Marvel Book of Writing

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Marvel Book Of Writing

​ Alexa Rodriguez Period 5

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Table of contents Introduction.…………………………………… # 4 About the Author....…………………………… # 6 Dedication.……………………………………….page ##8 Section 1 punctuation and capitalization…… # 9 Section 2 parts of speech………………………page # 11 Section 3 phrases and clauses ……………….Page # 13 Section 4 Sentences…………………………… page #20 Section 5 Paragraphs………………………….. Page #24 Section 6 Essays……………………………….. Page #30

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Introduction ​Do

you like superheros because I love watching the Marvel

movies there great movies . Watching the trailers for Marvel movies like spider-man Home coming or Avengers infinity war . Often a lot of parents will say that this superhero movies will just rote your brain and do you no good . But in reality these movies can actually inspire a lot of people to think bigger and try to do there best and try to achieve there goals . Little kids usually try to be like there heros which is a good thing . Watching these heroes make the world a better place can make you want to do the same in real life .

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About The Author My name is Alexa Guadalupe Rodriguez and I am 16 years old. I am a junior in Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet . I like watching a lot of movies but I have to admit that my favorite genre of movies is action movies . The first Marvel studios movie that I watched was Captain America Civil war and after watching that movie. I naturally fell in love with marvel studios movies and have been going to the theaters to watch Marvel production films ever since then .

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THANK YOU MR RODRIGUEZ For everything you have done for us throughout this semester . It has not been an easy year but we managed to get through it .


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​[Marvel comics ] BOOK OF WRITING

SECTION 1 PUNCTUATION and CAPITALIZATION Punctuation – Identify the function and create one (1) example sentence of the uses for each mark.

1. .​ My favorite super hero is captain america . 2. ​, ​But there are many super heroes such as spider man , Iron

man , Hulk , vision , black widow and ,many more . 3. – Marvel– is better than dc in my opinion at least . 4. - I really like the new marvel spider-man movies for example spider-man far from home or spider-man homecoming . 5. : If i had to list my favorite marvel heroes it would be : captain america , spider-man , black widow ,wand ect. 6. ; The avengers is a good movie ; but I think captain america is better . 7. ? Do you like any marvel movies Mr. Rodriguez ? 8. ! I did not like the ending from avengers end game at all ! 9. ‘ people say captain marvel isn't an avenger but I think she is . 10. “ ” I love it when black panthers sister shuri says ¨ just because something works , doesn't mean it cant be improved ¨ . 11. … I really love spider-man… but i love captain america more . 12. [ ] The first avenger [captain america ] is the best . 13. ( ) Peter parker (spider-man)is one of the most relatable characters of the marvel movies 14. / I think that sam / hulk is one of the funniest marvel characters ​.

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[Marvel ] BOOK OF WRITING SECTION 2 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES PARTS OF SPEECH NOUNS Types of nouns: ​(list three to five words of each type) · Common Nouns​: name a class of people, places, things, or idea. My Ex : Avengers , Avengers Tower , Thors Hammer · Proper Nouns:​ give the name or title of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (must be capitalized). My Ex : New York , Spider-man , Thor’s Home Land Asgard · Compound Nouns: ​consist of words used together to form a single noun. My Ex : Spider Webs , Hammer , Shield · Concrete Nouns: ​refer to material things, to people, or to places.. My Ex : Tower , web shooters , Shield · Abstract Nouns:​ name ideas, quality, emotions or attitudes. My Ex: Power , Hopeful , Stress

Functions​ (How nouns are used​): Write one sentence for each function. · Subject​ (comes before the verb) Ex:Tony Stark yelled loudly to captain america for not doing as he said . · Direct Object​ (comes after the verb and answer what or whom) Ex: Mr. Stark told peter parker to stop messing around and act serious . ·

Indirect Object​ (answers to who or to whom)

Ex: Captain america gave his shield to tony stark in the movie captain america : civil war Reflexive:​ (personal pronouns plus the suffix ​–self ​or ​–selves)​ Used only: when the action verb is directed toward the subject of the construction: He puts a lot of pressure on himself She tries to do everything herself

to intensify a point: page # 12

Ex: The found of Stark tower was tony stark himself which made him think he could save the world himself with no help .

Verbals​: (VERB FORMS NOT USED AS VERBS) Gerund:​ ​ word ending in “ing” used as a noun.​ ·​ ​Ex: Bruce Banner does a lot of mixing with experiments . Participle:​ word ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective · Peter Parker is always scared of disappointing Mr stark . · Black Widow gets annoyed with Tony Stark all the time Infinitive:​ ​verb preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverb ​ Ex: Peter Parker likes to study for school

ADJECTIVES ​Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and identify nouns and


Kinds​: Demonstrative, Common, Proper (Give one example of each using words related to your subject) Ex : Those , Public , America

ADVERBS Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. · Endings​ (Create one example related to your subject for each) –ly, -wards, -wise Captain america accidental​ly​ hit the hulk with his shield . ​ Thor had the camera facing down​wards​ instead of at the Hulk . Peter parker told aunt May he was at a school event instead of telling her he was fighting a villain other​wise​ she would freak out · Conversions ​(Show how three words related to your subject can become adverbs – Example: “Educational” becomes “Educationally”) ​Tragic /Tragically , Safe / Safely , Heroic / Heroically · Types​: Manner, Frequency, Degree, Place, Time Example Types:​ (Create one example each related to your subject) Manner​ – ​Tony Stark found out the guest had arrived he q ​ uickly​ went to say Hello to them . Time​ –When New york was getting destroyed by a villain spider-man instantly​ jumped into action ​. Place​ – Avengers tower is located ​purposely here​ in New york city . Degree​ – Steve Rogers is a ​extraordinarily​ good superhero Frequency​ – Peter Parker is ​normally​ a good student .

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SECTION 3 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES PHRASES and CLAUSES Phrases​ – groups of words that function as a part of speech. Noun Phrase: A group of words consisting of nouns or pronouns and their modifiers that ​function as a noun​. All the superheroes really wanted a break from saving the world . Verb Phrase: A group of words consisting of verbs working together and ​function as a verb​. All the villain ​would be working on a element to eliminate all the superheroes Prepositional Phrase​: A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun, and ​functions as an adjective or an adverb​. Thor was not welcomed by Star Lord when he ​entered the space ship . Appositive Phrase​: A group of words that include all the words that modify an appositive and ​function as an adjective ​- IT MUST BE SURROUNDED BY COMMAS. Peter parker , ​spider-man a new avenger ​, worked hard to become an avenger . Verbal Phrases​: A group of words that begin with a verbal and ends with a noun. ● Gerund Phrase​ verb ending in -ing that ​functions as a noun​. Using his hammer , ​Thor was able to safe pedestrians ​. ● Participial Phrase word ending in -ing (present participle) or -ed (past participle) that ​functions as an adjective​. Bruce Banner decided to join Tony Stark and went​ swimming ​. ● Infinitive Phrase verb preceded by the word “to” (to read, to study, to write) that ​function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs​. Peter parker actually decided ​to read instead of practicing hanging from buildings . ​ ​page #16 CLAUSES

Clauses​ – groups of words with BOTH a subject and a verb that function as parts of speech. There are TWO kinds: Independent and Dependent (called “Subordinate”) INDEPENDENT – CAN stand alone as a ​complete sentence​, known as a simple sentence pattern. Becoming a superhero takes a lot of determination and effort . Noun Clause​: Used as the noun in a sentence and may function as a subject, a predicate noun, a direct object, an object of a preposition, an indirect object, or an appositive. ○ Memories from his childhood ​made captain america want to became a hero . ○ Politely respond to ​everyone who greets y ​ ou today . ○ Wanda maximus was not in a good mood today ​ and all the other heroes could notice it . ○ Iron man flies around the cities ​to make sure everything is ok . Adjective Clause​: Used to modify a noun in an independent clause. Some adjective clauses begin with an introductory word: ○ Avengers tower is the place ​where heroes can practice there skills. ○ Those are the elements ​that i need to make my web shooters . ○ There is the place ​where thanos lives . Some adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns: ■ Captain America is obviously the one ​who is the leader of the avengers . ■ The only avenger who ​usually is not involved in big battles is spiderman . ​Adverb Clause​: Used to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in an independent clause, introduced by a subordinating conjunction and used to indicate time, place, cause, purpose, result, condition, and/or concession. Modifying verbs: ■ The did not want to put avengers tower​ where everyone could see it.( Place ) ​ page # 17

■ When​ the clock struck midnight ,​the party had ended. (time) ■ The avengers rapidly left the tower ​because they got a distress call​.(purpose) ■ Tony stark talked​ like he could see the successful out come for the mission . (condition ) Modifying adjectives: ■ Tony stark ​works as hard as his dad did . Modifying adverbs: ■ Suzy studied harder​ than her sisters typically did​. (condition) Relative Clauses​: Dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun. ○ The avenger ​who finished his​ training faster than any other was captain america . Elliptical Clauses​: Adverb clauses in which part of the clause is omitted. ○ When flying, ​Iron man always has his protective mask on . Essential Clauses​: Clauses necessary to the meaning of the sentence. ○ The avenger ​that most interests me i​ s clearly all of them I can choose​ ​. Nonessential Clauses​: Clauses that are NOT necessary to the meaning of the sentence. ○ Spider-mans training , ​which ended 1 year ago​ ,made him a better hero .

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Sentence Parts Subject – what/who the sentence is about The Avengers ​waited for the Hulk to appear . Predicate – what the subject does The Honors English students ​patiently learned about writing sentences​. The Avengers ​waited for the Hulk to appear.

Sentence Types

Declarative – a sentence that makes a statement (ends with a period mark) Marvel studios is one of the most viewed movie studios . Imperative – a sentence that makes a command (ends with a period mark) Marvel needs to release more movies next year . Interrogative – a sentence that asks a question (ends with a question mark) Why would anyone not want to see the new spider-man movie ? Exclamatory – a sentence that expresses great emotion, passion, excitement (ends with an exclamation mark) Avengers infinity war was so good!

Sentence Patterns Simple Sentence: A sentence that is just one independent clause. Most avengers went through a traumatic passed before becoming part of the avengers .

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Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses, but ​no​ dependent clauses - connected by FANBOYS (Coordinating conjunctions). Many projects for school take up time, but they all can be finished. Complex Sentence: A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. When you watch a marvel movie , more than likely you will want to watch them all . Complex-Compound Sentence: A sentence with multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Whether you like them or not , most people in the world know who the avengers are , but not all of them have watched the movies . Loose Sentence: A sentence that contains an independent clause plus a subordinate construction (either a clause or phrase) with your main point at the ​beginning​. Superhero movies have a impact on little kids , no matter what superhero is their favorite. Periodic Sentence: A sentence in which the independent clause is given at the end of the sentence in order to create interest or generate suspense with the main point coming at the ​end​. No matter what superhero is their favorite ,Superhero movies have a impact on little kids. Parallel Structure: A sentence using the same pattern of two or more verbs or ideas that match in tense or structure to show that they are of equal importance and to help the reader comprehend what is being written - this sentence requires symmetry. Marvel movies have amazing special effects, have amazing fight scene, and bring in new viewers each year .

Balanced Sentence: A sentence where phrases or clauses at the beginning and the end parallel each other by virtue of their likeness of structure​, ​meaning​, or ​length​ - this sentence requires symmetry.​21 The Avengers spent the day trying to make new gadgets and went home tired . Chiasmus: A sentence that includes a repetition of ideas (words, phrases, or clauses) in inverted (reversed) order - this sentence requires symmetry. Captain america makes the avengers what it is , with out him its nothing . Asyndeton: A sentence that leaves out conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. Spider-man has the power of strength , spidey senses and shooting webs . Polysyndeton: A sentence that uses multiple conjunctions in close proximity to each other between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. The Avengers are courageous and brave and are powerful and, basically unstoppable . Anaphora: A sentence that features the purposeful repetition of a word, words, or a phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses in order to place emphasis and draw attention. For some people , they could care less about the avengers , while for others they love them , but everyone is in title to have their own opinion . Epistrophe: A sentence featuring several phrases or clauses ending with the same word or words. Marvel workers spend all day working on special effects , becoming up with special effects and editing special effects .

Sentence Errors

Run-On/Rambling/Fused Sentence – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly without punctuation. Marvel studios workers wanted to stop the spider-man filming they were scared of getting covid-19 . [WRONG] ​ ​page 22 Marvel studio workers wanted to stop the spider-man filming because they were scared of getting covid-19 . [RIGHT] Comma Splice – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly using commas Peter parker was working on his science project but ,got distracted and started to work on making his spider-web shooter. [WRONG] Peter parker was working on his science project but. Got distracted, and started to work on making his spider-web shooter.[RIGHT]

Fragment – incomplete sentence pieces that are not connected to or do not form an independent clause Because of covid-19 .[WRONG] Because of covid-19 , they had to delay filming spider-man 3 . [RIGHT] Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers – modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that add description; a misplaced modifier describes the wrong part of a sentence and a dangling modifier is missing the part it’s supposed to modify In avengers tower ,Tony Stark gave a suit to spider-man that was blue and red . [Wrong ] In avengers tower ,Tony Stark gave a red and blue suit to spider-man .[RIGHT] Double Negative – combining two or more negative words in a sentence in a way that is supposed to produce a positive force The Avengers didn't win the fight against Thanos the first time . [WRONG]

The Avengers did not win the fight against Thanos the first time . [RIGHT] Page 23

[Marvel ] BOOK OF WRITING SECTION 5 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES PARAGRAPHS Paragraphs​ – a group of sentences that together convey a shared purpose structured around the same topic. Introductory Paragraphs (Introductions) Hook ​(Lead) – can begin with the title ​Anecdotal​ (Brief story to set the mood and lead the reader into the topic). My Ex : Do you like supper heros because I love watching the Marvel movies there great movies . Watching the trailers for Marvel movies like spider-man Home coming or Avengers infinity war . Often a lot of parents will say that this supper hero movies will just rote your brain and do you no good . But in reality these movies can actually inspire a lot of people to think bigger and try to do there best and try to achieve there goals . Little kids usually try to be like there heros which is a good thing . Watching these heroes make the world a better place can make you want to do the same in real life . ​Query Based​ (Question that brings the reader to the topic avoid second person POV “you”) Ex. Do supper hero movies really have another meaning or purpose to them other than to entertain people ? Thesis Statements​ (the purpose of a piece of writing – usually one sentence in length, but can be longer depending on the purpose – must be something that is arguable)

Assertion​ (claim - a subject + a “so what” about the subject) Ex: Avengers Endgame made 2.798 billion USD when it came out .​

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Fact​ (empirically verifiable but often difficult to argue extensively about - better used as evidence to support a claim) Ex. The making of avengers endgame provided a job for 15,000 people . Opinion​ (personal position on a topic) Ex. Marvel studios makes the best action movies . ​Belief​ (social, religious, or political in nature – an opinion held by many to be a fact, though it is not necessarily factual – often involves a judgement) Ex. Thinking that Marvel movies aren't educational is not true it can help younger kid understand better right from wrong . Generalization​ (uses absolute or statistical pronouns: all, always, every, never, none, most, half – avoid using this type of thesis statement unless​ citing the source of the data) Ex. People often use supper hero movies as an escape from there real world problems . Document Based​ (cites a specific source, author, and position on a topic) Ex.In the Frame rated article by Gwen Towers its explains how people usually like watching superhero movies because it is . The opposite of what we see in the mirror .It helps people believe that they can become the best version of them selfs . Theory​ (a statement that can be tested and potentially proven - often answers a research question)

Ex. Superhero movies can help people become inspired to people to dream big . Clarification/Expansion of Thesis​ (could extend the thesis, preview the evidence supporting the thesis, give the purpose of thesis, establish the importance or significance of examining the intricacies of the thesis – this could be several sentences long) Ex . the author states that when people see their favorite superhero defeating a super villain . Helps them believe that they too can defeat the problems that they face in their day to day life .

Body Paragraphs​ (must have ​echoes of the thesis​ in each AND present evidence to support or expand on the thesis) Topic Sentences​ (must specifically indicate the topic of the paragraph and focus on one subject and/or area of evidence or support – could start with a “Transition of Logic” that connects to the previous paragraph to give context) Ex. After reading the article it shows that marvel superhero movies can helps people get a higher self esteem and become the best version of them selfs and. Help them realize that they too can fight back there own problems (Now every sentence in this paragraph must be related to the connection between fast food and health) Presenting Evidence from Quotations​ (quotes should NEVER be used as individual sentences – quotes should be embedded within sentences) ORIGINAL QUOTE – Ex. In the article is states ¨ therefore when reality becomes too much for us to bear, we can escape to the world of the mighty Thor and his friends . ​Examining the Evidence Paraphrasing​ (rewording of a quote into other words of the same length without quotation marks, but still citing the source - useful for examining the quote and transitioning to your analysis of the quote)

ORIGINAL QUOTE – “superhero movies allow people to understand that we all can have an impact in this world . Ex. PARAPHRASE –we can all impact this world weather its a good one or a bad one . ​ ​ page 26

Summarizing​ (condensing larger quotes or sections - useful for closing the examination of the quote/evidence and transitioning to your analysis of the quote) ORIGINAL QUOTE – “Marvel Movies provide creativity to people and inspiration ” Ex. SUMMARY – Marvel superhero movies provide inspiration to some people . Abstract Examples​ (hypothetical, “what if” examples that do not refer to a source – AVOID USING THEM AS EVIDENCE – but useful for examining the quote) Ex.15,000 People might lose their job if these marvel movies were not being made . Concrete Examples​ (actual examples that do refer to a source – useful for enhancing your analysis of the quote)

Ex. The average Marvel studios superhero movies brings in about 22 billion dollars or more a year when they come out to the ​theaters globally ​ .

Closing Sentences​ (must end the discussion of the topic within the paragraph with a transitional or culminating word – possibly an adverb – and should echo the thesis of the essay) Ex. Clearly, these marvel movies provide more than just entertainment to many people .

Closing Paragraphs​ (Conclusions – should not be mere summaries of the previous paragraphs of your essay)

Consequences of Disregarding the Thesis​ (establishing the potential consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – CREATING A COUNTERARGUMENT – could be one or more sentences) ​ page 27 Ex. If Marvel movies were really not appealing to people then they would have never invested so much money into making them . Statement(s) of Extension​ (extending the consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – could be one or more sentences) Ex. The average amount of people who go and watch marvel studios moves are about 1000 million people worldwide . Reestablishing the Significance of the Thesis​ (could be one or more sentences) Ex. Overall Marvel studios targets and brings in viewers of all ages from 6 year old kids to 96 year old adults . Final Sentence​ (connects to the hook and finishes the essay – the “Smoky the Bear”/”Drop the mic”/dot dot dot moment…) Ex. So maybe before judging and saying these movies are just a waste of time and rote peoples brains you should stop and realize that they can attaly helps people weather its inspiring them or to giving them a job in production .

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SECTION 6 TEMPLATE AND GUIDELINES ESSAYS Essays – An essay is when you write at least 3 paragraphs or more and in those paragraphs you are trying to explain and teach about a specific topic . Types – Explain each type of essay and state its purpose Persuasive​ (Argumentative) For this type of essay the person who is writing the essay is trying to persuade the reader about something . Expository​ (Informative) This essay is the type of essay where the writer is trying to make the reader aware and give them the correct information about something . Definition or Description Process (How-to) Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Analytical/Critical​ ​Its when the write analyzes a specific topic and then

writes a claim about that topic .

Evaluative Interpretive Narrative​ (Tells a story) This type of essay is where the write tells a story about their personal life or personal experiences and they just talk about themself . Personal Statement/Anecdote Research ​This is the type of essay where you will have to research a topic and write about what you found while researching the topic . Timed A timed essay is like a timed write you just have to pick something to write about and then you keep writing till the time is up . Document Based Question (DBQ) Synthesis Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps –​ ​The way that you can creat a organized

essay is by how first you have to do research on your topic. Then make sure your sources are reliable then you will do a draft . Before you do you final draft and once you've corrected the draft you will creat your essay . Page 30

Pre-writing/Prompt Analysis/Outlining Researching/Evaluating of Sources Work Cited Page​ –​Work cited pages are usually at the en of the essay . It is basically the pages where you are showing the sources you looked at to get information for you paper . MLA Format- ​MLA (Modern Language Association) is used to cite sources . Many schools use the MLA format because it is a secure source . APA Format- ​APA (American Psychological Association ) it is usually used to cite sources . When you use apa format to cite a source you usually put in all the others information when you cite the source .

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