Sibley Lake map - Crow Wing County

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Area: 444.24 acres

Deepest Point: 40 feet

Shore length: 9.07 miles

Defining Characteristics: There are homes/cabins as well as one resort on the lake. There is a city owned public access on the northeast shore of the lake.

Water Quality: A hard water lake with moderate phosphorus fertility. Water clarity is somewhat below average for lakes in the area.

Fish to Catch: black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rock bass, walleye, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, bowfin (dogfish), common carp, white sucker, blacknose shiner, brook stickleback, central mudminnow, common shiner, creek chub, fathead minnow, Iowa darter, Johnny darter, spottail shiner, tadpole madtom

Interesting Fact: Lake Sibley was named after MN Governor Henry Sibley

Sources: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Wikipedia
5 20 25 30 35 40 30 30 25 20 10 20 10 10 5 10 10 N NokasippiRiver NokasippiRiver Daggett Hattie Horseshoe Lizzie Jail Lake Clough Blind Big Trout Lower Whitefish Arrowhead Upper Whitefish Mud Lake Lower Hay Bertha Upper Hay Clear Lake Grass Ossawinnaamakee Fawn Duck Clamshell Norway Eagle Pelican Lake Ho Little Pelican Lougee Markee Upper Middle Lower Sibley Mayo East Twin West Twin Edna Upper Loon Loon Gladstone Roy Hubert Gull Lake Margaret Little Hubert Lake Edward Mollie Bass Russell Round Sebre Mud Lake Alexander Shamineau Lake Fish T ap Lak Hardy White Sand Whipple Red Sand Mud Sylvan Pillager Wilson Bay Round Lake Hartley Wise Rock Rice Gilbert Horseshoe Garden North Long Lake Clark Campbell Sorenson Crystal Lake Wabedo Lake Ada Pine Mountain Lind Lake Rush Per ch Crow Wing Cullen MississippiRiver GullRiver PaulBunyanExpressway T o L i ttl e Fall s 54 1 1 134 145 1 39 15 15 103 17 17 1 103 168 29 107 4 109 13 137 107 1 118 3 4 127 3 119 146 77 15 48 123 18 36 48 5 21 49 121 131 121 131 2 21 2 44 144 1 19 48 16 16 16 1 126 125 127 77 77 5 11 3 11 371 371 210 371 8 47 112 77 13 112 25 25 Pequot Lakes Breezy Point Jenkins Pine River Mildred Backus Manhattan Swanburg Ideal Corners Lake Shore PILLSBU R Y STATE FOREST Nisswa Merrifield Brainerd Baxter CAMP RIPLEY NATIONAL GUARD RESER V ATION CROW WING STATE PARK Fort Ripley Cushing Randall FOOT HILLS STATE FOREST 371 371 371 142 Menahga Motley Staples Wadena Verndale 210 10 210 34 87 87 71 71 71 71 Pillager 64 64 64 87 87 84 84 10 Lakes Cross La Kimball Star 54 371 84 2 43 56 56 48 49 115 115 20 371 77 Upper Gull Nisswa

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