What an experience it has been to be a part of the Chamber for the past few years I will say I did not realize the extent of what the Chamber did for the business community, and I can not say how many times I have heard that the Chamber is just events. I will be loud and clear when I say that the Chamber is so much more then events. The advocacy work that goes on behind the scenes is incredible to push for what our businesses need.
The Chamber has worked to foster relationships with all the different groups in the city so that we can push on as one voice, the voice of Brandon when we need to be heard
After my involvement so far, I can truly say that the events are a small piece of what the Chamber does for the business community The staff work nonstop to ensure that the members needs are being met From answering texts at 9pm on a weekend or missing a lunch to ensure everything goes smoothly at an event, the level of care is outstanding
The mission of the Chamber is to encourage growth in the Brandon community by fostering a progressive business environment, favorable to enhancing existing and attracting new business This mission statement is alive every day with the staff, the Board, and the Executive. It is not always visible to the membership, but it is happening.
The continuation of building relationships with all levels of government has ensured that Brandon is not forgotten when allocating funds. Working with the post secondary institutions helps ensure that our workforce demands are being met. Also working with the government on immigration has ensured that Brandon is a place of interest to come and start a new life. This also helps with our employment needs
We say that Brandon is the second largest city in Manitoba, but we are so much more then that We must continue to work with our government and fine tune our plan to ensure that we are not only heard but recognized for this
I am so thankful for all of those that have come before me and for the staff and Board members that give so much of their time to ensure that we are a voice at the table and are moving in the right direction
When starting this journey a few years ago we decided that we would try to each work together so that the goals of the Board are not a one-year plan, but a continuing and growing plan and the Chamber is set up to do this.
Our advocacy work needs to be directed and strategic and in line with our goals as a business community. I look forward to hearing the things that are important to each of you and we will work to ensure that we are moving in the right direction for our city.
I am excited to work with all members to keep pushing forward and to meeting those of you that I have not yet had the chance to Our voice is so valuable and to use it as a group in a direct message will allow us to continue to grow, get the needed funding and flourish as a city 2023 is going to be a great year!
Boot Hill Wedding Venue
204-515-7411 | boothillweddings.ca
99120 Road 56 N, Kissock Road, Cornwallis, MB
Babakadir Shawarma Restaurant
204-717-4400 | babakadir.ca
934 Rosser Ave, Brandon, MB
Oakland Estate
204-392-6462 | oaklandestate.ca
108061 Rd 42 N, Nesbitt, MB
Vern's Appliance, Service, Sale, & Parts Ltd.
204-726-8830 | vernsappliances.com
238 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB
SV Benefits
204-415-5590 | svbenefits.com
135 Lombard Ave, Brandon, MB
IR5HM4N Culinary
204-922-4511 | ir5hm4nculinary.com
Brandon, MB
Lois Ruston
Jaime Pugh MNP LLP
Tanya LaBuick
Past President President
LaBuick & Co., Guardian Fencing & CW2 Construction & Design
Matt Berg
YWCA Westman
Livingstone Landscaping Ltd & Livingstone Outdoor
Emelio Brown IntriTech Digital Marketing
Samantha Falloon
MyPhone | TELUS & KOODO Authorized Dealer
Chris Finley Mazergroup
Tilda Fortier
Greenstone Building Products
Meredyth Leech
Leech Group
Jennifer Ludwig Super Thrifty Drugs Canada Ltd.
Brent Miller
Victoria Inn
Rob Starkell
West-Can HR Solutions
To learn more about the directors, visit brandonchamber.ca
We would like to thank our outgoing Board Members for their many years of service!
Barry Cooper
Past President
Heritage Co-op
Laurie Brugger
Century 21 Westman Realty Ltd.
First Friday Coffee
Friday, June 2, 2023 9am-10am 1043 Rosser Ave (Chamber Office)
President Changeover Luncheon
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Victoria Inn | 3550 Victoria Avenue
President Welcome BBQ
Friday, June 9, 2023 11:30am-1:30pm Outside Chamber Office (1043 Rosser Ave)
33rd Annual Golf Tournament
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
11:00am Shotgun Start
Wheat City Golf Course | 3500 McDonald Ave
Manitoba Summer Fair
Wednesday June 7 - Sunday, June 11
Provincial Ex & Keystone Grounds, 1175 18th St
Wednesday July 19 - Sunday, July 23
Keystone Centre, 1175 18th St
Salamander Summer Music Festival
Friday, July 21 - Sunday, July 23
Rideau Park, 305 Park St
Softball Canada U15 Girls National Championships
Wednesday, August 9 - Sunday, August 13
Ashley Neufeld Softball Complex, 805 Parker Blvd
Thursday, August 10 - Sunday, August 13
Brandon University Healthy Living Centre, 2010 Louise Ave
Since being elected in the fall of 2022, members of Brandon City Council and I hit the ground running with several key strategies that we want to see take place in Brandon. As the Province’s 2nd largest city, we provide economic, medical, educational, and social services for our region.
This is why I, along with my colleagues, have been lobbying on behalf of our partners to ensure that key needs are being met across our community Each area we are focusing on ties into the City Council Strategic Plan and I want to share some of our initiatives including addressing social needs, economic growth and development, affordability, and community well-being
Trauma informed social opportunities including drug addiction, poverty, and homelessness put increasing pressure on municipal services, police services, and the private sector, not to mention the impact it has on families in our community A collaborative approach is required to identify the right solution for Brandon. From lobbying other levels of government, to seeking support from the private sector, Council is invested in dealing with the issues, which may also help resolve some underlying causes.
Work is underway to see the creation of a Brandon Community Social Health Partnership, which will create an umbrella structure for facilitating collaboration and coordinating housing and community wellness for the greater Brandon area. The structure combines the nonprofit sector, private sector, all levels of government, academic institutions and all other key players in social services, housing, and health industry
Knowing that current and future residents want to live in a vibrant and growing city, Council looks to foster an environment that supports population and economic growth While growth brings economic prosperity, Council recognizes the need to balance the desire for growth with the associated costs
We are excited to partner with the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders to see the formation of GROW Brandon Partnership, a Brandon specific Economic Development steering committee. This amalgamation of perspectives will strengthen our goal to develop a comprehensive, achievable, and aggressive economic plan for Brandon.
A big part of what makes a community attractive to its residents and potential residents is its affordability There is an opportunity to be part of the community and to actively engage in it, regardless of the amount of money you earn Part of addressing affordability is exploring various ways to fund and provide services
To continue to provide expected service levels and invest in the future requires innovative approaches to how services are provided and funded to ensure residents can actively participate, regardless of income
Recreation and cultural opportunities are the cornerstones for building a community where everyone is welcome to celebrate shared interests and backgrounds. Council recognizes the role they play in providing the resources to support these opportunities and in ensuring their long-term viability.
Over the next term, we want to define and implement a path forward for large community recreation and culture facilities We have been able to partner with all levels of government to get the Outdoor Sports Complex underway Recently, we held a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of this exciting project
City Council recently signed a sustainability agreement for the Keystone Centre and is working on one for the Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium In the future, we are going to have open discussions on how to improve Brandon’s Community Sportsplex Each of these facilities provide key spaces for Brandon and the entire region
The City of Brandon has an exciting future. With so much to celebrate as a community, the opportunities for education, recreation, annual and special events, industries, and organizations are endless.
Mayor Jeff FawcettTo see the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, visit brandon ca/council-information/council-strategic-plan
I have been in the cleaning industry for 12 years, living in Brandon for 6, and in business for 1!
We specialize in the business of providing exceptional cleaning service to various residential and small business in Brandon Manitoba and its surroundings
Maintaining a clean and organized environment is important for everyone, it helps improve general productivity and mental health Trusting Hand Janitorial Services offers a wide range of cleaning services to meet the needs of businesses and individuals, including residential cleaning, office cleaning, carpet cleaning, organizing and more
We tend to undervalue the impact of clean space in our everyday live I moved to Manitoba from St John’s Newfoundland in 2017 after completing my bachelor’s degree and had the opportunity to work with a social service program provider here in Brandon. Fast forward to 2021 I had my second child and struggled keeping up with cleaning my home. With piling chores, this started to affect my health and general productivity.
We opt to get a cleaning service and struggled to find a company that customize your cleaning needs especially for busy families. At time point in my life I had already gathered 12 years of cleaning experience.
I realized that my community needed a friendly, trusted, and reliable cleaning service focusing more on helping busy family get back the time we all need yet have little off. After my maternity leave, I started trusting hand Janitorial service as a sole cleaner and with the continuous support from the community I have been able to grow into team of professional cleaning techs.
We had the privilege of celebrating one year into business earlier this year, our team keeps growing We also have the privilege to be able to give back to the community by offering free cleaning service to families in need That was a big achievement for our team, and we had a great time being able to give back to the community for all the support that we have received.
The Chamber of Commerce and Westman Immigration Services are excited to introduce its dynamic leadership program designed to foster growth, connection, and an indepth understanding of our city. This experiential program offers participants a unique backstage look at the inner workings of our vibrant community. Through a series of immersive experiences and engaging activities, aspiring leaders will gain firsthand knowledge of key industries, government entities, and influential organizations that shape our city's landscape By exploring various sectors and engaging with community leaders, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of our city's challenges, opportunities, and potential for growth
This program is open to emerging leaders from diverse professional background, including entrepreneurs, executives, mid-level managers, and community advocates Participants are selected through an application process to ensure a balanced and diverse cohort representing different sectors and perspectives.
This program takes place in-person, from September to June, allowing participants to physically immerse themselves in the City's environment and engage directly with the community. Participants can expect a reasonable time commitment of one full business day per month for the program. This encompasses attending scheduled sessions, site visits, workshops, and more. In addition, participants will have some follow-up work and tasks to complete during their own time, maximizing their learning experience
The program has a registration fee of $1250 00, which encompasses all-inclusive benefits, including all in-person sessions, complimentary lunches, comprehensive training, and various other valuable resources and experiences
Participants in our Leadership Program will gain valuable knowledge and insights on a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
Understanding the economic and social dynamics of our community Exploring the City's infrastructure and development projects
Engaging with local businesses and entrepreneurs
Interacting with government oficials and community leaders
Learning effective leadership strategies and techniques
Strengthening communication and networking skills
Development a broader perspective on community issues and challenges
At the heart of this program lies the importance of networking and building strong relationships
Participants will have the opportunity to connect with a diverse group of professionals from different backgrounds, industries, and career stages. Through interactive workshops, collaborative projects, and exclusive networking events, participants will expand their professional network, forging valuable connections that can foster personal growth, career advancement, and potential collaborative opportunities. By cultivating relationships with like-minded individuals and established community leaders, participants will not only enhance their leadership skills but also contribute to the overall development and progress of our city
If you are interested in taking advantage of this exciting opportunity, or if you would like more information, please contact Chamber GM, Connor Ketchen at gm@brandonchamber ca
Hello from Brandon Pride!
June is Pride Month and this is the time we all start to notice businesses changing their logos to a more colourful theme, rainbow flags going up in storefront windows, and messages of "love is love" and inclusion are highlighted.
Those within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community will also be noticing these changes and paying attention to how these businesses conduct themselves the other 11 months of the year Here are some common questions we at Brandon Pride hear from local businesses, organisations, and individuals
Establishing relationships with any community starts with becoming familiar with their history, experiences, and language As with all new learning, the best thing to do is ask if you are ever unsure and there are many useful resources available today out there
Who is Brandon Pride?
Brandon Pride is a rotating group of volunteers that has been active in Brandon since 2010 We started as a branch from the Brandon Sexuality Educational Resource Center (SERC) and became independent in 2015--the same year Brandon held its first Pride March.
We remain committed to staying as grassroots and community-based as possible by connecting with local businesses and non-profits. We put together Pride Week in the city every June, other events throughout the year such as Rocky Horror Valentine, and stay active and visible by being present at other events within Brandon and the Westman area
This year our theme for Pride Week 2023 is Growing Pride on the Prairies and we have events running from June 11th to 17th
Why should I use pronouns on business cards and email signatures?
If you are a Brandon Chamber member and have had any email correspondence with Chamber staff, you'll notice they include pronouns in their email signatures along with a useful link explaining why their pronouns are included! We encourage you to check it out the next time you send an email inquiring about a Business After 5 event or First Friday Coffee!
If you are ever unsure about what pronouns someone uses, it takes only a second to ask, or you can offer your own pronouns to open the conversation. It can feel awkward if you think it is obvious to people around you what your pronouns are; but that experience isn't the same for everyone.
How can I make my business experience more inclusive to LGBT individuals? LGBTQ+ folks? 2SLGBTQIA+ people? There are multiple acronyms to describe the queer and gender diverse community and, unless they are purposefully being exclusive, there is not one "right" way to use it One of the more common uses we have seen lately, especially here in Canada, is 2SLGBTQIA+ and likely because it is one of the more inclusive acronyms right now 2S stands for 2 Spirit and it is a modern term to explain to English audiences only one of the ways Indigenous people of Turtle Island identify outside of the binary concept of gender
The LGBTQ community is so diverse with many labels and not everyone uses the same description for each As with pronouns, it may not always be obvious if someone is part of the LGBTQ community. Best practice is to not make assumptions about your clients and customers and encourage neutral greetings such as "hello everyone " instead of "ladies and gentlemen" or inquiring about someone ' s "partner" instead of using "wife" or "husband".
Good customer service already has practices to help you get to know your client's needs and wants better. Using genderneutral terms doesn't automatically exclude people or give a people to correct you about how to refer to their spouse
What is "rainbow washing" and how can my business avoid it?
Rainbow washing is when a company changes their logo to a rainbow, sells Pride-themed products, and uses advertising with LGBTQ themes during the month of June to give them impression they support the community and earn credibility as an ally
Then when July hits, all signs of rainbows and activism disappear Sometimes people discover that these businesses have also been supporting anti-LGBTQ organisations yearround. Continued on next page...
Or that they show a minimum effort to change policies that negatively affect both their LGBTQ clients and staff
To avoid being accused of rainbow washing and performative allyship is simple:
- Be mindful of your business policies and practices. Are they inclusive? Do you have paperwork that only has checkmarks for male and female options? If a long-time client of yours is going through the process of changing their name and gender on their file with you, how easy is that process for them?
- Check in with your staff and how informed or familiar are they with the LGBTQ+ community? Do you have employees that are part of the community? SERC offers workshops for better work practices and they also provide resources on their website to help local businesses coach their staff and business practices if you don't know where to start
Find a way to showcase your allyship year-round and donate to LGBTQ organisations that support the community, such as the Trevor Project, Brandon Pride, and the brand new Westman
Empowerment Fund Placing a permanent rainbow flag on display in your store can put a lot of queer and gender diverse people at ease A good local example is Chez Angela's LGBT (lettuce, gouda, bacon, and tomato) sandwich and they continue to make donations to SERC every time one of these sandwiches are ordered.
- Be humble if you make a mistake. We are all human and learning from each other.
Lastly, Brandon Pride wants to thank all the Chamber business members that used their platform to show solidarity to Brandon's queer and trans community recently Remember that Pride is for everyone and we hope to see you help us Grow Pride on the Prairies this year here in Brandon
Thank you,
Aly Wowchuk (she/her) Brandon Pride Chair2023
Implementing a corporate nutrition program can bring several benefits for both the employees and the company as a whole Beyond improving individual health and risk of chronic disease, there are multiple other benefits, such as:
Increased productivity: Healthier employees are generally more productive They have more energy and are less likely to miss work due to illness
Reduced healthcare costs: By promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyles, a corporate nutrition program can help reduce healthcare costs associated with chronic diseases. This can lead to lower insurance premiums and other healthcare expenses for the company.
Enhanced employee engagement: A corporate nutrition program can be a valuable employee benefit, showing that the company cares about the well-being of its employees. This can increase employee satisfaction and engagement.
Improved company culture: By promoting healthy habits and lifestyles, a corporate nutrition program can help create a positive company culture that values the health and well-being of employees
There are many options when it comes to creating a program that will fit with your company ’ s culture and vision Corporate nutrition programs can operate with in-person meetings or completely virtually, which allows groups small and large to participate
At Rocked Nutrition, we have found that a 4-week timeline with some in-person activities seems to drive up participation and overall engagement We have also had some companies include group physical activity as part of their program!
Overall, a corporate nutrition program can bring a wide range of benefits to both the employees and the company. If you or your company are looking to participate in or learn about our corporate nutrition programs, please reach out for more information!
Jenn McMillan, Co-Owner of Rocked Community Fitness