Monroe Park Conservancy Branding Identity Concept

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Branding Identity


Welcome to the Park


As Richmond’s first and oldest municipal park, Monroe Park is the centerpiece of the Monroe Park Historic District and a major landmark within the city of Richmond. The City of Richmond purchased the land for the park in 1851, then named it after the ward that surrounds it in 1869. Established in 2011, the Monroe Park Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and leased the park from the City for 30 years. Located between Franklin, Belvedere, Main and Laurel Streets in the heart of the Virginia Commonwealth University campus, Monroe Park is a recreational and navigational destination for students, residents and businesses. Monroe Park Conservancy’s central mission is to administer the restoration, operation of and enhancements to the historic rebirth of Richmond’s oldest and most historic park.





Our identity

Our colors

Our type

Templates & applications



Logo combinations




Clear space


Minimum size


Color palette


Gradient usage


Solid color usage




Typesetting usage


Stationary use






Our logo

Our logo

Monroe Park is often described as the “lung� of Richmond. Not only the park boast an abundance of plant life and grass areas, it is an important navigational element to the City of Richmond. The park has a hexagonal layout with intersecting pathways. The center of the park showcases a grand fountain. Slightly northwest of the fountain is the Checker House, which historically hosted an office and a lodging facilities. With the physical layout of the park in mind, we wanted to use this as our main identity. The park is mostly recognizable by its unique shape as well as the intersecting pathways.



The logo consists of the Park symbol and logotype of the organization name. In most situations, the vertical logo will be used.

Primary logo


Secondary logo

Logo combinations

The default logo combinations are shown.

Full color


One Color


Full negative


One color on colored background


This is the symbol that represents the Monroe Park Conservancy and the park. As dynamic as our guests ability to travel and use the park, the symbol is dynamic as well.

Each version of the brandmark should be used in specific situations as referenced below. Logo combination rules apply to the brandmark.



Full Park

This is the primary brandmark. it should only be used with the logotype. In some situations, it can be used as a background element.

This secondary brandmark should only be used to identify and direct communication efforts towards specific parts of the park. For example, this Zone is the Main Stage area.

This secondary brandmark should only be used as a background element to emphasize the park as a whole and one unit.

Appropriate usage:

Appropriate usage:

Appropriate usage:

Materials that include the logotype

Non stationary print collateral Signage and navigation Marketing materials targeting a specific area of the park

Background elements *When using this style, limit the size and amount used based on the size of the material displayed


Clear space

The logo should be given some space in order to maximize it’s visual impact. Use the M is a guide to determine the clear space.

In some situations, the brandmark can be used as a background element and part of the mark can be shown.

Primary logo clear space

Secondary logo clear space


Minimum size

These are the recommended sizes for the logo when represented in print or digital formats.

Do not alter the proportions by compressing or expanding the logo.

Primary identity

Secondary identity


Print: 1.2 inches (3.05 cm) Digital: 115.2 pixels

Print: 1.8 inches (4.57 cm) Digital: 172.8 pixels

Print: 0.5 inches (12.7 cm) Digital: 48 pixels



This page is intentionally left blank.


Our colors

Our colors

Our color palette makes the park: lively, exciting, relaxing, amusing, and an emporium for a range of experiences. The palette reflects these emotions using gradients. There are options to use the colors as needed. Color usage was briefly mentioned in the Logo Combinations section. This section will cover specific approved gradients and colors. 15

Color palette

Each gradient has a specific mood that emphasizes the activity available in the park. We recommend using the gradient that best fits the mood.

Warm Park



Helping Hand


C: 6 M: 48 Y: 72 K: 0

C: 7 M: 100 Y: 56 K: 0

C: 6 M: 100 Y: 45 K: 0

C: 41 M: 93 Y: 0 K: 10

C: 82 M: 0 Y: 8 K: 0

C: 88 M: 57 Y: 0 K: 0

C: 8 M: 54 Y: 0 K: 0

C: 0 M: 85 Y: 0 K: 0

R: 233 G: 149 B: 89

R: 223 G: 27 B: 86

R: 225 G: 24 B: 96

R: 147 G: 48 B: 136

R: 0 G: 183 B: 225

R: 25 G: 108 B: 182

R: 224 G: 142 B: 188

R: 238 G: 77 B: 155

H: e99559

H: de1a55

H: e01860

H: 923087

H: 00b7e1

H: 196cb5

H: e08dbc

H: ee4d96

Morning Runs




C: 0 M: 16 Y: 100 K: 0

C: 0 M: 89 Y: 0 K: 0

C: 0 M: 66 Y: 53 K: 0

C: 100 M: 95 Y: 19 K: 13

C: 45 M: 0 Y: 67 K: 0

C: 96 M: 0 Y: 41 K: 0

R: 255 G: 210 B: 0

R: 238 G: 64 B: 151

R: 243 G: 121 B: 108

R: 40 G: 49 B: 117

R: 148 G: 204 B: 126

R: 0 G: 172 B: 171

H: ffd200

H: ed4097

H: f3786b

H: 273074

H: 93cc7e

H: 00abab

Gradient usage

Gradients are the preferred way of displaying the logo and other elements.

Combining gradients

Solid colors on gradients

Gradients on solid colors

You may combine gradients that have great contrast with each other.

Use only white for elements that are placed on dark backgrounds;

You can use almost all gradient elements on solid color background.


Not all of the gradients are eligible for this style.

or PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C 1 elements placed on light backgrounds.

If the gradient of an element blends with the background, it is still acceptable.

Solid color usage

When single color versions of the identity must be used or feel more appropriate, use the guidelines below.

Single Color




Single color elements should be used in situations when gradients can’t be used. For the logo, the entire logo and logotype must be the same color.

Use PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C 1 for elements placed on light backgrounds.

Use PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C 2 for elements placed on dark backgrounds.


Our type

Our type

Our color palette makes the park: lively, exciting, relaxing, amusing, and an emporium for a range of experiences. The palette reflects these emotions using gradients. There are options to use the colors as needed. Color usage was briefly mentioned in the Logo Combinations section. This section will cover specific approved gradients and colors. 21


The selected type families are playful and modern. The type helps us showcase the park as a historic and dynamic leisure destination

Header typeface

If you have access to Typekit, part of Adobe Creative Cloud, both typefaces are avaliable for download.

Filson Pro Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+[]{};:’”<>?/|\


Body typeface

Museo Slab 500 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+[]{};:’”<>?/|\


The following are rules for basic typesetting.

Size and weight

Limit typesetting to no more than three sizes. Use Filson Pro Bold for headers. Use Museo Slab 500 for body text. Use Museo Slab 700 for increased legibility at small sizes or over backgrounds.


Do not use all-uppercase type. Use all-lowercase type sparingly.

Line spacing

The space in between the lines, or leading, should be set 20%-40% larger than the font size. Kerning must be set in Optical.


Always use left justification for paragraph alignment. Do not indent paragraphs, instead insert a blank line in between each paragraph. Text should always be unjustified and paragraphs should have a minimal number of hyphens.



Templates and Applications

Templates and applications

Our identity is meant to be viewed in print and digital formats; small and large configurations; and is a shared symbol by guests, employees, and partners. There are some of the basic applications of identity. While this guide will not detail every possible usage of the identity, we invite you to take inspiration from the selected formats in this guide. 25


Business card

Business cards must include name, position, department in the header. Contact information should include phone number extension and email address.

Placement of the park symbol should not be altered. The gradients can be altered but must adhere to color guidelines.



James Monroe Director, Park Relations

Checkers Building 700 West Main Street Richmond VA 23220 804.123.4567 ext 1234

Dimensions: 2.5 inches x 3.5 inches




Letterheads must use a grid layout in order to maintain visual consistency. Include your name, position, and phone extension in the necessary spaces.

The color of the symbol, name, website and stripe on the right must all be the same gradient.

Grid layout

Without grid layout

James Monroe Director 804.123.4567 ext 1234 Checkers Building 700 West Main Street Richmond VA 23220

John Appleseed Senator Virginia State Capitol 1000 Bank Street Richmond VA 23219

Dear John Appleseed,

James Monroe Director 804.123.4567 ext 1234 Checkers Building 700 West Main Street Richmond VA 23220

John Appleseed Senator Virginia State Capitol 1000 Bank Street Richmond VA 23219

Dear John Appleseed,

Quissita velitibus, qui dolorro inullec aerferuntiur aut vel int velitem cullati onsequam hicid excest, similic te nes ex est, sit voluptat liti cuptaspe aute libusam rest ommo te excepuda vollore perios explaci doluptatem reris ius aspidem oloruptusam quis siminci cus quo blanda dessit facepereic temqui comnis dios moditatur? Quis et eatur, officium res et harum soluptatur, cone magnam quiatecatet enis sit eost la consenis voles magnis et aut auta autem volupta dolorpo ressim necus eos maximol estiis voloribus, susam idendis millandella cum dolende raectur repudaest re si a dolupti conectotae. Henduciandit volupta epudita tatenecta excerio is et ducipicia alitati onsequi occuptas eum etusdam lam eture, comnimus repudic temquibus res excest, omnimagnati officip icaecus.

Quissita velitibus, qui dolorro inullec aerferuntiur aut vel int velitem cullati onsequam hicid excest, similic te nes ex est, sit voluptat liti cuptaspe aute libusam rest ommo te excepuda vollore perios explaci doluptatem reris ius aspidem oloruptusam quis siminci cus quo blanda dessit facepereic temqui comnis dios moditatur? Quis et eatur, officium res et harum soluptatur, cone magnam quiatecatet enis sit eost la consenis voles magnis et aut auta autem volupta dolorpo ressim necus eos maximol estiis voloribus, susam idendis millandella cum dolende raectur repudaest re si a dolupti conectotae. Henduciandit volupta epudita tatenecta excerio is et ducipicia alitati onsequi occuptas eum etusdam lam eture, comnimus repudic temquibus res excest, omnimagnati officip icaecus.

Cus aut vid mi, unt eosam, consendaeres ad ea que consequam aria verchici illaboruptat acias molo ommo omni dolorat doluptatur? Sed molorum quid el eicid mo cuptat estemquis eum event molupis eicilibus et harum aritaquae volum quiae. Aborepe lendel exerion nimagnias maiost volese eost, imin rent et voluptatint eumenest velit quiae voluptat.

Cus aut vid mi, unt eosam, consendaeres ad ea que consequam aria verchici illaboruptat acias molo ommo omni dolorat doluptatur? Sed molorum quid el eicid mo cuptat estemquis eum event molupis eicilibus et harum aritaquae volum quiae. Aborepe lendel exerion nimagnias maiost volese eost, imin rent et voluptatint eumenest velit quiae voluptat.



James Monroe Director

James Monroe Director




Envelopes follow the same visual language as the business cards. Remember the background and Full Park symbol gradients must visually correspond as needed.

The back flap gradient must match the front background gradient.




Event ticket





Navigational signage


Interior navigational sign

Exterior building sign

Description sign


Lamp post banners


Rollout banner



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