NZ Historical & Militaria

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SESSION FIVE NZ Historical & Artefacts Lot 825 - 946 3pm • Thursday 20 August 2015









New Zealand Historical 825

Colonial Native Timber Work Box simply inlaid with stringing and central star motif to lid (faults)



Colonial Kauri Work Box native timber inlaid stringing


Possible Colonial Native Timber Glove Box all parquetry inlaid



Colonial Kauri Miniature Chest four slightly graduating long drawers with mottled kauri facia, porcelain handles Est. $500 - 800 See Illustration



Colonial Kauri Miniature Chest two long drawers with two short drawers banded in mottled kauri, glass handles Est. $500 - 800 See Illustration



Colonial Native Timber Work Box in the style of Winks & Hall, Auckland the lid with radiating star burst c1890 Est. $400 - 600 See Illustration Colonial Native Timber Work Box by William Norrie the lid with his distinctive star burst c1880 Est. $500 - 800 See Illustration


Colonial Native Timber Work Box by William Norrie parquetry inlaid with star burst to lid, four section interior tray H. 22cm. W. 43.5cm. Dia. 22cm. Est. $3,000 - 3,500 See Illustration

REFERENCE William Cottrell, Furniture of the New Zealand Colonial Era (Auckland 2006) pl. 100, p. 315


833 A Very Rare & Historically Significant Carved Powder Horn The fine engraving to the horn reads: This is the horn of an Australian Ox. The first ever slaughtered on the islands of New Zealand. It was presented by the Revd. S. Marsden to Shongy and Rivers, two native chiefs on their return from England, who ordered it to be killed and given to their favourite companions/1820 Arouse jolly Bacchus the horn to embrace. Twill cheer up the spirits to follow the chase. It will brace up the nerve the game to pursue. And cause the bold huntsman to sound the halloo! L 53cm. Est. $25,000 - 35,000 See Illustration PROVENANCE

Purchased by a sailor in exchange for muskets. The sailor visited England where he rented rooms owned by the vendor’s great, great grandmother. He failed to pay for his lodgings but left a trunk behind with the powder horn inside it. The great, great grandmother went to the police who instructed her to wait for six weeks for the sailor to claim the belongings. She was told if he did not claim them she had legal title over the belongings as compensation. The horn has subsequently been handed down successive generations to the current English owner. Shongy refers to Chief Hongi Hika and Rivers refers to Chief Waikato. Cattle were introduced to New Zealand for New South Wales by Revered Marsden at the end of 1814 when he established the New Zealand Mission of Rangihoua in the Bay of Islands. Marsden continued to send cattle to NZ periodically in the hope of encouraging both the mission station and local Maori at Rangihoua to build-up a herd for milk and meat. The mission settlement at Rangihoua was not the only European settlement in the Bay of Islands at this time, a village of sorts had also established at Kororareka (now called Russell) but this was a much more informal trading post between Maori and visiting ships. In terms of the British administration, New Zealand (as was much of the Pacific), was

regarded as part of New South Wales, but there was no resident administration in New Zealand until 1833. Hongi Hika was an extremely important and powerful chief from the area of the Bay of Islands and was in frequent contact with Marsden. Without Hongi’s protection the missionary work could not have gone ahead and Hongi visited Marsden in Parramatta on several occasions, living with Marsden for much of 1814. Waikato was a young and well known chief from Rangihoua. In 1820 Hongi and Waikato visited England with the missionary, Thomas Kendall, and worked on the development of the first grammar of the Maori language at Cambridge with Professor Samuel Lee. During the visit to England, Hongi and Waikato visited King George and were given many gifts including a suit of armour. Hongi, although friends with Marsden, had no hesitation in trading muskets in order to expand and consolidate his power in New Zealand. He apparently traded almost all the gifts he had received from King George for a large number of muskets in Sydney in June/ July 1821 and this resulted in violent warfare in New Zealand in September 1821.



834 A very rare illuminated manuscript casket of inlaid NZ timbers by William Seuffert, bound in silver by A Kohn Ltd. H. 30cm. W. 57cm. Dia. 16cm. Est. $30,000 - 40,000 See Illustration The wood inlay is decorated with two large bands of Maori motifs incorporating tiki, spirals and manaia. Sitting on carved scroll form legs. Applied in silver is the Ranfurly coat of arms above an engraved silver latch decorated with fern motifs (evidence of a handle in between the latch and the coat of arms). The silver end bands are decorated with ferns. The interior is velvet-lined comprising of a wooden extendable hangar for the manuscript and a roller. The silver is marked ‘A Kohn/ Auckland/Sterling Silver’. The casket was presented to Lord Ranfurly by the Veterans Association on the 12th June 1900. A newspaper article of the time states ‘The committee representing the veterans of Her Majesty’s Imperial and colonial forces, now resident in Auckland, attended at Government House yesterday morning, and presented His Excellency the Governor with an illuminated address, enclosed in a handsome casket of New Zealand woods. Ever since Lord Ranfurly occupied the position of Her Majesty’s representative in the colony he has shown the deepest interest in the veterans individually and as a body, and during his residences at Government House, Auckland, he and Lady Ranfurly have in many ways shown their high appreciation of the past services of the veterans of Auckland, who have on many occasions been welcome and honoured guests at Government House. The idea of presenting an address from the veterans to Lord Ranfurly was mooted some time ago, with the result that the committee, who have had the matter in hand, took the opportunity of meeting His Excellency yesterday, prior to his departure for Wellington, which takes place tomorrow. The veterans were received by His Excellency and Lady Ranfurly. 84


The address itself was beautifully illuminated by a Mr W Gulliver ‘The border round the lettering is in the 16th Century style. Over the centre of that border is a group of flags, Imperial and colonial. The artistic border carries in the left-hand top corner the Royal Arms, and in the right-hand corner the arms of the Earl of Ranfurly. Native plants and shrubs, including clematis, pohutakawa, tea-tree, and yellow kowhai. The outer bordering is interspersed with maidenhair fern, forget-me-nots, cabbage trees, toi grass and nikau. At the base is sketched a view of the North Shore and harbour.’ The newspaper article then goes on to describe the casket, which differs slightly from this one but was presumably described from drawings. The whereabouts of the illuminated manuscript is currently unknown, but was likely removed when the Ranfurly contents in Ireland were put up for sale in the 1920s. The newspaper article quotes the entire wording on the article.












Colonial Native Timber Stationary Box finely inlaid slope opening to reveal fitted interior on single drawer base with silver presentation plaque ‘To Charles W Lewis From The People of Kaukapakapa, May 1897’ H. 30cm. W. 38cm D. 24.5cm Est. $1,500 - 1,800 See Illustration Colonial Native Timber Wine Table by Anton Seuffert finely inlaid table surface in a standard parquetry design on tripod pedestal base H. 75cm. Dia. 61.5cm. Est. $20,000 - 30,000 See Illustrations




Colonial Mottled Kauri Work Table serpentine shaped table surface lifting to reveal fitted interior on single long drawer base on twin turned column supports with stretcher H. 76cm. W. 77cm D. 58cm Est. $2,000 - $3,000 See Illustration Colonial Native Timber Octagonal Wine Table possibly by James Adair of Wellington, bold parquetry inlaid on turned column support, tripod base H. 75cm. Dia. 65cm Est. $1,000 - 1,500 See Illustrations




Colonial Native Timber Circular Wine Table surface inlaid with star burst design on barley twist column support, tripod base H. 71cm. Dia. 50.5cm Est. $800 - 1,500 See Illustrations Colonial Native Timber Wine Table rectangular surface with star burst inlaid design on turned column support, three scroll feet H. 74cm. W. 50.5cm D. 39cm Est. $500 - 1,000 Late C19th Kauri and Rewarewa Smokers Bow traditional form with turned baluster spindles, turned legs and stretchers Est. $200 - 300


848 847



843 844 845

853 851 852

Anton TeutenberG Estate The following eight lots are from the Anton Teutenberg estate and family home 842


Very Rare Bronze Plaque By Anton Teutenberg depicting Pallas Athena 10 x 12.5cm height Est. $6,000 - 8,000 See Illustration REFERENCE Duncan & Cresswell of the Numismatic Society of Auckland Inc., Teutenberg/ A Master Engraver & His Work pl. LII

Mahogany Brass Bound Writing Slope fitted interior See Illustration


Two Jewellers Hammers See Illustration


Set of Pocket Balance Weighing Scales with weights together with mortar & pestle and table burner See Illustration


Pair Late C19th Whiteware Basket Weave Dishes and cabinet coffee cup


Victorian Table Photo Stand containing photos of the Teutenberg family including Anton Teutenberg See Illustration

848 849

Ornate Bronzed Metal Photo Frame with family photo See Illustration Mantel Standing Cuckoo Clock

Captain Thomas Capel Tilly ESTATE The following five lots come by direct descent from Captain Tilly’s Estate to the NZ vendor on whose behalf we are offering these artefacts. Captain Tilly, a Royal Naval Officer, came to the Pacific and New Zealand on the H.M.S. Cordelia as a Sub-Lieutenant.. While in the Solomon Islands he met Bishop Patteson, head of the Melanesian Mission. Bishop Patteson offered him the job of Commander of the

Melanesian Mission future ship, The Southern Cross. Tilly returned to England on the H.M.S Cordelia and took charge of the construction of the new “Southern Cross” and then brought her to New Zealand. The Mission headquarters in those days was Kohimarama/ Mission Bay which later moved to Norfolk Island. Captain Tilly sailed with Bishop Patteson to his minor mission outposts to convert Islanders to Christianity (1860 - 1890 period). 850 851

852 853

Large Whale Tooth together with nautilus shell and tortoiseshell letter opener See Illustration S/S Fob Chain with attached Auckland Exhibition 1889 medallion Victoria medallion, two coins and charm See Illustration Two Silver Regatta Medallions awarded to J E Tilly, 1899 and 1885 See Illustration Gold Medallion Brooch Hobsons Bay Regatta awarded to J E Tilly 1885 See Illustration ANTIQUE & DECORATIVE ARTS


881 876 874


866 - 871

855 858 859 860 863 864



Two Victorian 9ct Pin Brooches


Similar Lot as Above




9ct Shield Medallion awarded to James Bull for Champion Brood Mare Te Hau, maker N & Son Est. $100 - 300 See Illustration

Similar Lot as Above Marton Show 1922 Est. $100 - 300 See Illustration


Another Similar As Above


Similar Lot As Above maker Drew, Wanganui Est. $100 - 300

Similar Lot as Above Marton Show 1919 Est. $100 - 300 See Illustration


9ct Medallion Marton Show 1919 Est. $100 - 300 See Illustration


9ct Medallion Paddy, Egmont 1906 Est. $100 - 300



15ct Medallion AMPA Solway 1919 Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration

9ct Topped Riding Crop presentation inscription, maker Walsh Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration


Similar Lot as Above dated 1918 Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration


9ct Shield Medallion awarded to J Bulls Brood Mare by Frisco Est. $100 - 300





867 868

9ct Gold Mounted Riding Crop presentation inscription Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration Gold Mounted Riding Crop presentation inscription dated Wanganui 1895 Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration



9ct Gold Mounted Riding Crop presentation inscription dated 1926, crop maker Zair, of whale bone Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration S/S Mounted Riding Crop with antler handle Est. $100 - 300 See Illustration

Bamboo & Antler Handled Riding Crop silver plate collar with presentation dated 1946 together with miniature saddle arm rest ashtray Est. $200 - 300 See Illustration


Two Riding Crops


Two Riding Crops


9ct Gold Trophy Cup Waikato Hunting Inc 69th Annual Meeting 1954, 12cm height Est. $800 - 1,500 See Illustration


897 - 899


876 877 878 879 880




Walker & Hall Silver Trophy Cup with cover, Marton Jockey Club, Marton Cup 1924, won by Ngata, 32cm height Est. $600 - 800 See Illustration S/S Trophy Cup Manawatu Hunt, won by Omahu 1928, 27.5cm height Est. $300 - 400 See Illustration S/S Trophy Cup Putorino Settlement Sports Leaping Competition, won by Omahu, 21.5cm Est. $200 - 300 S/S Trophy Cup Putorino Settlement Sports Maiden Hunters, won by Omahu, 17.5cm height Est. $100 - 200 S/S Trophy Cup Rangitikei Hunt Club Steeplechase dated 1883, 17cm height Est. $100 - 200 S/S Trophy Cup Putorino Sports 1929 Est. $100 - 200


882 883 884


906 905

Victorian S/S Trophy Cup Annual Regatta to celebrate the colony of NSW held in Sydney Fourth Race for all amateurs in wager skiffs with a pair of sculls won by William Dind, 18.5cm height Est. $300 - 500 See Illustration


Pair Antique Scrimshaw Horns the scrimshaw of Pacific native man & woman Est. $1,500 - 2,000 See Illustration


Mounted White Kiwi in Display Box Est. $1,500 - 2,000 See Illustration

S/S Trophy Cup engraved with thistles no presentation, 19.5cm height 888 Est. $300 - 400 889 Large S/S Trophy Cup & Cover the finial as rugby player, not engraved, 890 Sheffield 1927, 41cm height Est. $1,200 - 1,500 See Illustration 891 Two Horses Hooves with silver 891a plaques, Equitas died 18.9.31, one of NZ Best Mares, owned by S G Gibbons Ram’s Horn Mull with silver mount and hinged lid by Kohn, Wellington (missing hinge pin) Est. $800 - 1,200 See Illustration

Mounted Pukeko Small Kauri Gum Bust of Maori Warrior Colonial Native Timber Spectacle Case Five Bore Tusk & Jaw Diary of William Rout JP of Stoke Nelson 1890 includes references to the Waikato Mounted Rifles

891b Hillary-Everest 3-drawer Telescopic English made with leather outer casing Est $200 - 300 892

Photograph Homestead Featherston





894 895 896


Brass & Lead Light Saloon Wall Light from S S Wairarapa, a NZ ship of late C19th plying the route between Auckland, NZ & Australia Est. $300 - 500 See Illustration Brass ‘No Smoking Allowed on this Deck’ Plaque from S S Wairarapa Est. $200 - 400 See Illustration Colonial Wooden Butter Mould with NZ on fern leaf Westland NZ Car Badge & AA Car Badge No. 56397

906 907


909 910


Greenstone Boulder approx. 11.5kg Est. $500 - 800 See Illustration


Greenstone Piece approx. 6kg Est. $200 - 300 See Illustration


Greenstone Piece approx. 3.8kg Est. $150 - 300 See Illustration


Collection Greenstone Pieces (8)


Collection Greenstone Pieces (18) in Victorian walnut inlaid workbox



Lodge Medals and Ribbons of gilt metal medals Mataura Valley, Mt Egmont Lodge, R.A.M. Lodge, and elaborate sash


Similar Lot as Above with variations


Similar Lot as Above with variations



Similar Lot as Above with variations See Illustration


911 912


Similar Lot as Above with variations See Illustration Two Lodge Aprons in case with collection of stickpins and mounted horns 14ct Single Diamond American Masonic Lodge Brooch applied eastern star to centre, engraved to Robert Turner Dec 15th 1924 Est. $350 - 500 Pair 9ct and Greenstone Cufflinks with applied lodge motif Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to transport c1962 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Labour Party and other c1962 Est. $200 - 400 See Illustrations

916 917 918 919 920 921

Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Elections c1960 Est. $200 - 400

Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Traffic c1960/62 Est. $200 - 400

Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to School Milk Scheme and other c1960 Est. $200 - 400

Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Auckland Council and others c1965 Est. $200 - 400




Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Transport and other c1960 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Liquor Laws and other c1964 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Elections c1960/62 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Meter Maids and Traffic c1963 Est. $200 - 400 Six Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Traffic c1960/64 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Traffic c1960’s Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Inland Revenue and other c1964 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Traffic c1964 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons various assortment c1964 Est. $200 - 400



936 935

Artefacts 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932

Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to councils and other c1964 Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Electricity and other c1958-60’s Est. $200 - 400



Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons pertaining to Public Transport c1960 Est. $200 - 400

Six Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons various topics c1960s Est. $200 - 400

Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons various topics c1960s Est. $200 - 400 Six Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons various topics c1960s Est. $200 - 400 Five Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons various topics c1960s Est. $200 - 400 Six Original Nevile Lodge Political Cartoons various topics c1960s Est. $200 - 400




Two African Steel Spears the wooden shafts, all bound with steel wire 79.5cm


African Carved Hard Wood Bowl the bowl supported by male and female seated figures and other carved figure 32cm length, 33cm height


African Drum 67cm height

North American Club stone head on shaft, leather covered with bead decoration 56cm length Est. $300 - 500 See Illustration


Hard Wood Bust Carving with ebony paper knife & Maori carved club


Fijian Native Timber War Club ‘Gata’ with bindings 91cm length Est. $500 - 800 See Illustration

Possible Pitcairn Island Bowl carved as a sea bird 40.5cm See Illustration

Mid C20th Whalebone Wahaika (short Club) traditional form with carved full figure to the blade curve 29.5cm Est. $300 - 500 See Illustration Mid C20th Native Timber Maori Carved Paddle carve tiki head finial 191cm Est. $300 - 500


PNG Trobriand Club finial and band of carving together with two bowls 104cm, 25cm, 49cm


Samoan Native Timber Club of traditional form 78cm


Samoan Paddle plain form 98cm (faults)


Two Pacific Island Clubs 78cm, 73cm


Two Pacific Island Clubs 76cm, 53.5cm
















961 92


SESSION SIX Militaria Lot 947 - 1141 5pm • Thursday 20 August 2015

Lot 1044




Collection of Approx 318 Military Buttons mainly British


Collection of Approx. 19 Hat Badges mainly Scottish regiments


Collection of 4 Hat Badges The Queens 16th Lancers and 9th


Collection of Approx 214 Military Buttons mainly British



Two Cloth Badges crowned laurel leaf and crossed batons


Collection of Approx 132 Military Buttons mainly New Zealand with Police and other

Collection of Approx. 28 Cap and Collar Badges English regiments including Lancers, Dragoon Guards



Collection of Approx. 17 Cap Badges English

Collection Approx. 48 Shoulder, Collar, Hat Badges Various including NZ


Collection of Approx. 19 Cap Badges Welsh regiments, Cornwall and other



Collection of Approx. 20 Cap Badges Fusiliers regiments

Collection of Approx. 52 Cap Badges and some collar badges, NZ, Armoured Corp, various NZ regiments and other


Collection of Approx. 13 Hat Badges Cameron Highlanders and other Scottish regiments

Collection of Approx. 60 Cap Badges and collar badges, NZ including five Mother brooches


Collection of Approx. 12 Hat Badges Scottish regiments and kilt brooch

Collection of Approx. 54 Cap Badges English regiments and other


Collection of Approx. 11 Cap Badges Royal Army Medical Corp, Hussars and other

Collection of Approx. 62 Cap Badges and some collar, NZ Medical, Dental, Armoured Corp and other


Collection of 16 NZ National Reserve Enamel Brooches


British Silvered Metal Cap Badge Royal Crest with Lion and Unicorn


Four NZ Cloth Badges Traffic and Aviation Security


Collection of 9 NZ Fire Service Badges


Collection of 8 Cap Badges NZ Railways


Collection of Approx 76 Military Buttons mainly New Zealand


Collection of Approx 17 Buttons mainly New Zealand Colonial Military, General Assembly and other


953 954

955 956


Collection of Approx. 70 Shoulder Titles mainly English regions


Collection of Approx. 62 Shoulder Titles English, some Canada, Australia and other


Collection of Approx. 29 Shoulder Titles all English regions


Collection of Approx. 50 Cap Badges Canada, Africa, some Police and other

Collection of Approx. 28 Hat Badges English regiments, Kings & Queens Own, Artists, Rifles and other


Collection of Approx. 33 Cap Badges English regiments including WWI and II


Collection of Approx. 37 Cap Badges Canada and other


Collection of Approx. 34 Cap Badges Canada, Africa and other


Collection of Approx. 30 Cap Badges Canadian and Australia


Collection of Approx. 27 Badges Signals, Rifles and other


Collection of 8 Cap Badges NZ Traffic and other


Collection of Approx. 26 Cap Badges Canada and Australia



Collection of 11 US Traffic Officer Badges and other


Collection of Approx. 21 Cap Badges Australia and other

Collection of Approx. 7 Cap Badges including the WWI Tank and cloth of Fernleaf and Rifle

Collection of Approx. 18 Cap Badges various English regiments

Collection of 4 Hat Badges early C19th English



Collection of 11 NZ Authority Badges Airport, Traffic, Safety Patrol and other


Collection of Approx. 19 Cap Badges English regiments

Collection of Approx. 11 Hat Badges Army Ordinance, all English

1000 Collection of 11 Cap Badges NZ Air Corp and other


Hat Badge 13th Dragoons


Hat Badge Scroll initials for George IV WWI

1001 Collection of Approx. 159 Buttons including American, South African and other


Collection of 6 Hat Badges British various County Police


3 Shoulder Badges WWI Armoured Vehicles

962 963 964



Collection of Approx 10 Buttons Early C19th Regiments, NZ Armed Constabulary and other

Collection of Approx. 18 Cap and Collar Badges English regiments, Cheshire, East Lancashire, etc Collection of Approx. 20 Cap Badges English regiments and other



Collection of Approx. 36 Cap and Hat Badges English regiments, Commando, Nursing and other

1002 Collection of 19 Cap Badges NZ and other Air Corp, Parachute and other














970 971


982 973




985 986






1001 96





998 993





1007 1003








1023 1003 Collection of 22 Cap and Collar Badges NZ Authority, Police, Maori Warden and other 1004 Collection of Approx. 24 Badges Salvation Army, Blood & Fire and other 1005 Collection of Approx. 45 Cap Badges St John, Post Office and other 1006 Collection of Approx. 45 Cap Badges Boys Brigade, National Service, Fire, Taxis and other 1007 Collection of Approx. 58 Cloth Badges mainly NZ Military, some Authorities and other 1008 Large Qty Cloth Bagdes military, sporting and other 1009 Large Qty Cloth Bagdes military, sporting and other 1010 Large Qty Cloth Bagdes military, sporting and other 98


1011 Qty Naval Cloth Badges hat ribbons and other 1012 Qty WWI and WWII Cloth Insigina Badges

1018 NZ Royal Visit Medals with miniature St John Service medal, Victoria type, French Railway service medal and others

1013 Qty Various Military Arm Bands rank stripes and assorted

1019 Qty Assortment World Services and Sporting Medals commemorative medallions and other

1014 Three WWII German Cloth Bagdes with aluminium ring, and five various British badges

1020 Qty Military Buttons and Hat Badges mainly New Zealand with ‘dog-tags’ and other

1015 Qty Assorted Military Hat Badges mainly New Zealand

1021 British Military Hat Badge of royal crest with lion and unicorn and artillery hat badge with horse hair plume

1016 Qty Assorted Military Hat Badges mainly New Zealand with buttons, arm band and other 1017 Qty Military Cap Badges and Brooches mainly New Zealand Womans Services

1022 Two Album Displays NZ Military Cloth Badges Boer War to modern (6pages) second album of Air Force Badges including those worn by Flt. Lt. Keith Allington D.F.C. who flew spitfires in North Africa and Burma Est. $1,000 - 1,500 See Illustration

1035 1023 Two Album Displays of NZ Cloth Badges WWI to Vietnam with some Australia, second album of Naval Est. $1,000 - 1,500 See Illustration 1024 Eight WWI Re-Print Photographs Battle Front, France images, second album of military research 1025 Reference New Zealand Army Distingusihing Patches 1911-1991 Part One and Part Two by Malcolm Thomas and Cliff Lord 1026 Framed Display World and NZ Military Badges buttons, shoulder insigina and other 1027 WWI Bronze Death Plaque to the family of James Burnett together with framed consolation note from Buckingham Palace 1028 WWI Bronze Death Plaque to the family of Richard George Hogben 1029 WWI Bronze Death Plaque to the family of Patrick Kenny

1030 WWII Medals to 643212 F/Sgt. Beattie.H.F. 1939/45 Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal and War Medal 1939/45 with ribbons (un-named) 1031 WWII Medals to NX111257 O.FITZGERALD Pacific Star, War Medal, Australian Service Medal 1939-1945 1032 WWI Medals to 23/1903 CAPT.W.A.G. PENLINGTON. N.Z.E.F. NZ Territorial Service Medal, Victory Medal and British War Medal 1914-1918 on ribbons with the set of three miniatures together with small qty of badges and buttons, RSA brooch and other Est. $300 - 500 See Illustration 1033 Captain Penlington note book pages of watercolours scenes from France dated 1916-17, Note “Everything ready I have plenty of ammunition and bombs.’ Also various sketches and watercolours dated 1958-75 and copy of Historic Trentham Penlington was Headmaster of Hastings Boys High School Est. $400 - 600 See Illustration

1034 S/S Member of the British Empire (MBE) Medal on purple ribbon with original Garrard box and miniature Est. $600 - 800 See Illustration 1035 WWII Medals to Ft. Lt. Lawrence Alan Lawton Cased Silver Air Force Cross dated 1945, 1939-1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Pacific Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, NZ Service Medal all on ribbons (un-named) with cased Commemorative Bomber Command Medal and commemorative medal of Richard W. Pearse . Together with Westclox Scotty chrome plated pocket watch in travel box and gold pin Est. $5,000 - 6,000 See Illustration








1036 100







Sir Keith Park Collection 1036 Rare Geo VI 39-45 Star With Original Battle of Britain Clasp framed together with ribbon, rosette and WWII pilots wings. Est. $1000 - 1500 See Illustration 1037 Frank Wootton (after) Spitfire Mk V limited edition print No 339/850, signed by the artist and Group Captain Sir Douglas Bader. Est. $1000 - 1500 See Illustration 1038 J. A. Chrisp Mosquito No 488 (NZ) Squadron flown by Flight-Lieutenant G. E. “Jamie” Jameson, watercolour, signed by Jameson and with 2 medals. The painting depicts the pilot shooting down 4 enemy aircraft in 20 minutes. Est. $1000 - 2000 See Illustration

1041 Keith Brookfield (after) The Dambusters, print of a Lancaster, surrounded by the signatures of the air crew including New Zealander Les Munro. Est. $1000 - 1500 See Illustration 1042 Keith Brookfield (after) Battle of Britain Anniversary Print Print of a Spitfire, surrounded with original signatures of Battle of Britain pilots. Rare. Est. $1000 - 1500 See Illustration 1043 Keith Brookfield (after) Battle of Britain Anniversary Print Of a Hurricane, surrounded by original signatures of Battle of Britain pilots. Rare. Est. $1000 - 1500 See Illustration

1039 Michael P Roffe Junkers Ju 88A-1 Original acrylic illustration for pp582 of Battle Over Britain by Francis K Mason, together with the book. Very rare. Est. $2000 - 3000 See Illustration

1044 Sir Keith Park Signed iconic portrait photo with Sir Keith wearing his favourite white flying cap during his time as A.O.C., Malta. This was Sir Keiths personal copy which hung in his home in Remuera. Rare. Est. $1000 - 1500

1040 J. A. Chrisp Combat over St Pol, France, watercolour, signed and dated 93, signed by Wing Commander Johnny Checketts, D.S.O., D.F.C. Est. $750 - 1000 See Illustration

1045 J. A. Chrisp ME 109, watercolour of the German fighter shot down by Squadron Leader “Spud” Spurdle, D.F.C., signed by him and with a fragment piece of the ME109 engine block taken from the crash site. Rare. Est. $1000 - 1500 See Illustration

1046 Don Wasley About To Even Up, Sopwith Camel v Fokker Triplane (The Red Baron) oil on panel, signed lower right. Est. $150 - 300 1047 Unknown Artist Sir Keith Park Fkying His Hurricane During The Battle of Britain Oil on board, signed with initials. This artwork hung in Sir Keiths study. Rare. Est. $1500 - 2000 1048 J. H. Chrisp Preparing For Take Off From (B57) Normandy July 1944 watercolour, signed and dated 03, also signed by Group Captain Des Scott, D.S.O., D.F.C. Est $100 - 200 1049 Michael Roffe (after) The Last Of The Few 50th Anniversary of Battle of Britain Veterans, 1990, signed by surviving pilots, also, His Finest Hour, a print showing Sir Keith Park with his Hurricane OK-1. Est $150 - 250 1050 J. H. Chrisp No 489 (N.Z.) Squadron Beaufighter X, watercolour, signed and dated, 99. Est $150 - 250 1051 J. H. Chrisp Squadron Leader L. H. Trent, V.C., D.F.C. No 487 (N.Z.) Squadron 3rd May, 1943, watercolour, signed and dated, 99. This is the Ventura Bomber in which New Zealander Trent won the Victorian Cross. Est $150 - 300 ANTIQUE & DECORATIVE ARTS


1052 Framed WWII Hawker Hurricane Retractable Foot Stirrup Pump Excavated from a Battle of Britain crash site in 1979. Est $100 - 150 1053 Presentation Mast & Engine Cowling Presented to Sir Keith during his time in Argentina as R.A.F. Air Attache 1934 Est $100 - 200 1054 R.A.F. Rolls Royce Merlin Ashtray made from a piston as used in the Battle of Britain, together with a pilots operational notes book for Merlin engines. Est $40 - 80 1055 Four R.A.F. Squadron Crests all mounted on wooden shields. Est $30 - 60 1056 Miniature Scale Lead Model Of Goring’s Private Launch “Carin II” Together with a book showing an image of the actual yacht. Est $300 - 400 See Illustration 1057 WWII Flight-Lieutenant’s “Best Blue”Tunic 1058 WWII Flight Lieutenants Winter Mess Evening Dress including waistcoat. Est $100 - 150 1059 Battle Dress Jacket of Wing Commander George Bates, O.B.E., D.F.C., A.F.C. WWII Pathfinder pilot, later Chief Flying Instructor of Auckland Aero Club. Est $100 - 200 1060 Churchill, Hon. Sir Winston Into Battle First edition, inscribed on the FEP from his wife, Keith My loving wishes Dol In memory of The Battle Britain. Also, Fighter Command, inscribed, Keith For our summer leave all 4 together at the cottage August 16 August 23rd 1941. Est $100 - 200


1061 Gerbault, Alain In Quest Of The Sun With a moving and poignant inscription from his wife, Keith Hoping this will bring you a few hours respite Oct 21st 1940. Rare. Est $500 - 750 DUNBAR SLOANE WELLINGTON

1062 Hunt, Flight-Lieutenant Leslie Defence Until Dawn The Story of 488 N.Z.Squadron,Sir Keiths personal copy inscribed by the author on the front pastedown, To my former A.O.C. Air Chief Marshal Sir K Park with all my good wishes from Leslie Hunt 4/5/49. Rare. Est $100 - 200 1063 Vice Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma Report of the Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia 1943-1945 Specially bound copy personally given by Mountbatten to Sir Keith Park, containing 2 letters at the front both signed Dickie. Exceptionally rare. Est $1500 -2000 1064 (-) Flight and The Aircraft Engineer First Aeronautical Weekly in the World. Vol XXXVIII, July To December, 1940, Sir Keiths personal copy. Rare. Est $500 - 600 1065 6 R.A.F/ WWII Related Volumes (most inscribed) Comprising, A Clasp For The Few New Zealanders With The Battle Of Britain Clasp by Kenneth G Wynn, , insc to FEP. The Narrow Margin, The Battle of Britain and the Rise of Air Power 1930-1940, proof copy given to Sir Keith with publishers letter. Fighter Command by Peter Wykeham, inscribed to Sir Keith from the author. The Battle of Britain by Basil Collier, publishers copy to Sir Keith with accompanying letter. The First and The Last by Adolf Galland, Sir Keiths personal copy. Many Mansions by Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Sir Keiths personal copy. A very rare group of volumes. Est $200 - 400 1066 Lady Park Personal Scrap Book Comprised of newspaper cuttings relating to Sir Keiths exploits of the day in Malta, black and white photographs etc. Very rare. Est $300 - 500 1067 Album Of 28 Battle of Britain First Day Covers including 26 signed. Est. $100 - 200

1068 Der Adler German Luftwaffe magazine for 1940, with all issues finely rebound in buckram. Inscribed on title page, Capt P. Woolley 3640 BK. 1, R28, and with binders letter relating to work carried out. Rare. Est $500 - 700 1069 Two Rare Naval Diaries of Surgeon Commander William Rhodes Harrison, R. N. British Naval Diplomat 1876-1951, based in Constantinople, Turkey, Rhodes, Greece, Battle of Heligoland Bight, Southeastern North Sea, serving aboard H.M.S. Imogen & H.M.S. Amethyst, First Fleet - British Navy. The first diary (1908-09) includes rare detail relating to the Young Turk Revolution and the Albanian, Macedonian fight in Turkey. Military details include events affecting the Sultan of Turkey, descriptions of life in Constantinople and daily details of life whilst stationed in Turkey, H.M.S.Imogen 1908-10. Pre 1900 he was stationed in Shanghai, China and had an involvement in the Hong Kong 99 year lease entered into with China by the British Government. Later he was involved in WWI as a Surgeon Commander on H.M.S. Amethyst. The second diary (1910-14) includes notes from WWI pertaining to the battle of Heligoland Bight in the Southeastern North Sea between the British and German navy. Some excerpts from both diaries are available. Est $2,000 - 3,000 See Illustration

1070 4 WWI Diaries of Ernest Arthur Bucknall, (Auckland Mounted Rifles) The writers first diary starts at a camp at Mudros West at Lemnos, after the evacuation of Gallipoli. Diary 2 and 3 seem to cover being discharged from hospital and returning to Egypt. Then returning to duties and accepted to the Imperial Camel Corp, 19/7/1916, fighting Turks in the Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, Gaza etc. Details of the diaries as follow; Diary no 1, starts Jan 4th 1916 and finishes Jan 12th, these details are transferred to a new diary no 2 starting Jan 1916. Written in the rear of Diary no 1 (dates altered) to start Saturday Nov 12th 1915 his diary writings go until wed 4th Jan 1916 and now back to diary no 2 starting Jan 1916 and finishes Aug 1st 1916. Diary no 3 starts Jan 1st 1917 and goes to Dec 31st 1917. Diary no 4 starts Jan 1918 finishes Dec 1918. The writer left New Zealand 27/8/1914, seems to have served in Gallipoli 1915, Egypt 1915/16/17 & 1918. Est $1,000 - 1,500 See Illustration 1071 Two Photo Albums Belonging To A NZ Soldier From The Auckland Mounted Rifles Serving in Gallipoli The first album dated 1916-17 shows 133 photos after Gallipoli back in Egypt in the Auckland Mounted Rifles and Camel Corps. The second album dated 1918-18 has 83 photos chiefly from Bucknall’s time as a cadet at the Royal Flying Corp and Training School in Heliopolis, Egypt, all the photographs have written descriptions next to them detailing who, what or where they were and related to. Est $500 - 800 See Illustration










1072 Albert Speer Die Neue Reichskanzlei 1st Edition WWII Est. $200 - 300

1079 Framed Sepia Photo of 3rd Battery N.Z.F.A See Illustration

1087 Selection Leather Flying Helmet military photograph, badges and other

1073 R Caton Woodville engraving of a Boer War Soldier, signed in pencil Est. $200 - 300

1080 Five E Battery NZ Field Artillery Certicates of Qualification 1908 to 1910

1088 Selection of Ephemera ammo tin, WWI water bottle, regimental crests and other

1074 Photo WWI Nurse in convex oval frame

1081 Small Group of Various relating to RNZAF including offical programmes, invite cards and other

1089 WWI Turkish Leather Belt and Buckle pair field glasses and pocket knife

1082 Collection WWI & WWII Ephemera including pay book, photographes, German tin with iron cross ring and other

1090 Commodo Knife in hard plastic sheath and pair motorcycle goggles

1083 Various Ephemera including small diary, bullet ligher and other

1092 Brass Cased Prismatic Compass with original leather case

1084 Selection Mixed Badges including Russian enamelled and German

1092a Pair French WWI Military Issue Field Glasses by Huet & Cie in original leather case the grips applied with metal range finders Est. $200 - 300

1075 Framed NZ WWI Battalion Photo and photo of 22 Battalion Monument, Palmerston North and other 1076 Great War N.Z.E.F. Certicate of Service to Private Arthur Alfred Webb and other Naval 1077 Oak Framed Ist Canterbury Embroidered Crest embroidered by Sapper Reginald Arthur William Calbert 1917 See Illustration 1078 Framed WWI Sepia Photo Colonial Artillery Gunners See Illustration




1085 C19th Embossed Metal Despatch Pouch and large starbursh hat badge 1086 Early C19th Copper Shot Flask

1091 WWII Primsmatic Compass

1093 Pair WWI Slender Field Glasses in original leather case


1079 1094 Pair WWII Naval Binoculars 1095 WWII Military Issue Two-Drawer Telescopic model FAIV by Ross of London on metal tripod Est. $400 - 800 1096 WWII Mortar 1097 Four Various Brass Shell Cases of sizes

1107 Two Small African Daggers with leather sheaths, Ex Anton Teutenberg Estate 1108 GeoV Officers Dress Sword named four Lt. & QM A Barker 12th Hants Regiment, complete with leather scabbard and red braid sash together his silver mounted swagger stick Est. $500 - 800 1109

1098 Pair Cast Iron Model Canons 1099 Pair Cast Iron Model Canons 1100 ‘Sawyers’ Ship to Ship Viewer for training the US Navy during WWII complete with slides in original box Est. $300 - 400 1101 Two Bakelite BBC & GEC Head Sets telephone hand set, morse signaller and other 1102 1965 Ammunition Box 81mm mortar box 1103 WWII NZ Felt Army Hat and WWII Australian WWII slouch hat

1110 1111 1112 1113

1104 WWII US Combat Dagger 17.5cm blade, 28cm overall Est. $300 - 400


1105 Two Small Mounted Kukhuri Knives on shield with four metal Gurkha crests

1106 Two Small Kukhuri both with miniatures in leather sheaths

1116 Japanese Naval Sword tsuba with sunburst design, floral gilt metal fittings with shagreen bounded handle, lacquered scabbard with original braid toggle 67cm blade, 92cm overall Est. $1,500 - 2,000

1117 Japanese Naval Sword tsuba with sunburst design, bound shagreen handle with fittings, the damaged scabbard with officers name tag GeoV 1897 Pattern British attached Infantry Officers Sword by Fenton 67cm blade, 92.5 overall Bros of Sheffield with leather scabbard Est. $1,000 - 1,500 and leather toggle Est. $300 - 500 1118 Antique Japanese Sword with plain steel tsuba and fittings, bound Dress Sword guard decorated with shagreen handle, black lacquered dragon in steel scabbard scabbard 53.5cm blade, 77cm overall 1895 Troopers Pattern Cavalry Est. $800 - 1,200 Sword top edge stamped Mole with steel scabbard 1119 Fine C19th Japanese Tanto fine Est. $200 - 400 fittings and accessory knife in silver and gold with original black and gold C19th Indian Tulwar traditional design in canvas covered scabbard lacquered sheaf 26cm blade, 38cm overall Est. $150 - 250 Est. $3000 - 5000 Chinese Bone Handled Sword See back page Illustration blade etched with symbols and 1120 C19th Japanese Ken all with fine dragons together with fencing foil fittings and original accessories in East African Tuareg Sword with silver and gold, dragonfly decorated steel pommel, plain leather croos black and gold sheaf 26.5cm blade, 38cm overall guard with tooled leather scabbard Est. $1,500 - 3,000 Ex Anton Teutenbrg Estate Est. $200 - 400 See back page Illustration

1115 Sudanese Board Sword with leather pommel and grip, cruciform crossguard and tooled leather scabbard Ex Anton Teutenberg Estate Est. $200 - 400 ANTIQUE & DECORATIVE ARTS


1109 1108 1115 1107 1092a

1111 1114



1118 106



1121 1121 Indian Mughal Dagger the onyx horse head handle inset with ruby eyes, fine wootz damascus gold decorated curved blade with floral silk jacquared sheaf 35.5cm blade, 49.5cm overall Est. $2,500 - 3,500 See Illustration 1122 Reference The Arts of the Japanese Sword by B W Robinson 1st edition 1961 1123 Target Riflescope Lyman All American 20x Perma Centre with range adjustment and target dials, complete with mounts 1124 Weaver Micro Trac KT6 6-10x Rifle Scope with adjustable range drum and target dials complete with mounts 1125 Bushnell Banner 4-12 x by 40 Riflescope 1126 German Telescoic Sight probably for light anti-aircraft gun complete with mounts for a rifle 1127 Sporting Accessories EGL 4x15 Riflescope, rifle collimator, Hogden Powder shotshell data manual 1996, 500x410 bore Winchester AA plastic shotgun wads, cartridge belt and Lee Reloading Kit 1127a Assortment of Ammunition 12guage Clay Super Target, 303 centrefire rifle cartridges, Eley Smokeless 12g and other 1128 Black Steel Four Section Rifle Rack with lock

1129 Austrian Steyr Mannlicher Holland 1136 Beligum .22cal Rim Fire Revolver & Holland .375 Rifle Model S, single 18.5cm overall PERMIT REQUIRED trigger on walnut textured panel Est. $100 - 200 stock, two rotary magazines, reserve magazine in the buttstock 1137 .22cal Single Shot Gallery Pistol 117cm overall with chequered walnut grip 29.5cm Est. $2,000 - 2,500 overall Est. $100 - 200 1130 Cogswell and Harrison Ltd Double Barrel Shotgun engraved 1138 Anitque Belgium 10shot Double steel work on walnut stock with Action Revolver .455cal seven original fitted leather case, 120cm facetted barrel all finely engraved overall with MOP grips 27cm overall length Est. $600 - 1,000 named J Rufino Barrios: Justo Rufino Barrios (President of Guatemale 1131 Snider Carbine Rifle two banded, 1873-85) lock plate engraved L A Co, the PERMIT REQUIRED walnut butt stamped W N Hazard Est. $8,000 - $15,000 Gunmaker Auckland together with A Treatise on the Snider Reference 1139 Early C19th Tower Percussion 102.5cm overall Pistol the lock plate stamped with Est. $500 - 1,000 makers name and crown, brass fittings including ramrod 38cm overall 1132 No3 Mark II Bolt Action Rifle Est. $500 - 1,000 stamped ERA 170799, 117cm overall Est. $150 - 300 1140 Early C19th French Flintlock Pistol the lock plated stamped NN, 1133 Wright & Oakley Double Barrel brass inlays, the butt with lion mask Shotgun percussion action with 40cm overall walnut stock (faults) 117cm overall Est. $1,000 - 2,000 1134 Bohmische Waffenfabrik AG SemiAutomatic Pistol WWII German marked CZ27 kal7.65 in original pigskin holster 11.5cm overall PERMIT REQUIRED Est. $500 - 700 1135 Spanish 7.65mm Astra SemiAutomatic Pistol with magazine 16cm overall PERMIT REQUIRED Est. $100 - 200

1141 Early C19th Pepperbox Pistol engraved decoration with signs of original gilding, walnut grip in original fitted mahogany case with accessories including bullet mould, flask and other 21cm overall Est. $1,000 - 2,000



1139 1140


1137 1136 1135




1129 108



LOTS 1119 & 1120



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