2020 Quarter 3 Town Notes

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Town Notes ot es 2020 Quarter 3

4475 Betsy Kerrison Drive Kiawah Island, SC 29455 • 843-768-9166 • www.kiawahisland.org

Upcoming Elections Upcoming Election Dates Presidential Election – November 3 Last day to register to vote October 3 Kiawah Island Municipal Election – December 1 Last day to register to vote October 31

Voting Information When do I vote? On election day or prior to election day via absentee voting. Where do I vote? Sandcastle Community Center, 1 Shipwatch Road. Information pertaining to COVID-19 protocols for in-person voting will be inlcuded in the Town's biweekly email notifications when it is available. How can I vote? Residents can vote in person at the poll or absentee. To vote absentee, you must be a registered voter and meet the criteria. Absentee voting begins 30 days prior to the election. Register to vote Are you a new resident? Register to vote at www.scvotes.gov/south-carolina-voter-registration-information Absentee Voting Criteria To vote absentee, individuals must be registered voters and meet the criteria set forth by the Voter Registration Office. Common criteria include: • persons sixty-five years of age or older • persons who plan to be on vacation • persons who are physically disabled • persons attending to sick or physically disabled persons Additional criteria information is available at www.charlestoncounty.org/departments/bevr/absentee-voting.php Obtain an Absentee Ballot Voters that meet the absentee criteria can visit www.scvotes.org and fill out an absentee application online or can request a ballot

from the Charleston County Board of Elections and Voter Registration office by calling (843)744-8683 or via email to absentee@ charlestoncounty.org or via live chat with a Board of Elections representative at www.charlestoncounty.org/departments/bevr/ absentee-voting.php In-person Absentee Voting Vote in-person at the Charleston County Board of Elections and Voter Registration office located at 4367 Headquarters Road, North Charleston, SC 29405. Voting hours are from 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Photo ID is required. In person absentee voting generally opens approximately 30 days prior to an election and closes at 5 pm on the Monday prior to an election.

Kiawah Island Municipal Election 2020 The Kiawah Island Municipal Election will take place Tuesday, December 1, 2020. This election marks the seventeenth administration of the Town of Kiawah Island, incorporated on September 13, 1988. The terms of this administration will expire in December 2022. To become familiar with what it might be like to serve the community by being on Town Council, read this quarter's TOKI spotlight on page 10. Candidate filing begins at noon on September 1 and runs through noon on October 2. Candidates must file at the Municipal Center and pay their filing fee to the Town Clerk. The filing fee for Mayor is $50, and Councilmember is $25. Once the filing has closed, the Town will publish the candidate roster and biographies for the community to review. The Kiawah Island Community Association will host a Meet the Candidate’s event. Due to COVID-19, the event format is still under consideration but will likely be a virtual event that will be live-streamed for the community, but not open for public attendance. More information will be released in future communications.

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