Home Holidays
November 16, 2011 • www.brainerddispatch.com
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2 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
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Lakes Area
hoLiDay EVENt gUiDE taste of christmas Boutique Date: November 18 & 19, 2011 Time: 9:15am Ð 4p m Event Description: At the Mustard Seed Thrift and Gifts of Deerwood Family Fun run 2011 Date: November 19, 2011 Time: 9:15am Ð 12p m Event Location: Pequot Lakes Fall/christmas art & crafts Date: November 19, 2011 Time: 9am Ð 5p m Event Location: Pequot Lakes, upstairs at Crew at Silver Creek operation christmas child national collection Week Date: November 16-20, 2011 Time: 10 am Event Location: Lakewood Evangelical Free Lutheran Church, Baxter
arts & crafts sale Date: November 19, 2011 Time: 9am Ð 4pm Event Location: Staples Community Center. Pictures with Santa 10am Ð noon. KidÕ s crafts 11am Ð 1pm. Free swimming 1-3pm turkey Bingo Date: November 19, 2011 Time: 7pm Event Description: The Crosby Fire Hall Sponsored by the Crosby Fire Department Auxiliary. community thanksgiving dinner Date: November 24, 2011 Time: 11am Ð 1pm Event Description: The dinner is open to everyone. Individuals who want to attend the meal or who want to volunteer to help should call the American Legion at 829-2249. Brainerd American Legion. Reservations please call 829-2249
Brainerd dispatch Baxter turkey run Date: November 24, 2011 Time: 9am Ð 11a m Event Description: Northland Arboretum. 5Krun/1 mile walk to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children. www.baxterturkeyrun.com thanksgiving dinner Date: November 24, 2011 Time: noon Event Description: Cascade United Methodist Church free, community welcome. Please call the church to make reservations at 534-3507. sertoma Winter Wonderland Begins Date: November 24, 2011 Time: 6 Ð 9p m Event Location: Northland Arboretum christmas at the mansions Date: Nov. 25 Ð De c. 4, 2011 Event Description: Linden Hill Historic Event Center, 608 Highland Ave., Little Falls. Celebrate Christmas by touring the decorated Musser and Weyerhaeuser mansions. Admission $10/person, $8 with food shelf donation, 12 and under free World Famous Fish house parade Date: November 25, 2011 Event Location: Aitkin turkey trot Fun run Date: November 26, 2011 Event Location: Aitkin santaÕ s BobbinÕ in to town Date: November 26, 2011 Time: 10:30am Event Location: Trailside gazebo, Pequot Lakes christmas with the lindberghs Date: November 26, 2011 Time: 10am Ð 4p m Event Location: Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site, Little Falls taste of the holidays Date: December 1, 2011 Time: 4pm Ð 7p m Event Description SchaeferÕ s Foods, Nisswa. Come and taste a huge selection of different samples store wide. Admission: $3 donation will go to help fund the Nisswa Historical Society. Girls night out on the cuyuna range Date: December 1, 2011 Time: 11am Ð 8p m
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
heartland symphony orchestra Winter concert Date: December 4, 2011 Time: 2pm Event Location: Charles D. Martin 18th annual radiothon to end child abuse Auditorium, Tornstrom Auditorium Date: December 1-2, 2011 Time: Starts at noon for 24 Hours christmas in the park Event Description: Lakes Area RadioDate: December 7, 2011 thon to end child abuse is a joint effort Sponsored by: Cuyuna Lakes Chamber. by WJJY/B93.3/Cool 103.5/The Power For more details visit: Look 107.5 Radio, the Child Abuse Pre- www.cuyunalakes.com vention Councils of Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, and Morrison Counties Child downtown holli-Walk Protection Teams. Date: December 8, 2011 Time: 10am Ð 8p m Grass roots concert Ð peter Event Location: Downtown Brainerd ostroushko & the heartland Band Date: December 2, 2011 the steele Family christmas Time: 7:30 Ð 9 pm Date: December 9, 2011 Event Description: Livewell NightTime: 7:30-10pm club and Coffee Bar, Journey Church, Event Description Central Lakes Nisswa www.grassrootsconcerts.org College, Chalberg Theatre. Contact 218-855-8199 or visit www.clctickets.com 7th annual toys for kids & salvation army Food shelf Fundraiser the steele Family christmas Date: December 3, 2011 Date: December 10, 2011 Time: 3pm Ð 1 0pm Time: 2-5pm Event Location: The Green Lantern on Event Description Central Lakes County Road 8 (between Garrison & College, Chalberg Theatre. Contact Brainerd on Hwy 18) 218-855-8199 or visit Event Description: Dog sled rides, color- www.clctickets.com ing contest, cookie decorating, crafts, silent auction, bake sale, pie eating contest and Visits with Santa. Drawings and raffles throughout the event. Admission: 2 non-perishable food items per person, toy or $5.00 cash donation Event Description $500 cash drawing at 8:30pm at the Ironton Legion. Call 546-5029 for more details.
annual aitkin county historical society open house Date: December 3, 2011 Event Description: Open house, cookie walk, raffle at the Depot Museum in Aitkin ironton Fire department ham Bingo and Raffle Date: December 3, 2011 Time: 7pm Event Description Ironton American Legion. First prize is a Remington 700 ADL 30.06 Bold Action. Second prize is a framed 2011 Ironton Centennial Print (The Gathering by JD Speltz) and third prize is a large ham heartland symphony orchestra Winter concert Date: December 3, 2011 Time: 7:30pm Event Description: Charles D. Martin Auditorium, Little Falls High School. Contact 1-800-826-1997
Home for the Holidays 3 parade of lights & christmas program Date: December 10, 2011 Time: 2:30pm Event Description: Pine River, Free horse drawn rides downtown 2:30-4pm. Parade of Lights will start at 5pm. Fireworks and Yuletide bonfire. cookies with santa Date: December 10, 2011 Time: 9am-1pm Event Description: West Side Skating Rink, Little Falls. Children visit with Santa and decorate cookies. Pictures also available. Contact 320-632-6349 annual soup Walk Date: December 10, 2011 Sponsored by: Cuyuna Lakes Chamber. For more details visit: www.cuyunalakes.com cookie sale Date: December 10, 2011 Event Location: St. JosephÕ s Church in Deerwood
4 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Annual Wreath Placement
Brainerd dispatch
at thE MiNNESota StatE VEtERaNS CEMEtERy For a number of years now an annual ceremony has been conducted at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery honoring those veterans that have served honorably for our country. This will coincide with like ceremonies at VeteransÕ Cemeteries state wide, nation wide, and in other countries as well. This is a world wide effort to honor our Fallen Heroes. After the ceremony consisting of representatives from each branch of the military hundreds of wreaths are placed on various markers of our fallen veterans. Many volunteers from the Minnesota Civil Air Patrol and the Minnesota Patriot Guard perform the honor of placing the wreaths on the grave sites. Thanks to a new organization WreathsForTheFallen.org, this year an opportunity exists where any family or friend that has a loved one buried at the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery in Little Falls may now arrange for a wreath to be placed on the grave of that fallen veteran. Special arrangements have been made at a local greenhouse to assemble the hundreds of beautiful wreaths complete with a large red bow. These special wreaths will then be transported to the veteranÕ s cemetery at dawn on December 10th, placed in a special area where the ceremony will be conducted and then placed on the grave of that particular veteran.
To have your personal wreath hand made and included in this memorable event; send your Name, Address, and Phone number (in case of questions) and $15.00 (for each wreath requested) to: 5244 Ashdale Ln Ð Ba xter Ð M N Ð 56425. Also include the full name, DOB, & Date of death of the veteran or family member the wreath is for. WreathsForTheFallen.org will confirm the exact location of the grave site number. Please make your check out to Ò WreathsÓ and send before December 1st. All contributions are tax deductable. For those that would like to make a general donation to this worthy cause, please feel free to contribute to the wreath general fund and an appropriate number of wreaths will be made and distributed at the event. Everyone is invited to participate in the wreath laying ceremony. For additional information, contact: John Thomas at 218-829-6622, E-Mail WreathsForTheFallen@charter.net or visit www.WreathsForTheFallen.org a certified 501(c)(3) tax deductable organization.
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
IN THIS SEASON OF GIVING... The Brainerd Salvation Army has announced the locations of its Angel Trees, where interested community members may pick a tag and purchase a gift for a child. The Angel Trees are at the Westgate Mall, Bremer Banks, Wells Fargo Bank, Mid-Minnesota Credit Unions, Deerwood Bank, Big Stone Therapies and the BN Credit Union, Sawmill Inn, GiovanniÕ s of Brainerd. After they pick up a tag and buy a gift participating donors should deliver the gift to the Salvation Army at 208 S. Fifth Street by December 5th. The 30th annual ÒT oys for KidsÓ c ampaign sponsored by Heartland Detachment, Marine Corps League is scheduled for now through December 15, 2011. This local community service program is supported entirely by local businesses, organizations, and individuals. Applications can be made for the Toys for Kids program during the month of November at the Brainerd Salvation Army office. Donations of new toys may be deposited between November 22nd and December 15th at toy drops located at many businesses throughout the area. Tax deductible cash donations may be sent at any time to Toys For Kids, PO Box 2811, Baxter, Minnesota 56425. Gifts will be distributed at the Brainerd National Guard Armory on December 15th. For additional information please contact Steve Amerud at 218.764.3170 or 218.838.1640 other local charitable organizations: Bridges of hope Ð www .bridgesofhopemn.org Camp Confidence – www.campconfidence.com - 218-828-2344 Family safety network of cass county, inc - 218-829-2619 habitat for humanity Ð ww w.lakesareahabitat.org or 218-828-8517 heartland animal rescue Ð www .hartpets.org or 218-829-4141 kinship partners Ð www .kinshippartners.org mid-minnesota WomenÕ s shelter - www.womenscenteronline.org or 218-828-1216 northland arboretum Ð ww w.northlandarb.com or 218-829-8770 salvation army - www.thesalarmy.org united Way Ð www .unitedwaynow.org If your charitable non-profit organization would like to be listed please contact kristine at 218-855-5829.
Home for the Holidays 5
6 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
cranBerry cake prep time: 20 minutes total time: 1 hour servings: 12 servings
ingredients 3 cups cranberries 1 cup chopped pecans 2 cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup butter, melted 2 tablespoons milk Sweetened whipped cream (optional) directions Preheat oven to 350 degree F. Generously grease a 2-quart rectangular baking dish. Spread cranberries and pecans over bottom of the dish. Sprinkle with 1 cup of the sugar. In a medium mixing bowl beat eggs with an electric mixer on high speed until foamy. Add remaining 1 cup sugar, flour, melted butter, and milk; beat on low speed just until combined (batter will be thick). Carefully spread batter over cranberries and nuts. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until top is brown and a wooden toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack at least 30 mintues. To serve, spoon warm cake into dessert dishes, cranberry side up. If desired, top with sweetened whipped cream. Makes 12 servings.
herB Baked olives
Make these rosemary-marinated olive appetizers up to 1 week in advance of your Thanksgiving gathering. prep time: 15 minutes total time: 3 hours servings: 6 servings ingredients 1-1/2 cups mixed imported Greek and/or Italian olives 1/2 cup dry white wine 1/4 cup olive oil 2 4-inch sprigs fresh rosemary 1 tablespoon finely shredded orange peel 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon snipped fresh rosemary 1 tablespoon snipped fresh parsley 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
Brainerd dispatch
directions In a 15x10x1-inch baking pan, combine olives, wine, 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, and rosemary sprigs. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 45 to 60 minutes or until most of the liquid is absorbed, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, for dressing, in a small bowl, combine remaining 3 tablespoons olive oil, orange peel, orange juice, snipped rosemary, parsley, garlic, and pepper. Pour dressing over olive mixture; toss gently to coat. Transfer olive mixture to a serving bowl. Cover and chill for at least 2 hours. Makes 6 servings. Make-Ahead Tip: Prepare olives as directed. Transfer to an airtight container and chill for up to 1 week.
pumpkin chocolate cheesecake pie prep time: 30 minutes total time: 2 hours 4 minutes servings: 8 servings
ingredients 1 recipe Deep Dish Pie Pastry, below 12 oz. cream cheese, softened (1-1/2 8-oz. pkgs.) 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 egg, lightly beaten 3/4 cup finely chopped semisweet chocolate or miniature chocolate pieces 1 15-oz. can pumpkin 2/3 cup packed brown sugar 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 4 eggs, lightly beaten 3/4 cup half-and-half or light cream Chopped chocolate (optional) directions Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Prepare and roll out Deep Dish Pie Pastry. Transfer pastry to a 9-1/2- to 10-inch deep-dish pie plate. Trim crust edge 1/2-inch beyond pie plate. Flute edge high. Line pastry with double thickness of foil. Bake 8 minutes. Remove foil; bake 6 minutes more or until golden. Cool on wire rack. Reduce oven temperature to 375 degrees F. In medium mixing bowl combine cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1 egg; beat on low speed until smooth. Spread cream cheese mixture in cooled pastry shell. Sprinkle with chopped chocolate. In bowl combine pumpkin, brown sugar, and spice. Stir in 4 eggs. Gradually stir in half-and-half. Slowly pour pumpkin mixture on chocolate layer. To prevent overbrowning, cover pie edge with foil. Bake 60 to 65 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Remove foil. Cool on wire rack. Cover and refrigerate within 2 hour. Top with chopped chocolate.
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Home for the Holidays 7
Figuring the
tURKEy-to-PERSoN Ratio
Thanksgiving holds different meanings to different people. Some feel it is a day for being generous or giving thanks through unselfish deeds. Others feel it is a time to sit around with family sharing stories of the year. Still many others simply look forward to the day for football. No matter how you view Thanksgiving, one thing is for sure, filling up on turkey is an integral part of the holiday.
If turkey is the centerpiece of your celebration -- as it should be -- then be sure to have enough turkey on hand to adequately feed all of your guests. Although they will be filling up on trimmings and side dishes as well, the first thing they will spear with a fork is a nice slice of juicy turkey. There is some conventional wisdom with regards to how big a turkey to buy. Most chefs or home cooks say that having a pound to one-and-a-half pounds for each adult at the holiday table is adequate. Children will likely eat a half or quarter of that amount. If you want to ensure leftovers, then you can increase the size of the turkey slightly. Therefore, if 10 adults and 5 children will be at Thanksgiving dinner, multiply 10 by 1.5. That equals 15. Multiply 5 x .5, which equals 2.5. Add the two totals together, and youÕr e left with 17.5 pounds. A turkey in that range should be adequate to feed guests. If your guests are known to be hearty eaters or if leftovers are es-
sential, round up to a 20-pound bird. Keep in mind it will be necessary to check the size of your oven prior to purchasing the turkey to ensure the bird will fit inside with a roasting pan. Otherwise, you may have to downsize on the turkey and cook more side dishes. Once the size of the turkey is determined, it all comes down to the cooking. Naturally, the larger the bird the longer the cooking time. Instead of leaving cooking to chance, or to the unpredictable pop-up plug included with the turkey, take the time to select a reliable meat thermometer. There are standard and digital models available. Some digital thermometers enable you to insert the prong in the turkey and then stretch a heat-proof wire to the digital unit, which remains outside of the oven. This way you can set a timer or set a cooking temperature. The thermometer will beep when the turkey is done. The USDA recommends poultry be cooked to 165 F. Be sure to check the temperature at the wing and the thickest part of the breast. After cooking, let the turkey rest around 10 minutes after removing it from the oven. This will enable the juices to stay within the meat and keep it moist. And isnÕ t a moist turkey the ultimate goal? Then slice and serve to guests.
8 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Brainerd dispatch
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Home for the Holidays 9
Name_________________________________________________________Age ________ Address___________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________State________________ Zip______________ Phone # ( ) ________________________ Drop off or mail this picture to the Brainerd Dispatch, 506 James Street, P.O. Box 974, Brainerd, MN 56401, by Friday, December 16, 2011, to enter the coloring contest. The Dispatch will judge and award first, second, third and honorable mention prizes in each category of ages 1-4, ages 5-8, and ages 9-13. Winners will be announced on Christmas Day.
10 Home for the Holidays
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
30th Annual
NiSSwa City oF LightS
Friday, November 25, 2011 Schedule of Events
Presented by BlackRidge Bank, the Nisswa Chamber of Commerce and Nisswa Community 2:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Eats & Treats - Enjoy plenty of delicious food items around town
2:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Polar Express Storytelling - Caboose on Main Street (Limited Seating)
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Santa Claus - Come see Santa in the Nisswa Square!
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Face Painting - Provided by Utrinkets, at Down to Earth Wood - Nisswa Square
2:30 - 5:30 p.m.
SantaÕ s Workshop - Kids create holiday crafts Saint ChristopherÕ s neW
2:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Horse-Drawn Wagon Rides - Nisswa Square
3:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Polar Express Storytelling - Caboose on Main Street (Limited Seating)
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Waltz Your Way Into the Holidays - stop by for a dance Saint ChristopherÕ s
3:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Brook View Alpacas - Pioneer Village
3:30 p.m.
Quilts of Valor - Journey Church
4:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Polar Express Storytelling - Caboose on Main Street (Limited Seating)
4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Strolling Carolers - Presented by neighboring churches & community groups
4:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Storytelling - Turtle Town Books & Gifts
4:30 p.m.
Lighting of the Bonfires - Near the Gazebo
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
4:30 p.m.
Central Lakes College Brass Ensemble - Nisswa Square
4:30 p.m.
RachelÕ s 5th Annual Cake-Walk - RachelÕ s Bakery on Main Street
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Living Nativity Scene - Pioneer Village
4:45 p.m.
FREE Hot Cider & Donut Holes - Pioneer Village
5:00 p.m.
Storytelling - Down to Earth Wood, Nisswa Square
5:00 p.m.
Luminaries at the Pioneer Village
5:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Polar Express Storytelling - Caboose on Main Street (Limited Seating)
5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Holiday Carolers in the Gazebo - Provided by Christ Community Church
5:29 p.m.
Countdown to the... liGhtinG
5:35 p.m.
ÒLo ve Lights A TreeÓ C eremony from Good Samaritan Society - Pioneer Village
6:00 p.m.
ÒH ere Comes santa Gazebo Santa Arrives...
7:30 p.m.
Ò erika liGhts up the skyÓ Fireworks!
8:00 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Live Music - Nisswa American Legion
oF nissWa
claus!Ó C arolers perform at the
(Event schedule may be subject to change) Thank you to our Nisswa City of Lights sponsors: Frandsen Bank & Trust, Bernicks, Rafferty’s Pizza, The Chocolate Ox, Arnold S. Johnson Properties, LLC, Nisswa Dairy Queen, Triangle Store, Nisswa American Legion, Stonehouse Coffee & Nisswa Marine, Inc.
Home for the Holidays 11
12 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Brainerd dispatch
Secrets to Being Lean
EVEN DURiNg thE hoLiDayS choose high-protein Foods Protein fills the stomach and takes a longer time to digest in the body, which in turn helps you to burn calories. Selecting lean proteins, like turkey, chicken, lean beef, and pork, can help you to feel fuller longer and Researchers at the National Institute of reduces the chance youÕ ll nibble on Child Health and Human Development fluff snacks during the day. When and the National Institute of Diabetes faced with holiday fare, choose protein and Digestive and Kidney Diseases sources to fill you up before indulging have found the average person gains on other items. a pound a year from holiday eating, which accumulates and can lead to Fill up on Fiber, too health problems later in life. But there Studies indicate that getting 25 grams are some lucky few who seem imof fiber, which is easily achieved by pervious to the goodies, staying thin having three servings of fruits and despite the extra holiday food. How vegetables, can boost fat-fighting do some seem to stay so thin all of the efforts of the body by at least 30 time? percent. Many processed foods are increasing fiber content, but be sure According to MenÕ s Health expert and to read labels. That fiber may also be editor-in-chief David Zinczenko, who accompanied by a lot of sugar and has spent more than 20 years interextra carbohydrates. Fresh fruit and viewing all sorts of leading weight loss vegetables and whole grain breads are experts and reviewing various studies, easy ways to get a fiber boost. “What separates the fit from the fat is a series of rules.Ó T hese rules are engage in Fun exercise easy to follow and they donÕ t require Many people equate staying thin to any special exercise equipment, crash spending hours at the gym every dieting or subsisting solely on wood day. But all it takes is about 20 to 30 chips to keep fit. Here are some things minutes of any type of daily activity, to consider during the holidays and as whether that be chasing around the you make healthy eating resolutions kids or playing fetch with a dog. The for the new year. concept of losing weight just by doing enjoyable activities is known as nonstop dieting exercise activity thermogenesis, or Some studies indicate that individuals NEAT. So go for a bike ride and burn who are currently on a diet are more 200 calories in the process. likely to gain weight in subsequent months or years. ThatÕ s because skip Fat-Free Foods restriction of fat and caloric intake can It would seem foods that have no or affect muscle growth and bone densi- low fat would be better for you, but ty. Muscle burns calories very well, so fat is actually a necessity for the body you want to hold onto strong muscles. -- helping you to feel satiated. Eating Also, carefully monitoring what you eat a fat-free item could have you feeling can lead to stress hormones flowing hungry soon after and ready to snack through the body. Hormones like corlater on. In addition, some fat-free tisol have been linked to weight gain. items have extra sugar or preservaSo ease up on watching every bite of tives for flavor, which can undermine food you eat and you just may be hap- weight-loss plans. pier -- and thinner -- for it. Eggnog, turkey and stuffing, assorted pastries -- the holidays are as much about the food and drink as they are about sharing good times together. So is it any wonder that many gain weight during the holiday season?
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
donÕ t Be a couch potato Get up from that computer chair and cut down on television watching. A sedentary lifestyle can easily pack on the pounds. A study by researchers at the University of Vermont found overweight participants who cut their daily TV time in half (from an average of 5 hours to 2.5 hours) burned an extra 119 calories a day. Remember when you were a kid playing with your friends outside from sunrise to sunset? You probably werenÕ t overweight then. But adults now spend more time indoors, and all that time spent in front of the tube could be hindering your weight-loss eorts.
If you follow a few easy rules, there finally may be a way to stay thin without dieting, even during the holiday season.
...The average person gains a pound a year from holiday eating, which accumulates and can lead to health problems later in life.
National institute of Child health and human Development and the National institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Home for the Holidays 13
14 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Brainerd dispatch
thE hoLiDay MEaL Perhaps the most anticipated aspect of the holiday season is the lavish holiday meal. Many people look forward to the food just as much as they look forward to the festivities. This could be why the average person gains a pound or two from the period of Thanksgiving up until New YearÕ s Day.
key and trimmings. Those who want to experiment may want to introduce one or two new dishes into the mix. Food choices should be about what your guests will want to eat and not about which items will ensure a spectacle.
keep preparation time in mind Another thing to consider when planPlanning a holiday gathering and meal ning the meal is the amount of time can be stressful for hosts or hostessyou have for food preparation and cooking. The holidays are a busy time es. There seems to be a lot of presof the year, and work and social ensure placed on the person in charge. However, establishing a wonderful and gagements may continue up until the stress-free meal is possible with a few eleventh hour. Choose foods that can be prepared in advance and heated on easy-to-follow tips. the holiday if youÕ re time-pressed. Or simply choose easy-to-make dishes create a meal concept that wonÕ t take much time. Holiday meals can be traditional or avant garde. There are many options from which to choose, but one thing to compile a shopping list keep in mind is to select foods that go Once foods are selected, review all together. Those new to holiday hosting recipes and make a list of the ingredients you will need. This will serve may want to stick with items that are well known and expected, such as tur- as a shopping list to take to the store.
Brainerd dispatch
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
holiday meal themes
Home for the Holidays 15
There are plenty of food ideas for the holidays. Here are menu themes for your next event. appetizers: Host a cocktail party using finger foods as the main course. Anything can be turned into finger foods, with small dishes and bite-size spoonfuls to offer a variety of tastes. asian: Asian fare has become quite popular, and if it’s your family’s favorite, why not offer Asian-themed menu items for guests. italian: Family favorites, Italian dishes are quite popular and can often easily be increased to feed a crowd. Pastas are quite easy to prepare quickly or in advance. american: Traditional dishes tend to be those foods best associated with American cooking. Chicken, turkey and roast beef are all meals that can be the perfect fit for the holidays.
Also see which items you have on hand in the pantry. Look at expiration dates and be sure that everything is top quality. If in doubt, add it to your shopping list. Make a list of things that can be bought in advance (paper products, coffee, linens, etc.) and other items that need to be checked off closer to the actual holiday. Cross off each item once it is purchased. create a timetable Make a schedule or use a calendar to schedule when each component of the meal and other preparations will be made. This way you ensure you will stay on track and have everything done by the actual holiday. ask For help If you find that time will be short, delegate some jobs to others. For example, if a grandmother or aunt is known for her prized potatoes or pies, ask her to make that item. Some hosts and hostesses turn the holiday meal into a pot luck where everyone is encouraged to bring one item and the host simply provides the main dish. This can cut down on the work involved and make others feel theyÕve contributed to the sentimental holiday meal.
Go easy on yourself While not everything will work out exactly as you expected, chances are little glitches will not even be noticed by guests unless you point them out. And even if they are noticed, these are close friends and family who will not judge small mistakes. make time For socialization Too often holiday hosts and hostesses worry so much about impressing guests with lavish foods and festivities that they fail to enjoy the actual day with their guests. Leave time to sit and chat and, most importantly, relax. The holidays are a time of enjoyment. Ensuring the meal can be as stressfree as possible will go a long way to helping hosts and hostesses enjoy the season as well.
happy iving! thanksg
16 Home for the Holidays
The Week of November 16 - 22, 2011
Brainerd dispatch