December, 2009

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BRANCHING OUT Tallahassee’s LGBT Community Newspaper

December 15th, 2009

Volume 13, Issue #12

ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS... Holiday Drag Show Lifts Our Spirits

Alex Sink Announces Opposition to Florida’s Gay Adoption Ban Wrapping Up Another Year



The Most Wonderful Time By Patrick Patterson Branching Out Production Team

is published monthly by The Family Tree Community Center. Appearance in this publication makes no inference about sexual orientation or gender identity.

BRANCHING OUT’S mission is to be the paper of record for the LGBT community of Tallahassee, and in that capacity it seeks to inform, advocate, engage, and entertain while being a responsible representative of the LGBT community and its allies to the outside world. Contact Branching Out:

P.O. Box 38477, Tallahassee, FL 32315 (850) 222-8555

Publication Schedule - 15th of Each Month Submission Deadlines - 1st of Each Month

Contributors in this issue: Mark Byrd Jose Gonzalez Kelly Gregg Melissa Grovac Diana Kampert Terry Kant-Rauch Ivan Sondel Jim VanRiper

in this issue...

From The Team

Production Team:

Steven Hall, Andy Janecek, Margeaux Mutz, and Patrick Patterson

Looking back on the year behind us, makes me pause and think what a great year it has been for the LGBT community here in Tallahassee. Of course, we’ve had many things that DID NOT go in our favor... but looking at the big picture, for the most part - it has been a great year. This year, The Family Tree has has hosted over seventeen events for the community, including PRIDEFEST which hosted over 2000 people at the final Pride in the Park event. We look forward, with much anticipation, to the year ahead and what is in store for our LGBT family. With another year almost over, we are forced to reflect on our accomplishments and failures over the past twelve months. It becomes very difficult to believe that only yesterday we were celebrating a new year, toasting with champagne and listening to yet another rendition of Auld Lang Syne, sung by some obscure artist... that no one’s ever heard of. Back, a year ago, we all had hopes and dreams of a new year, and with it... new successes. Some of us wanted to be more financially successful and some only wanted to keep their job in the new year, with the economy in turmoil. No matter what your feelings were at the beginning of this year, we’ve all come up short, as we look back. We all have things in our life that could have been improved upon. We all long for a fresh start. A new year coming means the same thing all over again. What will become of our jobs, dreams, or the things we hold most dear? What will be in store for the Family Tree? We look to you, our community for that answer. We want to make sure that we are providing the services you need and want. If there is anything you need from us, please do not hesitate to ask! The Family Tree is YOUR community center and always will be. Change is definitely on the horizon for the center and we hope that with everything coming in the new year, we can make changes that help our community even more than we ever have in the past. We at Branching Out have looked back over the past year and have seen a major development of our newspaper, as well. We have expanded, added color, added content, added a new organization structure, and overall... Changed for the better. We hope that you, our readers, have enjoyed all that we were able to accomplish in 2009. We want to wish you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season.

News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Voices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Out & About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 News from the Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 LGBT Business Partner of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11

Interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service photos provided by Rev. Mark Byrd

When Finished... Please Recycle!


We Want To Hear From You!!! Email your submissions to by January 1st. BRANCHING OUT


Alex Sink Announces Opposition to Florida’s Gay Adoption Ban Florida CFO Alex Sink addressed over 300 members of Equality Florida at the organization’s Broward Gala on November 15. Sink told the crowd that family law judges and child welfare experts should make adoption decisions based solely on the best interests of each child. Senator Nan Rich, a lead sponsor of the bill that would overturn Florida’s gay adoption ban, presented Sink with the organization’s “Voice of Equality” award. Sink was honored by the organization for her “long-time commitment to diversity and her pioneering work on pro-gay policies in the workplace,” said a press release distributed by Equality Florida. Sink said she looks forward to working with Sen. Rich on the bill that would strike the discriminatory language from Florida’s adoption statute.

Georgia Elects Nation’s First Black Lesbian Legislator On December 1, Georgia voters elected Simone Bell to House District 58, making the former Lambda Legal staff member the nation’s first black lesbian legislator. “We are enormously proud of Simone and her dedication to public service and social justice. She is a genuine leader who will represent her constituents well,” said Kevin Cathcart, Executive Director of Lambda Legal, in a news brief. Bell joined Lambda Legal in 2006 as the Community Educator for the Southern Regional Office based in Atlanta, which covers a 10 state region. She organized numerous educational forums and lead scores of “know your rights” trainings for a variety of audiences throughout the southern region.

Medicare Expands List of Covered Preventative Services to Include HIV Tests On December 8, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced its final decision to cover Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection screening for Medicare beneficiaries who are at increased risk for the infection, including women who are pregnant and Medicare beneficiaries of any age who voluntarily request the service. “Today’s decision marks an important milestone in the history of the Medicare program,” said U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.“Beginning with expanding coverage for HIV screening, we can now work proactively as a program to help keep Medicare beneficiaries healthy and take a more active role in evaluating the evidence for preventive services.”

Inclusive…Engaging…Informal 9am Contemporary Worship 10am Adult Education 11am Traditional Worship (Children’s Sunday School during services) 5th Sundays are a combined service at 10am 1834 Mahan Dr. 850-878-7385 Check our website for information regarding special services

“Every adult should know their HIV status,” said Dr. Howard K. Koh, HHS assistant secretary for health. “This decision by Medicare should help promote screening and save lives.”

We are an “Open and Affirming” congregation deeply committed to the inclusion of GLBT members

AIDS is diagnosed when an HIV-infected person’s immune system becomes severely compromised or a person becomes ill with an HIV-related infection. Of the more than one million estimated to have the HIV infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that about a quarter of them do not realize they are infected. Without treatment, AIDS develops within 8 to 10 years. While there is presently no cure for HIV, screening can help identify infected patients so that they can receive medical treatment that could help delay the onset of AIDS for years.

Come share your faith with friends in a community filled with a diverse collection of beliefs, politics, and backgrounds committed to social action

More information about Medicare’s new HIV screening benefit is available in CMS’ final decision memorandum. Read the final decision online at http://www.cms.hhs. gov/mcd/viewdecisionmemo.asp?id=229.

Come as you are… dressed up or in jeans…with joys or concerns…Or Both!

Transgender Day of Remembrance in Tallahassee By Margeaux Mutz Branching Out Staff Writer For some reason, many people in The United States believe that the world revolves around them. Things that happen here are magnified and those that aren’t are nullified, making the troubles of our brothers and sisters in other countries pale in comparison to ours. The transgender community, as well as the LGBT community, do not have such myopia. On the night of November 20, members of the FSU Pride Student Union, as well as myself and other members of the Tallahassee LGBT community, remembered our comrades in other countries as we held hands at the Integration Statue on the Florida State University campus. With this act we were united with people from Minsk, Belarus, to Auckland, New Zealand, remembering all transgender people murdered around the world for being themselves. Some cried as they attempted to read the names and the monstrous acts committed to the dead. Others calmly read as they cried in their hearts. With our presence we pledged to be forever vigilant against transgender hate crime as well as all hate crime committed against members of any community. It has been 11 years since the murder of Rita Hester—who was brutally stabbed at least 20 times in the chest—leading to what we now call Transgender Day of Awareness (TDOR). It is because of the creation of TDOR that we stood together this night with the hope that our cry for help would be heard in all nations. Worldwide in 2009, 95 transgender related deaths have been reported— nearly double the 48 that occurred in 2008. Clearly there is a hate in the world for transgender people that crosses national boundaries and makes concern for all of us necessary. Yet it is not nationalistic to be concerned with our own nation when only 13 states and D.C. have hate crimes legislation that include gender identity. Looking forward, there are rays of light in pending legislation, the goals of which are to make future TDOR’s unnecessary. Removing hate from our own hearts would be a start in itself.



Is it time to buy a home? Time is of the essence! By Terry Anne Kant-Rauch Branching Out Contributor You should never feel pressured to buy or sell a home, but if the stars are aligned, you may want to jump on it right now. Timing is everything in Real Estate and it doesn’t get much better than this…if you’ve even vaguely considered buying or selling a home, now’s the time to explore your options thoroughly. We are in an unprecedented environment that favors buying and in some instances selling property. In many cases, it will actually cost you less to own than to rent. For GLBT couples, there are ways similar to heterosexually married couples to take advantage of the current tax credits the government is offering for buying. Be aware that deadlines for tax credits for buyers are now April 30th 2010, for having a completed contract and June 30th for closing on it. Here are some considerations: •

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Current interest rates on 30 year loans are historically low, under 5% if you have decent credit. This allows you to either have a lower payment than previously, or buy a more expensive house with the same payment you would have had at a higher interest rate. Prices for houses are lower than we’ve seen in several years. Again, this can mean more house for less money. There are “first time homebuyer” programs to assist with down payment and closing costs. Most of these only need to be repaid (and interest free) after you sell the new property. When you make a mortgage payment (as opposed to rent payment), a portion of that goes to principal reduction on your loan. This is a savings to you in the form of building equity in your home. There are specific tax deductions available for those who own homes and itemize. Time is of the essence as there is no guarantee that either interest rates or home values will stay low. History shows they don’t generally. Cut off dates for tax credits are also time limited. The Federal government will actually pay you (if you meet specific criteria) to buy a home.

You likely have heard about the “First time homebuyer tax credit”. This is really a bit of a misnomer. “First time homebuyer” actually refers to someone who hasn’t owned a principal residence in the last three years. So if you previously owned a home, you may still qualify. Owning non residential property does not exclude you from this credit. Also, the up to $8000 “credit” on homes will actually be paid directly to you by the IRS (minus any unpaid taxes you may owe). This is a cash gift from Uncle Sam. There are some income thresholds, and other rules, but basically it’s a real deal. In addition, there is now also a $6500 “tax credit” for current homeowners if they purchase and move into the new residence (provided they have lived in their current home for 5 of the last 8 years). You don’t even need to sell your current home to get this. That leaves the option of keeping it as a rental. As long as you live in the new home for at least three years, with either scenario, the money is yours to keep. To spend however you like. The only catch is you have to have a contract to purchase a home by April 30th, 2010 and you must close by June 30th, 2010. For the LGBT community, if you want to buy with a partner, Adam Watson with Watson and Associates, PA, CPAs, says there are choices as to how you divvy up the tax credit. For instance, he says that if one partner is a first time buyer and the other is not, the first time buyer is still entitled to the full allowable credit. If both qualify, then you have some options as to how you divide up the total amount. And a note for parents wanting to help children get into a home: Adam says that both the parent and child (adult) can purchase the home, and if the child lives there without the parent, that child should be entitled to the full credit as well. Determining your best move (pun intended) takes some time and thinking through. Allow for that. If you decide to go with a Real Estate Professional to assist you, look for an LGBT friendly Realtor who can look at your specific situation with you and take you through the steps needed for you to make a clear determination on what’s best for you. There is no obligation to purchase or sell, so no downside to checking out your options completely. A Realtor can refer you to lenders for pre-qualification, programs for down payment assistance, provide a current market analysis on a home you may want to sell, send you emailed listings of potential properties to purchase, show you properties and facilitate all the negotiations, contracts, inspections, etc. necessary to complete a transaction. Most importantly, S/he can explain each step along the way. This is key to providing good customer service and you should settle for nothing less if you do decide to use a Realtor. Either way you go, getting started soon, could be the best decision you’ve made. There is no time like the present… Terry Anne Kant is the owner/Broker of Kant Realty of North Florida and has been licensed in Florida real estate since 1973, actively for the last 15 years. Part of a four generation real estate family, Terry can be reached at: (850) 877-2121 or Her website is Resources used for this article include Adam Watson with Watson Associates, PA, CPAs and materials from the IRS website: Information included is believed to be accurate but not warranted. Always check with your accountant and/or attorney for verification of IRS rules/programs.


St. Stephen Lutheran:

A Leader in the Struggle for LGBT Rights By Rev. Marda Messick Branching Out Contributor I want to express appreciation to Branching Out for providing a forum for faith groups to reach out to the Tallahassee LGBT community with messages of affirmation and welcome. It is an honor to be asked to dialogue about faith with people who have for so long been excluded from full and open participation in the Christian church. St. Stephen Lutheran Church, the congregation in which I serve as pastor, has been a “Reconciling in Christ” (RIC) congregation since 1999. Reconciling in Christ is a program within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that recognizes congregations that are intentional in welcoming LGBT persons, their allies, children, and families. The RIC designation signals that the congregation is a safe and welcoming community where all people are welcome as full members, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. St. Stephen Lutheran Church has been a leader in the long struggle for justice for LGBT Lutherans. The Lutheran church in the 16th began as a reforming movement within the Roman Catholic Church in Germany, and St. Stephen continues in that reforming tradition. We have advocated strongly for the right of LGBT pastors in life-long committed relationships to serve as ministers of word and sacrament. Just this past August the ELCA churchwide assembly voted: 1) to develop ways for LGBT persons in committed relationships to receive the blessings of the church; and 2) to revise ministry policies in order to allow pastors in such relationships to be called to serve congregations. This was a great victory, and the people of St. Stephen are still celebrating! Our vision of ministry is reflected in our mission statement: “to be an active community that welcomes all to nurture and share their faith and gifts with everyone, according to God’s call.” We help people discern and develop their gifts to use in the congregation and in their lives. We are a diverse and energetic group, committed to serve the Tallahassee community through Rainbow Rehab, meals for The Shelter, and projects with ECHO, among others. Notably, the St. Stephen is now collaborating with Faith Presbyterian Church to organize a community food distribution center, Manna on Meridian. Our facility is open, free of charge, community organizations to meet, including Compassionate Friends, AlAnon, Ovarian Cancer Survivors, to mention a few. In terms of worship, St. Stephen offers two services of Holy Communion each Sunday, at 8:30 am and 11:00 am. We practice the rich and joyful traditional liturgy of the Lutheran church, without being stuffy or staid. As Jesus said, “Come and see!” Grace and peace be with you all in this blessed season. Rev. Marda Messick is the pastor of St. Stephen Lutheran Church, an open and affirming congregation in Tallahassee, FL. She can be reached at pastorststephens@embarqmail. com.

Open and Affirming Catholic Service Resumes in Tallahassee St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Community Church resumed services on November 28. The congregation is an open and affirming church and their mission is to “reach God’s people with open arms and love.” Services are held every Saturday at 6:00pm at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, 2198 North Meridian Road, Tallahassee. For more information, contact Reverend Jose Gonzalez at (850) 421-0447.

Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church presents

On This VeryNight

December 20, 2009, 7:00 p.m. A Christmas musical performed under the stars. Join Gentle Shepherd M.C.C. as we celebrate the night of Christ’s birth with some of the best music of the season; including, Joy to the World, The Little Drummer Boy, Sing Noel and many more. The musical will be held outside, so dress warm for the hour-long program and then join us inside for some refreshments. Gentle Shepherd M.C.C. is located at 4738 Thomasville Road, across the street from Good Shepherd Catholic Church.

December 24, Christmas Eve Service Join us for a Service of Carols, Communion and Candlelight. 8:00 p.m.



Holiday Drag Show Lights our Spirits On December 12, nearly 100 people attended “Draggin’ Out the Praise,” a holiday drag show hosted by The Family Tree. The holiday spirit was abound as hostess Delilah Pearl entertained the crowd with a cheerful show that included performances by Ebony Starr, Cassandra Starr, Paula Pastora, Mah-lean Dubois and Serena Cha Cha. Approximately $1,200 was raised in support of The Family Tree by proceeds from the event’s ticket sales, cash bar, silent auction and 50/50 raffle. A special thanks goes out to United Church in Tallahassee for providing the venue and to Fermentation Lounge and Lee’s Wine Bar for stocking the cash bar.


The Family Tree’s Board of Directors has a vacancy. Any interested person should contact:



Community Stories, Opinions, Happenings, and Ideas.

News, Cues, & Reviews By Ivan Sondel Branching Out Contributor

CD Review The Power of Two - Michael Feinstein and Cheyenne Jackson I’ve been praying for this day: two gay men singing “We Kiss in a Shadow” from The King and I – and beautifully. This song is on an imaginary CD I’ve put together of songs I’d love to hear men sing, such as: “Fifty Percent” from Ballroom, “The Boy Next Door” from Meet Me in St. Louis and “I Got Lost in His Arms” from Annie Get Your Gun. So, even though these songs aren’t included here, this still comes pretty damn close to wish fulfillment for me. Feinstein (an old favorite) and Jackson (a new favorite) combine wonderfully well on classics like “A Foggy Day,” “Old Devil Moon,” “Me and My Shadow,” “So in Love” and “Someone to Watch Over Me” as well as more contemporary numbers such as “I’m Nothing Without You” from City of Angels and “Old Friend” from I’m Getting My Act Together. If you’re fans of Feinstein than you know what to expect (and you’ll not be disappointed); if this is your first experience you’re in for a grand night of singing. [Have friends who like Krall and Buble? This would make an ideal Christmas gift].

Gift Idea Gore Vidal: Snapshots in History’s Glare This is a scrapbook memoir by the great literary lion and gay icon. At 84, Vidal has been everywhere and done everyone, and here are the wonderful pictures to prove it. All the usual suspects are here from Tennessee and Truman to Jackie O and the Clintons. Snapshots is an ideal coffee table book for fans of the author or gay literary history or the lifestyles of the rich and famous. 

Book Review Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead by Paula Byrne I freely admit to an aversion to most biographies; those half ton tomes stuffed to overflowing with regurgitated facts that so often represent the flotsam and jetsam of the life in question as opposed to actual milestones and achievements. Happily, this is not the case with Paula Byrne’s Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead, a biography as witty and amusing as its subject. Mad World follows Waugh’s life from cradle to grave. As we trek along we are treated to brief portraits of Waugh’s parents and brother Alec, all those Mitford sisters, his annulled first marriage and life-long second, his conversion to Catholicism, as well as pointedly detailed descriptions of his published works, including Vile Bodies, A Handful of Dust and Brideshead Revisited. The pace quickens (and never flags) once Waugh enters Oxford, where he quickly develops friendships with the likes of Harold Acton and Brian Howard, and embarks upon a series of homosexual relationships, the most profound and lasting with Hugh Lygon, second son of the 7th Earl Beauchamp, and the inspiration for Sebastian Flyte. Waugh is taken under Lygon’s wing, and is introduced to the family, becoming a life-long friend and confidante of sisters Mary and Dorothy, as well as a fixture at the family manse Madresfield (hence “Mad World”). He witnessed, and remained steadfast throughout the family’s dishonor and the disgrace of the Earl, who fled the country rather than face charges of Gross Indecency. Byrne has painstakingly researched her material, and though her finished text is rich in detail and critical observances, it seems never heavy handed or in the least tedious. Indeed, her work reads as though it were a novel, a brilliant modern day retelling of Waugh’s classic Brideshead, which is the kindest compliment it could be paid.

Coming Soon Books now in stores: Yours Ever: People and Their Letters by Thomas Mallon; coming in paperback 1/5: Basketball Jones by E. Lynn Harris. Book Buzz: The New York Times released their list of top 100 books of 2009 and among those mentioned were LGBT titles Cheever: A Life by Blake Bailey, Born Round: The Secret History of a Full-Time Eater by Frank Bruni, City Boy: My Life in New York During the 1960s and’70s by Edmund White, Yours Ever: People and Their Letters by Thomas Mallon, and the gay inclusive novels The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver and The Sky Below by Stacey D’Erasmo. Also on the list Flannery: A Life of Flannery O’Connor by out biographer Brad Gooch, Columbine by out author Dave Cullen, and The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein and The Stranger by out novelists Peter Ackroyd and Sarah Waters respectively. DVD: 12/29: The United States of Tara: The First Season (Emmy Award winner for actress Toni Collette); Half Life a film by Jennifer Phang; Glee Volume One: Road to Sectionals; 1/19: Outraged the acclaimed documentary; 1/26: Little Ashes (starring Robert Pattinson as Salvador Dali).


Broadway: 12/13: Stephen Sondheim’s classic A Little Night Music opens at the Walter Kerr Theatre under the direction of Trevor Nunn and starring Oscar winner Catherine Zeta-Jones and five-time Tony Award winner Angela Lansbury; 1/21: Noel Coward’s classic Present Laughter opens at the American Airlines Theatre under the direction of Nicolas Martin and starring Victor Garber. Broadway Buzz: April 18th Kelsey Grammer returns to Broadway as Georges in a revival of the Jerry Herman/Harvey Fierstein musical La Cage aux Folles. Douglas Hodge reprises his London role of Albin. Movie Buzz: Precious scored five Independent Spirit Award nominations including Best Feature and Best Director for out director Lee Daniels. Tom Ford scored nominations for Best First Feature and Best Screenplay for A Single Man, which also brought star Colin First a nod for Best Leading Actor. The awards will be presented March 5th.

Ask Margeaux Q: What is the Q in LGBTQ?? A: The Q stands for genderqueer. There are some people who choose to be gender free. They do not adhere to either male or female roles. The confusion they cause is of no consequence to them since they do not conform to societies rules regarding gender. As with transgender people the genderqueer can be gay, lesbian, bisexual or straight. On, Ellen Friedrichs proposes 7 questions that may define a person as genderqueer: • Do you ever feel like M, F, or even FTM ( female-to-male) and MTF ( male-to- female) aren’t enough? • Do you ever feel that your gender changes by the minute, hour, day, or season? • Do you ever feel that maybe you were meant to have more than one gender? • Do you ever feel that your gender isn’t so clear cut? • Are you ever tired of hearing, “You’re just confused,” when you already know who you are, or, you’re comfortable with not knowing? • Does it ever bother you- or amuse you- when people say you’re “too feminine or masculine,” that you “look like a girl, or a boy,” whatever these words mean, with a tone that implies that that’s a bad thing? • Do you ever wish people would stop asking, whether sarcastically or seriously, when you’re going to start hormones, have surgery, and transition, with the assumption that these terms automatically apply to you? As Ellen Friedrichs says: “If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might want to explore the genderqueer identity further.” A good place to start is the anthology, “Genderqueer: Voices From Beyond the Sexual Binary.” Margeaux Mutz is The Family Tree’s Secretary and Director of Community Relations. In addition, Margeaux leads the Transgender Tallahassee group.

Send your questions to

Tallahassee Prime Timers A social group for mature men, featuring gatherings, house parties, monthly dinners and weekly happy hours




Give Joy.

By Margeaux Mutz Branching Out Staff Writer I stand on a hillock overlooking Lake Iamonia amidst stately pines, grandiose oaks, blue sky and underbrush awash in November colour. I am suddenly thrown back over 40 years. The place is not the same; the feeling is. I’ve just removed the sweatshirt that I’ve used to protect my body from the early morning cold. Underneath is revealed a women’s spandex strappy top which surrounds breasts that didn’t exist 6 years ago let alone 40. The countryside in which I stand is not Illinois but despite this, the new accoutrements and the passing of time the sensation I feel is timeless. I’m free! The natural setting doesn’t have eyes or if it does I don’t feel or hear its judgment. The clothes I wear, the thoughts I think, the way I carry myself are not an issue. As I walk I don’t sense derision. Oh, how things have changed yet somehow managed to stay the same! Tomorrow, November 30, is my birthday. No not the day I came out of the birth canal with a penis and was dubbed male thus limiting how I could present myself. Rather, the day 4 years ago when I legally changed my name. From that day forward I became in my heart truly who I am. I became empowered to present myself as I see fit. The Margeaux that the entire world sees today is a result of that day and all the experiences that preceded it. The buildup to that day was intense. Many years of rejection, guilt and anguish occasionally punctuated by the occasional aforementioned foray into the wild in whatever women’s clothes I could find. The feeling then as it is now was pure. Like the soft hands of a lover’s caress it soothed me. It allowed me if only for a while to shackle the anxiety that coursed thru my soul. It gave me respite from a world not yet ready for me or me for it. Then, as I walked back to my car I acquiesced to the human race to which I was given. I was sad every time I made that walk. Fear of rejection overwhelmed me. It kept me in line, a line written for others but not for me.

Pearls Watches Certified Gems Custom Jewelry

Today, as I walk back to my truck I walk without fear. I don’t walk alone. I have come to this place with my girlfriend Sarah and her dog Foxy. Sarah along with many others has accepted me as who I am while helping me to face my fears and stare them down. Yet sadness remains, it is me that has changed and not the world. I know that every time I go to the Burger King drive thru at the corner of Magnolia and Park (I’m not proud of it but occasionally I fall prey to the fast food fry) I may be told, as I was a few days ago, to drive around to the door. I did, figuring they must be closing up and that they would bring it to me. Eventually because of what seemed like an endless wait I had to go inside, there to be met by a manager and his staff who gave me my food but made no secret of the fact that they were having a good laugh at the expense of the freak. Needless to say I won’t be going there anymore. I know that every time I walk in a mall parking lot I could be greeted as I was recently by a male as he passed by in his car.“How ya doin today, Sir!” was his greeting, this despite the fact that I am not ambiguous about my gender presentation. My attire or my look is not meant to be androgynous. Skirts, makeup, long blonde hair, shaped brows, painted fingers and toes; you name it I present consistently as a girl. I didn’t make the rules. I didn’t hand down the edict that those born with a penis can’t dress or maintain themselves as I do. What’s so scary about a world where we decide for ourselves who we are? For me who doesn’t necessarily believe that I am here to serve a god, master or higher power the exercise of finding my greatest expression of self is what gives life meaning. I reject statements like “Why can’t you just be what we want you to be?” a quote taken from a character in the movie” Martian Child.” I search second by second and minute by minute for that feeling on the hillock and the hope that we all can feel its joy. A joy that comes with the realization that we are free of the judgment of others, a joy that can only come when we throw off the chains that bind us, a fact that would be immensely easier for all of us if we would just lighten up on each other. Maybe in this loosening of the grip, in this allowing of those around us to be themselves we will find our true selves and the real meaning of life!

Fleas, Dips, & Vinegar

By Kelly Gregg Branching Out Contributor

My SO (significant other) has made many quite funny comments about designing a t-shirt that has “I smell vinegar” on it. This of course, is based on the movie 6th Sense and the line “I see dead people.” Like I said, quite funny because she definitely smells vinegar! I clean with white vinegar, cook with balsamic vinegar, drink Bragg’s ACV (apple cider vinegar) and even use ACV on my Chihuahuas (Calvin and Sasha). Before I went natural, for flea treatments, I spent a year in the dermatologist office taking some very strong steroids just to find out the yucky rash I had was from exposure to the pesticide on my friend’s dogs. Apparently, I absorbed enough of the pesticide on my arms and chest from petting these dogs occasionally to have a reaction. It took a year and a comment in passing for me to see the domino trail that led to the Frontline Plus used on my friend’s dogs, a year of having a weepy rash on my upper body, girl that can really take the romance out of someone’s life. It is probably a good thing I was single at the time. During that year of stress, I did a bit of research on stuff that causes dermatology problems. What I found out changed my life. I will never again be able to simply go to the store and grab any old shampoo, cream rinse, lotion, soap, toothpaste, oil, candle, detergent, pesticide, insecticide, disposable ANYTHING ever again! When I say, it changed my life, I am very serious. But, this isn’t about a life changing event; this is about natural dog care and smelling vinegar! I have been doing the natural flea thingy for a couple of years and one thing I have found out is that the natural way requires effort. However, the natural way does allow for combining jobs and dogs that smell nice after the um....vinegar dissipates. I also don’t have to worry about toxic pesticides. Doesn’t cost much either, Publix brand, quart size, apple cider vinegar sets you back $0.89. With that quart and some lavender essential oil


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Pressure Washing Services

(Driveways, House Exteriors, Decks, Patios, Gutters)

I can freshen, de-flea, provide flea deterrent and have clean smelling Chihuahua’s for over a month. I mix approx 2-3 oz ACV with 6 drops of lavender and using a sock wipe the dogs down 2-3 times a week, more during flea season. You can cut it with water 50/50 to get you and your dog used to the smell and licking it off will be good for them! Every now and then they do get bites and they may end up with a bare place, or have bumps. Sasha especially is prone to staph infections. If there is serious scratching going on, I wash them with peppermint castile soap and treat the boo-boos with Doggy Eleo my own special blend of oils which is based on castor oil. It calms the sore area. You just rub it in a bit. It doesn’t take much. They will lick it off and it also is good for them. Moving on to food, I buy the dogs their food from New Leaf Market because it is the only place I can find dog food that doesn’t contain corn. Corn and wheat (they are the devil) are useless to dogs. I sometimes make my own dog food by boiling chicken, adding brown rice and mixed vegetables. But generally I just get dried food because I have to supplement Calvin’s dog food anyway. The added cooking might push me over the edge. Calvin is a problem child. He was an only pup and didn’t have to share the teet with anyone! He had it good. That combined with an eating disorder gets me to a cat poop and trash eating animal with a voracious appetite. The recommended 2/5 (two fifths) a cup a day of dog food is NOT his idea of a GOOD day! In addition to Calvin and Sasha’s 2/5 cup of dog food, they also get 2 tablespoons of Libby’s pure pumpkin 1-2 times a day or half a cup of defrosted frozen mixed vegetables (I sometimes add in a tiny amount of, you guessed it ACV, as well as garlic and olive oil), plus one treat that I put into their Kong (an interactive toy). Sounds like work doesn’t it! Well it is, but my pups are very healthy and I am healthier as well. Do I enjoy going to such extremes? Not really, but then you see my next dog will be a cat! Do you smell vinegar!



What’s Happening... this month December 15, 2009 7:45 to 8:45pm The Avocado Roll Join self-taught sushi expert, Barry Courtney, as he shares his enthusiasm for the avocado roll. Students will learn how to make sushi rice and practice rolling sushi. Yes, students can, and will, sample their creations! New Leaf Market 1235 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee Cost: $5 owners, $7 non-owners. Registration and pre-payment required. Limit 10. FMI:; (850) 942-2557 ext. 22 December 17, 2009 9:00am to 3:30pm Youth Ornament Tree Decorating Contest Judging begins at 4 pm. McCarty Park (Park Avenue at Adams Street), Tallahassee FMI: (850) 891-3860 December 17, 2009 5:30 to 9:00pm Elf Night City of Tallahassee Parks and Recreation staff at Dorothy B. Oven Park has once again transformed the already beautiful park and meeting house into a true winter wonderland. More than 250,000 lights adorn the park grounds, gardens and buildings, along with a variety of holiday displays. On Elf Night, visitors will also enjoy hot cider, cocoa and cookies. The park will be decorated for holiday viewing through December 31. Dorothy B. Oven Park 3205 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee Free – donations accepted FMI: (850) 891-3915

Through January 15, 2010 8:00am to 11:30pm Photofest 2009 in the Artport Gallery Photofest 2009 celebrates the creative talents of photographers, professional and amateur, living in the Tallahassee area, and is part of the Art in Public Places Program coordinated by COCA. From 183 entries submitted, 47 were selected and are on display in the ArtPort Gallery located in the Tallahassee Regional Airport. ArtPort Gallery Tallahassee Regional Airport 3300 Capital Circle SW, Tallahassee Free and open to the public FMI: Clint Riley,; (850) 224-2500 January 18, 2010 Fitness Resolution Challenge “Achieve and Maintain your Fitness Goals in 2010!” A 12 Month All-Inclusive Fitness Program. Choose either FitCamp: a challenging and fun workout geared for fat loss and achieving a higher level of fitness; or PerfectFit: Unlimited Workout Package, diverse and exciting exercise classes including FIT, DanceTrance, Yoga, Kickboxing, and more. Registration Ends 1/16/10. Free Workouts Jan 1st-16th! GroupFit Studio 1836 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee FMI: Sherman Rosier,; (850) 561-0002

December 18, 2009 8:00pm A Fundraising Event for the Big Bend Homeless Coalition and HOPE Community Randall “Big Daddy” Webster’s 50th birthday and the 15th anniversary of Big Daddy & Red Hot Java. Special Guests: Drew Tillman, Mimi and the Hearndogs, Michael “Doc” Palecki, Curtis “Cortez” Hightman, Clyde Hamsey, and more. American Legion Hall 229 Lake Ella Drive, Tallahassee Tickets $10.00 @ the Big Bend Homeless Coalition Office FMI: (850) 576-5566 or online at: December 19, 2009 6:00 to 9:00pm Knott House Museum Holiday Open House 301 East Park Avenue, Tallahassee Free FMI: (850) 922-2459 December 19, 2009 6:00 to 10:00pm “Winter Festival - A Celebration of Lights, Music, and the Arts.” The City of Tallahassee presents its annual Celebration of Lights, honored by the Southeast Tourism Society as one of the top 20 events in the southeastern region of the United States. Designed to bring together friends, families, and treasured visitors, the Celebration of Lights is chock-full of fun and entertainment sure to please everyone in attendance. Parade, arts and crafts, food and music. Downtown Tallahassee FMI: December 20, 2009 3:00pm Tallahassee Youth Orchestra Holiday Concert Leon High School Auditorium Enjoy the cheerful sounds of the season by joining us for our 2nd Annual Holiday Alumni Concert. At this heartwarming event, the TYO will collaborate with Leon High School’s Capital Singers, led by Judy Arthur, and will also share the stage with many of our alumni. Make plans to stay afterward and enjoy a reception of homemade goodies, too! Leon High School 550 E. Tennessee St., Tallahassee Tickets: $5 and will be available at December 20, 2009 Blue and Lonesome The 2nd longest-lived bluegrass band in Tallahassee history, Blue and Lonesome, will reunite for a one-night appearance at Finnegan’s Wake in Midtown Manor. Save the date so we can pack the place for this amazing show. These guys set the standard for hard-hitting bluegrass and honky-tonk music around these parts for about 12 years. Finnegan’s Wake 1122 Thomasville Road FMI: Carrie, (850) 264-6916; (850) 222-4225 January 1 – 27, 2010 11:00am to 6:00pm The Greenhouse Project: The Lost Generation of Uganda An exhibition raising awareness for the orphans of Uganda. The show will include the children’s artwork alongside photographs and video installations from Uganda. First Friday gallery opening Jan 1, 6 pm – 9 pm; after that regular gallery hours. 621 Gallery 621 Industrial Rd. (in Railroad Square), Tallahassee Free FMI: Denise Drury,; (850)224-6163



1505-2 Governor’s Square Blvd


January 4, 2010 7:00 to 8:00pm Capital City GLBTA Democratic Caucus General Membership Meeting Location TBD FMI: January 8, 2010 12:00 to 1:00pm First Friday Lecture Series: “The Flowering of Australia” By: Dr. John Tobe Botanist and natural historian Dr. John David Tobe will be giving a lecture on the rich floral diversity of the southwest Australia ecoregion. There are approximately 6,759 species and almost half of these are endemics to this area of the world. The unique combination of ancient landscape, nutrient deficient soils, and primarily Mediterranean type climate and ecology has resulted in over 250 million years of plant evolution and created a landscape dominated by eucalyptus, tea trees, bottlebrush, banksias, grevilleas, wattles and other uniquely Australia genera. This lecture will highlight some of the most characteristic species as well as floral gems of the area. Goodwood Museum & Gardens 1600 Miccosukee Rd. , Tallahassee Free of charge. No reservations required. Attendees may bring lunch if desired. FMI: Mike Herrin,; (850) 877-7592 January 9, 2010 8:00pm Vladimir Feltsman, Piano Recitals in the world’s premier concert venues and solo appearances with major orchestras have brought Vladimir Feltsman acclaim as one of the most versatile and constantly interesting musicians of our time. “Quite simply, an amazing pianist!” - The New York Times Thomasville Cultural Center Auditorium 600 block, E. Jackson Street, Thomasville, GA Box Office: (229) 226-7404; Tickets: $35 - general public; $15 – students. FMI:




from theCenter

Wrapping Up Another Year By Jim VanRiper Co-Chair

Once again we find ourselves wrapping up another year at The Family Tree. Looking back, this year has been filled with many successes and a few challenges. One only has to check out the wall of our history at the Tree or just read this publication to see the steady progress we have made as a community center. This year we held several social events starting with the disco dance in February, then the Spring Fling, Life’s a Drag, and an evening at The Producers. “Draggin’ out the Praise” was our first church-sponsored drag show, thanks to the United Church in Tallahassee. After that, we went back to the dance floor for Fall Fever and by the time this prints we will have wrapped up the social calendar with “Draggin’ out the Lights,” a holiday drag show. Pridefest stands alone as a huge success. The Family Tree sponsored an entire week of events reaching out to as many different groups and interests in our community as possible. The Pridefest Committee did a fantastic job and immediately went into planning for the 2010 Pride week, which I assure you will eclipse 2009’s success. On the social activism front, we helped coordinate the largest rally in recent memory at the Capitol during Lobby Days with the “Rally In Tally,” letting our lawmakers hear very clearly and loudly that we expect to be treated as equal citizens. The Family Tree was instrumental in getting the Leon County Commission to move forward on establishing a Human Relations Advisory Committee which will push for passing a Human Rights Ordinance for employment and housing. We celebrated our community and those who work so hard every day to make a difference at the National Coming Out Day Gayla, “Steppin Out”. The day this year that I will never forget is October 28th…. This was the day the President signed the Matthew Shepherd Act, our City Commission passed a non discrimination policy and extended domestic partner benefits to employees and The Family Tree co-sponsored a community conversation with Sir Ian McKellen at FSU. It was a great day to be gay in Tallahassee. I find that Tallahassee looks to The Family Tree to be the “visibility” of the LGBT community, to remind people we are here and that we expect to be treated fairly. When the news media needs a story about local perspective on issues, they come calling The Family Tree. When community groups need a place to meet or resources to organize, they call on The Family Tree for support. This year has been very difficult for many in our community due to the economy, and The Family Tree has felt the effects of this situation as well. Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to focus much on funding and less on affecting social change or community issues. We often hear that “all we do is raise money” but I believe if you look back on this year, you will see that we have accomplished a great deal! I would like to thank all of our contributors, volunteers and board members for their support and hard work to make us such a successful community center. Special thanks go out to the team of tireless volunteers who produces this newspaper each and every month. Without the financial support of our contributors and the support of the many volunteers, we would not be able to do the important work we do creating community. Happy Holidays and best wishes in the New Year!


Family Tree Board Co-Chairs Jim Van Riper and Greta Langley

LGBT Business Partner of the month

Franco Tompeterini

Storage Advantage 1406-7 Capital Circle NE

What services does Storage Advantage provide? We offer a one-stop facility for anyone thinking about moving and storing goods for short or long term periods. All facilities are on the ground-level, are accessible 24/7 by registered tenants and are managed by on-site managers. We offer both climate controlled and non-climate controlled storage. We’ve recently updated our lighting to ensure our tenants are safe while on premises. Storefronts and office space are also available.

How long has Storage Advantage been in business in Tallahassee? Storage Advantage opened in February, but was previously known as US Storage Centers and utilized the same space.

How did you get involved with Storage Advantage? I used to work in Fort Lauderdale for US Storage Centers. Company management asked me to relocate to Tallahassee to manage Storage Advantage.

Has your membership in the LGBT Business Partners been beneficial to you? Yes, the luncheons and social events have allowed me to meet realtors in the community that have contacts with customers that are needing to store their belongings. I’ve also met people that have a need to use storage facilities so that they can un-clutter their homes. The relationships I have gained in the business community allow me to keep up-to-date on the economic situation in Tallahassee. They act as my “barometer” when making business decisions.

Do you provide discounts to LGBT people in the community? We offer the first two months at half-price. I feel that it is extremely important make the time to support your local gay-oriented community organizations such as The Family Tree. In this difficult economy, it’s even more important to think of the LGBT community first when making business decisions and looking beyond. Within our own community, there are lots of business owners that can provide services we are all looking for. Let’s look out for each other. Each month, Branching Out features a member of Tallahassee’s LGBT Business Partners. For more information about the Business Partners, contact Greta Langley at



Let’s Go Bananas!

Holiday Shopping Resources

By Melissa Grovac Branching Out Contributor

As you begin your holiday shopping, be sure to visit businesses that support the local economy and community in Tallahassee and the surrounding areas. The Branching Out staff have put together a number of online resources to help you in your holiday shopping quest. While you’re at it, make sure that your favorite business or merchant received high marks in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. For more information, visit http://www.hrc. org/issues/workplace/cei.htm.

Did you know there is a secret ingredient in bananas that could actually help you to lose weight? Well, to be honest, it’s not so secret….rather under researched to date. It’s called RESISTANT STARCH. Sounds like something you use in your laundry right? Well, resistant starch is actually a type of starch that once ingested, passes all the way from your mouth to your small intestine without being digested. Once the resistant starches enter the large intestine, they start to ferment and produce little miracle workers called “short chain fatty acids”. These fatty acids are very beneficial and actually assist your body with burning fats from your meal, instead of carbohydrates, for body fuel. Resistant starches also promote healthy intestinal micro flora production to promote optimum bowel health. Foods that contain resistant starch include: bananas, cooked then chilled potatoes and pastas, plantains, whole grain rice, Hi-Maize cornstarch, navy beans, lentils, oatmeal. Still need proof? Well, here it is: A University of Colorado study found that an increase in the amount of resistant starch contained in a meal “significantly increased post-prandial lipid oxidation and therefore could decrease fat accumulation in the long-term.” Replacing 5.4% of ordinary carbs with resistant starch could boost fat burning by up to 30%. Practically speaking, that means eating a banana with your lunch could boost your body’s ability to burn fat all afternoon! What’s the best thing about Resistant Starch in bananas? It is a safe, and natural way to decrease the fat your body metabolizes then stores! Instead of unhealthy FAD dieting or medicines that claim to burn fat, but have unhealthy side effects on your body, you could be doing it the healthy way! But remember, it’s always very important to follow a balanced diet that is high in variety and moderation. So next time you sit down for a meal, remember your resistant starch and GO BANANAS! A group of businesses and organizations that are committed to supporting the local LGBT community. Includes a list of over 100 locally-owned businesses in the Tallahassee area. Provides a comprehensive list of local businesses. Safety Tips for Online Shopping Online shopping is becoming one of the most popular ways to find those perfect gifts you’re looking for. However, online shopping can open the door to computer viruses, spam and phishing attacks that can quickly bring out your inner Scrooge. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe in the online marketplace. • • • • • • •

Melissa Grovac is a Nutrition Education and Health Promotion major in the Master’s Program at Florida State University.

Use your desktop PC, not your mobile device, because your desktop browser is likely to be more secure. Protect sensitive information by password-protecting both your mobile device and its memory card. Update your anti-virus and anti-malware programs continually. Treat social networking sites with the same caution as other websites-they are a growing target for fraudsters and virus writers. Be cautious of special offers from unfamiliar sites. Fake online offers and coupons may lead to harmful sites, so be suspicious. Make sure the business is legitimate. Buy only from reputable stores and sellers. If you have doubts, choose another company. Look for third-party seals of approval. Companies can put these seals on their sites if they abide by a set of rigorous standards—such as how personal information can be used.

Help the Family Tree while you’re browsing and shopping online!

Visit - and select Family Tree (Tallahassee, FL) from the pulldown charity menu Contact Us: Physical address: 310 Blount St., Suite 204, Zip 32301 Mailing address: P.O. Box 38477, Zip 32315 Phone: (850) 222-8555 Email:

Programs and groups LGBT Business Partners Diversity of Spirit AA Gender Chat Support and Social Group Youth Group Women’s Chat Group Men’s group


Producer of Tallahassee Pridefest Community meeting space Support and social programs Branching Out Newspaper Resource library Switchboard/referral support Community advocacy and outreach LGBT Speaker’s bureau Free Wireless internet

Mission Statement The Mission of The Family Tree, A lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community center, is to provide services which promote the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, to work to eliminate the conditions in society which allow homophobia to exist, and to be a place where everyone is welcome.


The Center’s space is here for you to use, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. If your group is open to others and does not charge money, the space is free. There are charges for private parties or closed, charge-to-attend meetings. Call (850) 222-8555 to reserve space or for information.


Branching Out is mailed free every month to nearly 1,000 recipients. We do not share or sell your information with anyone, and we value your privacy. Please sign up by sending us this form, or update your address information. Mail to P.O. Box 38477, Zip 32315, or call (850) 222-8555 Full Name Street Address/P.O. Box City, State, Zip Code



Recurring Events Coffee Talk Hosted by The Family Tree Wednesdays - 7:00 pm Brew & Bean Coffee Company Corner of Chapel Drive and W. Pensacola Street, across from Mellow Mushroom Prime Timers Happy Hour 6pm+, Wednesdays Ming Tree Restaurant, 1435 East Lafayette Street

Diversity of Spirit AA Every Friday evening, 7p.m. A welcoming LGBT group of Alcoholics Anonymous. At The Family Tree. 310 Blount Street, suite 205. Tony 681-1891 Weekly Bible Study Every Wed. at 7p.m. at Gentle Shepherd MCC 4738 Thomasville Road. (850) 878-3001. Lesbian Spiritual Group Every other Monday, 7-9pm. Marcy or Rebecca, (850) 878-8997

Family Tree Board Meeting Dinner Potluck and Service Second Monday of every month at 5:30 Last Sunday of every month, a potluck at 5:30p.m. and then religious service. Gentle At The Family Tree. 310 Blount Street, suite 205. Shepherd MCC. 4738 Thomasville Road. (850) 878- 3001. Gender Chat Second Tuesdays. 7:30p.m. at The Family Tree. 310 Blount Street, suite 205. Noon Potluck and Service First Sunday of every month, a religious service at 10:45a.m. and potluck at 12p.m. Gentle Shepherd MCC. Women’s Chat 4738 Thomasville Road. (850) 878- 3001. Wednesdays, 7-8:30p.m. At The Family Tree. LGBT Business Partners First Thursdays, 12noon luncheon Mixit Tallahassee Third Thirsdays, 5:30p.m. - 8:30p.m. social. Locations and times vary. Third Thursday of every month, a social mixer from 6-11:00p.m. at Ray’s Steel City Saloon Contact for information about upcoming meetings. (downstairs), 515 John Knox Road. Cover is $5, 21+.

Family Tree Merchandise Available @

Board Members Co-Chair - Jim VanRiper, Co-Chair - Greta Langley, Treasurer - Steven Hall, Secretary - MargeauxMutz, Member-at-large - Patrick Patterson, Member-at-large - Kay Casey, Member-at-large - Paul Anway, Member-at-large/Webmaster - Andy Janecek, Member-at-large - VACANT POSITION

Community Resource Directory Community Organizations • • • • • • • •

The Family Tree has 10x10 tents available for rental. Rental Fee: $40

• • •

Pride Student Union PSU—FSU’s Lesbian/Gay/ Bisexual/Transgender Student Union 850-644-8804, Youth Group A group for youth/teens 850-222-8555 facilitator Jennifer Martinez: Prime Timers A club for mature men over 21 850-877-4479, Tallahassee Area Lesbian Moms Big Bend Cares Support Group, For HIV-positive members Mondays, 7-8 Diversity of the Spirit AA Meeting (Alcoholics Anonymous), Contact 850-2228555 Healthline 211 (Telephone Counseling and Referral Service) Crisis intervention and referrals 24 hours a day, 850-224-NEED (850-224-6333) Refuge House Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center, www.refugehouse. com, e-mail, 24 Hr Hotline: 850-681-2111, LGBT Program: 850-395-7631 Safe Zone Tallahassee, A program designed to identify people who consider themselves to be open to and knowledgeable about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered issues, 850-644-2003 Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), 850-422-3211 North Florida Lesbians Listserve:

Religious Support All Saints Catholic Community............................................................................656-3777 Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church...................................878-3001 Nichiren Buddhism (contact Carol)....................................................................878-8467

Interested? Call 850-222-8555 or email VOLUME 13, ISSUE 12

Quaker Meeting.......................................................................................................878-3620 St. Catherine of Siena (Catholic)..........................................................................421-0447 Unitarian Universalist Church.............................................................................385-5115 St. Stephen Lutheran Church..............................................................................385-2728 United Church..........................................................................................................878-7385

Submit your organization for the resource directory! Email or call (850) 222-8555


WHAT We need your help! WILL We want you to get involved! YOU We want to hear your story! TAKE We want to hear your voice! PRIDE We want to see your true colors! IN? Tallahassee


Show Your True Colors April 10-17

To find out how you can Show YOUR True Colors, visit:

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