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About the Author—Page
About the Author
The English language, an important subject part of the public education system in America, has always been and will continue to be an important tool necessary for the future generations and their advancements. Myself, along with thousands of kids born here, were taught English and Spanish at a very young age trying to adapt to culture and social norms here while continuing to follow the cultures and traditions of our families. To start, my cousins and family played a major role in teaching me about the English language and the way things are around here. They would go out of their way to make sure I practiced these skills at home whether it was through movies, shows, toys, games, etc. Strengthening these skills came from my kindergarten teacher to present time. As I continue to grow, I become more fluent in writing, listening, and speaking. Learning tools along the way helped me reach my reading and writing levels. Whether it is about easier reading strategies, punctuation, sentence structure, and much more. At the present time, I still learn more rules and tricks when it comes to writing. I continue to grow in my writing as I grow as a whole.