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When I entered school back in 2008 I only knew how to speak Spanish. Fast forward 13 years and I can now speak and write in two languages. Writing this book made me understand more elements that I didn’t know before. If you asked me 10 years ago to write you a paragraph in English I would’ve told you, “I can’t do it. ” Now I can write you more than one paragraph in English and I’m proud of that. I don’t say that my writing is perfect, it's a work in progress. But with all the things I learned from this assignment it will definitely help me become a better writer. It also comes down to writing something that you love and that is meaningful to you. My book was on one of Fox’s hit shows Glee. The first episode aired on May 19, 2009. My mom at the time was 4 months pregnant with my little brother. She had a really terrible pregnancy. Morning sickness, couldn’t digest anything, headaches, couldn’t sleep the list goes on. The school told her to make me watch something in English on the TV since everything I watched was in Spanish. The funny thing was that my mom didn’t know how to use the TV. But when you would turn on the TV it would automatically go on the Fox channel. It was such a coincidence that it was May 19, 2009 and she turned it on when the first episode of Glee aired. She said Glee was on Monday through Friday at 5:00pm. From that day on I had a meeting with Glee at 5. Glee became a part of my life. It's a show that stuck with me in life's hard moments. This show teaches you valuable lessons and touches on pretty hard things. It touches on bullying, homophobia, eating disorders, abusive relationships, depression, anxiety, and most importantly the value of friendship. I looked up to Naya Rivera who on the show portrayed Santana Lopez. I don’t know what 4 year old me found fascinating about the show and watching it for 6 years. But 16 year old me finds it just as fascinating. The show's last season ended on March 20, 2015. I was 10 years and 12 days old. 8 months and 5 days later one of my heros died, my grandma Dolores. So I rewatched this show in order to cope. This show has gotten me through super hard times and I thank that it’s alway there for me to watch. On July 24, 2020 Naya passed away. That was pretty hard on me too because I looked up to her. My mom