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Consumers and businesses have a sea of information to swim through to find each other. IN TODAY’S MARKET consumers are more knowledgeable about their purchases than ever before. They are researching products, comparing prices and seeking out coupons. There is a whole sea of information to sort through. Businesses need to think strategically now more than ever. They can’t afford to be missed by the consumers who are actively searching for their products or services. Thanks to technology, many businesses are now able to track their marketing and advertising efforts to prove that their messages are going to the right audience. Partnering with the Brainerd Dispatch can bridge the gap between businesses and consumers and make for a successful bussiness relationship.

Searching for that MISSING CONNECTION between business and consumer?


The Brainerd Dispatch is bridging the

25,000-35,000 people read us every day we publish. Bought, paid for and invited into the home.

Print Edition

Print coverage area for the Brainerd Dispatch.

The printed edition is a well established, trusted and respected form of news that readers continue to embrace. Shoppers love the many coupons and advertising inserts that are included in the print version each week. To advertise call (218) 829 4705 Over 17 million page views in a year! 202,093 people viewed our website last month.

Web Edition

In the past two years we’ve doubled our unique visitors

The Brainerd Dispatch website has quickly become a favorite for advertisers. It’s easy to see why with the amount of reach it has with local readers as well as out of state audiences that have moved and still want to know what is going on in Brainerd, Minnesota. It is constantly evolving and bringing in new viewers with many extended features like the Spotted photo gallery, video, including Sideline View (Brainerd Dispatch sport show). The latest addition of the photo slideshows located on the front page of the site have become very popular as well.

To see the features listed above go to: for photo galleries for Sideline view and other videos

Beyond print advertising, the Brainerd Dispatch has evolved into a full-service advertising agency BY JODIE TWEED, Special correspondent The Brainerd Dispatch is changing, growing and evolving in ways that were inconceivable even five years ago. The print edition’s front page on any given day demonstrates that change. But please, don’t call it just a newspaper; The Dispatch staff have worked hard to change not only its image, but the company culture within the building to build upon that change. As a result, the advertising department has been transformed into its own “one-stop shop” advertising agency. What does that mean? The Dispatch advertising team will provide businesses with a needs analysis to help owners discover how to connect their products and services with a targeted audience. The print edition, though still important, is one of six avenues that the Dispatch can use to reach an audience.

It’s an exciting time to be working in the news media business,”

The Dispatch serves as a community connection through its online website,, which has more than 200,000 unique online visitors per month; its rapidly growing mobile app services, including the MyAccess Network; the Dispatch’s E-edition, which has more than 2,000 computer subscribers; its new iPad app; through social media, including Facebook and Twitter, which reaches more than 10,000 people ; and its print offerings, including the daily newspaper and

~ Tim Bogenschutz other print products, read by 25,000 to 35,000 people each day. “We’re making changes but it’s difficult to get rid of the perception that we’re just a newspaper,” Publisher Tim Bogenschutz explained. “We’re not.” “It’s not that we’re just an advertising agency alone,” added Phil Seibel, Dispatch digital manager. “We’re offering business solutions.” The advertising team now builds apps and has delivered about 8,000 of them for its customers through the My-

Access Network. They are using the digital technology themselves to market Dispatch products and services. In just three weeks since it has been offered, the Dispatch’s garage sale smartphone app has been downloaded by more than 600 customers and continues to grow. The app allows users to access garage sale ad descriptions, including maps and directions to the sales, on their mobile phones. The Dispatch’s garage sale signs, given to customers who place ads, even carry a QR code

gap with a more direct approach iPad Edition

Almost brand new, the iPad app has had a great response with readers and is now available for advertising placement. Since it’s introduction, it has already had over 400+ downloads! This is perfect for those who want to read curated news like the newspaper and digitally turn it page by page with it’s interactive capabilities.

scan the QR code or download it now at:


Displays on the web like a real paper with flipable pages so audiences can still get the experience they have come to love of reading and paging through the paper in the traditional news print format. It has the same curated version as the iPad built just for the computer.

Download it now at:

What’s changing are the tools you use to connect with.” ~ Phil Seibel

Mobile Apps

Many audiences and advertisers alike are enjoying the benefits of the myAccess network. For the consumer, it’s about finding a convenient connection to the information they want to know. They can download these apps for free and get instant access. The advertisers on the other hand, are exited about the impact of combined print and mobile advertising. It is also solving a huge problem for companies that don’t have a mobile optimized website, meaning the site loads slow, scrambles text or doesn’t display at all when viewed from a mobile phone. It has been a great option for companies that don’t have a web site at all. The myAccess Network has provided them with an online/mobile presence.

To see the apps available go to or scan QR the code.

Tim Bogenschutz Publisher of the Brainerd Dispatch

on them so smartphone users need to only scan the code to download the app on their own phones, right at the garage sale. The app allows users to connect with a classified sale representative to place their own garage sale ad. Remember the days when you’d search the newspaper for the all-important movie theatre listing ad? You can still do that. Now Lakes 12 moviegoers also may download a new smartphone app created by the Dispatch team through the MyAccess Network. This allows quick access to the movie listings and schedules, as well as a way to read movie reviews and watch movie trailers. Need to reach a specific demo-

Mobile Edition

Smartphones have won over the mobile audience and have been a new “hot” spot for advertisers. Since Brainerd Dispatch’s mobile introduction it has had over 1,000 downloads and continues to grow rapidly. Smart phone users have a choice between our app and our mobily optimized website. Over 7% of our digital page views come from mobile platforms. To download the mobile version of the Brainerd Dispatch scan the QR code corresponding to your phone type or go to the links below.

For iPhone

For Android

news. During the past year at least 40 percent more active customers are using Dispatch digital services. The staff now have tracking systems in place to provide increased data to its customers on their audience reach. Seibel said smartphone technology is so popular because it can provide personalized information to each user. Through its mobile apps and other digital products, the Brainerd Dispatch can do the same. Sam Swanson Phil Seibel Those who read the Dispatch using Vice-President of Digital Manager, the E-Edition or iPad app can not only Revenue Development, Brainerd Dispatch view the newspaper as it was published, Brainerd Dispatch but can click on photographs to see graphic for your business, like anglers answers,” said Bogenschutz. more photographs taken for that story or racing fans? The Dispatch sales team In January the Dispatch and its sis- that couldn’t be printed in the paper due can put together a marketing package to ter newspapers, Lake Country Echo to space constraints. Or they can click reach that audience on a national level. and Pine River Journal, all owned by on related video imbedded into story. “Everything is changing. Everyone Morris Communications, merged under “It’s more than just a newspaper on wants to know what’s next,” said Sei- one roof at the Dispatch offices. Bogen- an iPad,” said Seibel. “To me, the iPad bel. “The core, marketing and retail, are schutz said this has created a good part- app has a more diverse application. Peonot changing. What’s changing are the nership, allowing the sales teams to tap ple downloading on an iPad are reading tools you use to connect with.” into each team’s expertise. it from front to back.” The Dispatch sales team has stream“Our job is to keep sales people Bogenschutz said the Dispatch sales lined the process of helping businesses educated,” explained Sam Swanson, team is selling more than advertising; reach their full potential. The team now Dispatch vice-president of revenue de- they are selling audiences and results. has specialists in several areas, such as velopment. “We have to be more edu“The world is changing, as we are. recruitment, real estate and automo- cated. If we aren’t, we don’t grow as a It’s an exciting time to be working in biles. company.” the news media business,” said Bogen“Where one person did everything While the Dispatch, like most in the schutz. before, what we have now is a group of newspaper industry, was hit hard by ecopeople behind the scenes who can get nomic downturn, there has been good

The Brainerd Dispatch continues to offer new solutions for businesses, the community and consumers alike.

Reaching out to the community as a resource. The


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New and Coming Soon! WEEK

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Brainerd Dispatch |

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Hyundai fights

kids’ cancer

Hyundai’s Hope On Wheels is in its 14th year of supporting the fight against pediatric cancer. In 2012, Hope On Wheels plans to donate $12 million through its Scholar Grant and September Hope Grant programs to children’s hospitals nationwide, bringing its total donations to the cause to $57 million since its inception in 1998. Locally, Dondelinger Hyundai joins in this cause by donating based on every new Hyundai sold. These dollars are matched by national Hyundai. There is nothing more personal and unique than a handprint – and the goal of Hyundai Hope On Wheels is to commemorate the lives of the children faced with childhood cancer by capturing their handprints and sharing their hope nationwide. Each child battling cancer has a unique story to share and their individual and collective narratives provide a compelling message. Whether it’s completing a round of chemotherapy, celebrating a beautiful new head of hair or catching a fly ball, one child’s milestone can be another’s symbol of hope. Hyundai Hope On Wheels Logo: Blue– Represents the lives of the children that have been lost to cancer. Red – Represents the children currently battling cancer. Green – Represents the children that have survived cancer. Childhood Cancer Ribbon Gold – The gold ribbon represents the universal symbol for childhood cancer. The Hope On Wheels Handprint Ceremony With the presentation of each research grant that Hope On Wheels awards, it hosts its signature “Handprint Ceremony,” which captures the colorful handprints of the children faced with cancer on a white Hyundai Tucson. These children not only leave their special mark, but also their courageous story and hope. Hope On Wheels collects hundreds of handprints each year from children across the country. The Hope On Wheels Vehicle For 2012, a white Hyundai Tucson will serve as the official Hope On Wheels vehicle. The vehicle is covered with colorful handprints representing childhood cancer patients from all over the country and is a symbol of hope for all the children battling this disease nationwide. Approximately 88 individual children’s hands are covered on each vehicle. These are real patients with real

Provided by Dondelinger Hyundai

A check for fifty seven million dollars that Hyundai wrote to Pediatric Cancer Research thanks to their fund raising efforts.

money for the Jimmy Fund at Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Fourteen years later, their work has grown into Hyundai Hope On Wheels®, a national nonprofit organization supported by Hyundai Motor America and more than 800 U.S. Hyundai dealers. Hyundai Hope On Wheels was officially founded, and received its 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization certification, in 2007. Q. What is the Hope On Wheels Scholar Grant program? A. The Hope On Wheels Scholar Grant program grant is awarded to doctors at leading institutions in pediatric cancer research. These doctors are known as Hyundai Scholars. Eligible institutions must be a member of the Children’s Oncology Group (COG), and must be a nonprofit organization. Hospitals that receive the grant are nominated by the local Hyundai and local Hyundai dealers. Each nominee is required to submit a research project for approval. Each Hyundai Scholar grant is funded in the amount of $75,000. Provided by Dondelinger Hyundai Q. What is the Hope On Wheels Scholar Tour? Photo description..... A.The Hope On Wheels Scholar Tour commemorates the brave battles of the children fighting pediatric cancer and recognizes the hospitals and medical professionals who care for them and are conducting research to find stories. The handprints a cure. Hope On Wheels travels the country to present displayed on the vehicle hospitals with Scholar Grants during a check presentawere collected from kids tion and its signature “Handprint Ceremony.” some of who have won their battle, some are Q. How many events will the Hope On Wheels still in treatment, Scholar Tour visit this year? and sadly some A. In 2012, the Hope On Wheels Scholar Tour will have lost their travel to 41 pediatric cancer research institutions across fight with cancer. the country, donating a total of $3 million to support That is why these research and training for pediatric oncologists. handprints are Each grant is funded in the amount of $75,000. so special. Hyundai will present each hospital with their donation and recognize the hospital’s newlyQ. What designated Hyundai Scholar and conduct a is Hope On Handprint Ceremony. Wheels? Q. What is the Hope On Wheels SepA. Hyuntember Hope Grant program? dai Hope On A. In 2010, Hyundai Hope On Wheels Wheels® is the sought to expand its efforts in the fight against united effort of childhood cancer and along with its medical Hyundai Motor advisory committee, comprised of seven leading America and its 2012 Hyundai Sonata oncologists from the country’s top pediatric canHybrid, Est. 40 mpg Highway. more than 800 dealcer institutions, developed an initiative to provide Lifetime Hybrid Battery ers across the U.S. to Warranty. 2011 International research funds called “Hope Grants” to children’s raise awareness about Car of the Year! hospitals across the U.S. in honor of National Childpediatric cancer, to hood Cancer Awareness Month (September). donate funds to hospitals nationwide Q. How many events will the Hope On engaged in childWheels September Hope Grant program hood cancer revisit this year? search and to celA. In 2012, Hope On Wheels will launch its ebrate the lives of 3rd annual September Hope Grant program children battling to raise national awareness about childhood the disease. cancer and will award 36 pediatric cancer research institutions across the country with Q. Why did Hope Grants in the amount of $250,000 each, Hyundai and its totaling $9 million. dealers decide to fund pediatric can2012 Hyundai Elantra Q. Are Hyundai customers involved in Est. 40 mpg Highway with cer research? the program? Automatic. GLS or Limited A. Hyundai and A. With the purchase of every new vehicle, 2012 North American its dealers joined Hyundai customers join Hyundai and its dealCar of The Year! the fight against ers in funding life saving research through Hope pediatric cancer On Wheels. Additionally, about 1% of total funding is because it is the raised by on-line donations to www.HyundaiHopeonleading This year, customers may also use our related cause of text to donate feature or purchase Hope on Wheels death among chilbranded materials. dren in the U.S. Q. Where can I find more information Every 36 minutes about Hope On Wheels? a child is diagnosed A. For more information about Hyundai with cancer in the Hope On Wheels, please visit our website www. US, the equivalent of, ‘Like’ us on Facean entire classroom, or follow us 2012 Hyundai Veloster are diagnosed with on Twitter @HopeOnWheels. Est. 40 mpg Highway with cancer, which adds up Manual Transmission. to almost 15,000 new Base, Style and Technology cases of childhood canPackages. Bloomberg’s cer each year. Yet, only “Best Economy Car” 3 percent of federal canBrainerd/Baxter cer funds are allocated to pediatric cancers. This is a fight we can and must win. Q. When was Schroeder’s Hope On Wheels Appliance founded? Center Landsburg A. The program Nursery began in 1998 when 2012 Hyundai Accent a group of New EngEst. 40 mpg Highway with land-area Hyundai dealAutomatic Transmission. ers started an initiative GLS, GS or SE Packages. to raise

NEW! Print Advertising

Digital Savvy with Phil and Jessi


The print side of the Brainerd Dispatch has recently added a new option for advertisers to “WOW” their audiences with unique ad shapes and sizes. These ads are wildly creative and designed to jump out and grab a reader’s attention. Though they are a more expensive advertising option, they have extremely high impact and buzz factor.

2012 Wards 10 Best Interiors & 10 Best Engines.

Phil Seibel Digital Manager, Brainerd Dispatch

Jessi Pierce Staff Writer, Brainerd Dispatch

A new column is in the works based on the demand of readers who want to become more knowledgeable about today’s technology. Phil Seibel along with Jessi Pierce, Brainerd Dispatch staff writer will cover topics from social media networking tips to product reviews and breaking down all the technological jargen along the way. Stay tuned....

16604 Highway 371 (2 doors North of Landsburg Nursery), Baxter (218) 454-2300

Dondelinger sample ad


Audience Videos

For an entertaining short video to see how we are interacting with our audiences go to


How to Videos

Go online to view videos on how to download our iPad edition, mobile edition and how to download the mobile applications from myAccess to your phone.

NEW! Go Mobile Seminars

o o G m b i l e

The digital team for the Brainerd Dispatch will be doing free seminars for WHERE SVP businesses. The seminarRincludes information about the mobile audience, DATE/TIME Seminar how they are interactingLawith myst dathe y Seminar presented by the Brainerd to rese rv Access Network and how companies e Dispatch and Echo Digital Team! RSVP your seat! adding a mobile component can benefit BONUS their business as well as their clients/ customers. The next seminar will be on FREE Tuesday, June 26th from 10-10:30 a.m. CALL TO REGISTER (218) 855-5828 at the Brainerd Dispatch, 506 James St., Brainerd. To reserve your spot call (218) 855-5828 Could your business be missing out on a lucrative demographic? Learn more about the mobile audience, how they are interacting with our myAccess Network and how your business could benefit.

Brainerd Dispatch 506 James Street, Brainerd

Tuesday, June 26th at 10-10:30 am Feel free to stay for Q&A afterwards.

By Tuesday, June 19th

Refreshments will be served!


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We want to have a presence in our community and educate business owners and consumers on what we have to offer. Because nobody else can offer collectively the different audiences we have to reach.

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Over the past few years we have put a lot of focus on our community involvement. Partnering with businesses and non-profits to get the word out about special events and opportunities has a great impact not only for them, but for our community as well.

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