7 minute read



The goal of the Brandywine School District (the District) is to provide all students with rich and meaningful learning opportuni es that meet the needs of each individual student and ensure that each BSD graduate possess the knowledge, skills, and a ributes to not only meet the demands of postsecondary educa on or immediate entry to the workforce, but have a dis nct advantage as a direct result of BSD programming.


To achieve this objec ve, BSD schools must be free from disrup ons that interfere with teaching and learning ac vi es. Students, parents/guardians, and school staff must assume a responsible role in crea ng a posi ve learning environment and promo ng behavior that encourages the academic, social, and emo onal growth of all students.

Students, parents/guardians, and staff are encouraged to become familiar with the en re contents of this document.


The Brandywine School District is commi ed to ensuring students: • feel welcomed and are excited about learning; • believe that their teachers, administra on, and other staff in the school support them so that they can achieve their best; • are treated in an equitable and fair manner; • are technology literate and able to meet the demands of a 21st century workforce and lifestyle; • are provided with opportuni es for social and emo onal growth embedded in academic learning; • are provided with learning environments and classrooms that are posi ve and safe; • understand that they are contribu ng members not only of a school community, but also of our community at-large; • understand that rules and laws exist for their protec on, and compliance is required for the good of all; • learn and grow through the applica on of the Student Code of Conduct.

Educa ng the whole child is a core belief of the Brandywine School District and serves as a founda onal element on which all programming and func ons of the District are built. To effec vely educate the whole child, the Brandywine School District understands the need to be inten onal and have a specifi c focus, not only on academic growth, but also equally important, social and emo onal growth and development. To maximize the growth and development of the whole child, it is essen al that parents/ guardians and the school form a working partnership focused on the child.

To this end, the District will provide direct learning opportuni es to develop students’ understanding and skills in the areas of problem-solving, social skills, appropriate interac on with peers and adults, and self-advocacy. In addi on, the District will use the applica on of the Code of Conduct as a means of social and emo onal development. Infrac ons of the Code of Conduct must be viewed by both the school

and parent as serious and as learning opportuni es for the student. As teachable moments present themselves when Code of Conduct viola ons occur, the learning experience for students will only be as valuable as the partnership between the school and home. Working together in partnership ensures be er outcomes for students and supports their growth and development as produc ve members of society. Failure on either party to use viola ons to teach and improve future outcomes for the student sends mixed messages to the child and signifi cantly impacts the desired growth and development. For this reason, it is essen al that parents and schools work together, through the smallest of infrac ons to those with signifi cant consequences, to co-teach valuable life lessons to ensure the whole child grows and matures as a result of school experiences.


The Student Code of Conduct is an offi cial declara on of the Brandywine School District Board of Educa on (the School Board) which: • specifi es the responsibili es and rights of students; • defi nes a endance responsibili es; • defi nes conduct that is expected to maintain a posi ve and safe learning environment; • provides standardized procedures for disciplinary ac on; • defi nes grievance procedures; • incorporates excerpts from State and Federal laws and regula ons.

Provisions in the Student Code of Conduct apply to all students in Grades K-12, including those who are in the District’s 18 to 21 year old program. The Student Code of Conduct is not applicable to our preschool and prekindergarten students. In all instances, school discipline should be reasonable, mely, fair, age-appropriate, and consequences should match the severity of the student’s behavior.

A copy of the Student Code of Conduct is given to each student upon school entry. Orienta on to the Student Code of Conduct is held in each school at the beginning of the school year.


The Student Code of Conduct is applied: • on school property prior to, during, and following regular school hours; • while students are on a school bus or in a District vehicle for any purpose; • at all school-sponsored events and other ac vi es at which school Administrators/ staff have supervision or responsibility of students.


The Code of Conduct shall also apply to out-of-school conduct by a student if the District believes that the nature of such conduct indicates that the student presents a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of other students, or to the reputa on of a school or the District. Such out-of- school conduct shall include, but is not limited to: • acts of violence which are punishable by law; • sexual off enses which are punishable by law; • the sale, transfer, or possession of drugs which would cons tute an off ense punishable by law; • felony charges.

Addi onally, the Principal/designee is authorized to take administra ve ac on when a student’s misconduct to and from school has a harmful eff ect on other students, the community, or the orderly conduct of school business.

Day(s) as used in this document is defi ned as a day(s) in which school is in session. When school is out of session, such as during the winter, spring, or summer breaks, the me limits shall be used as guidelines, but not requirements.


A posi ve school environment is best described as: • safe and suppor ve; • providing a range of engaging and meaningful educa onal opportuni es; • u lizing a mul - ered system of supports (MTSS) for students within both academic and behavioral, social-emo onal, cultural domains of learning; • protec ng students from behavior which threatens their health, safety, or welfare, or which interferes with learning; • free of drugs, weapons and other illegal ac vi es; • respec ul of diversity among students and teachers.

It is also the presence of a friendly, yet business-like, atmosphere in which students and school personnel work coopera vely toward recognized and acceptable goals. A good school environment is free from distrac ons, fric on, and disturbances. U lizing a Mul - ered System of Support (MTSS) process, which includes schoolwide Posi ve Behavior Expecta ons and Supports (PBS), the school staff establishes common expecta ons for student behavior and social interac on. These expecta ons are explicitly taught to students and reviewed in context throughout the course of the year. As students internalize these expecta ons, they will display them naturally and without promp ng. PBS capitalizes on the public display of posi ve behavior that meets expecta ons and provides recogni on of students’ eff orts. It also shows apprecia ve affi rma on of social and emo onal growth, and allows the students’ eff orts to serve as a model for others to follow. This posi ve reinforcement affirms the students’ growth similar to receiving a high grade and/or posi ve praise on a homework assignment or project.

Like all expecta ons, the value lies in helping students understand the need and impact on others, and in consistent applica on, teaches desired behaviors and the enforcement of them. To this end, it is impera ve that all staff subscribe and adhere to the established MTSS protocols and applica on of the Code of Conduct. Lack of consistency or fi delity to implementa on between classrooms create mixed messages for students regarding what is and is not permissible. Fidelity to a common set of rules and expecta ons by all adults, staff members, and parents/guardians alike, is essen al in the social and emo onal development of a child.

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