Folio Graphic Standards Manual

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OUR HISTORY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 THE BR AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SIZING & USAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 T YPOGR APHY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 COLORS & TEXTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PHOTOGR APHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 STATIONERY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 WEBSITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

OUR HISTORY Our great-grandfather, Fitzgerald Ashcroft founded folio paper co. in 1905. At that time, it functioned solely as a paper mill in the heart of the English countryside. We spent our childhood summers visiting the mill and our beloved great-grandfather until he unfortunately fell ill. Other members of the Ashcroft family tried their hardest to keep the folio mill turning but had to eventually close its doors. Many years and unfulfilling careers later we felt it was time to bring folio paper co. and our great-grandfather’s passion back to life. folio is now a global brand based out of New York City, centrally focused on luxury office supplies and interiors. —Jonathan & Hamish Ashcroft brand standards manual | 3



Relationships, no matter the type, are formed by impressions. folio paper co. specializes in these impressions. From our luxury office supplies and interiors to the very nature with which we interact with our customers, it is paramount that the folio brand radiates through it all with pure luxury. Graphic manuals such as this ensure that folio's brand makes a lasting and consistent impression across all of our consumers. From this, brand loyalty is built, ensuring our success.


The folio paper co. brandmark evokes a sense of history, while also fitting in to a modern context. The cleanliness of shapes matched with added vintage elements gives the mark an expensive and trusted feel. The typefaces utilized were chosen specifically to resemble things of the past yet still remain beautiful and current. 4 | folio paper co.

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Due to the elegant nature of the brand, the folio paper co. brandmark should always be seen with a significant amount of free space surrounding it and sizing should always be handled with care. • • •

The free space is determined by the unit (x) of measure that is the height of the brandmark itself; i.e. from the top of the established date to the bottom of the word 'paper'. The same amount of free space should be present on all sides of the brandmark. Reference the mark above for guidance.

6 | folio paper co.

PROPER USAGE In most corporate applications, the folio brandmark should always be seen in the prespecified folio brown colorway atop a flat, white background. The brandmark may also be seen in black for black and white only applications.

The commonmost application of the folio brandmark is reversed out of a dark, photographic, woodgrain background. This application should be the default unless a more corporate application is desired. Approved files are available for download from our corporate design office along with all other brand materials.

In rare cases, mainly for advertising purposes, the folio brandmark can be applied tonally to approved photographs. Pay close attention to the contrast and legibility between photograph and brandmark. Approved photograph files are available for download from our corporate design office along with all other brand materials.

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a. The brandmark should never be rotated, stretched, skewed, or any take on any other forms of physical manipulation. b. The brandmark should never be shown in any other colorway besides folio brown, folio cream, black, or white. Additionally, the brandmark should never mix colors between elements. c. A drop shadow, bevel, glow, or any other effect of the like should never be applied to the brandmark. d. The brandmark should never be recreated nor should any other, unapproved typefaces be used to create it. 8 | folio paper co.




Featured typeface in the folio brandmark. May only be used in small amounts of copy such as headlines or captions. Only uppercase letters and glyphs may be used.

Gotham • • •

Featured typeface in the folio brandmark. Use only for small amounts of type such as captions; should never be used for body copy. Entire family may be used with discretion.

Hoefler Text • • •

For use in large amounts of body copy. When folio is referenced in body copy, Hoefler Text Roman Small Caps must be used. Entire family may be used with discretion.

10 | folio paper co.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 =~!@#$%^&*()+[]{}|:;’:”<>?,./

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 =~!@#$%^&*()+[]{}|:;’:”<>?,./

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 =~!@#$%^&*()+[]{}|:;’:”<>?,./


Mercury • • •

To be used as an alternative to, but not in conjuction with, Hoefler Text. Permitted for use in basic body copy applications, but should never be used for main folio promotion. Entire family may be used with discretion.

Avenir • • •

To be used as an alternative to, but not in conjuction with, Gotham. Use only for small amounts of type such as captions; should never be used for body copy, and should never be used for main folio promotion. Entire family may be used with discretion.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 =~!@#$%^&*( )+[ ]{}|:;’:”<>?,./

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 =~!@#$%^&*()+[]{}|:;’:”<>?,./

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PRIMARY COLORS folio paper co. brown pantone: 4975 cmyk: 51 | 77 | 78 | 76 hex: #1e0e0d

folio paper co. gray pantone: 425 cmyk: 64 | 56 | 61 | 37 hex: #3a473f

folio paper co. cream pantone: 12-0804 tck cmyk: 4 | 4 | 8 | 0 hex: #f5f5eb

black pantone: black 6 u cmyk: 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 hex: #000000

white pantone: bright white 11 cmyk: 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 hex: #ffffff


Due to the changing nature of our products, secondary colors for graphics purposes are never constant. That being said, when a secondary color is needed, the designer must use their own descretion and adhere to an earthtone palette. The most common case of this need is during website design when featured products require matching colored headlines. Secondary colors should never be used with the brandmark. 12 | folio paper co.

TEXTURES* The most preferred and widely used texture in the folio brand is wood grain. This texture must be in the form of a photograph as no vectorized textures may be used. Please ensure that texture is of high resolution and has good contrast of lights and darks. It is on this sort of texture that the logo may be placed and reversed.

Concrete is a common material used in folio products as it represents modernity and strength. This texture may be used for promotional purposes, such as in advertising, but should never have the folio brandmark placed overtop. Please ensure that the texture is in the form of a photograph and is of high resolution.

Due to the history of folio, a paper texture may also be used for alternative graphic applications. Please ensure that the texture is in the form of a photograph, is of high resolution, and is a paper product that is offered by folio.

*Approved texture files are available for download from our corporate design office along with all other brand materials.

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When photographing office spaces, the scene should be well lit with natural light. In terms of composition, the image should be central with strong symmetry. Subject matter should be active with a well-styled sense of livability.

Individual folio products should be photographed in an organized manner that showcases multiple facets of each object. The composition should be arranged in a way that feels active and in use.

Smaller groups of products or collections should also be photographed in natural light with a sense of livability. The scene should be semi-active with a feeling of organization.

Product photos used for online marketplace purposes should be photographed in natural light on a f lat white background. The product must be featured in a clear and concise way to showcase the product in its entirety.

14 | folio paper co.



1pt rule


(x)pt Vast Shadow; no embellishments

5pt Gotham; tracking set to 50

Traditional business card size of 3.5" by 2"



0.18" 5pt Gotham; tracking set to 50 0.18"

front 0.7"




1. 44"

Traditional business envelope size of 9.5" by 4.18"

16 | folio paper co.


(x)pt Vast Shadow; no embellishments


8pt Gotham; tracking set to 50


LET TERHEAD 0.5" 0.5"

Brandmark centered on page

2" 0.91"

1 hard return 4 hard returns

1 hard return



1 hard return 5 hard returns

Body copy type should be Hoefler Text set 11/13.2

8pt Gotham; tracking set to 50; centered on page


0. 44"



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After a user enters through the splash page (not featured here) and selects a user country, they are brought to this main home screen. This screen, as with all other pages in the website, should be 1024px by 728px in size. The home screen should feature the main toolbar, a in-site search engine, and links to shopping bag and account. Content featured on the homepage should include featured, seasonal collections as well as monthly featured products. Every page of the website should have the folio header bar that is set in size to 1024px by 152px. For development purposes, follow image as guide.

As mentioned previously, the homepage should include featured collections and products. These products can vary in number and should be arranged in a scrolling grid manner, with an 11px buffer between images. Grid arrangement should be determined by image style and color pallete for visual appeal.

On product viewing pages, such as the supplies page featured here, the viewing range should be contained within the width of the main toolbar. For this, a buffer of 317px should be used on each side. The page itself should be structured so that a featured product is seen first at a size of 664px by 312px. Following that should be a labelled break and then a 3 column grid with a 32px buffer between columns. This grid will feature either images of categories or specific products depending on the page, and images should be labelled accordingly.

18 | folio paper co.

On specific product information pages, content must once again be contained within the width of the main toolbar. A photograph of the specific product should be featured at 284px by 268px on the left most side of the area. A price, item number, description, and an add to cart feature should be included on this page along with product specifications.

The shopping bag page, featured here, should be designed as a simple scrolling list that includes product images, information, selected specifications, and prices. All content must be contained withing the width of the main toolbar, headed by a shopping bag labelled title. Each listed product should be seperated by a buffer of 30px with a 0.25pt rule.

The checkout page should adhere to the same buffer guidelines as mentions in the previous sections; within the width of the main toolbar. On the right side of the section should be customer service information as well as a product list of the customer's purchase for overview purposes. The left side, on the other hand, should feature the entry lines of the customer's personal information for purchasing purposes. The page is headed by a labelled title with a mini toolbar to show checkout progression.

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For further information or to obtain the branding materials featured in this manual, please visit:

version 1.0 | last updated 4.29.15 917.555.7841 | 164 fifth avenue, new york, ny 10010 | Š 2015 folio paper company | all rights reserved

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