PORTFOLIO: Selected works 2007|2013

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en vertalen in twee condities: die van de ue boetieks van de Louisalaan, tegenover ijn volkse Marollenwijk. Het Justitiepaleis e stadsdelen. Dit komt ook tot uiting in de monumentale Poelaertplein perfect aan op leegte de broodnodige ademruimte die het het plein zorgt voor de ruimte voor (massa) kkel van het paleis aan de noordwestelijke rmele rustplaats, niet-hiërarchisch en groen van de Marollenwijk. De Wolstraat en de ide sferen, aangepast aan de locale noden: llend, informeel en formeel, chique en volks.








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52,5 5 2,5




DE RANDSTAD, Netwerk doorheen Heterotopie




Bram D’hoedt, Jeroen Vandervelden, Annelies Vanstockstraeten 1MIRA SP - April 2012

Plan 1:200



SELECTED WORKS 2007 | 2013

PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt objective | Junior Architect

Selected works presents a snapshot of projects designed during my formation at KULeuven, as well as my graduation thesis in collaboration with Columbia University and New York Institute of Technology. In case you are interested, I will gladly explain my projects in person. Enjoy!

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marine waste transfer station

recycling factory

PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com

Brooklyn Navy Yard



sorted & recycled

issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt

Proposed waste management NYC | E.R.E. waste management scheme

objective | Junior Architect


East River Exchange is a multipurpose micro environment, which combines a collecting and recycling transfer station with a business hotel and a ferry landing, as generator of a more extended and articulated process of transformations able to stop and invert the deterioration process of pier G on the Brooklyn Navy Yard. This new morpho-typology ensures visual and physical engagement into the working/ recycling process, making it a catalyser of waterfront activity in Brooklyn, more than something to hide. waste

current system ideal system

Graduation Thesis |EAST RIVER EXCHANGE In collaboration with |NYIT & COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Exhibited in |‘Projecties: Breuckland. De Voorstad’ Published in |“Breuckland: Design interventions for a post-crisis Brooklyn”

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt Ferry landing, dumping platform, business hotel | Unloading bay, passageway

Trucks, waste barges, pedestrians and bicycle paths are differentiated, yet the vertical distribution of these programs enables a strong interconnection and engagement through voids and circulation. This is related to, and affects the entire system of waste treatment of the New York area, offering an opportunity to rethink it and eventually reproduce it in several locations. By doing so, a versatile, sustainable and active waterfront is proposed as an alternative to the much contested and deteriorating waterfront in Brooklyn.

objective | Junior Architect

Graduation Thesis |EAST RIVER EXCHANGE In collaboration with |NYIT & COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Exhibited in |‘Projecties: Breuckland. De Voorstad’ Published in |“Breuckland: Design interventions for a post-crisis Brooklyn”

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh Billboard of the utopian city Breuckland containing 20 graduation projects

linkedin | Bram D’hoedt objective | Junior Architect

The exhibit ‘Breuckland. De Voorstad’ showcases the design research of 2 years of the Studio Brooklyn Team of the University of Leuven, Belgium. These 20 graduation projects, thematically grouped into 4 themes, condensed into the utopian city BREUCKLAND are design interventions for a post-crisis city. The exhibition is open to the public from Tuesday October 15th, 2013 until Sunday January 5th, 2014 in deSingel Arts Campus, Antwerp, Belgium.

‘Projecties, Breuckland. De Voorstad’ |16.10.’13-05.01.’14 In collaboration with |ASRO KU Leuven, NYIT, Columbia University, NYC Department of City Planning, VAI & deSingel Published in |“Breuckland: Design interventions for a postcrisis Brooklyn”

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VERZAMEL SAMEN Verzamel je groente- fruit- en 5 tuinafval in de geopende containers. 4 1


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10.01.1990. | Belgium

VERWARM JE BANK COMPOST STINKT NIET COMPOST STINKT VERZAMEL SAMEN zetten het organisch Micro-organismen materiaal omNIET in teelaarde. Goede compost scheidt Goede compost Verzamel groenteen De je warmte diefruitgegenereerd wordt bij dit processcheidt wordt op zijn geen onaangename geur geen onaangename tuinafval in de geopende om de busbankjes beurt aangewend van warnte tegeur voorzien. af. Om de kwaliteit van de 2 Om de kwaliteit van de containers. Energie die anders verloren zouaf.gaan.. compost te garanderen compost tetotgaranderen Wist je dat de kern van de compostberg 65 graden warm kan worden de bakken op 3 geregelde tijdstippen ontlucht worden de bakken op worden! geregelde tijdstippen ontlucht en opnieuw gemengd. Op en opnieuw gemengd. Op die manier wordt er een die manier wordt er een optimaal composteer klimaat optimaal composteer klimaat verzekerd! verzekerd!

Compost Identity is a design answer formed during 3 weeks of design in the studio ‘Ugly Village’, to deal with the typical Flemish everyday banality of the intercity provincial roads characterised by urban EEN HANDLEIDING TOT sprawl, the absence of qualitative spatial BUURT-COMPOSTEREN planning and a lack of identity. Compost Identity proposes to evoke the sense of belonging by installing small scale islands of public space heated by the one element that is in abundance: compost. 2


HAAL JE AARDE COMFORTABEL VERWARM JE BANK De afgewerkte teelaarde VERTOEVEN Micro-organismen hetop organisch materiaal in teelaarde. wordt om verzameld in een Aangenaam zetten wachten je De warmte gegenereerd wordt wordttoegankelijke op zijn makkelijk plek, bus ofdie afspraak. Nu hoef je bij dit proces beurt aangewend om deinbusbankjes te voorzien. beschermt tegen weer en niiet langer meer de koude van warnte Energietedie anders verloren zou gaan.. wind door een bomenrij. staan wachten! Wist je dat de kern van de compostberg totDeze 65 graden warmgrond kan is vruchtbare worden! ideaal voor je tuin!


VERWARM JE BANK COMPOST STINKT NIET COMPOST STINKT VERZAMEL SAMEN zetten het organisch Micro-organismen materiaal omNIET in teelaarde. Goede compost scheidt Goede compost Verzamel groenteen De je warmte diefruitgegenereerd wordt bij dit processcheidt wordt op zijn geen onaangename geur geen onaangename tuinafval in de geopende om de busbankjes beurt aangewend van warnte tegeur voorzien. af. Om de kwaliteit van de 2 Om de kwaliteit van de containers. Energie die anders verloren zouaf.gaan.. compost te garanderen compost tetotgaranderen Wist je dat de kern van de compostberg 65 graden warm kan worden de bakken op 3 geregelde tijdstippen ontlucht worden de bakken op worden! geregelde tijdstippen ontlucht en opnieuw gemengd. Op en opnieuw gemengd. Op die manier wordt er een die manier wordt er een optimaal composteer klimaat optimaal composteer klimaat verzekerd! verzekerd!



bus of afspraak. Nu hoef je niiet langer meer in de koude te staan wachten!

makkelijk toegankelijke plek, beschermt tegen weer en wind door een bomenrij. Deze vruchtbare grond is ideaal voor je tuin!

De afgewerkte teelaarde VERTOEVEN mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com wordt verzameld in een Aangenaam wachten op je

issuu | brdh

linkedin | Bram D’hoedt objective | Junior Architect



VERZAMEL SAMEN Verzamel je groente- fruit- en 5 tuinafval in de geopende containers. 4 1


Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect

Fragments of a guide to neighbourhood composting







Architectural Design 5B |COMPOST IDENTITY HAAL JE AARDE COMFORTABEL VERWARM JE BANK De afgewerkte teelaarde VERTOEVEN Micro-organismen hetop organisch materiaal in teelaarde. wordt om verzameld in een Aangenaam zetten wachten je De warmte gegenereerd wordt wordttoegankelijke op zijn makkelijk plek, bus ofdie afspraak. Nu hoef je bij dit proces beurt aangewend om deinbusbankjes te voorzien. beschermt tegen weer en niiet langer meer de koude van warnte Energietedie anders verloren zou gaan.. wind door een bomenrij. staan wachten! Wist je dat de kern van de compostberg totDeze 65 graden warmgrond kan is vruchtbare worden! ideaal voor je tuin!

COMFORTABEL VERTOEVEN Aangenaam wachten op je bus of afspraak. Nu hoef je niiet langer meer in de koude te staan wachten!

HAAL JE AARDE De afgewerkte teelaarde wordt verzameld in een makkelijk toegankelijke plek, beschermt tegen weer en wind door een bomenrij. Deze vruchtbare grond is ideaal voor je tuin!

In collaboration with |STEENS, Pieter

Exhibited in |the 2013 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt Bird’s eye view of the Palace | Public corridor through the salle-de-pas-perdus

The design focusses on the landscaping of an alternative future for one of the worlds biggest buildings: Palace of Justice, Brussels. The Palace, currently in a state of deterioration, will function as a public corridor between the poor Marollen district and one of the most prosperous districts in Brussels. The enormous Poelaert Square is purified to the bear minimum in this way celebrating its emptiness to deal with large scale manifestations and events. The south side towards the Marollen offers a green recreation area, much needed in this dense urban environment. 6 |13

objective | Junior Architect

Architectural Design 4B |PALACE OF JUSTICE In collaboration with |VANDERVELDEN, Jeroen; VANSTOCKSTRAETEN, Annelies Exhibited in |the 2012 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven








PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com

ingewerkte LED-verlichting kabelgoot 4,5x8cm prefab wit betonnen element B

wit betonnen tegel 80x120x7,5cm cementmortel 2,2cm wachtwapening krimpvrije mortel prefab wit betonnen element A bed van gestabiliseerd zand 20cm


Construction details of the pathway out of prefabricated white concrete tiles

A narrow pathway, consisting of prefabricated elements, elevates the trespasser over the solid ground. Several paths joined together provide in a network of shortcuts over the sloping site. At several intersections, expansions result in recreational spaces intended for the local residents.

issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt objective | Junior Architect

Architectural Design 4B |MONT DE JUSTICE Exhibited in |the 2012 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect



10.01.1990. | Belgium

lofts lofts ss center




y institu









+32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt objective | Junior Architect

Tower Park | VCTB

This urban design primarily focusses on the development of a concrete strategy and spatial model for the transformation of a complex piece of urban tissue, in this case the former hospital site of Leuven. The site consists of a juxtaposition of different housing typologies and open spaces, existing and new, high and low, calm and vivid but with a common goal: a high quality space, a strong identity, an address, a meeting point. A central lifeline/ armature links these specific places to each other, providing the necessary visual and physical connections between the different clusters, making it once again one entity. 8 |13

Studio Urban Design |ONE ENTITY OF DIVERSITY In collaboration with |DE BACKER, C.; DE VOS, L. Exhibited in |‘s Hertogeneiland: an academic reflection’, University Hospital, Leuven

PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt Level 1 cluster 1 pavilions in the park | Level 2 cluster 1 pavilions in the park

The housing units at the north of the site evoke a resemblance to funky sculptures in the park. They enclose a semi-private garden and are designed following a distinct set of rules to deal with privacy concerns and functionality. Each set of 4 pavilions contains a large communal space, in this way enhancing the social aspects of semicommunal living.

objective | Junior Architect

Masterplan + Design Urban Project Ukkel 3B In collaboration with | DANIELS, Eline Exhibited in |the 2011 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt objective | Junior Architect

High rise levels 6 & 10 | High rise levels 7 & 11

The south side of the master plan is characterised by a live-work high rise. Instead of the obligatory two conventional emergency staircases at the centre of the tower, one is wrapped all around the building. In this way a public corridor is provided making the rooftop with stunning views on Brussels public accessible, as well as providing the clients of the home-working tenants a separate way in. Wherever the spiralling hallway takes a turn it leaves in its wake additional useable space for the apartments above and below.

oren niveau 6 & 10

Toren niveau 7 & 11

schaal 1:200

Toren niveau 6 & 10

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schaal 1:200

schaal 1:200

Toren niveau 7 & 11

schaal 1:200

Masterplan + Design Urban Project Ukkel 3B In collaboration with | DANIELS, Eline Exhibited in |the 2011 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt Model of the masterplan | Abstract scheme of the design proposition

The master plan of a site in Ukkel, southern Brussels, acts as a means of connection between two adjacent green areas. The park is inhabited by 2 sets of four low-rise pavilions. The southern side bordering a busy access road contains high-rise as well as medium density housing units. An additional commercial strip and live-work units ensures a rich diversity of inhabitants and usages making it a versatile and durable development.

objective | Junior Architect

Masterplan Urban Project Ukkel 3A In collaboration with | DANIELS, E. ; DE BELDER, G. ; DE CEULAER, K. ; VANGEENBERGHE, A. Exhibited in |the 2010 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt Entrance with a view on the historic city of Leuven

This vacation resort at Keizersberg, Leuven is designed as a space to retreat and get away for reflection. The curved and sensual form of the building, sunken into the forested hills of Leuven, evokes exposure at one side -with a stunning panorama on the city- and yet at the same time provides a sense of security right in the heart of the miniature house.

objective | Junior Architect

Architectural Design 1C |SUMMER HOUSE Exhibited in |the 2008 architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

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PORTFOLIO | SELECTED WORKS Bram D’hoedt | MEng-Architect 10.01.1990. | Belgium +32.495.76.59.51. mail | bramdhoedt@hotmail.com issuu | brdh linkedin | Bram D’hoedt Dismantled checkerboard | Filled and hollow checkerboard pieces

The checkerboard is entirely generated by a set of JAVA code. The conception of the project is conceived out of the very own properties of 3d printing. The third dimension fulfils the role of the black and white colours of the conventional checkerboard game. Furthermore, by designing the checker pieces as mergeable slices they can be stored within the hollow squares of the checkerboard, thus securing the transportation process.

objective | Junior Architect

Programming and Design |3D CHECKERBOARD 1 st Prize + Realisation In collaboration with |BROUX, Jan Exhibited in |the annual architectural exposition, Arenberg Castle, Leuven

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