Violent felonies (all violent felonies that occur against students, school employees, and school volunteers must be reported) Assault against a student, school employee, or volunteer Unlawful sexual contact and/or sexual harrassment against a student, school employee, or volunteer Possession of a dangerous instrument or deadly weapon or bomb by a student Possession of an unlawful controlled substance including: prescrip on drugs and counterfeit drugs
The Principal or designee will make every effort to no fy the parent(s)/guardian(s) and will conduct a thorough inves ga on and/or if warranted by statute will report to the police authori es. In addi on, the Principal will make every effort to no fy the parent(s)/guardian(s) of any juvenile vic m. The following list is not all-inclusive, but, at a minimum, the following shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. • • • • • • • • •
evidence that suggests the commission of the crimes of assault and extor on against pupil, or an assault or extor on against a school employee evidence that suggests the commission of a felony, for example: reckless endangering; assault offenses; homicide; arson; criminal mischief; bombs; robbery; rape; extor on; fraud; forgery; weapons; etc. evidence that suggests viola ons of the laws concerning controlled substances and alcohol evidence that suggests incest, sexual abuse or the neglect or other abuse of children evidence that suggests the use, possession or sale of dangerous instruments or deadly weapons, (e.g. knives, firearms, ammuni on, explosives, or blas ng caps) evidence that suggests morals offense (e.g. pornography, exhibi onism, peeping, etc.) Evidence that suggests organized gambling Evidence of offenses involving school property, e.g. false fire alarms, telephone threats, computer crimes, vandalism and criminal mischief, trespass, burglary and the , reckless driving, and safety hazards Reports of suspicious persons or unauthorized persons on or near school grounds or property, or rumors, informa on or observa ons of gang rivalries or ac vi es (these ac vi es need not be reported to the State Board of Educa on)
ANNUAL NOTICE Title IX Under Title IX of the Educa on Amendments of 1972, each school district that receives federal financial assistance must designate at least one employee to coordinate the district’s compliance with its responsibili es under Title IX, and to inves gate complaints alleging sex discrimina on, including sexual harassment. The Brandywine School District has assigned Title IX Compliance Officers responsibili es to two individuals based on grade level clusters. All ques ons or concerns regarding sex discrimina on, sexual harassment, or other ma ers rela ng to Title IX should be 42