4 ourShopping:favourites! 6 Tea, coffee & cocktail recipes 8 What, exactly, is Earl Grey tea? 10 Bredemeijer Group @home 12 Shake it like a pro! 14 presents…LeopoldShopping:Vienna 16 Ethiopian ceremony:coffeerituals and hospitality 18 Four things you didn’t know yet about Miffy! 19 Five tips to teach your kids good eating habits! 20 How to take the perfect picture 22 Colourful themes on Zilverstad children’s cutlery packaging 23 Tea & coffee content

Bredemeijer Group l 3
Curious about these topics and more? Start browsing now. We wish you lots of reading pleasure!
Everyone can take photographs, but if you really want to distin guish yourself from others with a surprising image, be sure to read our tips. Furthermore, we will also elaborate on a fun way to frame the pictures that come out best.
Esther de Wit Marketing Bredemeijer Group P.S. You can view the collections of the Bredemeijer ®, Leopold Vienna and Zilverstad brands in our catalogue. You are welcome to order it on info@bredemeijergroup.com. be surprised!
Ethiopia is the country of origin of coffee. The country is an im portant coffee exporter, but also boasts a history of traditional coffee ceremonies where rituals and hospitality take centre stage. You can read about the ins and outs of a ceremony on page 16.
Here you go! A new edition of Tastemakers. We truly enjoyed working on a new edition with inspiring articles and fun facts.
Earl Grey is one of the most popular tea varieties in the west. But what, exactly, do we know about this tea? We delved into its history and encountered several fun facts.

4 l Tastemakers Duet ® Design Meteor 1.2L | Stainless steel | Ocre 111012 Duet ® Design Boston 1.2L | Stainless steel | Grey 111010 Duet ® Bella Ronde 1.2L | Stainless steel Dark Green 101011 ‘You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.’ – C. S. Lewis SHOPPING Teapot Ravello 1.2L | Borosilicate glass 165020 In collaboration with Canadian illustrator, Alicia Bint, tea sommelier Ankie Withagen created a beautiful book to easily note, per tea, all kinds of information, such as flavour profiles and recipes. In order to maintain a good overview, the book offers space for your own table of contents and tea rankings. If you take tea seriously, My Tea review book would be right up your street. Price €14.95 boekwinkeltjes.nl Review your tea favourites!our

Bredemeijer Group l 5 Tea box bamboo 6 | 9 | 12 compartments 184011 | 184012 | 184013 For everyone – tea somme liers, restaurant owners, ba ristas, tea plantation owners, purchasers, fans – well dis posed towards tea and who wish to expand their knowl edge, there is the European Speciality Tea Association David Veal, after falling in love with tea following a ca reer in coffee, founded the non-profit organisation in 2021. Through connection, inspiration and education, ESTA wants to excite tea professionals and fans about the world of specialty tea. The head office is located in the United Kingdom with branches in various European countries. By now, the Dutch branch ESTA Benelux is about to make its official Teastart.sommeliers Kiona Malinka, Liesbeth Sleijster and Mariëlla Erkens make up the management team and are ready to assist you with online training courses, work shops and other activities! Becoming a member will give you direct access to a free online training course. Annual memberships from €60 specialityteaeurope.com Tea set Kobe 1.2L | Cast iron | Porcelain Duet ® Bella Ronde 1.2L | Stainless steel Dark Magenta 101010 Duet ® Design Boston 1,2L | Stainless steel | White 111009 Love for tea

Preparation: 1. Bring the water to the boil. Put the rooibos tea in a teapot with filter and leave to steep for 4 minutes. Remove the tea leaves. 2. Pour the tea into a cocktail shaker, add ice cubes and shake firmly. 3. Cut the orange into thin slices and add one slice per glass. 4. Pour the tea from the cocktail shaker into the glasses. 5. Add the cinnamon stick. 6. Top up with ginger ale and stir using the cinnamon stick.
Gin & Tonic with BlueberriesElderflowerand Ingredients: • Gin 45 ml; • Elderflower tonic (Fevertree) 150 ml; • 40 gr blueberries; • Ice cubes; • Violets for garnishment
Old Fashioned
6 l Tastemakers
Tea Mocktail with Rooibos and Cinnamon
Ingredients: Whiskey (or bourbon) 60 ml | Angostura bitters (3-5 drops) | 10 ml sugar syrup | Orange peel | Granite ice cube | Ice cubes Preparation: 1. Pour the sugar syrup into a whiskey glass and add the Angostura bitters. 2. Add the whiskey. 3. Stir with a bar spoon. 4. Put the granite ice cubes in the glass and add 3-4 normal ice cubes. 5. Squeeze half of the orange into the glass.
7. Garnish the Old Fashioned with the burnt peel to give it an extra smoky flavour.
Ingredients (for 4 glasses): 350 ml water | 500 ml ginger ale 8 gr rooibos tea | 4 cinnamon sticks | 1 orange | Ice cubes
What you need: cocktail glasses, cocktail shaker, teapot with tea filter
6. Peel the other half of the orange and carefully burn the peel.
Preparation: 1. Fill a glass with ice cubes. Then add the gin and tonic and stir well. 2. Drop the blueberries in the glass or thread them on a cocktail stick. If you opt for the latter, stir the stick while in the glass to release the flavours. 3. Ser ve with a violet.

Preparation: 1. Use finely preground beans or grind the beans yourself with a coffee mill. 2. Put the coffee grinds in a large (glass) pot or carafe and pour over 1 litre of water. Stir well. 3. Seal the pot and leave for 12 hours. 4. Now it’s time to filter the coffee. You can use a coffee filter or a coffee maker. Make sure you filter out all of the coffee grinds. 5. Fill a glass with ice cubes. 6. Fill about 1/4th of the glass with coffee. 7. Now pour over the milk. 8. Finish off with a few drops of vanilla extract and a dash of cinnamon to taste.
Preparation: 1. Heat the milk, pumpkin purée, sugar and mixed spice at a medium heat in a sauce pan. Once it’s close to boil ing, remove the pan from the stove. 2. Stir the vanilla into the mixture. Puree until completely smooth using a hand blender. This will also help dissolve small chunks of pumpkin. You can now add the coffee, but you can also add and stir it in once you’re done. 3. Pour the Pumpkin Spice Latte into a large mug and garnish with a big blob of whipped cream. Sprinkle with an additional dash of Pumpkin spice.
Ingredients: 200 ml (vegetable) milk | 1–2 tablespoons pump kin purée (from tin or pot), finely mashed | 1 tablespoon sugar |
Half a teaspoon of mixed spice or pumpkin spice | 1 teaspoon vanilla extract | 1 freshly made (espresso) coffee (approx. 60 ml) | Whipped cream
What you need: coffee mill, (glass) pot or carafe, coffee filter or coffee maker
CamomileLatte Ingredients: • 2 teaspoons of loose camomile tea; • 175 ml of milk (or soy milk); • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1.Preparation: Add camomile tea, milk and cinnamon to a pot and heat on medium-low heat. Let simmer for a couple of minutes (do not boil). 2. Let steep for about a minute. 3. Strain the mixture. 4. Pour the mixture into a cof fee maker and use the plunger about 6 times. 5. Pour into a cup and sprinkle some cinnamon on top for a perfect finish! Cold brewcoffee Pumpkin Spice Latte
Ingredients: Arabica beans | 1L water | Ice cubes | 30 ml almond milk | Vanilla extract | Cinnamon
Source: bettyskitchen.nl
What you need: small pan, whisk, hand blender or blender
Bredemeijer Group l 7

According to legend, Charles Grey was the man who introduced us to Earl Grey tea. A big thank you would appear to be in order as Earl Grey is one of the most popular tea varieties in the west. But, do we actually know what it is we are drinking when ordering a cup of “Earl”?
There are many different leg ends about how this berga mot-flavoured tea came into being. For example, there is one version claiming that the tea is from China. Fo Shou is a pricey, slightly oxidised oolong originating from the Yongchun county in the province of Fujian. The tea variety would be naturally blessed with a bergamot aroma. No addi tives, just the way it is. And yet there are tea sommeliers all over the world who doubt this statement because they think that Fo Shou oolong has more of a pear aroma than a berga mot aroma. And pear and ber gamot are far from the same.
A third and last explanation regarding the origin of Earl Grey, is that the tea variety was named after a tea dealer with the surname Grey, where the addition of “earl” was supposed to make the tea sound more chic. William Grey of the same name tea warehouse, William Grey & Co, appears to be the most plausible candidate.
Charles Grey, the British prime minister Far more likely and widely ac cepted is the legend in which Charles Grey plays the lead ing role. He was the British prime minister from 1830 on wards and the author of the 1832 Reform Act that ended the monopoly position of the British East India Company with regards to the import of tea. This resulted in a price drop making tea more popu lar with the entire population. Charles Grey himself became acquainted with “Earl Grey” when a diplomat gifted him a box of tea flavoured with ber gamot oil.
The tea dealer
Text Richard Schukkink, ITC Academy
Tea mystery Ultimately, William Grey & Co disappeared and around 1880 Charlton & Co, a company from London, claimed to be the “in ventor” of this flavoured tea via various advertisements. A melange that, in those days, exactly,what, is earltea?grey

There can, however, be no doubt about the characteristic addition of bergamot oil to Earl Grey tea. The bergamot fruit – also referred to as citrus ber gamia – is a small, yellow-green citrus fruit. It is a cross be tween the citrus limetta (sweet lime) and citrus aurantium (bitter orange), ensuring not just a citrussy flavour, but also a flowery and spicy aroma. Originally, the bergamot fruit could only be found in South China and Vietnam. Today, ber gamot is grown on a large scale in France, Turkey and the Ivory Coast, with the South Italian province of Calabria providing 80% of the worldwide produc tion. The bergamot trees can reach a height of twelve metres although they are often pruned back to five metres at planta tions to make picking easier. It takes about seven years be fore the first fruits appear and no less than twelve to fifteen years to achieve a full harvest. Bergamot oil is a fairly pricey product, which is why the aroma has been synthetical ly copied for many years. The advantage being that the somewhat bitter aftertaste of bergamot can be removed in the laboratory. The tea with synthetic bergamot oil isn’t only cheaper, but also stable. Where organic tea varieties are concerned, the addition of a synthetic aroma is not permit ted. The packaging will then feature the words; natural aro mas. However, this doesn’t au tomatically mean that the Earl Grey tea contains real berga mot oil. It merely indicates that a “natural” product was used. Which product exactly, is a secret the producers of these aromas are very good at keep ing. What, exactly, is Earl Grey tea? Earl Grey is not a registered trade name. This means that everyone can decide for them selves which ingredients they wish to add to the tea. Where in the old days they mainly used Chinese black tea, such as smoked lapsang souchong, as a basis, today we see many tea varieties from different countries. The most traditional producers opt for black Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka, while many other brands prefer a cheaper tea from African countries. Making Earl Grey tea Earl Grey tea is tradition ally made with water of 100°C where the tea is left to steep for at least 5 minutes. Sometimes a slice of lemon or lime is served with the tea. Most Dutch consider this far too strong and the combination of a high water temperature and long steeping time makes the tea far too bitter. For a less bit ter taste it is recommended to shorten the steeping time to 2 to 3 minutes and to reduce the water temperature to 8090°C.
Bredemeijer Group l 9 cost about five shillings and four pence a pound. The inven torship is again disputed at the start of the twentieth century by the companies Twinings of London and Jacksons of Piccadilly. Twinings of London – the internationally known tea label with three hundred years of expertise – was supported in this respect by Earl Grey VI (1939). His signature still adorns the Earl Grey packag ing of Twinings. Yet, there still isn’t any hard proof that one of these two companies had any thing to do with the origin of the tea causing history to re main an intriguing tea mystery.
Adding bergamot oil
Minuet® Santhee, matt black | 121003

10 l Tastemakers Bredemeijer Group @home @by_kelz @eatly.nl @tinabackman @thuisbijwendoosje @cocktailicious @huisvansaar

Bredemeijer Group l 11 @kimbali.bloom @the_home_barista @hartjemaassluis @huisvansaar @thuisbijrenate Publicatie : Stijlvol Wonen Datum : 31 dec 2021 cm2 : 13489 Pagina : 89 AVE : € 76847,00 Regio : Nederland Frequentie : 6x per jaar Oplage : 29817

12 l Tastemakers Shake it like a pro! Ingredients: • Licor 43 (30 ml) • Mozart white chocolate liqueur (15 ml) • Passion fruit juice (60 ml) • Passion fruit • White chocolate Needed: • Bar jigger • Cocktail shaker (Boston or Cobbler shaker) 1.Preparation: Use a shaker containing ice for this cocktail; 2. Pour the Licor 43 (30 ml) and the Mozart liqueur (15 ml) into the shaker using a bar jigger; 3. Add 45 ml of passion fruit juice; 4. Shake firmly until a layer of frost forms on the shaker; 5. Pour into a cooled martini glass without the ice; 6. Garnish with passion fruit and a chunk of white choco late. Bart @cocktailicious: “I wanted to create a special variant of the Pornstar Martini which is why I combined the passion fruit with white chocolate and Licor 43. Liqueurs that always work well and suit passion fruit perfectly. Delightfully festive!” cocktailicious.nl PORNSTAR 43 WHITE CHOCOLATE

Bredemeijer Group l 13 Ingredients: • Lime juice (25 ml) • Mango purée (35 ml) • Sugared water (10 ml) • Crushed ice • Ginger beer • Mint sprigs • Mango slices Needed: • Cocktail glass • Cocktail spoon Preparation: 1. Put the lime juice, mango purée and sugared water in a glass and stir well; 2. Add the crushed ice; 3. Top up with ginger beer; 4. Garnish with the mint and mango slices. Ingredients: • Absolut vodka (35 ml) • Sayah Spekkoek liqueur (20 ml) • Green apple syrup (7.5 ml) • Espresso (30 ml) • Crispy sugar snap • Chocolate shavings Needed: • Bar jigger • Cocktail shaker (Boston or Cobbler shaker) Preparation: 1. Pour all the ingredients (except the garnish) into the shaker; 2. Add a decent scoop of ice cubes; 3. Close the shaker well and then shake firmly, obviously with a smile �� ; 4. Sieve the content into your pre-cooled champagne saucer through the holes of the Cobb ler or a sieve from the large section of the Boston shaker; 5. Grate some delicious chocolate over the cocktail and garnish with a crispy sugar snap. Enjoy! Menno @bromojito: “Great minds drink alike.” bromojito.nl Jan-Dirk @jan.dirk.hospitality: “Facilitating a lasting positive experience for our guests by de veloping unique flavour combinations, cocktail concepts and with a little bit of entertainment & flair to boot. That’s what we love doing the most! Working together to further develop a cocktail culture in the Netherlands; that’s what we, at J.D. Hospitality, stand for.” jdhospitality.nl MANGO MOJITO GREEN APPLE & “SPEKKOEK” ESPRESSO MARTINI

14 l Tastemakers SHOPPING Coffee maker San Marco 1.0L | Stainless steel Black | Red LV113019 | LV113020 | LV113021 ‘Coffee connects us in so many ways – to each other, to our senses and to the earth that supports the coffee trees.’ – Rohan Marley Serving tray Small | Medium | Large LV618000 | LV618001 | LV618002 presentsleopoldvienna...Stylish sneakers made of coffee grounds? Thanks to Nespresso’s RE-GROUND and French start-up Zèta , you could be wearing a great pair of zero-waste shoes, with vegan leather on top and a sole made of coffee grounds from the Nespresso capsule recy cling programme. The rest of the shoe consists of 80% reused materials. So, not only stylish but sus tainable as well. Price: €155 zeta-shoes.com groundscoffeeFromsneakersto

‘Civilization begins with distillation.’ – William Faulkner Coffee without milk and sugar hardly contains any calories? A cup of cappuccino (125 ml) without sugar contains about 10 kcal (source: Netherlands Nutrition Centre). In addition to caffeine, coffee also contains po tassium, magnesium and vitamin B3. The sensitivity to caffeine differs substantially per indi vidual. The possible effects on sleep are often only as sociated with caffeine in coffee, but tea, energy drinks, certain soft drinks and chocolate are caffeine sources as Caffeinewell. in coffee is associated with relieving symptoms of depression on which it could possibly even have a protective effect. The thought of coffee alone seems to already improve our state of mind. koffieengezondheid.nl Giftset Whiskey Glass | Ice cubes | Tongs LV238000 Did you know, that...
Bredemeijer Group l 15 Bar set 7 pieces LV233024

Ethiopia is regarded as the country of origin of coffee. According to popular legend, the coffee plant was discovered about 300 years AD by an observant goatherd. This goatherd noticed that, after eating specific berries, his goats became extremely lively. He mentioned this to the abbot of a nearby monastery who started experimenting with the berries. The pouring of boiling water onto it resulted in a stimulating drink; coffee was born.
It didn’t take long for coffee not only becoming a drink to stay awake, it also became a trade item and a means of bringing people together. In order to honour this holy product, the Ethiopians engaged in a coffee ceremony that, in this day and age, is still a sign of hospitality, friendship and respect. Have you been given the opportuni ty to attend such a ceremony? Go for it!
Preparation The coffee ceremony is per formed by the lady or the daughter of the house who will be dressed in traditional Ethiopian clothing. The guests are seated around the cof fee preparation area which will be sprinkled with fresh grass and possibly even flow ers for decoration purposes. The hostess sets out all that is necessary and burns some in cense, the fragrance of which will mix with the aroma of coffee in honour of God. She will then take her place on a three-legged wooden stool, called a berchuma. In front of her is a table of about the same height as the stool, with on it a tray with porcelain cups, better known as Cini cups
16 l Tastemakers
Ethiopian coffee ceremony: rituals and hospitality
The hostess first washes the green beans and dries them in a flat pan on a charcoal stove. This marks the start of the roasting process. The beans
Roasting beans

Serving the coffee is an art with a capital A. The coffee is poured into the cups from a substantial height without any spillage whatsoever. Three rounds The ceremony consists of three rounds during which snacks, such as popcorn or traditional bread, are served. The first round is called abol, and during this round the cof fee served is at its most con centrated. Out of respect, the first coffee is served to the older or important persons. Tona is the name of the second round, and the third is called baraka. As new water is con tinuously added to the origi nal coffee, the drink becomes less strong with each round.
Slow coffee gift set LV113012 CoffeeBolognamill LV143002
Brewing pot After roasting, the beans are ground into a powder in a heavy, wooden bowl, a type of mortar. The powder is then put into the jebena, a brewing pot to which boiling water is added and which is placed on the charcoal stove for as long as it takes the coffee grounds to settle on the bottom and the coffee to have become sufficiently strong.
Bredemeijer Group l 17
You can also do something special when drinking coffee at home. Take the time to en joy your cup of coffee. That’s how it starts. Grind your beans yourself so that you can en joy the released fragrances straight away. Place the ground coffee in a filter and slowly pour water onto it in a rotating movement. The coffee will run through the filter slowly. Once all the water has run through, your coffee is ready for drinking.
will gradually change colour. A short roasting process will turn them a medium brown and if they are held above the fire for longer they will ultimately turn black and glisten from the re lease of ethereal oils.
During baraka, the oldest man of the group will stand up to bless the hostess and her fam

Miffy was created on a family holiday
Children’s cutlery Miffy 4 pieces | 6832940
On June 21st 1955 the world’s favourite bunny was born. On that day, Dick Bruna saw a Miffy is a girl Yes, it’s true! The little bunny is a girl. When Dick Bruna first started drawing the bunny he wasn’t sure whether it was going to be a boy or a girl. She eventually became a girl because Dick Bruna enjoyed drawing dresses more than trousers. Miffy is most well-known in Japan There is no other country in which Miffy is as well-known as in Japan. Besides countless fashion lines that feature the bunny and collections of fluffy stuffed Miffy’s there are even Miffy cafés. The bunny is root ed so deep in Japanese culture that she is even used for gov ernmental campaigns. Most Japanese people believe that Miffy is from Japan and do not know that she comes from the Netherlands!
Money box Miffy 6851261 four things you didn’t know yet about miffy!
Porcelain dinner set Miffy 6831070
bunny hopping around in the garden of the seaside house he and his family were vaca tioning at. Later that day, Dick Bruna told his then one-yearold son and the idea of Miffy the bunny was born! Miffy is actually called nijntje The beloved bunny was crea ted by Dick Bruna, a Dutch car toonist and writer. He named the little bunny nijntje, after the Dutch ‘konijntje’ which means little bunny. But this didn’t translate well to other countries. That’s why in all other countries, the bunny is known as Miffy.
The bunny that enjoys world wide fame is Miffy from Dick Bruna’s children’s books. Everyone, and we mean everyone, is familiar with the colourful illustrations. Most of us even grew up with the stories. But we bet that you didn’t know these four things about Miffy yet!

Children’s spoon Airplane 7522261
Bredemeijer Group l 19
Children's cutlery Miffy vehicles 4255070 Porcelain dinner set Emergency vehicles 4248070 It’s very important to teach your kids good eating habits. However, this can prove to be quite a challenge. These are our five tips to make dinner time more fun and teach your kids good eating habits in the process. Be creative when feeding your child Little kids are often very fussy about food. Make dinner time more fun with a children’s spoon shaped like an airplane. Pretend that the spoon is an actual airplane (including the noises!) when you’re feeding your kid, and they’ll eat it up like it’s candy. Encourage your kids to set the table When you encourage your kids to set their own place at the table it allows them to be involved with food in an ap proachable way. At the same time, your son or daughter is taught routine. Choose a unique children’s cutlery set A day out with mum and dad to pick out a present for your self is a lot of fun! There are plenty of options in the world of children’s cutlery for both boys and girls. If your little girl wants to be a princess, we rec ommend a children’s cutlery set with princesses on it. Zilverstad also has the perfect children’s cutlery set for boys who love everything that moves: Miffy vehicles! Dinner time is much more fun when you have your own cutlery! Go grocery shopping together Kids will always enjoy going out with mum and dad. An added bonus of doing the grocery shopping together is that you can easily find out what your kids like to eat. You can also teach your kids what vegeta bles are, what fruit is and what’s healthy and unhealthy. A good opportunity for them to learn.
Eat on set times Schedule set times for dinner and eat together with the fam ily. When dinner time becomes a social occasion, your children will associate eating with fun. Before you know it they’ll be setting the table for you! five tips to teach your kids good eating habits!

how to take the perfect picture
When you start photograph ing people it is important that they feel good. Have them wear clothes they feel comfortable in. Keep in mind though that the colours of the clothes must not clash with each other. Too many colours and prints combined can give a messy impression. Choose a backdrop that suits the participants and the col ours of their clothing well and arrange for sufficient light. There is usually sufficient light
You could opt for a group photo where everyone looks at the camera the minute you
BLACK is totally trendy. Available in various dimen sions, including square. Place it or hang it up.
Everybody can take photographs. But how to take that one that will stand out? A photo of your family, for example? Below are some tips to ensure the success of all your photos!
at an outdoor location. Ensure that no one is looking straight into the sun. This will prevent people from squinting.

press the button. However, why not try a less posed pho to by grabbing hold of your camera at a random moment? You could try to vary the view point as well. Opt for a lower or a higher viewpoint instead. There’s also no need for every one to stand. Some models could sit or squat to add more dynamic to the image. Ready to take a photograph? Be sure to take plenty of pho tos. There’s always someone pulling a funny face or has their eyes shut. Taking many photo graphs substantially increases the chance of a perfect photo.
SILVER-PLATED AND LACQUERED, so it will keep its beautiful look with no polishing required.
Bredemeijer Group l 21
GOLD makes for a great combination with almost all colours. Combine it with dark blue, for a chic look. Other colours that combine perfectly with gold are shades of green and natural colours. A frame that will definitely pass muster.
And once the photos are ready? Put the best one in a frame. What’s also great fun is to photograph each family member separately and frame their pictures. Arrange all the frames playfully on a wall and, hey presto, the best collage ever.

Colourful themes on Zilverstad children’s cutlery packaging
22 l Tastemakers
Zilverstad children’s cutlery is a household word. Who didn’t learn to eat using their own cutlery, adorned with cute lit tle figures such as Miffy? As of this year, Zilverstad pre sents its cutlery sets in entire ly new packaging. Key here are colour ful and contempo rary illustrations of the various themes within the collection. The illustrations are by the hand of the Breda illustrator Annelieke Hooymans, who finds her inspiration in nature, the city and the street. ‘My illus trations complement children’s products well and the various themes of the cutlery collec tion suited me to a tee. The one time it was my own gar den that provided me with ideas and the other I had to go a bit further afield. All and all a fun project where I could give my creativity free reign, particularly so because many themes are linked to nature and animals and I am a huge fan of both.’

Bredemeijer Group l 23
Also this year Amsterdam’s Dak Coffee Roasters and Berlin’s Motel Beer & Coffee have joined forces. Again they are launching a nitro coffee together: cold coffee to which nitrogen has been added. For the creamy ‘Chunky Cherry’, they use an anaerobic fer mented Indonesian coffee from Frinsa Estate. The fla vour profile? Funky and sweet.
Nitro baby
German tea producer Ron nefeldt launches its new line ‘100%’. A tea line with eight dif ferent flavours and one com mon denominator; sustainabil ity. From classic tea varieties, such as English Breakfast, to fruit melanges with juicy pa paya; and from green light ly-steamed Sencha Asamushi from Japan to the spicy Spice of Life, with ginger, lemon grass and mint. All the ingre dients are not only organic, the packaging is recyclable and compostable as well and the displays for the hotel and catering industry are made of bambooenvironmentally-friendlyorstainlesssteel. ronnefeldt.de Drinking morewith microtea
And there are more flavours. They’re also launching ‘Lemon Cream’, based on an Ethiopian washed coffee from Daye Bensa, a creamy cold brew with hints of lemon and mar Price:zipan.€26.90 for six cans dakcoffeeroasters.com
After picking, the coffee bean and the skin of the cof fee cherry will never see each other again. Coffee cherry skins, also called cascara, are often still disposed of as a by-product. Sir Francis com bines the two components of the coffee cherry in a liqueur which tastes great mixed into an espresso martini or pure as a digestive. Producer Rob Clarijs uses coffee and cascara of the same bean for this, grown by the Argote family in the famous Nariño region of Price:Colombia.€28.50 sir-francis.com Coffee & cascara
The Austrian creation Waterdrop, which first saw the light of day at the end of 2020, is now also available in the Nether lands. Offering water enriched with fruit and plant extracts, Waterdrop helps you drink more – hot or cold, without the ad dition of sugar. For its range of microdrinks and microtea, the brand uses the very best ingredients sourced from all over the world. For examples açai from Brazil, ginseng from Asia, mo ringa from India or African baobab. Say bye bye to the iconic teabag. Thanks to the foldable cube you can prepare your fa vourite infusion in no time at all. Price for a pack with 12 microteas from €7.90, waterdrop.nl
Completely Sustainable

Editors: Laszlo van Beerendonk, koffieTcacao magazine, Esther de Wit Art direction: Liesbeth Thomas, t4design Concept: BredemeijerKegaGroup B.V. Savannahweg 59 3542 AW Utrecht The E-mail:Tel.:www.bredemeijergroup.comNetherlands+31(0)88-7302900info@bredemeijergroup.com Colophon