds with what is appropriate housing for off lake homes and apartments and what that would look like. We have had studies and proposals but no progress. We need to continue to invest in growth to help ensure employees have stable housing in our community, starting small so the growth is paced with the demand. Why are you the best candidate? I am fair, honest and decisive. I believe in good communication, listening to all sides of a conversation before making decisions. I love living, raising my children and running my business in Crosslake. Crosslake relies on tourism and small business. With the landscape changing, we need to be able to change with it, including more utilities, including sewer, high speed internet for people working from home and protecting the 14 lakes for water quality.
How would you address those issues? A community needs to understand the issues in order to support council decisions. So communication is No. 1. Then comes planning. On economic development, we’ll work closely with the community to establish a comprehensive strategy and plan. On environment, we’ll work with lake associations, the DNR and county to develop initiatives based on common goals. And, we’ll be fiscally responsible in all things. Working smarter to get done what needs to get done. Why are you the best candidate? As mayor, I bring a background of strong leadership in both business and civic affairs, experience in leading and initiating projects and competency in conducting meetings and negotiating business deals. And, I’ll bring people together to get things done. Leadership means representing all of the community. Experience comes from loving what you do, living to learn, energizing those around you. Competency is the result of years of involvement in my community, learning, listening and communicating.
Marcia Seibert-Volz Position sought: Crosslake City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? The issues facing the city of Crosslake are capital projects, mainly in public works. The city’s sewer plant has a projected $1 million project for biosolids. The sewer extension to intersection of #66 and #16 has to be determined when the $1.4 million project should be done. Another major concern is the decision between reconstructing or overlay needed street improvements and how to determine between the two. Controlling budget expenditures and prioritizing needs. How would you address those issues? Prioritizing projects with the greatest need during developing the fiveyear capital plan. Timing the projects with other projects such as the reconstruction of #66 by the county and debt service schedule. The capital plans that have been levied for must be designated for that particular project and not moved to another project unless the council deems it necessary in the event of an emergency situation. Consider facts, costs and details provided by the engineers. Why are you the best candidate? Currently a Crosslake council member. As a retired clerk treasurer/administrator, I have over 40 years of experience in city administration. I developed city budgets, financial statements, and was involved in project management and policy development. I want to provide conservative and positive fiscal management with tax dollars. I welcome community members’ input. I will pay attention to details and facts. I have a clear understanding of the council position and administration of city organization. | Echo Journal
2020 Voters Guide
Position sought: Jenkins Mayor
How would you address those issues? Continue working toward these goals like the city has in the past. We need to be open to new ideas. One way to keep taxes under control is to let our community grow slowly so we have a chance to control it. Growing big too fast isn’t always the best idea. Why are you the best candidate? That’s a tough question. I don’t like to think of myself as being better than others. I do know it’s important to work as a team with city employees, city council and committee members to reach common goals that would benefit the residents of our city.
Debbie Stiller-Siltman Position sought: Jenkins City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Working on needs, not so many wants. Many of our roads are in need of repair or need to be tarred. We also need to look at what we can offer our seniors; we really don’t have anything for them. I would also like to see city people get more involved in the city so we know what they see and what they feel is needed. How would you address those issues? Looking into grants or other funding for seniors. As far as roads, making a plan on which roads are used the most, and get them tarred one at a time. Why are you the best candidate? I feel like I’m the best candidate because I care about this community. I want to be a part of the improvement and growth. I do know it’s important to work as a team with city employees, city council and committee members to reach common goals that would benefit the residents of our city.
Jenkins City Council Mayor: Elect 1 ► Robert Heidelberger ► Jon Lubke (incumbent) City council: Elect 2 ► Kim Bachmann (Did not respond) ► Charles Hoffman (incumbent) (Did not respond) ► Debbie Stiller-Siltman
Jon Lubke Position sought: Jenkins Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Being a small city with a limited tax base we have challenges funding road repairs and improvement projects on a timely basis. The need for high-speed broadband (fiber) that covers all of our city. Extending natural gas to the unserved areas. Finding a way to deal with the change in traffic patterns due to the partial 371 four lane. Coming up with ways of helping our citizens and businesses with the fallout coming from COVID-19. How would you address those issues? We are encouraging affected businesses to apply for grants available through the county. We are forming a coalition with our neighboring communities to pool our efforts in increasing the broadband service level. We are applying for a small cities grant program for both home and business improvements. And we’re letting our state legislators know the effect it has on us when they don’t get bonding bills passed. Why are you the best candidate? I have lived in Jenkins for 40 years, all six of our children were raised here. I have been honored to serve as your mayor for the last 13 years and I wish to continue. The knowledge I gained by serving on Pequot Lakes EDC, Heartland Cable Commission, Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity, One Watershed One Plan, Minnesota Mayors Association and League of Minnesota Cities Board gives me experience our city needs at this time.
Linda Steffens Position sought: Fifty Lakes Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address: The top issues to address are improvements to our public safety and city road systems. Currently our city has one tornado siren. I would like to work to expand that coverage so that all citizens can feel safer in their homes and on our lakes and trails. Also, I would continue our high standards for public road maintenance as well as work with citizens on private roads that desire to upgrade their road. How would you address those issues? I would research plans by potential tornado siren providers to find the best options of coverage and cost. I would also research sources of grant funding to help with the purchase, then develop an acquisition plan based on the best coverage and cost spread over a period of years. I would work to develop a long-term road improvement plan that would serve as a guide to future decision making. Why are you the best candidate? I am the best candidate because I have worked hard to earn the trust and confidence of the citizens in my first term as mayor. I am dedicated to keeping our city a beautiful place to live and have successfully implemented new forestry standards and water quality funding. I am a “roll up my sleeves” kind of person who is visible and actively interested in hearing the thoughts and opinions of the people we serve.
Julie Engle Position sought: Fifty Lakes City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Our city’s top issues: Delivering the best possible year-round maintenance services on the city’s 30 miles of roads; providing top-notch fire and rescue emergency responses; and serving the needs of our current and future residents and visitors with efficiency and respect in a financially responsible manner.
Crow Wing County voters to see absentee, mail precinct ballots in mailbox
Robert Heidelberger What are the top issues your city needs to address? We are a small city without a lot of big issues. We need to all get along and have a common goal. Keep improving our roads and public safety is always important. We have some nice amenities like our Veterans Park and our ballfield. Keeping them well maintained and upgraded when needed. Helping our business thrive is also important to me.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Fifty Lakes City Council Mayor: Elect 1 ► Steve Dahlke (Did not respond) ► Linda Steffens (incumbent) City Council: Elect 2 ► Toni Buchite (appointed) ► Julie Engle (appointed) ► Eric Miller ► Gary Staples (Did not respond)
Eric Miller
Position sought: Fifty Lakes City Council What are the top issues your city needs to address? I believe that our city is in pretty good shape right now, but I would like to ensure that we continue to be fiscally solvent and responsible. I want taxpayer dollars to work for the taxpayers. Also, I’d like to see a better working relationship between the city council and taxpayers. Finally, an emphasis needs to be placed on keeping the municipal bar/restaurant profitable.
How would you address those issues? As the council liaison to roads, I’ve been tasked with researching and addressing the deficiencies in our 30 city road miles. Unlike most Minnesota cities, we have dozens of roads publicly dedicated by plat, but not maintained by the city. We have several additional nonplatted roads that essentially nobody maintains. We’re working with property owners who petition to make their roads public. Majestic was our first road to be upgraded to city road maintenance.
How would you address those issues? Based on my first answer: keeping the city fiscally solvent, I would be an advocate for the taxpayers and help to plan/monitor the budget. Secondly, I mentioned relationships between city officials and citizens. I plan to facilitate open, friendly and productive dialogue between the city council and taxpayers. Problems will always arise, and we can work together to solve them creatively.
Why are you the best candidate? My family bought Edgewild Resort on West Fox Lake in 1974 and during the next 32 years we welcomed thousands of guests to this beautiful northwoods paradise. In that time I also learned the value of hard work. Waitressing at Moonlite Bay and Andy’s, I put myself through college at UMD. My philosophy is to “stand up for what’s right, even if you’re the only one standing.” I’d really appreciate your vote!
Why are you the best candidate? While I am a new citizen in Fifty Lakes, I lived in neighboring Crosslake for over 20 years and was raised in the Brainerd lakes area. Therefore, I have a good grasp on the uniqueness of our town and people. As a popular vacation area, we face the challenge of accommodating visitors, while striving to keep our small-town feel intact. Finally, the safety and well-being of our community would be a priority.
Early voting is available in Crow Wing County for the Tuesday, Nov. 3, general election. Voters who requested an absentee ballot are seeing them arrive in their mailboxes. Voters in mail ballot precincts will have their ballots mailed to them by Wednesday, Sept. 30. Voters have multiple options to return their absentee ballot: ► Return it in the first-class, postage-paid envelope included with their ballot. Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day to be counted, so ensure at least five business days for return by mail. ► Voters can drop their ballot off in person at the Crow Wing County elections office, Historic Courthouse, 326 Laurel St., Brainerd, during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The office will be open additional hours on Thursdays, Oct. 22 and 29, until 7 p.m., and Saturdays, Oct. 24 and 31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ► From Oct. 16-Nov. 2, there will be a drive-through dropoff available during business hours at the Crow Wing County parking lot at the corner of Fourth and Laurel streets in Brainerd. Election judges will be staffing the drop off site from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the drivethrough site will not be available outside of business hours. ► Voters can designate an agent to return their ballot to the elections office for them. Agents may not deliver ballots for more than three voters in this election and will have to show identification and sign an affidavit of agent delivery when dropping off ballots for others. For more information, visit or contact the elections office at or 218-824-1051. Voters should visit to find the location of their polling place and view a sample ballot. If you have already requested an absentee ballot, do not submit another application. If you wish to vote in person, but have already requested an absentee ballot by mail or live in a mail precinct, wait for your mail ballot to arrive before coming in to vote in person. Bring the mailed ballot with you when possible.
Cass County to mail ballots to mail ballot precincts Sept. 30 Voters may apply for absentee ballots now Registered voters who live in mail ballot precincts in Cass County will be mailed a ballot on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Ballots may be returned by mail (a postage prepaid return envelope is included when the ballots are mailed), delivered in person by the voter, or delivered by designated agent to the Cass County AuditorTreasurer’s Office, 303 Minnesota Ave., P.O. Box 3000, Walker, MN 56484. Voters may apply now for absentee ballots for the Nov. 3 state general election online, in-person, by mail or by submitting a completed application via fax or email. For information, applications and a complete list of Cass County in-person absentee ballot locations, contact the Cass County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office at 218-5477210, or visit the Cass County website at “Elections/Voting” link. Cass County has limited public access to all buildings with courtrooms and court proceedings remaining open. Voters and people with election business should enter through the North entrance. All other in-person county business must be conducted from the Law Enforcement Center entrance. Election business hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. All absentee ballot locations will have extended hours for absentee voting for the general election; those hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, and until 5 p.m. Monday Nov. 2. Assistive voting equipment is available at all in-person absentee voting locations. For all other absentee ballot locations besides the Cass County office, contact the local government for their entrance policy. Absentee ballots do not require a “witness” this year unless they are for non-registered voters. A witness may be any registered voter of Minnesota, including a spouse or relative; a notary public; or any person having authority to administer an oath. The witness must include a complete street address and sign the voter’s absentee ballot envelope for the ballot to be accepted. Voters in mail ballot precincts not currently registered to vote may pre-register no later than by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13, in person or by midnight online to have a ballot mailed to them automatically, or after that date may register and apply to vote absentee ballot or vote in-person on Election Day no later than 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3. Visit to register or to check registration status online, apply for an absentee ballot by mail, view sample ballots, and to access important voter information.
Toni Buchite Position sought: Fifty Lakes City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? As a small city we need to protect our environment. We have clean, clear lakes and rivers and we need to keep them that way. We also need to promote business. We need to support the businesses that we have and promote new business. How would you address those issues? I would work with the DNR and the county forestry department. Also local groups such as Fifty Lakes Property Owners Association. We also need to encourage businesses to start here or move here. Why are you the best candidate? I will work to protect our natural resources and promote businesses. We need to protect the future for our citizens and our grandchildren.
2020 Voters Guide
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 | Echo Journal
Hackensack City Council
Gus Kaubisch Position sought: Hackensack Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Issues facing the city of Hackensack the next few years include Highway 371 construction and updating sewer and water lines. Both of these will cost the city significant money and disrupt daily life for residents and normal highway travel. I think the cost may be an issue but this has been planned for and will be dealt with in an appropriate manner. Protecting and increasing business opportunities while containing taxes are major considerations for me.
William (Bill) Kennedy Position sought: Hackensack Mayor
Mayor: Elect 1 ► Gus Kaubisch ► Bill Kennedy (council member) City Council: Elect 2 ► Andrew Johnson ► Lee-Ann Marchwick (incumbent) (Did not respond) ► Charlene Wilkes (incumbent) (Did not respond)
How would you address those issues? The six years I served on the council, I took the position that city employees knew their jobs and did them well. I feel the council’s purpose is to oversee and be responsible for a safe, friendly city, not to micromanage or overspend. Taxes have been raised approximately 5% the last two years. I support only necessary tax increases to adequately run the city. The council needs to be responsible to everyone in the city.
Andrew Johnson Position sought: Hackensack City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Hackensack is already moving forward with a variety of projects for better access to city information and city businesses. For the next few years the main issue will be managing that transition well.
Why are you the best candidate? I served on the council for six years as a councilman and assistant mayor and served on the Walker School Board. I negotiated two contracts with the teachers union as chief negotiator. I am a retired U.S. Navy MasterChief (active and reserve). I feel I have the necessary experience as a leader, negotiator and business owner (42 years). My position has always been to serve without an agenda so I could serve everyone fairly.
How would you address those issues? Our current council has done a good job in setting us up well for the future. The main thing is to hold the course with steady, responsible progress. With the right mayor and council, things will go well. Why are you the best candidate? Lee-Ann and Char are great candidates, so I wouldn’t say I’m the best, but my technical background and community involvement would be assets to the council.
Michael Dozark Position sought: Manhattan Beach City Council
Why are you the best candidate for the job? I was appointed to the city council in 2019. Upon becoming a full-time resident of Manhattan Beach, I wanted to get more involved in my new town. Being on the city council would be a great opportunity to serve my new community.
Manhattan Beach City Council
Mayor: ► Tracy Jones Elect 1 ► Roger “Buddy” Lund (incumbent) ► Calen Spindler (Did not respond)
Tracy Jones Position sought: Emily Mayor
What are the top issues your city needs to address? The city of Emily needs to support the local businesses in Emily equally and fairly. Taxpaying citizens do not have enough freedoms with their individual properties. We as a community need to do what we can to help get the manganese mine operating in Emily. We also need to cut the red tape and start running our town’s fiscal matters like a business where people in charge are held accountable. How would you address those issues? I would reach out to all local businesses and see what their concerns are and how we could help accommodate them. I would take a good look at zoning ordinances and throw out the ones that make no sense or limit individual liberties. I would do whatever possible to facilitate the mine opening between the community and the powers to be. I would think before I spent our taxpayers’ dollars. Why are you the best candidate? Owning a local business in Emily, I have a vested interest in seeing Emily prosper, unlike my competitors who only use rhetoric and tactics of self aggrandizement to further their narrow-minded approach to running a city. I brought my infant son home from the hospital in Emily and watched my father pass here; my heart is here. I want us to be a model for all other small towns to look up to.
City council special election: Elect 1 ► Robert “Rob” Amundson ► Michael Dozark (appointed)
Emily City Council
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Hackensack has been through a period of stagnation. Businesses have closed. Residents have allowed their property to become overgrown and filled with undesirable items and vehicles that violate city ordinances. The city budget has not seen increases, but residents want and need improvements to city services and infrastructure. City workers need replacement tools and equipment. The city has needed a capital improvement plan for years. Residents have asked for change; we’ve been doing just that. How would you address those issues? I have been a member of the city council for the last two years. I have helped implement a capital improvement plan to address long-term needs; modified the budget to allow for increases in salaries; enabled city workers to complete much needed projects, such as tarring roads and fixing culverts; been instrumental in developing a new 10-year comprehensive plan; enacted city ordinances so residents are informed, conforming and helping to clean up our city. Why are you the best candidate? I am a 30-year resident of Hackensack and I love this town. I want Hackensack to grow as a small town. We are revitalizing Highway 371 and First Street with new road construction, lighting, curbs, gutters and sidewalks. I’m looking to the future with solar power, electric car charging and a 10-year comprehensive plan. I want to make Hackensack more inviting, see our businesses thriving again, and create pride to live and vacation in Hackensack.
Robert “Rob” Amundson Position sought: Manhattan Beach City Council
Why are you the best candidate for the job? As a full-time resident of Manhattan Beach, I have a vested interest in preserving our quality of life and our sense of community. We must have sound local ordinances that address homeowner needs and future demands, while maintaining our natural environment and shorelines. I will support sound practices to further that mission, all while keeping in mind that many of us make Manhattan Beach our home because of what we have today and any changes need to be well thought out and involve community input so we all have a say in the future of our community.
► Mary Eppen (Did not respond) City council: ► Gerhart “Gary” Hanson Elect 2 (incumbent) (Did not respond) ► Donna Jones (Did not respond) ► Bill Spiess (incumbent)
Roger “Buddy” Lund
Bill Spiess
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Managing the city budget, updating city equipment and planning for a new city road improvement project. Trying to keep the public aware of what the city council does.
What are the top issues your city needs to address? Keeping up with all the wants and needs of the city and its citizens.
Position sought: Emily Mayor
How would you address those issues? It is being involved daily with all aspects of city business. The mayor interacts with all of the different departments of the city weekly. As mayor, it is my job to be aware of budget, personnel matters, plan in the near future for another road improvement project and request that the public attend council meetings. Why are you the best candidate? I believe my experience of my involvement with the city of the past 24 years is very valuable. I have been mayor for 12 of those years and council member for four years. I have negotiated many large contracts, such as the Highway 6 reconstruction project in Emily. I believe that the office of mayor requires a person with city government background to competently execute the day-to-day business of mayor.
Crow Wing County District 5 Commissioner Doug Houge
Position sought: Crow Wing County District 5 Commissioner What are the top issues the county needs to address? Protecting the businesses that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, at the same time providing the best level of services the citizens of Crow Wing County deserve. Doing all of this while still maintaining the most reasonable budget possible. It is also important we continue to manage and protect our lakes and streams while expanding the recreational activities that our citizens and visitors cherish. How would you address those issues? Having 13 years of experience gives me the ability to react to the current challenges while at the same time not losing focus of the many challenges still to come. I am a good listener and will use the resources available to address them with the best possible outcome. Being involved in the community plays an important role in the ability to get the job done. Why are you the best candidate? Having the gratitude of serving District 5 for the past 13 years has given me knowledge and respect needed to get the job done. Every issue, regardless of complexity, deserves equal attention. I have always and will continue to approach these issues with an open mind. I look forward to continuing to lead Crow Wing County to be the top destination in Minnesota while not losing focus of the 60,000 residents and their needs.
Position sought: Emily City Council
How would you address those issues? Look at the long-range plans for the city and make the right decisions. Why are you the best candidate? I will work hard for the city just like I have for the past four years.
Tuesday, November 3
Elect 1: ► Doug Houge (incumbent) ► Michael Starry
Michael Starry Position sought: Crow Wing County District 5 Commissioner
What are the top issues the county needs to address? Limit spending, decrease or stagnate property taxes, root out corruption and waste within county agencies. How would you address those issues? By discussing all spending proposals and budget increases with the constituents, seeking their opinion on how best to eliminate redundancies, waste and unnecessary spending, then voting accordingly. Root out corruption and hold to account all county staff who waste taxpayer dollars and/or otherwise violate the terms of their employment or contract. Why are you the best candidate? Along with a true political outsider’s view, it’s my willingness to stand and fight for the people of District 5, my diehard belief in government only at the consent of the governed, and the right of the people to be free from infringements upon their liberties, property and their life. I’ll fight tooth and nail to keep the government out of the lives, and out of the wallets, of the people. | Echo Journal
Cass County District 2 Commissioner Elect 1: ► Bob Kangas (incumbent) ► Edward “Ed” Nelson
Bob Kangas Position sought: Cass County District 2 Commissioner
What are the top issues the county needs to address? No. 1 is livable wage jobs that we need that would help the economy of our area in many ways. The people who would fill these jobs would have children that would help our school enrollment. Another important issue is the housing shortage. We have 65% of our residents in some of our small towns are renting as they cannot get loans to buy. How would you address those issues? We in Cass County have a real good economic development program that is run by Mike Paulus and Marina Lovell, who have helped people who are looking to go into business in Cass County get loans and help with other issues that require their expertise. Also, Pine River has a Chamber of Commerce that is a real asset to our town and community. Why are you the best candidate? I have experience as I have lived in this area my whole life and served on Walden Township Board of Supervisors for 30 years before I got on Cass County’s Board of Commissioners, which I have been on for 20 years. I listen to my constituents who voted me in and am always ready to help if I can. We have a great board in Cass and also a great group of employees.
Edward “Ed” Nelson Position sought: Cass County District 2 Commissioner
What are the top issues the county needs to address? The Second Amendment needs to be addressed and made to be the best benefit for all; the way the county spends money needs to be addressed. How would you address those issues? I would definitely take a good hard look at working with all involved, including the residents of the district as well as the entire county at spending our money in a wise way that will benefit all the citizens of the county. Why are you the best candidate? Not that I am better, although I do have plenty of experience working with people as well as having been an ALS inspector, I’ve gotten a chance to talk to many of the people within the county and gotten their feelings. Therefore I feel that I could be a benefit within the board.
Senate District 10 Elect 1: ► Carrie Ruud (incumbent) ► Stephen Samuelson
Carrie Ruud
Position sought: District 10 Senator Party affiliation: Republican What are the top issues your district needs to address? Our top issue will be helping our constituents, business community, health care and educational institutions recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. All facets of life in our district and state were impacted by the abrupt change from a record-breaking economy to a shutdown. As we move forward, we must assess each sector and make sure they have the tools and resources they need to rebuild economically and thrive. How would you address those issues? We have already started addressing the recovery, initially by funding broadband expansion in Greater Minnesota. The pandemic really highlighted the need to do even more, even faster. The needs in many sectors really brought this into focus: Education with remote learning, health care using telehealth, and many businesses and employees working remotely via Zoom or other types of distanced meetings. I am excited and looking forward to working with our great local companies and organizations. Why are you the best candidate? I’m honored to serve Aitkin and Crow Wing counties as a Minnesota senator, and as chair of the Senate Environment Natural Resources Policy, Legacy Finance Committee. We have an incredibly diverse economy, including businesses, farming, tourism, manufacturing and education. A strong business climate and educated workforce is important - and advocacy for veterans, families, seniors and the environment is a top priority of mine. I am unapologetically pro-life and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment.
Stephen Samuelson Position sought: District 10 Senator Party affiliation: DFL What are the top issues your district needs to address? We have many important issues in this district. Some of the most important issues are good-paying jobs; judging the effect COVID-19 has had, and will have going forward; affordable housing; and homelessnes. How would you address those issues? The first thing I would do is support local government aid. We need this in Brainerd, Crosby and Aitkin. Also, we need some bonding projects around here to help create some good-paying jobs.Then you need to bring our important issues to light. We cannot do anything about homelessnes unless we first admit we have the problem. We also need to keep thinking about how to improve our tourism draw to this area. Why are you the best candidate? I am running to offer the voters a choice - someone who will offer solutions and not blame someone because of their party they favor. We have a responsibility to the citizens of the district to work for them, not a party.
2020 Voters Guide House District 10A Elect 1: ► Josh Heintzeman (incumbent) ► Dale Menk
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
House District 10B Elect 1: ► Dale Lueck (incumbent) ► Gaylene Spolarich
Josh Heintzeman
Dale Lueck
Party affiliation: Republican
Party affiliation: Republican
Position sought: House District 10A State Representative
What are the top issues your district needs to address? Right now, in Minnesota we’re facing a projected $6 billion deficit. The next Legislature will need experienced leaders to find the necessary savings to balance the budget. How would you address those issues? There are challenges ahead, but I don’t believe raising taxes is the right approach during a shortfall. We must address this issue very carefully, examining every state agency and state expense while simultaneously stimulating economic opportunities. Huge projects are waiting to be approved by Gov. Walz’s administration. If he won’t personally act, the Legislature should put the bills on his desk reducing regulation statewide, replacing Line 3, and putting miners back to work. Why are you the best candidate? Improving on the successes of the past is key to building a better future. If I’m re-elected, I will continue to fight for our traditional family values, more educational opportunities for our kids, lower taxes, less unnecessary burdensome regulation, better road and bridge infrastructure, and improved regional recreational opportunities. These are just a few of the issues that must be addressed in the coming biennium.
Dale Menk
Position sought: House District 10A State Representative Party affiliation: DFL What are the top issues your district needs to address? Access to affordable health care and medications. Even people with insurance find copays and deductibles prohibitive. Livable wages and affordable housing. Especially in these trying times, people are worried if they will be able to make ends meet. Public education is also an issue with the new challenges presented by the pandemic. How would you address those issues? Hold health care providers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies accountable for pricing and billing practices. Start moving toward a single payer health care system. Work to set up a system for workers to earn paid sick and family leave, and make sure Minnesota has a robust safety net for people who fall on hard times. We need to make sure schools are properly funded to provide a safe, inclusive and productive learning environment. Why are you the best candidate? I believe I am the best candidate because I have dealt with the same day-to-day issues that affect many in our community. I will approach an issue from all sides, and utilize facts and data to find a solution. I believe everyone should have a voice in our government, and I will consider all points of view before making a decision that will have consequences for everyone I represent.
Senate District 9
Position sought: House District 10B State Representative What are the top issues your district needs to address? We must continue to build a strong, diversified economy. Access to high speed broadband impedes our ability to educate our children, locate businesses in rural areas and severely restricts the use of modern-day telemedicine across rural Minnesota. Excessive taxation such as the state general business property tax paid by our small businesses hurts their ability to grow and compete. Minnesota’s state income tax code continues to unnecessarily penalize senior citizens on Social Security retirement pensions. How would you address those issues? I will continue to support Minnesota’s Border-to-Border Broadband Program, which supports expanding fiber optic broadband into all rural areas. I helped formulate and pass legislation capping the runaway state general business property tax. I will continue to work at reducing and ultimately eliminating this small business killing tax. I helped pass legislation that reduced the state income tax on seniors’ Social Security pensions. I will not rest until that tax on our seniors is eliminated. Why are you the best candidate? I am seeking re-election to continue to make a positive difference for the citizens of Aitkin and Crow Wing counties. My extensive public service and private sector experience, willingness to listen and work with others to solve the issues we face will continue to be focused on making our communities a better place to live, work and raise our children. I respectfully request your support for re-election to the Minnesota House of Representatives. Thank you.
Gaylene Spolarich
Position sought: House District 10B State Representative Party affiliation: DFL What are the top issues your district needs to address? Families aren’t making livable wages; affordable health care; internet access; education systems that support arts, music, social emotional needs; healthy environments (water, air, land, food); tax fairness; affordable housing; taking care of our aging population; protecting Social Security. How would you address those issues? Examine current funding and legislative bills that affect the top issues listed and advocate decision making that will uplift and connect all our communities. Together, we can search for common ground to build long-term health and well-being for all people, not just when it seems profitable or practical. Why are you the best candidate? As an Indigenous mother, grandmother, caregiver of four young children, employee, my life experiences prepare me to understand the issues and challenges we face daily and I’m passionate about representing our district and about inspiring others like me - those who care, but have been invisible or quiet - to step up, get involved and support one another and believe it’s never too late to speak up and work hard for the things you value.
Elect 1: ► Paul Gazelka (incumbent) ► A. John Peters
Paul Gazelka
A. John Peters
Party affiliation: Republican
Party affiliation: DFL
Position sought: District 9 Senator What are the top issues your district needs to address? As Senate Majority Leader, I am committed to working with communities to keep businesses open and able to thrive, to allow children to continue to go to school, and to protect the rights of individuals. We also need to support our law enforcement, not defund them, because lawlessness hurts everyone. Working for these things and many more are my priorities. How would you address those issues? Because I am currently in the Legislature and in leadership, I can work specifically to help with local projects that support our communities. My experience helps because I understand the process and means to make things happen. I understand the values and concerns of my area as well as the bigger picture of the state. I will continue to listen to my constituents and to work to support them. Why are you the best candidate? I am the best candidate because I love my district and my state. I choose to serve in politics because I care about the people. Faith, family and freedom are what motivate me to do the best I can. My experience and involvement enable me to influence policies to better serve our area. I give my all and work hard every day in my position.
House District 9A Alex Hering
Position sought: House District 9A State Representative Party affiliation: DFL What are the top issues your district needs to address? We need to acknowledge that all Minnesotans must be represented when it comes to accessible health care, economic and educational opportunities along with support for businesses, workers and families. Our communities rely on local government assistance to function and provide the services we depend on. During this global pandemic and economic upheaval my opponent failed his responsibility, forcing Gov. Walz to disperse this critical funding for our towns, schools, hospitals, police, fire and community services. How would you address those issues? Federal COVID-19 funding has been allocated for Minnesota to prepare, respond and assist our state to safely recover together, economically, socially and addressing health coverage. I will be active in addressing challenges facing our neighbors and work to make sure our district is represented for bonding projects and infrastructure improvements and vote yes. 2020 has proven that fighting for livable wages, expanding health care coverage, funding education and retraining are critical to unify our future. Why are you the best candidate? Campaigning in 2018, I met with businesses and families frustrated or struggling with health care costs or coverages, housing and education affordability and taxes, show me the value. In 2020, more of us are struggling with loneliness, unemployment, food and eviction/foreclosure with winter weeks away. As a contractor, the greatest compliment I earn from clients is the trust with their families, homes and businesses. Let me work for you, with your vote Nov. 3.
Position sought: District 9 Senator What are the top issues your district needs to address? A: Health care (cost and keeping rural clinics open). B: Education (keep schools safe and prepared for the future). C: Family farms and small businesses. D: Internet to all. How would you address those issues? A: Expand Medicaid to age 50; have MNsure drop rates for more people. Have emergency funds to keep rural care facilities open. B: Set funding to 1.5 times the 2000 level adjusted for inflation. C: Add training to technical colleges for specialized training like meat cutting. Provide low-cost health insurance for farmers and employees of small businesses. D: Study cost-effective ways to bring high speed broadband to every home and business. Why are you the best candidate? I am a small businessman that understands both the issues facing businesses and a technologist who knows how to get things done. Having had health issues I understand the financial and relationship problems that serious illness causes. Through my career I also have the ability to work with people. I know that obstructionism is not productive. I will work with both Democrats and Republicans to get things done to improve rural quality of life.
Elect 1: ► Alex Hering ► John Poston (incumbent)
John Poston
Position sought: District 9 Senator Party affiliation: Republican What are the top issues your district needs to address? Health care; public safety; tax reform. How would you address those issues? Health care: Reform needs to be made in health care premium costs and deductibles. We must work across party lines to continue to make health care affordable for Minnesotans. Public safety: I will support law enforcement. I believe 99.9% of all law enforcement personnel are good, honest, hardworking people that care deeply about their community. Tax reform: We need to continue to simplify our tax structure. We need to conform with federal tax code. Why are you the best candidate? I am proud to have been able to represent the counties of Todd, Wadena and southern Cass from 2017 to present. I am honest, reliable, compassionate. I have 40-plus years of business management experience. We need more business minded people in public office helping make decisions for our state’s economy, growth and sustainability. I respectfully ask for your vote on Nov. 3, 2020.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Senate District 5
2020 Voters Guide Elect 1:
► Rita Albrecht ► Dennis Barsness | Echo Journal
► Justin Eichorn (incumbent) ► Robyn Smith (Did not respond)
Rita Albrecht
Dennis Barsness
Justin Eichorn
Party affiliation: DFL
Party affiliation: Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis
Party affiliation: Republican
Position sought: District 5 Senator What are the top issues your district needs to address? Businesses need to know that they can find qualified workers, have access to safe roads and reliable broadband. Communities need support to ensure they have resources for utility infrastructure and public safety to serve their residents. Workers and families need safe housing, affordable health care and a quality education for their kids. Lastly, we need to ensure that we are transitioning to clean energy and leaving a bright future for our grandchildren. How would you address those issues? As mayor, you must pass your agenda every week and find solutions to the problems your community is facing. I will bring my experience as mayor and as a community leader to show up, listen and find creative solutions to the issues facing us in northern Minnesota. I’ll be a senator who supports our rural leaders to build communities where every resident can feel heard and respected. Why are you the best candidate? I grew up, raised my family, owned a small business, am a community leader and currently mayor, all in northern Minnesota. These experiences shaped me into a leader who values hard work, responsibility and honesty. I will not shy away from the difficult challenges we are facing. As your senator, I will show up, work hard and reach across the aisle to find solutions. I will be the leader you can count on.
House District 5B Elect 1: ► Joseph Abeyta ► Spencer Igo
Position sought: District 5 Senator
What are the top issues your district needs to address? With so many issues it’s hard to choose where to begin. The pandemic is right up top along with the employment issues, as well as health care, astronomical property tax hikes, racism, the riots, poor government response to most issues - the list goes on. How would you address those issues? One of the things would be to expand more manufacturing into Greater Minnesota. The workforce is plentiful and transportation is plenty advanced to accommodate it. With a bigger business base, residential tax rates can be realistic. I would also work toward promoting more small business and small farming ventures. Why are you the best candidate? As a lifelong resident of Itasca County, I’m heavily vested in the region. I’m a father of two, pastor in my Christian fellowship, a PCA/ mechanic/maintenance man, supervisor for District 4 for the Itasca County Soil and Water Conservation District and board secretary. I’m committed to the area today and for the future.
Congressional District 8 Elect 1: ► Quinn Nystrom ► Pete Stauber (incumbent)
Joseph Abeyta
Quinn Nystrom
Party affiliation: DFL
Party affiliation: Democrat
Position sought: House District 5B State Representative What are the top issues your district needs to address? Greater Minnesota has had a great many challenges even before COVID-19. Now, issues have been amplified. Education and mental health care underfunding, our educators are more important than ever now; businesses closed, some barely hanging on. Infrastructure, roads and water projects that are in desperate need. Our mining and paper industries have been hit hard. Our unemployment rate is at an alarming high. Access to affordable health care. These, and more, must be addressed. How would you address those issues? I am not a professional in all fields that must be addressed. However, working with organizations, business owners, educators, health care providers and individuals is how we will develop the changes needed. As a legislator, my job will be just that. Being the voice that is willing to bring these plans that we work on together to the floor. Continuing collaboration and relationships with stakeholders will be vital to meeting the needs of our district. Why are you the best candidate? I have served on the LaPrairie City Council for over two years. I was union steward for the Local 49. I served with the U.S. National Guard, including a deployment to Iraq. Through all these roles, I have gained the experiences needed to advocate for others in a nonpartisan manner. Republicans and Democrats must have an equal voice in decisions we make to benefit everyone. I have a proven history of doing just that.
Position sought: Congressional District 8 U.S. Representative What are the top issues your district needs to address? Lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs. Living with Type 1 diabetes, I pay nearly $1,000 out of pocket every month for my health care - and that’s with good insurance. It’s not just insulin - prescription drug prices are skyrocketing and too many people can’t afford prescriptions or are too afraid of the bill to see the doctor. We must also solve the COVID-19 pandemic so that we can safely return to normal. How would you address those issues? As a former Baxter city councilor, I worked with conservatives to accomplish things. I would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, expand access to the affordable health care, and cap out-of-pocket and deductible costs. I would get corporate money out of politics as its corrupting influence underlies many of the problems in our system. And I would advocate for a national strategy to combat COVID-19, more PPE and testing. Why are you the best candidate? I will fight for affordable health care and prescription drugs. Pete Stauber won’t. I was the National Youth Advocate for the American Diabetes Association, led the charge to pass the Alec Smith Emergency Insulin Act, and organized Caravans to Canada to get Minnesotans affordable insulin. Stauber voted five times against lowering prescription drug costs. He’s voted to weaken the Affordable Care Act, against improving access to health care, and against protecting people with pre-existing conditions.
Spencer Igo
Pete Stauber
Party affiliation: Republican
Party affiliation: Republican
Position sought: House District 5B State Representative What are the top issues your district needs to address? In House District 5B, I believe the top issues rest in education and economy. We are seeing an education system that is not diverse enough for our students. Because of this, students may not always know the opportunities that await them after graduation. Coupled with that is our economy. In a post-COVID-19 world we need to address the fact that having a diversified economy is a must. How would you address those issues? Continuing to explore more options for access to various trades and vocations in the high school setting. Giving students a chance to explore their gifts through hands-on learning will help keep our next generation working and earning a good living here in our northland. Business expansion is possible with increasing broadband access. We can build a northland that retains our youth, which will foster new business and industry. The solution is tying these issues together. Why are you the best candidate? I believe I am the best candidate because I am pro life, pro Second Amendment, pro labor, pro law enforcement, pro mining and pro Line 3. I believe in lower taxes, more freedom and lifting up all people to create the best Minnesota. I look to take my energy to serve, passion to make a difference, and resolve to see it through to St. Paul and be your representative.
Position sought: Congressional District 8 U.S. Representative What are the top issues your district needs to address? Earlier this year unemployment was the lowest since we first landed on the moon. Small-business optimism was soaring to an all-time high. Consumer confidence was skyrocketing. Wage growth was steadily climbing. Our economy was chugging and churning at unprecedented levels. Then a global pandemic struck and our nation’s economy shuddered and our spirit was shaken. Our way of life was drastically altered in ways we hadn’t experienced before. How would you address those issues? We will overcome this pandemic. I continue working with President Trump to unleash the economic engine to create jobs and an economic boom for our working families. We are recovering, and our economy is rebuilding - we’ve added 10.6 million jobs in the past three months, but this is only the beginning. We know how to get our economy moving again, and when we do, we will be a stronger, more resilient and self-reliant country. Why are you the best candidate? From playing hockey all my life to 23 years of public service in law enforcement, I am a problem solver. My wife, Jodi, is an Iraq war veteran and we have four children and they are one of the reasons I am running for re-election. We must do all we can to ensure the American dream is within reach for their generation so they can enjoy the freedom and prosperity that has made America great.
Tuesday, November 3
Position sought: District 5 Senator What are the top issues your district needs to address? When out talking with my constituents, the top concerns I hear are generally centered around guns, babies and unions. We need to protect the sanctity of life, protect our Second Amendment and protect the working men and women of our district. This year specifically, many people are concerned about public safety and those who want to defund the police. How would you address those issues? I am 100% prolife and will continue to fight for those rights against the radical left that want post-birth abortion. I am a staunch advocate of the Second Amendment and believe our rights shall not be infringed. I will fight our laborers and their ability to organize for workers’ rights. I am absolutely against defunding our police, as the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association’s endorsed candidate, I stand with our law enforcement. Why are you the best candidate? I’m invested in making sure this is the best place to raise my kids and leave them with good job and education opportunities. We need a thriving economy and great schools to keep families in northern Minnesota for generations to come. I am ready to fight for good jobs provided by projects like Line 3 and mining, make sure our schools have local control and to fight for the north and our way of life.
9th Judicial District Court Charles Halverson (incumbent) Position sought: 9th Judicial District Court 4 Age: 59. City: Baxter. Occupation: District court judge. Public office experience: Judge of the Minnesota 9th Judicial District Court since 2018.
Why are you the best candidate for the job? As the incumbent judge in this election, I remain committed to responsible decision-making and following our state’s constitution and laws. Residents of our district must have confidence in their court system. It must remain a place of justice, as defined by fairness of process, integrity in purpose, and ethical means to follow the rule of law. My 30+ years as a lawyer and judge have taught me that integrity, humility, compassion, and a strong work ethic must be a district court judge’s compass. I will continue to work hard to honor the trust you have placed in me.
Benjamin Lindstrom
Position sought: 9th Judicial District Court 4 Age: 38. City: Chickamaw Beach. Occupation: Elected Cass County attorney. Public office experience: I started with the Cass County Attorney’s Office in 2010 as an assistant county attorney and was ultimately elected Cass County attorney in 2018. Prior to that I worked for the public defender’s in Brainerd and the courts in the 4th Judicial Court District in Hennepin County.
Why are you the best candidate for the job? As Cass County attorney, I have stood up to ensure people’s rights are respected by the legal system and I have pursued accountability and justice in thousands of cases during my career. I have worked with crime victims and law enforcement to ensure concerns are heard and considered. I have worked with attorneys to find practical solutions to conflicts while recognizing and managing the risks associated with litigation. I have prosecuted before the district court and successfully argued before the Supreme Court. Objectively applying the law as written to the facts of a case is what I do every day.
Jana Austad
(incumbent) Position sought: 9th Judicial District Court 19 Age: 55. City: Baxter. Occupation: Judge. Public office experience: Seven years as 9th Judicial District Court judge. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Northern Minnesota is woven into my whole life. I grew up, practiced law, raised children and became a judge here. It’s here I learned the importance of fairness, integrity and hard work — values I take with me to work every day. Before becoming a judge, I spent nine years as a criminal defense attorney, seven years in private civil practice and seven years as a stay-at-home mom. In 2019, I was elected by my peers to be assistant chief judge. I’ve spent the past seven years as a district court judge upholding the rule of law with fairness and impartiality.
James Hughes
Position sought: 9th Judicial District Court 19 Age: 41. City: Bemidji. Occupation: Attorney and law firm executive director. Public office experience: None. Why are you the best candidate for the job? Northern Minnesotans deserve for their judges to have the legal values and personal temperament that I would bring to the position. I have the integrity to honor Constitutional limits on judicial power, and to apply the law written in our constitutions and legislatures without improperly engaging in judicial activism. I am a legal conservative and believe in honoring those professional values. Northern Minnesotans also value fairness and respect in their judges, and I am committed to treating each person in the courtroom with the courtesy and professionalism that they deserve, regardless of race, gender or belief systems.