The Brainerd Dispatch TV Week June 18th 2023

Page 19

June18 -24, 2023 Trucestory JeffreyDeanMorganand LaurenCohan star in“The WalkingDead:DeadCity” Today’s Entertainment R INE R L A D EN T MINNE O S IN OCK D TA T BRAINE D SP CH M A V T Mayo Clin c h eat ns o killstateinvestments,A9 ByMattErickson BrainerdDispatch B inerd thestartofMinnesota’s openwaterfishing season.Thegoodnews—peartobe searchtofindwhat theywantorchangeup theirtactics.JamesHope,employee atSportlandBait&inNisswa,said minnowsthanthey usedtoandthiswinter thatnumberdecreased evenfurtherbecause ofwinterkillduetoice andsnowonthebait rap ingponds. ByMichaelJohnson Agweek STAPLES,Minn.— It’squitepossiblethat manyanglerswillbe skunkedbeforethey evenhitthewaterfor thisweekend’sMinnesotafishingopener aslivebaitsuppliesare limited,accordingto baitproducerandharvester,BarryThoele,of Staples,Minnesota.Thoeleblamesrecord breakingwinterkillas ama ing b spring Bu the b bee m con the tio wi po R ba m Minn.baitfish f couldgrowwith goldenshiner p SteveKohls/BrainerdDispatch amie,left,andLynnHarkerfishforcrappiesonMondayonSerpentLakeinCrosby.Thefatherandsonpair weresearchingforpanfishintheshallows. Mostpopularbait hasbeendeclining inthestate Examplesofgolden M n a SeaGra Minnesota’sfishingopener isonlyafewdaysaway r up d g w p w d m g u r d h d e o d 0 g d n n y n arm help roje AIT P g A1 a FRIDAY,MAY12,2023TOTHURSDA echolandshopper.c REACHINGMORETHAN20,000AREA Echoland-Pip SHOPP AFullServiceGrocery&ConvenienceStore Hwy371South,PineRiver•218-587-2488• StoreHours:Monday-Saturday6amto8pm,Sunday7am-7pm RIBFEST! Youcancallahead s PleasecallbyWednesdayMay17th. ilgone Hot FreshfromtheGrill Delicious! ea y o a s FullRack$15 10amuntilwerunout! om B OM S er ER Onaroll Patriotsoftballwins 6of7,arenow10-1. Page19 Trysomething new! PineRiverwoman castinfourthplay Page2 SPRE DING A Photosb BrainerdSchoolBoardmemberJohnWardtalkedtostudentsatEagleViewElementarySc B kindnesswhilereadingthebook“BigAl.”HereadtoNisswaElementarySchoolclas m ByTravisGrimler EchoJournal Thelakesareahas jump-starttoward green-up—thecondiionsnecessarytoend heannualspringfire estrictions—thanks oamplesnowpackand arlyprecipitation. However,it’snotquite imeforburningrestricionstoend.Indeed,they Mreinplaceformany innesotacounties, CncludingCrowWingand asscounties. “Burningrestrictions werejustimplemented AirstonFriday(May5). ndtheyareexpected obeonanywherefrom weektotwoweeks,” saidCraigSchultz,BackMsteamleaderwiththe innesotaDepartment fNaturalResources orestryDivision. “Thisyear,Ithink withhavingreceived hegoodsnowpack, hingshavegreenedup elativelyquicklyasthe snowreceded,”Schultz said.“Weseemtohave mairlevelofnearsurface oistureconditions. The ppersu Restrictionsset snplaceduringthe pringgreen-up tHoldoff hatburn F OurweeklyTVpublicationisjustthat! BuyanadinTVWeekandgetapickupinthe BrainerdDispatch, PineandLakes Echo JournalorEcholandShopper. Soundlikeagreat deal? Formoredetails call218-855-5895 BOGO? WHODOESN’TLIKE A Love ourLakes? Checkout the Love of theLakes magazine.


5Lend ahand



13 Frigid

14 “American___”


16“Spaceballs” (1987)writer, directorand producerBrooks

17Dramatic opening



21 Classicsitcom

starCarroll,of “All inthe Family”


25“Ocean’sEleven” franchisejob

29“Put___Happy Face”(2)



31 Theblahs


36 “AlltheMoney inthe World” (2017)star Christopher

4040Downwon threeofthem(2)

46 Formersitcom starMcEntire


48Brokegambler’s promises


50Dormoverseers, forshort 51Bakerybuy

7“LikeaRolling Stone”singerBob



10 Throw,asdice

2•June18 -24,2023 •BrainerdDispatch
52Bone:Prefix 53Summer refresher providers DOWN 1“TheModSquad” role 2GreatSaltLake state 3Hairremoval brand
42000cinematic dramaBilly___”
5“We ___please” (2)
6Stranddueto winterweather(2)
11 Plumlikefruit 19 Educ.institution 20 Japanesedrama 22Antagonist 23Placetostay 24Devotee 26OldWhiteHouse nickname 27Realityshow “BelowDeck’s” setting 28Norse wargod 32“SaturdayNight Live’s”“Weekend ___” 33___-de-France 34Stitchup 35Ghostly apparition 37Planetary shadow 38“Sorryabout that!”(2) 39 Trickybilliards shot 402012drama starringBen Affleck 41Cartoonframe 42Adjoin 43Ramble 44OldSpanishcoin 45Concordes Crossword television Solutiononpage 12 RECYCLEMORE! TheseItemsmayallbe recycled in Crow Wing County: Plastic Water &Soda Bottles Newspapers& Magazines Milk Jugs (Please Crush) Glass All Colors Plastics withaneck Lids removed and thrown Junk Mail Corrugated Cardboard (Pleasecutand flatten) Crow Wing County Landfill- 15732StateHighway 210, Brainerd Nisswa CommunityCenter- 25636Main St ,Nisswa Ideal Transfer Station- 33503WIslandLake, PequotLakes Formoreinformationon recyclingin Crow Wing County please visitour Recycling is good forthe environment andour community. LEARNWHATYOU CANDOATHOME! Ma te rials sh ou ld be separ at ed fro mo th er tr as h and vi sible fo ri ns pe ct ion by atte ndan t. –D RO PO FF LO CATI ON S–*All bins arelabeled MetalCans (Please wash) CorrugatedCardboard –Green Containers Plastic, Tin,Aluminum –Blue Containers Glass –Green Containers MixedPaper –WhiteContainers *Nocontainers used forchemicalsor automotive products(oil,antifreeze, etc) OUTLET &SERVICECENTER ServingTheAreaSince1972 Largest Selection Of Name BrandCleanersIn TheA rea! Household &Commercial SALES &S ERVICE FORALLBRANDS Specializingin Simplicity, Riccar &Kirby We Take Trade-Ins. M-F9am -4:30pm, Sat. 9am-11:30am •117NE1st St., Next to Little FallsDental Cour t, Little Falls,MN 320-632-3674 VACUUMCLEANER BU YI NG/S ELLI NG Gold &Silver,Jewelry,Sterling ,R are Coins, Diamonds,D ental Gold Free Appraisals 218-454-4653(GOLD) Hereforyou throughoutallthe stagesofyourlife. Dr.JackieMcCall 7870ExcelsiorRd.,Baxter BrainerdOffice:218.828.9545 •877.338.3957 TreatmentofEyeInfections,Injuries &Glaucoma Consultationsfor LaserandCataractSurgery EyeExams •Contact Lenses •Eye Wear

Sports this week

Sunday, June 18

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR Jason Mitchell Outdoors

Leech Lake Jig Walleye (0:30)

10:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

10:30 a.m. CNBC ARCA Menards

Series West Series: General Tire 200 (1:00)

11:00 a.m. (7) KCCO WNBA

Basketball Phoenix Mercury at New York Liberty (Live) (2:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

11:30 a.m. (5) KSTP Formula 1 Prerace (Live) (1:30)

Noon (11) KARE 2023 U.S. Open Golf Championship Final Round (Live) (8:00)

ESPN2 30 for 30 The American Gladiators Documentary, Part 1 (1:30)

USA IndyCar Series Pre Race (Live) (0:30)

12:30 p.m. CNBC MotoGP Racing

MotoGP Racing. Germany Grand Prix (1:30)

BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)

USA IndyCar Racing Sonsio Grand Prix at Road America (Live) (2:00)

1:00 p.m. (5) KSTP Formula 1 Racing Canada Grand Prix (Live) (2:00)

(7) KCCO LPGA Tour Golf Meijer

LPGA Classic, Final Round (Live) (2:00)

(9) KMSP (15) KVRR UEFA Nations League Match Day (Live) (0:30)

ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 5: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Minnesota Twins (Live) (3:00)

1:30 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR

UEFA Nations League Soccer Final: Teams TBA (Live) (2:30)

ESPN2 30 for 30 The American Gladiators Documentary, Part 2 (2:00)

2:30 p.m. USA IndyCar Series Post Race (Live) (0:30)

3:00 p.m. (7) KCCO NWSL Soccer NJ/ NY Gotham FC at Racing Louisville FC (Live) (2:00)

3:30 p.m. ESPN2 SC Featured Nothing Else Matters (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 NBA Countdown (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR AVP Pro Beach Volleyball

Tour Atlanta Open (2:00)

6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR USFL

Football Philadelphia Stars vs Michigan Panthers (Live) (3:00)

ESPN MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 6: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

6:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Countdown (Live) (0:29)

7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP 2023 NBA Finals

Miami Heat at Denver Nuggets (Live) (2:30)

7:30 p.m. BSNOR Wolves+ Napheesa Collier (0:30)

8:00 p.m. (11) KARE 2023 U.S. Open

Golf Championship Final Round (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR WNBA Basketball Minnesota Lynx at Las Vegas Aces (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

9:30 p.m. (5) KSTP NBA Postgame Studio (Live) (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:30)

10:30 p.m. (9) KMSP FOX 9 Sports Now (0:30)

p.m. (11) KARE Minnesota Bound (0:30) Monday, June 19 9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

BSNOR WNBA Basketball Minnesota Lynx at Las Vegas Aces (2:00) 11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR Live on the Line (Live) (1:00)

GOLF Golf Today (Live) (2:00)

Noon ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College

World Series Game 7: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 This Just In (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Minnesota Twins (2:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NBA Today (Live) (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

GOLF Golf Central (1:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (Live) (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 8: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 The Point (Live) (0:30)

BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)

GOLF School of Golf (0:30)

6:30 p.m. BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (Live) (3:00)

GOLF School of Golf Chapter 6: Slice Stoppers (0:30)

7:00 p.m. (11) KARE American Ninja Warrior Qualifiers 4 (1:00)

ESPN2 X Games Real BMX 2023The Absolute Best Of (1:00)

GOLF 2023 U.S. Open Golf Championship Final Round (5:00)

USA WWE Monday Night RAW (Live) (3:00)

8:00 p.m. (23) WUCW Barons Lazy Susan (1:00)

ESPN2 Pickleball Major League Pickleball: Season One Championship (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00)

9:30 p.m. BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

Tuesday, June 20

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

10:30 a.m. BSNOR P1 Racing Cocoa Beach: Class 1 Offshore (0:30)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

Noon ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 9: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 This Just In (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (2:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NBA Today (Live) (1:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN Around the Horn (0:30)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (Live) (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

TBS MLB on TBS: Leadoff (Live) (0:30)

5:30 p.m. TBS MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies (Live) (3:30)

6:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 10: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 NBA Mock Draft Special (Live) (0:30)

BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)

6:30 p.m. BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (Live) (3:00)

7:00 p.m. USA WWE NXT (Live) (2:08)

9:00 p.m. ESPN The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs Team Chandler (1:00)

TBS MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Los Angeles Angels (Live) (3:00)

9:30 p.m. BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00) 11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

Wednesday, June 21

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

BSNOR WNBA Basketball Minnesota Lynx at Los Angeles Sparks (2:00)

10:30 a.m. GOLF PGA TOUR: The CUT (0:30)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

Noon ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 11: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 This Just In (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (2:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NBA Today (Live) (1:00)

p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN Pardon the Interruption (Live) (0:30)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 12: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 2023 NBA Draft (1:00)

BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)

6:30 p.m. BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (Live) (3:00)


7:00 p.m. ESPN2 The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs Team Chandler (1:00)

TBS All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (Live) (2:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (1:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

ESPN2 2023 World Lacrosse Men’s Championship (Live) (2:00)

9:30 p.m. BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (Live) (1:00)

GOLF Asian Tour Golf Kolon Korea Open, First Round (Live) (4:00)

Thursday, June 22

9:00 a.m. ESPN First Take (Live) (2:00)

10:00 a.m. GOLF 2023 KPMG Women’s PGA Championship First Round (Live) (4:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

11:30 a.m. BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)

Noon ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (Live) (3:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 13: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

ESPN2 This Just In (Live) (1:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NBA Today (Live) (1:00)

GOLF PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, First Round (Live) (3:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN2 NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

4:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Today NBA Draft Red Carpet Special (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR The Rally (Live) (1:00)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

6:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (0:30)

ESPN2 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 14: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

BSNOR P1 Racing Cocoa Beach: Class 1 Offshore (0:30)

6:30 p.m. ESPN 2023 NBA Draft (0:30)

7:00 p.m. (5) KSTP ESPN 2023 NBA Draft (Live) (3:00)

BSNOR WNBA Basketball Connecticut Sun at Minnesota Lynx (Live) (2:00)

10:00 p.m. ESPN 2023 NBA Draft (Live) (1:30)

ESPN2 SportsCenter (Live) (1:30)

11:00 p.m. GOLF Asian Tour Golf Kolon Korea Open, Second Round (Live) (4:00)

Friday, June 23

10:00 a.m. GOLF 2023 KPMG Women’s PGA Championship Second Round (Live) (4:00)

11:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

Noon ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

1:00 p.m. ESPN This Just In (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (2:00)

2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Today (Live) (1:00)

GOLF PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Second Round (Live) (3:00)

3:00 p.m. ESPN NFL Live (Live) (1:00)

4:30 p.m. ESPN2 UFC Live Emmett vs Topuria (Live) (0:30)

USA NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series Tennessee Lottery 250, Practice (Live) (1:00)

5:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

BSNOR Twins Live Pregame (Live) (0:30)

5:30 p.m. BSNOR MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Detroit Tigers (Live) (3:00)

6:00 p.m. (41) KPXM WNBA Weekly (0:30)

6:30 p.m. (41) KPXM WNBA Basketball New York Liberty at Atlanta Dream (Live) (2:00)

7:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR WWE Friday Night SmackDown (Live) (2:00)

8:00 p.m. ESPN The Ultimate Fighter Team McGregor vs Team Chandler (1:00)

8:30 p.m. (41) KPXM WNBA Weekly (0:30)

BSNOR Twins Live Postgame (Live) (0:30)

9:00 p.m. (41) KPXM WNBA

Basketball Dallas Wings at Los Angeles Sparks (Live) (2:00)

ESPN Professional Fighters League PFL 6: Welterweights & Lightweights (Live) (2:00)

TNT All Elite Wrestling: Rampage (1:00)

9:30 p.m. (15) KVRR KVRR Sports Extra (0:30)

10:00 p.m. ESPN2 SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

10:15 p.m. (9) KMSP FOX 9 Sports Now (0:20)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

Saturday, June 24

8:00 a.m. (11) KARE Horse Racing Royal Ascot (Live) (4:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

9:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

10:00 a.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

11:00 a.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR

MLB Pregame Show (Live) (1:00)

ESPN UFC Fight Night: Emmett vs Topuria - Prelims (Live) (3:00)

GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) (1:00)

USA NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series Tennessee Lottery 250, Qualifying (Live) (1:00)

Noon (9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs vs St. Louis Cardinals (Live) (3:00)

(11) KARE Track and Field USATF NYC Grand Prix (Live) (2:00)

BSNOR MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Detroit Tigers (2:00)

GOLF PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Third Round (Live) (2:00)

USA NASCAR Cup Series Ally 400, Qualifying (Live) (1:30)

1:00 p.m. (7) KCCO Course Record With Michael Breed (0:30)

(23) WUCW WOW - Women Of Wrestling Newcomers (1:00)

1:30 p.m. (7) KCCO PGA Tour Special (0:30)

2:00 p.m. (5) KSTP UFC Fight Night: Emmett vs Topuria (Live) (3:00)

(7) KCCO PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Third Round (Live) (3:00)

(11) KARE 2023 KPMG Women’s PGA Championship Third Round (Live) (3:00)

GOLF PGA Tour Champions Golf Dick’s Sporting Goods Open, Second Round (Live) (3:00)

USA NASCAR Xfinity Series Countdown to Green (Live) (0:30)

2:30 p.m. (9) KAWE Prairie Sportsman Lac Qui Parle Remembrance and Restora (0:30)

USA NASCAR Xfinity Racing Series Tennessee Lottery 250 (Live) (2:30)

3:00 p.m. ESPN World of X Games X Games Real Moto: Best Of (1:00)

BSNOR WNBA Basketball Connecticut Sun at Minnesota Lynx (2:00)

4:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

5:00 p.m. ESPN Baseball Tonight (Live) (1:00)

USA NASCAR Xfinity Series Post Race (Live) (0:30)

6:00 p.m. (9) KMSP (15) KVRR MLB Baseball (Live) (3:00)

ESPN 2023 Men’s College World Series Game 1: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

6:30 p.m. (11) KARE Minnesota Bound (0:30)

7:00 p.m. (11) KARE USFL Football

Semifinal: Teams TBA (Live) (3:00)

TNT All Elite Wrestling: Collision (Live) (2:00)

9:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

10:00 p.m. (23) WUCW WOWWomen Of Wrestling Newcomers (1:00)

ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

11:00 p.m. ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (1:00)

GOLF Asian Tour Golf Kolon Korea Open, Final Round (Live) (4:00)

Brainerd Dispatch • June 18 - 24, 2023 •9

Guy Ritchie’s TheCovenant Amidstthe warinAfghanistan, U.S. ArmySgt.JohnKinley(Gyllenhaal)iswoundedfollowing a roadsideexplosivedevice.ClaimingthelifeofhisAfghaniinterpreter,KinleyisassignednewcomerAhmed(Salim) ashisreplacementthroughouthistourof duty. Initiallyatoddswithoneanother,thetwoform apowerful

peopleofthemajesticplanet Pandora— anoldthreatreturnsthat endangerstheNa’vi’swayof life andtotalfuture.Nowmarriedto Neytiri(Saldana)whileservingas clanChieftain,Sullyand hisNa’vi familymustsummonalliesto thwarttheimpendinginvasion attempt by thehumanmilitary Fleeingfromcombativehuman forces, Sullyandhisfamilytake

bondofrespectasthe Talibaninsurgencycontinuesforward, threateningprogresswithinthe nation.Returningstateside,KinleystrivestoensureAhmedand hisfamilyreceiveU.S.visasfollowingthetargetedretribution towards U.S.-employedinterpreters.Denied by hissuperiorofficers,KinleyreturnstoAfghanistan —withoutsupport— torescue hiscomradefrom Taliban-occupiedterritory.

Director:GuyRitchie.Stars:Jake Gyllenhaal,DarSalim,Antony Starr,AlexanderLudwig,Jonny LeeMiller.2023.123mins.Action.

Avatar:The WayofWater

Intheaftermathofhuman Jake Sully(Worthington)embracing thelifeoftheNa’vi— thenative

refugeintheaquaticrealm, guardedbytheMetkayinatribe, led by Tonowari(Curtis)and Ronal(Winslet).SeekingtheantiagingserumfoundwithinPandora’svast marinelife,Gen. Frances Ardmore(Falco)and arestored Col.Quaritch(Lang)taketothe seas— thetruehomeofthe Na’vi —for abattlethat willdeterminethefateof Pandora’s future.

Director:JamesCameron.Stars: SamWorthington,ZoeSaldana, SigourneyWeaver,StephenLang, KateWinslet,CliffCurtis,EdieFalco.2022.192mins.Action.


Setin 1995, twoyoungchildren, Kevin(L. Paul)andKaylee(Tetreault),awakenlateonenightto

Fillinthegridsothateveryrow,everycolumn,andevery4x4 box containsthedigits 1through 9. ANDtheletters Athrough F. Solutionbelow

findtheirfathermissing,withall ofthehome’swindowsanddoors removedwithout atrace.Sticking togetherwhile watchingcartoons inthelivingroom,thesiblingsencounterparanormalapparitions andmysteriousvoices.Fearbetweenthepairescalatesasthey unknowinglytauntthespirits Director:KyleEdwardBall.Stars: LucasPaul,DaliRoseTetreault, RossPaul.2022.100mins.Horror

10 •June18 -24,2023 •Brainerd Dispatch
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Dar Salim and JakeGyllenhaalin“GuyRitchie’sThe Covenant”
DollarsraisedinourThriftStore gotohelpthoseinneedinthe Brainerd/BaxterLakes Community

Weightgain forsomepatients result sfromstressorpoorlif estyle choices, andfor others it canbemorecomplicated.It’snot uncommon forustofind that some people are pre-diabeticandneed assistance with handling bloodsugars.

Thebestway to learnmoreaboutwhat we do is to come into the officeand meetwithourteam. We will spendthe time necessar y to create acustomized, real food,DNA basedmealplan, and suppor tthat will work foryou

Fromthelist,findeachwordandcircleitslettersinthepuzzletoreveal amessagerelatingto thisweek'stheme

International Travel

Summer time Slimdown! 7818 ExcelsiorRd. Suite100 •Baxter, MN56425 218-203-0646 • CalltodayforyouFREEconsultation ($197 Value) Limited to the1st20callers 218-203-0646 Average loss of 23 lbsin 40 days WWW.JOBSHQ.COM FINDYOUR NEXTJOB EASYTO
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TheLateShowWith StephenColbert

Bigdairyhas been lobbying theFDAtoprevent makers ofnon-dairymilksfrom callingitmilk. Well,nowthe FDAhas issued guidance thatsays plant-based beverages thatbill themselves asmilkcan officially keep usingthe name.Thatis ahugewinfor non-dairymilks,especially

allthosealmonds they keep artificiallypregnant.

Accordingto anew study, procrastinationcanmake you depressed andpoor But,youknowwhat?It’s late,you’retired; be depressed andpoor tomorrow.

FoxNewssettledtheir defamation suitwith Dominion Voting Systems,

averting atrial.... Iwantmy trial! Youweresupposed to providemewithsix weeks of deliciouscontent. I wanted to seeRupert Murdochputhishandon thebibleandburstinto flames.Accordingto Dominion,the settlement wasfor agargantuan $797.5million.That’salot ofdough-minion.

Accordingto insiders, the former president [Trump]is facing a“softban”at Fox. What? What? They’re banningthe ex-president? That’slikethe Discovery Channel banningsharks.No onewantstowatch“Salty Water”week.

The TonightShow StarringJimmy Fallon

Chinese President XiJinping traveled toRussiato meet withVladimirPutin.Putin

wasjusthappyto get outof hisbunker,whileXiwaslike, “Worstspringbreakever.”

Yep, PutinandXi were together for over fourhours, waitingforthe other oneto sip their drinkfirst.

Nearly half abilliondollars worthofcocainewasfound floatingoffthecoastof Italy.It’sItaliancocaine,so youjustsprinkleit over your pasta.Ofcourse,everyone’s talkingabouthowit doesn’t comparetothecocaine their grandma used tomake.

Teslajust launched itsown beercalledGigabier.Yeah. It’sa Tesla beer.It’stheonly beer that explodeseven if youdon’tshakeit.

Forthefirsttime,Amazon’s self-driving cartransported passengersonpublic roads Thecardrove perfectly,then theywerethrownonto their frontporchlikeacheapset ofluggage.Unfortunately, after theAmazoncar dropped oneguyoffathis doorstep,someone ranup andstolehim.

TheState Department is changing their officialfont from TimesNew Romanto Calibri.It feels likethisis the government’sattempt tobelike, “We’refun. We’re naughty.” Yep, our government ischanging fonts.Yep.When you heard that,PresidentZelenskyy waslike, “Still here. Thisis still happening.We’ll take anything.We’ll taketanks, missiles,slingshots, boomerangs.”


When youthinkofallthe people Iregularly makefun of,it’salotof people.The onlytwowhohave tried to stopmeareDonald Trump andMarjorie TaylorGreene, whoactually called thecops onme Imadefunof O.J. a thousand times; hehasn’t tried tokillmeonce.

Accordingtothe U.S. patent office,Ford,theautomaker, considered building selfdrivingcarsthatcan repossessthemselves.About two yearsago,theyfiled a patent thatlaidout adesign for vehicles thatcoulddrive themselves backtothe dealershipifthe customer doesn’t payhisbill.Canyou imagine,like, gettingevicted fromyourcondo,yougo outside,andyou see your F-150is leaving you,too?

LateNightWithSeth Meyers

Republican Congressman MikeGallagherwarned that Chinawantstouseartificial intelligence to perfect its “Orwelliansurveillance state.” Unfortunately, Republicans don’tknow whatthat meansbecause theybanned thatbook.

PresidentBiden reassured Americans thecountry’s financial system issafe.OK, Ithinkthefactthatyou’re talkingabout abank collapseproves itisn’t — that’slikegoingto afuneral andgiving aeulogyabout howNana’sgoingtobefine.

12 •June18 -24,2023 •BrainerdDispatch
SATURD AY ’SSOLUTIONFRID AY ’SSOLUTION Hours:Mon-Sat9-5 •Hwy.210 W, Aitkin (218)927-6446 •Tools •Furniture •Housewares •Gifts •New Inventory Arriving Weekly 25,000Sq.Ft. To ShopFrom 35548CountyRoad66,Crosslake |218.692.6072 Don’tlethearingdifficultiesgetinthe wayofyour mostimportantrelationships.Contactus by phone oronlinetodaytoschedule your freehearingtest andlear nabout thelatestdiscreetandeffective treatmentoptions. Healthy Hearing Ke epsYou Connecte d Hungry? H Dining Guide 2023LAKESAREA ANECHOJOURNAL/ BRAINERDDISPATCH PUBLICATION LAKESAREA BECOMINGCULINARY KALEIDOSCOPE DESSERTSTOTEMPT YOURPALATE FEATUREDDISHES Checkout the 2023 LakesArea DiningGuide INDEPENDENTLY OWNED &OPERATED BY JEFF&TRACY SWENSON 218-828- 4320 chemdryofthelakes .c om W EA LS OC LE AN : •W OO D&V IN YL FLOO RS •T IL E&G RO UT •G RA NIT EC OUNT ER TO PR ENEWAL Serving Crow Wing, Aitkin,Morrison, Todd, N. Mille Lacs and SouthernCassCounties ASKABOUTOURCURRENTSPECIAL S! ThankYouforvotingus theBestCarpetCleaner 3yearsinarow! SUPERIOR CARPET & UPHOLSTERYCLEANING 828 4 320
18 • June 18 - 24, 2023 • Brainerd Dispatch CHANNELGUIDEBrainerd(Char te r) CTCEmily(C AT V)CrosslakePeqout La kes(Char te r)Onamia(Sa va ge ) Pierz(Mid-continent)East Gull La ke(Sa va ge ) Pilla ge r (Sa va ge ) Ve rn dale (Sa va ge ) Aitkin(Char te r) Little Falls (Char te r) StaplesChar te r) Wa dena(Char te r) Wa lker(Tekstar) PBSSTPAULKTCA825656 ABCMINNEAPOLIS/ALEXANDRIAKSTP/KSAX555555555555555 NBCDULUTHKBJR CBSALEXANDRIA/WALKERKCCO/KCCW1244412444441241227 PBSBEMIDJI/BRAINERDKAWE/K AWB42994888484413 FOXEDENPRAIRIEKMSP99131399999999999 ABCDULUTHWDIO NBCMINNEAPOLISKARE111111111111111111111111111111 FOXFARGOKVRR10 CWMINNEAPOLISWUCW2323686556232323236 MNTMINNEAPOLISWFTC101066107137771010101010 IONBIGLAKEKPXM241224362413242424 A&EArts&Enertainment4691123234639383939394631464633 AMCAmericanMovieClassic42501343442176917171742574242 APAnimalPlanet5377136365342544242425335535353 BRAVOBravo3019017036030151715151513016430130168 CMTVCountryMusicTelevision371021515937393752373739 CNBCConsumerNews&Business4148119194129532929294144414137 CNNCableNewsNetwork3446121212826332626263434343425 COMComedy4840141464837303737374853484848 CSPANC-Span(HouseofRepresentatives)2116860219642222213212112 CSPAN2C-Span2(Senate)8517985165631651652085858543 DISCTheDiscoveryChannel3565114143540324040403547353535 DISNDisney6055132326030293030306058606054 E!E!EntertainmentTelevision4493137374438453838384454444446 STZENCStarzEncore710350537255710310309310310610750710710710325 ESPNEntertainmentSportsProgrammingNetwork2729125252724242424242729272730 ESPN2EntertainmentSportsProgrammingNetwork22830126262825232525252830282831 EWTNEternalWorldTelevision18022771809719979719618018018079 FREEFreeform3142133333131373131313136313116 FOODFoodNetwork6283144456215581515156261626247 FSNFOXSportsNetwork2933124242923252323232928292917 FXFX492814247495059504971494940 HBOHomeBoxOffice(PremiumService)50 030050120050 03302033033063050 050050 0500303 HGTVHome&Garden5581130305516501616165555555570 HISTTheHistoryChannel5474135355421492121215448545469 HNHeadlineNews(CNN2)39471563995347373143932393955 LIFELifetime30241313130323632323027303041 MAXCinemax(PremiumService)55032051221055030 030030 0600550550550550304 MTVMusicTelevision32101149613272277272453239323238 NBCSNBCSports6337161396328820728828845563696363124 NICKNickelodeon3353129293345484545203359333324 PARMTParamountNetwork4343116164336283636364333434328 PEGPublicEducationGovernment8888 PPVLAMP/PublicAccess15121319 PRETVGUIDE252322514252525 QVCQuilityValueConvenience(HomeShopping)73337123121212777722 SHOWShowtime(PremiumService)60 036055022560 035050135035065060 060060 0600312 STARZSTARZ!(PremiumService)70 034053025070 037060137037067070 070070 0700326 SYFYScienceFictionChannel4041145484034443434454049404044 TBNTrinityBroadcastingService183710101832091820920948018318318380 TBSWTBS,Atlanta2227127272248462222342215222236 TCMTurnerClassicMovies308266450362308184718181831456308308163 TLCTheLearningChannel4573122224541434141414542454534 TMCTheMovieChannel650370559235650380551380380680650650650650310 TNTTurnerNetworkTelevision3626128283633313333333640363627 TOONCar toonNetwork47571534747514747474743474749 TRAVTheTravelChannel508411818505264525067505050 TRUTVTruTV51491434451655137515251 TVLTVLand5259140565246524646465241525260 TWCTheWeatherChannel5662117175628412828285651565632 USAUSANetwork5925115155935213535355946595923 VH1VideoHitsOne38103150583844404444443838383819 WGN-AWGNAmerica136953131473331316131315


“Extraction 2” (2023)

Chris Hemsworth (“Thor: Ragnarok,” 2017) gets back on the job with the streaming release of “Extraction 2,” premiering on Netflix Friday, June 16. A sequel to the 2020 action flick “Extraction,” this newest installment sees black market mercenary Tyler Rake (Hemsworth) tasked with another deadly mission after barely making it out of the events of the first film alive Now, Rake and his team will risk it all once again to rescue the battered family of a ruthless Georgian gangster from the prison where they are being held. From director Sam Hargrave, who also directed the series’ first film, “Extraction 2” is written by Joe Russo (“Avengers: End Game,” 2019). Golshifteh Farahani (“Invasion”), Adam Bessa (“Mosul,” 2019), Olga Kurylenko (“Oblivion,” 2013), Daniel Bernhardt (“Atomic Blonde,” 2017) and Tinatin Dalakishvili (“The Undeclared War”) co-star

“Amy Schumer: Emergency Contact”

Amy Schumer is coming in hot and ready to leave it all on the stage in her new stand-up comedy special “Amy Schumer: Emergency Contact,” premiering on Netflix Tuesday, June 13. Returning for her third special with Netflix — after “The Leather Special” in 2017 and “Growing” in 2019 — Schumer delivers more hilariously relatable and uncensored commentary about her life as she touches on everything from lasering her face, postpartum sex, her baby-naming disaster and chewable Viagra, to role-playing with her husband and secret insecurities No topic is too personal for this award-winning comedian, actor and writer Shot at the Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles, “Emergency Contact” is directed by Schumer herself and executive produced by Marcus Raboy (“Patton Oswalt: We All Scream,” 2022).

“The Full Monty”

Lay it all on the line with the highly anticipated limited series reboot of “The Full Monty” when it premieres on Hulu Wednesday, June 14. The original hit film from 1997 follows a group of six steelworkers who, desperate for cash, form a male striptease group Now, this revival catches back up with the original cast 25 years on, as the Sheffield, U.K., residents settle into a new way of living. Now worlds away from their entertainment pasts, Gary “Gaz” Schofield (Robert Carlyle, “Trainspotting,” 1996) is navigating relationships with his police officer son, Nathan (Wim Snape, “The Beaker Girls”), and rebellious teenage daughter, Destiny (Talitha Wing, “Wolfe”), while Dave (Mark Addy, “Game of Thrones”) and his wife, Jean (Lesley Sharp, “Afterlife”), work at the same school and are dealing with some big issues, both in and out of the classroom. Meanwhile, Lomper (Steve Huison, “Coronation Street”) and his husband, Dennis (Paul Clayton, “The Crown”), are trying to keep their dwindling, cheekily named Big Baps café afloat; Horse (Paul Barber, “Only Fools and Horses”) is struggling to make ends meet amidst a crumbling welfare system; and Gerald (Tom Wilkinson, “Belgravia”) is keeping on with his job at a construction firm. Also seeing Hugo Speer (“The Musketeers”) return as Guy, the series cast is rounded out by Miles Jupp (“Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?”), Tupele Dorgu (“Coronation Street”), Phillip Rhys Chaudhary (“24”), Aiden Cook (“All Creatures Great and Small”) John Hollingsworth (“1917,” 2019), Lisa Allen (“Emmerdale Farm”), Joe Standerline (“Safe”) and new talent Jaxon Valentine

“Marvel Studios: Assembled: The Making of ‘Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania’” Dive into the magic behind the movies with a brandnew episode of “Marvel Studios: Assembled,” exploring “The Making of ‘Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania,’” when it premieres on Disney+ Wednesday, June 14. The series joins cast and crew as they delve deep into the creation of this newest MCU hit. “Combining immersive behind-the-scenes footage with candid interviews, ‘Assembled’ reveals how an incredible new world was brought to the screen” (per Disney+) “Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania,” released on the Disney streamer in May, follows hero Scott Lang (Paul Rudd, “The Shrink Next Door”), aka Ant-Man, and Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly, “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” 2013), aka The Wasp, as they team up with Hope’s parents, Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer, “The First Lady”) and Hank (Michael Douglas, “The Kominsky Method”), as well as Paul’s daughter Cassie (Kathryn Newton, “Big Little Lies”), to explore the Quantum Realm, coming face-to-face with a dangerous new enemy

“Stan Lee” (2023)

The life and legacy of one of the most iconic names in the history of comics is celebrated in the new documentary “Stan Lee,” premiering on Disney+ Friday, June 16. Along with his creative partner, Jack Kirby, Lee created some of Marvel’s most famous and lasting superheroes — including the Fantastic Four, The Avengers, Spider-Man, the X-Men and many more — and pushed the boundaries of what superhero characters could be. The film takes a look back at Lee’s influence on comic books and pop culture over his impressive career, as he worked his way from an assistant at Pulp Magazine’s Timely Comics division (which would later become Marvel Comics) to the legendary personality beloved by fans the world over. Using personal archive material, the film explores Lee’s life, career and legacy in his own words From director David Gelb (“Chef’s Table”), the film is executive produced by Jamie McBriety (“Sketchbook”) and Sarah Regan (“Free Solo,” 2018) and produced by Gelb, Brian McGinn (“Chef’s Table”) and Jason Sterman (“Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return,” 2022).

“The Grand Tour: Eurocrash” - Season 5B

Former “Top Gear” hosts James May, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond return to Prime Video screens when Season 5 of “The Grand Tour” continues Friday, June 16, with its newest installment, titled “Eurocrash.” James, Richard and Jeremy seem to have a problem: every country they want to visit is either a trouble hot spot or has banned them from entering. So instead, they head to central Europe on a road trip nobody has ever thought of, in cars nobody would ever dream of using. Heading out on an “epic 1,400-mile journey in an outrageous Japanese Al Capone gangster car, a pickup that thinks it’s a convertible, and a 75-year-old American “micro mini” (per Prime Video), the boys travel from Gdansk in Poland through Slovakia and Hungary before reaching their final destination at Slovenia’s stunning Lake Bled. Along the way, they’ll wreak havoc, explore some historic and fascinating places, test out some unbelievable cars, and meet up with a famous Formula 1 champion.

“Medellin” (2023)

Directed by the famous French actor and director Franck Gastambide (“Validé”) and based on his original idea, the 2023 action comedy “Medellín” is now available to stream on Prime Video. The film follows a young content creator and Youtuber who is fascinated by none other than notorious, real-life drug lord Pablo Escobar, as he embarks on an unusual adventure, flying to the city of Medellín, in Colombia, to walk in Escobar’s footsteps When the young man is kidnapped for ransom by a skilled and dangerous group of Narcos members, it’s up to his big brother – Reda, played by star Ramzy Bedia (“Don’t Die Too Hard!,” 2001) – to unravel a crazy (and equally dangerous) master plan of his own: assemble a team of underdogs and prepare to raid the Narcos’ Colombian headquarters. There, Reda will execute the most important step: kidnapping the cartel leader’s son to be held hostage, only returned in exchange for his brother. Nonstop from start to finish, the film also stars Anouar Toubali (“Taxi 5,” 2018); Essined Aponte (“S.W.A.T.”); Raymond Cruz (“Training Day,” 2001); Ariel Sierra (“Narcos”); Mike Tyson (“The Hangover,” 2009); and Gastambide himself, as “Stan.”

Brainerd Dispatch • June 18 - 24, 2023 •19
Kathryn Newton and Paul Rudd in “AntMan and the Wasp: Quantumania” James May and Jeremy Clarkson in “The Grand Tour: Eurocrash” Chris Hemsworth stars in “Extraction 2” Talitha Wing and Robert Carlyle in “The Full Monty”
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