The Brainerd Dispatch TV Week February 23rd 2020

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February 23 - 29, 2020 A ‘criminal’ lawyer Bob Odenkirk stars in “Better Call Saul” - Story on page 2Today’s Entertainment Sign up for a weekly email that highlights what’s happening. We promise we won’t bombard your email with third-party offers. DINE SHOP PLAY Send us an email and tell us you would like to receive this information. You’re Home Now 11633 State Hwy. 18, Brainerd, MN 56401 218-829-3278 • Dealer License #MD05870 Let us help make your dreams come true 001808708r1 Specializing in Casino Tours! We are also available for your company or private parties! Visit our website for more info and our tour schedule. • 218-829-7523 • 866-829-7523 Call us, we’ll take you places!

Cover Story this week

S’all good, man

‘Better Call Saul’ is back on AMC

Television has evolved. With entire series available at the touch of a button through on-demand and streaming services, TV fans don’t need to wait to be entertained. Still, some things are worth waiting for. After a long hiatus, everyone’s favorite “criminal” lawyer is headed back to prime time.

Bob Odenkirk (“Mr. Show With Bob and David”) returns as Jimmy McGill, aka Saul Goodman, in the two-night season premiere of “Better Call Saul,” beginning Sunday and continuing Monday, Feb. 23 and 24, on AMC. The character famously originated in AMC’s “Breaking Bad” and proved so popular that Odenkirk was given his own show, which serves as a prequel to the previous series.

Goodman’s origin story continues in the new season of “Better Call Saul,” which follows Jimmy/Saul as

Mike Ermantraut (Jonathan Banks, “Breaking Bad”) is also back this season. The cantankerous former cop finds himself on the oth er side of the law as he works for underworld figure Gustavo Fring (Giancarlo Esposito, “The Mandal orian”). Both Fring and Ermantraut were main characters who met their demise in “Breaking Bad.”

Fans have been waiting a long time for new episodes of “Saul.”

The Season 4 finale aired in October 2018, and fans will likely be expect ing a big payoff for their patience. By all accounts, Odenkirk appears to think that they will be satisfied with “Better Call Saul’s” 10-epi sode fifth season. At the 2020 Winter Television Critics Associa tion Press Tour, the actor said that the new season would be “bigger.”

faster in Season 5,” he said. “More happens. It’s a bigger season. The

Late Laughs

Conan Popeye’s chicken is coming out with its own line of clothing. The clothes come in small, medium, large and “oh you must eat at Popeye’s.”


Instead of just my dad walking me down the aisle, both my parents walk with me — I can’t think of anything more romantic than the sound of my mom and dad arguing.

6monthsinterestfree whenyouusethe Goodyearcreditcard. Seeassociatefordetails.

It’s totally normal to leave some clumps of hair behind when you shower, but after I take a shower, it looks like

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

There was an impeachment bombshell that just came out, and it could possibly bring down Trump’s presidency, or as

Congrats to Billie Eilish for winning five Grammys — she’s feeling so happy and upbeat now, she has no idea how

Super Bowl LIV is on Sunday! So many exciting questions: Who will win? Who will lose? Most importantly, who will take the hint when the game’s over, it’s time to leave my

Not only is the Super Bowl on Sunday, it’s also Groundhog Day. Things are going to be a little different this year. Now, if the groundhog sees his shadow, it means six more weeks

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Choose Shannon’s Auto Body for Collision Repair in Brainerd, MN & Beyond We are proud to provide service to customers across Aitkin County, Cass County, and Crow Wing County. 218.829.6764 Shannon’s Auto Body did another amazing job on my car! They go above and beyond expectations every time. My car is now in mint condition inside and out! We appreciate your great service and we recommend anyone with damage to visit Shannon’s Auto Body!” — Bob Thorkelson Truth Lutheran Church 501 Kingwood Street, Brainerd, MN (Corner of 5th & Kingwood) An LCMC Congregation …Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ Sunday worship 9 AM Fellowship and Sunday school following worship. Ash Wednesday Service February 26 7pm.
Brainerd Dispatch • February 23 - 29, 2020 •3 ACROSS 1 “Breaking Bad” spinoff “Better Call ___” 5 Road bugs 8 Anatomical pouch 11 Mgr.’s aide 12 Murderous TV drama that won eight Emmy Awards for its first season “Big Little ___” 13 Bigheadedness 14 Drag through the mud 16 ___ room (place to play) 17 “The ___ Limits” 18 Tokyo, once 19 Titular character for the show referenced in 1 Across 24 Dutch banking giant 25 Long, epic story 28 Tooth type 31 Former drama that was set in New Orleans 32 Word from a waffler 33 Cause of sudden death 34 Actor who plays 19 Across 40 Grow older 42 Red Sea peninsula 43 Kind of instinct 44 “The Golden Girls” spinoff 48 Table scrap 49 The “m” in Einstein’s famous equation 50 2011 hockey flick starring Seann William Scott 51 Food Network star Fieri 52 Lively card game 53 Fit of pique DOWN 1 In a funk 2 Do-say connection 3 Letters at sea 4 Maj.’s superior 5 YouTube upload 6 Former William Shatner show about the unexplained: “___ or What?” 7 Bygone supersonic jet, briefly 8 Tanzanian ecosystem 9 Long in the tooth 10 2017 Pixar hit 12 “Blade Runner 2049” (2017) star Jared 15 Floor covering 19 “Masterful” “Doctor Who” actor John 20 Miniature water buffalo 21 Former dramedy that starred America Ferrera 22 Colo. clock setting 23 Rhine feeder 26 Mideast ruler: Var. 27 Look for 29 Blood-typing letters 30 Yank’s foe 35 Ottoman Empire founder 36 Boozehound 37 Tolkien tree creatures 38 Roll-call call 39 Los Angeles hockey players 40 Full of excitement 41 Know-it-all 44 It’ll never fly 45 Years and years 46 “___ gather” 47 Cable channel Solution on page 12 Crossword television 001767362r1 Please run your script. Intersection Hwy 371N & CR 77 218-829-4787 • 800-642-1566 Mon. - Fri. 7am - 6pm • Sat. 7am - 1pm CHEVROLET • CADILLAC FREE Shuttle Rides, Coffee, Doughnuts, & Popcorn! Coupon • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon Register to win a FREE dinner for two Coupon Ladies DayTuesdays Register to win a 1/2 hour massage at $5.00 OFF Oil Change Senior DayWednesdays $5.00 OFF Oil Change • Complimentary Car Wash Must Present Coupon franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2018 Home Instead, Inc 218.824.0077 RE • 24-HOUR CAR E • MEMORY CARE SUPPO RT • MEALS AND NUTRITION breakthrough in senior care? Mom’s cozy cottage. parents stay at home whether they’re heimer’s , ar thr itis or anything in between BUYING/SELLING Gold & Silver, Jewelry, Sterling, Rare Coins, Diamonds, Dental Gold Free Appraisals 218-454-4653 (GOLD) Care for your land. For a price that cares for your wallet. 5410 Landmark Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 218-297-0991 Get a great deal on the versatile, affordable new MX Series. Come see one today. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2020. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota MX series equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Example: 60 monthly payments of $16.67 per $1,000 financed. Offer expires 2/29/20. Terms subject to change. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, safety, incentive offer and product information, consult your local Dealer or go to $0 DOWN 0% APR 60 MONTHS • Spacious operator platform • Comfortable climate-controlled cab with heat and air for year-round comfort • Hydrostatic or gear transmission options • Excellent loader lift capacity (2,275 lb.) Together we do more. VISIT US TODAY FOR THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER 218-828-7844 704 Laurel St., Brainerd The Best Things in Life Are... Chocolates and Hand Dipped Ice Cream Worth the Brain Freeze. Are you an



Am Not Okay With This”

Based on the graphic novel of the same name by Charles Forsman, this new coming of age series premieres Wednesday, Feb. 26. Sophia Lillis (“Sharp Objects”) stars as Sydney, an awkward teenage girl facing the difficulties of high school, including being (secretly) in love with her best friend, Dina (Sofia Bryant, “The Code”), and dealing with issues within her family. As if being a teenager isn’t hard enough, Sydney’s life gets even more complicated when she starts exhibiting telekinetic powers that flare up at the worst possible moments. Luckily, she has Dina as well as her neighbor and other best friend, Stanley Barber (Wyatt Oleff, “It,” 2017), to help her figure things out.


Don’t miss the premiere of this Japanese Netflix original series on Thursday, Feb. 27. The show revolves around two very different women living in Tokyo whose lives begin to overlap. Limi Nara (Miki Nakatani, “Ghost Writer”) is a fashion photographer who, despite having fame and an extremely successful career, still wants more. At almost 40 years old, she wants to be a mother. On the other side of things is Natsume Hyakuta (Elaiza Ikeda, “Room Laundering”), a young aspiring actress and model whose career is floundering. Despite being confident and making assurances that she will raise the child alone, Limi struggles to find a man willing to father her child. Meanwhile, after Limi photographs Natsume and posts the photo on Instagram, Natsume’s career begins to take off, but her confidence and sense of self-worth is drastically affected by how many followers she has and what they say in their comments.

“All The Bright Places”

Finch (Justice Smith, “The Get Down”) and Violet (Elle Fanning, “Mary Shelley,” 2017) seem to have

nothing in common in this poignant film that debuts Friday, Feb. 28, on Netflix. She’s a cheerleader, super popular and on student council, while he is obsessed with death and is considered a freak by most of his classmates. But when they run into each other at the top of the school’s bell tower, both intending to jump, they bond and talk each other down. The pair become friends as Violet tells Finch about her survivors guilt and how she feels responsible for the car accident that killed her sister, and Finch tells Violet about his depression and suicidal thoughts.


“Run the Race” (2019)

Former football star Tim Tebow takes on a new role as producer of this high school football film coming to Prime on Tuesday, Feb. 25. Brothers Zach (Tanner Stine, “Impulse”) and Dave (Evan Hofer, “Dwight in Shining Armor”) haven’t had an easy life — their mother died when they were young and their dad (Kristoffer Polaha, “Ringer”) walked out on them — but the one thing they have going for them is that Zach is the star football player at their school. When Zach finds out he’s being scouted by the University of Florida for a scholarship, he sees it as a ticket out of their dead-end town, but his dream is shattered when he is injured while at a party and is unable to play football. Zach is convinced his chance to get out is gone until his coach (Mykelti Williamson, “Chicago P.D.”) tells him they give scholarships for track, and both brothers set out to earn themselves track scholarships.

new vicar has come to Grantchester: Rev. Will Davenport (Tom Brittney, “UnREAL”). Davenport is not your average vicar — he’s young, has a love for rock music and rides a motorcycle. Season 4 features shifting dynamics as Davenport begins working with Keating and Chambers.


“Grantchester” Season 4

Meet the newest vicar in Grantchester when Season 4 of this popular drama (based on the books by Jame Runcie) debuts on Prime on Tuesday, Feb. 25. Set in the 1950s, the series stars James Norton (“Happy Valley”) as Sidney Chambers, an Anglican vicar and war veteran who begins sleuthing after a woman begs him to look into a death that was ruled a suicide. Chambers eventually begins working with Det. Geordie Keating (Robson Green, “Strike Back”). The two make an unlikely duo, with Chambers being extremely charming and Keating being extremely grumpy, but they go on to solve many local cases. The end of Season 3 saw Chambers lose faith in the church and hand in his resignation. He had plans to move to London but ended up staying instead. Now, a

“After the Wedding” (2019) This emotional drama based on a 2006 Danish film comes to Hulu on Friday, Feb. 28. Michelle Williams (“Fosse/Verdon”) stars as Isabel Andersen, who runs an orphanage in Calcutta and travels to New York City to meet with a potential benefactor. When she arrives, she meets Theresa Young (Julianne Moore, “Still Alice,” 2014), who explains that she is selling her company and wants to donate millions of dollars to the orphanage on the condition that Isabel attends her daughter Grace’s (Abby Quinn, “Little Women,” 2019) wedding the next day. Isabel is shocked when she realizes that Theresa’s husband, Oscar (Billy Crudup, “The Morning Show”), is her ex-boyfriend, and Grace is, in fact, the child they had given up for adoption. Theresa denies having any knowledge of Isabel’s relation to her family and insists she stay in New York to get to know Grace, but the more time Isabel spends with Theresa’s family, the more she begins to question Theresa’s motives.


“Shop Class”

Justin Long (“F Is for Family”) gets creative as he hosts this new competition series, premiering Friday, Feb. 28, on Disney Plus. Proving that children are the future, teams of students from all over go head to head as they design and build a variety of contraptions and gadgets in this series. A panel of experts is then brought in to grade their work on not just design and engineering but also function. While all these students are clearly brilliant, only one team can be named Shop Class Champions.

4 • February 23 - 29, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch
Sophia Lillis and Wyatt Oleff in “I Am Not Okay With This”
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Robson Green stars in “Grantchester”

Knives Out

When celebrated mystery writer Harlan Thrombey (Plummer) dies under mysterious circumstances not dissimilar to a plot in his own crime novels, private detective Benoit Blanc (Craig) is tasked by an anonymous party to investigate the old man’s untimely demise. After learning that several members of Harlan’s immediate family, including his own children and grandchildren, had motive to murder him, Benoit Blanc sets out to navigate the family’s complicated and strained relationships and to uncover the truth behind the patriarch’s death.

Director:RianJohnson.Stars:DanielCraig,ChrisEvans,AnadeArmas,JamieLeeCurtis,Michael Shannon,DonJohnson.2019.131 mins.Comedy.

Frozen II

Three years after her coronation, Queen Elsa (Menzel) begins to hear

a mysterious voice calling to her from beyond Arendelle. After following the voice, Elsa unintentionally awakens the elemental spirits of earth, fire, water and air, and the people of Arendelle are forced to leave their homes for their own safety. Along with Anna (Bell), Kristoff (Groff) and Olaf (Gad), Elsa sets out for an enchanted forest she learned about as a girl, and meets a new cast of characters that she hopes will help her lift a longstanding enchantment and learn the origin of her own magical powers.

Directors:ChrisBuck,JenniferLee. Stars:KristenBell,IdinaMenzel, JoshGad,JonathanGroff,Sterling K.Brown,EvanRachelWood,AlfredMolina,MarthaPlimpton,JasonRitter,JeremySisto.2019.103 mins.Animation.

Color Out of Space

After his wife Theresa’s (Richard-

Continued on page 15.

From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme

Look Before You Leap

Brainerd Dispatch • February 23 - 29, 2020 •5
Dr. Scott Timmons & Dr. Justin Gangestad 13442 Elmwood Dr. Baxter, MN 56425 218-829-4207 FREE WHITENING FOR LIFE NOW ENROLLING FOR PRESCHOOL AGES 3-5 13815 Cherrywood Drive, Baxter, MN • 218-829-4105 The Church with the Blue Roof! Ash Wednesday - February 26 Services at 1:30pm and 7:00pm Worship: 9:00am Sunday Lutheran Church (WELS) Let’ssee what we can do together Member FDIC We’re located right by Essentia in Pequot Lakes and close by the new Cuyuna Medical Center Clinic in Breezy Point. Stay the day after we take you to your appointment. 30849 1st Street, Pequot Lakes 218-568-1098 Options for payment VA, long-term care, private pay, Medicaid Adult Day Service TO AND FROM MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS? NO PROBLEM! Hwy 371 N. Brainerd, Across from BIR | 218-829-0141

Sunday, Feb. 23

8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 World of X Games (1:00)

FSN In-Depth Outdoors (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (Live) (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Lindy Fish Ed. (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Bassmaster (1:00)

FSN Jason Mitchell Outdoors (0:30)

9:30 a.m. FSN Keyes Outdoors (0:30)

10:00 a.m. (15) KVRR Ultimate Outdoor Adventures TV (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Cheerleading Division 1A UCA College Championship. (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (1:00)

NBCSN Premier League Mornings (Live) (0:25)

10:25 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer Evert. at ARS (Live) (2:05)

10:30 a.m. (15) KVRR Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

11:00 a.m. (5) KSTP Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

(11) KARE NHL Hockey Pit. at Was. (Live) (2:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Vander. at Ten. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Fishing the Midwest (0:30)

GOLF Golf Final Round WGC: Mexico Championship. (Live) (2:30)

11:30 a.m. (7) KCCO PBR Bull Riding Bucking Battle. (1:00)

FSN Musky Hunter Television (0:30) Noon (9) KMSP (15) KVRR PBA Bowling U.S. Open. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN NCAA Basketball Wich. at Cin. (Live) (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Tor. vs. Min. (Live) (3:00)

12:30 p.m. (7) KCCO Inside College Basketball (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (1:00)

1:00 p.m. (5) KSTP SportsCenter Special (1:00)

(7) KCCO NCAA Basketball St.J. at Set. Hall (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s (Live) (2:00)

1:30 p.m. (11) KARE Golf Final Round

WGC: Mexico Championship. (Live) (4:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Puerto Rico Open. (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN RBS6 Rugby Ire. vs. Eng. (2:00)

2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Countdown (Live) (0:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR RaceDay (Live) (0:30)

(29) WFTC NCAA Hockey Women’s Wis. vs. Mn.D (Live) (2:30)

ESPN XFL Football N.Y. at St. L (Live) (3:00)

2:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Basketball Bos. at L.A. L. (Live) (2:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR NASCAR Auto Racing Cup Series Pennzoil 400. (Live) (3:30)

3:00 p.m. (7) KCCO NCAA Basketball UMD vs. Ohio St. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Aub. at Tex.A&M (Live) (2:00)

FSN Minnesota Twins Diamond Awards (1:00)

3:30 p.m. GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round Honda Thailand. (2:30)

NBCSN RFU Rugby English Premiership. Nor. vs. Exe. (2:00)

4:00 p.m. FSN Timberwolves Town Hall (0:30)

4:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (0:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Gymnastics Women’s Utah vs. UCLA (Live) (1:30)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Den. (Live) (2:30)

5:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

6:30 p.m. ESPN2 Slippery Stairs (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey St.L. at Min. (Live) (2:30)

7:00 p.m. ESPN2 Sport Climbing Bouldering Open National Championship. (1:00)

GOLF Golf Final Round WGC: Mexico Championship. (5:00)

7:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

8:00 p.m. FSN WPT Poker Challenge the Champs. (1:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN2 30 for 30 (2:00)

FSN AMA Arenacross (1:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey V.G.K. at Ana. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

FSN 18 Holes (0:30)

10:30 p.m. FSN Swing Clinic (0:30)

10:35 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:30)

11:00 p.m. FSN WPT Poker Challenge the Champs. (1:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:30)

11:35 p.m. (5) KSTP In Depth With Graham Bensinger (0:30)

Monday, Feb. 24

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Spotlight (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Tor. vs. Min. (2:00)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 NHL Trade Deadline (Live) (1:30)

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:55)

1:55 p.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer WHU at Liverp’l (Live) (2:05)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (1:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN High Noon (0:30)

FSN NCAA Hockey N. Dak. at St. Cloud (2:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Ore. at Stan. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

9:00 p.m. GOLF Feherty (1:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live (Live) (0:30)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

10:30 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (1:30)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (1:00)

FSN The Yearbook Published by (0:30)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

11:30 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (0:30)

Tuesday, Feb. 25

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

NBCSN AMA Supercross (3:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Matchday (Live) (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

TNT UEFA Soccer Round of 16 Leg 1 Champions League. BAY vs. Chel. (Live) (2:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN High Noon (0:30)

ESPN2 NBA: The Jump (1:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Dal. (2:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Post-Match (Live) (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

NBCSN ARCA Auto Racing Star Nursery 150. (1:00)

5:30 p.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

GOLF School of Golf (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Golf Advisor Round Trip (0:30)

TNT NBA Basketball Mil. at Tor. (Live) (2:30)

10:35 p.m. (9) KMSP Gopher Sports Show (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (1:00)

FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

11:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (0:30)

NBCSN Ice Cross (1:30)

TNT Inside the NBA (Live) (1:00)

Wednesday, Feb. 26

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wild Live Post-game (0:30)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Leip. at Sch. (2:00)

GOLF Morning Drive (1:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF Feherty (1:00)

NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Clb. at Min. (2:00)

GOLF Masters Highlights (1:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (1:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Dal. (2:00)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Matchday (Live) (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

NBCSN Men in Blazers (Live) (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

5:30 p.m. FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball L.ville at Fla. S. (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Women’s Duke vs. N.C. St. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

GOLF Swing Expedition With Chris Como (0:30)

6:30 p.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (2:00)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Spotlight (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Bos. vs. Min. (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF LET Golf Final Round Australian Classic. (2:00)

NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Dal. (2:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN NHL Hockey Clb. at Min. (Live) (2:30)

GOLF Golf’s Greatest Rounds (2:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Chi. at St.L. (Live) (2:45)

8:00 p.m. (29) WFTC Gopher Sports Show (0:30)

ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. TNT NBA Basketball N.O. at L.A. L. (Live) (2:30)

HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

9:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

9:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

TNT UEFA Soccer Round of 16 Leg 1 Champions League. Man.C. vs. RMA (Live) (2:00)

2:30 p.m. GOLF School of Golf (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN High Noon (0:30)

ESPN2 NBA: The Jump (1:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Clb. at Min. (2:00)

GOLF Golf Advisor Round Trip (0:30)

3:30 p.m. ESPN Highly Questionable (0:30)

GOLF Golf Advisor Round Trip (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

NBCSN Dale Jr. Download (1:00)

TNT UEFA BR Football Post-Match (Live) (0:30)

FSN Minnesota Twins Diamond Awards (1:00)

(9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

FSN MLB Baseball Spring Training. Bos. vs. Min. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF Golf Final Round WGC: Mexico Championship. (5:00)

GOLF Golf Channel Academy (0:30)

7:00 p.m. FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF Feherty (1:00)

USA WWE Raw (Live) (3:00)

7:30 p.m. FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Dal. (Live) (2:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketball Ok. St. at Kan. (Live) (2:00)

GOLF Swing Expedition With Chris Como (0:30)

NBCSN Monster Jam (1:00)

12:30 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:30)

GOLF Golf Channel Academy (0:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (1:00)

FSN NCAA Hockey N. Dak. at St. Cloud (2:00)

GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round Honda Thailand. (3:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

10:30 p.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

GOLF Golf’s Greatest Rounds (2:30)

NBCSN Miracle On Ice: 40th Anniversary (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)

GOLF Swing Expedition With Chris Como (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN WPT Poker Challenge the Champs. (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

10 • February 23 - 29, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch
(0:30) 4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30) ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)
Premier League
Zone (Live) (0:30) 4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (0:30) ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)
a.m. GOLF PGA Golf Final Round Puerto Rico Open. (2:00)
NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)
a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:30)
ESPN2 First Take (2:00)
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NBCSN IBU Biathlon Women’s 12.5km Mass Start World Championship. (1:00)

Sports this week

NBCSN NASCAR The Decades (0:30)

5:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Top 10 (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Stephen A. Smith (0:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF PGA TOUR Champions Learning Center (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:30 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball Dal. at S.A. (Live) (2:30)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Mia. (Live) (2:30)

GOLF PGA Tour: The CUT (0:30)

7:00 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Classics

Final Round 2019 The Honda Classic. (2:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Buf. at Col. (Live) (2:30)

TNT All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (2:00)

USA WWE NXT (Live) (2:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball LSU at Fla. (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball Bos. at Utah (Live) (2:35)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

9:30 p.m. FSN Minnesota Sports Awards (1:00)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 1 World Championship. (Live) (4:00)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Pit. at L.A. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

10:30 p.m. FSN The Yearbook

Published by (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (0:30)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (1:30)

FSN Wolves Live Pre-game (0:30)

11:35 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (0:55)

Thursday, Feb. 27

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wolves Live Post-game (0:30)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Lund: The Ultimate Fishing Experience (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN DFL Soccer Augs. at Lev. (2:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 The Honda Classic. (Live) (4:00)

10:00 a.m. NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

10:15 a.m. HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Mia. (2:00)

Noon (9) KAWE Classical Stretch: By Essentrics (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take, Your Take With Jason Fitz (Live) (1:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Clb. at Min. (2:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 The Honda Classic. (Live) (4:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Mia. (2:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

NBCSN Miracle On Ice: 40th Anniversary (0:30)

5:30 p.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

NBCSN NHL Live! (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN Wild Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 1 The Honda Classic. (3:30)

6:30 p.m. FSN NHL Hockey Min. at Det. (Live) (2:30)

NBCSN NHL Hockey Dal. at Bos. (Live) (2:45)

7:00 p.m. TNT NBA Basketball Por. at Ind. (Live) (2:30)

8:00 p.m. ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. FSN Wild Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) (0:45)

9:30 p.m. FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 2 World Championship. (Live) (4:00)

TNT NBA Basketball L.A. L. at G.S. (Live) (2:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Ore. St. at Ore. (Live) (2:00)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

NBCSN Connor McDavid: Whatever it Takes (1:00)

10:30 p.m. FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (1:00)

NBCSN Dew Tour (1:30)

11:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (0:30)

Friday, Feb. 28

8:00 a.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Wild Live Post-game (0:30)

NBCSN Pro Football Talk (2:00)

8:30 a.m. FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 Get Up! (2:00)

FSN NBA Basketball Min. at Mia. (2:00)

9:30 a.m. GOLF LPGA Golf Round 2 World Championship. (2:30)

10:00 a.m. NBCSN Sky Sports News (2:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 First Take (2:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Min. at Det. (2:00)

11:30 a.m. HBO Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (1:05)

Noon (9) KAWE Sit and Be Fit (0:30)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (1:00)

NBCSN Premier League Download (0:30)

12:30 p.m. NBCSN Premier League Download (0:30)

1:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Jalen & Jacoby (1:00)

FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 The Honda Classic. (Live) (4:00)

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FSN In-Depth Outdoors (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)

FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central (0:30)

NBCSN Mecum Top 10 (0:30)

5:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

GOLF CHAMPS Golf Round 1 Cologuard Classic. (2:00)

NBCSN Mecum Top 10 (0:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Countdown (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Dav. at Dayt. (Live) (2:00)

FSN NHL Hockey Min. at Clb. (Live) (2:30)

NBCSN NCAA Hockey Mich. St. at N.D. (Live) (2:30)

7:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR WWE SmackDown (Live) (2:00)

10:30 p.m. FSN Dream. State. (0:30)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 3 World Championship. (Live) (3:00)

11:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Minnesota Twins Diamond Awards (1:00)

TBS ELeague (1:00)

Saturday, Feb. 29

8:00 a.m. ESPN Outside the Lines (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Backroads With Ron and Raven (0:30)

8:30 a.m. FSN Musky Hunter Television (0:30)

GOLF Morning Drive (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN Premier League Mornings (Live) (0:25)

8:55 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer (Live) (2:05)

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 UFC Live (0:30)

FSN John Gillespie’s Waters & Woods (0:30)

9:30 a.m. ESPN2 Max on Boxing (0:30)

FSN Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

10:00 a.m. ESPN College Gameday (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

10:30 a.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR Fox College Hoops Tip-Off (Live) (0:30)

FSN Lindner’s Angling Edge (0:30)

GOLF Golf Central Pre-game (Live) (1:30)

11:00 a.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR

NCAA Basketball Prov. vs. Vill. (Live) (2:00)

(11) KARE Marathon Olympic Trials. (Live) (3:00)

ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN Fishing the Midwest (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Mornings (Live) (0:25)

301 NW 6th Street, Brainerd •829-4721

NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) (0:55)

1:30 p.m. FSN Midwest Outdoors (0:30)

1:55 p.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer Leic. at Norw. (Live) (2:05)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 Max on Boxing (0:30)

FSN Larry Smith Outdoors (0:30)

2:30 p.m. ESPN2 UFC Live (Live) (0:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 High Noon (0:30)

FSN Due North Outdoors (0:30)

3:30 p.m. ESPN2 Highly Questionable (0:30)

FSN Lindner’s Angling Edge (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Around the Horn (0:30)

FSN Lund: The Ultimate Fishing Experience (0:30)

NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN2 Pardon the Interruption (0:30)

ESPN NBA Basketball Okl. at Mil. (Live) (2:30)

7:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Golf Round 2 The Honda Classic. (3:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN2 NCAA Basketball Te. St. vs. UT-Ar. (Live) (2:00)

8:30 p.m. FSN Wild Live Post-game (Live) (0:30)

9:00 p.m. FSN Spotlight (0:30)

9:30 p.m. (15) KVRR KVRR Sports Extra (0:30)

ESPN NBA Basketball Den. at L.A. C. (Live) (2:35)

FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

9:45 p.m. SHOW Boxing Shobox: The New Generation. (Live) (3:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (1:00)

FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

NBCSN Curling Night in America (2:00)

10:15 p.m. (9) KMSP Fox 9 Sports Now (0:20)

2:45 p.m. (7) KCCO NCAA Basketball Aub. at Ken. (Live) (2:15)

3:00 p.m. ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN AMA Arenacross (1:00)

NBCSN Monster Jam (1:00)

3:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR Fox College Hoops Extra (Live) (0:30)

GOLF CHAMPS Golf Round 2 Cologuard Classic. (Live) (2:30)

4:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR XFL Football Sea. vs. St. L (Live) (3:00)

FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

NBCSN AMA Supercross (Live) (3:00)

4:30 p.m. FSN Home Grown. The Journey of Girls and Women’s Hockey in Minnesota (0:30)

5:00 p.m. (23) WUCW Gametime With Boomer Esiason (0:30)

ESPN NBA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball MVC Wild Card. (Live) (2:00)

FSN NCAA Hockey Mich. at Min. (Live) (2:30)

6:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA: The Jump (Live) (0:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLS Pre-game (Live) (0:30)

ESPN NBA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 3 The Honda Classic. (2:30)

NBCSN WR Rugby L.A. Sevens. (Live) (4:00)

7:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Basketball Hou. at Bos. (Live) (2:30)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLS Soccer ATL at NSH (Live) (2:00)

FSN Spotlight (0:30)

8:00 p.m. FSN NHRA Drag Racing (3:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

11:25 a.m. NBCSN EPL Soccer Liverp’l at WAT (Live) (2:05)

11:30 a.m. (7) KCCO Rodeo Royal City Roundup. (1:00)

FSN Sportsman’s Journal (0:30) Noon FSN Lindy Fish Ed. (0:30)

GOLF PGA Golf Round 3 The Honda Classic. (Live) (2:00)

12:30 p.m. (7) KCCO NCAA Basketball

Kan. at Kan.St. (Live) (2:15)

FSN Fish Addictions TV (0:30)

1:00 p.m. (5) KSTP XFL Football L.A. vs. N.Y. (Live) (3:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR Fox College Hoops Extra (Live) (0:30)

ESPN ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

FSN NCAA Basketball Fla. S. at Clem. (Live) (2:00)

1:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR NCAA Basketball Set. Hall at Marquette (Live) (2:00)

NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live) (1:00)

2:00 p.m. (11) KARE PGA Golf Round 3 The Honda Classic. (Live) (3:00)

GOLF LPGA Golf Round 3 World Championship. (1:30)

2:30 p.m. NBCSN Premier League Download (0:30)

ESPN2 NCAA Basketball (Live) (2:00)

9:30 p.m. GOLF LPGA Golf Final Round World Championship. (Live) (4:00)

11:00 p.m. (23) WUCW Ring of Honor Wrestling (1:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)

ESPN2 College Basketball Live (Live) (0:30)

FSN WPT Poker Challenge the Champs. (1:00)

NBCSN Monster Jam (1:00)

11:30 p.m. ESPN2 Always Late With Katie Nolan (0:30)

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Sports Feb 23, 2020 to Feb 29, 2020

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Food challenges and eating competitions are nothing new: Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest has been going strong for more than 100 years, and so has the Crown Candy Kitchen challenge in St. Louis, Missouri (you have 30 minutes to down five 24-ounce malts).

But a more recent phenomenon is the number of restaurants worldwide that are offering food challenges. That’s often credited to the food destination/competitive eating series “Man v. Food,” which is back this Tuesday, Feb. 25, on Cooking Channel.

“Man v. Food” originally ended in 2012 — that’s when host Adam Richman signed off after three seasons of “Man v. Food” and one season of “Man v. Food Nation,” which had Richman coaching locals instead of taking on the challenges himself. Travel Channel then canceled the popular series, though you probably wouldn’t know it with all the repeat airings on Travel and Cooking Channel.

These days, a slimmed-down Richman is still involved in the culinary world as a critic, author and occasional host. But his popularity endures, as evidenced by a collective online meltdown in 2017 when fans heard that Travel

was rebooting “Man v. Food” with a new host.

Luckily, former-bartenderturned-professional-eater Casey Webb has been able to win over fans in his four seasons as host of “Man v. Food.” The New Jersey native takes the challenges seriously and has shown he’s up for almost anything (but not live shrimp). Spice levels can make things especially tough, regardless of quantity. Still, there’s something to be said for watching Webb attempt to eat 12 fully loaded hot dogs in just 30 minutes.

For participants, these types of challenges are a question of pride and a fun test of endurance and determination (and stomach muscle control). But for the eateries, it’s a marketing opportunity.

According to National Restaurant Association stats, there are more than a million restaurants in the U.S., and, of course, each one would love to fill every seat in the house. Food challenges are a fun way to set an establishment apart and keep customers coming in the door, whether they’re willing to try the challenge or simply watch and cheer on someone else.

Sure, “Man v. Food” and the phenomenon of food challenges have drawn a fair amount of criticism (Alton Brown condemned the show as a gluttonous display). But many are still fascinated by stomach-stretching feats. And that’s why viewers will keep tuning in to “Man v. Food” episodes past and present, including the one airing Tuesday, on Cooking Channel.

Sunday, Feb. 23

1:00 p.m. (9) KAWE Ciao Italia Host Mary Ann Esposito shows viewers how to make simple and delicious Italian dishes.

2:00 p.m. (9) KAWE The Great British Baking Show The four remaining bakers work against the clock to deliver petits fours.

Monday, Feb. 24

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Tuesday, Feb. 25

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Wednesday, Feb. 26

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

10:30 p.m. (2) KTCA New Scandinavian Cooking Andreas visits the small town of Cardamom to make ice cream using liquid nitrogen.

4:30 a.m. (2) KTCA New Scandinavian Cooking Andreas visits the small town of Cardamom to make ice cream using liquid nitrogen.

Thursday, Feb. 27

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Friday, Feb. 28

12:30 p.m. (9) KAWE Food Over 50 As we age lowering our refined sugar consumption makes sense.

1:00 p.m. (11) KARE The Rachael Ray Show Viewers are presented with great recipes and simple solutions for everyday issues.

Saturday, Feb. 29

7:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Steven Raichlen’s Project Smoke Grilled striped bass with aromatics, Thai beef salad and coconut-grilled corn are served. Hosted by: Steve Raichlen

7:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Moveable Feast With Fine Cooking Over a hundred foodies come together for very unique meal.

8:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Nigella: At My Table Fur a lunch with friends, Nigella’s herbed leg of lamb is relaxingly simple to prepare.

8:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Simply Ming

9:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Martha Bakes

Martha makes a blueberry ‘ban-

dana’ tart and petite gooseberry and raspberry crumbles.

9:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Pati’s Mexican Table Pati tours La Mixteca and creates new recipes inspired by her adventures. Hosted by: Pati Jinich

10:00 a.m. (2) KTCA How to Cook Well With Rory O’Connell Kale Broth with Lemon and Parmesan; Grilled Chicken with Marjoram & Roasted Almond Sauce.

10:30 a.m. (2) KTCA New Orleans Cooking With Kevin Belton Barbecued Spareribs; Smothered Greens and Louisiana Cornbread; Banana Pudding.

11:00 a.m. (2) KTCA Joanne Weir’s Plates and Places Joanne visits a local farmer’s market and then stops by a Mediterranean restaurant. (N)

11:30 a.m. (2) KTCA Lidia’s Kitchen Lidia starts with a penne ‘Al Brucio’ made with a spicy tomato sauce, rosemary & ricotta.

Noon (2) KTCA Jamie’s Ultimate Veg Jamie makes asparagus quiche and a pasta carbonara with a luxurious veggie twist. Hosted by: Jamie Oliver (8) WDSE WDSE Cooks Juli and 19 local cooks are ready to impress with a delicious array of pure comfort food.

12:30 p.m. (2) KTCA America’s Test Kitchen From Cook’s Illustrated (N)

1:00 p.m. (2) KTCA Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Recipes include a warm and filling Oaxacan green mole with chicken.

1:30 p.m. (2) KTCA Cook’s Country From America’s Test Kitchen Tennessee pulled turkey sandwiches and Eastern North Carolina fish stew are made.

2:00 p.m. (2) KTCA Julia Child: Best Bites Chefs and celebrities share personal insights as they screen Julia’s most-beloved recipes. (N)

4:30 p.m. (8) WDSE America’s Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special The 20 most popular recipes and greatest moments from the show are showcased.

Brainerd Daily Dispatch, MN: Food Feb 23, 2020 to Feb 29, 2020

12 • February 23 - 29, 2020 • Brainerd Dispatch
Challenge accepted: ‘Man v. Food’ still going strong Cooking this week 13021 Evergreen Drive Baxter, MN 56425 Phone: 218-828-0122 • Fax: 218-828-0873 Enter as Strangers…Leave as Friends 1st Annual! BRAINERD BOAT SHOW March 20-22, 2020 RESERVE NOW! CONTACT: Derek p: 218-330-4574 e: 02/21/20 02/22/20
Casey Webb hosts “Man v. Food”
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Continued from page 5.

son) recent health scare, Nathan Gardner (Cage) moves his family to a rural New England farm to escape the complexities of city life. Slowly adjusting to the realities of their new country life — like the impossibly slow internet connection — the family is once again upended when a meteor

lands in their front yard. Gardner soon realizes that what is leaking out of the meteor might spell disaster for their new picturesque life.

Director:RichardStanley.Stars: NicolasCage,JoelyRichardson, MadeleineArthur,ElliotKnight, TommyChong,BrendanMeyer. 2019.111mins.Horror.

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Brainerd Dispatch • February 23 - 29, 2020 •23
Brainerd (Charter) CTC Emily (CATV) Crosslake Peqout Lakes (Charter) Onamia (Savage) Pierz (Midcontinent) East Gull Lake (Savage) Pillager (Savage) Verndale (Savage) Aitkin (Charter) Little Falls (Charter) Staples Charter) Wadena (Charter) Walker (Tekstar) PBS ST. PAUL KTCA 8 2 56 56 ABC MINNEAPOLIS/ALEXANDRIA KSTP/KSAX 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NBC DULUTH KBJR CBS ALEXANDRIA/WALKER KCCO/KCCW 12 4 4 4 12 4 4 4 4 4 12 4 12 2 7 PBS BEMIDJI/BRAINERD KAWE/KAWB 4 2 9 9 4 8 8 8 4 8 4 4 13 FOX EDEN PRAIRIE KMSP 9 9 13 13 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ABC DULUTH WDIO NBC MINNEAPOLIS KARE 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 FOX FARGO KVRR 10 CW MINNEAPOLIS WUCW 23 23 6 8 6 55 6 23 23 23 23 6 MNT MINNEAPOLIS WFTC 10 10 6 6 10 7 13 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 ION BIG LAKE KPXM 24 12 24 3 6 24 13 24 24 24 A&E Arts & Enertainment 46 91 123 23 46 39 38 39 39 39 46 31 46 46 33 AMC American Movie Classic 42 50 134 34 42 17 69 17 17 17 42 57 42 42 AP Animal Planet 53 77 136 36 53 42 54 42 42 42 53 35 53 53 53 BRAVO Bravo 301 90 170 360 301 51 71 51 51 51 301 64 301 301 68 CMTV Country Music Television 37 102 151 59 37 39 37 52 37 37 39 CNBC Consumer News & Business 41 48 119 19 41 29 53 29 29 29 41 44 41 41 37 CNN Cable News Network 34 46 121 21 28 26 33 26 26 26 34 34 34 34 25 COM Comedy 48 40 141 46 48 37 30 37 37 37 48 53 48 48 48 CSPAN C-Span (House of Representatives) 21 16 8 60 21 96 42 2 2 2 21 3 21 21 12 CSPAN2 C-Span2 (Senate) 85 17 9 85 165 63 165 165 20 85 85 85 43 DISC The Discovery Channel 35 65 114 14 35 40 32 40 40 40 35 47 35 35 35 DISN Disney 60 55 132 32 60 30 29 30 30 30 60 58 60 60 54 E! E! Entertainment Television 44 93 137 37 44 38 45 38 38 38 44 54 44 44 46 STZ ENC Starz Encore 710 350 537 255 710 310 309 310 310 610 750 710 710 710 325 ESPN Entertainment Sports Programming Network 27 29 125 25 27 24 24 24 24 24 27 29 27 27 30 ESPN2 Entertainment Sports Programming Network 2 28 30 126 26 28 25 23 25 25 25 28 30 28 28 31 EWTN Eternal World Television 180 22 7 7 180 97 19 97 97 19 6 180 180 180 79 FREE Freeform 31 42 133 33 31 31 37 31 31 31 31 36 31 31 16 FOOD Food Network 62 83 144 45 62 15 58 15 15 15 62 61 62 62 47 FSN FOX Sports Network 29 33 124 24 29 23 25 23 23 23 29 28 29 29 17 FX FX 49 28 142 47 49 50 59 50 49 71 49 49 40 HBO Home Box Office (Premium Service) 500 300 501 200 500 330 20 330 330 630 500 500 500 500 303 HGTV Home & Garden 55 81 130 30 55 16 50 16 16 16 55 55 55 55 70 HIST The History Channel 54 74 135 35 54 21 49 21 21 21 54 48 54 54 69 HN Headline News (CNN2) 39 47 156 39 95 34 73 73 14 39 32 39 39 55 LIFE Lifetime 30 24 131 31 30 32 36 32 32 30 27 30 30 41 MAX Cinemax (Premium Service) 550 320 512 210 550 300 300 300 600 550 550 550 550 304 MTV Music Television 32 101 149 61 32 72 27 72 72 45 32 39 32 32 38 NBCS NBC Sports 63 37 161 39 63 288 207 288 288 455 63 69 63 63 124 NICK Nickelodeon 33 53 129 29 33 45 48 45 45 20 33 59 33 33 24 PARMT Paramount Network 43 43 116 16 43 36 28 36 36 36 43 33 43 43 28 PEG Public Education Government 8 8 8 8 PPV LAMP/Public Access 15 12 13 19 PRE TV GUIDE 25 23 2 25 14 25 25 25 QVC Quility Value Convenience (Home Shopping) 7 3 3 3 7 12 3 12 12 12 7 7 7 7 22 SHOW Showtime (Premium Service) 600 360 550 225 600 350 501 350 350 650 600 600 600 600 312 STARZ STARZ! (Premium Service) 700 340 530 250 700 370 601 370 370 670 700 700 700 700 326 SYFY Science Fiction Channel 40 41 145 48 40 34 44 34 34 45 40 49 40 40 44 TBN Trinity Broadcasting Service 183 7 10 10 183 209 18 209 209 480 183 183 183 80 TBS WTBS, Atlanta 22 27 127 27 22 48 46 22 22 34 22 15 22 22 36 TCM Turner Classic Movies 308 266 450 362 308 18 47 18 18 18 314 56 308 308 163 TLC The Learning Channel 45 73 122 22 45 41 43 41 41 41 45 42 45 45 34 TMC The Movie Channel 650 370 559 235 650 380 551 380 380 680 650 650 650 650 310 TNT Turner Network Television 36 26 128 28 36 33 31 33 33 33 36 40 36 36 27 TOON Cartoon Network 47 57 153 47 47 51 47 47 47 47 43 47 47 49 TRAV The Travel Channel 50 84 118 18 50 52 64 52 50 67 50 50 50 TRUTV Tru TV 51 49 143 44 51 65 51 37 51 52 51 TVL TV Land 52 59 140 56 52 46 52 46 46 46 52 41 52 52 60 TWC The Weather Channel 56 62 117 17 56 28 41 28 28 28 56 51 56 56 32 USA USA Network 59 25 115 15 59 35 21 35 35 35 59 46 59 59 23 VH1 Video Hits One 38 103 150 58 38 44 40 44 44 44 38 38 38 38 19 WGN-A WGN America 13 69 53 13 14 7 3 3 3 13 16 13 13 15

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