Town Notes ot es 2021 Quarter 1
4475 Betsy Kerrison Drive Kiawah Island, SC 29455 • 843-768-9166 •
2020 Municipal Election and Swearing-In Ceremony Kiawah Island voters have elected the 17th municipal council of the Town of Kiawah Island (incorporated on September 13, 1988). Of the 2,065 registered voters, 1,091 voters turned out to cast their ballots. Voters elected former Council Member and Mayor Pro Tem John Labriola for mayor (four-year term). For Council, voters elected two incumbent candidates Maryanne Connelly, Daniel Prickett (two-year term), and two new Council members John Moffitt and Dr. Scott Parker (four-year term). The terms of this administration are staggered. The official voting results can be found on On Friday, December 4, the newly elected Town Council members were sworn into office by Municipal Judge John Strauch. Following the ceremony, Town Council held a special call meeting and passed amended Emergency Ordinance 2020-09.2, which extends existing requirements including face coverings and other emergency restrictions to address COVID-19 until February 3, 2021. Town Council is scheduled to hold their Strategic Planning Session at the Municipal Center on Wednesday, January 20, from 1:00 p.m. - 5 p.m. and Thursday, January 21, from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. Face coverings are required. The agenda will be posted ahead of the retreat at
Left to right: Dr. Scott Parker, Dan Prickett, Judge John Strauch, Mayor John Labriola, Maryanne Connelly, and John Moffitt