People often ask me if I have enjoyed my role as president of the chamber The quick and short answer is yes The longer answer is yes but it has been a challenge to continue to balance my own business responsibilities in terms of time, and then there was all the learning, and the politics.
The team at the chamber office; Connor, Erin, and Jessica, have all been very good to me and have entertained my ideas, been graceful when I was delayed getting them reports, or articles, and offered support, opinion, and much kindness. They have been part of my ‘ yes ’ in answering the question have I enjoyed my role as president A very big heartfelt thank you to Connor, Erin, and Jessica, I will miss working with you all
The saying is that you don’t grow unless you are uncomfortable, and I have spent a lot of the last 11 months feeling uncomfortable, not in having to speak publicly so much, but more speaking to or about things that I had little previous knowledge of The best example is still the first example, I had been president for about one week when Connor called me and said we have to give a presentation on immigration I said, okay Then he said, Monday afternoon Which, I think was three days later I again said, okay
Having accepted the role of president, and knowing that we needed to have an opinion, and knowing that I had little to base an opinion on, I commenced the research. Quick learning on immigration in Canada, immigration in Manitoba, immigration in Brandon, what immigration means to our members, what we need that we are not getting or not getting enough of in terms of immigration, and where is the gap. That example is pretty much how the last 11 months have gone, Connor queues up a meeting, an interview, a speaking engagement, or similar, and I do research, make many phone calls, and determine a position that I pass by Connor and others as time permits These opportunities have made me a more informed, Brandonite, Manitoban, and Canadian Thank you for this chance to be better
There have been many highlights for me, one has been the work on the creation of a Brandon-specific economic development steering committee, and a goal to get it off the ground before summer Our first meeting is on May 18th, right
before our State of the Province luncheon Thank you to Mayor Fawcett, the President of ACC, Mark Frison, and Connor Ketchen for your help putting this together and your willingness to work against an aggressive timeline.
I enjoy writing, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the chance to provide updates to you, and our membership through this vehicle. As this is my last article for our At a Glance, I would like to say thank you for your grace. I have endeavoured to put my skills, talents, and brain to good use while coming to a better understanding of my own biases and flaws. As Michelangelo said, “I am still learning ”
Other highlights for me include working on the Premier’s Economic Development Committee on Competitiveness, getting to have one-to-one conversations with our premier, gaining a better understanding of how politics work and how the money flows, or doesn’t, seeing Jeff Fawcett inducted as our Mayor, the blasted Southwest Lift Station, attending ACC Grey Owl, the Western Manitoba Science Fair (unbelievably excellent), seeing the team hit it out of the park on their first gala, working with and learning from our board, and executive, and of course the chamber staff And unequivocally all the learning by doing and trying I am a tactile learner, so traditional school has never been easy for me, this adventure was right up my alley.
I am grateful for the trust and the opportunity. I am most grateful for having met and been able to work with, and for our members and, unquestionably, with Mr. Connor Ketchen. I hope as I bring my year to a close, I have provided value to some, or many, and have been helpful and good for our chamber, and our community.
Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude – A A Milne
Farewell, thank you, and good luck on the road ahead
Tanya LaBuick, 2022-2023 Brandon Chamber PresidentSponsored by Friday, May 5, 2023
Free | No registration required
1043 Rosser Avenue (Chamber Office)
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
Registration required
Keystone Centre, UCT Pavilion
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
Wheat City Golf Course
Format: Scramble, Best Ball
Time: 11am Shotgun Start
The Canada-Manitoba Job Grant is a cost-shared funding program that provides funding to employers to help cover training costs of new and existing employees to meet business needs, support the development of a highly skilled workforce, boost economic growth and increase employment opportunities across Manitoba.
Eligible employers can receive up to 75% of the direct training costs up to $10,000 per individual participant and to a maximum of $100,000 of total funding.
Employers must have a job available for the trainee upon successful completion of the training For existing employees, the purpose of training should be to upgrade their skills so they may move up to a better job, or meet employer needs in the workplace. Employers decide who obtains training, what training is required, and which approved third-party trainer will deliver training
• Private employers
• Non-profit organizations
•Industry associations, sector councils, groups of employers
• Union halls
• First Nations
• Municipal governments
• Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada
• Full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees
• Unemployed and seeking training to get a job
• Employees who reside in another province, but are working in Manitoba
• Refugees, Provincial Nominees and Immigrants that are not obligated to leave (like TFW's) and are permitted to stay and work in Canada
Training can be delivered at the workplace, online or in a classroom or training facility and must be provided by a thirdparty trainer This could include:
• Post-secondary Institutions
• Private Vocational Institutions
• Sector Councils or Industry Associations
• Union Halls
• Equipment manufacturers and other private trainers that have the applicable curriculum, knowledge/qualifications, and equipment or materials required for training
Community Impact Individual Award Recipient: Brent Miller
Volunteering with the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba Board of Directors for over 13 years, Brent brings awareness to agriculture through helping bring rural and urban communities together. Brent even sat as President of the Provincial Exhibition Board for 2 years, and has also been a part of their Summer Fair Committee, Dome Building Restoration Committee, and more. Notably, Brent played a lead role in helping determine how the Provincial Ex would continue to operate during the Covid-19 pandemic, and executing the activities that held them afloat.
Community Impact Business Award Recipient: YMCA Brandon
Dedicated to strengthening the foundations of communities through quality programs and services focused on the development of spirit, mind, and body, the YMCA is one of the largest employers for youth in our community. They offer youth and preschool programs, summer camps, adult programs, personal training, and more, serving over 5000 members and participants a year. Through their financial assistance programs, they ensure that no one is turned away based on the inability to pay the full fee.
Outsanding New Business Award Recipient: Tweedia
With a passion for helping businesses grow their online presence, Tweedia handles social media marketing so business owners can focus on growing their organization
Constantly growing their employees, they ensure high quality services by having content writers tasked with writing in specific accounts, while they have co-owners Charles Tweed and Zach Wyss following up with clients to ensure they are providing a high level of service
With a business model that features a spa, training centre, and beauty boutique, Daydreams Esthetics Spa has served over 18 000 clients since opening their doors in 2017 They are home to Canada's only Advanced Esthetics Program, and with so many students coming from rural Manitoba or surrounding borders, these students often return home to open their own business and create employment within our rural communities Owner Heather Day, says that "the business, team, students, and amazing clients are a celebration every day"
Providing a safe, affordable, and loving atmosphere for the community's pets, Friends Fur Life was challenged with keeping up with their rapid growth They have built a new 4000 sq ft facility, offering a kennel-free environment for any dog Setting themselves apart from their competitors, they also have Duke's Place - a pet-friendly Air BnB that offers free daycare during their stay, unlike anywhere else in Manitoba
Co-Owner of Cartlidge and Cormier Landscaping Inc , Alex Cartlidge went from working a full-time job and part-time job, while trying to create this startup company Now he has been able to leave his full time job to run this company with his business partner, Zach Cormier
Leah is the HR and Marketing Manager at Alliance Accounting Group. Sitting at the leadership table with 3 firm partners and the Office Manager, Leah is the one responsible for all Human Resource and Marketing aspects for each department of the business.
After receiving her call to the bar in 2016, Stacy is a generous lawyer, volunteering for legal help clinics and providing various workshops and conferences for the public, as she believes that the general basic legal knowledge is necessary for individuals and families to make informed decisions on their rights and obligations
As the Operations Manager for Alair Homes, Trevor provides guidance, mentorship, and training to the project and site managers Working directly with all project managers on active and past projects, he finds that this is where he provides the most leadership He believes his success is directly reflected by the success of the project and site managers
Photo (right): Heather Day, owner of Daydreams Esthetics Spa & H&CO Academy Photo (left): Tami Rourke, Owner of Friends Fur Life Daycare & GroomingRhoni Mohanraj
Founder and Owner of Trident Event Group, Rhoni has grown the companies services to include all aspects of audio and visual experiences for events, including music, film, event planning, photo booths, and more Trident now also has two new brand offerings Three Point Studios is a commercial film studio, specializing in ads, films and virtual production And Trident Media is a contemporary marketing agency with a focus on social media and e-commerce. He also gives back to the community through a partnership with the United Way Brandon and District to help host their fundraisers and galas. He is also the VP of the Brandon University Alumni Association, helping the group organize and host Alumni events and provide guidance for the Alumni Scholarship Fund.
Over the past 45+ years, Wes has lead and grown South End Lumber to what it is today After taking over his father's business around 1978, Wes grew the business to employ over 35 local workers at one time Wes was instrumental in helping to establish the Buying Group, that now supports hundreds of small lumber yards across Canada, allowing them to compete with larger companies He has also been involved with multiple community organizations, such as the Brandon Chamber of Commerce Board, Brandon Regional Hospital Foundation Board, Ducks Unlimited, Timber Mart, and multiple local company advisory boards His sons, Scott and Tyler, have joined him in leading and taking over the family business
Purchasing Atom-Jet Industries Ltd in 2002, Barry helped created Atom-Jet into one of Westman's largest Industrial and Agricultural product manufacturers Since the purchase in 2002, his business grew from 21 employees to over 50 He has received many awards, including the Outstanding Long-Term achievement award in 2019 from the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, and Assiniboine Community College's Distinguished Alumni Award in October 2022. He has sat as an Rural & Northern Immigration Pilor (RNIP) - Brandon Economic Development Board Member, Foundation Member for ACC, Cabinet Member for the Prairie Innovation Center Campaign at ACC, and other various non-profits such as the MS Society, Heart and Stroke, Brandon-Westman Cheer, and Samaritan House Food Bank.
Behlen Industries
Fusion Credit Union MNP LLP
Brandon Business Interiors
Brandon University
Excel-7 Ltd
Greenstone Building Products
Guild Insurance Group
Leech Group
Maple Leaf Foods
PC Caucus of Manitoba
Prairie Building Maintenance
RBC Royal Bank
Town Car Rental
Westman Communications Group
West-Fit Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
Workers Compensation Board
Sunrise Credit Union
Assiniboine Community College
Better Business Bureau
Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd
Cando Rail & Terminals
Community Futures Westman
Heritage Co-op
McPhail Travel/Moonlit Canopy
Shoppers Mall
Westoba Credit Union
Western Financial Group
Artistry Salon
Bushel Plus
Daydreams Esthetics Spa
Epp Law Office
GREY PEARL Interior Design
The Guinness Tavern Double Decker
The Skin & Vein Centre
Vanish Skin Clinic
Wheat City Golf Course
How long have you been in the Brandon About 33 years
How long have you been in the the industry that you are in?
I would say close to 30 years
Tell us a bit about what your business does?
The idea was to provide a very interactive and cool marketing item for special events- weddings, conventions, sporting events, etc. Something that has never been available in Manitoba
What made you want to get involved with this type of business?
I have seen LED video walls in Vegas and watched how people watch and pay attention to these LED videos and the messages that would change.
What is the biggest challenge with your job?
The biggest challenge is getting people to understand the product and how it can help make what they are doing unique and one of a kind.
As Chair of the 2022-23 Business Development Committee, I have been privileged to lead a group of business leaders who have been working to learn about and promote Brandon’s existing businesses, foster a positive environment for new business development, host information sessions and pursue partnerships that address specific business concerns within the community.
The Business Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce enjoyed a busy season, with members participating in tours of Koch Industries and Greenstone Building Products to experience a behind-the-scenes glance at their business operations, while learning about their challenges and successes. We were also pleased to host a roundtable discussion focused on the minimum wage increases with MLA Reg Helwer, bringing him together with several member businesses to discuss significant impacts that their operations have experienced because of the ongoing increases to Manitoba’s minimum wage One topic that was discussed regularly, and we feel is of enough importance to request space in this monthly newsletter, is the issue of overqualified and underemployed newcomers in our community
Our membership continues to struggle with labour shortages in every area forcing businesses to get more and more creative in addressing the dwindling pile of resumes that hit their desk, our committee regularly discussed the issue of highly skilled, underemployed newcomers in our community as an untapped labour solution. A November 2022 Statistics Canada report cited that Canada ranks first among G7 countries in its share of working age people (57.5%) who have a college or university credential. This number continues to climb (even more so since the arrival of the pandemic) and recent immigrants represent nearly half of the growth in the share of Canadians with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Unfortunately, newcomer post-secondary credentials are often not netting employment in their chosen field A staggering more than 25% of those with foreign degrees are working in jobs that require, at most, a high-school diploma Even in high demand sectors such as health care, just over one-third of newcomers with a foreign degree were working in nursing (and closely related positions) while over 90% of Canadians with a domestic degree were working in their chosen nursing profession To put that in perspective, in 2022, Statistics Canada reported that we had 25,450 vacant nursing positions in Canada, and two-thirds of the newcomers with foreign nursing degrees were not working in their chosen profession
There are many reasons why newcomers ’ employment is not in keeping with their education, including language limitations and credentialing issues within national licensing bodies However, many new immigrants bring vast knowledge and experience in international business, a broad perspective in their field, and a gritty determination to build a life for themselves and their families in their new home. Members of the Business Development Committee have had the good fortune of employing newcomers, and wanted to share with Chamber members some tips, benefits and lived experience of themselves and their teams in bringing newcomers into their workforce:
Try not to dismiss an application because the individual is “over-qualified” for the position. If they have a foreign Engineering degree, and are applying for a Project Manager position, consider the experience that they have, their knowledge of construction and the ways that you could support them in a Project Manager position Take the time to invite them for an interview and consider a more casual conversation about their education and previous work experience Ask for project references and research companies that they have worked for, and/or projects that they have been part of They might surprise you in the size and scope of their experience! Obtaining Engineering certification in Canada is a lengthy and costly process, something that many newcomers are unable to pursue for quite some time and in some cases at all However, a career progression through construction administration and engineering technical work could be a great start to acquiring Canadian Engineering credentials.
Look for the foundational skills that can be built upon by gaining experience from other roles within your organization, helping newcomers grow into a position that fits with their international experience. One of our committee members shared the story of a newcomer that she interviewed for an administration position last Fall While the candidate had excellent experience and a hardworking attitude, her English wasn’t at the level required for the position A service position became available in the retail side of the business, and the individual was able to work part-time through the winter, while taking English classes While still working in the service position, she was hired into a part-time administration position, and her English continued to improve She recently was offered a full-time administration position and has been an excellent addition to the team!
Breakdown an individual’s international work experience and look for transferable skills – a teacher from another country may slowly be working towards acquiring their teaching credentials in Canada But consider the experience that they could transfer into your company –teachers are excellent trainers, understanding how individuals learn and breaking concepts down into manageable pieces. They can collaborate in teams and build workplans to accomplish a curriculum outcome (or project goal). Additionally, they have complex interpersonal relationships with students and their parents that can be translated into other relationship development positions.
If appropriate, consider hiring several individuals who share a common country of origin or language They can assist each other in overcoming language barriers and create a culture of familiarity within your team
Google translate, although not perfect, works! A local printing company was able to hire a printmaker from the Ukraine with limited English – a talented craftsman who has years of experience in the industry with a deep knowledge of the machinery, and has been an invaluable addition to the team His English is improving every day Google translate is now only used in deeper, more complicated conversations!
In closing, newcomers can bring a vast and diverse knowledge to your business. The way a person communicates and engages with others may be influenced by their cultural background, but any challenges that you may experience with integrating them into your team, will be easily eclipsed by their commitment to your company and the energy and passion that they bring to work every day. Our work culture is always improved when we have those from different backgrounds and experiences, and your team will benefit immensely from the rich contributions of newcomer employees
Reach out to the Chamber today to connect with organizations that can help you set the stage for welcoming newcomers into your business. And take it from some passionate members of the Business Development Committee – your company, and your team will be richer for welcoming some highly skilled new Canadians into your team.
Lois Ruston Secretary-TreasurerSources:
https://www150 statcan gc ca/n1/dailyquotidien/221130/dq221130a-eng.pdf
pid=1410032801&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&pickMembers% 5B1%5D=2.358&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFr ame.startYear=2022&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTi meFrame.endYear=2022&referencePeriods=20220101%2C 20221001
Our Business Development Committee visited Koch Fertilizer & Excel-7 Ltd., some of Brandon's key economic businesses!