Doc. PhDr. Vladimír Frk, CSc. He deals with the problems of Human Resources Management, Voca:onal Educa:on of Employees and Managerial communica:on. Head of Department since 2006.
Selected publica:ons The results of intensive research ac:vi:es of members of the Department have been published in many studies, in domes:c and interna:onal collec:ons of papers, scien:fic and professional papers or other resources. The recent monographs FRK, Vladimír Individual in Social System of Organiza:on Prešov,AkcentPrint,year 2006, 214, p. 214
Doc.PhDr. MartaBačová, CSc. She concentrates on courses General Didac:cs, Theory of Adult Educa:on, Life‐long Learning, Mul:‐cultural Educa:on. During the period on the Department of University Pedagogy was dealing with the problems of university didac:cs. She is currently working on the problems of life‐long learning and educa:on.
FRK, Vladimír – KREDÁTUS, Jozef Communica:on in Personnel and Social Prac:ce Prešov,AkcentPrint,year 2008, 207 strán
Doc.PhDr.Eduard Lukáč, PhD. His research ac:vi:es concentrate on the problems of history of pedagogy, history of andragogy and the school system of adult educa:on. Published two monographs, university textbook, he contributed to collec:ons of papers, magazines and dic:onaries PhDr. Ivana Pirohová PhD. He concentrates on the development of the theory of social cultural characteris:cs, educa:onal stages of educa:on par:cipants, progress and results of educa:on, teaching ac:vi:es of adult educator and iden:fica:on of problem, educa:onal needs of client – andragogic diagnos:cs.
FRK, Vladimír – LUKÁČ, Marek – FRK, Branislav Fundamentals of Personnel and Social Management in Organiza:onPrešov, AkcentPrint, year 2004, p.188
PhDr. Milan Goga, CSc. He concentrates on Comparative Pedagogy, Comparative Andragogy, and problems of Theory of Education and Leisure time. He contributed to collections of papers, magazines, published textbooks.
GOGA, Milan On Selected Educa:onal Systems in Selected Countries Prešov,Metodicko‐pedagogickécentrum, year 2002, p.92
PhDr. Martina Lenhardtová She concentrates on the problems of seniors in the context of life‐long learning, especially socio‐cultural educa:on. Currently deals with the andragogic aspects of senior PE within non‐formal educa:on.
LUKÁČ, Eduard Secondary Schools in Prešov un:l 1945 Prešov,Privatpress, year 2002, p.143
PhDr. Branislav Frk He concentrates on the problems of modern informa:on technologies in educa:on, projec:ng of educa:onal ac:vi:es and presenta:on skills.
LUKÁČ, Eduard Reformist Pedagogical Movement in the Age of Czechoslovak Republic and Its Manifesta:on in SlovakiaPrešov, University of Prešov,year 2002, p. 137
PhDr. Marek Lukáč He concentrates on educa:on of the Roma ethnic group adults and the concept of educa:onal path. He also deals with the problems of life style and social pathology.
PIROHOVÁ, Ivana (Ed.) The Role of Andragogy in Knowledge‐based Society. Collec:on of Papers from Slovak – Czech scien:fic conference. Prešov, University of Prešov, year 2007, p.249
Mgr. Gizela Brutovská She deals with social research, with the accent on evalua:on research, also problems of sociology of employment and unemployment and theories of organiza:ons.
Mgr. Peter Roháč He concentrates on corporate social responsibility, the problems of learning organiza:on, organiza:onal learning and organiza:on theories.
Department of Andragogy
PIROHOVÁ, Ivana – FRK, Vladimír Adult Educator in Voca:onal Educa:on of Employees Prešov,AkcentPrint, year 2003, p. 136
w w w.a n d r a g o g i k a. w e e b l y. c o m
History of Department The year 2009 is the anniversary year for the department of Andragogy which celebrates 45 years of existence as well as for its alma mater, Faculty of Arts, celebra:ng its 50th year. Its origin is dated back to year 1964, when Department of Public Awareness and Adult Pedagogy – first of its kind in Slovakia. Development of Department has been afflicted by many organiza:onal changes: in name of Department and study field, in study programs. The changes in curriculum were related to establishing and development of a new, untradi:onal study field with significant rela:on to changing social and economic needs and condi:ons. The concept of the Department, elaborated by PhDr. Misal, further evolved in the works of PhDr. Štefan Merešš CSc., PhDr. Ing. Jozef Kubovský, doc. PhDr. Fran:šek Karšay, CSc., prof. PhDr. Andrej Čuma, CSc., doc. PhDr. Marta Bačová, CSc., prof. PhDr. Anna Tokárová, CSc. From 1990s the study field Adult Educa:on (currently Andragogy) was divided into three specializa:ons: Social Work, Personnel Management and Culturology. In 1996, when the Prešov university was established via detachment from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, these specializa:ons evolved into three independent study field. The Department of Adult Educa:on renamed to Department of Adult Educa:on and Social Work and in the school year 1997/1998 first students enrolled in the 5‐year MA studies of two independent fields of study Andragogy and Social Work. Concurrently with the new study fields older specializa:ons ceased to exist. Un:l 2010 was the Department together with the Department of Social Work included in the Ins:tute of Educology and Social Work. From October 2010 is Department included in the Ins:tute of Pedagogy, Andragogy and Psychology of the Faculty of Humani:es and Natural Sciences. Scien:fic research development of theore:cal fundamentals of educa:onal sciences and adragogy applica:on of its results in educa:onal process and social prac:ce It s oriented on the following ques:ons: andragogic theory, theory and prac:ce of the quality of work life, human resources development, andragogic diagnos:cs, counseling in further educa:on, informa:on technology in educa:on, distance learning, forms and methods of non‐ formal educa:on, problems of educa:on and integra:on of Roma ethic group, history of the oldest teaching ins:tutes in Slovakia, representa:ves of Prešov schools in historical context. Research concentrates on the applica:on of knowledge in teaching with respect to significant social processes and changes related to heading towards knowledge‐based society. These problems have been examined with research grants VEGA of the Ministry of Educa:on. Department is part of the Associa:on of Ins:tu:ons in Adult Educa:on (AIVD in SR)
and its individual members are members of Slovak Sociological Society and Slovak Pedagogical Society. Department of Andragogy and Museum of Schools and Pedagogy in Bra:slava arranged on September, 12th 2007 scien:fic conference History of the Oldest Teaching Ins:tu:ons in Slovakia where the results of grant research VEGA 1/2522/05 History of the Oldest Teaching Ins:tu:ons in Slovakia (1819‐1945) were presented (chief inves:gator doc. PhDr. Eduard Lukáč, PhD.) In 2008 Department finished grant research VEGA 1/364906 The Role of Adult educa:on and Social Work in Knowledge‐base Society and Welfare State (chief inves:gator prof. Anna Tokárová CSc.) During the period between 2006 and 2008 Department par:cipated in a project SOP ĽZ 2005/NP1‐079, Code ITMS: 11230220497: Learning Region of the Prešov Self‐governing Region. Members of Department significantly contributed to formula:on of the Strategy of Learning Region of the Prešov Self‐governing Region, which aimed at priori:es sepng, and specific measures crea:ng complex system of further educa:on, its development, monitoring and evalua:on. Department has an intensive and long‐term coopera:on with the affiliated departments in Bra:slava, Olomouc and Praha. Department also collaborates with other significant ins:tu:ons (Government Office, the Ministry of Educa:on SR, AIVD, Academy of Educa:on etc.). The collabora:on takes part in areas such as organizing scien:fic conferences, students´ prac:ce assignments or teaching in study program. Educa:onal ac:vi:es Department currently offers study program Andragogy in full‐:me and part :me study for undergraduate and postgraduate qualifica:on. It is possible to gain also a PhDr. Degree in Pedagogy or Andragogy. In the school year 2008/2009 Department staff consisted of 10 own teachers serving 309 students. Some teachers from other departments of the Faculty, experts also par:cipate in teaching. Study program of credit study consist of andragogic, pedagogic, sociological and psychological courses as well as courses in social work, philosophical, legal courses and media communica:on. Study concentrates on theore:cal and prac:cal problems of adult personality forming in the processes of social change – via ac:va:on of human poten:al through educa:on, counseling, help and other means of social development. Study has a mul:disciplinary nature. It concentrates on specific issues of theory and methodology of life‐long educa:on (requalifica:on, personnel management, employee benefits and care, career counseling etc.), theory and methodics of preven:on, educa:on and counseling in the field of social pathological phenomena and assistance to adults in crisis, in development of personal interests and aspira:ons. The graduates can take posi:ons of conceptual, managing, organiza:onal character: in the field of HR and social development in company and branch educa:onal ins:tu:ons, in HR departments, especially in managing requalifica:on and development of enterprises,
in the field of educa:on, social care and assistance to risk target groups (seniors, unemployed, handicapped etc.), in non‐formal educa:onal ins:tu:ons, in ins:tu:ons of public service, NGO, founda:ons etc. in the field of culture: facili:es of local culture, interest groups, media, in the field of research and teaching for the fields of social work, andragogy and HR at universi:es
Adult educa:on is in current knowledge‐based society perceived as a means of increasing the quality of human and social poten:al, as well as self‐realiza:on of individuals. The increasing significance of educa:on creates condi:on for atrac:veness of Andragogy in future.
Department of Andragogy (adult education) Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences
17. novembra, 08001 Prešov Slovakia web: