Jenoptik Laserdiode Imagefolder

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The Quality Group

Diode Laser Group

Unique know-how, superior competence and years of

world. With their core competences, the three compa-

experience in the area of high-power diode lasers: these

nies consequently complement each other ideally:

qualities distinguish the Jena-based companies JENOPTIK JENOPTIK Laserdiode GmbH is internationally

Laserdiode GmbH and JENOPTIK unique-mode GmbH

as well as JENOPTIK Diode Lab GmbH with headquar-

recognised as the leader in quality and has set stan-

ters in Berlin-Adlershof. As a result, the companies have

dards with its LongLifeTechnology brand. The company,

merged into the Diode Laser Groupof Jenoptik. Together

which emerged in 1993 from Heimann Optoelectro-

they develop, produce and market high-quality diode

nics/Wiesbaden and is a subsidiary of JENOPTIK AG,

lasers as single elements or stacks with and without

ranks today among the international market leaders for

efficient beam shaping or fiber-coupling throughout the

OEM high-power diode lasers.

What connects us: the strategy of success

JENOPTIK unique-mode GmbH is the specialist for

The Diode Laser Group of Jenoptik –

micro-optic beam shaping systems and high-brightness

together under one roof

high-power diode lasers, especially for the medical

As the Diode Laser Group, we are developing our

industry. In 2000, the company emerged as a spin-off

global activities under the roof of the global player

of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and

JENOPTIK AG. Its global success is based particularly

Precision Engineering in Jena.

on its long optomechanical tradition, the international reputation of “German Engineering” and excellent

JENOPTIK Diode Lab GmbH specialises in develo-

quality. These values are not just an incentive and

ping and producing highly-efficient semiconductor

obligation to us, but we also consistently develop

materials for high-power diode lasers. The company

them further as a convincing success strategy, which

emerged in 2002 from a long-term cooperation bet-

we then utilize with the synergy of outstanding

ween JENOPTIK AG and the Ferdinand Braun

competence and technical excellence – all for the

Institute for High Frequency Technology in Berlin.

benefit of our customers.

What drives us: striving for perfection 4

The Quality Leader

Quality means satisfied customers! Therefore it has developed into the decisive competitive factor on the international market. Consequently, the highest

QUALITÄTSMANAGEMENT Wir sind zertifiziert

Regelmäßige freiwillige Überwachung nach ISO 9001:2000

several hundred thousand data records ensure not only the complete monitoring

quality is authoritative to our thinking and acting in

of all process cycles, but also their continuous impro-

all business areas. As a result, we are global leaders

vement. We check the effectiveness of our quality

in quality with the aim of achieving optimum benefits

management system through regular internal audits.

for our customers through the highest excellence, thus ensuring long-term customer satisfaction.

Using lifetime tests running parallel to production, we are also able to effectively exclude all causes of failure

For this, the Diode Laser Group has introduced a com-

on a continuing basis. With this, we additionally ensure

prehensive, database-supported quality management

the ongoing availability of our products to an even

system, certified according to the strict DIN EN ISO

higher degree.

9001:2000 requirements. The statistical material from

However difficult and winding the paths maybe: they are a challenge to us that we handle with incomparable precision – because our destination is always the highest quality.


The Technology Leader

High technology also enables constantly higher practi-

facet coating with semiconductor production, combining

cal values – for the benefit of our customers. As the

semiconductors with varying types of heat sinks, stacking

Diode Laser Group, we combine the technological

diode lasers, beam shaping as well as our patented high-

know-how and the enormous innovative drive of our

brightness technology. Our daily business is the manuf-

three companies: our customers benefit from the results

acturing of a wide range of standard products, however

and synergies. We offer them the entire process and

individual adjustments in accordance with customer ÂŽ

technology chain from one source - from development further down the line to production, from semiconduc-

specifications are also possible during all stages of production.

tor manufacturing and assembly on up to further optical refinement. All of this is available at the highest level for

The lifetime of our diode lasers are unrivalled through

a wide range of products and with high cost efficiency.

the use of our LongLifeTechnology. This is particularly important for industrial purposes in order to ensure high

Whether semiconductor bars or single emitters, colli-

operating reliability over many years. Through constant

mated or fiber-coupled diode lasers or vertical and/or

investments in research and development, we are able

horizontal diode-laser stacks: in our fully integrated

to continually redefine the highest technological level

production we manage all technologies required for the

and convert these results into products for the benefit of

production process. This includes epitaxy, processing and

our customers.

We use our skills, activate our resources and bring our creativity to full fruition. In this way, we remain on course for success and out in front of the global competition.


What brings us forward: the potential for the highest performance 7

What distinguishes us: innovation right down the line


The Products

From standard products to customer-specific designs,

Our products are ideally suited for a

the Diode Laser Group offers customers high-quality,

variety of the most differing applica-

innovative products:

tions. This ranges from pumps for solid-

unassembled semiconductor bars and single emitters

state and fiber lasers to applications in

diode lasers with or without collimation

medicine and printing up to material

vertical and horizontal diode-laser stacks

processing, e.g. plastics welding or

fiber-coupled diode lasers and diode-laser stacks

soldering as well as innovative uses in

free beam shaped diode lasers

science and research.


What separates us from the rest: concentrating on the optimum


The Employees

All of our employees give their best for success. Working together as a team, we achieve a completely new quality in customer-oriented service, efficiency and reliability.

Our highly-qualified employees are the basic require-

notably includes an individual, solution-oriented consul-

ment for our success. Beyond expertise, a great passion

tation. With great flexibility, we also deal with special

for our products links us all, regardless of whether

customer requests. We attain all of this by keeping our

in development, production or sales and marketing:

patrons well informed and their projects on schedule.

decisive is our drive to always offer every customer a solution corresponding to their needs. This solution

We want to offer customers optimal support at all

gives our customers the optimum technological advan-

times – with emphasis on quality from the first enquiry

tage as well as high added value.

to our comprehensive after-sales service. For this, all employees must always be up to date. Precisely for this

We see ourselves not only as employees, but as

reason, we continuously upgrade our qualifications.

partners who know what customers want. We place

We know that only the best employees can guarantee

the greatest value on intensive customer care, which

optimum results.


The Vision

Constantly standing up to stiff competition requires strength and endurance. To continue to increase our lead requires more: our ongoing growth.

For us, high-power diode lasers are one of the key

purpose we will continue our intense cooperation with

technologies of the future. With their versatile and ever-

institutes, research projects and industrial partners.

increasing options for use, these light tools have fast growing market potential. We will therefore not only

However, the constant exchange of experiences with

keep our advantage as leaders in quality and technolo-

users of our products, i.e. our customers, has always

gy, but also continue to build on it. We are developing

been crucially significant to us. Our aim is to provide

new marketing areas in which we are setting even more

our customers with the right tool at all times so that

benchmarks with our ideas – not only in quality, service

tasks can ideally be solved because,high customer sa-

and efficiency, but also in reliability, lifetime and user-

tisfaction is also the measure of all things in the future

friendliness. Our aim is to constantly drive progress and

– and the essential requirement to permanently remain

to give customers crucial impulses for new uses. For this

number one.


What motivates us: strengthening our position at the top


What inspires us: exhausting all options


The Promise

Ground-breaking ideas are supported by a stimulating atmosphere. With our scientific sites in Jena and Berlin-Adlershof, ours are also supported by an omnipresent pioneering spirit.

For the benefit of our customers, we also use all of the

Frauenhofer institutes and successful companies in the

potential available to us outside of our three compa-

industry. They all form a network of incomparable com-

nies. Nowhere else can we realise this better than in

petence on whose potential we can gladly fall back.

Jena, the “Optical Valley” of Thuringia. Internationally known for its more than 150-years of optical traditi-

Moreover, through our Berlin-Adlershof site we benefit

on, Jena is not just the origin and headquarters of the

from the excellent options that this top class science

high-tech company Jenoptik – for over 40 years lasers

and technology park offers us. Here, an intense coo-

for the scientific, industrial, medical and military sectors

peration links us, among others, to one of the leading

have been developed and produced in Jena. Today, the

institutes the world over in the area of microwave

city has the reputation of a unique cluster of excellence

technology and opto-electronics – the Ferdinand Braun

in the area of photonics. Numerous famous experts in

Institute for High Frequency Technology. These are the

laser technology and applications work here: in the sci-

best requirements for our Diode Laser Group to realise

entific university institutes, external research facilities,

our vision for the benefit of our customers.


JENOPTIK Laserdiode GmbH

JENOPTIK unique-mode GmbH


Goeschwitzer Strasse 29

Felsbachstrasse 7

Max-Planck-Strasse 2

07745 Jena, Germany

07745 Jena, Germany

12489 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 3641 65-4300

Phone: +49 3641 575-0

Phone: +49 30 677987-0




+49 3641 65-4392

+49 3641 575-475

+49 30 677987-199




Diode Laser Group of Jenoptik

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