The Stories of Christmas 2014

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

More than 100 stories were submitted this year for the Brainerd Dispatch’s annual Stories of Christmas contest. On the following pages, you’ll find the winners in the three categories: Kids, Teens and Adults. Weather drawings submit submitted by local elementary school children are being used as accent pictures to go along with the winning stories. Thanks to all who took the time to submit their stories. Enjoy reading and Merry Christmas!

• Illustration by Julia Wheeler, third grade, Nisswa School


st kids

• Illustration by Ella Dircks & Hailey Badger, third grade, Harrison School

On Dec. 24, Santa Claus woke up with

“We may not be able to deliver pres-

a terrible terrible cough. “How am I

ents this year!” Santa said. “I have a ter ter-

supposed to deliver presents coughing?

rible cough. I will wake up every child.

I’d wake up every child! Well, I can’t

If only there was someone small and

just stand here thinking about it,” Santa

quiet to do the job,” Santa said.

thought. “I’ll think about it

”Santa Claus,” a little qui-

By EMILY BASTIAN Age 9, Baxter

as I work.”

et elf named Joey said, “I can

He went downstairs and

do it. I’ll deliver the presents

then coughed, made breakfast and then coughed, ate and he coughed, checked on the reindeer and then coughed,

for you.” “Uhh, OK,” replied Santa hesitantly. So that night when the children of the

coughed, coughed! “How am I going to deliver the presents? I can’t even say ‘ho ho ho’ without coughcough ing!” Santa said to himself on his way to the workshop. When he entered the workwork shop he started to say

world went to sleep, Joey got in Santa’s big red sleigh and took off. He silently went from house to house delivering presents. When he pulled himself out of the last chimney he got in the sleigh and

hello everybody ...

flew off. It took a while because the last

but stopped and

house was near the South Pole. When


he finally got back everyone cheered.






“Joey,” Santa said, “you saved Christmas!”


nd kids

The day was Dec. 24 and Santa

By BRAXTON FISCH Age 9, Baxter

was finishing up loading his sleigh with the presents that he has for all

the good boys and girls. He has his list and has checked it more than twice! But

As the elves were just settling

situation and with no, well, not too much

down after another successful year

grumbling, the elves sprang into action and

of toy building and elfing around

for hours worked so very hard to make sure

the Santa-com once again got their attention. Santa explained the

Santa kept his schedule. They did it! It was done! Another elf-tastic

something didn’t seem right.

job! Santa was so thankful he

As he went to park his sleigh so

gave each elf a treat of their

it was ready for take off, he quickly

choice and then invited them

knew what it was that didn’t seem so

to come with him on his sa sa-

right. The skis on his sleigh were out

cred adventure.

of alignment. Most likely happened

So they all went with and

when he came in too hot from a

had the experience of a life life-

landing after a night of delivering

time and they even were able

gifts last year. This was a problem!

to catch a glimpse of some

If he didn’t get this fixed fast he will

children taking a peek and the

not be able to make accurate landland

expressions on their faces made

ings on the rooftops. He had to act

the elves take more pride in the

soon as the adventure grew closclos

work they did for evermore.

er by the second. He needed help • Illustration by Rachel Moore, fourth grade, Lowell Elementary School

and fast! Who other than to call but those who have been there every year — the elves. • Christmas Tree Illustration (top of page) by Ryu Helmer, first grade, St. Francis School


Wednesday, December 24, 2014



st teen

The prickly evergreen tree builds up in our living room the day after Thanksgiving. We all

Christmas is only three weeks away! Throughout these days I help decorate my

slept well after a fantastic dinner with brined turkey and a dessert of pecan pie to top it all off — boy

I watch as the shimmering rainbow-hued

ideas for family and friends.

house with twinkling winter deco-

So much thought goes into the joyous

rations. Most weekends are spent

Christmas season. Presents and decorations

baking up a holiday storm in the

consume us for these couple months. Ask

kitchen and settling in to watch

yourself, “What is the real reason for Christ-

Christmas movies. Carols flow out of the rara

mas?” You don’t have to give up gifts and dec dec-

dio and bounce off

orations, baking and holiday shows and mov mov-

By MOLLY WELLS Age 13, Baxter

was I stuffed!

the walls of my house as I ponder my own gift

lights twirl themselves around our tree. Joy topples onto me as I hook a red ornaorna

ies. These all fill us with a

ment on a bough.

happiness that we can’t help

I glance out the front window at




snowflakes spiraling onto the glistening

this season. True happiness

white ground and cars spitting out slush

and joy though come from

from their tires as they race to the Black

the heart of Christmas Day,

Friday sales to buy Christmas gifts.

Jesus. Be joyful and grateful that Jesus was born on this

Soon I smell cinnamon and citrus

day and thank him. Without

aromas filling the air and watch as

him, the one who saved us,

sewn stockings begin to descend down

there would be no such thing

the garland striped staircase, soon to

as Christmas Day. Have a joy joy-

be filled with treats and knick-knacks.

ful, grateful and Merry Christ Christ-

A few days later I wake up to my


singing alarm clock. “Ugh!” I groan. I have to head off

• Illustration by Kamryn Kraemer, first grade, St. Francis School

to school today. On the bright side,


rd kids By SHAWN GOULDIN Age 9, Baxter

It was Dec. 12, time to write Santa a wonderful letter! I put my right hand up to put the letter in the envelope and all of a sudden it was pitch black. It felt like forever. I figured out that I was in the envelope. Then my mom picked up the letter and put it in the mailbox. I was going to the North Pole. I woke up on a small bed. I left smaller and looked like an elf … wait … ELF?! I got out of bed and ran outside down the street and found a place that was loud as a tiger. I peeked in and saw other elves • Illustration by Peyton Hamlin, third grade, Baxter School

working on toys. I ended up in the iPod section with Charlotte. Charlotte was very good and nice. I guess I liked it here! I spent a couple hours here and then went to this restaurant called Elves Tap House. I had the Elfy special. I finished dinner at 6:37 p.m. and then went to bed. I dreamed about the iPod I always wanted forever. I was at home, and in my mind, I heard, “Ho ho ho! All have a very good Christmas and all a good night!

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We hope your Christmas shines!

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May the coming season bring, peace & joy and all good things!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014



nd teen

As we approach the holidays, we have so many things on our mind. What food am I going to make? Are we

By MATTHEW MAYBON Age 18, Baxter

having Christmas dinner here and what am I go go-

abuser makes the victim doubt their own memory/sanity with lines like “That never happened” when it actually did. Another tactic is to reverse role shift, and

ing to get everyone for a gift? However, there is

pretend you abused the abuser, especially

something rather unusual that you should be

when you try to confront them about their

considering. It’s not food, decorations or anyany

behavior. One last common tactic is for the

thing tangible. It’s something difficult to admit.

abuser to try and scare their victim from

It’s whether you are a victim in an abusive rere

upsetting them, with lines like, “Don’t upup


set me or I’ll lose my temper.”

There are many forms of abuse; however

So this Christmas, please consider if you

one form is widely overlooked. That is emotional/

suffer abuse from anybody. If you do, go talk

psychological abuse. This form is not always explicexplic

to a guidance counselor, friend, clergy member,

itly realized because it’s typically done in the form

trusted adult, anyone who is not an abuser that

of tiny digs throughout conversations between you

you can confide in. Also, remember that you are not

and an abuser. These digs can be done in various forms,

alone! So spend time with your loved ones this year,

from unfriendly teasing, to flat out insults about personal apap

and I wish you a truly happy Christmas.

pearance. Beyond personal insults, there are also abusers who do severe damage on a regular basis. They might choose tactics

• Illustration by Peyton Hamlin, third grade, Baxter School

like gaslighting, which is a form of mental abuse in which the

Season’s Greetings

• Illustration by EllizaBeth DiGiovanni, third grade, Motley Elementary School

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From State Representative

John Ward

Wishing You Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year! 001182279r1

(218) 829-0371 | 001180815r1






Wednesday, December 24, 2014



st adults By MARY JANE JOHNSON-OLSON Age 85, Pequot Lakes

It was Thanksgiving Eve, 1951. My



Christmas came (it was won-


derful to be together) and went.

daughter and myself were get get-

New Years was so soon, may as

ting ready to go to Grandma and

well stay!

Grandpa’s home. Weather wasn’t so good but we were excited to be off. We lived in the country,

January was cold and Mom didn’t want us to go home. We

about 30 miles from them. Roads

had electric but no indoor plumb-

fairly good, but happy when we

ing. Now time was getting close


for me and the expected baby

Thanksgiving Day, it started

and no way should we go home

snowing. By nightfall, my mom

and risk being alone so we stayed

said we should stay over. Lucky

and Feb. 5, our son was born! We

we did! Had a huge snowfall.

stayed with the folks and Mom

Dad insisted we stay. Our dog was

took care of baby and me. Weath-

home, so hubby went home for

er wasn’t improving and would

the dog and some extra clothes.

not be long before Easter would

Weather did not improve as days went on and folks said we should

be here — we stayed! Finally packed all up and went

stay as Christmas was close and

home, after Easter dinner. Came

like a good idea as I was seven

for Thanksgiving, had Christmas,

months pregnant. It was a cold

then a baby, then Easter and at

and snowy winter!

last home!

Horizon Health Wishes You a Happy, Healthy and Safe Holiday Season


• Illustration by Nevaeh Fratzke, third grade, Motley Elementary School

we would be back again. Seemed


Wishing You a Season of

Wonder May every moment of your holiday be magical and bright. We hope the season finds you surrounded by loved ones, laughter and all the makings of new memories you will cherish for a lifetime. We owe our success to the faith and support of our good friends and customers here in the community, and we are grateful to share another year with all of you.

Thank you, neighbors.

Merry Christmas!

7895 Excelsior Rd., Baxter 218-828-2160 001176197r1


Wednesday, December 24, 2014



nd adults

Christmas Eve 1991 found our family with rel relatives at Fort Morgan, Colo., in a rip-roaring

By LOIS CAUGHLAN-MASS Age 71, Brainerd

noticed lights on the road about a mile from the house. The lights didn’t move, so we as-

were all toasty and warm and enjoying the

sumed it was a vehicle that was stuck in the

plains of that part of the country. The coun coun-

fellowship of cousins, Grandma, brothers and

snow. My brother-in-law plowed through

try roads can drift severely and close until the

sisters and spouses, 14 of us in all.

the drifts with his front loader to reach the

blizzard, which can build up steam on the

snow plows come. We “let it snow” as we

stranded car. To his surprise he found a young

At one point in the evening, someone

couple and baby boy who had headed out to their grandmother’s, which was only a short distance from where they lived. They didn’t have boots or warm clothing since it was only a short drive and they didn’t expect to get stuck in the snow. Paul rescued them and brought them back to his house. They were cold and hungry, so we fed them and they warmed themselves by the big wood stove in the kitchen. One of the bedrooms was pro provided for them to have lodging for the night. Overnight the storm had subsided and by mid-morning Christmas day, the snow plows opened up the road so they were able to continue on their journey to their grandma’s. They were very grateful that they had been rescued from their plight in the snow and for the wonderful hospitality. That experience had special meaning for all of us. What a coincidence that we would have strangers, a young couple with a baby boy, as guests in our midst on Christmas Eve.

• Illustration by Addison Hillman, fourth grade, Lowell Elementary School

Soon it will be Christmas and we’re all aglow Thinking of all the good folk that we know– For your support and goodwill, too, We’re really grateful to each one of you! 1014 Laurel Street • Brainerd, MN | 218-829-4112 •


Let it glow! Let it glow! Let it glow!

Salem Lutheran Church Cheryl Fleckenstein, Interim Pastor 218-534-3309 21276 Archibald Road • Deerwood, MN

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

Merry C Christmas!

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday!

3pm & 5pm Lessons & Carols December 28th • 9:00 a.m.

Merry Christmas! 16603 State Hwy 371 North

13968 Cypress Drive • Suite #4 • Baxter, MN 56425 P: (218) 829-2844 • F: (218) 829-7945

The beauty of the winter season reminds us of how blessed we are in so many ways, including the friendship of neighbors like you.

Happy Holidays! Skiing - Tubing Snowboard - Full Rental Shop 9898 County Road 77 SW, Nisswa, MN 56468 218-963-4353

May your home be filled with

love, laughter and good health this holiday season. Thank you for choosing Lakewood Health System.

Laurie Hall

326 W. Laurel St. Brainerd, MN (3 blocks South of Walgreens)



at 5:00pm @ H e r i t a g e C h u rc h



Christmas Eve Service



(Just North of the Pine Beach Rd)




Thank You!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014



rd adults

This time of year comes with mixed emotions for my children,

pleted the task, and plugged the extension cord into the ga-

as their father passed away only three days after Christmas in

rage outlet to admire his work. It looked lovely!

2007 at the age of 47. We keep his memory alive with stories, and this one in particular always makes us smile.

Later that evening, my father stopped by for a visit, and as he left, we walked him to the garage and pointed out the lights

As a young couple expecting our

that had been placed earlier that day.

first child (which turned out to be

Agreeing that it was probably time to

By JODY WEBER Age 50, Backus

twins) and decorating our first house

extinguish them for the night, I moved

for the holidays, we had many minor

toward the outlet, only to turn and see

squabbles about how elaborate the decor should be. I des-

my husband wading through the waist deep snow to unplug

perately wanted exterior lights, but a large snowfall had left

the cord from the lights! My father simply shook his head at

us with banks that were waist deep in most places and using

me as we burst into laughter. The look on my husband’s face

a ladder would be nearly impossible. We finally agreed on

when he finally realized what he had done was priceless!

putting strings of lights in the sparse little maple trees in our front yard.

Our twins, Jeremy and Rachel, were born on Christmas Day that year, and will turn 23 this year. They, along with

Being very pregnant and unable to trample through the snow, I encouraged my husband from the garage as he com-

younger siblings Jacob and Rebecca, cherish the Christmas memories they have of their dad.

wishes you a safe and healthy holiday season

e thank you for your patronage and hope the New Year brings you good friends and good health.

- Dr. Erica

Erica L. Johnson, D.C.

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

218-822-3855 Trails Head Business Center, Just E. of Super One

13968 Cypress Drive • Baxter, MN

invites you to our Candle Light Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 and 6:30 pm on December 24th. A celebration for the whole family!



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May happy holidays be in your sight. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We appreciate your trust and the confidence you have placed in us.

A special thank you to all our customer's for your kind patronage this year!

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• Illustration by Rebekah Soukup, first grade, St. Francis School

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• Illustration by Andie Anderson, first grade, Garfield Elementary



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