2022 Holiday Greetings - Letters to Santa

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On Thanksgiving weekend, my husband and I were lucky enough to have our granddaughter stay with us on her own for the first time.

Besides being reminded of just how busy a 3 year old can be, I was also reminded of a toddler’s awe, wonder and innocence when visiting Santa Claus.

My granddaughter confidently gave “knucks” to the Grinch, then climbed right up onto Santa’s lap and told him she’d been good and wanted babies with bottles.

I was so proud!

I can’t wait until she’s older and writes her first letter to Santa.

Parents of area second graders have their chance to see their second graders’ letter to Santa in this Holiday Greetings section, a longtime tradition of the Echo Journal.

You’ll find letters to Santa Claus written by second-graders at Eagle View Elementary School, Pine River-Backus Elementary School, Nisswa Elementary School, Crosslake Community School and a letter from a second grader at Foothills Christian Academy in Backus.

The letters are published as the students wrote them, and we thank the teachers for partnering with us in this holiday project.

Enjoy the students’ letters and Merry Christmas to you all!

PINEANDLAKES.COM ECHO JOURNAL’S 2022 HOLIDAY GREETINGS | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2022 | 1 30581 Patriot Avenue Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 • 218-568-5001 www.pequotlakessupervalu.com Locally owned and operated Return this completed coloring page to Pequot Lakes SuperValu by January 11th to be entered in a drawing to win a fabulous prize package! (Ages 11 and under) Name: ___________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Greetings 2022 ECHO JOURNAL Holiday
Letters to Santa from area second-graders Holiday greetings from area businesses

Kayla Reed’s class

Dear Santa

I would like to no how much elfs you have and what their names are and what they say and is it true rudalf has a red nose? what are all you raindeer’s name and i wou like to see my dad at least one more time and picturs of him bc he past away and i Rlly miss him and i would do anything to see him one more time it would mean the wold to me or if you can’t do that i would like soe Robux. my dads name is Ryan Aline Headlee from olivia jean Headlee

Dear santa

last night Jack my cat dropped the silverwere and ate all the butter I picked up the silverwere and went back to bed then in he morning I brushed my hair and teeth and did the dishes at my moms I hope for christmas littlest pet shop love your friend Kendall

Dear Santa

I have been a great help for my dad and morgan and my baby brother I wish for a elf and a Kitten one or the other.

from Arianna

Dear Santa

Iv’e been pretty good this year And what I want for crhistmas is a hoverboard and a pokemon poster box and a new bord game a bingo bord game and a new screen for my nintendo swich lites yeah that’s all I want.

Sencirly Jeremiah

Dear Santa

I hav ben rilly good to My parents For baby siting My littl sister and giving her a bath and I wont a Meco and a tramplen for my famly and a card to go on a croos chip and some make up with shiny Lipstic For me and my sister to play together

From Andi Johnson

Dear Santa

I have Ben good I have a qeschin for you huo meny elvs Do you have plese get me a LoL and wobr Bott.

From Love Kemper

Dear Santa.

I have been a really good helper to my teaher and if you wundering what i won’t for a Christmas present i want a Iponea prowe Max it isa scwar camra not the ovol camra one.

Love, Andrea

Dear Santa

I have something to tell you I have not sean my elf in a while I do not know where she is! I relly want a new stillist I lost my old one and can not find it. Have a safe trip Santa claus.

Senserly Temperance

Dear Santa, I have been really good for my parents and my grandma I have been really wanting a hoverboard I would be so happy. Merry christmas.

Sincerly, Hudson

Dear Santa, I Love crismis I ben helping a lot like clenig I cant wayt tell you you cum to are haws I rille wont to see my ellf ugen I Love wen My ellf hids arawnd the haws I wundr haw mene ellfs you have.

Love Leah

Der Santu

I hav ben a gud boy latley I ushaley wont sum pokumon cards they are myfaveret you are the dest Santu you cool safe travuls.

Sensearleay Rowen

Dear santa claus, I have been a reallygood cide cen I hav Fourchristmas sum Pocemoons koars. I wud Beso hape

I helpdid Fedn mi dogs.

sincerly Mavrick Moe

Dear Santa I wood like a rc car am I on the nise list wut is yor favrite cind uv cooce wut is yor troo storhe like I have seen los u mooves but I stil dot no wut is the reel wur Sinserlee Joe

to Santa, der Santa clos

I wod like a fac wrk sop and a par of gluvs that lite up. I love Roland Frum Rolond

Dear Santa

Thank you for the elf thay are so funny ol uv the time. for christmas i wont the min Brun stor. I ben good i ben helping arand my House. and I help clining the dishis. you are so nis o ol uv the Kids. I Hope you have a saf Trip This year.

Love Eden

Dear Santa

I wudr how mey Elfs. I have oun Elf to but I wot my dog cowe my nam is Natalie I hop you have fun with The Elfs on crismu ev. wut do you wut for cimiis Love Natalie

Dear santa

I have been a good boy this year I do the dishis I two brothers and two cats I realy like cats like a lot a Lot! I want a pushen the cat plush. from Arthur

Dear Santa

I wish for some jewlry this christmas. Santa how are you doing at the northpole with the reindear and how many Elfs do you have at the northpole because I have wundered how many Elf’s from Eve

Dear Santa I want a nrf gun a ooch nrf gun. Frum Kegan

Belinda Reier’s class

Dear sunta how is the North Pole? going well I want Gameboy Also Skipit from Tiger toys. Also I was nice and kind. your budy Ganon

Dear Santa, Wut I need for crismus is stuf anmls! I need it. I Want a ceetay and a ocslotl to. Wut do you do in the north Pole? Thank you for the Presints. I love the LoL you brot me last yere. I wundr Wut you will get me this yere.

your friend, Keira Roos

Dear Santa.

I have been nice and very happy and very sad a lot. how are Your ranedeer doing? marry crismas ho ho ho have fun delivring thoes Presents.

Your friend Piper

Dear Santa. how miny elfs do you have? Thank you for the gifs. I have bin nice to my friends. Toys: heleys, notebook, cold pensol, boy dolls, girl dolls two Doll Gars, Blones, nerfgun, chechiiksand, snow, friend, to come over. I chos to rit a lettr to you becus I haveint Rot one.

Your friend, Elaina Pine River

Dear Santa

I Loved when you gae me that hole bag of toys I have one of the filifs at school it is so fun to play with it. I want for crismis is a fijit Cuob Becusthey are fun to play with. Thank you.

Your friend


Dear Santa, I had a good year. I like my family I like my Christmas tree. I would Want legos for Christmas.

From, Henry

DEar Santa I have a question have I been nice to Pepole towday? that is my question Santa I want a magic mixlen friend for crismiss your friend Everdeen

Dear Santa

I hope you get a vaity for me thak much if you wil if you get a want for me i will de vae thathl you nre vare cind sant clos we hre vare Luke to have you as a SantcLos. Yourfriend Noelle

Jase Dear Santa. Haw are you do thak you. I wat arc car for crimsmis your frend Jase

Dear Santa What I wont for christmas Is a intendo Swich and Mareo carte. How mene presents do your elfs mace?

10000 1700000 Waaaaamore I am Good. I like you, Jaxon Ruis

Dear Santa, How is the nrath poel? I hope you can get all my frinsd their prensins this year. I will list some ofr you. Fasbelle nolle, Hazl. Their now you can give my friends their presinst. I hope you feel good.

The Best Kid Sophia

Dear Santu I would like a remoken trol car for crismus can it de red? biy. Love, Orion

Dear Santa I want for Christmas is tow Brbe Dolls and I want is a noot book. I Love my Elf. SparLS. How many Elfs dow you have.

Love your Friend, claire.

Dere Santa hello Santa, Santa do you git tirord on crismis? Thank you for a skat bord. Iv ben good in my mind. can I have a remot cuntrol car? you are the best.

cool kid, Ashton

Dear Santa, Santa, I just want to say thank you for giving me my Elf. He is halaires. he brings candy-canes then, next thing you know, He’s got toilet-paper on our Christmas tree! I’m glad we have him. the best Kid the world, Michael

Dear Santu

Im going to ask for a lot! but you do not need to get it all for me. OK this is what I want dadada! ALL THE AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS, AND STFF FOR THEM IN THE WRLD!!!!!!!....

Love, Sadie O’Brin Liedl

hello santa, How are the raindeer? Thanks for the beanbag you got me. I kind of want a board game for Christmas. I really want a mini brand to! I hope you are doing good! Have a graet Christmas your frind, Delilah. M

Dear Santa Have you ben bisy this year at the nothpole? Thank you for my presents. Are the rane deer doing good? Is the slae doing? Good. you are the best. Your friend, James Kepner

greetings Santa marey crismas santa you are the Best How meny randyr do you have? thank you FoR crismis! Sunta. Cun I get a doll set thIs yeer. PLees Santa!

LovE, Isabelle

Dear Santa.

I have a present will I have a elF Nex yera. I have Ben Ecshtru nisn. Stokinss Fingling? 1 Beem 2 Baby siseey 3 Barbees 4 babee stuf 5 Hufr Barord

Santa Love You, Adelynn

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? Thankyou for my silly puddy that you gave me! I want a lot but you don’t have to give me all of it so here it gose I whant ALL The AMARICAN GIRL DOLL STUFF!

Your friend, Ruby

dear Santa, Thank you for a gift. what I want for christmas is Vital Hero and akedo and bayblades? and a frog but I know im not getting a frog. because its an animal Santa you make everyone happy. your nice friend, Brady

Dear Santa, How are the rag der dodw? I Love the elf theat you gav me. I Love her. IS the shop good or Bad? I hop you have a grat chresm. Is gave Sant elf the Stuf I wot thes yerr! Frum the Kolest Kid in the Wrd Hazel.

Jeff Tvedt’s class

Dear Santa,

I am riley good at cleaning dishes and feading pets. I love to dance and ice scate. I ded faed the rane dear or make toys. mery chismas!

From Madelyn Sandin

Dear Santa, Do you need help with makeing toys? How are the elves? I can make toys!!!!!!! Have a mary Christmas!

From Sullivan Heroff

Dear Santa, I Love to visit sum bay! but I got to wuc! I wat to hep yow! i am god at pes ples let me wuc with you.

From, Kalin

Dear Santa, So let me get stardid here I am 7 years old in 2nd grayd and I wont the job of bilding beceaus I like to bild and make things like toys and thing like that and I wod love to see the radere and the slae and the elf and sae hi to my elf on the shelf he is sooooo funee and he evun had pjs on wunts

From, Eliza

Dear Santa, Hi how are you doing todoy. I want to brush the reindeer and see the elvs! From Olivia Trosdahl

Dear Santa, I like to play with my frens. and my sisters. I hope every body has a rgat christmas.

From Emerie, Schad

Dear Santa, Thank you for celebratin the holoday. and for giving us our presents to. hope we get our presents marry christmas Santa. have fun.

From Asher Behzer

Dear Santa, I awas wonid to wrk at Pet Smart because i love anomolls i wont to help the pets.

From, Mya

Dear Santa, How Dos My elf on the shelf moov at night Santa and do you need ene help at the north plo and one of my thins to play is football.

from James

Dear Santa, I wont you to no that I wont to wrk with you. ned to Be 18 to wrk with you. from Annie

Cynthia Rieck, P.T. • Carrie Taylor, P.T. Kelly Wulf • Brenda Pitan and Calvin too
Eagle View Elementary School continued...

Eagle View Elementary School

Dear Santa, I like to be jumnastix and I am gud at feding my animls and I haf to wosh the dishes and bring the garbej.

From Destiny

Dear Santa, I want pokemon for Christmas and a job to play with the rain eer.

From Elliott

Dear Santa, I want a job at the north Poul. I want to be your house keeper wall your giveing famley presis. from owen

Dear Santa, I wont to see you one Day I wont to see the raynD Derw I wont to see the norto porl From Isabella

Dear Santa, I wood like to help you and I want to make toys for you. I am very good at football. for chrismas I want a Hat. and a remot control jetski. and som bad kitty books. and a dog. and a ipad.

From, Dylan

Dear Santa, How, are you? How, are your reindeer? I have been very good this year. I would like the minecraft lego mountain cave set. I would olso like a drone.

From. Kaelen

Dear Santa, I clean my room. I like to draw and color. I like playing with my kittens. Do you like sugar cookies? I think I would like to feed your deer. I would want to see Rudolf. I would want to see the elfs too!

From, Thea

Dear Santa, I like to make people laugh. I like to be nice to people. I like football. I like the minesota vikik. I like justin jefforson. I like math. I like video games. I like writing mr elf notes. to Santa from Raleigh

Dear Santa, I whnt to go to the north pole how aer yuo today from Ally

Dear Santa, I I hope I can see my cousins happy and see everyone else happy. I hope That Isana, Ivan, Ira, angel and Jared get presents. And please let my cousins get presents to.

From, Peyton

Dear Santa, Santa i love to play with mi dadey tiusin ant won try to play with her She throos her tos so kan you gat her a noow towy and i wont to se a rander so wil you lat me kum to the noth pool o and i want a babe dol hos tralr and a hors to go with it.

From, Brooke

Dear Santa, Thank you for dlivering gifts. Allso may I please have a job? Yes or no please ancer! Are you rilly real? Yes or no tell me!! Is radallf rilly real or is he just in a poem? Please ancer! Santa do you have any riandeer! Dasher! Benzer! comin! And what ever the otoer names are! Thank you for anceering. Bye!

Sincerely, Scarlet

Dear Santa, My name is Keyan maclaughlin. I live on Suquberry Crk. I reely reely like raindeer Cood I yous a job at the north pole! I want to Koam the raindeer.

From, Keyan

Dear Santa...

Pine River-Backus Elementary School

Jordan Ackerman’s class

Dear Santa, I want Paw. big Trucks! I want to get a balls. I going to the familit.

From, Scott

Dear Santa, Can I have A talit foR crismis!!!! And I have A Pokemon CARDS, I wont The shool, I Wus gooD! How ARe You?

From, Marshall

Dear Santa, I want one quilleny Dollars. can I git 1,000,00, Pokemon Packs. and can I git a SnowmoW Peal. and can I git a Pokemon card with all of the caricters on it.

From, Bradley

Dear Santa, I want a pnome. I also want an x-box. I want Pokemon

From, Mason

Dear Santa, Will you for give me? I hoPe you will anyways I Want a Surfas era nine but I know There exepesive so you dont have to buy me one you can if you Want to but I do hope that you give my family good Presents.

From, Trey

Dear Santa, Santa wer are yoy?

I want a hat like yors. I Want a pichr uv yoy? I Want Pokemon where are yoy? Want a crambook. Pllees. I want a sokin. ok. ok. I want yor hat.

From, Teddy

Dear Santa, I want a snow bord. I Alsoe want a Phone. I want 9,000,000,000,000 I want 10 or 20 Pokemon packs with a Mew & Mewtwo. I want a x box. I want 10,000,000,000,060$

From, Tyler

Dear Santa, I want a fotboll. I want a stuf anmas. I want a Paw pouch set.

From, Coopers

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Could you get me a Skate board? have you been good this year? Could I get a tor horse? Could you get me some sour Patch Kids?

From, Willow Larson

Dear Santa, I would like a Lago ninJago set and a t-shirt, pants socks, underwhere, food, warter and happynis, lafter, Joy, Love for crismus thack You Santa. From, Cody Hilmanowski

Dear Santa, My elf is not mooving I think my Sister tuched her. Becuse She is olwes by her and She tuched her once. and can you give me a Arjenna nashen doll From, Iris

Dear Santa, For chrismas I would like a tablet and on the it I would like Hill climd rasing, a note Book, candy, cane and a candy cane shape emenem Tube

Thank You Santa From, Hudson

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. me and my sister have been good. have you been good? This year. can I have a Lernt Skwsh melo. From Evelyn

Dear Santa, Tonight can i see your raindeer? For chrismas i want a raindeer sweatshirt. Also i want a duck stuffed animal. And i want a frog stuffed animal. Also I want a snowglob. merry chrismas From, Chantelle

Dear Santa, I wont Santa is a menchin and loo old and too pokemon but I have a question? What do you do in sumr. and I wont drums sowe Plese Plese give What I Wont for kisis.

From, Oliver: Jin bstcm

Dear Santa, I want to have a dollhouse and I Want a tant or a e deb and a game and a Phone From, Emily

Dear Santa, I wit tev Mr. From Cairo

Robbi Gregory’s class

Dear Santa, I want a snow glould. do you have difrint elfs to make toys? I love haw you aer so nice. I love my elf. I hate to help at home. Vanessa Scherf

Dear Santa are you haveing fun in north pole? I Love how you are so nice! I want to be Loved. I know you are Loved a lot in the north pole. Love Lacy Williamson

Dear Santa, i WaNT a NaW DiRTbike. WaTe do You want for chRisTMaN?

i Rele Like to RiTe forM Remington

Dear Santa

I Wont to get Sum thin for my mom and it is a popup boock that pops a half Frum Olaf

Dear Santa I love you Presents. How are you doing in the North Pole?

Can I please hav a go kart for Christmas?

Can you please say hello to the reindeer fur me?

Can I please have a computer? From Bo

Dear Santa Dus roodolf live in the north Pol. I have ben gud this yer. I wont a Jel blastr becus I can shoot a target. I love you Santa. Jack

4 | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2022 | ECHO JOURNAL’S 2022 HOLIDAY GREETINGS PINEANDLAKES.COM 828-9545•toll free 877-338-3937• 7870 Excelsior Rd. (across from Super One) Baxter, MN Thank you for your continued confidence in our care. Looking Forward to Seeing You in 2023! Best wishes to our patrons, friends & neighbors 218-961-0095 24719 HAZELWOOD DRIVE | NISSWA BELLE CHEVEUX MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS Dairy Queen PINE RIVER 218-587-4762 PEQUOT LAKES 218-568-5440 NISSWA 218-963-2163 JOY • LOVE • PEACE HARMONY • CONTENTMENT We thank you for your patronage this year and look forward to your continued visits.
g loo a ss ave aw te

Dear Santa, When do the elfs wrck?

I want a 3D pen because then I can fix broken things. I’v ben good this yaer. I thingk its so nise you rap presens. love Holly Newberger

Dear Santa, Why did you Put that sentence up on the bord. I want a game, and a dog, I Love a dog and so I can play on it.


Dear Santa.

Is rodof a real randear? I like to fold the londery but I dont like to put it away. The only thing I want for chrismas is that everyone remembes that chrismas is not about geting gis it’s about gesesesis bruth. I love that you spend all that time making chrismas gifs for chidin all around the wold. You give Joy all around the wold to boy’s and grls and not anlly them to…parint’s

Love Ryen Rice.

I Love you Santa

Dear Snata, hi Santa I think it is rily nice how you go around the world giveing perezent to kid’s even I do not want eny thing for crismus all I want is family. I have a Qweshton do’s roodofs nose glowe? Santa is your name santa or Nick? Santa what is all of your rain dear’s name? Santa do’s roodof lede your rain dear? oh and I rily want to see the rile rain dear. and I want the most perezent’s like last yea I don’t mene to de rood I swar.

Dear Santa. HoW cold is the North Pole? I want a hover board for Christmas. Could you please put LED lights on My hoverboard. How cute are your reindeer? I love you Santa.

Love, Dominic

Dear Santa, What I want for christmas is a ukulele. But I want to know if Roodalf the red nosed randeer is real. Is it a story? Is it true? What I also want to know if the same elfs that whach us make the toys, and if they do how do they get time to make the toys? I’ve been good this year, how I have been good this year is I’ve been helping with the mushroom farm this year. And thank you for bringing the presents to me and all the other kids in the world!!! Your the best!!!

Dear Santa, I Would like to get a x box pleas how meny raendear doo you hav? I like to soot guns and bose. how many elvs do you yoos a yer.

Dear Santa, I woul like to now you real name, I want for christmas is a tool Box I like to wrik it is so much fun.


Dear Santa Wheat are the Elafs nahme does roundoff live in the north Pole do you even get sic oh cremess o chemess can I get Pokemon cards plays Because I rele like them I Ben good thes Yeay haw do you Go to evere house in one night do the ElaFs get a Brack from make end olof these Presents Wy is cresmess only in Weter


Dear Santa Clause, Do you make toys with the elves? How many elfs on the Shelfs do you have? Di you know that I have my hand print ortement from when I was a todler. Somthing I really want for christmas is to spend time with my family. I really love that you love others. oh do you actally have a white beard?

Love Norah Kronen

how meny elfs do you hav? I like christmas I wont a ps5 because ican play gams. hava good Christmas.

by Sebastian

Dear Sata, Dus roodf, liv in the Norf Pol. I Hav Bin a gud Boy. I lick games. I Lick to run. I lick to kleen. My Favrit toy is a Huver Bord. It is sowe Fun kus It go Fast.


Dear Santa, I Wnant a drone with a crama. beacus tara cool I have don Good. duse roodof live in the north Pole? I like Santa beacus he givs us presens If we are good.


Dear Santa is roudalf Rael or is he made up in a story? i want Pokeman to put in my binder. I have ben good this year. i Love how you deliver toys to chidren.


Dear Santa I hop you git my letr I wot you to red this letr. I wot for chrisms is a huvrBord.

Love Otto

April Rice’s class

Dear Santa, I love you and your elfes. I like to bake! I Want a nintendo for christmas. snow glob and a barbee dols.

From, Pnelope Sams

Dear Santa, My favoRi is a PS5 And A thin up tmAtos and MY favori gife is a gams My favori is my fAMley. on ChRimis I like to dAnS.

From, Myles

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about christmas is visiting people. And what I want to do is go to my gransmas. Last can I please have a pet sec irjent a nerf gun and a thing from your chois?

From, Kooper Crawford

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about christmas is giveing gifts to famuley. I wont to woch My tree With my stuft anamis. Plesse Santa I rile wont molch and a het lamp for my lisrd.

From, Veana Digiovanni

Dear Santa, My favorite Thing about Christmas is help backe lRoock.

I want To help macke presint. I want a guitar and a Skatedoard and rmote are seeyro christmas. and also intenow Swich

From, Terrell Cooper

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about chrismas is to see my famaily. I whant to play whith my sister. I want a ps4 and Madden.

From, Mason D.

Dear Santa, My favorile thing about christmas is Sharing.

I Wont to go to Fargo to see My uklo and mY ant. Can I have a PS5 and frnite, mikr of t.

From, Joice Griffith

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about Christmas is Opening presens. I what to do is open presens. The presens I wont are 1. A toy fier dragon. 2. A box of pokemon. 3. a notendo Swich.

From Calvin R.tt.

Dear Santa, My favorite thing todo at Chrismas is Play a game calld Whiteelephant gifts. HoW you Play is you Pas a Present across to a nuther Prson 4 times arawnd the srcl. I Want to Play While eLePhant. I Want the unstouble tiger Shark RC car.

From, Finn Sehter

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about christmas is geting with my family. I want to jump and jump on my mom and dads bed in till they woke up. I would like a new xbox a nentendew Swich and a huverbard.

From, Rick Roden

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about Christmas open Prein. What do you want tod opin Preis. What are the gif you want from and mom and dad hape and pecy.

Eli Peterson

Dear Santa, My faVRt thing is geting gta, on Chrismuse I wont to hav new Puma Shus.

From Oakley

Dear Santa, I only want Two thang for Christmas a Phon and a PuPe Please Santa. I want for my aunt to cume back. I wate to play whith Payten.

From, Elsa Jottvsom

Dear Santa, I want a LoL doll. Pleae I Love you santa I like you elf I like You!!!!!!

From, Avery Sherwood

Dear Santa, My favarite thing about Christmas is to give gifts. I want to give gifts. My gift that I want is a phone.

From, Damian Davis

Dear Santa, My favorite thing about christmas is giveing thaks and fun. What I want todo is share and give.

My gifts I want are a baby chick, the chickn shlick seet, and hachamlls. Bye and Ho Ho Ho marry christmas. From, Sadie Odens

Dear Santa, i Juss Want one thin For chrismous on I thout is a poler olspes otickitrand my ma keed ckookes. From, Xavier

Dear Santa, I love to deLorate the Christmas tree. on Christmas I want to oPen Presents with my family. I Would like emochis for christmas.

From, Briar Bradow.

Dear Santa, I love to write lette for to Santa. I like to get presents on Christmas.

I Want a dirtbike for Chistmas. I also Want a Nintendo Switch.

From, Jesseray P.

PINEANDLAKES.COM ECHO JOURNAL’S 2022 HOLIDAY GREETINGS | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2022 | 5 Happy Holidays to Your Family from Ours 218.210.0770 Wishing you and yours a peaceful holiday season! The Title Team and Noble Escrow & Title Joined Up to Serve You Even Better! Pequot Lakes • 218-568-5025 TheTitleTeam.com
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River-Backus Elementary School continued...

Nisswa Elementary School

Kelly Gubrud’s class

Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas! I am going to put some cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer. I want a snowbord and a llama stufe for Christmas!

Love: Cora Parks

Dear Santa

My name is Julia. I am in 2nd grade and I and I am 8 yeas old and I love dogs and cookies.

How is Mrs Claus? I bet she is makeing cookie and how are the elves doing. I would really like a new bike.

Love, Julia

Dear Santa, My name is Jackson. I am 8 years old and I love dogs and cats. How is the North pole? Are the elfs exsitid for Christmas? I would like a new lego set for Christmas.

Love, Jackson

Hi santa. My name is Alexander. H. I am 8 years old. My bithday is on november 3. Santa is it 0 dergerees in the north pole? I want a electric toothbrush. Can you give me a beard?

From, Alexander. H

Dear Santa, My Name is Jocelyn I am 8 years old. I like to Play out side and I like dogs and My Mom. How is Mrs. claus Doing? I bet she is besy cooking. I want a hoverboard.

Love, Jocelyn

Hi santa,

My name is Braden. My faverite food is bananas. I am 8 years old. What is your faverite cookies? I hope Rudolph is helthey. Are the elves doing good? I want some books because I love reading. I want a play car please. love Braden.

Dear Santa, My name is Emery. My elf Frisbee is not being naughty this year. How are you an Mrs. Claus doing and your reindeer? I love Christmas. I want a basket ball and a water bottle. I want a water bottle because my other water bottles are old. thank you Santa.

love Emery,

Hi Santa, My name is Claire. I am 8 yers old. I am in 2nd grade. I go to Nisswa School. I hope Rudolph is happy in the North pole Whith you. For Christmas Could you get me a Simpal Dimpal for Christmas.

Love Claire!

Dear Santa My name is Weston. I am 8 years old. I love playing video games and playing with my famley.

How is the reindeer doing? and mrs Claus doing?

What I want for Christmas is a gameing PC and a gaming monuder.

love Weston.

Dear Santa, My name is Elly. I am 7. I am in 2nd grade. How is my elf? How are the reindeer and how are you? Can I plessy have my famly not get sick? Can I have these presents for Chritmas; pop the pig some squisheys, LOL and a water Barbey’s Love, Elly.

Dear Santa, My name is Landyn. I am 8 Years old. I like to Play video games. How are the elves and reindeer? I’m not going to write what I’d like because I have two lists.

Love, Landyn

To Santa, My name is Lucas I am 8 years old I’m in 2nd grade. How is Mrs. Claus? She’s been bisee? I would like a rumotcantroal jet. The resen I what it is to fiye. I what 30 pokemone.

Bye Love Lucas. T.

Dear Santa, My name is Elionna. I am in 2nd grade. How is Mrs. Claus doing there? I am allmost 8. My B,day is on April 1! How is Rudolph? Can I plese have a stuffy? Love, Elionna!

Dear Santa, My name is Carson. IM in 2nd grade. Are the elvs wrking hard on the presints? I hope so. What I rilee want for Chrismas is a fort with hamoks. and pilosse with it. Thanks Love Carson

Dear Santa, My name is Jaxson Shaw I’m 8 years old. I go Nisswa Elomentery. How are the reindeer doing? Is Rudolph doing good? What I want for Christmas is to meet You but that probley won’t hapen. But I also want a RC car. to Santa ho ho ho love, Jax Dear: Santa Hi Santa I’m Emi. I’ve not been veary nice this year but I chose hope, fathe, and love. If you give me presents can I have them be a mystry presents pleses. How is Mrs. Claus? I hope you’r excited to eat cookies. can I have one present that I want pleses. I want a graet Christmas and an elf on the shelf? because I’ve never had a elf on the shelf.

Love Emilyn

Dear Santa Claus, My name is will. I Am 8 years old. Is Mrs. Claus making cookies for you? All I really want for Christmas is a electric guitar, iphone 14 pro, pokemon cards and an X box. Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho! Love, Will

Dear Santa, I hope your reindeer are Okay. I have been good this year. I want a phone and a LoL dolls. Happy Cismis. Love, Alexus

Dear Santa, I wan’t a football holder I wan’t a La rams Jersey. I wan’t a Bengals Jersey. from, Gunner

Dear Santa Clus, I’m a good gril. I will tell you what I want for Christmas. goda go flamingo shos for my barbies close for my barbies pop the pig one Hockey pay set Five pars of Jen/skrts one black swetshrt one pink lanp one graf/dead shirt From Madelyn,

Dear Santa, I am so exited that it is Christmas. Are you? I hope you have a great Christmas. I would like a Music box. I love Music. Just so you know. I’m sick right now so. I’m at home It’s thursday. And I have strep throte. I have a runy Nose. I don’t like it at all. I lost julie. I’m very very sad julie is my doy. It’s hard. I cry every night. you know it’s rilly hard if you loos someone dut I got over it and I’m fighn. I am still wundering what do you look like. I hope you have a great Chrsstimas.

And I’m Wishing you a Merry Christmas! from: Natalie

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Nisswa Elementary School continued...

Sue Headlee’s class

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? I like your reindeer! I want Dragon orange kitten gigahotogauros kitten toys stuff that kitten’s can climb and scratch litterbox cat food

Love, Landyn Walton

Dear Santa, My name is Maeve. I live on church Street.

May I please have a phone?

May I please have balloons?

May I please have baby alive set?

May I please have art kit?

May I please have barbi aibre?

May I pleas have a puppy?

May I please have whit board stuff.

May I please have makeup

May I please have a cunputr

May I please have Juny B. Jon’s Books

Love, Maeve Ranweiler

Dear Santa,

IS Mrs.Claus cookies still good? Is March 15th yeur real birthday? I can’t believe that you make that many toys! Can I please have bendy and the ink machine, minecraft lego sets and Hello neighbor.

Love Maverick robertson.

Dear Santa Hi Santa how is Mrs. Claus?Can I have a new suitcase please and a robokitty that can do every thing that a cat can do Thank you!

Love Astrid Stumvoll.

Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo Please. It would be Nise if I could have a Nintendo. How is Mrs Claus doing today? I would like a fone for Christmas.

Love, Liam Pierce

Dear. Santa claus, I will leave a present for you. How are the Elves doing? I no I was not prfict. Can I please have a x-box and Nintendo Loecons and sonic stuf Please?

Luve Issac Canna

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? I’ll leave cookis and carretts. Can I please have a Appel phone?

Love, Hayden Letourneau

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I am exited for Chritmas. Does Mrs. Claus Still make the good cookies? Can I have a Ipad please and a dog man series please and Thank you!

Love, River Kosloski

Dear Santa

Hi Santa, how are the dogs doing? I’ve been trying to be good this year. I admit I haveint been perfect this year. But I’m good over all. Could I please have a nintendo switch with mryo cart and a non vilint vershin of minecraft? Could I have some og doll close pleas?

Thank you.

Love, Marlee Peters

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? I hope you enjoy the cokkies I will put out for you! All I want for Chrismas is a elf on the shelf and a stuffed animal puppy. I have been very nice this year.

Love, Bernita Morsch

Dear Santa How is the reindeer? I hope you like the cookies and the carrots I left for you and the reindeer! Can I please have a 3d pen and a Nintendo Switch? Merry Christmas.

Love Norah Waletzko

Dear Santa, How are the riandeer doing? Can I please Have a O.M.G Doll set please squish mellos case (larg please) Thank you! Oh can I please have a Polarod camra for kids Please. PS: is mrs. Clauses cookies good? How are you doing?

Love, Ingrid Moberg

Dear Santa, Hows Rudolph doing? Can I please have sports equipmint and legos and a water bottle, that is a navy. I beleivin you Santa.

love Henrik Moberg

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing at the North pole? I hope to get a iphone 14 Please. I hope to get a apple ipad Please. I hope to get a apple phone Please. I hope to get apple trackers please.

Love, Axyl Dombovy.

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. How are you doing Santa? For christmas I want a Nintendo Switch game. How are the Elves doing too?

Love, Mary Gayle Lamusga

Dear Santa, Hi how are you doing? I have been trying to be good this year. Is Mrs. Claus still making those good cookies? Could I have legos and more books to read? Merry Christmas Santa!

Love, Lexi Obeidzinski

Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? Is Mrs. Claus baking? Is Rudolph redy for Chrismas day? Santa do you prefer choclet chip cokies or norml cokies? I do not want eny thing.

Love Connor Foy

Dear Santa, How was Rudolph doing? I made some cookies for you. I have been a very good boy this year. Could I have a lego set like Moarvl? Can I get some hightops please? Thank you!

PS: and Champiun Swet pants?

Love, Tucker Laugen

Dear Santa How are your Elves doing. Good I Will Leve cookeys for you. I Will Leve carrols for the reindeer. Can I have a pair of skates? and hoverboard? I hope Miss Claus is doing good.

Love, Brielle Athnos

Dear Santa, How are you today? Can you please make my sister nice. Can I have a note book and the Harry potter books 6, 7, 8, both of the 8 books and a OMG doll. I have been good.

Love, Raelynn Isle

Dear Santa, Hi Santa my name is Oliver. Can I have 13,00000 v-dax Please if you cant get me it I would stil be hapy with an android.

Love, Oliver Kinkeade

Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? Could I please have an iphone 11 and v-dux and some squish mallos?

Love, Jayce Osborn.

Dear Santa, How is mrs Claus doing? And how are you doing today? How are The reindeer doing taday? Can I Please get some Squhmallws? Can I Please get some Squisheis?

Love, Taylor Johnston

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Crosslake Community School

Abigayle Swenson’s class

Dear Santa I want a PHone please. I love you so so so so much I want a nitendhdo pleas. I want Pokemon Packs pleas. I want 3 Lego sets pleas. Wow are the elfs Doing.

Love sincerly, your firend Bo

Dear Santa, How are the reighndeer? I Hope you Are doring weLL I would Like Paw patrol for Chtistmas

Love Levi

Dear Santa I want for Chismis ad babedall for chrismis Santa and a pupe for crismis Santa claus.

Love Ava

Dear santa I wate a Playstashen 5 and i wate a ntendo swich new and i wate a titanic repca and i wate a se xbox x is and I wate plastasen 4 anatn game Gta5 Gta6 Gta 4 anD i wate a play grund and a xbox!

Love Kingston

What do you do? What do you,r Elves want for crismis. would you wont me?! I want nothinng for crismis jost for Evre bote To have a good crismis Love sherry!!!!

Dear Santa, I havben vary vary good this yer. I Want a Playstashin five, and a x Box.

Love Henry

I want 20 toy cars. new clothe s. And a car for My mom

From Malakyi

Hello plesawa can I have a barbie dreum house and a glow in the Dorck blancit and a rel fone and for my Mom a Ipad and rambo soft sronshes Dear Santa HOw ara the elsvse Doieg Love Peyton u.

Dear Santa. how are the elves? crismiss is my faverit hallu day and I wont a laptop for cris miss you bring good cheer to eveyone on erth.

Love, Luna, Dear Santa Hello How are the elvse doing Plesa can i hava a barbie drame house and a Gloe in the dorck blancit, and a rela fone and for my mom a I-Pad, and a ramboe stoft scrunchesa

Your Friend Brielle

dears Santa for crismas I wud like a you calaly and scosh melos to thank you.

Love Hadley

I Wunt Good PresinTs and I wunt us to have a Good Crismes and you to SanTa.


Dear Santa science kit LOLsurpise, LOLSurpise ome fashion

Love Payton

Foothills Christian Academy

Donna Chastain’s class

Christmas is all about giving and being with family. Celebrating Jesus birth is One of them. Its also about having fun with my family. I like to go shopping with my family. I lik wen my Dad reads the Night Before Christmas. My mom and I like to decorate the house.

Jamison Lavelle

8 | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2022 | ECHO JOURNAL’S 2022 HOLIDAY GREETINGS PINEANDLAKES.COM WISHING EVERYONE ...FROM THE STAFF AT www.pequotlakessupervalu.com 30581 Patriot Avenue • Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 • 218-568-5001 Open Everyday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. shop.pequotlakessupervalu.com

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