The Colonization of Palestine

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The Colonization

of Palestine

Jamil A. Fayez M.D.

Lest the Civilized World Forget the Colonization of Palestine

Jamil A. Fayez, M.D.

Americans for Middle East Understanding 475 Riverside Drive, Room 245 New York, New York 10115-0245


Table of Contents About This Publication, John F. Mahoney..................................................................................................... 3 Introduction, Jamil A. Fayez, M.D.............................................................................................. 5 Refugees of the Nakba...................................................................................... 7 Myths About Israel’s Colonization of Palestine, Rudolph ZarZar Ph.D. .......................................................................................... 8 Palestinian Towns and Villages Depopulated or Destroyed in 1948, Map..................................................................................................................... 13 Alphabetical Listing of the 452 Depopulated Palestinian Towns and Villages........................................................................................... 14 To order copies of this book contact: Americans for Middle East Understanding Tel. 212.870.2053 or Arabesque Media or Jamil A. Fayez, M. D. Acknowledgments: A.M.E.U. thanks the Palestine Human Rights Information Center for the map on page 12 taken from its series “Palestine Today,” the U.S. Library of Congress for the photographs taken from the Eric Matson Collection, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the photographs of various camps where millions of homeless Palestinians sought refuge in order to survive.

About This Publication This is an updated third edition of our 1992 publication. Regarding the first edition we noted that much about it and our 2007 second edition was tedious. That hasn’t changed. Reading a litany of foreign names is still tedious, particularly for those unfamiliar with Arabic. Assembling the original list was tedious. A committee of researchers of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs in Amman, Jordan took six years to compile the villages and towns destroyed by Zionist forces. Added to that list in the second edition are 60 other towns and villages whose occupation and depopulation are documented in Dr. Walid Khalidi’s authoritative work “All That Remains” (Institute of Palestine Studies, 1992). Collecting funds to publish the original booklet was tedious. Dr. Jamil Fayez, an internationally recognized medical authority, contacted over 100 close friends and colleagues to raise funds for the first edition. For the second and third edition, he has footed the bill himself. Back in 1992, Dr. Fayez was a professor at a prestigious university in North Carolina. Recently, he has moved his practice to Virginia in order to be close to the political activities in Washington, D.C. So why publish or bother to read something so tedious? Because behind these unfamiliar names exist over 5,394,866 Palestinians who suffer each day the unspeakable tedium of living in refugee camps while strangers occupy their homes. Because tedious as this reading may be, it is all these exiles have. It is their history. It defines them as Palestinians. It is the deed to their identity. And because only by remembering can reconstruction occur. Remembering not only for Palestinians but for the West that went along with Zionist aims, and for the Zionists themselves, whose bulldozers scraped these towns and villages off the map of Palestine. I think this is what the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber had in mind when, in 1961, he warned his fellow Jews: Only an internal revolution can have the power to heal our people of their murderous sickness of causeless hatred. It is 3

bound to bring complete ruin upon us. Only then will the old and young in our land realize how great was our responsibility to those miserable Arab refugees in whose towns we have settled Jews who were brought from afar; whose homes we have inherited, whose fields we now sow and harvest; the fruit of whose gardens, orchards and vineyards we gather; and in whose cities that we robbed, we put up houses of education, charity, and prayer while we babble and rave about being the ‘people of the book’ and the ‘light of the nations!’ Thud’s Ner, January-February 1961.



Jamil A. Fayez, M. D. The total area of Palestine is 10,434 square miles or 27,024 square kilometers. Its boundaries are the Mediterranean Sea to the west, the Jordan River to the east, Lebanon and Syria to the north and Egypt to the south. Palestine has been continuously inhabited since the dawn of history. In 1850, more than 500,000 people lived there: 80% Muslim, 10% Christian and 7% Jewish.1 By 1922, according to a census conducted by the British, that number had risen to 757,182: 78% Muslim, 11% Jewish, 10% Christian.2 In 1922, the League of Nations put Palestine under a British Mandate, with the result that Jewish immigration nearly tripled, despite strong opposition by the Palestinian people. The official British estimate in 1947 gave a population of 1,908,775: 61% Muslim, 31% Jewish, 8% Christian. In terms of land ownership, Jews in 1947 owned 5.6 percent of the total area of the country, while Muslim and Christian Palestinians owned the rest of Palestine.3 For 100 years Zionist Jews have been planning to occupy all of Palestine and, in the process, to expel its inhabitants who have been living there for thousands of years. They fabricated false slogans such as, “A land without people for a people without land.” 4 while knowing all along, as Theodor Herzl, the architect of Zionism wrote, that the land of Palestine could be acquired only by armed conquest.5 By May 14, 1948, the day of Israel’s declaration of independence, Zionists had successfully expelled 400,000 Palestinians. After May 15, their tactics became even more ruthless and by December 1948 another 400,000 had been expelled.6 The results were best summed up by Moshe Dayan, a former Israeli Defense Minister, in a 1967 address he gave to students at Technion, Haifa: “There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.”7 After the Palestinians were terrorized and forced to leave their homes to camps in neighboring Arab countries, David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, warned: “We must do everything to insure they never do return.”8 Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will 5

never come back to their homes, Ben Gurion predicted: “The old will die and the young will forget.”9 But we do not forget. Palestinians now number more than 12.1 million. About 40% live within Palestine, many in squalid refugee camps far away from their family homes. The remaining 60% are scattered all over the world. Meanwhile, Zionist Jews occupy their homes and cultivate their land. A notice with Section II of U.N. Resolution 194 written in bold letters should be nailed to each of these occupied houses: “The General Assembly having further considered the situation in Palestine... Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so.”10 We Palestinians, old and young, will never forget Palestine. This booklet records the names, locations, populations and areas of cultivated lands of 452 Palestinian villages and towns that Zionist Jews have obliterated since 1948. Unless the civilized world addresses the human rights of these Palestinians and forces Israel to accept their return, peace will never prevail in the Holy Land, that land where Jesus of Nazareth preached peace, love, and, yes, justice. Notes: 1 J. Abu-Lughod, “The Demographic Transformation of Palestine.” in The Transformation of Palestine, 1. Abu-Lughod, ed., Northwestern Univ. Press, 1971, p. 140. 2 Ibid. 3 Appendix VI to Report of Sub-committee 2, U.N. Document A/AC 14/32, November 11, 1947, p. 270. 4 I. Zangwill, “The Return to Palestine,” New Liberal Review, II, December 1901, p. 627. 5 T. Herzl, Gesammette Zionistische Schritten, Judisher Verlag, 1934-35. 6 E. O’Ballance, The Arab-Israeli War, 1948, Praeger, 1957, pp. 171-72. 7 Ha-Aretz (Hebrew newspaper), April 4, 1969. 8 In his diary, 18 July 1948, cited in Michael Bar Zohar’s Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p.157. 9 London Sunday Times, June 14, 1969. 10 Ibid.


REFUGEES OF THE NAKBA As of May 15th which marks 67 years since the Nakba or “catastrophe”, the date that Palestinians mark the formation of the State of Israel and the expulsion of 800,000 from their homes and into a life as refugees. A life which for many has remained unchanged. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has raged since 1948 with Palestinians being denied their basic human rights, unable to access medical care, education or access their land or families. For those in the Gaza Strip life has been dictated by the eight year old siege which restricts movement in and out of the enclave as well as fishing rights. There are now 12.1 million Palestinians around the world of which 5.4million are refugees. Here Middle East Monitor looks at where they live and how their life has been affected by the seven decade long conflict. *Please note that the figures on this page are of UNRWA-registered refugees from the 1948 Nakba and excludes Palestinians made refugees in 1967 (Naksa) and during other expulsions.

44.6% of Palestinians are refugees That’s 5,394,886 people

Of the 12.1 million Palestinians 5,394,886 are Registered Refugees 1,258,559 live in 8 camps in Gaza 762,288 live in 19 camps in the West Bank 526,744 live in 12 camps in Syria* 449,957 live in 12 camps in Lebanon 2,097,338 live in 10 camps in Jordan 300,000 are internally displaced in Israel

There are 12,100,000 Palestinians worldwide 1,800,000 live in Gaza 2,800,000 live in the West Bank 1,500,000 live in Israel 6,000,000 live around the rest of the world Gaza Strip: 14.9% West Bank: 23.1% Israel: 12.4% Rest of the World: 49.6%

Gaza Strip: 23.3% West Bank: 14.1% Syria: 9.8%* Lebanon: 8.3% Jordan: 38.9% Israel: 5.6%

*Population data has been rounded to the nearest 100,000, as provided by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).

*The information included here for Syria predates the start of the conflict in March 2011.

The Refugee Camps in detail Area Gaza West Bank Syria Lebanon Jordan

Registered Refugees 1,258,559 762,288 526,744 12 449,957 2,097,338

Refugee Camps 8 19 12 12 10



Myths About Israel’s Colonization of Palestine By Dr. Rudolf T. ZarZar Myth 1: Modern Israel is the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy How often have we heard the claim by Christian and Jewish Zionists that not only present–day Israel but Greater Israel (including parts of Lebanon, Syria, all of the West Bank and Jordan) belong to the Jews because God promised it all to them. The 452 Palestinian cities, towns and villages recorded in this booklet are tragic witnesses to the atrocities that human beings can still inflict upon other human beings in the name of divine authorization. Most biblical scholars reject the Zionist interpretation of God’s promises on various grounds: (1) The promises of the land of Canaan to Abraham and Moses were fulfilled literally in the conquest under Joshua. (2) The promises were conditioned on obedience to God’s law and were invalidated when that law was broken and the people sent into exile. (3) The New Testament, stressing that the promise to Abraham included all nations, not only the Jews, interprets these promises in terms of a spiritual redemption from captivity to sin, a redemption available to Gentiles as well as to Jews. (4) To link salvation with the destruction of another people’s ancestral homes is blasphemous. God is just. He can no more condone the bulldozing of Palestinian homes today than he could condone Ahab’s seizure of Naboth’s vineyard 2,500 years ago. [For a fuller treatment of this topic see “Is the Modern State, Israel, a Fulfillment of Prophecy?” in The Link, Vol. 3, No. 5, published by Americans for Middle East Understanding.] Myth 2 : A Land without a People for a People without a Land This favorite Zionist slogan was coined to sell the Jewish colonization of Palestine to world Jewry. If there were no indigenous population to displace, then the idea of expropriating the land area of Palestine to help victims of anti-Semitism seemed not only benign but humane as well. Palestine, however, was not a land without a people. It was inhabited by indigenous Arabs for centuries. In 1914 there were 570,000 Palestinian 8

Arabs in Palestine and 80,000 Palestinian Jews, most of whom had entered Palestine after 1860.[See C. Smith, Palestine and the Arab Israeli Conflict, 1988.] When the reality of these Palestinians could no longer be denied, Zionists resorted to another myth: that the Arab population of Palestine was not made up of indigenous Palestinians but of immigrants from neighboring Arab countries. While some immigration did take place, recent Israeli researchers (e.g., Tom Segev, Benny Morris and Simcha Flapan) have concluded that it never constituted more than 8 percent of the Arab population in 1914. [See S. Flapan, The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities, Pantheon Books, 1987; also The Link, vol. 23, #4: “What Happened to Palestine?” by M. Palumbo.] The denial of Palestinian existence (Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once told Life magazine “There is no such thing as Palestinians”) constitutes what Columbia University Professor Edward Said calls an act of “extended ethnocide”, whereby Palestinians are “threatened with death before being permitted birth.”

Orange grove at Bir Salem, near Ramleh. In 1944, this village had 315 acres of irrigated crops and 370 acres of field crops...

Myth 3: Zionists Made the Desert Bloom There are two variations of this theme in Zionist literature. One derives from the myth that Palestine was uninhabited, hence a “desolate wasteland” that Zionist colonists settled and developed. A second 9

variation, found in the novels of Leon Uris, would have it that Palestine was once a rich and fertile land, a land, indeed, of milk and honey, but centuries of Arab and Turkish neglect transformed it into “stagnated swamps and eroded hills and rock-filled fields and infertile earth... a land that lay bleeding and fallow [until] Jews rebuilt it.” [Uris, Exodus, pp 216, 266; see also his Haj, pp. 17,39 et passim.] Nothing could be further from the truth. A British missionary who visited Palestine in 1859 described its southern coastal area as “a very ocean of wheat.” This testimony is confirmed by a British consul in Jerusalem, James Finn, who wrote that “the fields would do credit to English farming.” And a German geographer, writing of Palestine’s economy during the twenty years preceding Jewish colonization, reported that it had “experienced a remarkable economic upswing” based on agriculture, resulting in a favorable balance of international trade. Even U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, an ardent Zionist, wrote of his visit to Palestine in 1919 that the view from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem was more beautiful than California and that “all yet say that northern Palestine is far more beautiful” – a quote I would ask readers of this booklet to keep in mind as they note the number of Palestinian locations in northern Palestine destroyed in 1948. This is particularly true of the Jaffa area. Here the famous Jaffa orange groves produced 36 million oranges in 1880, of which 19 million were exported to Europe and elsewhere. [For references on the above quotes, see M. Hallaj’s “From Time Immemorial: The Resurrection of a Myth,” in The Link, vol. 18, #l .] Myth 4: The Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the U.N. Partition Resolution in 1947 Gave Zionists a Legitimate Claim to Palestine It is difficult to imagine how a letter from a British Foreign Minister, Lord Balfour, to a British Zionist leader, Lord Rothschild, could be the legal basis for dispossessing an indigenous population in the Middle East. If anything, Balfour’s letter was a political maneuver meant to further British imperial interests in the Middle East during World War II by rallying Jewish support for the Allied effort. According to the American diplomat Sol Linowitz, “Great Britain had no sovereign rights over Palestine; it had no proprietary interest; it had no authority to dispose of the land. The Declaration was merely a statement of British intentions and 10

no more.� [See C. Wright, Facts and Fables: The Arab- Israel Conflict, Kegan Paul, 1989, p. 159.1 Nor does the U.N. Partition Plan of 1947 give Zionists legal claim to Palestine because: (1) the U.N. Plan, which granted 55% of Palestine to the Jews, who were then 30% of the population and owned 6% of the land, violated Article 1 of the U.N. Charter. This is the Article that sets forth the principle of self–determination for all peoples on earth, including the 70% of Palestinians who then owned 94% of the land; (2) the Resolution was not binding since it was not passed by the Security Council but by the General Assembly, which can only recommend rather than legislate; (3) the Resolution, like the Balfour Declaration, was a product of great power machinations, orchestrated by the United States, rather than the result of political idealism. [See A. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace?, Dodd, Mead, 1978.]

The Marsi Company Flour Mills in Nablus (1940) produced 40 tons of flour a day with three shifts working around the clock.

Myth 5: Arab Leaders Were Responsible for Palestinians Fleeing Their Homes Why Palestinian Arabs fled many of the sites listed in this booklet has been hotly debated. Zionists say it is because they were encouraged by their leaders who wanted to arouse the Arab world into a holy war against 11

the Jews. Subsequent research, much of it by Israeli scholars, has shown that the Arab exodus from Palestine in 1947–48 resulted from a deliberate Zionist policy to expel, through a policy of coercion, threat, intimidation, violence and terror, as many Palestinian Arabs as possible so as to create territorial vacuums which, in turn, would expedite Jewish settlements in the cleansed areas. Recently, Israeli historian Avi Shlaim, who presently teaches at Oxford University, has documented the decision of the two Zionist groups lrgun (led by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang (led by Yizhak Shamir) to use a massacre in the village of Deir Yaasin as a scare tactic. These terrorist groups, write Shlaim: fell upon the village with the purported intention of forcing its inhabitants to flee. When the inhabitants offered resistance, the attackers opened fire indiscriminately, and savagely massacred 245 men, women, and children. Some of the villagers were driven in a lorry through the streets of Jerusalem in a “victory parade” before they were taken back to the village and shot against the wall. News of the massacre spread like a whirlwind through the land, striking terror in Arab hearts. More than any other single event, it was responsible for breaking the spirit of the civilian population and setting in motion the mass exodus of Arabs from Palestine - The Politics of Partition, p. 136. This policy of forced expulsion (which the Israelis and before them the Zionists, call transfer) continues today. Its practice most recently has been condemned in the U.S. Department of State’s 1992 Human Rights Report. [See B. Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1987] In addition to the sources cited above, I would also recommend: lbrahim Abu-Lughod, ed.,The Transformation of Palestine, Northwestern Univ. Press, 1971; W. T. and Sally V. Mallison, The Palestine Problem in International Law and World Order, Longman, 1986; J. Quigley, Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice, Duke Univ. Press, 1990; Edward Said, The Question of Palestine, Times Books, 1980; and Tom Segev, The First Israelis, The Free Press, 1986.


Villages Depopulated or Destroyed by Israel in 1948.


The List of Depopulated or Destroyed Palestinian Towns and Villages 1. A’AQER ‫ عاقــر‬located 5.6 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 5,000. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of QIRYAT EQRON built on its 3,305 acres. 2. A’LAAR ‫ االر‬located 12.4 miles west of Bethlehem. Population: 40. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MATTA’ built on its 3,089 acres. 3. ABDAH ‫ عبــده‬located 31 miles south of Beersheba. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SEDE BOQER built on its 133 acres. 4. ABEL AL QAMH ‫ ابــل القامــه‬located 20.5 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of YUVAL ‫ يوفــال‬built on its 829 acres. 5. ABU AL FADL ‫ ابو الفضل‬located 7.5 miles NW of Ramlah. Population: 510. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of NAHALAT YEHUDA and NETA’IM built on its 718 acres. 6. ABU SHOUSHAH ‫ ابو شوشه‬located 5 miles S of Ramlah. Population: 870. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BET UZIEL built on its 832 acres. 7. ABU SHOUSHAH ‫ ابــو شوشــه‬located 3 miles NNW of Tiberius near lakeshore. Population: 1,240. Obliterated in 1948, with its 2,250 acres added to the Jewish kibbutz GINNOSAR. 8. ABU SHOUSHAH ‫ ابــو شوشــه‬located 15.5 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 720. Obliterated in 1948, with its 2,240 acres added to the Jewish settlement of MISHMAR HA’EMEQ. 9. ABU ZURAIQ ‫ ابــو زريــق‬located 14 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 550. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,623 acres were stolen. 10. AJJOUR ‫ عجــور‬located 15.5 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 3,730. Obliterated in 1948 with the Jewish settlements of AGUR, GIV’AT YESHA’YAHU and ZAFRIRIM established on its 14,544 acres. 14

11. AJNAJOUL ‫ الجنج ــول‬located 9.3 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 140. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,850 acres were stolen. 12. AL ABBASIYAH ‫ العباســية‬located 15.5 miles NE of Safad on Banyas River near the Syrian border. Population: 830. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,857 acres were stolen. 13. AL ABBASIYAH ‫ العباســية‬located 8 miles east of Jaffa. Population: 5,650. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of OR YEHUDA built on its 5,135 acres. 14. AL ASHRAFIA ‫ األرشفيــة‬located SW of Beisan. Population: 230. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,300 acres were stolen. 15. AL BARRIAH ‫ الربيــه‬located 4.7 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 510. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AZARYA established on its 708 acres. 16. AL BASHTEWAH ‫ البشــتوه‬located 3 miles NE of Beisan. Population: 1,560. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NEWEUR built on its 4,625 acres. 17. AL BASSAH ‫ الباسه‬located near the Lebanese border and Mediterranean SEA. Population: 4,000. Obliterated with its two churches in 1948; the Jewish settlement of NAHAL BEZET was built on its 6,315 acres. 18. AL BIRAH ‫ البــره‬located north of Beisan near oil pipeline coming from Iraq. Population: 260. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,717 acres were stolen. 19. AL BIRWAWH ‫ الربوه‬located 5.6 miles east of Acre. Population: 1,460. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AHIHUD built on its 3,346 acres. 20. AL BURAIJ ‫ الربيــج‬located 15.5 miles WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 720. Obliterated in 1948; all its 4,770 acres were stolen. 21. AL BURAIKAH ‫ الربيكــه‬located 24 miles south of Haifa. Population: 290. Obliterated in 1948; all its 725 acres were stolen. 22. AL BURJ ‫ الــرج‬located 2 miles NW of Ramlah. Population: 480. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,177 acres were stolen. 23. AL BUTAIMAT ‫ البتيــات‬located 21 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 110. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,080 acres were stolen. 24. AL BUTAYHA ‫ البتايــه‬located 8 miles SSE of Safad. Population: 650. Today the village lands are used by the settlement of ALMAGOR, which was established in 1961. 15

Summer sandstorm at Baqa’a, East Bank of Jordan - 1968

25. AL BUWAIZIYAH ‫ البوازيه‬located 18.6 miles NE of Safad. Population: 510. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,655 acres were stolen. 26. AL DALHAMIYAH ‫ الدلهميــه‬located 9.3 miles SSE of Tiberius on the Jordan River. Population: 390. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 627 acres were incorporated into the Jewish settlement of ASHDOT YAAQOV. 27. AL DUHAYRIYYA/KHIRBAT ‫ خرب ــة الضيهري ــة‬located 4 miles NE of al-Ramla. Population: 100. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. 335 acres are fenced in a serve as a pasture for animals. 28. AL DAMOUN ‫ الدامون‬located 6.8 miles SE of Acre. Population: 1,310. Obliterated in 1948; all its 4,768 acres were stolen. 29. AL DARBASHIYYAH ‫ الدربشــيه‬located 12.4 miles NE of Safad. Population: 310. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GONEN built on its 721 acres. 30. AL DARDARAH ‫ الــدردره‬located 7.4 miles SSW of Tulkarem. Population: 145. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz EYAL built on its 930 acres. 31. AL DAWWARH ‫ الــدواره‬located 15.5 miles NNE of Safad in north Houla plain. Population: 700. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,368 acres were stolen. 32. AL DAWWAYIMAH ‫ الدواميــه‬located 15.5 miles west of Hebron. Population: 3,710. Obliterated in 1948. Many of its people who had 16

33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

taken refuge in one of its mosques were massacred. In 1955, the Jewish settlement of AMAZYA was built on its 15,146 acres. AL DHAHlRlYAH AL TAHTA ‫ الضاريــة التحتــه‬located 2 miles SW of Safad. Population: 350. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,693 acres were stolen. AL FALOUJAH ‫ الفلوجــه‬located 18.6 miles ENE of Gaza. Population: 4,670. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of QIRYAT GAT and NIR HEN built on its 9,510 acres. AL FATOUR ‫ الفاتــو‬located 5.6 miles south of Beisan. Population: 110. Obliterated in 1948, all its 182 acres were stolen. AL GHABISYYAH ‫ الغابســيه‬located 9.6 miles NE of Acre. Population: 690. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NATIR HA SHAWARA built on its 1,006 acres. AL GHAZZAWIYYAH ‫ الغزاويــه‬located 2.5 miles east of Beisan. Population: 1,020 . Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MA’OZ HAYYIM built on its 2,800 acres, which extended to the Jordan River. AL GHUBAYYAH/LOWER ‫ الغبايــه التحتــه‬located 15 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 325. Obliterated in 1948, with its 1,045 acres added to the Jewish kibbutz MISHMAR HA’EMEQ. AL GHUBAYYAH/UPPER ‫ الغباي ــه الفوق ــه‬located 15.3 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948; all its 516 acres were stolen. AL HADITHAH ‫ الحديثــه‬located 6 miles NE of Ramlah. Population: 760. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HADID built on its 1,778 acres. AL HAMIDIYAH ‫ الحامديــه‬located 2 miles north of Beisan. Population: 220. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HAMADYA built on its 2,483 acres. AL HAMRA’ ‫ الحمــره‬located 15 miles NNE of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it serves as an Israeli cow pasture. AL HAMRA’A ‫ الحامره‬located 6 miles south of Beisan. Population: 730. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of TIRAT ZEVI and SEDE ELIWAHU built on its 2,264 acres. AL HARAM ‫ الحــرام‬located 11 miles NNE of Jaffa. Population: 520. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RESHEF, 17

45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

a suburb of HERZLIWAH, built on its 1,008 acres. AL HIMMAH ‫ الهمــه‬located on the Yarmuk River, 14.6 miles south of Tiberius. Population: 290. Obliterated in 1951; all its 423 acres were stolen. AL HUSSEINIYAH ‫ الحســينيه‬located 7.5 miles NE of Safad. Population: 170. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HULATA built on its 538 acres. AL IMARA ‫ العــاره‬located 17 miles W of Beersheba. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. That same year the settlement of Urim was built on village land. AL JALADIYA ‫ الجالدي ــه‬located 24.8 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 360. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,085 acres were incorporated into the Jewish settlement of ZERAHYA. AL JALAMA ‫ الجالمــه‬located 5 miles SE of Haifa. Occupied and

Supplementary feeding center in Jalazone Camp - 1968. UNRWA photo by C. Nemeth


50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

59. 60. 61.

depopulated in 1948. Today it is used as an Israeli military camp. AL JALAMAH ‫ الجالمــه‬located 6 miles NNW of Tulkarem. Population: 70. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AHITUV built on its 1,928 acres. AL JAMMAMAH ‫ الجاملــه‬located 24 miles NNW of Beersheba. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RUHAMA built on its 164 acres. AL JAMMASEEN - EAST ‫ الجامســن رشقــه‬located 4.3 miles north of Jaffa. Population: 730. Obliterated in 1948, with its 90 acres incorporated into the Jewish city of TEL AVIV. AL JAMMASEEN - WEST ‫ الجامســن غربــه‬located 4.5 miles north of Jaffa. Population: 1,080. Obliterated in 1948, with its 104 acres incorporated into the Jewish city of TEL AVIV. AL JAOUNAH ‫ الجنــاح‬located 6 miles east of Safad. Population: 1,150. Obliterated in 1948; all its 210 acres were stolen. AL JAWFA/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة ا لجوافــه‬located 5 miles E of Jenin. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. The settlement of MA’ALE GILBO’A now occupies part of the village land. AL JIYYAH ‫ الجيــه‬located 12.5 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,230. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of GE’A, TALME YAFF and SHIQMA built on its 2,127 acres. AL JOURAH/ASQALAN ‫عســقالن‬/‫ الجوره‬located 15.5 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,420. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of ASHQELON and AFRIDAR built on its 3,056 acres. AL JOURAH/JERUSALEM ‫القــدس‬/‫الجورة‬located 11.8 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 420. Obliterated in 1948, with the two Jewish settlements of ORA and AMMINADAV built on its 1,040 acres. AL JUSAYR ‫ الجســاير‬located 24.8 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,180. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of ZAVDI’EL, MENUHA and NIR BANIM built on its 3,090 acres. AL KABRI ‫ الكابــري‬located 9.3 miles NNE of Acre. Population: 1,520. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz KABRI built in 1949 on its 1 1,857 acres. AL KAFRAYN ‫ الكفري ــان‬located 18.6 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 920. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,721 acres were stolen. 19

Nabatieh Camp for Palestinian refugees, South Lebanon.

62. AL KASAYIR/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة الكســاير‬located 8 miles E of Haifa. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. The remains of bulldozed houses are still scattered about the site today. 63. AL KAWFAKHAH ‫ الكوافخــة‬located 12.4 miles east of Gaza. Population: 500. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NIR AQIVA built on its 2,142 acres. 64. AL KHAESAH ‫ الخايســه‬located 24.8 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 1,840. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of QIRYAT SHEMONA built on its 2,820 acres. 65. AL KHALASAH ‫ الخالصــه‬located 9.3 miles SW of Beersheeba. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RIVIVIM built on its 86 acres. 66. AL KHAYMAH ‫ الخيمه‬located 12.4 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 190. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,288 acres were stolen. 67. AL KHAYRIYYAH ‫ الخرييه‬located 5 miles east of Jaffa. Population: 1,420. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,414 acres were stolen. 68. AL KHISAS ‫ الخيساس‬located 21.7 miles NE of Safad. Population: 530. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HAGOSHERIM built on its 1,244 acres. 69. AL KHISAS ‫ الخيســاس‬located 13.6 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 20

70. 71. 72. 73. 74.

75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.

150. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,567 acres were stolen. AL KHUNAYZEER ‫ الخنيزيــر‬located 6 miles SSE of Beisan. Population: 260. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TIRAT ZEVI built on its 527 acres. AL KUNAYSHAH ‫ الخنيشــه‬located 6 miles SSE of Ramlah. Population: 40. Obliterated in 1948; all its 968 acres were stolen. AL LATRUM ‫ االطرم‬located 9 miles SE of Al-Ramla. Population: 190. Part of the village occupied in 1948, the rest in 1967. In 1983 the settlement of NEWE SHALOM was established on the village land. AL LAJJOUN ‫ اللجون‬located 11 miles NW of Jenin. Population: 1,103. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MEGIDDO built on its 2,125 acres. AL LIDD ‫ اللــد‬located 9.3 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 18,250, of which about 17,000 were evicted from their homes on July 11, 1948. The town was renamed LOD, with most of the Palestinian houses now occupied by Jews. AL MAGHAAR/Ramlah ‫الرمله‬/‫ املغار‬located 7.4 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 1,740. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,183 acres were stolen. AL MAHMOUDIYYAH ‫ املحموديــه‬located 6 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 580. Obliterated in 1948; all its 130 acres were stolen. AL MAJDAL/TIBERIUS ‫تربيــوس‬/‫ املجدل‬The village of Mary of Magdalene. Population: 365. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MIDGAL built on its 26 acres. AL MAJDAL/TULKAREM ‫تــل كــرم‬/‫ املجدل‬located 2 miles NNW of Tulkarem. Population: 75. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SED YZHAQ built on its 139 acres. AL MALHAH ‫ املالحــة‬located 3 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,940. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,425 acres were stolen. AL MALKIYYAH ‫ املالكيــه‬located 22.6 miles north of Safad. Population: 360. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz MALKIWAH built in 1949 on its 1,832 acres. AL MALLAHAH ‫ املالح ــه‬located 15.5 miles NE of Safad. Population: 890. Obliterated in 1948; all its 463 acres were stolen. AL MANARAH ‫ املنــارة‬located 5.6 miles south of Tiberius. Population: 490. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,347 acres were stolen. AL MANARA/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة املنــارة‬located 18 miles S of Haifa. 21

84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94.

95. 96.

Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today a fenced-in area on part of the site is used by the regional school. AL MANSHIYYAH/Tulkarem ‫طول كــرم‬/‫ املنشــيه‬located 8 miles NW of Tulkaram. Population: 260. Obliterated In 1948, with the Jewish settlements of OMEZ and HA MAP’IL built on its 4,192 acres. AL MANSHIYYAH/Acre ‫عكا‬/‫ املنش ــية‬located 1.6 miles NE of Acre. Population: 810. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,248 acres were stolen. AL MANSHIYYA ‫ املنشــيه‬located 19 miles NE of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with grass and a few trees. AL MANSHIYYA ‫ املنشــيه‬located 7 miles S of Tiberias. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with grass and shrubs. AL MANSI ‫ املنــي‬located 18 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 1,200. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,068 acres were stolen. AL MANSOURAH/Acre ‫عكا‬/‫ املنصورة‬located 26.7 miles NE of Acre. Population: 688. Obliterated in 1948; all 8,503 acres were stolen. AL MANSOURAH/Ramlah ‫الرملــة‬/‫ املنصورة‬located 5.6 miles south of Ramalah. Population: 90. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MAZKERET BATYA built on its 557 acres. AL MANSURA ‫ املنصورة‬located 20 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 360. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. The site has been converted by Israelis into a fish hatchery. AL MANSURA ‫ املنصورة‬located 10 miles NW of Tiberias. Population: 2,140. Seized and and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with debris and overgrown with trees and tall grass. AL MASMIIYAH AL SAGHEERAH ‫ املســمية الصغــرى‬located 29 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 530. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 1,620 acres were stolen. AL MASMIIYYAH AL KUBRA ‫ املســمية الكــرا‬located 28 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,410. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of BEBE REEM, TALME YEHI, EL, HSZAF and BENE AYISH built on its 5,115 acres. AL MASOUDIYYAH ‫ املســعودية‬located 1 mile NE of Tel Aviv. Population: 850. Obliterated in 1948, with its 255 acres incorporated into the Jewish city of TEL AVIV. AL MAZAR/Haifa ‫حيفــا‬/‫ املزار‬located 12 miles south of Haifa. 22

Jebel Joffe Camp, Amman, Jordan. A squatters’ colony of thousands of Palestinian refugees - 1948

Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,780 acres were stolen. 97. AL MAZAR/Jenin ‫جنني‬/‫ املزار‬located 25 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 270. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,625 acres were stolen. 98. AL MIFTAKHIRAH ‫ املفتخــره‬located NE of Safad 2 miles from the Syrian border. Population: 350. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 1,405 acres were stolen. 99. AL MIJAYDAL ‫ املجايدل‬located 5 miles of SE of Nazareth. Population: 1,900. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MIGDAL HA’EMEQ built in 1952 on its 2,088 acres. 100. AL MOUWYLEH ‫ املويالــه‬located 7.4 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 360. Obliterated in 1948; all its 836 acres were stolen. 101. AL MUGHAYYER ‫ املغايــر‬located 3 miles west of Tulkarem. Population: 75. Obliterated in 1948: all its lands were stolen. 102. AL MUHARRAQAH ‫ املحرقــة‬located 11 miles ESE of Gaza. Population: 580. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of 23

YAKINI built on its 1,214 acres. 103. AL MUKHAYZEN ‫ املخايــزن‬located 18.6 miles SSE of Jaffa. Population: 200. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BET HILQUIWAH built in 1949 on its 3,137 acres. 104. AL MUNTAR/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة ا ملنطــار‬located 5 miles E of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with stone rubble, grass, thorns and a few trees. 105. AL MURASSAS ‫ املرس ــاس‬located 6 miles NW of Beisan. Population: 460. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of BET HA SHIITA and SEDE’NAHUM built on its 3,619 acres. 106. AL MUZAYRI’AH ‫ املزايــره‬located 10 miles NNE of Ramlah. Population: 1,160. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MAZOR built on its 2,345 acres. 107. AL-NA’ANI ‫ النعــاين‬located 4 miles S of al-Ramla. Population: 2,060. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is deserted and overgrown with plants and trees. 108. AL NA’EMAH ‫ الناعمــة‬located 13 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 1,420. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,185 acres were stolen. 109. AL NABI RUBEEN ‫ النبــي روبــن‬located 5 miles south of Jaffa. Population: 1,420. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GAN SOREQ built in 1950 on its 7,750 acres. 110. AL NABI YOUSHAA ‫ النبــي يوشــا‬located 19 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 70. Obliterated in 1948; all its 904 acres were stolen. 111. AL NAGHNAGHIYYAH ‫ النغنغيــة‬located 15.5 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 693. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,465 acres were stolen. 112. AL NAHR & AL TAL ‫ الناهــر والتــل‬located 8.7 miles NE of Acre. & Two villages next to each other with a total population of 610. Obliterated in 1948; 113. their 98 combined lands of 1,318 acres were stolen. 114. AL MAQEEB ‫ املقيب‬located on the east coast of Lake Tiberius, 5 miles east of the city of Tiberius. Population: 320. Completely obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz EN GEV built on its 790 acres. 115. AL QABOU ‫ القبــو‬located 11 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 260. Obliterated in 1948; all its 952 acres were stolen. 116. AL QASTAL ‫ القس ــطل‬located 6 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 90. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KASTEL 24

built on its 360 acres. 117. AL QASTEENAH ‫ القســطينه‬located 16.7 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 890. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ARUGOT built on its 2,061 acres. 118. AL QIBAB ‫ القب ــاب‬located 6 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 1,980. Totally obliterated in 1949 after many of its people were massacred; the Jewish settlement of AYYALON was built on its 3,188 acres. 119. AL QUBAYBAH ‫ القبيبــه‬located 16.7 miles west of Hebron. Population: 1,060. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of LAKHISH built on its 2,684 acres. 120. AL QUBAYBAH ‫ القبيبــه‬located 7.4 miles WSW of Ramlah. Population: 1,720. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KEFAR HA NAGID built on its 2,978 acres. 121. AL QUDAYRIYYAH ‫ القداريــه‬located 11 miles south of Safad. Population: 390. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,122 acres were stolen. 122. AL RAMLAH ‫ الرملــه‬located 12.5 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 16,380. Occupied in 1948. Most of its inhabitants were forcefully evicted, while a few hundred remained. The town, renamed RAMLA, was taken over by Jewish immigrants who stole and occupied the houses of the Palestinians. In time they confiscated an additional 442 acres of surrounding lands and gardens. 123. AL RAS AL AHMAR ‫ الــراس األحمــر‬located 7.4 miles north of Safad. Population: 645. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KEREM BEN ZlMRA built on its 1.984 acres. 124. AL RIHANIYYA ‫ الريحانية‬located 16 miles SSE of Haifa. Population: 240. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with dirt, brushes and thorns. 125. AL RUWAYS ‫ الرويــس‬located 6 miles SE of Acre. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948; all its 291 acres were stolen. 126. AL SAFERIYYAH ‫ السافريه‬located 6.8 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 3,070. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ZAFRIWA built on its 3,187 acres. 127. AL SAFSAAF ‫ الصفافه‬located 3 miles NE of Safad. Population: 910. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SIFSUFA built on its 1,848 acres. 128. AL SAKHENAH ‫ الســاخينه‬located 6 miles north of Beisan. 25

New Amman Camp, East Jordan, slept 40 persons to a room.

Population: 530. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GAN HA SHILOSHA built on its 1,600 acres. 129. AL SALHIYYAH ‫ الصالحيــة‬located 11.8 miles NE of Safad. Population: 1,520. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,402 acres were stolen. 130. AL SAMERIYYAH ‫ الســامريه‬located 5 miles south of Beisan. Population: 250. Obliterated in 1948; all its 968 acres were stolen. 131. AL SAMOU’I ‫ الســموعي‬located 3 miles west of Safad. Population: 310. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KEFAR SHMMAY built on its 3,784 acres. 132. AL SAMRAH ‫ الســامره‬located on SE shore of Lake Tiberius, 1.2 miles NE of Samakh. Population: 290. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HA ON built on its 3,141 acres. 133. AL SANBARIYYAH ‫ الســنربيه‬located 17.4 miles north of Safad. Population: 130. Obliterated in 1948; all its 633 acres were stolen. 134. AL SARAFAND ‫ ال رصافــد‬located 15.5 miles south of Haifa. Population: 290. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AERUFA built on its 1,352 acres. 135. AL-SARKAS/KHIRBAT ‫ خرب ــة الرسك ــس‬located 26 miles S of Haifa. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. No traces of the site remain 26

today, only cactuses and scattered spikes of grain. 136. AL SAWAFEER’–East ‫ الس ــوافري رشق‬located 25.4 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 960. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of EN ZURIM and MERKAZ SHIPIRA built on its 3,458 acres. 137. AL SAWAFEER’–West ‫ السوافري غرب‬located 24.8 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,030. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MASS’OUT YIZHAQ built on its 1,881 acres. 138. AL SAWAFEER’–North ‫ السوافري شامل‬located 1.2 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 680. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of DEFAR WARBURG built on its 1,465 acres. 139. AL SAWALIMA ‫ السواليمه‬located 7 miles SSE of Haifa. Population: 800. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today cactuses grow on the site of the village. 140. AL SAWAMIR/KHIRBAT AL-SAWAMIR ‫ خربــة الســوامري‬located 14 miles S of Haifa. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the remains of two walls are visible at the site, which has been fenced in with barbed wire. 141. AL SHAJARAH ‫ الشجرة‬located 23 miles west of Tiberius. Population: 770. Obliterated in 1948; all its 939 acres were stolen. 142. AL SHEIKH HELOU ‫ الش ــيخ حل ــو‬located 23.6 miles south of Haifa. Population: 820. Obliterated in 1948; all its 368 acres were stolen. 143. AL SHEIKH MU’ANESS ‫ الشــيخ مؤنــس‬located 3 miles NNE of Jaffa. Population: 1,930. Obliterated in 1948, all its 1,402 acres were incorporated into the Jewish city of TEL AVIV. 144. AL SHOUNAH ‫ الش ــونه‬located 6 miles south of Safad. Population: 170. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 915 acres were stolen. 145. AL SINDIWANAH ‫ الســندوانه‬located 21.7 miles south of Haifa. Population: 1,250. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish reservation of YA’AR ALLONA built in 1949 on its 3,543 acres. 146. ALTABGHAH ‫ التباغــه‬located 8 miles north of Tiberius, on Lake Tiberius. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TABGHAH built on its 1,347 acres. 147. AL TANNUR/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة التنــور‬located 12 miles SW of Jerusalem. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Four of the 6 houses still stand in the now deserted village. 148. AL TANTOURAH ‫ التنــوره‬located 18.6 miles south of Haifa. 27

Population: 1,490. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of DOR and kibbutz NAHSHOLIM built on its 2,880 acres. 149. AL-TAQA/KHIRBAT ‫ خرب ــة الطاق ــه‬located 9 miles north of Baysan. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is overgrown with cactuses and palm and eucalyptus trees. 150. AL TIRAH-BEISAN ‫ الطــره بيســان‬located 18.6 miles NNW of Beisan. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GAZIT built on its 2,552 acres. 151. AL UBAYDIYYAH ‫ العبادي ــه‬located on Jordan River near Samakh, south of the lake. Population: 870. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,293 acres were stolen. 152. AL ULMANIYYAH ‫ العلامنيــه‬located 14.3 miles NE of Safad. Population: 260. Obliterated in 1948; all its 292 acres were stolen. 153. AL URAYFIYYA ‫ الع رافيه‬located 14 miles NNE of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is deserted and overgrown with grass, thorns, trees and cactuses. 154. AL WALAJAH ‫ الولجه‬located 6 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,656. Obliterated in 1948; all its 4,402 acres were stolen. 155. AL WAYZIYYA ‫ الويزيــه‬located 5 miles NE of Safed. Population: 100. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today only the shrine of Shaykh al-Wayzi remains. 156. AL ZABABIDA/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة الزبابيــدا‬located 13 miles SW of Turkarm. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is deserted and overgrown with wild vegetation and trees. 157. AL ZANGHARIYYAH ‫ الزنغريــه‬located 3 miles east of Safad. Population: 840. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ELIFELETIT built on its 6,980 acres. 158. AL ZAWIYYAH ‫ الزاويه‬located 12.4 miles NE of Safad. Population: 760. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NE’OT MORDEKHAY built on its 989 acres. 159. AL ZAWIYA/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة الزاويــه‬located 7 miles north of Beisan. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it has been turned into a grazing area. 160. AL ZEEB ‫ الزي ــب‬located 9.3 miles north of Acre. Population: 1,910. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GERSHER HA ZIW built in 1949 on its 3,152 acres. 28

161. AL ZOUQ AL FOQUANI ‫ الزقــه الفوقــاين‬located 20.5 miles north of Safad, near Lebanese border. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1958, with the Jewish settlement of MAYAN BARUCH built on its 458 acres. 162. AL ZOUQ AL TAHTANI ‫ الزقــه التحتــاين‬located 18.6 miles north of Safad. Population: 1,050. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BET HILLEL built on its 2,908 acres. 163. AL-NA’ANI ‫ النعــاين‬located 5 miles SSW of Ramlah. Population: 1,470. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RAMOT ME’IR built on its 2.572 acres. 164. AL SHUNA ‫ الشــونه‬located 5 miles south of Safad. Population: 170. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the hill on which the village stood is fenced in and contains crumbled stone walls from the destroyed houses. 165. AL-TAYNAH ‫ التيانــه‬located 24.8 miles south of Jaffa. Population: 750. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,509 acres were stolen. 166. ALMA ‫ علــا‬located 6 miles north of Safad. Population: 950. Completely obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of

Arroub Camp near Hebron, 1954. Refugees line up to receive food.


ALMA built on its 4,937 acres. 167. AMMOUQAH ‫ العموقــه‬located 3.7 miles NE of Safad. Population: 140. Obliterated in 1948; all its 644 acres were stolen. 168. AMQA ‫ عمقــه‬located 7 miles NE of Acre. Population: 1,240. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is overgrown with wild grasses. Only the school and mosque remain. 169. ANNABAH ‫ عنابــة‬located 18.6 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 1,420. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KEFAR SHEMU’EL built on its 3,209 acres. 170. AQOUR ‫ عقــور‬located 12 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 40. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,381 acres were stolen. 171. ARAB ABOU KISHK ‫ عــرب ابــو كشــك‬located 13 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 1,900. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SHMON NAVE HADAR built on its 4,343 acres. 172. ARAB AL ARIDAH ‫ عــرب العريضــه‬located 5.6 miles SE of Beisan. Population: 650. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,130 acres were stolen. 173. ARAB AL ARIDAH ‫ عــرب العريضــه‬located 5.6 miles SSE of Beisan. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the settlement of SEDE ELIYYAHU built on its 570 acres. 174. ARAB AL BAWATI ‫ عرب البوايت‬located in the plains of Beisan, south of Lake Tiberius. Population: 520. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 2,309 acres were stolen. 175. ARAB AL-FUQARA ‫ عــرب الفقــرا‬located 26 miles S of Haifa. Population: 310. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today there are no signs of the village. 176. ARAB AL NUFAY’AT ‫ عرب النفايات‬located 31 miles south of Haifa. Population: 820. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GIV’AT OLGA built on its 313 acres. 177. ARAB AL-SAFA ‫ عرب الصفا‬located 5 miles S of Baysan. Population: 650. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today three palm trees stand on the village site. 178. ARAB AL SAMMAKIYAH ‫ عــرب الســمكيه‬located 8.7 miles NE of Tiberius. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 2,632 acres were stolen. 179. ARAB AL-SAMNIYYA/KHIRBATAL-SUWWANA ‫عــرب الســمكية‬ ‫ خربة السوانه‬located 12 miles NE of Acre. Population: 200. Occupied and 30

depopulated in 1948. Today only the stone rubble of houses remain. 180. ARAB AL SAWALIMAH ‫ عرب الس ــوامليه‬located 10 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 800. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RAMAT HAWAL built on its 1,486 acres. 181. ARAB AL SHMALINAH ‫ عــرب الشــالينه‬located 14.9 miles SE of Safad. Population: 650. Obliterated in 1950; all its 4,173 acres, which were in the demilitarized zone, were stolen. 182. ARAB AL ZUBAYD ‫ عــرب الزبيــد‬located 15 miles NE of Safad. Population: 275. Obliterated in 1948; all its lands of 380 acres were stolen. 183. ARAB SUQRIR ‫ ع ــرب صقري ــر‬located 24 miles N of Gaza. Population: 390. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is overgrown with weeds. Two houses remain standing. 184. ARAB ZAHRAT AL-DUMAYRI ‫ ع ــرب زه ــرة الدم ــري‬located 26 miles S of Haifa. Population: 620. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered mostly with sand dunes. 185. ARTOUF ‫ عرتــوف‬located 21.6 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 350. Obliterated in 1948, all its 101 acres were stolen. 186. ASDOUD ‫ اس ــدود‬located 25 miles NNE of Gaza. Population: 4,630. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish town and port of ASHDOD built on its 11,486 acres. 187. ASLOUJ ‫ الســلوج‬located 18.6 miles south of BEERSHEBA. Population: 500, semi-nomadic, surrounding lands used for barley growing. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of MASH’ABBE SADE and RVIVIM built on its stolen lands. 188. ATLIT ‫ التليت‬located 8 miles S of Haifa. Population: 660. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today no traces of Palestinian houses are left. 189. AYN AL-MANSI ‫ عــن املنــي‬located 12 miles NW of Jenin. Population: 90. Village today is completely destroyed and leveled. 190. AWJA AL HAFIR ‫ عوجــة الحفــر‬located 46 miles SW of Beersheba. Population: 255. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of QEZI’OT built in 1953 on its stolen lands. 191. AZEEZIYA ‫ الزيزيــه‬located 19 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 390. Obliterated in 1948; all its 102 acres were stolen. 192. BAISAMOUN ‫ بيســمون‬located NE of Safad near the shores of old 31

lake Houlah. Population: 50. Obliterated in 1948; all its 526 acres were stolen. 193. BALAD AL SHIEKH ‫ بلــد الشــيخ‬located 3 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 4,120. Obliterated in 1948, all its 2,308 acres were stolen and divided between Haifa and the Jewish settlement of NESHER. 194. BARBARAH ‫ بربــوره‬located 13 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,410. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MAYQIIM built on its 3,361 acres. 195. BARFIELIAH ‫ برفيليه‬located 4.3 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 730. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,784 acres were stolen. 196. BARQUOUSIA ‫ برقوســيه‬located 15.5 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948, all its 804 acres were stolen. 197. BARRAT QIKSARYA ‫ برة قيس ــاريه‬located 20 miles S of Haifa. The settlement of OR ‘AQUIVA was built on the village land in 1951. 198. BASHIT ‫ بشــيت‬located 11 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 1,620. Obliterated in 1948; BENAYA, ASERET and other Jewish settlements were built on its 4,633 acres. 199. BAYYARAT HANNUN ‫ بيارات حنون‬located 12 miles W of Tulkarm. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. All that remains today is a large, two-story deserted house. 200. BEER AL SAB’A ‫ بــر الســبع‬occupied by the Jews on October 21, 1948; all 5,570 Palestinians were evicted, their homes occupied and their town renamed BE’ER SHAVA. 201. BEER MOU’IN ‫ بري معني‬located 2 miles ESE of Ramlah. Population: 510. Obliterated in 1948; all 2,330 acres were stolen. 202. BEER SALEM ‫ بري سامل‬located 2.5 miles west of Ramlah. Population: 410. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NES ZIYYONA built on its 850 acres. 203. BEISAN ‫ بيســان‬town located 21.7 miles south of Lake Tiberius. Population: in 1948 was 5,180 Palestinians and 20 Jews. On December 5, 1948 the town was occupied by Jewish forces and all Palestinians were evicted and the town partially blown up. It was rebuilt as the Jewish city of BET SHE’AN. 204. BEIT AFFAH ‫ بي ــت عف ــه‬located 18.6 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 700. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of YAD 32

NATAN built on its 1,452 acres. 205. BEIT DAJAN ‫ بي ــت دج ــان‬located 6 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 3,840. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BET DAGAN built on its 4,317 acres. 206. BEIT DARA ‫ بيــت دارا‬located 22.3 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,750. Obliterated in 1948, with many of its Palestinian inhabitants massacred. Jewish settlements of GIVATI and OROT were built on its 4,089 acres. 207. BEIT ITAB ‫ بيــت عتــاب‬located 9.3 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 540. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of NES HARIM and BAR GIWORIA built on its 2,189 acres. 208. BEIT JEEZ ‫ بيــت جيــز‬located 9.5 miles SSE of Ramlah. Population: 550. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HAREL built on its 2,089 acres. 209. BEIT JERAJA ‫ بيــت ج راجــه‬located 9.3 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 940. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,088 acres were stolen. 210. BEIT JIBREEN ‫ بيــت جربيــن‬located 12.4 miles WNW of Jerusalem. Population: 26. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,107 acres were stolen. 211. BEIT JIBREEN ‫ بيــت جربيــن‬located 16 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 2,340. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BET GUVRIN built on its 14,046 acres. 212. BEIT LID/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة بيــت لــد‬located 8 miles W of Tulkarm. Population: 460. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with orchards. 213. BEIT MAHSIR ‫ بيــت محســر‬located 12.4 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 2,400. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BETME’IR built on its 4,067 acres. 214. BEIT NABALA ‫ بيت نباله‬located 9.3 miles NE of Ramlah. Population: 2,310. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,763 acres were stolen. 215. BEIT NAQOUBA ‫ بيــت نقوبــه‬located 8 miles NW of Jerusalem. Population: 240. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BEIT DUQQU built on its 506 acres. 216. BEIT NATTIEF ‫ بيــت نتيــف‬located 15.5 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 2,150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of HALAMED, ZANOAH and AVI’EZER built on its 11,147 acres. 217. BEIT NOUBA ‫ بيــت نوبــه‬located 14.3 miles SE of Ramlah. 33

Jaramana Camp, Syria, a supplementary feeding center. UNRWA photo by M. W. Chaumeny

Population: 1,350. Occupied and obliterated in 1948, with Jewish army camps built on its 2,850 acres. 218. BEIT SHANNAH ‫ بيــت شــانه‬located 6 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948; all its 904 acres were stolen.. 219. BEIT SOUSEEN ‫ بيــت سوســن‬located 16 miles West of Jerusalem. Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AOR’A built on its 1,620 acres. 220. BEIT THUL ‫ بيــت ثــول‬located 10 miles NW of Jerusalem. Population: 260. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today piles of rubble cover a wide area on the hill where the village stood. 221. BEIT TIMAH ‫ بيــت تيمــه‬located 14.3 miles NE of Gaza, near Hulagat oil field. Population: 1,060. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,758 acres were stolen. 222. BEIT UMM AL MEES ‫ بيــت ام امليــس‬located 6 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 70. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RAMAT RAZI’EL built on its 253 acres. 223. BILIN ‫ بلعــن‬located 30.4 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 180. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,875 acres were stolen. 224. BIRIAH ‫ بــره‬located just north of Safad. Population: 240. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,370 acres were stolen. 34

225. BOURAIR ‫ بورايــر‬located 13 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,749. Totally obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of HELEZ, ZOHAR BEROR HAYIL and TELAMIM built on its 11,250 acres. 226. BURAYKA ‫ برايكــه‬located 19 miles S of Haifa. Population: 290. The village today is a closed military-industrial area. 227. BURQUAH ‫ برقــه‬located 30 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 890. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GAN YAVNE built on its 1,253 acres. 228. BYAR ADAS ‫ بي ــار ع ــداس‬located 9.3 miles NE of Jaffa. Obliterated in 1948, after most of its 300 villagers were massacred. The Jewish settlement of GAN HAYYIM was built on its 1,343 acres. 229. DALIAT AL RAWHA’A ‫ داليــة الروحــه‬located 15.5 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 280. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 2,502 acres were stolen. 230. DALLATAN ‫ دلتــان‬located 5 miles north of Safad. Population: 360. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of DALTON built on its 2,269 acres. 231. DANNAH ‫ دانــه‬located 7.4 miles NNW of Beisan. Population: 190. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,654 acres were stolen. 232. DANYAL ‫ دانيــال‬located 3.7 miles east of Ramlah. Population: 410. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KEFAR DANIWEL built on its 702 acres. 233. DAR AL SHEIKH ‫ دار الشــيخ‬located 11 miles WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 220. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NES HARIM built on its 1,695 acres. 234. DARAD AL GHANNAMAH ‫ دارا الغنامــه‬located 5.6 miles NE of Safad. Population: 360. Obliterated in 1951, with the Jewish settlement of AYYELET HA SHAHAR built on its 950 acres. 235. DAYSHOUM ‫ دايش ــوم‬located 8.7 miles north of Safad. Population: 590. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of DISHON built on its 5,761 acres. 236. DEIR ABAN ‫ ديــر ابــان‬located 12.4 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 2,100. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MAHSEYA built in 1950 on its 5,687 acres. 237. DEIR ABOU SALAMAH ‫ دير ابو س ــامه‬located 3 miles east of Lod. 35

Population: 60. Obliterated in 1948; all its 299 acres were stolen. 238. DEIR AL DUBBAN ‫ دي ــر الدب ــوان‬located 15.5 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 730. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of LUZIT built in 1955 on its 1,946 acres. 239. DEIR AL HAWA ‫ ديــر الهــوا‬located 7.4 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 60. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NES HARIM built in 1950 on its 1,477 acres. 240. DEIR AL QASSI ‫ ديــر القــايس‬located 16.7 miles’ NE of Acre. Population: 2,300. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ELQOSH built on its 8,411 acres. 241. DEIR ARM ‫ دير ارم‬located 11 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 50. Also had an agricultural school for Palestinian orphans. Obliterated in 1948; all its 768 acres were stolen. 242. DEIR AYHOUB ‫ ديــر ايــوب‬located 6 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 320. Population was removed in 1949, with the village obliterated and the Jewish settlement of SHAAR HAGAY built on its 1,507 acres. 243. DEIR MUHAYSEN ‫ ديــر محســن‬located 8 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 460. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BEQOA built on its 2,502 acres. 244. DEIR NAKHAAS ‫ ديــر نخــاس‬located 24.8 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 600. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NAHOSHA built in 1955 on its 3,619 acres. 245. DEIR RAFAT ‫ دي ــر راف ــات‬located 16 miles W of Jerusalem. Population: 438. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is covered with large piles of stone rubble and stone terraces, with a few tents belonging to the Negev tribe of al-Sani. 246. DEIR SUNAYD ‫ دي ــر س ــنياد‬located 7.4 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 730. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of YAD MODEKHAY and EREZ built on its 1,430 acres. 247. DEIR TARIF ‫ دير طريف‬located 6 miles NE of Ramlah. Population: 1,750. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of BET A’RIFand KEFAR TRUMAN built on its 2,189 acres. 248. DEIR YASSIN ‫ ديــر ياســن‬located 2.5 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 600, over 250 of whom, mainly old men, women and children were massacred in cold blood on 9 April, 1948 by 36

Zionist terrorists of the IRGUN and the STERN GANG. The Palestinian village was obliterated and the Jewish settlement of GIBAT SHAUL was built on its 714 acres. 249. DIRMAH ‫ ديرمــه‬located 5 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 520. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of EREZ built on its 2,123 acres. 250. EAST BATANI ‫ رشق بتانيــه‬located 33.5 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 650. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of OROT built on its 1,441 acres. 251. EIN AL ZYTOUN ‫ عــن الزيتــون‬located 2.5 miles north of Safad. Population: 820. Obliterated on May 6, 1948, with many of its Palestinian inhabitants massacred. The Jewish settlement of EN ZETIM was built on its 275 acres. 252. EIN GHAZAL ‫ عــن غزالــه‬located 15.5 miles south of Haifa. Population: 3,500. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of EN AYYALA built on its 4,500 acres. “We Palestinians, old and young, will not forget Palestine” - Dr. Jamil Fayez

Jabalia Refugee Camp. United Nations Photo. 37

253. EIN HASAB ‫ عــن حســب‬located 22.3 miles south of Dead Sea. Population: 145. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of EN HAZEVA built on its stolen lands. 254. EIN HAWD ‫ عني هاود‬located 10.5 miles south of Haifa. Population: 650. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of EN HOD and NIR EZYON built on its 3,151 acres. 255. EIN KAAREM ‫ عــن كارم‬located 5 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 3,900. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish hospital complex ZUR HADASSA built on its 3,757 acres. 256. ENDOR ‫ عنــدور‬located 13.6 miles SE of Nazareth. Population: 620. Obliterated on December 31,1949, with the Jewish settlement of ENDOR built on its 3,111 acres. 257. ESHOA ‫ اشوا‬located 16.7 miles West of Jerusalem. Population: 620. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of HARTOUF and ESHTA’OL built on its 1,381 acres. 258. FAJJAH ‫ فجــه‬located 9.3 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 1,200. Obliterated in 1948, with eastern Jewish suburb of PITAH TIKWA built on its stolen land. 259. FARAH ‫ فــرح‬located 8 miles NW of Safad. Population: 320. Obliterated in 1948; all its 182 acres were stolen. 260. FARDEESYA ‫ فردســيه‬located 25 miles NNE of Jaffa. Population: 20. Obliterated in 1948; all its 273 acres were stolen. 261. FARRADIYYAH ‫ فردســيه‬located 6 miles SW of Safad. Population: 670 of whom 100 Palestinians were massacred when the Jews occupied it in 1948. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of PAROD built on its 4,687 acres. 262. FARWANAH ‫ فروانــه‬located 6 miles south of Beisan. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of REWAYA, SEDE TERUMOT and REHOV built on its 1,249 acres. 263. FER’EM ‫ فريــم‬located 4.3 miles NE of Safad. Population: 740. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HAZOR HA GELITIT built on its 522 acres. 264. FUTAYS ‫ فتاي ــس‬located 10.5 miles WNW of Beersheba. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948 with the Jewish settlement of PATTISH built on its 253 acres. 265. GHABAT AL ABABISHAH ‫ غابــات البباشــه‬located 9.3 miles NNE 38

of Jaffa. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of KEFAR SHEMARYAHU and RISHPON built on its 61 1 acres. 266. GHABAT KUFR SOUR ‫ غابــات كفــر صــور‬located 10.5 miles WSW of Tulkarem. Population: 740. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of BET YESHOSHUA, TEL YIZHAQ and KEFAR NETTER built on its 4,917 acres. 267. GHABBAYIYAH ‫ غباييه‬located 10.5 miles NW of Safad. Population: 60. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 733 acres were stolen. 268. GHURABAH ‫ غ راب ــه‬located 16 miles NE of Safad. Population: 200. Obliterated in 1948, with the kibbutz GONEN built on its 738 acres. 269. HADATHAH ‫ حداثــه‬located 3 miles NW of Lake Tiberius. Population: 520. Completely obliterated in 1948; all of its 2,585 acres were stolen. 270. HAIFA ‫ حيفــا‬located on the Mediterranean sea. Population: 70,000 Palestinians, most of whom were evicted from their homes in 1948 after threats to kill them. All their houses and lands were subsequently stolen by Jews who settled in them. 271. HAMAMAH ‫ حاممه‬located 19 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 5,010. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of NIZZANIM and BET EZRA built on its 10,342 acres. 272. HATTA ‫ حطــة‬located 18.6 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 970. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of REWAHA built on its 1,326 acres. 273. HIRBIA ‫ حربــه‬located 6 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,240. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of KARMIYYA, YAD MORDEKHSY, and ZI built on its 5,578 acres. 274. HITTIN ‫ حطني‬located 6.5 miles west of Tiberius. Population: 1,190. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KEFARZETIM built on its 5,691 acres. 275. HOJ ‫ حوج‬located 11 miles east of Gaza. Population: 810. Obliterated in 1948 with the Jewish settlements of DOROT and GEVIM built on its 5,497 acres. 276. HOSHAH ‫ حوشــه‬located 8.7 miles east of Haifa. Population: 400. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,250 acres were stolen. 39

277. HOULAYQAT ‫ حليقــات‬located 15.5 miles NE of Gaza, near oil field. Population: 420. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HELEZ built on its 1,766 acres. 278. HOUNEEN ‫ حونــن‬located 26 miles north of Safad. Population: 1,620. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,434 acres were stolen. 279. IBDES ‫ ابــدس‬located 26.7 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 540. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,148 acres were stolen. 280. IDHNIBBAH ‫ ادينبــه‬located 31 miles south of Jaffa. Population: 490. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HARUVIT

Khan Yunis Camp, Gaza. School in the sand, 1950.

built on its 1,778 acres. 281. IJLEEL ‫ اجليــل‬North & South located 8.7 miles NE of Jaffa. & Population: 470. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of 282. GELILOT ‫ جليل ــوت‬built on 242. its 4,413 acres. It is now incorporated as a suburb of HERZLIWA. 283. IJZEM ‫ اجــزم‬located 17.4 miles south of Haifa. Population: 2,970. Obliterated in 1948 with the Jewish settlement of KEREM MAHARAL built on its 11,726 acres of stolen land. 284. IKRET ‫ الك ــرت‬located NE of Acre near the Lebanese border. Population of 500 Palestinians, all Maronite Christians, who were forced to evacuate their village in 1948. All the village buildings were blown up on Christmas day, 1952, and all its 6,181 acres were stolen. 40

285. IMWAS ‫ عمــواس‬located 17.4 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,450. Obliterated in 1967. All of its 1,288 acres were stolen and its people driven away. 286. IRAQ AL MANSHIYYAH ‫ ع ـراق املنش ــية‬located 30.4 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 2,800. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of GAT, QIRYAT GAT, SEDE MOSHE and SHAHAR built on its 3,300 acres. 287. IRAQ SOUWEYDAN ‫ عــراق ســويدان‬located 21.7 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 660. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of NOGAN, SEDE YO’AV and OZEM built on its 1,885 acres. 288. IRIBBIN/KHIRBAT ‫ حربة عربني‬located 14 miles NE of Acre. Population: 360. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the site is covered with the debris of houses. 289. ISLEEN ‫ عســلني‬located 17.4 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 260. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ESHTA’OL built on its 540 acres. 290. ISM ALLAH/KHIRBAT ‫ خربة اس ــم الله‬located 16 miles W of Jerusalem. Population: 20. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. The coves in the northern part of the site still show evidence of their former use as dwellings. 291. JABA’A ‫ جبعــة‬located 13 miles south of Haifa. Population: 1,140. The village was bombarded from air on July 7, 1948, and later completely obliterated, with the Jewish settlements of GEVA KARMEL and ZERUEA built on its 1,753 acres. 292. JABBOUL ‫ جبــول‬located 6 miles north of Beisan. Population: 250. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BET YOSEF built on its 3,782 acres. 293. JAHOULA ‫ جهولــه‬located 8.7 miles NE of Safad. Population: 357. Obliterated in 1948; all its 967 acres were stolen. 294. JAMZOU ‫ جمــزو‬located 2.5 miles east of Lyddah (Lid). Population: 1,510. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GIMZO built on its 2,420 acres. 295. JARASH ‫ جــرش‬located 17.4 miles WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 190. Obliterated in 1948; all its 880 acres were stolen. 296. JELYAH ‫ جليــه‬located 3 miles south of Ramlah. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,587 acres were stolen. 41

Old man at Camp Baqa’a, East Jordan. Winter of 1968.

297. JIA’ARAH ‫ جعــاره‬located 23 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 70 Palestinians who were forced to leave in 1945. The village was obliterated and its stolen lands were added to the Jewish kibbutz EN HASHOFET. 298. JIDDIN/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة جديــن‬located 12 miles NE of Acre. Population: 1,500. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. All its 1,897 acres were stolen. The fortress on the site has been preserved as a tourist attraction. 299. JISR AL MAJAME ‫ جــر املجامــع‬located 9.3 miles NE of Beisan. Population: 250. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GESHER built on its 125 acres. 300. JOLES ‫ جولــس‬located 18 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,030. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HODIWA built on its 3,396 acres. 301. JUB YOUSSEF ‫ جب يوسف‬located 2.5 miles SE of Safad. Population: 170. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,831 acres were stolen. In its place today are the pumping installations of the Jordan-Negev pipeline. 302. JURAYSHAH ‫ جريشــه‬located 3 miles NNE of Jaffa. Population: 42

195. Obliterated in 1948; all its 139 acres were incorporated into the Jewish city of TEL AVIV. 303. KAFAR AANAH ‫ كفر عناه‬located 6.8 miles east of Jaffa. Population: 2,800. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of QIRYAT ONO and YEHUDA built on its 4,338 acres. 304. KAFRAH ‫ كفــره‬located 4.3 miles north of Beisan. Population: 430. Obliterated in 1948; all its lands of 2,293 acres were stolen. 305. KARAARAH ‫ كفــاره‬located 20.5 miles south of Haifa. Population: 120. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,088 acres were stolen. 306. KARAD AL BAQQARAH ‫ ك ـراد البق ــرة‬located 6 miles NE of Safad, in the demilitarized zone with Syria. Population: 350. Obliterated in 1951; all its 535 acres were stolen. 307. KARRAZA/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة كــرازة‬located 6 miles SE of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is an archeological tourist area. 308. KARTIA ‫ كرتيــه‬located 16.7 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,370. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of AZEM, NEHORA and QOMEMIWUT built on its 3,427 acres. 309. KASLA ‫ خالصــه‬located 10 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 280. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KESALON built on its 2,001 acres. 310. KAWKABA ‫ كوكبــه‬located 18.6 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 680. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KOKHAV MIKHAEL SOBELL built on its 2,136 acres. 311. KAWKAB AL HAWA ‫ كوكــب الهــوا‬located 9.3 miles N of Beisan. Population: 300. Completely obliterated in 1948; all of its 2,487 acres were stolen. 312. KFAR BIRI’M ‫ كفر برييم‬located 10.5 miles NW of Safad. Population: 1,000, all Catholic (Maronite) Christians. Obliterated in 1953, with the Jewish kibbutz BAR’AM built on its 3,063 acres. 313. KFAR INAN ‫ كفــر عنــان‬located 9.3 miles SW of Safad. Population: 360 Palestinians, half of whom were pushed into the West Bank on February 4, 1949. The rest remained near the village and petitioned the Israeli Government to return to their village. In answer to their petition, the Israeli army blew up all the houses and obliterated the village. 43

314. KFAR LAM ‫ كفــر الم‬located 16 miles south of Haifa. Population: 240. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HABONIM built on its 1,710 acres. 315. KFAR SABA ‫ كف ــر س ــابا‬located 11 miles SW of Tulkarm. Population: 1,270. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it is the site of new residential quarters within an industrial area that is part of the settlement of KEFAR SAVA. 316. KFAR SABT ‫ كفر س ــابت‬located 13 miles SW of Tiberius. Population: 480. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,185 acres were stolen. 317. KHAN AL-DUWAYR ‫ خــان الدويــر‬located 22 miles NE of Safad. Population: 260. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today it lies deserted and overgrown with grass. 318. KHARROUBAH ‫ خروب ــه‬located 1.2 miles NE of Safad. Population: 170. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 844 acres were stolen. 319. KHIRBAT ABDU ZENAH ‫ خربــة ابــو زينــة‬located on Jordan River where it joins Lake Tiberius, SE of Safad. Population: 650. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 4,173 acres were stolen. 320. KHIRBAT AL BOUWAYRAH ‫ خربــة البويــرة‬located 6 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 190. Obliterated in 1948; all its 288 acres were stolen. 321. KHIRBAT AL DAMOUN ‫ خربة الدمون‬located 8 miles SSE of Haifa. Population: 340. Obliterated in 1948, all its 699 acres were stolen. 322. KHIRBAT AL HARRAWI ‫ خربــة الحــراوي‬located 12.4 miles north of Safad. Population: 174. Obliterated in 1948, with its 932 acres added to the Jewish settlement of RAMOT NAFTALI. 323. KHIRBAT AL LOZ ‫ خربة اللوز‬located 8.68 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 450. Obliterated in 1948; all 1,126 acres were stolen. 324. KHIRBAT AL OMOUR ‫ خربــة عمــور‬located 10 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 270. Obliterated in 1948; all its 969 acres were stolen. 325. KHIRBAT AL QUIZAZAH ‫ خرب ــة القزي ــزة‬located 1.2 miles east of HADERA. Population: 1,000. Obliterated in 1948, with its 3,709 acres incorporated into the Jewish settlement of HADERA. 326. KHIRBAT AL WA’ARAH ALSOUDAH ‫ خرب ــة الوع ــرة الس ــودة‬located 3 miles NW of Tiberius. Population: 1,870. Obliterated in 1948, all its 1,759 acres were stolen. 44

Classes were held in tents for the 1968/69 school year in East Jordan.

327. KHIRBAT BEIT FAR ‫ خربة بيت فار‬located 9.3 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 300. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ZELAFON built on its 1,401 acres. 328. KHIRBAT KHURAYSH ‫ خربــة خريســه‬located 15.5 miles ENE of Jaffa. Population: 70. Obliterated in 1949, with the Jewish settlement of YARHIV built on its 91 4 acres. 329. KHIRBAT LIDD ‫ خربــة لــد‬located 21.7 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 640. Obliterated in 1948; all its 893 acres were stolen. 330. KHIRBAT SHEIKHA MOHMED ‫ خربــة شــيخ محمــد‬located 24.8 miles NNE of Jaffa. Population: 150. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of HOGLA, ELYASHIV, KEFAR VITKIN and HAROE built around its 164 acres. 331. KHIRBAT UMM AL BOURJ ‫ خربــة ام بــرج‬located 12.5 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 250. Obliterated in 1967; all of its 3,271 acres were stolen. 332. KHIRBAT ZAKARIYA ‫ خربــة زكريــا‬located 15.5 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 200. Totally destroyed in 1948; all of its 1,135 acres were stolen. 333. KHIYAM AL WALEED ‫ خيام الوليد‬located 15.5 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 280. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of LAHOVOT HABASHAN built on its 1,079 acres. 334. KHUBBAYZAH ‫ خبازيــه‬located 24 miles SE of HAIFA. Population: 45

290. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz EVEN YIZHAQ built on its 589 acres. 335. KHULDAH ‫ خلــده‬located 9.3 miles south of Ramlah. Population: 280. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TEL SHAHR built on its 2,365 acres. 336. KIDNA ‫ قدنــه‬located 18.6 miles WNW of Hebron. Population: 450. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GAL’ON built on its 3,931 acres. 337. KIFAR SABA ‫ كفــار ســابا‬located 15.5 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 1,270. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,422 acres were stolen. 338. KOUWAYKAT ‫ كويــكات‬located 9.3 miles NE of Acre. Population: 1,050. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NAHAL BET HA EMEQ built on its 1,181 acres. 339. KURNOB ‫ كرنــب‬located 25 miles south of Beersheba. Population: 155. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of DIMONA built on its stolen lands. 340. LAZZAZAH ‫ لــزازه‬located in extreme north of Palestine on Hesbani River. Population: 230. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 161 acres were stolen. 341. LIFTA ‫ لفتــه‬located 0.6 miles NW of Jerusalem. Population: 2,550. Obliterated in 1948, with its 1,997 acres now a suburb of WEST JERUSALEM. 342. LONI ‫ لــوين‬located 3 miles NW of Jerusalem. Population: 900. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,013 acres were stolen. 343. LOUBA ‫ لوبن ــه‬located 5.6 miles west of Tiberius. Population: 2,350. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of LAVl built on its 9,907 acres. 344. MA’ADHAR ‫ مدهــر‬located 13.6 miles SW of Tiberius. Population: 480. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,582 acres were stolen. 345. MA’ALOUL ‫ معلــول‬located 7 miles west of Nazareth. Population: 690. Obliterated in 1948, with its 523 acres added to the Jewish settlement of NAHALAL. 346. MADAHIL ‫ مداحــل‬located 19 miles NE of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the site is covered with grass, cane and cactuses. 347. MAJDAL AL SADEQ ‫ مجــدل الصــادق‬located 8 miles NE of Jaffa. 46

Population: 2,500. Obliterated in 1948; its 6,658 acres became a suburb of the Jewish settlement of PETAH TIKWA. 348. MAJIDAL ASQALAN ‫ مجــدل عســقالن‬located 15.5 miles NNE of Gaza. Population: 13,000 Palestinians who were all evicted from their homes which were given to Jewish immigrants in 1948. The town was renamed ASHQELON. 349. MANSOURAT AL KHSYT ‫ منصــورة الخســيت‬located 6 miles east of Safad. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz KEFAR HA NASI built on its 1,684 acres. 350. MAROUS ‫ مــاروس‬located 5.6 miles NE of Safad. Obliterated in 1948 after its population of 80 Palestinians were evicted from their homes, and their lands stolen. 351. MASEEL AL JIZI ‫ مســيل الجــزي‬located 5 miles SE of Beisan. Population: 100. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,468 acres were stolen. 352. MAYROUN ‫ مايــرون‬located 6 miles SW of Safad. Population: 290. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of MERON built on its 238 acres. 353. ME’AR ‫ ماعر‬located 6 miles SE of Acre. Population: 770. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,468 acres were stolen. 354. MISKHA ‫ مســكة‬located 9.3 miles SW of Tulkarem. Population: 880. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RAMAT HA KOSVESH and MISMERET built on its 2,019 acres. 355. MUGHALLES ‫ مغلــس‬located 18.6 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 540. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GEFEN built on its 2,864 acres. 356. MUGHR AL KHYAT ‫ مغــر الخيــاط‬located 9.3 miles NE of Safad. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,561 acres were stolen. 357. NA’ALIA ‫ نعليــا‬located 12.4 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,310. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,308 acres were stolen. 358. NAJD ‫ نجــد‬located 10.5 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 620. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of DOROT built on its 3,394 acres. 359. NASER AL DEEN ‫ نــارص الديــن‬located 4.3 miles SW of Tiberius. Population: 110. On the night of 13 April 1948, the IRGUN sent its terrorists dressed as Palestinians, who were welcomed into the village. As soon as they were in, they opened fire and massacred 47

70 innocent men, women and children; the rest escaped. The village was then obliterated and its 1,347 acres stolen. 360. NATAF ‫ نتــاف‬located 8 miles NW of Jerusalem. Population: 40. Obliterated in 1948; all its 373 acres were stolen. 361. NIMREEN ‫ منريــن‬located 11.8 miles west of Tiberius. Population: 320. Obliterated in 1948, all its 2,199 acres were stolen. 362. NORES ‫ نــورس‬located 12.4 miles NE of Jenin. Population: 570. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,564 acres were stolen. 363. OLAM ‫ عــام‬located 16 miles SW of Tiberius. Population: 720. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,750 acres were stolen. 364. QABB’AH ‫ قبــه‬located 7.4 miles NE of Safad. Population: 460. Obliterated in 1948; all its 3,454 acres were stolen. 365. QADAS ‫ قــداس‬located 10 miles N of Safad. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today stones from the destroyed houses are strewn over the fenced-in area. 366. QADDITA ‫ قديت ــا‬located 21 miles north of Safad. Population: 390. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,535 acres were stolen. 367. QADDITA ‫ قديتــا‬located 4.3 miles NW of Safad. Population: 240. Obliterated in 1948; all its 610 acres were stolen. 368. QALUNYA ‫ قلنديا‬located 4 miles NW of Jerusalem. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today only a few houses stand, one of which is occupied by a Jewish family. 369. QANNEER ‫ قانــر‬located 25 miles SSE of Haifa. Population: 750. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of REGAVIM built on its 2,820 acres. 370. QAQOUN ‫ قانــون‬located 4.3 miles NW of Tulkarem. Population: 1,970. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of GAN YOSHIYYAH and HA’OGEN built on its 10,442 acres. 371. QATARAH ‫ قطــرة‬located 9.3 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 1,210. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GEDERA built on its 1,325 acres. 372. QATIYYAH ‫ قطيه‬located 18 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 940. Obliterated in 1948; its 1,298 acres were stolen and added to the Jewish settlement of BET HILLEL. 373. QAZAZAH ‫ قــزازه‬located 11 miles south of Ramlah. Population: 940. Obliterated in 1947 after many of its Palestinian inhabitants 48

were massacred, and all of its 4,707 acres stolen. 374. QEERAH WA QAMOUN ‫ قــره وقامــون‬located 14.6 miles SW of Haifa. Population: 250. Obliterated in 1948; all of its lands were stolen. 375. QISARIYAH ‫ قيساريه‬located 26 miles SSW of Haifa, on the seashore. Population: 960. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of OR’AQIVA built on its 7,697 acres. 376. QOULAH ‫ قولــه‬located 18.6 miles east of Jaffa. Population: 1,010. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,026 acres were stolen. 377. QOUMIAH ‫ قوميه‬located 6 miles WNW of Beisan. Population: 440. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of EN HAROD and TEL YOSEF built on its 1,225 acres. 378. R’ANA ‫ رعنــا‬located 14.3 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 190. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,731 acres were stolen. 379. RANTIYYAH ‫ راتي ــه‬located 9.3 miles east of Jaffa. Population: 590. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of RINNATYA built on its 1,097 acres. 380. RAML ZAYTA/KHIRBAT QAZAZA ‫ خرب ــة ق ــزازه‬/ ‫ رام ــل زيت ــا‬located 9 miles NW of Tulkarm. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today only two of the original houses remain. 381. RAS ABOU AMMAR ‫ راس ابــو عــار‬located 11.8 miles SW of Jerusalem. Population: 620. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,086 acres were stolen. 382. SA’AS’A ‫ ساســه‬located 9.3 miles NW of Safad. Population: 1,130. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SASA built on its 3,699 acres. 383. SA’SA’/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة خربــات‬located 9 miles SE of Haifa. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today cactuses and fig trees are scattered about the site. 384. SABALAN ‫ س ــبالن‬located 14.9 miles NW of Safad. Population: 70. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 448 acres were stolen. 385. SABBAREEN ‫ ســبارين‬located 21.7 miles south of Haifa. Population: 1,700. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AMMIQAM built on its 5,375 acres. 386. SAFFOURIYAH ‫ صفوريــة‬located 4.3 miles north of Nazareth. Population: 4,330. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement 49

Refugee Camp in Est Jordan, winter of 1968.

of ZIPPORI built on its 1 3,845 acres. 387. SAJAD ‫ ســجاد‬located 12 miles S of al-Ramla. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the site is an inaccessible military zone. 388. SALAHAH ‫ صالحه‬located 10.5 miles NNW of Safad, near Lebanese border. Population: 1,070. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of YIR’ON built on its 2,934 acres. 389. SALAMAH ‫ ســامه‬located 3 miles east of Jaffa. Population: 6,670. Obliterated in 1948; its 1,696 acres became a suburb of Tel Aviv known as KEFAR SHAEM. 390. SALBEET ‫ ســلبيت‬located 6 miles SE of Ramlah. Population: 510. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SHA’ALVIM built in 1951 on its 1,528 acres. 391. SAMAKH ‫ ســمكه‬located at southern tip of Lake Tiberius. Population: 3,460. Obliterated in 1948, with a Jewish holiday village built on its 4,653 acres. 392. SAQIYAH ‫ ســاقيه‬located 12.4 miles ESE of Jaffa. Population: 1,100. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TIRATYEHUDA built on its 1,355 acres. 50

393. SARA’AH ‫ رساح‬located 19 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 340. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of ZOR’A and TARUM built on its 1,240 acres. 394. SARAFAND AL AMAAR ‫ صفافنــد العــار‬located 2.5 miles west of Lod. Population: 1,950. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of NlRZEVlbuilt on its 3,317 acres. 395. SARAFAND AL KHARAB ‫ صفاف ــد الخ ـراب‬located 3.7 miles west of Ramlah. Population: 840. Obliterated in 1948; its 1,326 acres were divided among the Jewish settlements of BE’ER YAAQYV, BET HANAN, and RISHON LE ZIYYON. 396. SARIS ‫ ساريس‬located 9.3 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 560. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SHORESH built on its 2,675 acres. 397. SARONAH ‫ ســارونه‬located 3 miles NE of Jaffa. Population: 800. Obliterated in 1948, with its 238 acres incorporated into the Jewish city of TEL AVIV. 398. SATAF ‫ صطاف‬located 7.4 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 450. Obliterated in 1948; all its 944 acres were stolen. 399. SAYDOUN ‫ صيــدون‬located 3 miles SSE of Ramlah. Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,026 acres were stolen. 400. SHAHMAH ‫ شــهمه‬located 11 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 280. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of QIDRON built on its 1,613 acres. 401. SHEIKH DAOUD ‫ شــيخ داوود‬located 9.3 miles NE of Acre. Population: 300. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,165 acres were stolen. 402. SHIELTA ‫ ش ــلته‬located 9.3 miles east of Ramlah. Population: 100. Obliterated in 1948, with the settlement of SHILAT established on its stolen lands of 1,345 acres. 403. SHOKAH AL TAHITA ‫ شــوكه التحتيــه‬located 21.7 miles NNE of Safad, near Dan. Population: 200. Obliterated in 1948; all 533 acres were stolen. 404. SIMSEM ‫ سمس ــم‬located 11.8 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 1,290. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GEVAR’AM built on its 3,449 acres. 405. SIREEN ‫ س ــرين‬located 7.4 miles north of Beisan. Population: 810. Obliterated in 1948; all its 7,114 acres were stolen. 51

406. SOUBA ‫ صوبــا‬located 6 miles west of Jerusalem. Population: 620. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AOVA built on its 1,026 acres. 407. SUFLA ‫ ُس ــفله‬located 14.9 miles WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 60. Obliterated in 1948; all its 515 acres were stolen. 408. SUHMATA ‫ ســحامتا‬located 10.5 miles NE of Acre. Population: 1,130. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HOSEN built in 1949 on its 4,230 acres. 409. SUMAYRIYYAH ‫ ســومريه‬located 2.5 miles north of Acre. Population: 760. Obliterated in 1948; all its 2,129 acres were stolen. 410. SUMMAIL ‫ صوميــل‬located 30.4 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 950. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of QEDMA and NAHALA built on its 4,826 acres. 411. TABARIAH ‫ طربيا‬The city of Tiberius. In 1948 it had a population of 5,744 Palestinians and 5,566 Jews. All Palestinians were expelled from their homes, which were then occupied by Jewish immigrants, and all the stolen lands of the Palestinians were made into the Jewish city of TEVERYA. 412. TABOU’N ‫ طبــون‬located 11 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 239. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of QIRYAT TIV’ON built on its 18 acres. 413. TARBIKHA ‫ تربيك ــه‬located 2 miles north of Acre. Population: 900. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of SHAMERAT built on its 3,657 acres. 414. TAYTABA ‫ طيطبــه‬located 6 miles north of Safad. Population: 530. Obliterated in 1948, all of its 2,113 acres were stolen. 415. TEL AL SAFI ‫ تــل الصــايف‬located 21.7 miles WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,290. Obliterated in 1948; all its 6,625 acres were stolen. 416. TEL AL SHOAK ‫ تل الشوك‬located 2 miles west of Beisan. Population: 120. Obliterated in 1948; all its 255 acres were stolen. 417. TEL AL TURMUS ‫ تــل الرتمــس‬located 21.7 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 760. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TIMMORIM built on its 2,877 acres. 418. TIRAT AL LOUZ ‫ تربــة اللــوز‬located 6 miles south of Haifa. Population: 5,270. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TIRAT KARMEL built on its 10,763 acres. 52

Carrying water from the springs near Aqabat Jaber Camp, Jericho, 1948.

419. TIRAT DANDAN ‫ تربــة دنــدن‬located 11.8 miles ENE of Jaffa. Population: 1,290. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of TIRAT YEHUDA built on its 1,739 acres. 420. TUBSUR ‫ تبــر‬located 12.4 miles SW of Tulkarem. Population: 125. Obliterated in 1948; its 825 acres were stolen and added to the Jewish settlement of RAANANNA. 421. TULAYL ‫ تليــات‬located 10.5 miles NE of Safad. Population: 170. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of YESUD and HA-MA’ALA built on its 1,005 acres. 422. UM KALKHAH ‫ ام خلخه‬located 2 miles north of Acre. Population: 800. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of BEN AMMI built on its 203 acres. 423. UMM AJRAH ‫ ام عجره‬located 15.5 miles south of Beisan. Population: 260. Obliterated in 1948; all of its 1,328 acres were stolen. 424. UMM AL AMAD ‫ ام العــاد‬located 11 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 265. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of ALLONE’ABBA built on its 2,281 acres. 425. UMM AL SHOUF ‫ ام الشــوف‬located 23 miles SSE of Haifa. Population: 480. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,857 acres were stolen. 426. UMM AL ZAYNAT ‫ ام الزينــات‬located 16.7 miles SE of Haifa. Population: 1,470. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement 53

of ELYAQIM built on its 5,514 acres. 427. UMM KALKHAH ‫ ام خلخلــه‬located 8 miles south of Ramlah. Population: 60. Obliterated in 1948; all its 326 acres were stolen. 428. UMM KHALED ‫ ام خال ــد‬located 8.7 miles West of Tulkarem on the Mediterranean Sea. Population: 970. The village’s 724 acres were stolen and incorporated into the Jewish city of NETANNYA after the village was blown up in 1948. 429. UMM SABUNA/KHIRBAT ‫ خربــة ام صبونــه‬located 7 miles N of Beisan. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today only stone rubble remains. 430. WADI AARAHI ‫ وادي ال راحــي‬located 33.5 miles south of Haifa. Population: 230. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish kibbutz BARQAY built on its 2,194 acres. 431. WA’ARAT AL-SARRIS ‫ ورعــة الرسيــس‬located 7 miles E of Haifa. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the neighborhood of Amidar Aleph, part of the Jewish settlement of QIRYAT ATTAR occupies the site. 432. WADI AL HAMAN/KIRBAT WADI AL HAMAM ‫خرب ــة‬/‫وادي الحامن‬ ‫ الحــام‬located 3 miles NW of Tiberias. Today all that remain are the ruins of the houses and walls. 433. WADI AL HAWARITH ‫( وادي الحــوارث‬NORTH AND SOUTH) located 11 miles NW of Tulkram. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today the members of one family remain in the northern part, while the settlement of Ge’uley Teyman lies on the southern edge. 434. WADI HUNAYN ‫ وادي الحنــن‬located 4.4 miles west of Ramlah. Population: 630. Obliterated in 1948; all its 573 acres were stolen and its mosque made into museum. 435. WADI QABBANI/WADI AL QABBANI ‫وادي القباين‬/‫ وادي قباين‬located 8 miles NW of Tulkarm. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today, two Christ’s thorn trees grow next to the former cemetery, which has been converted into a children’s playground belonging to a kibbutz. 436. WEST BATANI ‫ غرب بتاين‬located 32 miles NE of Gaza. Population: 980. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AZRIQAM built on its 1,143 acres. 54

437. YAFFA ‫ يافــا‬The city of Jaffa in 1948 had a population of 71,000 Palestinians. By November 1948, all but 3,651 were forcefully evicted from their homes. The city was then taken over by Jewish immigrants, and renamed YAFO. 438. YAJUR ‫ ياجور‬located 6 miles SE of Haifa. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today only fig and olive trees remain on the site. 439. YALOU ‫ يالــو‬located 15.5 miles NNW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,644. Obliterated in 1967 together with the Palestinian villages of IMWAS and BEIT NOUBA; all 3,748 acres were stolen. 440. YAQOUQ ‫ يقــوق‬located 6.8 miles south of Safad. Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HUQOQ built on its 1,063 acres. 441. YARDA ‫ يــراده‬located 4.4 miles NNE of Safad. Population: 100. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HAZOR built on its 342 acres. 442. YASOUR ‫ ياســور‬located 18.6 miles south of Jaffa. Population: 1,070. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of HAZOR ASHDOD built on its 3,355 acres. 443. YAZOUR ‫ يــازور‬located 6 miles SE of Jaffa. Population: 4,030. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of AZOR built on its 2,952 acres. 444. YIBNAH ‫ يبــه‬located 15 miles south of Jaffa. Population: 5,420. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of YAVNE built in 1949 on its 14,889 acres. 445. YOUBLA ‫ يبلــه‬located 7.4 miles NW of Beisan. Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948; all its 1,289 acres were stolen. 446. ZAB’A ‫ زبعه‬located 4 miles NE of Beisan. Occupied and depopulated in 1948. Today, Israelis have established several agricultural projects and fisheries on the village land. 447. ZAKARIYA ‫ زكريــا‬located 16.7 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 1,180. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of ZEKHARYA and SEDOT MIKHA built in 1950 on its 3,830 acres. 448. ZALAFAH ‫ زلفــه‬located 5 miles NNW of Tulkarem. Population: 210. Obliterated in 1948; all its lands of 1,928 acres were stolen. 449. ZARNOUQAH ‫ زرنوقه‬located 7.4 miles SW of Ramlah. Population: 55

2,380. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlements of GIV’AT BRENNER and ZARNUQA built on its 1,386 acres. 450. ZAYTA ‫ زيتــه‬located 18.6 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 330. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of GAL’ON built on its 2,623 acres. 451. ZIKREEN ‫ زكريــن‬located 15.5 miles NW of Hebron. Population: 960. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of KESALON built on its 4,299 acres. 452. ZIRI’IN ‫ زرعــن‬located 8 miles north of Jenin. Population: 1,420. Obliterated in 1948, with the Jewish settlement of YIZRE’EL built in 1949 on its 5,550 acres of stolen land.

This book is dedicated to all the victims of colonization, past and present,whose homes, businesses, orchards, and farms have been stolen by settlers from afar.


LEST THE CIVILIZED WORLD FORGET This booklet offers the reader a brief but concise view of the true nature of the Israeli state — a colonial settler entity built on the property and ruins of a peaceful indigenous society, which was arbitrarily made to pay a debt of the international community. The obliteration of 452 Palestinian towns and villages (recorded here by name, location, population, and size) is one of the cruelest aspects of Israel’s colonization of Palestine, and the worst example of ethnic cleansing. Naseer Aruri Chancellor Professor (Emeritus) of Political Science. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

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