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Credit By Exam
OSU accepts Advanced Placement Program (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and International Baccalaureate Program (IB) for college-level credit.
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions website, admissions.okstate.edu, includes the requirements to receive academic credit for tests taken through high school advanced placement coursework in the "Information for Freshmen" section. Since many AP scores are not finalized until the summer, students enrolling for coursework before they have their scores should spend time with their academic advisor developing enrollment choices if academic credit isn’t awarded. It’s your responsibility to keep your advisor updated about necessary changes in your course enrollment after scores are received.
Concurrent Or Dual Enrollment College Credit
Students must provide official transcripts prior to their enrollment at OSU. If an official transcript is not yet available, students should bring an unofficial transcript to their enrollment session. In order to enroll in the proper courses, other credit must be evaluated.
For students with advanced subject knowledge, the CLEP exam can help save money and time. CLEP is designed to test your knowledge of college-level subjects and passing scores earn credit for equivalent OSU courses. OSU does not charge tuition or fees for credit earned. The only expense is the actual cost of the exam and testing center fee. To schedule an exam, visit testing.okstate.edu
Foreign Language Placement Exams
Department of Languages and Literatures
206 Gundersen
Students who have completed two or more years (or equivalent) of credit in high school Spanish, French or German may consider taking a placement exam prior to enrollment to determine the best course placement. Only those who plan to enroll in a foreign language course the next semester should take the placement exam. Placement test scores determine the appropriate level of coursework for enrollment. Placement results remain valid for two semesters (not including a summer semester) following the test date.