2 minute read
Closing Paragraphs (Conclusions – should not be mere summaries of the previous paragraphs of your essay)
Consequences of Disregarding the Thesis (establishing the potential consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – CREATING A COUNTERARGUMENT –could be one or more sentences) If we do not revise our map of life and what we are doing is negative we will forever continue to create harm on ourselves since we don’t see the problem and try to change it. Statement(s) of Extension (extending the consequences of disregarding the implications of the thesis – could be one or more sentences) In addition many people who do not revise their maps continue doing the same things even though they know that what they are doing negatively affects them. Reestablishing the Significance of the Thesis (could be one or more sentences) However, if you revise your map you can see what’s wrong with it and then fix it so that you find a better way to continue your path and not affect yourself in a negative way. Final Sentence (closing statement that connects to the hook and finishes the essay (finish your argument) – the “Smokey the Bear”/”Drop the mic”/dot dot dot moment…) So discipline has many things that create it and if you don’t include all the key things in your discipline it could result in a long ride for yourself…

Portrayed By: JAYMA MAYS
Essays – An essay is composed of a group of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Together they create the thing called an essay. An essay is focused on one thing where a person becomes an expert on that topic and explains it to the reader.
Persuasive (Argumentative) An essay that tries to convince the reader that their point of view is the best. Expository (Informative) An essay where you are explaining a topic in depth and is direct. Analytical/Critical An essay that analyzes something. It usually analyzes a piece of literature. Narrative (Tells a story) An essay that is a short story but is written in essay format. Research An essay that answers a question. You research that question and branches of it to get an answer and compose it into an essay. Timed An essay in which you try to explain everything you know about a topic in a certain amount of time.
Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps
To get a nice essay you need to become familiar with the topic you're writing about. Research it well and become an expert in it. Brainstorm on what precisely you want to include from the research you found. Then do a pre-write jot down your ideas. By doing all this your essay will start forming and you’ll have a good essay.
Work Cited Page
❖ Times New Roman font ❖ Font size 12 pt ❖ Doubled Spaced ❖ 1” Margins ❖ Page header and page number APA FORMAT
★ 1” Margins ★ Page header in every page ★ Page numbers ★ Different types of font format ★ Most font size is 11 pt