Today’s Entertainment

“Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” begins its 10-episode second season Thursday, June 15, on Paramount+, as it continues the exploits of the starship Enterprise when it was under the command of Captain Christopher Pike (played by Anson Mount, “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness,” 2022), the predecessor of James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley, “The Vampire Diaries”).
*Online or mail-in rebate offer valid with select Goodyear tire purchase made from 4/1/23 to 6/30/23. Limit one (1) rebate form per tire purchase, per envelope. Limit four (4) rebates per individual consumer or household per promotion. Goodyear Credit Card offers are subject to credit approval. Rebates are on a set of four (4) tires. If your vehicle requires six (6) tires, rebates are available on a prorated basis for the two additional tires. The prorated tire rebate amount, per additional tire, is 25% of the tire rebate amount listed above. The minimum purchase is a set of four tires, and the maximum purchase is six tires per invoice. Offers
Service rebates are not doubled. Cannot be combined with other wheel alignment services or package offers or discounts. Excludes shop supplies, disposal fees and taxes. Additional terms and conditions apply. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS.
W. Washington St., Brainerd • 218-828-1823
1. Action movie star Jackie
5. Camera inits.
8. Sheriff in 1970s and 1980s TV
12. L.A.’s state
13. “The Matrix” trilogy’s hero
14. “Dancing with the Stars” host Andrews
15. Tops for 22 Down
16. Lt.’s subordinate
17. Personal assistant
18. Fox reality competition, with “The”
21. Helicopter evacuation
22. Bob Ross’ material
25. Energy from the sun
29. C.I.A. forerunner
30. Spanish treasure
31. “We hold these truths ...”
34. Jerry Seinfeld, for one
36. “Friends” star Jennifer
40. Gordon Ramsay’s ride in “24 Hours to Hell and Back”
45. Gait between walk and canter
46. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” (2019) actor Billy ___ Williams
47. Itty-bitty bit
49. Ripped up
50. 007 creator Fleming
51. Too much sound
52. Pace to put koi
53. Cadillac model
54. Former Fords
1. Half of D
2. One of The Two Coreys, of 1980s fame
3. Six-time Emmy winner Alan
4. Japanese automaker
5. Cartoon villain’s look
6. Legendary tennis player Ivan
7. “Arrested Development” star Portia de ___
8. Simple shelter
9. The first: Abbr.
10. Tarry for a time
11. Humdinger
19. Set of equipment
20. Uncertainties
22. Coffee container
23. Shade of blonde
24. Expert finish
26. “Pink Panther” films actor Herbert
27. The Diamondbacks, on scoreboards
28. “Arabian Nights” menace
32. Like many pretzels
33. Rock’s Brian
34. Cedar Rapids college
35. “Modern Family” star Ed
37. “The Jungle Book” (2016) setting
38. I can be broken at the gym
39. If-___ (programmer’s routines)
40. URL starter
41. Switch ending
42. Love ender
43. Illegally acquired goods
44. Small earring
48. Magazine revenue source
Solution on page 12
Open Monday - Saturday
8 am to 5 pm
The Following Items are Accepted
• Household Garbage
• Mattresses
• Furniture
• Free recycling of lead-acid car/ marine batteries - NOT to be disposed of in the landfill
• Free compost of lawn and garden material (please separate brush and branches)
• Free recycling of used oil filters and anti-freeze.
• Household Hazardous Waste
• Free oil recycling at the landfill and several drop-off locations within the County. Visit our webpage for drop-off locations: and search “oil.”
• Demolition materials may be disposed in the demolition landfill for a fee
• Large appliances, electronics, tires with or without rims, and scrap metals can be disposed at the site for a nominal fee for recycling.
The landfill is open only to residents of Crow Wing County for recycling and disposal needs.
For more information please call 218-824-1010.
W a reh o u s e 13 W a reh o u s e 13 < F re n z y (‘18) Gina Vitori. < Jeepers Creepers 3 (‘17) <+ Death Wish (‘18) Bruce Willis. (:15) <+++ T o mb s to n e (‘93) Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell. <+++ F u ri o us 7 Tu W a reh o u s e 13 W a reh o u s e 13 <+ Death Wish (‘18) Bruce Willis. (:25) <+++ Kick-As s (‘10) Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (:55) <++ Kick-As s 2 (‘13) (:10) < P ri m al (‘19) Nicolas Cage. :15 <++ X XX (‘02)
W W a reh o u s e 13 W a reh o u s e 13 < T a l e s F ro m th e H o o d 3 (‘20) (:15) <++ X XX (‘02) Asia Argento, Vin Diesel. <++ XXX: State of the Union (‘05) <++ The Last Witc h Hunter (‘15) <++ O l y m p us
Th (5:30) <+++ The Gift (‘15) <++ Th e H u n t (‘20) Ike Barinholtz. <++ Nerve (‘16) Emma Roberts. (:05) <+++ T he Bourne Legacy (‘12) Jeremy Renner. <+ Rob in Hood (‘18) Jamie Foxx, Taron Egerton. M o v i e
F 5: < T he Price ... <++ As s ass in ' s C reed (‘16) Michael Fassbender. (:25) <+ Rob in Hood (‘18) Taron Egerton. <++ Con A r (‘97) John Cusack, Nicolas Cage. <++ I , R o b o t (‘04) Bridget Moynahan, Will Smith. <++ I nd e p en d ...
M Turning Pr nce Jeffress Joyce M Creflo HageeM.. J Osteen Jackson S Furtick Jentezen Jeffres s Ro b ert Jo yce M Better To g eth er A Wom.. Th e 700 C lu b Tu rn n g S Furt ck Th e Ram s e y Sh o w NewSe.. Je w i s h
Tu Turning Pr nce Jeffress Joyce M Creflo HageeM.. J Osteen Jackson S Furtick Jentezen Jeffres s Ro b ert Jo yce M Better To g eth er A Wom.. Th e 700 C lu b Tu rn n g S Furtick Th e Ram s ey Sh o w Harv es t T Ev an s
W Turning Pr nce Jeffress Joyce M Creflo HageeM.. J Osteen Jackson S Furtick Jentezen Jeffres s Ro b ert Jo yce M Better To g eth er A Wom.. Th e 700 C lu b Tu rn n g S Furt ck Th e Ram s ey Sh o w Grah am Scu dd er
Th Turning Pr nce Jeffress Joyce M Creflo HageeM.. J Osteen Jackson S Furtick Jentezen Jeffres s Ro b ert Jo yce M Better To g eth er A Wom.. Th e 700 C lu b Tu rn n g S Furt ck Th e Ram s e y Sh o w J Os teen Harv es t
F Turning Pr nce Jeffress Joyce M Creflo HageeM.. J Osteen Jackson S Furtick Jentezen Jeffres s Ro b ert Jo yce M Better To g eth er A Wom.. Th e 700 C lu b Tu rn n g S Furt ck Th e Ram s ey Sh o w M etax as Watchm
M G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e Broke Gir Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl F ri e n d s F r e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s Fr i e n d s F r i e n d s F r i e n d s S h e d on S h e ld on S h e l d on S h e l d on Big Ban g Big Ban g
Tu G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e Broke Gir Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl F ri e n d s F r e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s Fr i e n d s F r i e n d s S h e l d on Sh e d on She l don Sh el don B g Ban g Bi g Ban g Lead off W G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e Broke Gir Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl F ri e n d s F r e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s Fr i e n d s F r i e n d s F r i e n d s S h e d on S h e ld on S h e l d on S h e l d on Big Ban g Big Ban g Th G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e Broke Gir Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl F ri e n d s F r e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s Frie n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s S h e l d on S h e l d on B i g B a n g B i g B a n g F G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e G e o rg e Broke Gir Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl F ri e n d s F r e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s Frie n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F r e n d s F r e n d s American American
M M o v i e :45 <++ The Marshal of M <++ P arty Gir ('58) (:45) <++ Th e B i g S h o t ('42) (:15) <++ The Racket ('51) :45 C ri m e (:15) <++ Wichita (‘55) M o v i e :15 <+++ A Lio n I s in th e Streets (‘53) <++ M c Q ('74)
Tu M o v i e <++ The Lad y of Scand al <++ Sin Takes a Holiday (... <+++ The Last Da ys of P (:15) <+++ A Tale of Two Cities (‘35) <+++ R o m e o a nd J u l i e t (‘36) (:45) <+++ Th e Dawn P atro l (‘38) M o v i e
W (:15) <+++ P at an d M i k e (‘52)
H o w I P l ay G o l f b y Bo b b y J on e s <+++ Somebody Up There L kes <++ The Fish That Saved Pittsbur <++ Greased Lightn ing (... (:45) <+++ Grand Prix (‘66) James Garner.
Th Women < T h e T ru e A d v en tu re s o f :15 <++ Escap e From East Berl in (‘62) <+++ The League of Gentlemen (‘60) <++ D o u b l e Trou b le ('67) (:45) <+++ Lig h t in th e P iazza (‘62) <+++ M u rd er, Sh e Said (... <++ M ad e n P F M o v i e <+++ Anna Karenina (‘35) <++ Wife v s Secretary ('3... <+++ Of Human Hearts (‘38) <++ So ng o f L o v e (‘47) :15 <++++ I n tru der n th (:45) <++ To P lease a Lad y (‘50) M o v i e T L C V a rio u s Va rio u s V a rio u s Va rio u s V a rio u s Va r o u s Va rio u s Va rio u s V a rio u s Va rio u s Va rio u s Va r o u s TNT C h arm e d C h arm e d C h arm e d Supernat./ Charmed Supernat./ Charmed Supernat./ Charmed V a ri o u s Va rio u s V a rio u s (W) Lucifer V a rio u s M o v i e (W) Lucifer
TOON G u m b a l V a rio u s V a rio u s V a rio u s V a rio u s Bears Total Total C raig C ra g S u m m e r S u m m e r Teen Teen G u m b a l l G u m b a l l G u m b a l l G u m b a l l G u m b a l l G u m b a l l V a ri o u s V a rio u s V a r o u s V a rio u s
TRAV V a rio u s PaidProg V a rio u s V a rio u s V ario u s V a rio u s V a r o u s V a rio u s V a rio u s V a rio u s Va rio u s Va rio u s Va r o u s
TRUTV PaidProg H a c k Ha c k H a c k F u nn i e s t Fu nn i e s t Fu nn i e s t F u nn i e s t M y th Bu s te rs My th B u s te rs My th B u s te rs Jok e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s J o kes Jokers Jokers J okers Jokers
M*A*S.. M*A*S.. M*A*S.. Bonanza Gunsmoke Gunsmoke G unsmoke Gunsmoke Griff th Griff th Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith
M N C I S C h i c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F re C hi c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F i re C h i c a g o F i re C h i c ag o F i re C h i c a g o F i re
Zoë Kravitz, Robert Pattinson. <+++ The Lord
Th <++ 10,0 00 B C (‘08) (:50) <++ F ig h ting (‘09) (:40) <+++ C asino Royale (‘06) Daniel Craig. (:10) <+++ Wa k th e Lin e (‘05) Joaquin Phoenix. <++ Man of th e Year (‘06) <++ The Solo s t (‘09)
F 5:50 <+ Brid e (:20) <+++ Take This Waltz (‘11) :20 <++ F an tas tic Beas ts : Th e Secrets o f Du (:45) <+ P u sh (‘09) Chris Evans. TheMenu (:55) <+++ C a tch M e i f Y o u C a n ('02) (:20) <+++ M o on ig h t (‘16)
M 5:55 <+ S hark Ni (:25) <+ A nn a a n d th e K i n g (‘99) Jodie Foster. (:55) <+++ Do wn ton Ab b ey (‘19) :55 <+++ Th ro (:25) <++ Can't Har d ly Wait (‘98) (:05) <++ The Saint (‘97) Val Kilmer. <+++ The Grey
Tu 5: < T he Last Mo :15 <+++ T h e Leg en d o f Bag g e r V (:25) <++ F o c us (‘15) Will Smith. (:10) <+++ 9 to 5 (‘80) Jane Fonda. <++ The Long est Ride (‘15) (:10) <+++ G o n e Bab y G o n e (‘07) <++ K ller Eli te
W (5:50) < Su te Française (‘14) (:35) <++ Big Game (‘14) <+ M y B o s s ' s D a u gh te r (... <+++ M e m en to (‘00) Guy Pearce. (:25) <+++ Grav ty (‘13) <+++ Sid eways ('04) Paul Giamatti. <+++ The Full Mon ty (‘97) M o v i e
Th (5:45) <+ A n n a a n d th e K in g (‘99) (:15) <+++ T he Grey (‘12) (:10) <++ The Pyramid (‘14) (:40) <+++ Belfast (‘21) (:20) <++ M aid in Manhattan (‘02) (:05) <++ Soul Plane (‘04) <+++ Go n e Girl (‘14)
F 5:45 <++ Necessary Rou (:35) <+ A bduction (‘11) (:20) <+++ Bo rg v s M cEn ro e (‘17) (:10) <++ Killer El it e (‘11) <++ The Forever Purge (... (:50) <+++ S lumdog Millionaire ('08) (:50) <++ M oon f al (‘22)
M M o v i e (:45) <++++ C h i n ato w n ('74) Jack Nicholson. <++ The Two Jakes (‘90) Jack Nicholson. <++ F rid ay th e 13t h (‘80) <+ F rid ay th e 13 th , P art 2 <+++ P rimal Fear (‘96) Richard Gere. (:45) V I C E :15 <+++ C l os e
Tu 5: <+++ A M ig h ty Heart (... :25 < M ona Lisa & th e B (:15) <++ Harlem Nig h ts (‘89) (:15) <++ Street Smart (‘87) <+++ The Big Lebowski (‘98) < The Good Boss (‘21) Javier Bardem. <+++ F u l l M e
W M o v i e (:35) <+++ M i s e ry (‘90) James Caan. < You're Killing Me (‘23) (:15) <+++ D az e d an d C on f u se d (‘93) <++ The Long est Yard (‘05) <++ The Peacem aker (‘97) (:15) <+++ Do u b l e J e o p a rd y (‘99)
Th M o v i e <++ C on g o (‘95) Dylan Walsh. <+++ F ou r W e d d in g s & a F u n e ra (... <++ The Stepford Wives (... (:15) <+++ S n o wp ie rc e r (‘13) Chris Evans. <+++ G a n gs o f N e w Y o rk (‘02) Leonardo DiCaprio. M o v i e
F <+++ E m m a (‘96) Gwyneth Paltrow (:15) <+++ Th e L o oko u t (‘07) <+++ Set It Off
d Jeremiah J o n i : Tabl AMC (4:30) < Back to th e F u tu re P a rt I I I <+++ Back to th e F u tu re (‘85) Christopher Lloyd, Crispin Glover, Michael J. Fox. 'TVG' <+++ Back to th e F u tu re P art I I (‘89) Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox. 'TVG'
<+++ Back to th e F u tu re P art I I I (‘90) Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox. 'TVG' Walk:Dead
Outlaws (:05) Street (:15) < C l a s s A c tio n P a rk (‘20)'TVPG' D iesel "Back with a Kodiak"'TV14' M y s te ri e s o f D e e p DISN Kiff Kiff < A l v i n & th e C h i pm u n ks : .. Hai ey M arv el's M arv el's Villains Villains Bluey Bluey Bluey Bluey Lad yb ug Lad yb ug Big C i ty Big C i ty Big C i ty Big C i ty Lad yb ug Lad yb ug Mickey Bluey
E! < Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates <++ 17 Ag ain (‘09) Zac Efron.'TVG' E! News <++ 17 Ag ain (‘09)Zac Efron.'TVG' < Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates <+++ Booksm art (‘19)Kaitlyn Dever.'TVPG'Sex-City Sex-City
ESP N Sp o rts Center (N) NBA 30 fo r 30 American Gladiators, Part 1 Th e Ultim ate F i g h ter S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (N) 2023 NBA F in a s Game 5: Teams TBA (If necessary) S p o r t s C en t e r (N)
ESP N2 (5:00) College Baseba l Baseb all NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA(N)
EWTN Daily Mass: Olam Journey (N)
NFL Live A ro u n d P ard o n The Ulti NFL Live S p o r t s C en t e r (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (N) Keyshawn (N)
EWTN.. Rosary World Over Live Women..Real Daily Mass: Olam The Journey Home EWTN..Je sus EWTN on Locat on Mercy Salvation TheBench Living Twelve Church
Nicolas Cage.'TVPG' <+++ Kick-Ass (‘10)'TVPG' <++ Kick-As s 2 (‘13)'TVPG' Twi Zone PaidProg PaidProg PaidProg PaidProg W a reh o u s e
TBN P o tter C en ter P rais e Takeaway-Ki rk Grier C en ter P rais e P rin c e Takeaway-Ki rk Hannen Jord an Rub in P ra se J ord an Rub n J ackson S Furtick J o yce M A Wom
TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang America n D ad ! America n Dad ! America n D ad ! America n D ad ! ELEAGUE American D ad ! American D ad ! American Dad! America n D ad ! America n Dad ! Family M atters Family M atters Fam ly
T C M (5:00) <++ M c Q (‘74) 'TVG' <+++ Bo rn Yes terd ay (‘50) William Holden, Judy Holliday. 'TVG'
<+++ The Solid Go ld Cadillac (‘56) Paul Douglas, Judy Holliday 'TVG' <+++ Phffft! (‘54)Jack Lemmon, Judy Holliday. (:45) <+++ Fu l of Life (‘56)Richard Conte, Judy Holliday.
atters Family
atters Family
atters Family
atters G eor ge Lop ez
<+++ Bells Are R nging (‘60)Dean Martin,Fred Clark, Judy Holliday. 'TVG' <++ T h e B i s h op M u rd e r C a s e (‘30)
T L C 90 Da y Fiancé 90 Da y Fiancé (N) Y o u , M e & (N) 90 Da y Fiancé (N) Match Me Abro ad 90 Day Fiancé You, Me & My Ex 90 Da y Fiancé Match Me Abro ad Un expected Un expected Jennifer
TNT (4:00) < Aquaman <+++ Th o r: Rag n aro k (‘17) 'TVG' (:45) Lazarus P r (:45) <++ Ram p ag e (‘18)Dwayne Johnson.'TVG' C o l d C as e C o l d C as e C o l d C as e C o l d C as e C h arm e d
TOON King/Hill King/Hi l King/Hi l Ki ng/Hil King/Hil Burgers Burgers American American R ck Rick C rackers C hicken Aqua Boond..Rick Rick C rackers Futurama Futurama Bu rg ers Bu rg ers G u m b a l l G u m b a l TRAV (5:00) M y s te ri e s M y s te ri e s o f th e Un k n o w n (N) 'TVPG' My s te r e s o f th e Un k n o w n 'TVPG' M y s te ri e s o f th e Un k n o w n 'TVPG' M y s te ri e s o f th e Un k n o w n 'TVPG' PaidProg
h i c a g o F i re 'TV14'C h i c a g o F i re "The Right Thing" 'TV14' Ch i c a g o F i re "Two Hundred" 'TV14'
Date ine
Dateline "Shannon's Story"
Dateline "A Deadly Path" 'TVPG'
Dateline "A Deadly Path" 'TVPG' C h i c ag o P D "Justice" 'TV14'
HBO (5:) < The Silence o f th e Lam b s <+++ M oo n l gh t (‘16) Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, Mahershala Ali. 'TVPG' T h e I d o l 'TVMA' (:55) < Reality (‘23) 'TVPG' (:20) < T h e L o d g e (‘19) Jaeden Martell, Lia McHugh, Riley Keough. (P) 'TVPG' (:15) < Wig (‘19) 'TVPG' (:50) <+++ P aras ite (‘19)Lee Sun-gyun,Jo Yeojeong, Song Kang-ho. 'TVPG' < Fantastic Beasts: The Sec MAX (5:00) <+++ The Grey (‘12) 'TVPG'
<++ Timeline (‘03) Frances O'Connor, Gerard Butler, Paul Walker. 'TVG'
(:55) < Time F re ak (‘18)Asa Butterfield. (P) (:40) <++ The Forever Purge (‘21)Josh Lucas, Ana de la Reguera. 'TVPG' (:25) <+++ Beach Rats (‘17) Harris Dickinson. 'TVPG'
(:05) <+++ Bord er (‘18)Eero Milonoff, Viktor Åkerblom, Eva Melander. 'TVPG' (:55) <+++ I'll See You in My Dreams (‘15) (P) 'TVG' < The Last SHOW (5:15) <+++ C l o se (‘22) 'TVG' < P u n ch (‘22) Jordan Oosterhof, Tim Roth. (P) (:45) G h o s ts "The Finding" (:45) <+++ The Fabelmans (‘22)Paul Dano,Seth Rogen, Michelle Williams. 'TVG' G h o s ts o f B e i ru t "The Finding" V I C E < Wrong Turn (‘21)Matthew Modine, Adain Bradley, Charlotte Vega. 'TVPG' < M o b To w n (‘19) Jennifer Esposito, David Arquette. < A M g h ty TMC (5:15) < The Light o f th e M o o n (‘17) < Queen Bees (‘21) James Caan, Ellen Burstyn. 'TV14' (:45) <++ The Gui t Trip (‘12)Seth Rogen, Barbra Streisand. 'TVG' <+++ T he Bl i n g Rin g (‘13) Israel Broussard. 'TVPG' <+++ The Lovers (‘17) Debra Winger. 'TVG' (:45) <++ F re e F i re (‘16) Sharlto Copley. 'TVPG' (:15) <+++ Bullets Over Broad way (‘94) Jack Warden, John Cusack. 'TVG' (:05) < M a rath o n Man 'TVPG'
9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
BSNOR Jason Mitchell Outdoors
Deep Trolling Walleye (0:30)
9:30 a.m. CNBC IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge Detroit Grand Prix (2:00)
10:00 a.m. ESPN E60 (1:00)
Noon (5) KSTP WNBA Basketball
Dallas Wings at New York Liberty (Live) (2:00)
(9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLS Soccer LA Galaxy at St. Louis City SC (Live) (2:00)
BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)
1:00 p.m. (7) KCCO Course Record With Michael Breed (0:30)
(11) KARE USFL Football Birmingham Stallions vs. Houston Gamblers (Live) (3:00)
2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP WNBA Basketball Washington Mystics at Seattle Storm (Live) (2:00)
4:00 p.m. (11) KARE Chasing Gold: Paris 2024 (1:00)
BSNOR Destination Polaris (0:30)
GOLF PGA Korn Ferry Tour Golf BMW Charity Pro-Am, Final Round (Live) (2:00)
5:00 p.m. A&E WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures Mick Foley (1:00)
ESPN Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown (Live) (1:00)
BSNOR Wolves+ Jeff Munneke (0:30)
6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR USFL Football Philadelphia Stars vs. New Jersey Generals (Live) (3:00)
(11) KARE American Ninja Warrior (2:00)
A&E WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures Bret “Hitman” Hart (1:00)
ESPN MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees (Live) (3:00)
BSNOR WNBA Basketball Los Angeles Sparks at Minnesota Lynx (Live) (2:00)
GOLF Golf Central (1:00)
7:00 p.m. (23) WUCW 100 Days to Indy The Big Dance (1:00)
A&E WWE’s Most Wanted
Treasures Goldberg (1:00)
GOLF PGA Tour Champions Golf American Family Insurance Championship, Final Round (2:00)
8:00 p.m. A&E WWE’s Most Wanted
Treasures “Rowdy” Roddy Piper (1:01)
BSNOR Wolves+ Napheesa Collier (0:30)
9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
BSNOR Swing Clinic With Jimmy Hanlin (0:30)
GOLF PGA Tour Golf RBC Canadian Open, Final Round (4:00)
A&E Stone Cold Takes on America Off Road Trippin (1:04)
10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:30)
BSNOR Destination Polaris (0:30) Monday, June 12
4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)
5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (0:30)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (2:00)
7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Countdown (Live) (0:30)
(11) KARE American Ninja Warrior (1:00)
ESPN 30 for 30 American Gladiators, Part 1 (2:00)
USA WWE Monday Night RAW (Live) (3:00)
5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)
BSNOR The Rally (1:00)
6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (1:00)
ESPN2 The Point (Live) (0:30)
BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (2:00)
TBS MLB Baseball New York Yankees at New York Mets (Live) (3:00)
TNT TRUTV NHL Pregame (1:00)
Wednesday, June 14
4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)
ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)
BSNOR Live on the Line (1:00)
5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
6:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball (Live) (3:00)
7:00 p.m. (29) WFTC USL W-League Green Bay Glory at Minnesota Aurora FC (Live) (2:00)
BSNOR MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers at Minnesota Twins (3:00)
5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
ESPN2 Daily Wager (Live) (1:00)
GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Meijer LPGA Classic, First Round (2:30)
5:30 p.m. BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)
6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (0:30)
ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)
BSNOR MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Minnesota Twins (Live) (3:00)
6:30 p.m. ESPN NBA Countdown (0:30)
7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Countdown (Live) (0:30)
(11) KARE 2023 U.S. Open Golf Championship First Round (Live) (3:00)
ESPN ESPN Films (0:30)
ESPN2 30 for 30 American Gladiators, Part 1 (1:30)
7:30 p.m. (5) KSTP 2023 NBA Finals Game 6: Teams TBA (Live) (2:30)
ESPN The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Meijer LPGA Classic, First Round (2:30)
8:30 p.m. ESPN ESPN Films (1:30)
ESPN2 30 for 30 American Gladiators, Part 2 (2:00)
9:00 p.m. BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)
9:30 p.m. BSNOR Due North Outdoors Gyotaku Fish Art (0:30)
10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00)
BSNOR Backroads With Ron and Raven Passing It On (0:30)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (2:00)
10:30 p.m. ESPN2 E60 Peace of Mind (0:30)
BSNOR Destination Polaris (0:30)
11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
ESPN2 UFC Archival (1:00)
11:30 p.m. BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (0:30)
Friday, June 16
4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)
9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
10:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
ESPN2 UFC Archival (0:30)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (2:00)
10:30 a.m. ESPN2 UFC Archival (0:55)
BSNOR Lindner’s Angling Edge Bullrush Fishing Bass (0:30)
11:00 a.m. (11) KARE Harlem Globetrotters: Play It Forward (0:30)
ESPN Premier Lacrosse League Teams TBA (Live) (2:00)
BSNOR Destination Polaris (0:30)
11:25 a.m. ESPN2 Formula 1 Racing Canada Grand Prix, Practice 3 (Live) (1:05)
Noon (7) KCCO Beyond Limits (0:30)
(11) KARE 2023 U.S. Open Golf Championship Third Round (Live) (8:00)
12:30 p.m. (7) KCCO Knew Me When (0:30)
ESPN2 The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)
1:00 p.m. (7) KCCO WNBA Basketball Seattle Storm at Dallas Wings (Live) (2:00)
1:30 p.m. ESPN2 The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 Opening Ceremony (3:00)
GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Meijer LPGA Classic, Third Round (Live) (3:00)
2:30 p.m. ESPN2 UFC Archival (0:25)
2:55 p.m. ESPN2 Formula 1 Racing Canada Grand Prix, Qualifying (Live) (1:05)
3:00 p.m. (7) KCCO NWSL Soccer Angel City FC at San Diego Wave FC (Live) (2:00)
4:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
ESPN2 E60 (1:00)
BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)
5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
8:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Baseball NCAA Tournament, Super Regional: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)
2021 Nashville: Ally 400 (1:00)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (2:00)
9:00 p.m. ESPN The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
2022 Nashville: Ally 400 (1:00) 10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00)
Tuesday, June 13 4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)
ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)
BSNOR Live on the Line (1:00)
7:00 p.m. ESPN 30 for 30 The Luckiest
Guy In The World, Part 3 (1:00)
ESPN2 The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
TNT TRUTV 2023 Stanley Cup
Final Game 5: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)
USA WWE NXT (Live) (2:08)
8:00 p.m. ESPN 30 for 30 The Luckiest Guy In The World, Part 4 (1:00)
ESPN2 Athletes Unlimited Softball Athletes Unlimited Softball. Teams TBA (Live) (2:00)
9:00 p.m. ESPN The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (4:00)
TBS MLB on TBS: Closer (Live) (0:30)
10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00)
TBS All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (Live) (2:00)
8:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Last Dance Episode 9 (1:00)
GOLF Live From the U.S. Open (9:00)
9:00 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball (Live) (3:00)
ESPN2 The Last Dance Episode 10 (1:00)
10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
Thursday, June 15
4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)
ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)
4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (Live) (0:30)
BSNOR The Rally (1:00)
5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
7:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR
WWE Friday Night SmackDown (Live) (2:00)
8:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs. Team Chandler (1:00)
9:00 p.m. (41) KPXM WNBA
Basketball Minnesota Lynx at Los Angeles Sparks (Live) (2:00)
10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (Live) (1:30)
Saturday, June 17
8:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)
BSNOR Backroads With Ron and Raven Time to Meet... (0:30)
SHOW Bellator MMA (3:00)
8:30 a.m. BSNOR Larry Smith Outdoors (0:30)
6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLB Baseball (Live) (3:00)
ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 4: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)
ESPN2 UFC Fight Night (3:00)
BSNOR AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour Fort Lauderdale (2:00)
7:00 p.m. (29) WFTC USL W-League Bavarian United SC at Minnesota Aurora FC (Live) (2:00)
8:00 p.m. (11) KARE 2023 U.S. Open Golf Championship Third Round (Live) (2:00)
BSNOR Golf Life (0:30)
8:30 p.m. BSNOR Breaking Par (0:30)
9:00 p.m. ESPN UFC Fight Night (Live) (3:00)
10:00 p.m. (23) WUCW WOWWomen Of Wrestling Welcomings and Whoopings (1:00)
John Wick: Chapter 4
John Wick (Reeves) is on the run, pursued by the best assassins around the globe following his past betrayal of the underworld code of honor. Seeking to destroy The High Table and earn his freedom from a life of conflict, Wick must turn to old allies, including Winston (McShane), owner of the notorious Continental Hotel, in one final effort to save himself and avenge the death of his wife. Complicating matters is the ambi-
KeanuReeves,DonnieYen,Bill Skarsgard,IanMcShane,LaurenceFishburne,LanceReddick, ClancyBrown,HiroyukiSanada, RinaSawayama.2023.170mins. Action.
One Ranger
Texas justice travels across the pond when Texas Ranger Alex Tyree (Jane) is recruited by British intelligence for the pursuit of an international criminal (Jagger). Robbing banks amidst a
crime spree across the Texas plains, the cowboy lawman is summoned for the case. Soon discovering the fugitive’s desire to detonate a bomb within London, Tyree joins forces with British agent Jennifer Smith (Tipper) and her boss (Malkovich) in an attempt to thwart an international act of terrorism.
Director:JesseV.Johnson.Stars: ThomasJane,DominiqueTipper, JohnMalkovich,DeanJagger, GregoryZaragoza,JessLiaudin. 2023.95mins.Action.
tious Marquis (Skarsgard), who will stop at nothing to acquire leadership of The High Table, utilizing the powerful resources all for one goal: stopping John Wick. Facing insurmountable forces, Wick will need his exceptional fighting and weapons skills to clear the underworld of all his enemies, once and for all.
From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme
You’ll recall a Texas judge banned the abortion drug mifepristone. An appeals court in Louisiana struck down that ruling but said that some FDA approvals should be halted, including permissions to send the pills by mail. I mean, it’s 2023. Everybody gets their medication through the mail. The only reason to go to CVS is to shoplift.
Starring Jimmy Fallon (R)
Amazon Prime is rolling out a feature that will allow you to boost the dialogue in movies and TV shows so that you can hear it over the background music and
Hundreds of Southwest flights were grounded due to what the FAA described as “equipment issues.” ... I tell you, they spend so much time on the ground, they’re basically a railroad now. In a social media post, the company said, “We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but that’s what you get for flying Southwest.”
Lamborghini this week unveiled its first plug-in hybrid supercar. Now you can help save the planet for your children from all three of your marriages.
According to a new survey, an estimated 44 million American adults are experiencing significant
(9) KAWE To the C o n trary Lakeland News W ld Krat ts C u rio us G e o r g e Wo rk I t Daniel Tiger S esam e Street R o s i e ' s Rules
(9) KMSP X p l o rati o n S p a c e Sp o rts Stars (N) F O X 9 M o rn i n g S a turd a y (N) P ai d P ro g ram P a d P ro g ram
P ath to Hap p ily Ev er 'TVG' T h e K e to D i e t Wi th Dr J o s h A xe 'TVG' Fro m th e H ea rt Celebrating Lawrence Welk at the Grand Ole Opry.
ai d P ro g ram
ai d P ro g ram
ai d P ro g ram
ai d P ro g ram
ai d
ro g ram
ai d P ro g ram
(15) KV RR Hearts o f Heroes oh baby! Outback Wildlife N a tio n Ro ck th e P ark Ro ck th e P ark Heartland (N) P a d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram S i m ps o ns S i m ps o ns S m ps o ns
(23) WUCW Goetz & S i e b e n P ai d P ro g ram Science N o w Kid s News (N) I n to Wild I n to Wild I n to Wild I n to Wild P e t V e t Tai l s o f V al o r P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram
ai d
B ob Dylan: Sha Dylan performs 13 songs from the first half of his career. Suze Orman's 'TVG'
ro g ram
T M Z (N)'TVPG' K i n g H om eo w n e r USF L F o o tb a l l Birmingham Stallions vs. Memphis Showboats (L) (N)
WOW Welcomings and Whoopings (N) < The Mercy (‘18) Colin Firth,David Thewlis, Rachel Weisz P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram M N F l uencers F u nn y You
(29) WFTC Life 2 0 Heartand (N) Biz Kid $ Awesom e Planet P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P a d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram P ai d P ro g ram T h e J a s o n Sh o w 'TVPG' C h i c a g o F i re 'TV14' C h i F ire "Short and Fat" 'TV14' T he B ack Report The Black Report The Black Report F OX 9 at 5p m (N) (41) KP X M Bo n e s "The High in the Low" 'TV14' B o n e s "The Cold in the Case" 'TV14' B o n e s "The Nail in the Coffin" 'TV14' Law-SV U "In Loco Parentis" 'TV14' Law &
"Brown" 'TVPG' Zomb e House F l i p p i ng 'TVPG' Zombie "Orlando: Sweetbriar" 'TVPG' Zombie House F l i p p i ng (N) 'TVPG' Lakefro n t (N) Lakefro n t (N) <++ D e n o f T h i e v es (‘18)Pablo Schreiber,O'Shea Jackson Jr., Gerard Butler. 'TVPG'
<+++ Creed (‘15)Sylvester Stallone,Tessa Thompson, Michael B. Jordan. 'TVG'
AMC T w o Me n T w o Me n T w o Me n T w o Me n T w o M e n T w o M e n <+++ Un d er Sieg e (‘92)Tommy Lee Jones,Gary Busey, Steven Seagal. 'TVPG' <++ U S M ars h a s (‘98) Wesley Snipes,Robert Downey Jr., Tommy Lee Jones. 'TVPG' <++ Battle: Lo s An g eles (‘11) Michelle Rodriguez, Aaron Eckhart. 'TVPG' <+++ Avatar (‘09) 'TVG'
DISN Bluey Bluey Big C ity Ki f f (N) Hamster& Marvel's Hai ey Hailey Lad yb ug Lad yb ug Big C i ty Big C i ty Bluey Bluey Bluey Big C ty Big C i ty Big City Hailey Hailey B g C i ty B g C i ty The Villains
E! Sex-City Sex-City Sex-C ity Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-C ty Sex-C ty Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex -City Sex-City Sex -C ity Sex -C ity Sex-City Sex-City Sex-City Sex-C ty Sex-C ty Sex-City Sex-City Sex-C ity Sex-City
ESP N S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) (N) P re m i e r L a c ro s s e L e a g u e Teams TBA (L) (N) 2023 M en ' s C o lleg e Wo rld Series Game 3: Teams TBA(L) (N) S p o r t s C en t e r (L)
Olam Holy (N) Adventu Catho ic Cat Chat At Home Lord Da ily Mass: Olam Religious Dominic.. H e a rt o f J e s u s C h a p l e t Rosary C al l e d to (N) Catech ..Mercy M iracle Sa vation F N C F O X a n d F ri e nd s
Satu rd ay (L) (N)
F O X a n d F ri e nd s
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F O X a n d F ri e nd s Satu rd ay (L) (N)
C a v u to L i v e (L)(N) C a v u to L i v e (L)(N) F o x N e w s L i v e (L) (N) F o x N e w s L i v e (L) (N) F o x N e w s L i v e (L) (N) Journal Editorial (N) F o x N e w s Li v e (L) (N) The Big Saturday S h o w (L) (N) F o x R e po rt W i th J o n S c o tt (L) (N)
FREE S mpsons Simpsons Simpsons < C ap tain Un d erp an ts : Th e F irs t Ep <+ G ro w n Up s (‘10)Adam Sandler. 'TVG' <+ G ro w n Up s 2 (‘13) 'TVG' (:10) <+++ Hercules (‘97)'TVG' (:15) <+++ Aladdin (‘92) 'TVG'
F X M o m M o m M o m M o m FamilyG.. Fam lyG.. Fam lyG..FamilyG <+ N o bo d y ' s F oo l (‘18)Tiffany Haddish.'TVPG' <++ T h e S p y W ho D u m p ed Me (‘18) 'TVPG' <+++ I ro n M a n (‘08)Robert Downey Jr..'TVG'
G O L F (5:00) Liv e F ro m th e U S Op en 'TVG' Liv e F ro
o u s es Sm a l T o w n F x e r to F a b u l o us F i x e r to F ab u l o us F i x e r to F a b u l o us F i x e r to F a b u l o us
N C I S M o v i e M o v e M o v i e
SYFY PaidProg PaidProg < H o riz o n L i n e (‘20) Allison Williams. <++ J u m a n j (‘95) 'TVG' (:05) <++ I , R o b o t (‘04)Will Smith. 'TVG' (:35) <++ The A-Team (‘10)Liam Neeson.'TVG' (:05) < Tra n s f o rm e rs: T h e L a s t Kn i g h t
TBN J Osteen Marcus VeggieTales 'TVY' J Osteen Jackson S Furtick Franklin Jeffress V egg ie DriveThru J o el Ru b in God-Giv..P o mp e o N e w s Tu rn n g Po i n t Grah a m Grah a m P rec i o u s M em o ri e s
TBS I Survived Bear Gry ls 'TV14' American Dad! American Dad! F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F ri e n d s F rie n d s F ri e n d s F r e n d s F ri e n d s F rie n d s F ri e n d s F rie n d s Y o u ng S h e l d on Y o u ng S h e l d on Y o u ng S h e l d on <++ T h e M um m y : T o m b o f th e D ra g o n Emp eror (‘08) Jet Li, Brendan Fraser. 'TVG' <++ T h e M um m y (‘99) 'TVPG'
T C M (:15) M G M P a rad e < The Ear y <+ C en tral P ark (‘32) Joan Blondell. Batman P o peye /(:10) <++ T h e Gard en M u rd er C ase (‘36) < Trial b y T ri <++ Revei le With Beverly (‘43) Ann Miller. <+++ How the West Was Won (‘62)Lee J. Cobb,Henry Fonda, Carroll Baker. 'TVG' <+++ Kansas City Confid ential (‘52) 'TVG' (:15) <+++ Bad land s 'TVPG'
T L C G y p s y W e d d in g G y p s y W e d d in g F o u r W e dd n gs F o u r W e dd i n gs C rac k A d d i c ts C rac k A d d i c ts C rac k A d d i c ts M y 600 -Lb . L i f e "Cindy's Story"'TVPG' Hoard -Buried Hoard -Bu ried Hoard -Buried
TNT <++ Jaws 2 (‘78) Roy Scheider. 'TVPG' (:15) <++++ Jaws (‘75)Robert Shaw,Roy Scheider.'TV14' <++ Godz lla: King of the Monsters (‘19) 'TVG' <++ Godzilla vs. Kong (‘21)'TVG' <+++ Av eng ers : Ag e o f Ultro n 'TVG'
TOON G u m b a l G u m b a l l Teen Teen Teen L o o n e y Bears (N) Bears (N) Total DramaR ama C ra g C raig Teen Teen Teen Teen G u m b a l l G u m b a l l G u m b a l l G u m b a l l < S c o ob y -Do o ! & K i s s : R G u m b a l TRAV F o od P arad s e T o B e A n n o u n ce d 'TVPG' Myster es at Mysteries at Mysteries at Mysteries at Mysteries at Mysteries at Myster es at Mysteries at Mysteries at TRUTV Hack Hack Step/Step Step/Step Step/Step Step/Step M atters M atters M atters M atters Step/Step Step/Step Step/Step Step/Step Jo kes Jo kes Jok e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s J o k e s
TVLAND R o s ea n n e R o s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e R o s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e Ro s ea n n e M k e & Molly Mi k e & Molly Mi k e & Molly Mi k e & Mo ly M i k e & Mol y Mi k e & Mol y M i k e & Molly Mi k e & Molly M i k e & Molly Mi k e & Molly M i k e & Molly M k e & Molly
5: < The Fast & th e F u ri o u s : T o k (:05) <++ F a s t & F urio u s (‘09) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. 'TVPG' <++ F a s t F v e (‘11) Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster,Vin Diesel. 'TVG'
USF L F o o tb a l Pittsburgh Maulers vs. New Jersey Generals(L) (N) <++ A ny Given Sunday (‘99)Cameron Diaz,Dennis Quaid, Al Pacino. 'TVPG'
HBO 5: < Dared (:45) <++ T he Solois t (‘09) Robert Downey Jr., Jamie Foxx. 'TVG' (:45) <++ Safe Haven (‘13)Julianne Hough, Josh Duhamel. 'TVG' (:45) <+++ War of the Wor ds (‘05) Dakota Fanning, Tom Cruise. 'TVPG' (:45) <+++ M o on ag e D a y d rea m (‘22) 'TVG'F i v e S p e e ch e s 'TVMA' TBA <++ Black Ad am (‘22) Dwayne Johnson. 'TVG'
MAX (5:50) <++ The Saint (‘97) Val Kilmer. 'TVG' (:45) <++ N o s ta l g i a (‘18) Catherine Keener, Bruce Dern, Jon Hamm. 'TVG' (:40) <+++ Gravity (‘13) Sandra Bullock. 'TVG' (:10) <++ M I -5 (‘15)Kit Harington, Jennifer Ehle, Peter Firth. 'TVPG' (:55) <++ M a n o n Fire (‘04)Dakota Fanning, Denzel Washington. 'TVPG' (:25) <++ T ra n s c e nd e n c e (‘14) Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Johnny Depp. 'TVG' (:25) <+ Ta m m y (‘14) 'TVPG'
SHOW 4:40 < Up n t <++ W alking Tall (‘04) Dwayne Johnson. 'TVPG' Bellato r M M A < P u n ch (‘22)Jordan Oosterhof, Tim Roth. (:40) <++ C au gh t in th e C ro s s f i re (‘10) 'TVPG'
(5:35) <+ Orca (‘77) 'TVG'
(:05) <+++ Do u b l e J e o p a rd y (‘99)
Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones. 'TVG'
G h o s ts o f B e i ru t "The Finding" <+++ Full Metal Jacket (‘87) 'TVPG'
(:10) <+++ Th a n k Yo u f o r Y o u r Service (‘17) Miles Teller. 'TVPG' <+++ Margin Call (‘11) Kevin Spacey. 'TVG' (:50) < Marg aux (‘22)Vanessa Morgan, Lochlyn Munro, Madison Pettis. (:35) <+++ Th e L i gh th o us e (‘19) Willem Dafoe, Robert Pattinson. 'TVPG' (:25) <+++ Victoria (‘15)Frederick Lau, Franz Rogowski, Laia Costa. 'TVPG'
(:45) <++ Infinite Storm (‘22) Naomi Watts.
“Never Have I Ever” - Season 4 Devi (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, “Turning Red,” 2022) and her friends return for their greatest adventure yet — senior year — when the fourth and final season of “Never Have I Ever” premieres Thursday, June 8, on Netflix. In this coming-of-age story based on series co-creator Mindy Kaling’s (“The Office”) own teenage years, modern-day, first-generation Indian American teenager Devi deals with young love, friendships and continuing grief from losing her father in the first season. As Devi and her best friends, Fabiola (Lee Rodriguez, “Class of Lies”) and Eleanor (Ramona Young, “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”), encounter all kinds of new milestones in their lives and grapple with the college admissions process, prom prep and their impending graduation, they’re still bound to hit a roadblock or two. Michael Cimino (“Love, Victor”) joins the cast as bay boy Ethan this season, while returning cast members include Darren Barnet (“Love Hard,” 2021), Jaren Lewison (“Tag,” 2018), Benjamin Norris (“Superstore”), Niecy Nash (“The Rookie: Feds”), Richa Moorjani (“Fargo”), Poorna Jagannathan (“The Night Of”), Megan Suri (“Atypical”) and Ranjita Chakravarty (“It’s a Mismatch,” 2009), with professional tennis legend John McEnroe returning to his role as series narrator.
Hot on the tail of the release of his new series “FUBAR,” fans of the Governator can get even more “Arnold” when the new three-part biographical docuseries lands Wednesday, June 7, on Netflix. Chronicling the life of former professional bodybuilder, actor, filmmaker, businessman and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, from his childhood in the Austrian countryside to the American limelight, “Arnold” features a series of candid interviews with Schwarzenegger, his friends, foes, co-stars and observers. From his days in the bodybuilding scene to his success in the Terminator film franchise and his time as the governor of California, the series takes a deeper look at the man behind the rock-solid, larger-than-life persona. Produced by Allen Hughes (“The Book of Eli,” 2010), “Arnold” is directed by Lesley Chilcott (“Helter Skelter: An American Myth”).
“The Lake” - Season 2
Grab your sunscreen and your floaties for another family adventure: the Canadian comedy-drama “The Lake” returns to Prime Video Friday, June 9, for its second season. The beginning of the series found Justin (Jordan Gavaris, “Orphan Black”) hoping to find himself again and reconnect with his biological daughter, Billie (Madison Shamoun, “All American”), whom he gave up for adoption as a teenager, by planning a trip to the lake where he spent his summers as a child. Now, Season 2 finds Justin and Riley (Travis Nelson, “I Am Syd Stone”) deciding to make their relationship official, but their plans go up in flames alongside the beloved boathouse. Meanwhile, Maisy-May (Julia Stiles, “Riviera”) deals with the return of her mother, Mimsy (Lauren Holly, “Picket Fences”), and Billie returns for what is supposed to be a one-week vacation, but her plans change when a tree planter named Forrest (Jhaleil Swaby, “Supergirl”) and a fierce climate activist, Ivy (new talent Max Amani), suddenly give her two reasons to stick around. From creator Julian Doucet (“Hudson & Rex”), the cast of “The Lake” is rounded out by Terry Chen (“The Expanse”), Jon Dore (“Funny as Hell”), Carolyn Scott (“Star Trek: Strange New Worlds”), Natalie Lisinka (“Orphan Black”) and Declan Whaley (“Firebuds”).
A dark, twisted, and romantic coming-of-age story, 2023’s “My Fault (Culpa Mia)” premieres Thursday, June 8, on Prime Video. Written and directed by Spanish newcomer Domingo González, the film stars Nicole Wallace (“Skam España”) as Noah, a 17-year-old girl pulled from the life she once knew after her mother remarries, moving the family into the mansion of her new, insanely rich husband, William Leister (Iván Sánchez, “Hospital Central”). In a new and unfamiliar environment, Noah resists the many changes in her life, including the abundant luxuries offered by her stepfather’s status. When Noah meets her stepfather’s son, Nick (Gabriel Guevara, “Red Flags”), however, that all begins to change. At first, Noah clashes with her new stepbrother, but soon she discovers that he has been living a secret life of his own, hidden behind a picture perfect persona. Taking part in gambling, fights, and illegal car racing, Nick’s life is far from what Noah pictured – and far from her comfort zone. Soon, attraction and curiosity blossoms between the pair, quickly turning their stunted, step-sibling relationship into something more. The film also stars Marta Hazas (“Días Mejores”) , Victor Varona (“Secrets of Summer”) and Ivan Massagué (“Welcome to the Family”).
“Isufferedfromsevererefluxproblemsandhadbeen taking medications formorethan25 years.Bariatricsurgery took care of thereflux, thehiatalhernia,and Ilostanadditional86 pounds (pre -surgery loss54pounds). Ihavemoreenergy,my arthritisislesspainful,Ifeelbetteroverall,and cutdownmy bloodpressuremedications.Itiswonderfultobeable to eat without feelingawfulafterwards.”
-Marsha Mower BARIATRICSURGERY PATIENTAt CRMC,wetreat each patient as anindividualandunderstand ever yone’s weightlossjourneymay bedifferent.Wew ill customize aplan foryouwhetheritbemedical,surgical,oracombinationof both That’s whyitfeelsso goodto getwellhere.
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