Crosslake Days will once again offer an opportunity for chili aficionados to show off their culinary talents. Residents and visitors will reap the benefits by tasting chili across town Saturday, Sept. 28, and voting for winners.
The annual Crosslake Days events ThursdaySaturday, Sept. 26-28, will usher in fall with restaurants and merchants offering specials and families finding various activities throughout town, including the infamous Search for the Lost Chili Pepper with the winner receiving prizes.
Following is a schedule of events: Thursday, Sept. 26
9 a.m.: Search for the Lost Chili Pepper. The first clue will be released on the Crosslake webpage, at member businesses and at the Crosslake Chamber Welcome Center.
• 5-8 p.m.: Northern Minnesota Railroad Heritage Association spaghetti and meatball fundraising dinner at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant.
6-8 p.m.: Loon and Lakes Trivia hosted by the Whitefish Area Property Owners Association and the National Loon Center at 14 Lakes Brewery.
• 8 p.m.: Trivia at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Bar. Friday, Sept. 27
• 9 a.m.: Search for the Lost Chili Pepper — the second clue will be released.
5:30-6:30 p.m.: Meat
raffle with the Crosslake Police Department at the Crosslake-Fifty Lakes American Legion. Ticket sales start at 5:30 p.m. with drawings at 6:30 p.m.
• 5-8 p.m.: Live music with Mike Miller at 14 Lakes Brewery.
5-8 p.m.: Live music on the patio at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Bar.
• 6:30 p.m.: Meet the Masters painting event featuring Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” at Kicks the Art Place.
• 7-10 p.m.: Live music featuring Bud Roberts at Patrick’s Cedar Chest.
• 10 p.m.- close: Lakes Area’s Best DJ’s at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Bar.
Saturday, Sept. 28
• 8 a.m.-4 p.m.:
Crosslake Ideal Lions Vendor Faire at Crosslake Town Square.
8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.: Crosslake Lutheran Church Jul Fest craft and bake sale at the church.
9 a.m.: Search for the Lost Chili Pepper — the final clue will be released.
• 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Hand crafted arts and crafts fair with more than 65 artisans, coffee and espresso drinks, food vendors, live music, kids playground and more at The Log Church.
9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Tent sale, ghost painting, face painting at Kicks the Art Place.
• 10 a.m.-noon: Pebble Beach #7 golf simulator demonstrations at Indoor Golf.
10 a.m.-2 p.m.:
Scholastic Book Fair — find a variety of books for all ages, infant to young adult, at Crosslake Community School.
10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Family fun at The Log Church during the arts and crafts fair, including live music from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and a bounce house and kids activities from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
• 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Bungee jump, bouncy inflatables, martial art demonstrations and live music featuring From the Heart at Lake Country Crafts and Cones.
10:30 a.m.-2 p.m.: Fifth annual Knights of Columbus Friends and Family Corn Hole Tournament at Crosslake Ace Hardware.
• 11 a.m.-1 p.m.: Kids T-shirt decorating at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Bar.
11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Family Fun Zone with bounce houses, music, foam party, splash zone, games, crafts, WonderTrek Children’s Museum, face painting, Babinski Foundation pet adoption event and more at Crosslake Town Square.
11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Charm Bar — design your own personalized charm jewelry at Squirrelly Mama.
11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Spin the wheel to win prizes at Key Wellness.
• 11 a.m.-5 p.m.: Free water testing by Finken Aqua Systems at Common Goods.
• 11:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m.: Live music featuring The Rusty Crayfish Brass
Band at JAG Interior Solutions.
• Noon-until gone: Crosslake Days Chili Cook-off served at locations throughout Crosslake. Vote for your favorite by 3 p.m. using the Crosslake app.
• Noon-2 p.m.: Hat Bar — Create personalized trucker hats at Shoppe 218.
• Noon-3 p.m.: Fun at the Campground with bonfires and s’mores, water safety trinkets and meet Bobber the Water Safety Dog at the Crosslake Dam Recreation Area.
Noon-3 p.m.: Ring toss to win a kayak at Crow Wing Kayaks.
• 1-4 p.m.: Live music on the patio featuring Andy Austin at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Bar.
• 1:30 p.m.: Bingo at the Crosslake-Fifty Lakes American Legion.
• 2-5 p.m.: Live music featuring Mike Derus at 14 Lakes Brewery.
• 3 p.m.: Loon Calling Contest at The National Loon Center’s The Nest.
• 3-7 p.m.: Crosslake Ace Hardware street dance featuring live music by T.C. Jammers.
4:30-6 p.m.: Surf ‘N’ Turf raffle at Andy’s Bar & Grill.
• 7-9 p.m.: Cider and Candlelight Tour at the Crosslake Historical Society Museum.
• 7-10 p.m.: Live music featuring Jim ‘n’ P at Patrick’s Cedar Chest.
10 p.m.-close: Lakes Area’s Best DJ’s at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Bar.
CROSSLAKE — For more than 35 years, Crosslake businesses have simmered their special chili recipes to compete for the Golden Ladles.
the Judges Choice winners.
The People’s Choice award is determined by hundreds of samplers who can vote by
Win a prize basket valued at over $3,500
CROSSLAKE - Gather your family and friends to help search for the Crosslake Days Lost Chili Pepper. The winner will cash in on a prize basket valued at over $3,500, courtesy of Crosslake Chamber member businesses.
One of three clues will be released daily beginning at 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 26, to guide searchers to the chili pepper’s location within the city limits of Crosslake.
The pepper will never be located on private residential property, and no destruction or disassembly of anything is necessary to find it. Find the pepper and present it at Lake Country Crafts & Cones to claim the prize basket.
The 2023 Lost Chili Pepper was located hanging in a little pine tree at the north end of the property along Swann Drive where the National Loon Center will be located by Mike and Alex Stone and Sam. Download the Crosslake app for quick access to Crosslake Days information, Lost Chili Pepper clues and event information year-round.
2024 prize basket
14 Lakes Craft Brewing Co. - Sherpa Quarter
66 Marine North - Hat
Andy’s Bar & Grill - Hat & $25 Gift Card
Angell Team - Coldwell Banker Realty - Prize Basket (valued at $150) Barstock Liquors - 1.75
Bottle of Tito’s Vodka
Common Goods - Gift Card & Swag
Crosslake Ace Hardware - $100 Gift Certificate
Crosslake Canvas &
Crosslake CoffeeCrosslake Coffee Sweatshirt & Insulated Mug
Crosslake Community School - Books & More!
Crosslake DrugCrosslake T-Shirt and Hat
Crosslake Fifty Lakes American Legion Post #500 - American Flag
Crosslake RentalCrosslake Sweatshirt
Crosslake Town Square - $50 Crosslake Town Square Gift Certificate
Crosslake Vacations & Rentals - $100 Gift Certificate
Crosslake Veterinary Hospital - Dog Toys and Chews, Hat, Cup, and Koozies
Crosswoods Golf Course - (2) 18-Hole Rounds & Shared Cart Crow Wing KayaksRiver Trip for 2 ($150 Value)
Curious BelongingsGift Card ($25 Value)
Dahlheimer Beverage
- $25 Gift Card
WintersThrivent FinancialSoftsided Cooler & Financial Plan ($550 Value)
Key Wellness - “Not So Basic B Facial” ($99 Value)
Kicks the Art PlacePainting (by Sara Porter) & Class Certificate
Lake Country Crafts & Cones - $50 Gift
Lakes Area Title Services - VIBE Bluetooth
Speaker Cup
Lakes Central
Insurance BrokersSwag, Paper & Pens
Lakes Proud - Swag ($25
Manhattan Beach Lodge - $25 Manhattan’s Gift Card & Whitefish
Lodge Sweatshirt
MarineMax CrosslakeSurfboard & Cool Swag ($750 Value)
Maucieri’s Italian
Maverick Boutique - $25
Gift Card
MN Roots - Sweatshirt & T-Shirt
Moonlite Bay Family
Restaurant & BarSweatshirt & T-Shirt
National Loon Center
Northern MN Railroad
Trackers - 2 Kids Train
Club T-Shirts
Outlet Recreation
Ox Lake Tavern - Hat
Patrick’s Cedar Chest$25 Gift Card, Hat, & T-Shirt
Pequot Lakes
Community Education - 4
Tickets to Greater Lakes
Area Performing Arts
Pine Peaks Restaurant & Gifts - $15 Gift Card
Rafferty’s Crosslake$40 Gift Card
Riverside Inn - T-Shirt
Shoppe 218 - $50 Gift
Squirrelly Mama - $50
Gift Certificate
The Wharf - Hat
Communications - Coffee
Cup & T-Shirt
UpNorth Social - Gift
Wes Hanson BuildersWearable Blanket Hoodie & Hats
Whistling Wolf - 2 Free
Games of Mini Golf
WineDown - $50 Gift
Wing Wellness - $100
Wing Wellness Gift Card
Zorbaz - Zorbaz
Event will take place Sept. 28 in front of Ace Hardware in Crosslake
CROSSLAKE — The Knights of Columbus of Crosslake/Emily, Council 9657, will host a fundraising event to support their mission of providing Coats for Kids with the fifth annual Cornhole Tournament during Crosslake Days on Saturday, Sept. 28, in front of Crosslake Ace Hardware on Pioneer Drive.
Participation in the tournament helps raise funds to distribute the coats, snow pants, gloves and hats. The tournament features family and friends.
The tournament is
double elimination and limited to 32 teams. Cash prizes will be awarded for first, second and consolation winners. Entry fees are $20 per team for family and friends. For details and preregistration, visit kc9657. mnknights.org or contact Paul McConville at 612-876-9636.
Coats for Kids is an annual program with the Knights of Columbus since 2011. The Knights of Columbus of Crosslake/Emily has distributed over 1,200 coats to area families and kids. The
goal of the Coats for Kids program is to ensure that no child in North America goes without a coat during the winter season. The council goal this year is to distribute over 1,000 coats, 480 pairs of snow pants and 500 pairs of gloves and hats to Crosslake Community School; Northland Community Schools in Remer; Emily Food Shelf; Remer Food Shelf; Longville Food Shelf; Relationship Safety Alliance & LAPS in Brainerd, Staples and Wadena; and TCC ActionHead Start in Brainerd and Little Falls.
CROSSLAKE — Enjoy Crosslake Days at the Crosslake Log Village during the Crosslake Area Historical Society’s annual Cider and Candlelight Tour from 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28.
The fall evening will feature refreshments, hayrides, the chance to learn about past history on self-guided tours of the 1900s historic village and the opportunity to discover new tidbits with
is a free event.
are welcome and go toward the operations and maintenance of the historic village.
AdvantageHomePros,CapitalConstruction, CentralPackage&Display,CrosslakeIdealLions, EssentiaHealth,HolidayStationStore, JacobWinters-ThriventFinancial AngellTeam/ColdwellBankerRealty, BrandtwoodServicesCompany,CrosslakeAceHardware, CrosslakeTownSquare,CrosslakeVeterinaryHospital, CrowWingKayaks,DahlheimerBeverage, FirstNationalBank,GrandChampionMeats, LakesAreaTitleServices,LarsonGroupRealEstate, MoonliteBayFamilyRestaurant&Bar, Pequot/GullLakeSanitation,OutletRecreation.com, WastePartners,WesHansonBuilders, WhitefishAtTheLakesSeniorLiving,
Andy'sBar&Grill, CrosslakeAreaSeniorServices/CrosslakeCares, CrosslakeCanvas&Upholstery,CrosslakeCommunitySchool, CrosslakeDrug,CrosslakeFiftyLakesAmericanLegion, CrosslakeRental,CrosslakeSheetMetal, EdwardJones-ShawnaKnutson,JAGInteriorSolutions, KeyWellness,LakeCountryCrafts&Cones, LakesCentralInsurance,LandsEndDevelopment,Maucieri's, MNRoots,NationalLoonCenter,OxLakeTavern, Pine&LakesEchoJournal,PinePeaksRestaurant, RiversideSupperClub,RiverWoodBank,SquirrellyMama, TheWharf