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I dedicate this book to all the people who are learning English as their second language. Learning a completely different language is extremely difficult and I admire those who are taking that journey.
Classic Rock Book of Writing Section 1 Punctuation and Capitalization
Punctuation- Identify the functions of each mark and create one (1) example sentence of the usage for each mark
9. . Period(used to indicate the end of a sentence)- The Beatles
consisted of four members
, Comma(used to separate parts of a sentence like clauses or items in lists)- There are many classic rock bands including
The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Floyd, and The Rolling Stones.
– Em dash(are used to set off extra information and can be used in place of parentheses, commas, colons, or quotation marks)- Syd Barrett – guitarist and lead vocals of Pink Floyd
– was nineteen when he co-founded the band.
- En dash(used between figures to show a range)- The Doors
were active from 1965-1970.
: Colon (precedes an explanation, a list, a quotation, or a block quotation)- Queen consisted of four members: Freddie
Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon, and Roger Tayler.
; Semicolon(used to separate complex items within a list and to connect independent clauses) - I like The Beatles; My
friend likes Guns N’ Roses.
? Question mark (used to identify sentences that ask a question)- How many classic rock bands are there? ! Exclamation point(used at the end of an exclamatory sentence)- I can’t believe Guns N’ Roses are still together! ‘ Apostrophe (used to indicate the exclusion of a letter or number)- Paul McCartney is the bass player in The Beatles and
he’s one of the songwriters as well.
10 “ ” Quotation marks (used to indicate the exact words that someone else said)- Freddie Mercury once said, “Music is
11. .… Ellipses (used when omitting a word,phrase,line,paragraph, or more from a quoted passage)- The Who is good...but the Beatles
are better.
12. [ ] Brackets (used to include information that is not essential to the main point)- He [Carlos] formed the band Santana. 13. ( ) Parenthesis (used to separate elements in a sentence) -
CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival) was an American rock band that formed in 1959.
14. / Forward slash (meant to indicate the word “or” ) - Ask
him/her what their favorite classic rock band is.
Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization.
The rules of capitalization: (Used to begin a sentence)- Classic rock is rock music created in the 60s,70s, and 80s.
(Used for names and proper nouns)- Aerosmith was a popular band with lead vocalist, Steven Tyler.
(Used for the first word of a quote when it is a complete sentence)- As Led Zeppelin said, “A new day will dawn for those who stand strong, and the forests will echo with laughter.”
(Used for most words in titles, time periods, and events)- One of my favorite movies that includes music from The Beatles is Across the Universe.