2 minute read

Lesson 1—Page

Lesson 1

Punctuation and Capitalization


Punctuation – Identify the functions of each mark and create one (1) example sentence of the usage for each mark.

——(THE PERIOD) [.] = Ends a sentence and provides abbreviations. Example: The Elementary children are beginning to understand the need for school.

——(The comma) [,] = Allows the phrase before and after the comma to switch places and still make sense. Example: To ensure the best possible teaching, the elementary students were given a list of supplies,. ——(EM Dash) [—] = Has multiple uses including to used to draw emphasis on something. Can replace a comma, parentheses, a colon, and etc. Example: This book had one mission—to teach. ——(EN Dash) [-] = to hyphenate words (to connect them) Example: A warm-up was given to the students before the lesson begins. ——(Colon) [:] = Whatever comes after a colon, is directly related to the sentence beforehand. Example: I was starving in class: I decided to grab a

——(Semicolon) [;] = A semicolon connects multiple independent clauses. They all have to be related. Example: I was super tired after class; I needed a break from everything and just needed to relax. ——(Question Mark) [?] = an interrogative sentence. Example: Is this homework considered late? ——(Exclamation mark) [!] = Exclamation mark- To end an exclamatory sentence. (adds emphasis) Example: I hope this homework isn’t considered

——(Apostrophe) [‘] = to show Possession. Contractions. And a Quote mark- Quote inside a quote. Example: The teacher’s teaching style differed from all the others.

——Quotation marks [“ “] = To quote something said or written from somewhere else. Example: “Welcome to the hardest class you will ever encounter” stated the economics teacher.

——Ellipses […] = ellipsis is when Something is unsaid in a quote. Can end a paragraph this way. Example: “Can anybody explain to me what I just… explained?” ——(Brackets) [[ ]] = To change or added something in a quote

Example: “Don’t let anyone bully you [at all]” stated the teacher.

—— (Parenthesis) [()] = Parenthesis means something is parenthetical which means it is useful to know but not necessary. Example: The students aced the final (based on chapter 1) ——(Back Slash) [\] = indicates a choice. Example: “Ms./Mr. will be the new teacher in room

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