WELCOME TO THE BRANDYWINE SCHOOL DISTRICT The goal of the Brandywine School District (the District) is to provide all students with rich and meaningful learning opportuni es that meet the needs of each individual student and ensure that each BSD graduate possess the knowledge, skills, and a ributes to not only meet the demands of postsecondary educa on or immediate entry to the workforce, but have a dis nct advantage as a direct result of BSD programming. To achieve this objec ve, BSD schools must be free from disrup ons that interfere with teaching and learning ac vi es. Students, parents/guardians, and school staff must assume a responsible role in crea ng a posi ve learning environment and promo ng behavior that encourages the academic, social, and emo onal growth of all students. Students, parents/guardians, and staff are encouraged to become familiar with the en re contents of this document.
INTRODUCTION The Brandywine School District is commi ed to ensuring students: • feel welcomed and are excited about learning; • believe that their teachers, administra on, and other staff in the school support them so that they can achieve their best; • are treated in an equitable and fair manner; • are technology literate and able to meet the demands of a 21st century workforce and lifestyle; • are provided with opportuni es for social and emo onal growth embedded in academic learning; • are provided with learning environments and classrooms that are posi ve and safe; • understand that they are contribu ng members not only of a school community, but also of our community at-large; • understand that rules and laws exist for their protec on, and compliance is required for the good of all; • learn and grow through the applica on of the Student Code of Conduct. Educa ng the whole child is a core belief of the Brandywine School District and serves as a founda onal element on which all programming and func ons of the District are built. To effec vely educate the whole child, the Brandywine School District understands the need to be inten onal and have a specific focus, not only on academic growth, but also equally important, social and emo onal growth and development. To maximize the growth and development of the whole child, it is essen al that parents/ guardians and the school form a working partnership focused on the child. To this end, the District will provide direct learning opportuni es to develop students’ understanding and skills in the areas of problem-solving, social skills, appropriate interac on with peers and adults, and self-advocacy. In addi on, the District will use the applica on of the Code of Conduct as a means of social and emo onal development. Infrac ons of the Code of Conduct must be viewed by both the school 9