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5. Transportation Safety Improvements

Strategy 2A: Increased Remote Drop Off and Pick Up (Remote Parent Drop-off & Pick-up)

Based on 2016-2019 data, approximately 50 students are dropped off by a parent in the morning and 80 are picked up in the afternoon (Table 4). Single-student morning drop-off trips are 50 percent higher than parent carpool drop-offs (30 vs. 20 students). In the afternoon, single-student pickup trips are nearly double the number of parent carpool pickup trips (54 vs. 28 students). As previously mentioned, single student oncampus parent drop-off and pick-up trips are the most impactful on a vehicle trip generation basis because each drop-off or pick-up trip constitutes two recorded vehicle trip ends (arrival and departure).

In response to the Working Group’s preference for increased remote drop-offs and pick-ups, Branson is committed to requiring more campus restrictions, off-campus options, and shuttles. New restrictions would include the following:

w No parent drop-offs of solo student trips to campus between one half hour before and one half hour after the beginning of the regular school day

w No parent pick-ups of solo students on campus between one half hour before and one hour after the end of the regular school day

See Strategy 2B for related measures that could be used by Branson to reduce parent drop-off and pick-up trips. Remote parent drop-off and pick-up is one of the strategies expected to be most effective in reducing Branson vehicle trips in combination with rolling bus/shuttle fees into overall tuition.

To illustrate the potential effect of one or more of these management strategies, if 30 Branson families pick up students at a remote location, the number of daily vehicle trips would be reduced by 80 trips per day on average.

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