Tree Trimming Journey Future State December 8, 2021
Welcome Safety Message
Agenda • Welcome & Project Recap (5min) • Customer Interviews & Survey (5min) • Break outs - Future State Solutions (50min) • Review points of view and customer clips • Provide ideas for solutions to ‘How might we’ type questions • Report out (20min) • Vote top 2 ideas and map CX in more detail (30min) • Next steps (10min)
Recap: Project timeline November 2021
Journey Research & Analysis KEY ACTIVITI ES
Current State Journey Mapping & Ideation
Survey Customers
Customer CoCreation Sessions
Key Process Insights
Key Customer Insights
(e.g. Internal Observations, Gaps, Opportunities)
(e.g. Unmet Needs, Pain Points, Expectations)
DEVELOP Sponsor Feedback
DETECT Sponsor Feedback
December 2021
Future State Journey Mapping
Prioritize Solutions
DELIVER Sponsor Feedback
October 2021
Create Solution Prototypes & Pilot Test & Learn Feedback Loops
Scale Implementation Prioritized Actions for Redesign Value Proposition Estimates
Validated Prototypes Training Plan & Metrics Customer & Business Value 4
Define & Develop Phases November 2021
Survey Customers KEY ACTIVITI ES
Customer CoCreation Sessions
Key Customer Insights
(e.g. Unmet Needs, Pain Points, Expectations)
DEVELOP Sponsor Feedback
December 2021
Future State Journey Mapping
Prioritize Solutions
Prioritized Actions for Redesign Value Proposition Estimates
Key tasks Deployed survey to customers in SC about their tree trimming experiences and preferences Recruited a subset of those customers to small group or 1-1 interviews to discuss in more detail their perspectives, expectations, and preferences • Today - Host a workshop where we debrief on interviews, ideate solutions and align on the future state experience we want to deliver to customers
Customer Personas
By all means keep the lines clear. Any one who refuses to let you on their property to clear lines should have to pay for damages caused by their vegetation.
I support a program of more frequent pruning to avoid more drastic cuts.
I hate to see beautiful trees cut but I understand the reason. I wish when the tree is a special tree the power company would take special care in trimming.
I think you should bury the power lines to avoid destroying the trees. It is abhorrent what your subcontractors do to our grand trees.
Customer Research 1,900+ customers surveyed across South Carolina
Customers Interviewed
Andre Columbia, SC
Shana West Charleston, SC
Ron Charleston,
Points of View In the following video, we showed customers images of trees on or around powerlines. What do you hear from our customers? What is our expectation of customers when they perceive a tree on/near a line that is troublesome? What is ours? Are they different?
Points of View Why do we cut it like that?
Points of View I want to have a voice in the discussion…particularly for the shaping/cutting
Points of View Tree trimming in my neighborhood or in my community is a good thing to do, and I do want to hear about when this is happening. Close to home, I want specifics on when they are doing the work.
Points of View If someone wants to reach me, having different forms of communications with me via email, text, or postal mail is good. Door hangers are helpful, but should not the only form of communication in a dialogue...
Points of View When I want to contact…a number I can call (not customer service) to reach the person who knows about my situation is essential.
Customer Initiated "Investigate Tree Trimming" Awareness
Customer Painpoints
Customer calls into contact center or emails
Customer notices tree/limb on property
Blue = Customer Touchpoints
CC Agent creates Order Type. Advises customer it may take several weeks
Customer is concerned about safety, wants someone to look at it immediately = Truck Roll
Customer calls for an update/spea k to supervisor
After waiting, customer wants an update on their request
Positive CX
CQ Lineman visits work location and examines the work
Customer sees a crew arrive with the expectation the work will be completed Negative CX
Trim / Spray
CQ determines either to do work, do not work, or unable to work. Informs customer if they are home. Leaves doorhanger
Information doesn't get moved to CIS, leaving call center agent unable to accurately help customer
If customer isn't home, they get a doorhanger with hard to understand information Magnitude -
If unable to work, write up Tree Trim Request Form
Customer calls in for an update on the work
A lot of time has passed, and the customer is unsure of what the status is of their request
Circuit Tree Trimming – work in progress… Awareness
Customer Painpoints
Customer Receives Postcard or email of Tree Trimming Activity (typically 3 weeks prior to work)
Unclear how successful mailed communications are. Most notices are mailed. Lack of messagetesting to determine how customers feel about information in notice. Blue = Customer Touchpoints
Trim / Cut / Spray
Contractor Crews Arrives – Trim/Spray
Notable comments in customer panel feedback are negative regarding contractor quality of work = Truck Roll
Customer unhappy about cleanup/trimming
One crew does the initial trimming, followed by another truck that cleans up debris. Lack of communicati on to customer + Positive CX
Customer Calls DE to Resolve
Tree trimming calls are lengthy; first call resolution is unlikely – requires followup which can take days or weeks Negative CX
Customer calls in again to get issued resolved
Customer Awaits Response
Customers are agitated at this point with the lack of transparency and timely updates
Customers are sometimes waiting weeks to get a response or follow up
Magnitude -
Forestry calls customer to explain and resolve issue
This is the third touchpoint for the customer after attempting to get clarity around the issue
Next steps
Tree trimming communications • Subject Line: Dominion Energy to do Tree Trimming in Your Area
Folly Beach postcard communications
Folly Beach email communications • • • •
Sent to 311 people 151 unique opens (48.5%) 11 unique clicks (3.5%) 10 people clicked on the /treetrimming link
• Subject Line: Notice: Working in Your Area
Tree trimming map
Next steps Survey sent out to team to prioritize ideas/solutions
Artifacts (preliminary) Objects that help define an underlying process from various perspectives Artifact
Customer panel feedback: Open-ended responses to question: ‘How often do you think Dominion Energy should clear lines from overgrown trees and vegetation?’
Shows range of customer sentiment; indicates opportunities to enhance communications and improve process for ‘customer requested’ tree trimming
Google search results: Search terms that lead to relevant Dominion webpages, like tree trimming page and right-of-way page Customer Call Recordings: Recorded SC customer calls around tree trimming
Many search results appear to be seeking tree trimming or removal services, often trying to report limbs on or near lines Listening to our customers to gain insight into their perspective around tree trimming
REQUEST: Identify existing items that can provide additional perspective • Operational data - what details do you collect on the process? • Tree trimming process documentation, plan, or schedule • Customer hand-outs, door-hangers, etc.
Interview Themes Communications & Messaging Opportunities • Customer Communication Messages testing •
Improve Dominion webpage on tree trimming
Tracking on customer communications
Interview Themes Campaign Opportunities • Tree planting campaign post-major events •
Continue refinement of campaigns in ‘hot spots’ or when trees of special circumstance will be removed
Strategic outreach
Tree giveaways after significant tree removal to encourage ‘right tree, right place’
Interview Themes Operational Opportunities • Contractor and internal training – situational awareness (safety/security) and customer interactions •
Liaison role
Continued refinement and expansion of great work underway between Forestry and Customer Service
High turnover with vendor contractors