Breakbulk China 2017 Sponsorship Menu

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(click a category below for more information)





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13-16 MARCH 2017 Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center


ON THE EXHIBITION FLOOR Conference Suite........................................................ $7,500 ............................................................. (RMB

50,400.00 + 6% tax)

The Conference Suite is on the exhibition floor and is open to all delegates. The conference sessions are the event highlight and main reason for attendance for the VIP Shipper Club members. If you want to increase the visibility of your company to cargo owners, this is the opportunity!


» B randed Conference Sessions Suite » O pportunity for Sponsor Executive to give short » » »

welcoming remarks each day L ogo on all onsite signage D istribution of sponsor material at each delegate seat F ull contact list of delegates post-event

Exhibitor-led Sessions.. ........................................... $1,500 ............................................................. (RMB

10,000.00 + 6% tax)

Share your knowledge and experience with the Breakbulk China 2017 general audience by becoming a speaker. Submit your 45-minute session abstract for consideration. Case studies are welcomed! Once approved, you will be given a time slot on either Wednesday or Thursday of the event. Presenters will be interviewed pre/post presentation and the interview is posted on the Breakbulk China website. Included with your fee – session posted on the website, in the BBCH app and in the event guide.

promotion and marketing material

» L ogo representation and sponsorship note on all Media Zone signage at the Breakbulk event

» F ull page ad in Event Guide » C o-branded Breakbulk Studios full page ad in corresponding issue of Breakbulk Magazine

» 1 5-minute show segment, one per day, sponsor to receive digital copy of the show

» S ponsor logo included on pre-roll and post-roll on all non-exhibitor event videos

» H ourly 60-second commercial spots broadcast as part »

of event programming throughout the exhibition (sponsor provides video) O ne year placement of sponsor-supplied video on

Registration Area...................................................... $11,000 ............................................................. (RMB

73,900.00 + 6% tax)

Front and Center! That’s the visibility you get when you sponsor the registration area as thousands of potential customers see your corporate brand on registration at the event.


» R egistration area branded with your logo » 2 Event Passes » E vent Guide Advertisement- Full page, full color »M arketing materials (sponsor provided) in delegate bags » E xcel-format list of event delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

Available Timeslots: to be announced.

Breakbulk Studios..................................................... $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

» 8 Event Passes » L ogo representation and sponsorship note on all TV

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

From the Welcome Reception through the end of the exhibition, Breakbulk Studios will be the hub for live interviews, discussions and entertainment. As the sponsor, your branding will appear throughout this area, in the Event Guide and in the TV Guide. All videos will include your logo as a sign-off. This sponsorship also includes hourly promotion spots broadcast throughout the halls on both days of the exhibition.

Wi-Fi Lounge................................................................ $12,500 ............................................................

(RMB 84,000.00 + 6% tax)

Delegates appreciate the opportunity to rest their feet with compliments of the Breakbulk Wi-Fi Lounge sponsor.


» P rominent signage on WIFI Lounge area » 6 x6 custom lounge with WiFi, able to outfit with marketing material

» 2 Event Passes

VIP Shipper Lounge.. ............................................... $15,000 .......................................................... (RMB

100,800.00 + 6% tax)

Provide an exclusive retreat for VIP shippers, complete with comfortable seating, WiFi, outlets to recharge laptops and refreshments. A hostess will be stationed at the entrance for check-in.


» Prominent signage on VIP Shipper Lounge area » 6 x6 custom lounge with WiFi, able to outfit with marketing material

» 2 Event Passes

Exhibition Grand Closing Sponsor................ $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

You’re in charge – host the Cash Prize Giveaway in your booth and make the end of the event a moment all will remember.


» P romotional video spot to promote finale during the event, broadcast throughout exhibition

» V ideo filming of your booth during the giveaway, along with

professional photographer. Sponsor to receive video and photos.

» C overage of finale on, social media, as well as »

included in future Breakbulk Magazine event overview S ponsor to provide cash prize

Fun-on-the-Floor............................................................ $250 ................................................................ (RMB

1,750.00 + 6% tax)

If you have a fun activity planned for your booth — why not draw attention to it? We’ll make sure your in-booth event gets the attention it deserves.


» I nclusion in the Fun-on-the-Floor directory on » S pecial listing in app, along with three alerts sent to app users at the time of your choosing

» S pecial icon on Mega-Floor Plans with your logo shown with » »

booth location F un-on-the-floor listing page on with link to company website I cons added to floor plan that link to the above listing page

Delegate Bag Insert................................................. $2,500 ............................................................. (RMB

16,800.00 + 6% tax)

It’s in the bag! This statement has never been truer than at Breakbulk China where thousands of delegates enjoy the hospitality item you’ve provided to them. Captivate the Breakbulk China delegates with your latest breaking product or service by inserting your collateral or a great promotional giveaway into the Delegate Conference Bag. (Note: Product giveaway must be pre-approved by event management.)


» 2 Event Passes »M arketing materials (provided by sponsor) in attendee bags Entrance Gift.. ............................................................... $10,000 ............................................................. (RMB

67,200.00 + 6% tax)

Give the ultimate welcome to event delegates with a promotional item that is distributed by event staff at the entrance to the exhibition.



» 2 Event Passes » S taff members to distribute gifts (Sponsor to provide gifts)

Delegate Bag......................................... SOLD TO CHIPOLBROK

Lanyard................................................. SOLD TO SWIRE SHIPPING

Every delegate will receive the event’s must-have item – a handy bag emblazoned with your company logo to carry exhibitor literature and giveaways.

Your company logo printed on event badge lanyards, which are distributed at registration.


» 2 Event Passes

» 2 Event Passes »M arketing materials (provided by sponsor) in attendee bags


Pen & Pad.......................................................................... $2,000 ............................................................. (RMB

13,500.00 + 6% tax)

Your corporate logo printed on a pen and pad set, which will be inserted into bags or distributed at Conference Suite – sponsor’s choice.


» 2 Event Passes »M arketing materials (provided) in attendee bags Event-At-A-Glance.................................................... $4,500 ............................................................. (RMB

30,250.00 + 6% tax)

Sponsor this pocket-size Event Guide, addendum and map and your logo and message will be seen on the most useful item around! The Event-At-A-Glance is inserted into each delegate bag and on display in the registration area — delegates live by these!


» 2 Event Passes


» E vent Guide full page ad » O ption to display corporate banners in the workshop meeting room for the duration of the event (up to 2)

» T able provided at registration area immediately outside of the meeting room for the duration of the workshop

»M arketing materials (provided) in event delegate bags » E xcel-format list of workshop delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

» A bility to provide gift to each workshop delegate

Workshops....................................................................... $7,000 ............................................................. (RMB

47,000.00 + 6% tax)

Associate your company and equipment with this leading heavy lift workshop and enjoy the large amount of pre-event marketing exposure available. You may have the option of sponsoring Ocean Transport Day 1 or Land & Barge Transport Day 2 or sponsor both.


» E vent Guide full page ad » O ption to display corporate banners in the workshop meeting room for the duration of the event (up to 2)

» T able provided at registration area immediately outside of the


meeting room for the duration of the workshop

Education Day............................................................... $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

Associate your company with Breakbulk’s Education Day, known throughout the industry as effective training for graduating students and others new to breakbulk. A full day of expert speakers, capped off with a career day provides an excellent venue for promoting your company as a supporter of industry education.

»M arketing materials (provided) in event delegate bags » E xcel-format list of workshop delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

» A bility to provide gift to each workshop delegate » 2 complimentary passes to the workshop immediately after the event



Mobile App....................................................................... $3,000

Main Signage. . ................................................................ $6,000

............................................................. (RMB

............................................................. (RMB

20,200.00 + 6% tax)

Keep your company top-of-mind in the months leading up to Breakbulk China 2016 and during the show. The new app features an interactive floor plan, messaging between users and a scheduling tool.


» S plash screen with your logo/graphic that displays » » » »

each time app is opened and during refresh Y our message delivered within the app feed 3x per week leading up to the show and 2x per day during the event (March 14-17, 2017). 2 event passes F ull colour, half page ad in Event Guide L ogo on event signage and website (sponsor page + app page)

Mobile App Ads. . ............................................................... $500 ...............................................................

(RMB 3,400.00 + 6% tax)

Become a part of the conversation around the event by placing your “ad” right into the social feed of the Breakbulk mobile app. Includes pre-show run and appearances during the four-day event. You may use different messaging for each ad, whether that’s a pre-show welcome or an invitation to visit your booth..

» A ds can be modified for pre-show and during show posts. » B ase price includes 3x insertions. Company Video............................................................. $1,500 ............................................................. (RMB

Digital Photo Album................................................. $5,000 33,600.00 + 6% tax)

A daily photo album that will run on Breakbulk TV programming, on our website and will be linked to the mobile app. Prominent branding will show your sponsorship of this popular virtual album. The album will also be reproduced as a Breakbulk Magazine feature that will include your sponsor information.


» S ponsor may provide additional photos to appear in the » » »

Hanging Banner........................................................... $7,500 ............................................................. (RMB

virtual branded album L inked page on that includes sponsor logo that remains posted until next year’s event L ogo on signage and website S election of photos will appear in a future issue of Breakbulk Magazine and will include sponsor information

Exhibitor Locator / Floor Plans.. ..................... $2,500 ............................................................. (RMB

16,800.00 + 6% tax)

Sponsor the oversized floor plans, an essential guide in helping delegates navigate the show floor. Two floor plan signs at entrance, one at registration and one in a catering area.


» 2 Event Passes » C ompany logo included on floor plan Entrance Arch.............................................................. $10,000 ............................................................. (RMB

67,200.00 + 6% tax)

Make a bold statement to all delegates with this entrance archway. These can be branded with one or more company logos.


» Event Guide advertisement – Full page, full color » Marketing materials (provided) in delegate bags » Excel-format list of event delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

» Session sponsorship included, you choose session after Conference schedule is released and finalized


Platinum (6passes). . ................................................ $15,000 .......................................................... (RMB

100,800.00 + 6% tax)

Gold (4passes).. ........................................................... $12,500 ............................................................

(RMB 84,000.00 + 6% tax)

Silver (2passes).......................................................... $10,000 ............................................................. (RMB

Event Daily Email Blast.......................................... $2,000 13,500.00 + 6% tax)

Reach the Breakbulk Events & Media community by sponsoring the show daily, an email newsletter with a recap of the day’s events that will be sent directly to the inboxes of 25,000+ subscribers. Your company logo and tagline will be prominently featured in bulletin.

67,200.00 + 6% tax)

Bronze (1pass)............................................................... $7,500 ............................................................. (RMB

............................................................. (RMB

50,400.00 + 6% tax)

Sponsor the signage that is prominently hung from the 2nd floor walkway. These banners are seen instantly by all that walk into the convention center, leading everyone upstairs to Breakbulk China! Cost is per hanging banner. See Organizers for placement options.

10,100.00 + 6% tax)

Professionally filmed in our Media Zone or at your booth – interviewer will ask pre-arranged questions, production includes B-roll of your projects, etc. Your video will be posted on and its social media outlets, and you can use it any way you choose.

............................................................. (RMB

40,300.00 + 6% tax)

Sponsor the signage that is prominently placed throughout the exhibition hall and at the headquarters hotel leading to the meeting rooms.

50,400.00 + 6% tax)



HOSPITALITY Looking for a way to gain recognition for something every delegate will appreciate? Here is a variety of special sponsorships, providing refreshments at designated times.

Welcome Reception.............................................. $50,000 ..........................................................

(RMB 335,900.00 + 6% tax)

This event takes place on Tuesday 15 March. This is the perfect opportunity to get your message across to a captive audience. This sponsorship includes a draped table in the catering area where your staff can answer questions and display literature.


» 2 Event Passes » Event Guide advertisement – Full page, full color » Branding throughout the welcome reception area (Exhibition

» 2 Event Passes » Event Guide advertisement – Full page, full color » Marketing materials (provided) in attendee bags »W elcome Remark- Introduction & Presentation – 10 minutes at start of luncheon

» Literature distribution in catering area during cocktail reception

Catering Area................................................................. $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

Make sure your corporate logo and message are seen as people gather to eat at the exhibition. Your corporate logo appears throughout the catering area, including (6) carpet clings. The catering sponsor receives the exclusive right to provide table top signs or other décor on all catering tables (with exception during the cocktail reception). Literature may also be distributed in this area or you may provide your own display.

Hall Foyer)

» Marketing materials (provided) in delegates bags » Welcome Remark- Introduction & Presentation - 10 minutes »

at start Literature distribution within catering area

Evening Cocktail Reception. . ............................. $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

This event takes place on Wednesday 16 March. This sponsorship includes a draped table and signage in the cocktail reception area where your staff can answer questions and display literature.


» 2 Event Passes » Event Guide advertisement – Full page, full color » Marketing materials (provided) in delegates bags » Literature distribution in catering area except for cocktail reception

Evening Cocktail Reception & Catering Area............................................................ $7,500 ............................................................. (RMB

Book one and save 50% of the other!

50,500.00 + 6% tax)

Customized Bottled Water (per day).......... $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

Branded custom label on 18 oz. bottled 100% spring water with twist cap. Your room-temperature waters will be distributed by our staff at two stands in the morning as delegates arrive.

AT THE HOTEL A variety of special sponsorships to recognize guests and make them feel at home.

Hotel Key........................................... SOLD TO BBC CHARTERING Keep your company name in the forefront by sponsoring the hotel key card packets. Each guest’s card packet is printed with your corporate image on each participating hotel’s room keys. Sponsorship includes two event passes.

Hotel Turn-down Service..................................... $5,000 ............................................................. (RMB

33,600.00 + 6% tax)

Make a favorable impression on each and every delegate at the event by ending their day with a reminder of your company. Your item will be delivered to the delegates during the evening hotel turndown service: chocolates, a late night treat or logoed item works well. Sponsorship includes two event passes.

TRANSPORTATION & OTHER A variety of special sponsorships to capture the attention of Breakbulk participants. From transportation hub signage to official freight forwarder, here are practical choices for companies.

Official Equipment Sponsor.. ............................ $15,000 .......................................................... (RMB

100,800.00 + 6% tax)

As the official equipment sponsor, your company will receive a 6x6 boothspace in the exhibition hall designed to display equipment.


» 5 Event Passes » Event Guide Advertisement – Full page, full color » Marketing materials (provided) in delegate bags » E xcel-format list of event delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

Official Freight Forwarder. . ........ SOLD TO WES GROUP / GO-EXPRESS


» 5 Event Passes » Event Guide Advertisement – Full page, full color

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities for Breakbulk China 2017, please contact:

» Marketing materials (provided) in delegate bags » E xcel-format list of event delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

Official Transportation Sponsor. . .................... $9,500 ............................................................

(RMB 63,800.00 + 6% tax)

Sponsor’s logo on shuttle signage present at each host hotel plus head rest covers within each bus branded with your logo!


» 5 Event Passes » E vent Guide Advertisement – Full page, full color »M arketing materials (provided) in delegate bags » E xcel-format list of event delegates post-event citing full name, company, job title, and full contact details

Gary Tang

Wendy Tao


SALES MANAGER – SHANGHAI CHINA +852 2 132 9698 18116317719

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