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Relative Clauses: Dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun.

The person who guesses the pigs weight correctly would get to keep him.


Elliptical Clauses: Adverb clauses in which part of the clause is omitted.

While fighting with Mabel, Dipper managed to shrink himself. Essential Clauses: Clauses necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

The video game character that Dipper favorsmost ,was Rumble McSkirmish.

Nonessential Clauses: Clauses that are NOT necessary to the meaning of the sentence.

Summerween is Gravity Falls version of summer halloween, which begins 4 months before actual Halloween.

SENTENCES Sentence – a set of words that contains a subject SECTION IV and a predicate and conveys a statement, command, question, or an exclamation. Sentence Parts Subject – what/who the sentence is about

The Pine Twins patiently learned about all themysteries of Gravity Falls. Predicate – what the subject does

The Pine Twins patiently learned about all themysteries of Gravity Falls. Sentence Types

Declarative – a sentence that makes a statement (ends with a period mark) Mabel owned many fun sweaters.

Imperative – a sentence I that makes a command (ends with a period mark)

Make a new season of Gravity Falls immediately. Interrogative – a sentence that asks a question (ends with a question mark)

Why would anyone not watch Gravity Falls? Exclamatory – a sentence that expresses great emotion, passion, excitement (ends with an exclamation mark)

The show, Gravity Falls is a favorite of many! Sentence Patterns Simple Sentence: A sentence that is just oneindependent clause. Mabel won her pet Waddles at the Mystery Fair. Compound Sentence: A sentence with multipleindependent clauses, but no dependent clauses connected by FANBOYS (coordinating conjunctions) or a semicolon (;). Guessing Waddles weight correctly in the fair, Mabel was able to take Waddles home with her. Complex Sentence: A sentence with one independentclause and at least one dependent clause. When Gideon set his mind on something, everyone was put into harm's way. Complex-Compound Sentence: A sentence with multipleindependent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Whether they loved it or not, the twins always found themselves going up against mysteries, but never alone. Loose Sentence: A sentence that contains an independent clause plus a subordinate construction (either a clause or phrase) with your main point atthe beginning. Wendy could never be with Dipper, no matter how much he liked her. Periodic Sentence: A sentence in which the independent clause is given at the end of the sentence in order to create interest or generate suspense with the main point coming at the end.

No matter how much he liked her, Wendy could never be with Dipper.Parallel Structure: A sentence using the same patternof two or more verbs or ideas that match in tense or structure to show that they are of equal importance and to help the reader comprehend what is being written - this sentence requires symmetry. Grunkle Stan had many fun adventures with the kids, always laughing, guiding them along the way, or filled with emotions. Balanced Sentence: A sentence where phrases or clauses at the beginning and the end parallel eachother by virtue of their likeness of structure, meaning, or length - this sentence requires symmetry. Grunkle Stan spent his day playing dumb about journal number three and his night printing a copy of the journal. Chiasmus: A sentence that includes a repetition ofideas (words, phrases, or clauses) in inverted(reversed) order - this sentence requires symmetry. Gideon was always starting trouble in Gravity Falls and the twins would be in less trouble without him. Asyndeton: A sentence that leaves out conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. Grenda is a great friend, she shows braveness, empathy, and loyalty.Polysyndeton: A sentence that uses multipleconjunctions in close proximity to each other between words, phrases, or clauses for a rhetorical purpose. Grenda shows great braveness, empathy, loyalty, and is ultimately a great friend towards Mabel.

Anaphora: A sentence that features the purposefulrepetition of a word, words, or a phrase at the beginning of several successive clauses in order to place emphasis and draw attention.Epistrophe: A sentence featuring several phrases orclauses ending with the same word or words. Dipper and Mabel so often spend their days fighting off the mysteries in their town, their nights studying Dipper’s journal, but they loved spending time in Gravity Falls with their Grunkle. Sentence Errors Run-On/Rambling/Fused Sentence – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly without punctuation. Stan felt guilty after putting Waddles outside Waddles ended up being taken by a dinosaur Mabel was devastated. [WRONG] Stan felt guilty after putting Waddles outside BECAUSE Waddles ended up being taken by a dinosaur AND Mabel was devastated. [RIGHT] Comma Splice – a sentence construction error where two or more independent clauses are connected incorrectly using commas Mabel didn't want to date Gideon, she only saw him as a friend, she wasn't obligated to continue seeing him. [WRONG] Mabel didn't want to date Gideon. She only saw him as a friend; she wasn't obligated to continue seeing him

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