what traffic signs, lights and signals mean.
6967 Lake Forest Road Baxter MN (218) 822-5634 www.arrowwoodbrainerd.com
Be Alert!
Watch what’s going on around you. STEPPING STONES CHILDCARE LEARNING CENTER, INC. Brainerd 218-270-3100 ext 1 Baxter 218-270-3100 ext 2 www.steppingstonesmn.com
Find A Good Backpack
Choose a backpack that fits close to your body.
1223 Oak Street, Brainerd, MN 218-829-7790 www.lakesprinting.com
Just Say NO! Stay away from drugs and cigarettes.
CROW WING COUNTY FAIR Crow Wing County Fairgrounds 218-829-6680 www.crowwingcountyfair.com
Never Cross Don’t cross the street between parked cars.
CUB FOODS 417 8th Ave NE, Brainerd, 218-828-1816 14133 Edgewood Dr N, Baxter, 218-828-4601 www.cub.com
Riding To/From School
Listen to your car or bus driver.
UNION 804 Laurel Street, Suite 101 Brainerd 829-9065 www.bbncu.org
Valuable Friends
Walking to school is safer and more fun with friends.
TANNER MOTORS 620 West Washington St. Brainerd, MN
SALES: 218-928-3675
SERVICE: 218-454-3647
PARTS: 218-454-3648 www.tannermotors.net
Yell Out!
If a stranger bothers you, yell for help!
JANITORIAL Brainerd 218-828-4188 Northcountryservicesmn.com
Crossing Streets
Look both ways before crossing the street.
CHEM-DRY OF THE LAKES Carpet, Upholstery And Wood Floor Cleaning 218-828-4320 cdofthelakes@midco.net Chemdryofthelakes.com
Guard Belongings
Take care of your books, lunch and other items.
SHANNON’S AUTO BODY 124 8th Ave. NE Brainerd 218-829-6764 www.shannonsautobody.com Facebook.com/shannonsautobody
Keep Away From The Danger Zone! Don’t play near buses.
CROSBY-IRONTON TRANSPORTATION, INC. 829 8th St. NE, Crosby, MN 218-546-6156
Obey Teachers & Parents Listen to what these adults say for your safety.
CTC 14385 Edgewood Drive Baxter, MN 56425 218-454-1234 goctc.com Facebook @ConnectCTC
Save The Environment
Learn to recycle. Carry recyclables to the curb. MILLE LACS DRIVING INSTRUCTION 320-676-3409 millelacsdriving.com
Walk Away
If someone tries to start a fight, walk away.
AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Baxter 218-829-1484 Brainerd 218-824-7900 www.ANBMN.com
Zero In On Safety Follow these tips to a safer school year!
PEQUOT LAKES SUPERVALU 30581 Patriot Ave. Pequot Lakes, MN 218-568-5001 www.pequotlakessupervalu.com
Doors Don’t answer the door when you’re home alone.
15213 Edgewood Drive Baxter 829-8733
Hands & Arms Keep hands, arms and head inside vehicles.
218-587-2250 3874 16th Street SW, Backus, MN 56435
Loose-Hanging Clothing Be careful with drawstrings, belts or clothes that drag the ground.
218-546-5133 201 1st Street SW, Crosby, MN www.PartsCityAuto.com
Plan A Route With your parents, plan the safest and quickest route to school.
TANNER NISSAN 620 West Washington St. Brainerd, MN SALES (218)454-3644 SERVICE (218)454-3645 facebook.com/tannernissanbrainerd www.tannernissan.com
10 Steps Take 10 steps away from the front of a stopped bus before crossing. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pequot Lakes • 218-568-4473 Crosslake • 218-692-4472 Baxter • 218-822-4480 Nisswa • 218-963-0333 www.fnbnorth.com
“X” Marks The Spot Stand in the right place when waiting for the bus.
PINEANDLAKES ECHO JOURNAL 506 James St. Brainerd, MN 56401 Phone: (218) 829-4705
Now You Know Your ABC’s Have a safe school year! T & J SERVICES
LAWN CARE SERVICES 829 8th Street NE, Crosby, MN 56441 tandjservicesllc@gmail.com