Accepted FREE Recycling:
ONE-STOP-DROP FOR Recycling, Garbage, Household Hazardous Waste and Demolition Debris Disposal 15728 State Hwy 210 Brainerd, MN
• Plastic Water & Soda Bottles
• Cans
• Milk Jugs
• Glass Bottles
• Newspapers & Magazines
• Corrugated Cardboard
Disposal Services Available:
*disposal fees may apply
• Compost Yard Waste Brush
*Free services for residents
• Used Oil & Filters
• Household Appliances
• Household Hazardous Waste
• Tires
• Electronics
• Demolition Waste
For more information on waste disposal and recycling please visit our website at www.crowwing.gov/landfill
Leave the water at the lake. Drain water from your boat, motor, live wells and bait buckets.
Clean up your rig. Remove plants, mud, and other debris from your boat and trailer.
Dry it out. For boats and gear, it’s a good idea to dry for at least 5 days. Boat lifts, docks, swim rafts, should dry for a minimum of 21 days. Spread the word, not the species. Unless it came from that body of water, don’t put it in there. This includes anything from your aquarium. Decontaminate your watercraft to prevent
The new year will mark the 11th year the state distributed $10 million to counties for aid in developing plans to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species.
In 2025, Crow Wing County will oversee $472,193 in those funds, a slight decrease from 2024. Since 2014, the county reported receiving about $450,000 annually in local aid from the state.
The county is required to update its AIS prevention plan yearly. One of the ideas was to decrease hours at the end of the day for staffing inspectors at boat landings. The county offered a 30-day public comment period on the plan from Nov. 8 to Dec. 8, generating three responses.
The Crow Wing County Lakes and Rivers Alliance noted the discovery of starry stonewort in two lakes in the county — Rush Lake and Middle Cullen. The DNR describes starry stonewort as a grass-like form of algae that is not native to North America.
On Dec. 17, the Crow Wing County Board approved the aquatic invasive species prevention plan for 2025. The county is proposing to use its share of state funds of $472,193 plus rollover of 2024 funds of $61,257. So $478,875 would go toward watercraft inspections for 13,632 inspection hours on 43 public access landings in the county. The county worked with the DNR to create an optimized model to maximize inspections of watercraft moving from infested waters to uninfested waters. An
online dashboard of the model was developed for local governments using data and more than 1.6 million boater movement surveys. The four priority aquatic invasive species are zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, starry stonewort and spiny waterflea.
The county took in comments on the plan and altered the initial inspection hours to reduce the hour at the beginning of the shift. For returning inspectors with two or more years’ experience, the county reported wages will be $24/hour, a new inspector, the wage will be $21/hour.
High-risk landings, 22 of them, will be staffed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday through Sunday from the fishing opener to Labor Day weekend.
Medium-risk landings, five, will be staffed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from fishing opener to Labor Day weekend.
Low-risk landings, 11, will be staffed from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend.
Very-low risk landings, five, will be staffed 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on three holiday weekends, Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.
“The County plans to continue to provide monies to local government units (LGUs) who have a signed active delegation agreement with the Minnesota DNR to facilitate watercraft inspections on County
allocated landings in 2025,” the county reported. “Funding includes Ruth Lake and Fifty Lakes to provide hours for their watercraft inspection and decontamination program approved by the MN DNR.
“ … Crow Wing County plans to hire a seasonal part-time lead inspector to assist the Operations Specialists with the County’s AIS watercraft inspection program including spot checks, training, addressing inspectors’ needs, assisting with fishing tournaments, checking data, and operating the mobile decontamination unit.”
The county plans to spend $31,610 on decontamination stations.
“An AIS decontamination hotline will be available for the public to call, 24 hours a day,” the county reported. “A texting service will be offered for additional information on AIS decontamination for the public. The hotline and texting service will assist with providing customers the locations of the closest open decontamination stations nearest them.
“This funding also includes DNR training, County training, and general supplies/ maintenance. Two mobile decontamination units will be located at multiple landings in the County including Edward, Lower Hay, North Long — Merrifield, Pelican — Halverson Bay, Upper South Long, and Lower Cullen. They will be staffed approximately 816 hours (+/-), starting Fishing Opener weekend through Labor Day weekend.”
This is already our seventh year of publishing the annual Crow Wing County Resource Guide, which helps area residents navigate with information on services and organizations.
The 2025 Crow Wing County Resource Guide is again filled with information about the county, area cities, schools, churches and nonprofit organizations. There are also stories about the interesting history and significant landmarks for our county. The guide is also full of contact information for emergency/medical, cities and townships, county and older adult services.
We apologize in advance to any group or organization accidentally omitted from our listings. Please contact us at (218) 855-5855 and we will update our digital edition and include the information in future years.
Thank you and enjoy our 2025 Crow Wing County Residential Resource Guide.
Pete Mohs, Publisher Brainerd Dispatch/Echo Journal
Firstupisanoriginal,historical,musicalproduction entitled Fluoride,theMusical. Itre-examines Brainerd’sinfamousbattletostayfluoride-freeandthe philosophicalpredicamentthatensueswhenthecity findsitselfbattlingthestateofMinnesota.Withscript andmusicbyRogerNieboer(BabyFacein2018,and PaulBunyan:theMan,theMyth,theMusicalin2021), theshowexploresserioussocialissueswithhumor, compassion,andenoughsinginganddancingteethto bringsmilesallround.
TheFallshow, TenNovember,recognizesthe50th yearsinceoneofthemostdramaticandtragicmaritime disastersontheGreatLakes.OnNovember10,1975, theS.S.EdmundFitzgeraldsankduringastormin LakeSuperior,takingwithit29men.Inspiredbythe GordonLightfootsong“TheWreckoftheEdmond Fitzgerald,”thisdocudramaisacompellinginquiryinto theunansweredquestionsaboutthattragedy.
Auditions:September12at7pm,13at3pm November7,8,9,10
ANutcrackerChristmas -anoriginaladaptationofa familiar,familyholidaystory.Thetalebeginsat ChristmastimewhentheStahlbaumfamily–mother, father,FritzandClara-gathersforChristmas. Presentsarehandedouttothechildrenincludingtwo largedancingdolls,ahobbyhorseand,ofcourse,the nutcracker.Thatevening,afterallhavegonetobed, thetoyscometolifeandbattletheMouseKingand hisarmyofmice.Joinusforthisholidayclassic!
Auditions:October3at7pm,4at3pm December10,11,12,13,14
• 3-4 - Breezy Point Ice Fest
• 30 - Crosslake Winterfest
• 1 - Crosslake Winterfest
• 1 - Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza
• 8 - Serpent Lake Fishing Contest
• 14-16 - Nisswa Winter Jubilee
• 16 - Nisswa Fire Department Fishing Derby
• 21-23 - Gull Lake Frozen Fore & Frozen Flop
• 1 - Polar Plunge, Breezy Point Resort
• 15 - Crosslake St. Patrick’s Day parade
• 15 - Brainerd St. Patrick’s Day parade
• 21-22 - Brainerd Lakes Chamber Expo, Essentia Health Sports Center
• 12 - Miss Nisswa Pageant
• 17 - Miss Pequot Lakes Scholarship Pageant
• 2-3 - Brainerd Jaycees Run for the Lakes, Nisswa
• 10 - Welcome Wannigan, Gull Lake
• 10 - Minnesota Walleye/Northern Pike Opener
• 10 - Mindfulness Marathon (Nisswa)
• 17 - Chocolate Walk (Nisswa)
• 26 - Memorial Day Services
• 7 - Pequot Lakes/Breezy Point Lions Club Cherry Car Show
• 4 - Nisswa Turtle Race season opens
• 12-13 - Confidence Learning Center Golf & Fishing Classic
• 26-28 - Lakes Jam Music Festival, BIR
• 28 - Majestic Pines Artisans & Crafters Market
• 3 - Nisswa Freedom Days Festival & Parade
• 5 - Nisswa Firecracker Run
• 3-4 - Stars & Stripes Fireworks & Parade, Pequot Lakes
• 4 - July 4th Parade & Fireworks, Brainerd
• 4 - July 4th Parade, Crosby
• 5 - Celebrate America Fireworks, Crosslake
• 6-7 - Heritage Days, Crosby
• 15-16 - Bean Hole Days, Pequot Lakes
• 8-9 - Nisswa Crazy Days
• 14-17 - NHRA Lucas Oil Nationals, Brainerd International Raceway
• 28-31 - CRMC Championship Golf, Cragun’s Resort
• 20 - Nisswa Fall Festival & Smokin’ Hot BBQ Challenge
• 20 - Fall Artisans & Crafters Market, Nisswa
• 27 - Crosslake Days
• 4 - Fishing to End Hunger - Gull Lake
• 16-18 - Lakes Area Christmas Home Tour
• 8 - Minnesota Firearms Deer Hunting Opener
• 27 - Sertoma Winter Wonderland begins
• 28 - Nisswa City of Lights Festival
Crow Wing County has a rich history since its beginning in 1857 - from starting out as a railroad and logging community to later transitioning to a lakes tourism region.
Highlights of those changes were influenced by the early settlers trading with area Indian tribes, the railroad cutting through the county, the growth in the logging industry and eventually the ideal landscore of the area’s lakes and trees for attracting tourism.
The county’s steady growth continues today as populations increase in communities like Baxter, Nisswa, Breezy Point and Crosslake. The total county population was 66,123 for the 2020 census, including Brainerd as the largest city in the county at 14,395.
How it started
Crow Wing County actually had its start south of Brainerd near Crow Wing State Park. That’s the junction of the Mississippi and Crow Wing rivers. Old Crow Wing was one of the most populous towns in Minnesota in the mid-1800s.
instead of Judge C.B. Sleeper. Brainerd functioned as a township in the interim.
The county is named as early explorers noted the island at the junction of the two rivers was in the shape of a wing of a crow. The area was a center for logging and fur trading between the Ojibwe and settlers. A general supply store was built as the population reached about 600.
Crow Wing eventually became a ghost town as the focus of the county moved up the river a few miles when Northern Pacific Railroad officials determined that the train crossing over the Mississippi River should go through Brainerd. The bridge connected the rails from Duluth to Moorhead.
The name for Brainerd, which was originally called The Crossing, was the idea of Northern Pacific president John Gregory Smith, who in 1870 named the township after his wife, Anne Eliza Brainerd Smith, and father-in-law, Lawrence Brainerd. Once the bridge was built, the Brainerd station was expanded to a machine and car shop.
Brainerd was organized as a city on March 6, 1873. On Jan. 11, 1876, the state Legislature revoked Brainerd’s charter for six years, as a reaction to the election of local handyman Thomas Lanihan as mayor
The railroad continued to expand in Brainerd in the early 1880s. Lumber and paper, as well as agriculture in general, were important early industries, but for many decades Brainerd remained a railroad town: in the 1920s roughly 90 percent of Brainerd residents were dependent on the railroad. Participation in the nationwide railroad strike in 1922 left the majority of Brainerd residents unemployed and embittered many of those involved.
The Northwest Paper Co. built Brainerd’s first paper mill in 1903, and that became a major employer in the Brainerd area for the next century.
Service industry jobs increased in the county as the Brainerd lakes became a popular tourist destination with summer cabins and the growing resort business on the hundreds of lakes. Some of the added area attractions tied to tourism have included Paul Bunyan Land east of Brainerd (originally in Baxter), Brainerd International Raceway (originally called Donnybrooke) and the Paul Bunyan State Trail splitting north and south through the county.
Expansion around the county
Brainerd continued as a major hub for activity in the lakes area, but the supporting cast of area communities were enjoy-
ing steady growth in population over the years.
The railroad extended north of Brainerd in the early 1900s. That helped establish many communities along the tracks, like Nisswa and Pequot Lakes, and eventually led to tourism growth as travelers rode the rails to vacation in the lakes area.
The railroad connection for bringing Twin Cities visitors to the lakes area was completed in 1877 when the last spike was driven at Sauk Rapids that connected the Twin Cities and Brainerd by a direct line.
Iron ore mining led to the growth of the Cuyuna Range in the early 1900s. It started with the village of Cuyuna and later developed to the south with the communities of Crosby and Ironton.
By the end of 1910, Cuyuna had a hospital, a doctor, a veterinarian, a barber shop, a theater-meeting hall, two restaurants, two hotels, two boarding houses, a church, a newspaper, a post office, a funeral parlor, two saloons, a jail, two grocery stores and a school.
The village of Cuyuna was growing rapidly, but George Crosby was laying out a new town 4 miles south to be named after him. A total of 50 drilling rigs were at work exploring, two steam shovels were grading the line for a new railroad and many prospectors and land speculators arrived.
The original county courthouse, built in 1872, was located on Fourth Street to the north of Washington Street in Brainerd, and later became an apartment house. The current Crow Wing County Historic Courthouse building was erected in 1919-20.
The county offices in downtown Brainerd expanded during the period of 200407 with the addition of a new jail, judicial center and community services buildings. In addition, other structures remodeled included Central Services (formerly the Highway Department), Land Services and the Law Enforcement Center. The Highway Department moved to a new off-site campus on the east side of Brainerd near the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport. The Waste Management offices also moved to a new location at the County Landfill property.
Brainerd ....................................................................................... 218 828-2312
23 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 | www.ci.brainerd.mn.us
Crosby ......................................................................................... 218 546-5474
21 First Street NW, Crosby, MN 56441 | www.crosbymn.govoffice3.com
Crosslake .................................................................................... 218 692-2688
37028 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442 | www.cityofcrosslake.org
Cuyuna........................................................................................ 218 829-4749
24849 Minnesota Avenue, Deerwood, MN 56444 | www.ci.cuyuna.mn.us
Deerwood 218 534-3480
23786 Serpent Road, Deerwood, MN 56444 | www.cityofdeerwood.com
Emily ..............................................................................................218 763-0911
20837 County Highway 1, Emily, MN 56447 | www.cityofemily.com
Fifty Lakes 218 763-3113
40366 County Road 3, Fifty Lakes, MN 56448 | www.fiftylakesmn.com
Garrison ..................................................................................... 320 692-4882
27174 Central Street, Garrison, MN 56450 | www.garrisonmnfire.org
Ideal Township 218 543-4392
35458 Butternut Point Road, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 | www.idealtownship.com
Ironton ........................................................................................ 218 546-5625
237 Irene Avenue, Ironton, MN 56455 | www.sites.google.com/site/cityofirontonmn/home
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) 218 203-4302
1601 Minnesota Dr, Brainerd, MN 56401 | www.dnr.state.mn.us
Mission Township .................................................................... 218 765-3259
29474 County Road 3, Merrifield, MN 56465 | www.missiontownship.org
Nisswa......................................................................................... 218 963-2442
25636 Main Street, Nisswa, MN 56468 | www.cityofnisswa.com
Pequot Lakes ..............................................................................218 568-8201
4638 County Road 11, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 | www.pequotlakes-mn.gov
Baxter ..........................................................................................
218 454-5090
13190 Memorywood Dr, Baxter, MN 56425 | www.baxtermn.gov
Brainerd 218 829-2805
225 E River Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 | www.ci.brainerd.mn.us
Breezy Point............................................................................... 218 562-4488
8361 County Road 11, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 | www.cityofbreezypointmn.us
Crosby 218 546-5137
2 2nd St SW, Crosby, MN 56441 | www.crosbymn.govoffice3.com
Crosslake .................................................................................... 218 692-2222
37028 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442 | www.cityofcrosslake.org
CWC Sheriff 218 829-4749
304 Laurel St., Brainerd, MN 56401 | www.crowwing.us
218 546-2692
24945 Minnesota Avenue, Cuyuna, Minnesota 56444 | www.ci.cuyuna.mn.us
Deerwood 218 534-3399
23770 Forest Road, Deerwood, MN 56444 | www.cityofdeerwood.com
Emily ..............................................................................................218 763-1100 9811 MN-6, Emily, MN 56447 | www.cityofemily.com
MN State Patrol Dist. # 2800 ................................................. 218 828-2230
7694 Industrial Park Road S, Baxter, MN 56425 | www.dps.mn.gov
Nisswa.......................................................................................... 218 963-4301
5442 City Hall Street, Nisswa, MN 56468 | www.cityofnisswa.com
Pequot Lakes .............................................................................. 218 568-8111
4638 Main Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 | www.pequotlakes-mn.gov
Essentia Health www.essentiahealth.org
Baxter Specialty Clinic (OB/GYN) ................................... 218 454-5935
13060 Isle Drive, Baxter, MN 56425
Convenient Care-Baxter ...................................................218 454-5802
14133 Edgewood Drive, Baxter, MN 56425
Convenient Care-Brainerd 218 454-5800
417 Eighth Avenue NE, Brainerd, MN 56401
Lakeland Psychiatry Clinic .............................................. 218 828-7394
523 N Third Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
OB Clinic 218 828-7688
523 N Third Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
St. Joseph’s Medical Center ...........................................
523 N Third Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
St. Joseph’s Rehabilitation Center .................................. 218 828-7375
2016 S Sixth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
St. Joseph’s-Baxter Clinic.................................................218 828-2880
13060 Isle Drive, Baxter, MN 56425
St. Joseph’s-Brainerd Clinic .............................................218 828-2880
2024 S Sixth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
St. Joseph’s-Crosslake Clinic ............................................
35205 County Road 3, Crosslake, MN 56442
St. Joseph’s-Emily Clinic...................................................218 763-4800
20918 County Road 1, Emily, MN 56447
St. Joseph’s-Pillager Clinic ............................................... 218 746-4527
680 Pillsbury Street N, Pillager, MN 56473
Crosby 218 546-4334
314 E Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441 Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology www.minneapolisclinic.com
Baxter 952 435-8516
Riverstone Professional Centre
13359 Isle Drive, Suite 1, Baxter, MN 56425
Crosby ................................................................................. 218 546-7000
Cuyuna Regional Medical Center, Crosby, MN 320 E Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare www.gillettechildrens.org
15860 Audubon Way, Baxter, MN 56401 CRMC | www.cuyunamed.org
651 290-8707
Crosby ................................................................................. 218 546-7000
320 E Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441
Baxter.................................................................................. 218 454-7600
13205 Isle Drive, Baxter, MN 56425
Breezy Point .......................................................................218 568-4926
30833 North Star Dr., Breezy Point MN 56472
Longville ............................................................................. 218 363-3300
180 Jordan Lane, Longville, MN 56655
CentraCare | www.centracare.com
CentraCare Kidney Program 218 825-8964 2024 S Sixth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
CentraCare Specialty Clinic 218 454-4725 7418 Forthun Road, Baxter, MN 56425
Pequot Lakes Physical Therapy Services, Inc. www.pequotlakesphysicaltherapy.com
Pequot Lakes 218 568-5666
31170 Government Drive, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472St. Joseph’s-Pequot Lakes Clinic 218 568-4416 4317 W Woodman Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
St. Joseph’s-Pierz Clinic 218 468-2587
138 Main Street S, Pierz, MN 56364
St. Joseph’s-Pine River Clinic ...........................................218 587-4416
415 Barclay Avenue, Pine River, MN 56474
Urgent Care-Baxter ...........................................................218 828-2880
13060 Isle Drive, Baxter, MN 56425
Brainerd VA Clinic ............................................................... 218 855-1115
722 NW 7th Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 | www.va.gov
Minneapolis Heart Institute | www.allinahealth.org
Baxter................................................................................. 218 855-5280
13205 Isle Drive, Suite 100, Baxter, MN 56425
Meta 5 MN Family Resiliency Program, a pre-employment program offers you a free, customized, holistic, client-centered program to help you transition into the job market and address a variety of other needs.
How can this program help you? By offering you:
• Assertiveness training to help develop strengths and self-esteem.
• Job search skills including learning to network, resume writing and interviewing.
• Peer counseling and emotional support.
• Assistance with educational and career choices.
• Computer training; become comfortable with technology.
• Support groups so you don’t have to go through this transition alone.
• Workshops to help you manage your money, your stress and your divorce.
• Community referrals to help you meet a variety of needs.
• Temporary financial assistance when funds are available.
• Car Repair Assistance
individuals in
Anchor Counseling & Wellness
Barrows & Associates
Birchwood Therapy Services Baxter
Ellie Family Services
Essentia Health-Lakeland Psychiatry Clinic
326 Laurel St., Brainerd, MN 56401
888 829-6680 or 218 824-1067 Fax: 218 822-7031 www.crowwing.gov
County board meetings are the second and fourth Tuesday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. in the County Boardroom, 326 Laurel St. located on the third floor of the Historic Courthouse.
The county board also has informational Committee of the Whole meetings. These meetings are the third Tuesday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. in the County Boardroom in the Historic Courthouse.
Listed in alphabetical order by department:
Administrative Services: Jory Danielson, Director
Administrator: Deborah Erickson
Attorney: Donald Ryan
218 824-1047
218 824-1067
218 824-1025
Community Services: Kara Terry, Director 218 824-1140
Court Administrator, Dana Anderson
218 824-1310
Extension Services: Tony Hansen, Regional Director 218 824-1065
Highway: Timothy Bray, Engineer
Human Resources: Amy Fischer, Manager
Land Services: Gary Griffin, Director
Sheriff: Eric Klang
Veterans Service: Erik Flowers, Officer
General Information
218 824-1110
218 824-1396
218 824-1010
218 829-4749
218 824-1058
District 1
Paul Koering
218 851-9954
Email: paul.koering@crowwing.gov
Brainerd, Fort Ripley, Garrison
District 2
Jon Lubke
218 855-3399
Email: jon.lubke@crowwing.gov
Breezy Point, Crosslake, Jenkins, Nisswa, Pequot Lakes, Precinct 1
District 3
Steve Barrows
218 820-8199
Email: steve.barrows@crowwing.gov
Baxter, Brainerd
Rosemary Franzen
218 820-7640
Email: rosemary.franzen@crowwing.gov
Baxter, Brainerd, Precinct 2, Precinct 3
District 5
Jamie Lee
218 866-9040
Email: jamie.lee@crowwing.gov
Crosby, Cuyuna, Deerwood, Emily, Fifty Lakes, Ironton, Manhattan Beach, Riverton, Trommald, Dean Lake District, Precinct 4
218 824-1067 / 888 829-6680
County Administrator 218 824-1067 / 888 829-6680
Administrative Services
Elections 218 824-1051
Facilities 218 824-1340
Minnesota Representatives:
Krista Knudsen (R) - District 5A
State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
Email: rep.krista.knudsen@house.mn
Josh Heintzeman (R) - District 6B
353 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 296-4333
Email: rep.josh.heintzeman@house.mn
Ben Davis (R) - District 6A
State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
Email: rep.ben.davis@house.mn
Ron Kresha (R) - District 10A
207 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155
651 296-4247
Email: rep.ron.kresha@house.mn
Paul Utke (R)District 5
95 University Ave. W Minnesota Senate Bldg, Room 2403
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 296-9651
Email: sen.paul.utke@senate.mn
Justin Eichorn (R)District 6
95 University Ave. W. Minnesota Senate Bldg.
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 296-7079
Tim Walz (D)
130 State Capitol
75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 201-3400
Website: mn.gov/governor/contact
U.S. Representative:
Pete Stauber (R) - District 8
461 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
202 225-6211
Website: stauber.house.gov/contact/email-me
U.S. Senators:
Amy Klobuchar (D)
425 Dirksen Senate Building Washington, DC 20510
202 224-3244
Website: klobuchar.senate.gov
Tina Smith (D)
720 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
202 224-5641
Website: smith.senate.gov
Email: sen.justin.eichorn@senate.mn
Nathan Wesenberg (R)District 10
95 University Ave. W. Minnesota Senate Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55155
Email: sen.nathan.wesenberg@senate.mn
Oakridge Homes-Woodview Residential & Support Services have a genuine interest in providing the foremost services to people with developmental disabilities and mental health needs.
Our commitment to quality care and assistance, financial security for facilities and programs and client respect is unmatched. Whether it is a group home setting or community services, Oakridge Homes-Woodview provides personalized programs that encourage individualized, independent living.
For the finest in client-centered care consider Oakridge Homes-Woodview Residential & Support Services, serving central Minnesota since 1980.
One of the fastest growing cities over the past 30 years in Crow Wing County, Baxter reached a population of 8,612 at the 2020 census.
Baxter owes its existence partly to the 1920s operation of a former large tie-treating plant, owned by Northern Pacific Railroad. Farming was also an important early industry. Baxter was incorporated on May 25, 1939. The town is named after Luther Baxter, an attorney for the railroad who served in the Minnesota Legislature and as a colonel in the Civil War.
Tourism and various service industries have become Baxter’s biggest employers, and numerous housing subdivisions have been developed in the wooded area west of Minnesota Highway 371, which passes through the town. Owing to the amount of unused land in the area, commercial development along the highway itself has also increased in recent years, though it has tended to conform to the pattern of urban sprawl.
The county seat and largest city in Crow Wing County, Brainerd’s population was 14,395 as of the 2020 census. Brainerd straddles the Mississippi River several miles upstream from its confluence with the Crow Wing River, having been founded as a site for a railroad crossing above said confluence. Brainerd is the principal city of the Brainerd Micropolitan Area, which had a combined population of 96,189 in 2020. The Brainerd area serves as a major tourist destination for Minnesota, and Baxter is a regional retail center.
The city is also known for the Brainerd International Raceway, which hosts races frequently throughout the year and has a national drag racing meet annually in August.
Due to the many lakes in the area, Brainerd became a popular summertime destination for those owning cabins in the area or spending time at the many resorts.
The city of Breezy Point, with a population of 2,574 in 2020, is best known for being the home to a resort of the same name on land acquired in 1921 by millionaire publicist Wilfred Hamilton Fawcett, owner of Fawcett Publications, and creator of the famous Whiz Bang Magazine. His personal home, Fawcett House, is on rental to the public.
With the resort community growing as a result of Fawcett’s actions, a village was incorporated in 1939 with the name of Pelican Lakes. It was renamed to Breezy Point in 1969.
Crosby, with a population of 2,360 in 2020, is adjacent to its twin city of Ironton. It is one of the cities in the Cuyuna Iron Range. Crosby was a town that was built for the sole purpose of mining. It was named for George H. Crosby, a businessman in the mining industry.
Crosby was the location of the worst mining disaster in Minnesota, the Milford Mine disaster. On Feb. 5, 1924, a new tunnel was blasted too close to nearby Foley Lake, and water rushed in, killing 41 miners.
In 1957, Air Force major Dr. David G. Simons climbed to nearly 102,000 feet above the earth as part of Project Manhigh. The flight, which was launched from the 400-foot-deep Portsmouth Mine Pit Lake in Crosby, helped the country take its fledgling steps into space exploration.
Crosslake, with a population of 2,394 in 2020, is located 30 miles north of Brainerd surrounded by the main routes of several county roads. The city, located on the shores of Cross Lake and the Whitefish Chain of Lakes, was originally a logging community.
Crosslake was incorporated in 1959. In 1972, nearby North Cross Lake was absorbed into the city of Crosslake. The community greatly expands during the summer tourism months, and has become popular statewide for its large St. Patrick’s Day parades each March.
The city lies within its namesake, the Cuyuna Iron Range, which is a line of iron-bearing
hills in central Minnesota. Cuyuna, with a population of 296 in 2020, was one of the mining towns along the range, part of a list including Crosby, Ironton, Trommald, and Manganese. The Cuyuna Range saw its heyday in the first half of the 20th century before mining on the range ceased in 1984. The local economy is now dependent upon tourism from mountain bikers. Cuyuna has been declared to have the best trail systems in Minnesota as of 2014. Cuyuna, which was incorporated in 1910, and the iron ore range on which it is situated, were named by and for Cuyler Adams, and for his dog, Una, who accompanied him in many lone prospecting trips. Cuyler Adams was a prospector, discoverer, and then mine owner of the Cuyuna Range. Cuyuna was platted in November 1908.
The city, with a population of 526 in 2020, was platted in February of 1892. Deerwood was incorporated in October 1909. Deerwood, which was named for the abundant deer in the nearby woods, is located on the eastern edge of Crow Wing County. The post office at Deerwood was established in 1882.
The city, with a population of 843 in 2020, is located on the northeastern edge of Crow Wing County. State Highway 6 and Crow Wing County Road 1 are the main routes in the community.
The city of Emily was named for the nearby Emily Lake. It was platted in November 1905. It was incorporated in March 1957. The post office at Emily began in 1900.
The city, with a population of 443 in 2020, was incorporated in May 1949. The Fifty Lakes Post Office began in 1926. County Road 1 runs east and west through the city while County Road 3 runs north and south.
The city on the southern edge of Crow Wing County is located near the confluence of the Mississippi and Nokasippi rivers. The population was 84 in 2020.
Fort Ripley was a United States military installation beginning in 1849 and lasting until 1877. The fort, now Camp Ripley, was located on the opposite side of the Mississippi River from Morrison County as the current city in Crow Wing County.
The city of Fort Ripley was incorporated in 1927. The city took its name from the fort, and that was named for Eleazer Wheelock Ripley, an American soldier and politician.
Garrison, with a population of 194 in 2020, is located on the eastern edge of Crow Wing County along Mille Lacs Lake. U.S. Highway 169 and Hwy. 18 are the main routes in the community.
Garrison was platted and settled in 1880, and incorporated in 1937. Surrounding Garrison Township was named in honor of Oscar E. Garrison, a land surveyor and civil engineer. Oscar E. Garrison had also platted Wayzata in Hennepin County in 1854. The post office at Garrison was established in 1884.
The city, with a population of 576 in 2020, is located on the Cuyuna Iron Range, from which its name is derived. It is immediately adjacent to the west of Crosby. Ironton was incorporated in 1911 while the post office at Ironton was established in 1910.
The city, with a population of 490 in 2020, is located on the northern edge of Crow Wing County along Hwy. 371 North. The city was named for George W. Jenkins, a local lumberman. Jenkins was incorporated as a village in 1904 and as a city in 1969.
Manhattan Beach
The city, located just north of Crosslake, had a population of 61 in 2020. Manhattan Beach was incorporated in 1941. A big part of the city is the Manhattan Beach Lodge, which is located on Big Trout Lake of the Whitefish Chain of Lakes. The 1920s landmark lodge was renovated in 1995.
The city is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in Lake Edward Township, Crow Wing County. It is along Crow Wing County Road 3 near County Road 127. Its
population was 140 as of the 2020 census. A post office called Merrifield has been in operation since 1899. The community was named for the original owner of the town site.
The city, with a population of 1,967 in 2020, is located just northeast of Gull Lake. This city is well known as a tourist destination due to its many unique stores. The Paul Bunyan State Trail built on the old Northern Pacific Railroad tracks runs through Nisswa. Nisswa is also popular for its weekly summer turtle races.
Smiley Township was founded in 1900, but local resident Leon Lum convinced residents to rename it Nisswa, from the Ojibwe word “nessawae” when the town was incorporated as a village in 1908. Nisswa became a municipality in 1946.
The city, with a population of 2,395 in 2020, was platted in March of 1900. It was named by a postal official for the first Indian-sounding name he thought of, which is the name of a former tribe of Algonquian Indians in eastern Connecticut. A post office was established at Pequot Lakes in 1896. The town, originally called Sibley, officially became Pequot Lakes in 1902.
Pequot Lakes is located in a tourist area and is known for its downtown red and white
bobber water towers and its annual Bean Hole Days event, which started back in 1938 when store owners hosted a bean feed for local farmers.
The city, with a population of 118 in 2020, is located between Brainerd and Ironton, where the Mississippi River flows past the western end of the Cuyuna Iron Range. In 1855, the Rabbit Lake Indian Reservation for the Rabbit Lake Band of Mississippi Chippewa was established in the area as part of the Treaty with the Chippewa. Soon afterwards, a village of Ojibway was established at the mouth of Rabbit River. However, maps from the 1860s depict the village of Ojibway instead located either at the mouth of the Cedar River or at the mouth of the Ripple River.
Riverton was incorporated in 1912, and a post office called Riverton was established in 1913. That post office remained in operation until it was discontinued in 1965.
Trommald, with a population of 99 in 2020, was founded as a mining town on the western end of the Cuyuna Iron Range, just north of Ironton. Trommald was named for A. G. Trommald, county registrar of deeds from 1904 to 1930. Trommald was incorporated in 1917.
Baxter (3rd & 4th Districts)
13190 Memorywood Drive P.O. Box 2626, Baxter MN 56425
218 454-510
E-Mail: cityhall@baxtermn.gov
Website: www.baxtermn.gov
Meets: 1st And 3rd Monday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioners Steve Barrows and Rosemary Franzen
Mayor Darrel Olson
Administrator Bradley Chapulis
Brainerd (1st, 3rd & 4th Districts)
501 Laurel St, Brainerd MN 56401 218 828-230
E-Mail: chillman@ci.brainerd.mn.us
Website: www.ci.brainerd.mn.gov
Meets: 1st And 3rd Wednesday @ 7:30 P.M.
Commissioners Paul Koering, Steve Barrows and Rosemary Franzen
Mayor Dave Badeaux
Administrator Nick Broyles
Breezy Point (2nd District)
8319 County Rd 11, Breezy Point MN 56472 218 562-4441
E-Mail: dchanski@cityofbreezypointmn.us
Website: www.breezypointmn.gov
Meets: 1st Monday Of The Month @ 6:30 P.M.
Commissioner Jon Lubke
Mayor Todd Roggenkamp
Crosby (5th District)
2 2nd St Sw, Crosby MN 56441
218 546-5021
E-Mail: matthew.hill@cityofcrosby.com
Website: www.cityofcrosby.com
Meets: 2nd And 4th Monday @ 6:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor Diane Cash
Administrator Matthew Hill
Crosslake (2nd District)
13888 Daggett Bay Rd, Crosslake MN 56442 218 692-2688
E-Mail: cityclerk@cityofcrosslake.org
Website: www.cityofcrosslake.org
Meets: 2nd Monday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jon Lubke
Mayor Jackson Purfeerst
Administrator ........................................ Lori Conway
Cuyuna (5th District)
P.O. Box 536, Deerwood MN 56444 218 546-5883
E-Mail: info@ci.cuyuna.mn.us
Website: www.ci.cuyuna.mn.us
Meets: 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor ........................................................... Lloyd Brix
Clerk/treasurer William F. Bedard
Deerwood (5th District)
P.O. Box 187, Deerwood MN 56444
218 534-3152
E-Mail: leerussell@cityofdeerwood.com
Website: www.cityofdeerwood.com
Meets: 1st Monday @ 6:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor John V. Taylor
Clerk/treasurer Lee Russell
Emily (5th District)
39811 State Hwy 6, P.O. Box 68, Emily MN 56447 218 763-2480
E-Mail: clerk@emily.net
Website: www.cityofemily.com
Meets: 2nd Tuesday @ 6:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor Tracy Jones
Clerk/treasurer Cari Johnson
Fifty Lakes (5th District)
P.O. Box 125, Fifty Lakes MN 56448 218 763-3113
E-Mail: clerk@fiftylakesmn.com
Website: www.fiftylakesmn.com
Meets: 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor Gary Staples
Clerk/treasurer Ann Raph
Fort Ripley (1st District)
P.O. Box 155, Fort Ripley MN 56449 218 829-4844
E-Mail: tderosier56@gmail.com
Meets: 2nd Thursday @ 7:30 P.M.
Commissioner Paul Koering
Mayor Charles Plante
Clerk Sherry Chisholm
Garrison (1st District)
27069 Central P.O. Box 239, Garrison MN 56450
E-Mail: ctygarri@frontiernet.net
Meets: 2nd Tuesday @ 5:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor Robert Hanson
Deputy Clerk Kristi Risnes
Ironton (5th District)
309 3rd St., P.O. Box 97, Ironton MN 56455 218 546-5625
E-Mail: clerk@cityofironton.org
Website: www.cityofironton.com
Meets: 1st And 3rd Wednesday @ 6:00 P.M.
Commissioner Doug Houge
Mayor Josh Jacobson
Clerk/treasurer Stephanie Winegarner
Jenkins (2nd District)
33861 Cottage Ave, Jenkins MN 56474 218 568-4637
E-Mail: krista.okerman@jenkins-Mn.com
Website: cityofjenkins.com
Meets: 2nd Monday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jon Lubke
Mayor Andrew Rudlang
Clerk/treasurer Krista A. Okerman
Manhattan Beach (5th District)
39148 County Rd 66, Manhattan Beach MN 56442 763 360-1187
E-Mail: clerk@manhattanbeachmn.org
Website: www.manhattanbeachmn.org
Meets: 1st Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Clerk/treasurer ................................. Marlene Yurek
Nisswa (2nd District)
P.O. Box 410, Nisswa MN 56468 218 963-4444
E-Mail: jmax@cityofnisswa.gov
Website: cityofnisswa.gov
Meets: 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jon Lubke
Mayor ........................................... Jennifer Carnahan
Administrator Jenny Max
Pequot Lakes (2nd District)
4638 Main Street, Pequot Lakes MN 56472 218 568-5222
E-Mail: cityhall@pequotlakes-mn.gov
Website: www.pequotlakes-Mn.gov
Meets: 1st Monday @ 6:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jon Lubke
Mayor Tyler Gardner
Administrator Angie Duus
Riverton (5th District)
16663 Main St, Riverton MN 56455 218 546-5225
E-Mail: riverton@centurylink.net
Meets: 1st Wednesday @ 6:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor David Peterson Clerk Alexandra Booth
Trommald (5th District)
24124 Cardinal Ave, Trommald MN 56441 218 546-6543
E-Mail: lostin50s@mlecwb.net
Meets: 1st Wednesday @ 7:00 P.M.
Commissioner Jamie Lee
Mayor Jim Hiller, Jr.
Clerk/treasurer Mona R. Geske
Unorganized Territory:
Precinct 1 (2nd District)
33205 South Upper Hay Dr Pequot Lakes MN 56472 218 232-2124
E-Mail: jon.lubke@crowwing.us
Commissioner Bill Brekken
Precinct 2 & 3 (4th District)
14732 Inglewood Dr Baxter MN 56425 218 820-7640
E-Mail: rosemary.franzen@crowwing.us
Commissioner Rosemary Franzen
Precinct 4 (Dean Lake & 5th District)
P.O. Box 367 Ironton MN 56455
218 330-0734-5145
E-Mail: doug.houge@crowwing.us
Commissioner Doug Houge
TOWN OF BAY LAKE (5th District)
Carol Pundt, Clerk
13861 CR 10, Deerwood, MN 56444
218 678-3256
E-MAIL: baylaketown@gmail.com
TOWN OF CENTER (5th District)
Coralea Borden, Clerk 13110 Borden Rd., Merrifield, MN 56465 218 765-3397
E-MAIL: mcborden@brainerd.net
TOWN OF CROW WING (1st District)
Sue Kern, Clerk 11039 Greenwood St., Brainerd, MN 218 822-3985
E-MAIL: crowwingtownship@gmail.com
Gretchen Nelson, Clerk 12629 30th St., Brainerd, MN 56401 218 330-7058
E-MAIL: Daggett.clerk1@outlook.com
TOWN OF DEERWOOD (5th District)
Carol Pundt, Clerk
PO Box 521, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 534-3168
E-MAIL: deerwoodtownshipclerk@gmail.com
TOWN OF FAIRFIELD (5th District)
Marianne Auge, Clerk
33108 Dangers Rd., Crosby, MN 56441 218 232-1207
E-MAIL: fairfieldmn@gmail.com
TOWN OF FORT RIPLEY (1st District)
Megan Lieser, Clerk 5190 Legend Lane, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 232-4269
TOWN OF GAIL LAKE (2nd District)
Catherine Erickson, Clerk/treasurer 43037 Hosta Lane, Pine River, MN 56474 218 587-2526
E-MAIL: gaillaketownship@gmail.com
TOWN OF GARRISON (1st District)
Amy Mickelson, Clerk
PO Box 70, Garrison, MN 56450
218 851-3583
E-MAIL: amy.mickelson@yahoo.com
OWN OF IDEAL (2nd District)
Craig Wallace, Clerk/treasurer
35458 Butternut Point Rd., Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
218 543-4392
E-MAIL: info@idealtownship.com
TOWN OF IRONDALE (5th District)
Angela Fort, Clerk
19121 CR 12, Ironton, MN 56455
218 546-6499
E-MAIL: irondaletownship2@gmail.com
TOWN OF JENKINS (2nd District)
Jim Olsen, Clerk
PO Box 523, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
218 831-1100
E-MAIL chefjfo@gmail.com
TOWN OF LAKE EDWARD (4th District)
Loni Burnard, Clerk
23977 CR 4, Nisswa, MN 56468
218 963-3227
E-MAIL: Lakeedwardtwnshp@gmail.com
TOWN OF LITTLE PINE (5th District)
Abra Hawley, Clerk 25990 CR 1, Emily, MN 56447
218 839-2842
E-MAIL: littlepineclerk@gmail.com
TOWN OF LONG LAKE (1st District)
Patsy Olson, Clerk 7156 Hilltop View Rd., Brainerd, MN 5640 218 829-6546
EMAIL clerk@longlaketwp.com
TOWN OF MAPLE GROVE (1st District)
Norene Warta, Clerk 18451 CR 24, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 764-2343
EMAIL norene50@outlook.com
TOWN OF MISSION (2nd District)
Anna Anderson, Clerk PO Box 126, Merrifield, MN 56465
218 765-4377
E-MAIL: missionclerk@gmail.com
TOWN OF NOKAY LAKE (1st District)
Patricia Gage, Clerk
13536 Thorson Rd., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 764-3418
E-MAIL: acunning@brainerd.ne
TOWN OF OAK LAWN (1st District)
Deb Borg, Clerk PO Box 333, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-2109
E-MAIL: oaklawntwp@gmail.com
TOWN OF PELICAN (2nd District)
Jody Wallin, Clerk 28272 Sunset Valley Rd., Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 839-3977
E-MAIL: pelicantownship@gmail.com
TOWN OF PERRY LAKE (5th District)
Sherry Habighorst, Clerk 30416 St. Hwy. 6, Crosby, MN 56441
218 838-0412
E-MAIL: crosbybarn@gmail.com
TOWN OF PLATTE LAKE (1st District)
Robert Dambowy, Clerk 2198 CR 23, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-8190
TOWN OF RABBIT LAKE (5th District)
Linda Danielson, Clerk 25553 CR 32, Aitkin, MN 56431 218 534-3748
E-MAIL: rabbittownhall@gmail.com
TOWN OF ROOSEVELT (1st District)
Breanna Cielinski, Clerk 24063 CR 2, Brainerd, MN 56401 320/630-6355
E-MAIL: rsvlt@brainerd.net
TOWN OF ROSS LAKE (5th District)
Casey Tscheu, Clerk 27406 Ross Lake Rd., Aitkin, MN 56431
218 232-1137
E-MAIL: patvannelli@gmail.com
TOWN OF ST. MATHIAS (1st District)
Cassey Veith, Clerk 9891 Sleepy Hollow Rd., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 821-5707
E-MAIL: stmathiasclerk@gmail.com
TOWN OF TIMOTHY (2nd District)
Avalon (Loni) Porta, Clerk 10273 CR 1, Pine River, MN 56474
218 831-1965
E-MAIL: cleark@timothytownship.com
TOWN OF WOLFORD (5th District)
Kim Marquart, Clerk 26016 St. Hwy. 6, Crosby, MN 56441
218 232-4064
E-MAIL: wolfordclerk@castle-web.com
Wing County
ISD 181 Brainerd | www.isd181.org
Baxter Elementary School PK-4
12191 Jasperwood Dr., Baxter, MN 56425
218 454-6400
Garfield Elementary School ........................ KG-4
1120 10th Avenue NE., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 454-6450
Harrison Elementary School KG-4 1515 Oak Street., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 454-6500
Lowell Elementary School ........................... KG-4
704 Third Avenue NE., Brainerd, MN 56401 218 454-6550
Nisswa Elementary School .......................... PK-4
5533 Lakers Lane, Nisswa, MN 56468
218 961-6860
Riverside Elementary School KG-4
220 Third Street NW., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 454-6800
Forestview Middle School .............................. 5-8
12149 Knollwood Dr., Baxter, MN 56425
218 454-6000
Brainerd Senior High School 9-12
702 S. Fifth Street., Brainerd, MN 56401 218 454-6200
Brainerd Learning Center .......................... KG-12
311 10th Avenue NE, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 454-5400
Lincoln Education Center ............................. 3-12 604 S. Sixth Street., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 454-6600
Middle Level Alternative Program 5-8 311 10th Avenue NE., Brainerd, MN 56401 218 454-5400
| www.ci.k12.mn.us
Crosby-Ironton Elementry ........................... KG-6 509 Sixth Avenue NE., Crosby, MN 56441 218 545-8803
Crosby-Ironton High School ......................... 7-12 711 Poplar Street., Crosby, MN 56441 218 545-8802
| www.isd186.org
Eagle View Elementary School PK-4 6539 County Road 11, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 562-6100
Pequot Lakes Middle School .......................... 5-8 30805 Olson Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-9357
Pequot Lakes Senior High School ............... 9-12 30805 Olson Street., Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-9210
Crosslake Community School ..................... KG-8 36974 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-5437
Discovery Woods Montessori School KG-6 604 N Seventh Street., Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-8200
Lake Region Christian School PK-12 7398 Fairview Road, Baxter MN 56425 218 828-1226
St. Francis of the Lakes Catholic School PK-8 817 Juniper Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-2344
Stare Academy ............................................. KG-9 13242 Berrywood Dr., Baxter, MN 56425 218-537-8100 www.stareacademy.com
We listen to our community and what they need from us. Our specialty is gathering and delivering useful information and news to the people who need to know about it. That’swhy we’ve developed this Crow Wing County Residential Resource Guide. As abonus to our readers, it’sone of more than 25 special interest publications that explore specific topics tucked inside our Brainerd Dispatch newspaper and/or our Echo Journal newspaper.
Central Lakes College combines the best of both Brainerd Community College and Brainerd Staples Technical Colleges, with roots deep in liberal arts and career education for Central Minnesota.
BCC and BSTC combined to create CLC on July 1, 1995. The colleges share a long history. In 1938, a community college known as Brainerd State Junior College opened its door on the third floor of Washington High School in Brainerd with 12 students. Two years later 19 graduating students, the Class of 1940, celebrated the earning of college diplomas.
The Brainerd School Board approved the inception of a junior college for the community. That board continued to oversee the college’s operation until 1964, when the Minnesota State Junior College System of 10 mission - sharing schools statewide formed.
From 1938 to 1957, the college continued to operate on the third floor of Washington High school. In 1957, the basement and first floor of Lincoln elementary school were utilized with laboratory facilities of the high school. 1963 was a year of separation as liberal arts and career education defined their individual focus. Now there were Brainerd Junior College and Brainerd Technical Institute (later Brainerd Technical College). The first building on the campus in southwest Brainerd (now CLC) was the first in Min-
nesota to be built specifically as a junior college. It opened in 1964. Thirty-five years of enrollment growth produced building projects in 1969 (gym), 1971 (art studios), 1974 (student center), 1989, and 1991. By 1992 the campus had grown to an enrollment of 1800 students and was known (since 1973) as Brainerd Community College (BCC).
Brainerd Technical Institute and its sister institution, Staples Technical Institute
erd, and the unique heavy equipment program, this technical college became known for innovation, creativity, and solid instructional expertise.
BCC and BSTC continued to attract more students, and the legislature began encouraging community and technical colleges to cooperate, the first discussions of consolidation were held. The advantages to students were clear. Both colleges volunteered to become one of the first merged colleges in the state, and Central Lakes College was created in 1995.
developed programs designed to meet the changing needs of business and industry.
In 1991, the State Technical College Board combined the administration of both schools to create Brainerd Staples Technical College. With exceptional technological programs such as the Staples program in robotics, the classic secretarial and business programs at Brain-
The Staples campus of CLC remains the center for training in Diesel and Heavy Equipment, Machine Tool Technology, Robotics, Ag Science, Nursing, and Medical Assisting. Started in 1950, the campus outgrew the original building, and in 1971 a complete new campus was builtthen expanded in 1985.
The 360-acre West Campus for Heavy Equipment includes a classroom/lab facility built in 2003 and a 30,000-square foot service center that opened in 2007. In Brainerd, a $24 million two-story addition opened in 1996 as part of the newly combined college: Central Lakes.
Over a recent, five-year period, CLC experienced 53 percent enrollment growth, pushing to more than 6,000 the number of people taking at least one class from the college during an academic year.
Crow Wing County Community Services
204 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN
218 824-1140 | www.crowwing.us
• Child and Family Services: Child support, Adoption Services, Child & Teen Checkups, Child Care Assistance, Child Protection, Children’s Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Foster Care, Parenting and Child Development Education, Personal Care Attendant Management
• Adult Services: Elderly and Disabled Adults, Adult Protection, Chemical Dependency, Homelessness, Developmental Disabilities, Foster Care, Mental Health, Personal Care.
Crow Wing County Financial Assistance
Access for services such as food support, cash assistance and medical assistance. 218 824-1250 | www.crowwing.us
Bridges of Hope 218 825-7682
Our primary focus is to connect people with the resources that can help them resolve their current situation or challenge.
Resource Connection Services, Operation Sandwich, The Bridge on 7th Overnight Shelter, Common Goods Thrift Stores
Bridge to Benefits www.Bridgetobenefits.org
Bridge to Benefits is a multi-state project by Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota to improve
the well-being of families and individuals by linking them to public work support programs and tax credits.
Collaborative Service Team
804 Oak Street, Brainerd 218 454-5529
This group of professionals are working in schools and homes throughout Crow Wing County to help families with children from birth to high school. The team is designed to provide prevention and early intervention services. This coordination of services increases student readiness to learn, and improves family participation and satisfaction with the school system. The team connects with local agencies like Bridges of Hope, Lutheran Social Services, Northern Pines, the Salvation Army and more.
28th Annual KC Buffalo Raffle and Feed, to be held on the 25th of January, 2025. Feed starts at 4:00 pm and we serve until 8:00 pm. Drawing will be held at 8:15 pm, and this is all at the Pierz Ballroom. Tickets for the raffle are $10 each, with half the proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. Gun Raffle at the Hall, Tickets are $20 each (can only get tickets at the Hall) for a chance of 3 guns. Need not be present to win. Drawing for the 3 guns will be right before the main Raffle at 8:00 pm. The feed is $10.00 and you get a burger, beans, potato salad, and homemade bars. Music during the feed by The Old Tyme Country Boys, this makes for a fun evening and a great way to help the KC’s with their fundraiser. If you want to purchase a ticket you can do so at the feed or from any KC member or some of the businesses. We have over $13,000 worth of prizes. Can still purchase tickets from members and some businesses or call Allen or Debbie. If in need of tickets or questions call Allen or Debbie Woitalla 320-277-3860.
Sincerely yours,
Allen Woitalla Chairman of the
TCC: Tri-County Community
218 829-2410 | www.tccaction.com
Income Eligible Programs: Head Start, Early Head Start, Head Start Child Care Partnership, Circles of Support, Small Business Loans, Transportation Loans, Income Tax Preparation, FAIM & Housing-Weatherization - Minnesota
Power Electrical Audit
Lutheran Social Service of MN 218 829-5000 or 800 829-5902 www.lssmn.org
• Children and Families: Youth Services for Homeless and At-Risk Youth, Counseling, Housing and Support Services, Energy Assistance, Employment, Foster Care, Mental Health, Independent Living Skill Courses, Financial Counseling and Debt Management, Parent Support and Education
• People with Disabilities: Residential Services, In-Home Supports, Financial Services, Life Enrichment, Legal and Advocacy
• Older Adults: Caregiver Support, Food and Fellowship, Help in Your Home, Managing Finances, Legal and Advocacy Services, Volunteer and Job Opportunities for Seniors
The Lice Guides
107 3rd Avenue NE Pierz, MN 56364 320 232-0414 | www.theliceguides.com
M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 24/7 w/appt.
The Lice Guides eliminate lice and their nits with a proven method and non-toxic products. Legal Aid
324 S. Fifth, Brainerd, MN 218 829-1701
Provides free legal assistance in civil matters for low income individuals including divorce, child custody, housing issues between tenants and landlords, debt and collection.
Crow Wing Soil & Water Conservation District, 322 Laurel St. #22, Brainerd, MN (218) 828-6197
Crow Wing County Workforce Center 204 Laurel Street Suite 21 218 828-2450 | www.careerforcemn.com
• Provides a resource area to job search, along with personnel to assist
• Utilizes www.minnesotaworks.net to search for thousands of job listings
• Free Workshops: Acing the Interview, Career Exploration, Career Ready 101, Job Search Tools, Job Search Triage, On-Line Applications, Resume Optimizer, Social Media and Your Job Search, Workshop for Offenders/ Former Offenders, National Career Readiness Certificate
Crow Wing County Income Maintenance 204 Laurel Street Suite 22, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-1250 or 888 772-8212
Medical Assistance, MN Care, MFIP-MN Family Investment Program, SNAP & WIC. (See website for complete list of services)
Lutheran Social Service of MN 888 577-2227 | www.lssmn.org
Budget and Debt Help, Debt Management Plan, Credit Report Review, Foreclosure Prevention, Homebuyer Counseling, Student Loan Counseling
Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA)
218 828-3705 | www.brainerdhra.org
• Public Housing: 200 units in Brainerd. Tenant pays 30 percent of adjusted annual income.
• HCV/Section 8: 320 Housing Choice Vouchers. Tenant pays equal to or less than 40 percent of income for rent, voucher pays the rest
• Brainerd South: 60 1-2 bedroom apartments available
• Housing rehab loans available to improve safety of the home for low income families
Lutheran Social Service of MN
Hope Housing Services: 866 970-1437
Homeless & Runaway Youth 24/7 hotline: 888 828-4383
Support services to help families obtain and maintain permanent and transitional housing, Energy Assistance Program, Transitional Housing for Youth: Teaches independent living skills & Housing for people with disabilities
Renters Education
866 866-3546 | www.mnhousing.gov
Free legal information for renters, Finding a place to rent, Accessible rental housing, Renter rights and responsibilities, Renter education and tools & Housing Choice Voucher Program
Central Minnesota Housing Partnership, Inc.
M-Th: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., F: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
888 203-9301 | www.cmhp.net
Affordable and safe rental apartments, Homebuyer education and counseling, Rental Rehabilitation Deferred Loan Program
USDA Rural Development
651 602-7800 | www.rurdev.usda.gov
Assists income eligible families to purchase, build or repair homes in rural areas in order to make home ownership a reality. This in turn creates thriving communities and improves quality of life in rural areas.
• Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program
• Single Family Housing Direct Loans (option of payment assistance)
• Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program
Home Line
866 866-3546 | www.homelinemn.org
A nonprofit Minnesota tenant advocacy organization that provides free and low-cost legal, organizing, education, and advocacy services so that tenants throughout Minnesota can solve their own rental housing problems. Home Line works to improve public and private policies relating to rental housing by involving affected tenants in the process.
Brainerd Rental Inspector
Rental-Housing The City of Brainerd requires all rental housing to be licensed and to follow the Rental Housing Maintenance Code. The link also provides information regarding landlord and tenant’s rights and responsibilities.
Lutheran Social Service of MN
218 829-5000 or 800 829-5902 | www.lssmn.org
• Assists low income residents in Crow Wing County pay their winter heating bills while also providing education to tenants on energy efficiency.
• Income based program with income proof for the last three months
• Assistance given for one year at a time
Heat Share
218 829-1120 | www.salarmy.org
Brainerd Area Taxi
218 828-1111 | www.brainerd.com/taxi/
Crow Wing County Transit 218 825-7433
• Brainerd/Baxter DIAL-A-RIDE Service: M-F (except holidays*) 7:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
• Brainerd/Baxter Express Route Service: M-F
(except holidays*) 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• Hwy 210 DIAL-A-RIDE: Tues and Thurs 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Serves Brainerd, Baxter, Crosby, Riverton, Ironton and Deerwood
• Hwy 371 DIAL-A-RIDE: Tues and Thurs 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Serves Brainerd, Baxter, Pequot Lakes and Nisswa
Grab-A-Cab 218 270-2992
Greyhound Bus Service 800 231-2222 | www.greyhound.com
WIC: Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
204 Laurel St, Suite 12, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-1073
WIC is a nutrition and breastfeeding program that helps eligible pregnant women, new mothers, babies and young children up to the age of 5 eat well, learn about nutrition, and stay healthy. Provides nutrition education and counseling, nutritious foods, referrals to health, Vouchers for a variety of healthy foods, including fruits & vegetables, milk, eggs, whole grain foods, and more!
Ruby’s Pantry
2nd Tuesday of the month from 4:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at NP Center
Donations from food manufacturers around the U.S., but primarily from MN and WI. There is a $20 suggested donation, This is not an income based program. Participants bring boxes, bags or coolers. Food items vary each month.
Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen 218.829.4203 | www.sharingbread.com
Fellowship Hall of Communitas Church 923 Oak Street, Brainerd MN 56401
Mon-Sat 5:30p.m. to 6 p.m.
Serves nutritious meals to all. Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen has been a symbol of hope and compassion in the Brainerd lakes area since 1987. They serve about 65 meals a day.
Operation Sandwich 218 825-7682 www.bridgesofhopemn.org
Providing consistent food security to end childhood hunger by feeding kids when free and reduced meals are not accessible at school.
Brainerd First Baptist Church - Brainerd 218 829-5767 http://www.firstbaptistchurchbrainerd.com
Brainerd SA Food Shelf - Brainerd 218 829-1120 | www. salvationarmynorth.org
Community Care ‘N Share - Emily 218 763-2677
Cross Lake Food Shelf - Crosslake 218 692-1004
Cuyuna Food Shelf - Crosby 218 763-3784
Emily Food Shelf - Emily 218 763-3663
Garrison Area Caregivers Food ShelfGarrison 320 692-5399
Lakes Area Food Shelf - Pequot Lakes 218 568-8474
Fare for All
763 450-3880 or 800 582-4291 www.fareforall.org
Nationwide network of Cooperative Food Purchasing programs who buy high quality, nutritious foods in bulk to reduce prices for participants. Groceries are pre-boxed and purchased as packages. Accepts cash, debit, credit and EBT.
Otter Tail-Wadena Community Action Council
Family Planning Clinic
245 Barclay Avenue, Pine River, MN 56474 877 275-6123
Provides non-surgical, family planning/ reproductive services including physical examination, laboratory services such as PAP
or pregnancy tests, pregnancy prevention/ contraceptive, nutritional counseling, and contraceptives or prescriptions for contraceptives.
Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center 218 825-0793
315 East River Road, Brainerd MN 56401
Enrolled members are offered a pregnancy test, optional counseling and an incentive program. Women earn coupons by attending classes about parenting skills, relationship skills, basic living, cooking, balancing the checkbook…baby basics such as cribs, strollers and diaper bags are able to be purchased with these coupons. Fathers are also offered a counselor program. Classes available on how to support mom, or about the different changes he may find in his partner. Abortion recovery support group. Clothing room: Maternity and postpregnancy clothes, baby clothes.
Natural Family Planning
Essentia Health
St. Joseph’s Medical Center 218 829-2861, ext. 6217
MN Family Planning & STD Hotline
Hotline provides reliable, medically-accurate and confidential information. Call, Text (Text ASKMN to 66746) or Live Chat with an online Health Educator.
Birthright Pregnancy Support Service
401 W. Laurel Street, Brainerd MN 56401
218 829-8470
Open hours: Mon-Fri. 10 a.m. - noon or anytime by appointment. Birthright offers women love, support and guidance while planning for their future. They offer a pregnancy test, maternity and baby clothes, emergency supplies, and resource referrals. Help is free and confidential.
CWC Health Division
877 724-1080 or 218 824-1073
www. crowwing.us
Crow Wing County WIC Certified Lactation Counselors available to support, educate and promote breastfeeding. Support available in office, over the phone or through the Family Home Visiting Program. Breastfeeding Peer Counselor available part-time. Referral and contact information available upon request.
North Central Breastfeeding Network
218 824-1080 | www. crowwing.us
Mission: To promote and support a societal norm for breastfeeding through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
Essentia Health Brainerd/Baxter 855 710-2229
(Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Lakewood Health System 218 894-8846 (Available 24/7)
Paul Bunyan Education Cooperative/ Early Childhood Special Education Washington Education Services Building 804 Oak Street, Brainerd, MN 218 454-5500 or 877 828-7003 www.pbcoop.org
Paul Bunyan Help Me Grow program empowers surrounding school districts to provide services to students with disabilities. Reason for referral may include health, vision, hearing, motor, cognitive, communication, social/emotional/behavioral or adaptive concerns. Parents are also provided support services enabling students with disabilities to benefit from their education.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Brainerd 218 454-5430 | www.isd181.org Crosby 218 545-8800, ext. 6976 www.ci.k12.mn
Pequot Lakes 218 568 9224 www.district.isd186.org
ECFE works to strengthen families and enhances parents’ ability to provide the best possible environment for their children’s learning and growth.
TCC Head Start
Brainerd 218 829-2410 Crosby 218 546-6142 www.tccaction.com
Early Head Start is for pregnant women and for children from 6 weeks- 3 years old. Head Start is held in a classroom setting and is available to children ages 3-5. Transportation provided for pick-up and drop-off.
Childcare Aware of MN
800 890-5399 | www.childcareawaremn.org
• Parents: Learn about and locate childcare in your area
• Professionals and Caregivers: Professional development, credentials, new program information, grants and scholarships
• Health Consultation Services: Health professionals can assess the need for and give training to child care educators, families, and children on several topics, including: child health and development, nutrition and physical activity, injury prevention, management of illness, medication administration, prevention and control of infectious diseases, oral health, social-emotional development, and environmental health.
Mahube-Otwa Community Action Partnership 218 632-3600 | www.mahube.org
Early Learning Scholarships: Helps low income families receive access to high-quality early childhood programs. Families who have a 3-5 year old as of September 1st qualify.
Child Protection Services
218 824-1140 | www. crowwing.us
Call to report suspected child abuse, neglect and maltreatment or to learn more about services available to children and families.
Crime Victim Services
309 West Washington St, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 828-9518 |www.crimevictimservices.net kathy@CrimeVictimServices.net or heather@ CrimeVictimServices.net
Victim Services provides victims of crime with assistance and services necessary to speed their recovery from a criminal act. This includes support services, court related services and financial services.
Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center
218 828-1216 or 888 777-1248
The Women’s Center prides safe housing for battered women and their children, as well as for victims/survivors of sexual assault. Support available 24 hours a day.
Sexual Assault Services
218 828-0494 or 888 458-0494
Sexual Assault Services provides information and support through the medical, social and legal systems. Services are free and confidential.
Saving Grace – Lutheran Social Service of MN
716 E. Street, Brainerd MN 56401
866 824-3770 (24/7 Hotline)
A specialized foster care program for sextrafficked youth under age 18 that provides safe shelter and a wide range of support to help them rebuild their lives.
Addiction Crisis Hotline
800 635-8008
Available 24/7 for assistance over the phone.
Focus Unit
523 N. Third Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-7374 | www.essentiahealth.org
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F
This chemical dependency focus unit is based on a 12 step program with group and individual counseling. The program tailors to individual needs, starting with an assessment. They offer in-patient programs.
MN Adult & Teen Challenge
218 833-8777 | www.mntc.org
Our mission is to assist teens and adults in gaining freedom from chemical addictions and other life controlling problems by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs
Crisis Line
24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention 218 828-4357 OR 800 462-5525 www.crisislineandreferralservice.org
The Bridge on 7th Overnight Shelter 218 892-2400 www.bridgesofhopemn.org
A safe and warm place to sleep for adults 18+. Open 7 days a week 7 p.m.-8 a.m. Walk-ins from 7 p.m.-11 p.m.
Disability Linkage Line
866 333-2466 | www.disabilityhubmn.org
Independent Counseling Service Drug, alcohol or tobacco
Ron Brusven (licensed) 218 828-7736
Tenants Hotline
866 866-3546 | www.homelinemn.org
Veteran’s Linkage Line 888 546-5838 | www.linkvet.org
Experience Works (jobs for 55 & older) 218 454-0610 | www.experienceworks.org
Social Security Administration
8331 Brandon Road, Baxter 866 331-9087 | www.ssa.gov
GLBT National Help Center National Hotline 888 843-4564 | www.glbthotline.org
First Congregational United Church of Christ 415 Juniper Street, Brainerd 218 829-2528 | www.uccbrainerd.org
Central Minnesota PFLAG 320 492-8486 | www.pflag.org
SAGE: Services and Advocacy for LGBT Elders www.sageusa.org
State Services for the Hearing Impaired 320 255-3707
Toll Free Voice 800 456-3690
Toll Free TTY 888 488-3909
Video Phone (for signing) 320 255-3502
State Services for the Blind 800 366-5420
Minnesota Center for Independent Living, Inc
606 NW Fifth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-5228 | www.accessnorth.net
Sight & Hearing Association 612 645-2546 or 800 992-0424 www.sightandhearing.org
Regional Service Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
320 255-3502 or TDD 320 255-3590
State Service for the Blind and Visually Handicapped 218 828-2490 | www.mnssb.org
Milk Banking-University of Minnesota Medical Center 612 672-4122 or milkbank@fairview.org
The Milk banking referral program at the U of M Medical Center is an information resource for potential donors and an advocate for milk donation. Call or email to find out how to donate.
Breath of Life
200 Buffalo Hills Lane E. Brainerd, MN 56401 218 822-3296 | www.bolads.org
Crosby-Ironton Senior Club 218 546-5010
Crosslake Area Senior Services
Homeless & Wounded Warrior MN
36200 Pondview Lane, Crosslake, MN 56442 320 267-0376 www.homelessandwoundedwarriors-mn.org
Senior Class Care
4451 East Woodman Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-5605 | www.seniorclasscare.com
Shiloh Assisted Living
5384 Country Care Lane, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4673 | www.heritagehouseofmn.com
Treasured Time Adult Day – Crosby
22401 State Highway 6, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 546-5071 | www.rcummings@cuyunamed.org
Unlimited Learning andrewhook@hotmail.com
Access North
218 824-5228 | www.accessnorth.net
Alzheimer’s Assoc. MN 800 272-3900 | www.alz.org
Central MN Council on Aging (CMCOA) Community Development 320 253-9479 | www.cmcoa.org
Covia Well Connected 877 797-7299 | www.covia.org
CRMC Wellness and Foundation
218 546-7000 | www.cuyunamed.org
Crow Wing County Community Services 218 824-1093 | www.crowwing.us
Crow Wing Energized www.crowwingenergized.org
Dani’s Lakes Area Errands
218 851-5527 | www.danislakesareaerrands.com
Hallett Community Center
218 546-2616 | www.hallettcenter.com
Life and Love with Dementia 218 330-3913 | www.lifeandlovewithdementia.com
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
320 253-0121 | www.mylegalaid.org
Ombudsman - Long Term Care
218 855-8729 or 800 657-3591 | www.mn.gov
Senior Care Consulting 218 839-2869 | www.seniorcareconsultingmn.com
Senior LinkAge Line - Brainerd 800 333-2433 | www.cmcoa.org
Senior LinkAge Line - Crosby 800 333-2433 | www.cmcoa.org
Tenants Hotline 866 866-3546 | www.homelinemn.org
St. Vincent de Paul 218 568-4760
Triad of Crow Wing County 218 829-4749 | www.crowwing.us
The Center
218 829-9345 | www.thebrainerdcenter.com
Unlimited Learning 218 546-5036 | www.unlimitedlearning.net
Vulnerable Adult Reporting 218 824-1140 or 844 880-1574 | www.mn.gov
Lutheran Social Service of MN
218 824-3804
Almond House
802 SE 28th Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 825-9255 | www.almondhouse.com
Arbor & Autumn Glen Apts.
14177 & 14180 Broadmoor Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-8751
Brainerd Carefree Living Spectrum
Health Companies
2723 Oak Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-8622 | www.spectrumhealthcos.com
Central Minnesota Senior Care 1008 10th Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-4823
Diamond Willow
14396 Grand Oaks Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 839-8136
Edgewood Vista Brainerd
14890 Beaver Dam Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-3691 | www.edgewoodseniorliving.com
Edgewood Vista Baxter 14211 Firewood Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 828-4770 | www.edgewoodseniorliving.com
Excelsior Court Apartments
7276 Excelsior Road N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 824-8403 | www.dwjonesmanagement.com
Golden Horizons
13631 East Shore Road, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-6650 | www.goldenhorizons.org
Good Samaritan Society Bethany Senior Living Apts
1953 S. Seventh Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1429 | www.good-sam.com
Good Samaritan Society Birchwood Samaritan House 2509 Greenwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1429 | www.good-sam.com
Good Samaritan Society Elmwood Samaritan House
2517 Greenwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1429 | www.good-sam.com
Good Samaritan Society Oakwood Samaritan House 2501 Greenwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1429 | www.good-sam.com
Hallett Cottages
350 Fourth Street, Crosby, MN 56441
218 546-6265 | www.cuyunamed.org
Harmony House
218 SW Ninth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-4142 | www.horizonhealthservices.org
Heartwood Senior Living
500 Heartwood Drive, Crosby, MN 56441 218 545-8500 | www.preshomes.org
Heritage House
5384 Country Care Lane, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4673 | www.HeritageHouseofMN.com
Hills Crossing Senior Living
5307 Hills Crossing Road, Nisswa, Mn 56468 218 961-5605 | www.hcseniorliving.com
Northern Lakes Senior Living
8186 Excelsior Road, Baxter, MN 56425 218 454-2121 | www.northernlakesseniorliving.com
Senior Class Care
4451 East Woodman Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-5605 | www.seniorclasscare.com
Lutheran Social Service of MN 218 829-5000 or 800 829-5902 | www.lssmn.org
Rural Housing Repair, Rehab loans & grants 218 829-5965, ext: 4 | www.rd.usda.gov
320 632-3691 | www.tccaction.com
Tri-County Community Action 218 829-2410 | www.tccaction.com
Food + Meal Assistance
Brainerd First Baptist Church 218 829-5767
Brainerd First Lutheran Church 218 829-9552 | www.flcbrainerd.com
Crosby, Dellwood & Edgewood Apts. 218 546-5943
Crosslake Community Center 218 692-4271 | www.cityofcrosslake.org
Crosslake Food Shelf 218 692-1004
Cuyuna Range Food Shelf 218 546-7444
Dellwood & Edgewood Apts, Crosby 218 546-5943 | www.crosbyhra.org
Fare For All
800 582-4291 | www.fareforall.org
Homestyle Direct
866 735-0921 | www.homestyledirect.com
Hunger Solutions MN 651 789-9847 or 888 711-1151 www.hungersolutions.org
Lakes Area Food Shelf
218 568-8474 | www.lakesarea.org LSS Meals
800 488-4146 | www.lssmn.org
Offering community dining, Meals on Wheels and shipped Meals.
Nearby sites in Brainerd, Crosby, Crosslake, Pequot Lakes, Pine River and Walker. MN Food Assistance Program
800 657-3698 | www. mn.gov
Mom’s Meals
866 204-6111 | www.momsmeals.com
NAPS Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors 218 326-4420 x 22 | www.health.state.mn.us
North Star Apartments
218 824-6026 | www.brainerdhra.org
Oak Crest I, Brainerd 218 824-6026 | www.dwjonesmanagement.com
Pequot Lakes, Sibley Terrace
218 587-2921 | www.pequotlakes-mn.gov
Ruby’s Pantry
651 674-0202 | www.rubyspantry.org
Salvation Army Food Shelf
218 829-1120 | www. salvationarmynorth.org
Senior Dining, Brainerd (LSS)
218 824-6026 | www.lssmn.org
Senior LinkAge Line
800 333-2433 | www.mnaging.org
Sibley Terrace Apartments, Pequot Lakes
218 587-2921 | www.pequotlakes-mn.gov
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
800 657-3698 | www.fns.usda.gov
Accra Home Care
218 270-5905 | www.accracare.org
218 829-0901 | www.barnabashealth.com
Comfort Keepers
218 822-3200 | www.comfortkeepers.com
Grattan Health Care
800 470-1326 | www.grattanhealthcare.com
Good Neighbor Home Health Care
218 829-9238 | www.gnhomecare.com
Home Health Partnership
218 546-2311 | www.cuyunamed.org
Home Instead Senior Care
218 824-0077 | www.homeinstead.com
Knute Nelson Home Care & Hospice
15175 Edgewood Drive N., Baxter, MN 56425
218 454-1542 | www.knutenelson.org
Lakes Area Interfaith Caregivers
218 820-7454 | www.interfaithvolunteers.org
Minnesota Home Care
218 963-8899 | www.health.state.mn.us
Recover Home Health
218 316-3444 | www.recoverhealth.org
Salem Lutheran
218 534-4962 | www.salemdwd.org
CRMC Home Health Hospice
320 East Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441
800 698-2311 | www.cuyunamed.org
Good Samaritan Society Hospice
24090 Smiley Road Suite 200, Nisswa, MN 56468
218 963-9452 | www.good-sam.com
Heartland Hospice
7658 Design Road Suite 300, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-1252 | www.heartlandhospice.com
Horizon Health (Harmony House)
218 SW Ninth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 320 468-6451 | www.horizonhealthservices.com
Knute Nelson Home Care & Hospice 15175 Edgewood Drive N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 454-1542 | www.knutenelson.org
St Croix Hospice
17021 Commercial Park Road Suite 5, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 203-9891 | www.stcroixhospice.com
Aitkin Medical Supply
12 Second Street NW Aitkin Mn 56431
218 927-3113 | www.midwest-medical.com
Brainerd Medical Supply
206 W. Washington Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-2100 | www.brainerdmedicalsupply.net
North Central Medical Supply
314 Charles Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 825-7331 | www.ncmedicalsupply.com
24 hour Crisis Line
218 828-4357
Essentia Health SJMC Grace Unit 218 828-7437 | www.essentiahealth.org
Lakewood Health System – Staples Reflections Unit 218 894-8200 www.lakewoodhealthsystem.com
Lutheran Social Service of MN –Behavior Health Services 218 828-7379 | www.lssmn.org
Northern Pines 218 829-3235 | www.npmh.org
Northern Psychiatric 218 454-0090 | www.northernpsychiatric.com
Barrows & Associates 218 829-9307 | www.Barrowscounseling.com
CRMC - Care Center
320 E Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441 281 546-7000 | www.cuyunamed.org
Good Samaritan Society Bethany
Skilled Nursing
804 Wright Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-1407 | www.good-sam.com/bethany
Good Samaritan Society Woodland
Skilled Nursing
100 Buffalo Hills Lane, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-1429 | www.good-sam.com/woodland
Response Systems
ADT Security Services
877 258-6428 | www.adt.com
Advanced Security
888 860-8098
800 693-5433 | www.alert-1.com
American Medical Alarms
800 542-0438 | www.medical-alert-company.com
Blue Star Service Solutions, Inc.
800 300-1724 | www.bluestarseniortech.com
Centra Care Health Medical Alert Service
800 835-6652, ext. 55700 | www.centracare.com
CST, Your Link to Life
888 557-4462 | www.cstltl.com
Custom Alarms
507 288-5522 | www.custom-alarm.com
320 255-7027 | www.cybermationinc.com
Doyle Security
1-866-463-6953 | www.godoyle.com
EmoryDay, LLC
800 953-5211 | www.freedomalert-911.com
952 400-7361 800 576-1779 | www.healthsense.com
Life Alarm
706 854-9818
800 780-5433 | www.life-alarm.org
Life Alert
800 338-9090 | www.lifealert.com
Life Assist USA
888 860-8098
800 882-2280 | www.lifefone.com
800 554-4600 | www.lifestation.com
800 432-5378 | www.medicalert.org
Medscope America
800 645-2060 | www.medscope.org
Night Owl Support Systems, LLC
877 559-1642 | www.nossllc.com
North Memorial Connect
763 581-8181 | www.northmemorial.com
P.A.L. Medical
218 326-9299 | 800 852-6575
Philips Lifeline
800 380-3111 | www.usa.philips.com
Response Link
888 663-2557 | www.responselink.com
Rest Assured
877 338-9193 | www.restassuredmonitoring.com
Sengistix 651 695-5818 | www.sengistix.com
Spectrum Health 320 229-7559 | www.spectrumhealthcos.com
United Security and Alarm Systems
218 732-0456 | www.usasystems.net
Valued Relationships, Inc.
877 546-2349 | www.vricares.com
PT/OT/Speech and Alternative Therapies
Brainerd Family YMCA
602 Oak Street, Brainerd 218 829-4767 | www.brainerdlakesymca.org
Big Stone Therapies
15620 Edgewood Drive Suite 240, Baxter 218 454-7012
Cardiac Rehab 218 546-7462
Dragonfly Healing Arts LLC
15479 Ladyslipper Lane, Deerwood 218 838-0097
www.facebook.com/dflyha/ Essentia Health Physical Therapy
Locations: Brainerd/Baxter, Pierz, Pillager, Pequot Lakes, Pine River, Crosslake, Emily, Hackensack 218 828-7100 | www.essentiahealth.org
Holistic Foot and Nail Care
23858 County Road 31, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 546-9950
Pequot Lakes Physical Therapy Services
31170 Government Dr, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-5666
Uplifted Wellness
16 W. Main Street, Crosby, Minnesota 56441 218 851-4337 | www.upliftedwellnessstudio.com
Breath of Life
(Adult Day Services) - Brainerd 218 822-3296 | www.bolads.org
Edgewood Vista
(Social Group Respite) - Brainerd 218 828-3691 | www.edgewoodseniorliving.com
Lutheran Social Service of MNCaregiver Support & Respite
(Social & In-Home Respite) 800 488-4146 | www.lssmn.org
MSOCS-Quality Enterprises - Baxter 651 431-3691 | www.mn.gov
Senior Class Care
(Adult Day Services) Pequot Lakes 218 568-5605 | www.seniorclasscare.com
Treasured Time Adult Day Center (Adult Day Services) Deerwood 218 546-5071 | www.treasuredtimeadc.com
Senior Housing
Access North Center For Independent Living 606 NW Fifth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-5228 | www.accessnorth.net
Alpine Apartments
31176 Pequot Boulevard, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4555 | www.pequotlakes.govoffice.com
Autumn Glen and Arbor Glen 14177 & 14180 Broadmoor Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-8751
Dellwood & Edgewood Apts.
300 Third Avenue NE, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-5088 | www.crosbyhra.org
Edgewood Dellwood Apt.
300 Third Avenue NE, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-5088
Excelsior Court Apartments
7276 Excelsior Road N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 824-8403 | www.dwjonesmanagement.com
Good Samaritan Society
Woodland Senior Living Apts
200 Buffalo Hills Lane, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1429 | www.good-sam.com/woodland
Hope Housing
716 E Street, Brainerd, MN 5640 218 824-1437 | www.region5mentalhealth.com1
Indian Carry Apartments
21745 Indian Carry, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 534-2912 | www.deerwoodhousing.com
Ironton Terrace and Ironton Villa Apt.
500 Eighth Avenue, Ironton, MN 56455 218 546-6886
Mississippi Terrace Apartments
215 SW Fourth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-0274 | www.inhproperties.com
Northern Lights Apartments
511 D Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
800 466-7722 | www.accessiblespace.org
Northstar Apartments
410 East River Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-3705 | www.brainerdhra.org
Oakcrest II Apartments
2014 Spruce Drive, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-8403 | www.dwjonesmanagement.com
Oakcrest Manor
2106 Spruce Drive, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-3183 | www.dwjonesmanagement.com
31215 North Heath Street, Pequot Lakes MN 56472 218 568-4555 | www.pequotlakes.govoffice.com
Pine Shadows Apt
25953 Church Street, Nisswa, MN 56468 218 824-8403 | www.dwjonesmanagement.com
Sibley Terrrace and Parkview Apartments
31203 North Oak Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4555 | www.pequotlakes.govoffice.com
West Grove Townhomes
West Grove Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
218 568-4555 | www.pequotlakes.govoffice.com
Woodland Apartments
23771 Broadway, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 534-2912 20 | www.deerwoodhousing.com
Bethany Good Samaritan
804 Wright Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-1407 | www.good-sam.com
Good Neighbor Home Health Care
14387 Edgewood Drive N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-9238 | www.gnhomecare.com
Memory Café Northern Lakes Senior Living 8186 Excelsior Road, Baxter MN 56425
218 839-2869 218 454-2121
Parkinson’s Support Groups
218 828-4700 | www.apdaparkinson.org
TBI Support Group
704 Norwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
281 829-4492 | www.mnbraininjury.org
Transportation - Local Brainerd Area Taxi 218 828-1111 | www.brainerd.com/taxi/ Care Van – Lakewood Health System 218 894-8331 | www.lakewoodhealthsystem.com
Crow Wing County Transit 866 925-7433 | www.ci.brainerd.mn.us/195/Transit Crow Wing County Veterans Services Office (Veterans Transportation to VA Hospitals) 866 507-1058
Grab-A-Cab 218 270-2992
Home Instead Senior Care
877 824-0077
Interfaith Volunteers 218 820-7454 www.interfaithvolunteers.org
Medi-Van 218 568-9366
Peoples Express
800 450-0123 | www.peoplesexpressmn.net
Pequot Lakes Senior Van 218 692-3340
TransportationState Wide
American Cancer SocietyRoad to Recovery 800 227-2345 | www.cancer.org
CT RideNet (Referral Service) 800 450-6100
Cummings Mobility 800 639-5438
Delight Transportation 952 595-9030
Greyhound Bus Service 800 231-2222 | www.greyhound.com
Lakes Medi-Van, Inc. 800 422-0976 | www.medi-van.org
Medica Enrollees (Medical Appointments) 800 601-1805
UCare Enrollees (Medical Appointments) 877 523-151 | www.home.ucare.org
Veteran Services
Brainerd VA Clinic
722 NW Seventh Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 855-1115 | www.va.gov
Crow Wing County Veterans Services 218 824-1058 | www. crowwing.us
Veterans Linkage Line 888 546-5838 | www.linkvet.org
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Highway 210, Baxter, MN 56425
218 829-4105 | www.christbaxter.com
Christ Lutheran Church
13815 Cherrywood Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-4105 | www.christbaxter.com
Church of the Lakes Orthodox
14250 Conservation Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 851-9711 | www.churchofthelakesopc.com
First Baptist Church
7398 Fairview Road N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-5767 | www.firstbaptistchurchbaxter.com
Heritage Church
13242 Berrywood Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-3209 | www.iamheritage.org
Journey North Community Church
6785 Woida Road N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 824-5617 | www.thejourneynorth.com
Lake Area Christian Church
7001 Highland Scenic Road, Baxter, MN 56425 218 828-1362
Lakes Area Presbyterian Church
7761 Excelsior Drive, Baxter MN 56425 218 829-6069 | www.fpcbrainerd.org
Lakewood Evangelical Free Church
6284 Fairview Road N., Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-7251 | www.lakewoodfc.com
Light of the Lakes
13091 Meredith Drive, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-7729
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
6190 Fairview Road N, Baxter, MN 56425 218 828-9374 | www.lolbaxter.org
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 6311 Mildred Road, Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-7092 | www.popbaxter.org
Pointway Church
7756 Highland Scenic Road, Baxter, MN 56425 218 454-0620 | www.pointway.org
Service Lutheran
8049 Basswood Road S., Baxter, MN 56425 218 825-0667
United Pentecostal Church 12485 Forestview Drive S., Baxter, MN 56425 218 829-5337
All Saints Catholic Church 16898 Carlson Lake Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-7738 | www.blccnorth.org
Bay Ministries
1014 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 825-9149 | www.brainerdyfc.com
Call church for zoom info.
Bethel Church 10914 5 Mile Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-1787
Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church 418 Eighth Ave. NE, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-3330 | www.bethlehem-online.org
Brainerd Christian Fellowship 602 Juniper Street, Brainerd, MN | 218 829-3889
Brainerd Nazarene Church 16549 Johnson Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-9005 | www.cohmn.com
Brainerd Seventh-day Adventist Church 2910 Oak Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1676 | www.brainerdsda.org
Christian Science Reading Rooms
501 Kingwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-5819 | www.csminnesota.org
The Church on the Wise Road 10345 Wise Road, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 829-4673 218 829-8577
Communitas Church
824 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-2449 | www.communitaschurch.com
Community Covenant Church
323 S. Ninth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401
Community of Hope Church of the Nazarene 16549 Johnson Road N, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-9005 | www.cohmn.com
Evangelical Good Samaritan
1987 S Seventh Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 825-1071
Faith Baptist Church
229 28th Street SE, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-3191 | www.fbcbrainerd.com
First Congregational Church
415 Juniper Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-2528 | www.uccbrainerd.org
First Lutheran Church
424 S. Eighth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-9552 | www.flcbrainerd.com
Good Shepherd Free Lutheran Church 5878 Pine Beach Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-3052
Jehovah’s Witnesses
2291 State Highway 25, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-4586 | www.jw.org
Laestadian Lutheran Church 1501 S. Eighth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-5745
Living Word North 6314 State Highway 371, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-0612 | www.lwn.church
New Beginnings Bible Church
923 Oak Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 454-0764
Oak St Chapel
523 SE 11th Street, Brainerd, MN 218 454-0984 | www.oakstreetchapel.org
Park United Methodist Church
315 N Sixth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-4116 | www.myparkchurch.com
Rejoice Lutheran Church 803 Kingwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 824-6118 | www.rejoicelutheranchurch.org
Remnant Ministry Center
605 Laurel Street, Brainerd, MN 218 829-2137 | www.remnantministrycenter.org
Risen Church
14250 Conservation Dr., Brainerd, MN 56401
Riverside Union Church
3435 County Road 45, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 828-1060
South Long Lake Church 13152 Smart Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 851-2018 | www.southlonglakechurch.com
St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church 1108 Willow Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1340 | www.blccsouth.org
St Francis Catholic Church
404 N. Ninth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 822-4040 | www.blccnorth.org
St Paul’s Episcopal Church
408 N. Seventh Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-3834 | www.episcopalmn.org
The Salvation Army
208 S. Fifth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-1120 | www.salvationarmynorth.org
St Thomas of the Pines 11266 Pine Beach Peninsula Rd, Brainerd, MN 56401
218 828-7738 | www.blccnorth.org
Temple Baptist Church 923 Oak Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-2449
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
101 Buffalo Hills Lane W., Brainerd, MN 56401
218 828-4701 | www.lds.org
Trinity Lutheran Church
1420 S. Sixth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-5147 | www.trinitybrainerd.org
Truth Luthern Church
501 Kingwood Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 534-3558 | www.truthluthernchurch.com
Zion Lutheran Church 220 N Eighth Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 218 829-4317 | www.zionbrainerd.com
Eagles Nest Church
6714 County Road 11, Breezy Point, MN 56472 218 562-5252 | www.eaglesnestmn.org
Bible Baptist Church
515 W. Main Street, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-5423 | wwwntaibc.com
Crosby Assembly of God Church 604 Oak Street, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-6115 | www.crosbyassembly.org
Immanuel Lutheran Church
600 Fourth Street SW, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-6021 | www.immanuelcrosby.org
Lifespring Church
30 Hallett Avenue NE, Crosby, MN 56441 218 545-5433 | www.visitlifespring.com
Presbyterian Church Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-5231
St. Joseph’s Churches of Crosby-Ironton and Deerwood 617 Poplar Street, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-6559 | www.cuyunacatholic.org
Zion Lutheran Church 225 Fourth Street NW, Crosby, MN 56441 218 546-6910 | www.lutheranliturgy.org
Crosslake Christian Assembly of God Church 13919 County Road 36, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-4673 | www.crosslakechristian.com
Crosslake Lutheran Church 35960 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-3682 | www.crosslakelutheran.com
(the church in the hole)
worship at 9:00AM Wednesday evening worship Sept-May Faith Formation for all ages. Summer Vacation Bible School. Easter Egg Hunt. Trunk or Treat. Best sledding hill in town!
1420 South 6th Street, Brainerd www.trinitybrainerd.org • 218-829-5147
Crosslake Presbyterian Church 14444 Daggett Pine Road, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-4769 | www.crosslakepresbyterian.org
Immaculate Heart Catholic Church 35208 County Road 37, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-3731 | www.crosslakecatholic.com
Mission of the Cross Lutheran 13716 County Road 103, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-4228 | www.missionofthecross.org
Providence Community Church 13657 County Road 103, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-7000 | www.providencecrosslake.com
The Log Church
37218 County Road 66, Crosslake, MN 56442 218 692-4141 | www.crosslakeefc.org
Cascade United Methodist Church 22781 D-10, Deerwood, MN 56444
218 534-3507 | www.umc.org
Deerwood Baptist Church 23546 Forest Road, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 534-3171 | www.deerwoodbaptistchurch.org
Presbyterian Clearwater Forest 16595 Crooked Lake Road, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 678-2325 | www.clearwaterforest.org
Salem Lutheran Church 21276 Archibald Road, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 534-3309 | www.salemdwd.org
Saint Joseph Church 23753 Forest Road, Deerwood, MN 56444 218 534-3182 | www.cuyunacatholic.org
East Gull Lake
Saint Thomas of the Pines Church East Gull Lake, MN 56401 218 822-404 | www.blccnorth.org
Emily United Methodist Church 39994 White Pine Street, Emily, MN 56447 218 763-2122 | www.ourchurch.com
Emily Wesleyan Church 40141 MN-6, Emily, MN 56447 218 763-4673 | www.emilywesleyan.org
St. Emily’s Catholic Church 39922 Lake Street, Emily, MN 56447 218 763-2510 | www.dioceseduluth.org
Crow Wing Church Fort Ripley, MN 56449
St Mathias Catholic Church 4529 County Road 121, Fort Ripley, MN 56449 218 822-4040 | www.blccsouth.org
Community Alliance Church 9468 Jefferson Street, Garrison, MN 56450 320 692-4420 | www.cmalliance.org
Light of the Cross Lutheran
27170 Monroe Street, Garrison, MN 56450
320 692-4773 | www.lightofthecrosslutheran.org
Our Lady Fatima Church 27332 Central Street, Garrison, MN 56450 320 692-4466 | www.dioceseduluth.org
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church 10583 US Highway 169, Garrison, MN 56450 320 692-4581 | www.shepherdofthelake.org
Lakeview Community Church 25538 370th Avenue, Hillman, MN 56338 320 277-3342 | www.lakeviewchurchhillman.com
Lake Shore
Living Savior Lutheran Church Lake Shore, MN 56468 218 963-9733 | www.livingsaviorchurch.org
Community Church of Nazarene 21704 County Road 3, Merrifield, MN 56465 218 828-9867 | www.merrifieldnazchurch.org
Crosslake Christian Assembly 13081 Greenwood Lane, Merrifield, MN 56465 218 692-4673
Ossipee Community Church 12799 County Road 109, Merrifield, MN 56465 218 765-3386 | www.ossipeecommunitychurch.org
16898 Carlson Lake Road, Baxter• 218-822-4040
Community Church of The Nazarene 21704 County Road 3, Merrifield, MN 218 828-9867 | www.merrifieldnazchurch.org
Christ Community Church
24646 Hazelwood Drive, Nisswa, MN 56468 218 963-2626 | www.christcommunitynisswa.com
5459 County Road 18, Nisswa, MN 218 963-2663 | www.thejourneynisswa.org
Living Savior Lutheran Church 8327 Interlachen Road, Nisswa, MN 56468 218 963-9733 | www.livingsaviorchurch.org
Lutheran Church of the Cross 5064 County Road 13, Nisswa, MN 56468 218 963-2564 | www.lccnisswa.org
New Hope Community Church Nisswa, MN 56468
763 552-7979 | www.nhccmn.org
St Christopher’s Church 25574 Church Street, Nisswa, MN 56468 218 568-4760 www.ourladyofthelakes.weconnect.com
Timberwood Church
23084 State Highway 371, Nisswa, MN 56468 218 967-8888 | www.timberwoodchurch.org
Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Nisswa Community Children’s Library 5533 County Road 18, Nisswa, MN 218 330-3476 | www.mnnuuf.org
Narrows Community Church
6297 Woods Bay Drive NE, Outing, MN 56662 218 792-5530 | www.nccofouting.weebly.com
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church 525 State Highway 6, Outing, MN 56662 218 792-5346 | www.oslcouting.org
Pequot Lakes
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
30609 State Highway 371, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-5668 | www.christianchurchesonline.com
Grace United Methodist Church 29318 Patriot Ave., Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-5755 | www.graceumcpequotlakes.org
Our Lady of the Lakes Parish
30872 Rasmusen Road, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4760
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 30985 Front Street, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4670 | www.oursaviorspl.org
Pequot Lakes Baptist Church
30028 Rasmusen Road, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4794 | www.plbconline.com
Pleasant Hill Community Church 3340 72nd Street SW, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-5289 | www.phcommunitychurch.org
St Alice Catholic Church
30872 Rasmusen Road, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 218 568-4760
Aadzuhman Shrine Club
218 829-1686
www. brainerdmasonic.org
AA Lakes Area Alano (Brainerd)
218 825-3770
Access North Center of Independent Living 218 824-5228
Alzheimer’s Association
218 733-2560
American Legion/Auxiliary (Brainerd Post 255) 218 829-2249
American Legion/Auxiliary (Crosslake/Fifty Lakes Post 500) 218 692-2555
American Legion/Auxiliary (Deerwood Post 557) 218 534-3215
American Legion/Auxiliary (Ironton Post 443) 218 546-5975
American Legion/Auxiliary (Nisswa Post 627) 218 963-9946
American Legion/Auxiliary (Pequot Lakes Post 49) 218 568-9881
American Sewing Guild 218 825-0283
Baxter Lions Club
218 829-2206
www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/baxtermn/ Better Business Bureau 888 646-6222
Bethany Good Samaritan Auxiliary
218 829-1407
Birthright of Brainerd 218 829-8470
Boy Scouts of America 218 825-0855
Brainerd Amateur Hockey Association 218 828-0945
Brainerd Area Amateur Ham Radio Club 218 828-6014
Brainerd Area Sertoma Club 218 828-8000
Brainerd Community Action 218 829-5278
Brainerd Elks Lodge #615 218 829-2643
Brainerd Family YMCA 218 829-4767
Brainerd Jaycees 218 824-9461
Brainerd Kennel Club 218 838-6070
Brainerd Lakes Area Community Foundation
320 253-4380
Brainerd Lakes Area Economic Development Corp. 218 828-0096
Brainerd Lakes Area
Habitat for Humanity 218 454-8517
Brainerd Lakes Area Newcomers Club 507 329-0750
www. www.brainerd.com/newcomers
Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today 218 831-0256
Brainerd Lakes BMX 218 821-4269
Brainerd Lakes Chamber 218 829-2838
Brainerd Lakes Curling Club 218 824-9200
Brainerd Lakes Sunrise Rotary 218 839-4390
Brainerd Public Schools Foundation 218 454-6921
Brainerd Rotary Club
Brainerd Ski Loons 218 831-3290
Brainerd Snodeos 218 829-8922
Brainerd Sports Boosters
218 828-3205
Brainerd VFW Post 1647 218 829-6393
Breath of Life Adult Day Service
218 822-3296
Breezy Point Figure Skating Club
218 562-5678
Bridges of Hope - Common Goods 218 824-0923
Camp Knutson
218 543-4232
CBMC Northland Lakes Area Chapter 612 816-1541
Central MN Adult & Teen Challenge 218 833-8777
Central Lakes Rotary Club 218 251-2506
Common Goods 218 824-0923
Community Action of Pequot Lakes 218 568-4695
Confidence Learning Center 218 828-2344
Crisis Line & Referral Service 218 828-4357
The Crossing Arts Alliance 218 833-0416
Crosslake Area Historical Society 218 692-5400
Crosslake Area Senior Services
Crosslake Chamber of Commerce 218 692-4027
Crosslake Food Shelf
218 692-1004
Crow Wing County 4-H Clubs
218 824-1069
Crow Wing County Chapter of MADD 218 828-5055
Crow Wing County Civil Air Patrol 218 831-3197
Crow Wing County Fair Association 218 829-6680
Crow Wing County Snowmobile Trail Association 218 330-7380
Crow Wing County Historical Society 218 829-3268
Cuyuna Iron Range Heritage Network Phone Number. 218-545-1166
Cuyuna Lakes Chamber 218 546-8131
Cuyuna Lakes Education Foundation 218 546-7244
Cuyuna Range Food Shelf 218 546-7444
Cuyuna Rock, Gem & Mineral Society 320 250-1363
Disabled American Veterans
Dorcas Ministries 218 828-2811
Eagles Club (Brainerd) 218 829-4216
Education Minnesota BRAINERD Local 697 218 454-6900
Emily Emergency Food Shelf 218 763-3097
Friend 2 Friend Chapel for People With Disabilities 218 866-2348
Friends of Pequot Lakes Community Library 218-568-6181
Friends of Nisswa Lake Park 218 963-0047
Garrison Commercial Club 218 851-2389
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines 218 270-4859
GoNorth MN
612 419-1787
Good Samaritan Bowl
218 825-2505
Greater Lakes Area Performing Arts 218 568-9200
Gull Chain of Lakes Association 612 751-6156
Gull Lake Drifters Snowmobile Club 218 963-3130
Gull Lake Yacht Club 218 963-6092
Hallett Community Center 218 546-2616
Happy Dancing Turtle 218 587-2303
Harmony Point Townhouse Association 651 233-8666
Heartland Animal Rescue (H.A.R.T.) 218 829-4141
Ideal Sno Pros
Initiative Foundation 320 632-9255
Interfaith Volunteers 218 820-7454
Jenkins VFW Post 3839 218 568-8664
Junior Achievement Brainerd Lakes 218 454-1520
Kinship Partners 218 829-4606
Kiwanis of Baxter 218 828-9627
Kiwanis of Brainerd www.brainerdkiwanisclub.org
Knights of Columbus (Brainerd) 320 223-1371
Lakeshore Conservation Club 218 963-4003
Lakeshore Rod & Gun Club 218 829-3176
Lakes Area Bluegrass Festival Foundation 844 620-4727
Lakes Area Food Shelf 218 568-8474
Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity 218 828-8517
Lakes Area Human Resource Association (LAHRA) 218 839-2166
Lakes Area Music Festival 218 275-5263
Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center 218 825-0793
Lakes Area Restorative Justice Project 218 454-4145
Lakes Area Youth Soccer Association www.brainerdblast.com
League of Women Voters (Brainerd) www.lwv.org
Legacy Chorale of Greater Minnesota 218 270-8212 www.legacychorale.org
Let’s Go Fishing Brainerd Lakes Chapter 218 454-3474
Lions Club (Brainerd) www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/brainerd/ Lions Club (Crosslake/Ideal) 218 692-4100
Lions Club (Deerwood) www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/deerwoodlakes/ Lions Club (Garrison) 320 692-4887
ions Club (Merrifield)
218 839-5679
www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/merrifield/ Lions Club (Nisswa)
218 961-7744
Lions Club (Pequot Lakes/Breezy) 218 838-8002
Masonic-Aurora Lodge 100 218 829-1686
Merrifield Marathons 218 825-8218
Mid-Minnesota Builders Association
218 829-4982
Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center 218 828-1216
Mount Ski Gull
218 963-4353
Mounted Eagles 218 454-3228
Muskies Inc (Brainerd Chapter) www.brainerdmuskies.com
National Loon Center Foundation
218 839-9042
New Pathways 218 454-0460
Nisswa Area Historical Society 218 963-3570
Nisswa Chamber of Commerce 218 963-2620
Nisswa Area Women of Today www.knowmoore.com/NAWTsprt.html
Nisswa Women’s Club
Nordic Ski Club (Brainerd)
Northland Arboretum 218 829-8770
North Long Lake Association
Northern Lakes Lightning Youth Hockey Association 218 232-5572
Northern Minnesota Railroad Heritage Association 218 692-1900
Order of the Eastern Star
Patriot Activities Club (Pequot Lakes) 218 820-7464
Paul Bunyan Cyclists Club www.paulbunyancyclists.com
Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway Association www.paulbunyanscenicbyway.org
Paul Bunyan Toastmasters 218 330-6250
Pelican Lakes Association www.pelicanlakesassociation.org
Pelican Lakes Conservation Club 218 562-4664
Pequot Lakes Area Historical Society 218 568-4808
Pequot Lakes Chamber of Commerce 218 568-8911
Pine Haven Youth & Family Services 218 828-2027
PORT of Crow Wing County 218 829-2123
Project Rainbow 218 251-6912
Ruffed Grouse Society www.ruffedgrousesociety.org
Serpent Lake Association (Crosby) www.serpentlake.org
Sertoma Club (Brainerd) 218 454-7378
Sharing Bread Soup Kitchen 218 829-4203
Smile Again Ministries 320 310-8877
38509 Pickerel Trail, Crosslake
Smiles for Jake (Brainerd) kristen@smilesforjake.org
Sno-Serpents Snowmobile Club 218 839-7581
Society of St. Vincent DePaul 218 656-0345
Sons of Norway (Sagatun Lodge 018) 218 820-6034
Stage North Theatre Company 218 232-6810
The BBYC Shop 218 454-0009
The Bridge on 7th Overnight Shelter 218 892-4200
The Center 218 829-9345
The LAKE Foundation 612 840-8983
The Lighthouse Project 218 513-9917
The Pohl Children’s Foundation 13021 Evergreen Drive, Baxter www.PohlChildrensFoundation.org
The Salvation Army 218 829-1120
This One’s for Hop 218 330-1977
Tri-County Community Action Partnership 218 829-2410
Turn In Poachers 218 326-8477
United Way of Crow Wing & Southern Cass Counties 218 829-2619
Upper Midwest Golden Gloves www.uppermidwestgoldengloves.com
Victim Services 218 828-9518
Whitefish Area Lodging Association www.whitefish.org
Whitefish Area Property Owners Association 218 543-6064
Whitefish Chain Yacht Club 218 692-2760
Vacationland Figure Skating Club www.vacationlandfigureskatingclub.com
Visit Brainerd 218 825-0410
Zonta International (Brainerd) www.zonta.brainerd.com
Following are the 36 historical places on the National Register in Crow Wing County: Brainerd Public Library building - 1904 Carnegie library. Also noted for its prominent Neoclassical architecture.
Brainerd Water Tower - nation’s first municipal water tower built entirely out of concrete. The distinctive regional landmark was finished in 1921.
Bridge #5265, Garrison - 1938 bridge consisting of a modular iron-plate arch and stone masonry. One of the Minnesota New Deal bridge projects.
H.H. Broach House, Pequot Lakes - Mid1920s summer estate also known as Shawano House with rustic architecture of log and stone.
Cole Memorial Building, Pequot Lakes - 1937 municipal hall illustrating the long-lived benefits of New Deal funding, including serving as a venue for many events from 1941-1967 as a civic movie theater. Now houses senior center and museum.
Crow Wing County Courthouse, BrainerdLong-serving government center is considered by many as the county’s most prominent public building. The former jail/sheriff’s residence building to the west of the courthouse serves as a county historical society museum.
Crow Wing County State Park - Key travel junction associated with the Dakota/Ojibwe territorial conflict and the early town of Old Crow Wing, which was eventually replaced by Brainerd in the 1880s as the largest city in
the county.
Deerwood Auditorium - Multipurpose municipal building funded by the New Deal was built in the 1930s from local split stone. A longstanding venue for community events.
Elevated Metal Water Tank, Crosby - Water tower finished in 1918 is one of the few remnants of the civic infrastructure funded by high tax revenue generated by mining properties during the development of the Cuyuna Range.
Elevated Metal Water Tank, Deerwood - The 1914 water tower is one of the few remnants of the civic infrastructure funded by high tax revenue generated by mining properties during the development of the Cuyuna Range.
Elevated Metal Water Tank, Ironton - The 1913 water tower is one of the few remnants of the civic infrastructure funded by high tax revenue generated by mining properties during the development of the Cuyuna Range.
Elevated Metal Water Tank, Trommald - The 1918 water tower is one of the few remnants of the civic infrastructure funded by high tax revenue generated by mining properties during the development of the Cuyuna Range.
Fawcett House, Breezy Point - Lodge-like summer home with guest rooms was built in the mid-1920s. Noted for its rustic architecture, the building is associated with Wilford Fawcett, who founded Fawcett Publications.
Fort Flatmouth Mounds, Crosslake - Elliptical group of mounds indicate a long span of indigenous occupation.
Franklin Junior High School - The school build-
ing was originally built in 1932 with an addition in 1954. Now serves as Franklin Arts Center.
Garrison Concourse - Large highway wayside built in the late 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, a centerpiece of an early and extensive roadside development project.
Gordon-Schaust Site, Crosslake - Two separate, but nearly parallel groups of linear mounds, undated but well preserved.
Grand View Lodge, Nisswa - Lake resort’s main lodge was constructed in the mid-1920s with elaborate rustic log architecture. One of the region’s oldest lodge buildings.
Hemstead House, Brainerd - Home built in early 1900s features a unique neo-classical architecture and is associated with prominent Brainerd politician and commerce leader Werner Hemstead.
Ironton City Hall - Multipurpose municipal hall built in 1917 is the center of Ironton’s governmental and civic life with the city offices, fire department, library, jail and auditorium.
Ironton Sintering Plant Complex, CrosbyThe 1924 sintering facility with eight contributing properties - the second major beneficiation (treatment of iron ore) plant built in the United States.
Kenney Lake Overlook, Garrison - 1939 wayside structure is significant as a key component of a major highway improvement. Represents the work of the CCC Veterans Division.
Milford Mine Historical District, WolfordRemains of the Milford Mine, active from
1912-1932 and site of Minnesota’s worst mining disaster where 41 miners were killed in 1924.
Now a memorial county park.
Minnesota and International Railroad Freight House and Shelter Shed, Nisswa - Openair railway shelter built approximately 1918, known as the Lake Hubert Depot, is the only surviving example in North Central Minnesota and reminder of the railroad connection to the early years of the summer resort industry.
Minnewawa Lodge, Nisswa - The Clark Lake resort was one of the region’s earliest resorts with three wood-frame buildings constructed
Year county established: 1857
County named after the Crow Wing River
Population in 2020: 66,123
County seat: Brainerd
County square miles: 1,157
Current courthouse built in 1920 (Brainerd)
Senate District: 10
Congressional District: 8
House District: 6A, 6B, 10A
College: Central Lakes College (Brainerd)
Daily newspaper: Brainerd Dispatch
State forests: Crow Wing
State Forest, Emily State Forest
Recognizable lakes: 417
Largest county lake: Gull Lake (9,419 acres)
from the 1890s to the 1920s before rustic architecture became popular. Now home of the Minnesota Hockey Camps.
Northern Pacific Railroad Shops Historic District, Brainerd - One of Minnesota’s few surviving examples of a large railroad maintenance complex, with 12 properties building from 1882 to 1938. The facility housed Brainerd’s largest employer, Northern Pacific Railway, from the 1870s to the 1960s.
Parker Building, Brainerd - Built in 1909, the structure features early 20th century commercial block and was host to numerous local businesses, including one of Brainerd’s first two banks.
Historic Lookout Fire Tower, Pequot Lakes - Well-preserved fire tower was built in 1935, reflecting the New deal’s attention on forestry and management in a key tourist region.
Red River Tail, Crow Wing State ParkWell-preserved fragment of the Woods Trail route of the Red River Trails in use from 1844 to 1871. Runs from a Mississippi River crossing through the former town of Old Crow Wing.
St. Alban’s Bay Culvert at Mille Lacs Lake, Garrison - Rare example of a bridge built by
the state highway department’s recreational development division, finished in 1939 as part of the New Deal project.
Sebre Lake Site, Fort Ripley - One of the richest archaeological sites in the Nokasippi River Valley, yielding habitation and burial features accumulated over the years.
Soo Line Depot, Crosby - The 1910 railway station was an essential conduit for the arrival of goods and people and the export of iron ore during the county’s major economic boom.
Spina Hotel, Ironton - The 1913 hotel with multiple commercial spaces and grand designed architecture during the boom years of the Cuyuna Range.
St. Columbia Mission Site, Nisswa - Site of an Episcopal mission to the Ojibwe in use from 1852 to 1862 is a well-dated archaeological assemblage to illuminate the lives of Minnesota’s early missionaries and their converts.
Upper Hay Lake Archeological District, Jenkins - About 75 linear mounds, including one of the state’s longest at 725 feet, plus the sites of a village and a portage that indicates an area of substantial activity during the Blackduck phase of the Late Woodland period.
Crow Wing County expanded its parks, doubling the size of Milford Mine Memorial Park and adding a swimming beach with the development of a new county park on Little Emily Lake in 2024.
The additions at Milford Mine will increase walking trails and create a pier so visitors will be able to walk out to the actual mine site now submerged under the lake.
Milford Mine Memorial Park, located about 4 miles north of Crosby along Highway 6, honors the 48 miners who died working in the Milford Mine that fateful day on Feb. 5, 1924. The 200-foot Milford Mine had multiple levels but only one shaft leading to the surface. About 15 minutes before the miners’ shift ended, water and mud flooded into the mine at such a rapid rate that all the levels, including the 200-foot deep shaft, were filled to within 15 feet of the surface in less than 20 minutes. Forty-one miners lost their lives in the worst mining disaster in state history
For decades, the site was largely left to history. But the county moved to create a park there and bring people closer to the region’s past and retain the historic memory.
The Little Emily Lake Park will have a 150foot swimming beach. Trees were removed for the area and others left strategically to provide a natural barrier for the parking lot. Additions of a vaulted toilet, playground equipment and fishing pier are expected in the spring of 2024.
Trails were expanded at the Paul M. Thiede Fire Tower Park, which not surprisingly has its biggest influx of visitors in October when fall color is peaking. At that time of year, there can be a line of people waiting to go up the tower.
“If you’ve been there two years ago, you need to go back and see what it is today,” said Gary Griffin, Crow Wing County Land Services director, noting the addition of hiking trails with the fire tower attraction. Griffin said it is also a popular snowshoeing site. “... It’s a really special place. I encourage everyone to stop in.”
The park remains open but the fire tower is gated and closed in the late fall for the winter when ice would be an issue on the stairs.
Little Emily Lake Park joins the county’s other established parks of South Long Lake Park, Milford Memorial Park and Paul M. Thiede Fire Tower Park. The county is also involved in a joint venture in the Rollie Johnson Natural and Recreational Area and has a remote and primitive landing on Rush Lake Island.
The county also made improvements to the South Pelican public water access, which has a narrow sand beach, benches and picnic tables in the summer. The access isn’t far from the much larger DNR Pelican Lake Public Beach on the lake’s southeastern shore, with access off County Road 118, which is off County Highway 3 north of Brainerd.
South Long Lake Park
How it started: South Long Lake was the county’s first park. Established in 2007 after
the land was donated by John and Barbara Burton and Dennis and Pamela Thomsen.
Location: The park is at the junction of Highway 25 and County Road 22, 7 miles south of Brainerd on Highway 25. The small recreation area is on the southwest river outlet of South Long Lake.
Amenities: Picnic tables, barbecue grills, fishing pier, portable toilet from May-September and ample parking.
Milford Mine Memorial Park
How it started: Milford Mine is the site of the state’s worst mining disaster on Feb. 5, 1924, when 41 miners were killed after a mine shaft collapsed and water flooded in from then named Foley Lake. The 200-foot multi-level mine was full of water and mud in less than 20 minutes. Seven men were able to escape to the surface. A concept for a memorial park was approved in 2007 and the park was completed in phases. Phase one was done in 2010. Final work was completed in 2017.
Location: The park is at 26351 Milford Lake Drive, Crosby.
Amenities: Covered picnic shelter, cooking grills, small lakeside picnic area, benches, bike rack, canoe landing, boardwalk, trails, permanent outhouse, kiosk and interpretive displays with information about the miners.
Paul M. Thiede Fire Tower Park
How it started: The tower and surrounding 40-acre property were acquired by Crow Wing County from the Minnesota DNR in November of 2018 in an effort to preserve and protect the tower, while also opening it back up for public use. The tower was built in 1935 and remains in excellent shape today, the county reports. Crow Wing County Commissioner Thiede, who represented the area, championed the purchase of the tower so it could be reopened to the public.
Location: The park is located at 5230 County Road 11, Pequot Lakes, about 1 mile east of downtown Pequot Lakes.
Amenities: The historic fire tower is open for the public to climb. There is a large picnic shelter and 3,000 feet of walking trails with interpretive signs and a vaulted toilet.
Rollie Johnson Recreational Area
How it started: A series of islands, two small — Steamboat Island and Little Island — and one large island — Big Island — in the Upper Whitefish Chain. The islands are managed by the DNR, Crow Wing County and Ideal Township under a Joint Powers Board with seven members. The Joint Powers Board was organized in 1992 to bring the islands back to their natural state and maintain responsible public use. The islands were named for dedicated volunteer and ecologist Rollie Johnson after his death in 2002.
Location: Upper Whitefish Lake, about 25 miles north of Brainerd.
Amenities: Nature walks in a place populated by trees that are more than 150 years old, camping, fishing, shore lunches. There are 12 campsites with firewood provided. Collecting firewood on site is prohibited. The campsites are on a first-come first-served basis. The Big Island is about 100 acres. The small islands have sandy bluffs with sweeping lake views.
Rush Lake Island
Location: On Rush Lake, on the Whitefish Chain west of Crosslake. There is a remote and primitive landing access on the island’s east side. Access is by water craft only.
Amenities: Few beyond an opportunity to enjoy nature and have a place for a shore lunch. Hiking trail. Gathering of firewood is prohibited. Guests are asked to pack any waste or trash to take back out with them.
Source: Crow Wing County and DNR