7 minute read
• Violent felonies (all violent felonies that occur against students, school employees, and school volunteers must be reported) • Assault against a student, school employee, or volunteer • Unlawful sexual contact and/or sexual harrassment against a student, school employee, or volunteer • Possession of a dangerous instrument or deadly weapon or bomb by a student • Possession of an unlawful controlled substance including: prescrip on drugs and counterfeit drugs
The Principal or designee will make every eff ort to no fy the parent(s)/guardian(s) and will conduct a thorough inves ga on and/or if warranted by statute will report to the police authori es. In addi on, the Principal will make every eff ort to no fy the parent(s)/guardian(s) of any juvenile vic m. The following list is not all-inclusive, but, at a minimum, the following shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
• evidence that suggests the commission of the crimes of assault and extor on against pupil, or an assault or extor on against a school employee • evidence that suggests the commission of a felony, for example: reckless endangering; assault off enses; homicide; arson; criminal mischief; bombs; robbery; rape; extor on; fraud; forgery; weapons; etc. • evidence that suggests viola ons of the laws concerning controlled substances and alcohol • evidence that suggests incest, sexual abuse or the neglect or other abuse of children • evidence that suggests the use, possession or sale of dangerous instruments or deadly weapons, (e.g. knives, fi rearms, ammuni on, explosives, or blas ng caps) • evidence that suggests morals off ense (e.g. pornography, exhibi onism, peeping, etc.) • Evidence that suggests organized gambling • Evidence of off enses involving school property, e.g. false fi re alarms, telephone threats, computer crimes, vandalism and criminal mischief, trespass, burglary and the , reckless driving, and safety hazards • Reports of suspicious persons or unauthorized persons on or near school grounds or property, or rumors, informa on or observa ons of gang rivalries or ac vi es (these ac vi es need not be reported to the State Board of Educa on)
Title IX
Under Title IX of the Educa on Amendments of 1972, each school district that receives federal fi nancial assistance must designate at least one employee to coordinate the district’s compliance with its responsibili es under Title IX, and to inves gate complaints alleging sex discrimina on, including sexual harassment. The Brandywine School District has assigned Title IX Compliance Offi cers responsibili es to two individuals based on grade level clusters. All ques ons or concerns regarding sex discrimina on, sexual harassment, or other ma ers rela ng to Title IX should be
directed to the Compliance Offi cers listed below. For addi onal informa on regarding Title IX, see Appendix X.
Student Ma ers
Mr. Kenney Rivera Director of Secondary Educa on Brandywine School District 1311 Brandywine Blvd. • Wilmington, DE 19809 • (302) 793-5028
Staff Ma ers
Ms. Delethia McIn re Director of Human Resources Brandywine School District 1311 Brandywine Blvd. • Wilmington, DE 19809 • (302) 793-5048
Sec on 504
Sec on 504 of the Rehabilita on Act of 1973 requires school districts to provide to students with disabili es appropriate educa onal services designed to meet the individual needs of such students to the same extent as the needs of students without disabili es are met. The District’s ADA/504 Compliance Offi cer ensures compliance with the Americans with Disabili es (ADA) Act, Sec ons 503 and 504 of the Rehabilita on Act of 1973, and other federal and state laws and regula ons pertaining to persons with disabili es. All ques ons or concerns regarding Sec on 504 or the Americans with Disabili es Act should be directed to the Compliance Offi cer listed below. For addi onal informa on regarding Sec on 504, see Appendix VII.
PK – 12th Grade and 18 to 21 Year Old Programs
Dr. Lisa A. Lawson, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent Brandywine School District 1311 Brandywine Blvd. • Wilmington, DE 19809 • (302) 793-5001
Students Records
The Family Educa on Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) aff ords parents/guardians (and students over 18 years of age) certain rights concerning the student’s school record. These rights include the following: 1. Parents/guardians may submit to the school principal a wri en request iden fying records they wish to inspect. The principal will no fy them of the me and place at which records may be inspected. The Principal must allow them to see the records within 45 days from receiving the request. 2. Parents/guardians may ask the District to amend a record they believe is inaccurate by submi ng to the principal a wri en request iden fying the part of the record they want changed and specifying why it is inaccurate. If the District denies the request, the District will no fy them of the decision, advise of the right to a hearing, and provide the hearing procedures. 3. Parents/guardians may fi le a complaint with the U.S. Department of Educa on concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA by submi ng a complaint to: Family Policy Compliance Offi ce U.S. Department of Educa on 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. • Washington, DC 20202-4605
Informa onal Surveys
The Protec on of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) aff ords parents/guardians (and students over 18 years of age) certain rights regarding the District’s administra on of surveys, collec on and use of survey data, and certain physical examina ons as follows: 1. The District is required to obtain consent permi ng a student to par cipate in certain school ac vi es, or parents/guardians may elect to opt out of such ac vi es. These ac vi es, known as protected informa on surveys, include a student survey, analysis, or evalua on concerning one or more of the following: a. poli cal affi lia ons or beliefs of the student or student’s parents/guardians b. mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s household c. sexual behaviors or a tudes d. illegal, an -social, self-incrimina ng or demeaning behavior e. cri cal appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family rela onships f. legally recognized privileged rela onships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or clergy g. religious prac ces, affi lia ons, or beliefs of the student or parents/guardians h. income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility 2. The District is required to no fy parents of the dates of the following ac vi es and provide an opportunity to opt a student out of par cipa on of the following: a. any protected informa on survey, regardless of funding source b. any non-emergency invasive physical examina on or screening required as a condi on of a endance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student except for hearing, vision, and scoliosis screenings, or any physical examina on or screening permi ed or required under state law. c. ac vi es involving collec on, disclosure or use of personal informa on obtained from students for marke ng, to sell, or otherwise distribute the informa on to others. 3. Parents/guardians may, upon request, inspect the following: a. protected informa on surveys of students b. instruments used to collect personal informa on from students for marke ng, sales, or other distribu on purposes c. instruc onal materials used as part of the educa on curriculum 4. Parents/guardians may fi le a complaint with the U.S. Department of Educa on concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the requirements of FERPA by submi ng a complaint to: Family Policy Compliance Offi ce U.S. Department of Educa on 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. • Washington, DC 20202-4605
Directory Informa on
The District may disclose certain informa on, known as directory informa on, in its discre on without consent. Parents/guardians, or students eighteen years of age or older, may refuse to permit the release of any or all directory informa on. If Parents/guardians, or students eighteen years of age or older do not want directory informa on released, they must send wri en no ce annually to the Superintendent of the District at 1311 Brandywine Blvd., Wilmington, DE 19809. Such no ce must be received within 30 calendar days of the student receipt of this Student Code of Conduct. The following informa on is considered directory informa on: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, grade level, par cipa on in