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Existing & Future Travel Modes

Strategy 6: Weekend and Special Event Management

Branson generally does not restrict driving onto campus for evening events or on weekends except for graduation, when Branson provides a bus service onto campus. Branson’s largest special event days are typically their open houses and Parents’ Day during the fall semester; during these events, Branson allows parking on the athletic field.

The following measures will be used by Branson to reduce driving trips during special and weekend events:

w Hold the number of on-campus events to current baseline levels, as shown in the 2018-2019 school calendar.

w Promote carpooling by students and parents for sporting and special events using a carpool matching app.

To illustrate the potential effect of one or more of these management strategies, if 15 Branson families commit to traveling to evening and weekend events in carpools, the number of daily vehicle trips would be reduced by 30 trips per day on average. Whether family carpools are successful depends on residence matching, vehicle size, and family size.

In addition, Branson will adopt a Special Events Plan for parking and managing traffic for its special events. The Special Events Plan is attached as Appendix 3. The Director of Parking, Traffic and Safety will implement this plan and will provide the Town each fall with access to an online calendar of special events that reflects the days, times, number of people expected, and approximate length of these events. Branson will update the calendar throughout the year. The Director will also inform the Town of any athletic play-off games that are only added to the calendar at the conclusion of the sports season. The Director will send a notice to neighbors prior to every special event.

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