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PLEASE PRINT How did you hear about this class? _____________________________________________________________ Have you ever taken classes at any VCCS Community College? YES NO Male _______ Female _____ Last Name: _____________________________ First Name: _____________________ MI: __________ Previous/Maiden Name: ______________________ Date of Birth (required): _________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________State: Zip: Email: _________________________________________________ U.S. Citizen? _____ YES ____ NO Home/Cell Phone: ____________________________ Work Phone: ____________________________________ Add to Mailing List? Y or N COURSE REGISTRATION*
Class Name Date Price
Registration Total
Contact our office to enroll corporate or business employees: 540/ 453-2215 PAYMENT METHOD
(Class registration will not be processed until we receive payment) c Check (Payable to BRCC) c VISA c MC c AMEX c DISCV c I authorize the Business Office at BRCC to charge my credit/debit card: Name on Card: ___________________________________ Card Number: ______________________________________________________ Expiration: _______ Security Code: _____ Amount to be charged: $ Signature: ________________________________________
Registration is Easy! Online, at your convenience. Email Registration Form: wce@brcc.edu Mail Registration Form: BRCC Workforce & Continuing Education PO Box 80, Weyers Cave, VA 24486 Call us: 540/453-2215
Refund Policy: Refunds must be requested at least 7 days before the class start date. Funds will be returned to the student in the same form used to pay tuition. Refunds, regardless of type, may take from seven to ten business days to complete.
Cancelled Courses: Occasionally, we must cancel courses that do not meet enrollment minimums. We typically make that call approximately one week before the class start date, and will notify you by phone or email to see if you are interested in another course or would prefer a refund. Disability Services: Contact the Coordinator of Disability Services (opens new window) in Student Services (540/453- 2298). You will need to provide relevant documentation of the disability for the College to determine appropriate accommodation.
Inclement Weather: Local radio stations and tv stations carry information on college closings. You may also register for BRCC's text messaging alert system on the Campus Status & Emergency Information webpage (opens new window).
Blue Ridge Community College
Box 80, One College Lane Weyers Cave, Virginia 24486 (540) 234-9261 Other VA: (888) 750-2722
BRCC’S ANNUAL STUDENT ARTWORKS EXHIBITION Blue Ridge Community College’s first virtual art show!
While we were unable to have a spring 2020 inperson gallery showing, this online exhibition displays the talents of BRCC students in studio classes summer, fall and spring.
View, listen, and envision the renderings of 2D talents; imagine what you could do through BRCC’s art department.
Workforce and Continuing Education offers personal enrichment courses in art too! Check out fall lineup starting on page 22.