Area: 1309.06 acres
Shore Length: 9.78 miles
Deepest Point: 47 feet
Water Quality: Clarity on the lake is increasing, though concentrations of mercury in fish has been shown to exceed standards, resulting in caution for anyone consuming fish from South Long.
Fish Species: Black bullhead, black crappie, bluegill, brown bullhead, green sunfish, hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rock bass, tullibee (cisco), walleye, yellow bullhead, yellow perch, bigmouth buffalo, bowfin (dogfish), common carp, greater redhorse, redhorse, white sucker, banded killifish, blackchin shiner, blacknose shiner, bluntnose minnow, brook silverside, brook stickleback, central mudminnow, common shiner, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, finescale dace, golden shiner, Iowa darter, Johnny darter, least darter, logperch, pugnose shiner, shiners, spottail shiner, tadpole madtom
Public Water Access: One ramp is located off of Highway 144 on the West side of South Long.
Interesting Fact: Paradise Point, also a resort/bar business on Lower South Long Lake, was destroyed by fire in 1998, and was never rebuilt. There are not many businesses around the South Long lakes, but there has been plenty of residential growth around both lakes.
Sources: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Lake Finder