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Punctuation and Capitalization


Punctuation – Identify the functions of each mark and create one (1) example sentence of the usage for each mark.


1. . It ends a sentence Ex) Searching for someone to blame is just a pain. 2. , used to switch words around in a list. Ex) But no matter how many allies you have around you, when you die, you’ll be

alone. 3. – Eb dash, show range of dates or paces Ex) There is a section about Japanese animation and it’s history on pages 22-32. 4. - Hyphen, join two or more words together Ex) We have to sign into the daily check-in for attendance. 5. : Introduce a list, or emphasize something Ex) Apple sells many products: phones, computers, and more. 6. ; Used to connect independent clauses Ex) I don’t like going to the mall; I like going to the movies. 7. ? To indicate a direct question when placed at the end of a sentence Ex) Do you like the color blue? 8. ! Used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis Ex) What are you doing! 9. ‘ Used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word Ex) I like Emilia's dog. 10.“ ” Mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to another and repeated word for word and also used to indicate meanings and to indicate the unusual or dubious status of a word Ex) Megumi Fushigoro one said, “It’s not about whether I can, I have to do it. 11.… Indicate an omission Ex) I think I will go to the mall today... 12.[ ] Used for technical explanations or to clarify meaning Ex) Open the door [the blue one with a black handle. 13.( ) Curved notations used to contain further thoughts or qualifying remarks, can be replaced with commas sometimes Ex) I finally replied (after taking 10 minutes) that she was tired 14./ Slashes are commonly used to signify alternatives Ex) I make $16/hour

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