Muslim Voice Dec. 2014

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Muslim Voice ARIZONA

december 2014

safar / rabi al awal

Monthly Newspaper


Vol.20 Issue No. 220

US Muslims Want Clarification on Terror List DALLAS – After the United Arab Emirates’ move to link American Islamic advocacy groups in a terror list along with Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Taliban and the so-called Islamic State, Muslim and nonMuslim leaders alike in America and abroad are pushing back and asking for answers. “We call on the United Arab Emirates to remove the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) from their designated terrorist groups list,” Azhar Azeez, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the oldest and largest American Muslim umbrella organization, told “These mainstream American Muslim organizations are US based, with a rich legacy of service and dedication to protecting, promoting and supporting Muslim communities and defending the civil rights of Muslims in North America. “They are being inaccurately labeled and associated with terrorist groups,” she added. This is the same line taken by the MAS and CAIR, which are not deemed terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.. In a statement released expressing shock over the designation, MAS said, “The Muslim American Society is a religious community service organization that serves people in the United

States. We have no dealings with the United Arab Emirates and hence are perplexed by this news.” Nihad Awad, the executive director and founder of CAIR, recently appeared on CNN expressing his surprise at what he called the UAE’s “bizarre move.” “This is quite frightening to us that a state like the UAE would designate (as a terror group) an American civil rights and advocacy organization like CAIR… and that’s why we’re seeking clarification (about why we were included on this list),” Awad said, emphasizing that CAIR is an independent American outfit and “one of the strongest opponents to extremism and terrorism.” He added that MAS and European advocacy groups also named as terrorist organizations are doing the same. CAIR and MAS joined 83 other groups on the list including the Muslim Brotherhood – the first group named –the Muslim Association of Britain, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) and Islamic Relief UK (IRUK). As of press time the UAE had not stated its reasons for including these groups on its list. “Absurd” Sharif Aly, national spokesman for Islamic Relief USA which is not on the UAE terror group list, spoke out against Islamic Relief Worldwide’s inclusion, calling it “absurd.”

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“There’s no merit to it whatsoever,” Aly told “We have worked with (IRW) for years, and we find them to be an admirable partner who works and strives to serve people in poverty all around the world.” Islamic Relief Worldwide released a statement on November 17 strongly denying any involvement in terror activity, calling the listing a mistake and promising it will lobby for its removal from the list. “We abhor terrorism in all its forms, and we categorically refute any allegations of links to terrorism and any such accusations that have been made by the UAE.” Despite the UAE’s silence about how they compiled the list, the United States and other governments are looking for an explanation. It was announced that Norway’s foreign minister has made a public inquiry about why the Islamic Organization, his country’s largest Islamic group, made it to the list. In addition, the US State Department said Monday it would be seeking answers from the UAE, confirming it does not consider prominent Muslim American groups as terrorist organizations. Moreover, the Continued on page 4


december 2014


Terms used in this paper Alhamdulilah: Praise God Allah: Arabic word for God Fatwa: Islamic decision based on Shari’a Hadith: Sayings of the Prophet Mohammad Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca Halal: Allowed in Islam Halaqa: Group study Haram: Prohibited in Islam Hijab: Head cover for women Hijra: Migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina Imam: Islamic scholar Iman: Faith Inshallah: God willing Madina: City near Mecca in Saudia Arabia Masjid: Place were Muslims gather for prayer and studies Mecca: City in Saudi Arabia where Prophet Mohammad was born Pbuh: Peace be upon him Quran: Islam’s Holy book Shahadah: Is saying “I accept Allah as the one God and Mohammad as his messenger” when someone accepts Islam. Sharia’: Islamic law Shura: A council of Muslim scholars (SWT) Subhanahu Watala: Praise be to Allah Taqwa: God consciousness

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New England Mosque Marks 50 Years Marking fifty years of success in the community, the Islamic Center of New England holds a ceremony and a banquet on Saturday, November 22, to celebrate decades of serving the fast growing American Muslim community. “Islam is not shooting, killing and arguing,” Ahmed Berikaa, a Houghs Neck resident and the vice president of the Islamic Center of New England, told the Patriot Ledger on Friday, November 21. Berikaa’s remarks, about the recent crimes by militants in the name of Islam, were made during his sermon about the vital role played by the decadesold mosque in Massachusetts’s Quincy.“We want to teach the next generation that Islam is not ISIS and al-Qaida ideology. Islam is a religion of peace.” Follow News Zone on: The mosque, which started with a $50,000-structure in Quincy Point, has expanded to two mosques that include schools. Founded in 1964, the Islamic Center, which started with only seven families, has more than 1,000 member families from all over the South Shore and Greater Boston hailing from 36 different nationalities.

Between 1990 and 2003, the mosque has faced many challenges including arson fire. Serving the new generations of the US-born Muslims, $1.5 million expansions are proposed for the Quincy mosque along with a $6 million-plus expansion for the Sharon mosque. “The community is growing significantly, and we’re looking to accommodate the people,” Nasr said. The United States is home to a Muslim minority of between six to eight million. A survey, published last August,

found that American Muslims are the most moderate around the world. It also shows that US Muslims generally express strong commitment to their faith and tend not to see an inherent conflict between being devout and living in a modern society. An earlier Gallup poll found that the majority of Americans Muslims are loyal to their country and optimistic about their future in the United States.


december 2014


Aid Worker’s Murder Infuriates Muslims INDIANAPOLIS – The brutal killing of US hostage Abdul-Rahman Kassig by the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) has been condemned by world leaders and Muslims who described this barbaric incident as an act “outside the norms of Islam”. “Just as we have denounced previous killings of innocent civilians by the ISIL terrorist group, we condemn the barbaric murder of Peter Kassig and once again repudiate the antiIslamic ideology that produces such brutality,” the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in a statement obtained by on Sunday, November 16. “We also offer our sincere condolences to Kassig’s family and loved ones.” A 16-minute video released by ISIL on Sunday showed the killing of Kassig along with 17 other Syrian officers and pilots. Meanwhile, the White House confirmed that a severed head appeared in the video was for Kassig, marking the fifth killing of a Western hostage by ISIL. The news has disturbed and shocked Indiana’s Muslim community who used to be close to Kassig’s family for years. “The Holy Qur’an says to kill one innocent person you have killed all of humanity so that’s why I am saying this makes no sense,” Mohammad Siddeeq, who was a spiritual advisor to boxer Mike Tyson, told Fox 59. After Kassig’s abduction last year, Indiana Muslims have been offering support for his parents. Several prayers and vigils were held by the Hoosier Muslim community for the slain American aid worker. “We felt compelled by this particular situation because he’s one of us,” Al Huda Foundation

Imam Dr. Shaker Rashid told “We felt he’s part of our own community. He’s a Hoosier and he’s from Indiana,” Rashid said.

Before confirming the murder by the US intelligence services, Kassig’ family called for “restrain” over the beheading video. “We are incredibly proud of our son for living his life according to his humanitarian calling,” Kassig’s parents said, BBC reported. “We will work every day to keep his legacy alive as best we can.” As doubts about his reversion to Islam have been increasing, the parents of the aid worker asserted last month that their son chose to revert to Islam willingly. “Pure Evil” Condemning the killing of Kassig, US President Barack Obama described it as “an act of pure evil”. “Today we grieve together, yet we also recall that the indomitable spirit of goodness and perseverance that burned so brightly in AbdulRahman Kassig,” Obama said. A similar condemnation was echoed by the British Prime Minister David Cameron who said that the beheading video left him “horrified”. “These beheadings show once again


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what a depraved organization this is,” Cameron said. “Like others who have been murdered in cold blood by ISIL, Abdul-Rahman Kassig was a selfless humanitarian worker who had gone to the region to help care for those fleeing the Syrian conflict.” Deploring the beheading of the American aid worker, Shuja Shafi, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, said the murder “once again shows us that these people are acting outside the norms of Islam. “Our prayers are with Mr Kassig and our thoughts are with his family.” Abdul-Rahman Kassig, formerly known as Peter, was captured on 1 October 2013 and is being held by Islamic State (Isis) militants. Kassig, 26, made his way to Deir Azour in northern Syria a year ago to give medical training to Syrians and teach skills that probably saved a number of lives. “It’s about showing people that we

care, that someone is looking out for those who might be overlooked or who have slipped through the cracks in the system for whatever reason,” Kassig said in an interview about his work. A number of Muslim leaders around the world have overtly condemned ISIL, issuing strongworded statements to deny any relation between Islam and the militant group. In September, Sheikh Ahmed elTayeb, the Grand Imam of AlAzhar, the highest seat of religious learning in the Sunni world, has condemned ISIL, accusing it of serving a “Zionist” plot to “destroy the Arab World”. Moreover, Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh condemned Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State jihadists as “enemy number one” of Islam, urging urged Muslims to take up arms against the militant group’s members as aggressors who abuse people’s lives, possessions and honor. The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has dismissed ISIL announcement of forming a “caliphate” in areas they control in Iraq and Syria, saying it lacked any Islamic or realistic aspects.

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december 2014

CAIR‬Responds to UAE ‘Bizarre’ Terror List America’s largest Islamic advocacy group responded on Sunday, November 16, to reports that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has added it to its list of “terrorist” groups, describing the decision as “bizarre”.

Syria we also branded terrorist. Yemen’s Houthi rebels, Nigeria’s

in Europe, the Islamic Relief, a UKregistered charity that is working

“We are seeking clarification from the government of the United Arab Emirates about this shocking and bizarre report. There is absolutely no factual basis for the inclusion CAIR and other American and European civil rights and advocacy groups on this list,” the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations (CAIR) said in a statement obtained by

Though there are no official figures, America is believed to be the home of nearly 7-8 million Muslims. Established in 1994, CAIR is a non-profit grassroots organization headquartered in Washington DC, with 35 offices and chapters across the US and Canada. It strives to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

“Like the rest of the mainstream institutions representing the American Muslim community, CAIR’s advocacy model is the antithesis of the narrative of violent extremists. On Saturday, November 15, Emirati officials released a new terror listthat included the names of 83 organizations. The UAE Muslim Brotherhood, AlIslah (or Da’wat Al-Islah), and Fatah al-Islam (Lebanon) were at the top of the UAE terror list. Other groups like Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front, the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) in

CAIR, the Muslim American Society and other civil society organizations that peacefully promote civil and democratic rights and that oppose terrorism whenever it occurs, wherever it occurs and whoever carries it out,” CAIR said in the statement.

Boko Haram and Afghanistan’s Taliban are also in the blacklist.

with the British government and Muslim Association of Britain.

International bodies representing world Muslims such as the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and Islamic Relief have been also banned.

Two US-based groups, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society, were also included in the list, sending a shockwave among thousands of their members.

The UAE blacklist included the names of several American and European Muslims organization like the Federation of Islamic Organizations


Continued from p. 1

US Muslims Want Clarification on Terror List


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“We call on the United Arab Emirates cabinet to review this list and remove organizations such as

CAIR recently joined a number of national and local Muslim scholars and leaders in Washington to release a first-of-its-kind open letter in Arabic (with English translation) signed by more than 120 international scholars of Islam and Muslim leaders refuting the ideology of ISIL and urging its supporters to repent and “return to the religion of mercy.”


Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) asked UAE on Tuesday to remove American Muslim organizations from its designated terrorist group list. “We call on the United Arab Emirates to remove the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) from their designated terrorist groups list,” ISNA said in a statement obtained by OnIslam. net. “These mainstream American Muslim organizations are US based, with a rich legacy of service and dedication to protecting, promoting, supporting Muslim communities and defending the civil rights of Muslims in North America. They are being inaccurately labeled and associated with terrorist groups.” Links to Brotherhood? Many commentators have suggested that CAIR and the other groups’ inclusion is a nod to their alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. However, Awad emphatically denied that CAIR has any links to the group. “It has no factual basis in reality and should be challenged publicly and legally, and we do not feel that they (the UAE) have any moral, judicial or political basis that makes sense,” he said. Despite distancing his group from the

Muslim Brotherhood, Awad refuted the UAE report that the group is a terror organization, saying it is “widely recognized as the largest social opposition (to Egypt’s former regime) by the West and by independent researchers.” MAS, however, has clear links to the Muslim Brotherhood, as members of that group founded MAS in Illinois in 1993. In fact, many of the surprise inclusions on the UAE terror list have some kind of links to the Muslim Brotherhood. So that is why many analysts consider the inclusions of groups in the list, given that the UAE’s criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood is no secret, especially following the incarceration earlier this year of many people the UAE suspected of being linked to the group. However, the move to put so many people behind bars was frowned on by the many countries and earned the UAE criticism by Amnesty International, a three-million membership strong humanrights organization with support from all corners of the globe. The Muslim Brotherhood, which was declared a “terrorist” organization by the Egyptian and Saudi government last year, is Egypt’s oldest and largest Islamist movement.


december 2014


Muslims Tweet Against Hate As news about the growing influence of the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) spread, an army of Muslim “clicktivists” armed with 140-character positive, peaceful or humorous messages, have taken to Twitter to counter antiMuslim sentiments. “The insidious thing about anti-Arab hate speech is that it seems to be acceptable, where the ‘ n-word’ or anti-Semitic remarks are not taken with the same degree of outrage,” Linda Sarsour, a Brooklyn-based Palestinian activist, told Columbia Dispatch. Using hashtags such as #TakeOnHate, #IStandUpBecause and #NotInMyName, the Muslim youth have been promoting the complexity, diversity and positive contributions of Islam and Muslims. Others, such as #MuslimApologies, offer sarcasm in service of the same message. Sarsour is a fan of the tonguein-cheek #MuslimApologies,

which shows “how ridiculous this is when you ask for 1.8 billion Muslims to apologize for

represent Germany, but Osama bin Laden represents every Muslim and their mother.”

a small group of people who are horrific.” @falasteenager tweeted “I’m sorry that Adolf Hitler doesn’t

In a video circulated by several tweeters, an unnamed man says, “I apologize for World War I and World War II, even if it has

nothing to do with Muslims, but just in case.” The hashtag was issued after a more serious one, #NotInMyName, in which activists offered a true image of Islam which rejects terrorism. The New York Times observed that the same hashtag was used in 2003 to oppose the Iraq war and by Israelis this summer who condemned the war in Gaza. “Young Muslims are adding their voices to the fight-back against ISIS,” reads the campaign’s website, in reference to Islamic State. “#notinmyname gives you the opportunity to denounce their violent actions in your own words.” So far, although tweets per day are down from nearly 1,000 to fewer than 400 since October 13, according to the Twitter analytics site Topsy, tweets in line with the hashtag’s original mission are running roughly even with those

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december 2014

Muslim Bus Driver Reports Police Assault

A Jersey city bus driver, who is accused of assaulting a police officer, has denied accusations saying that the officer has repeatedly harassed her for being Muslim. “She is the only Muslim driver in the company,” Mohamen Faiad, president of Pyramids Express Corp Transportation and the boss of the Muslim woman, told The Jersey Journal on Monday, December 1. “(She is) wearing a headscarf. (The officer) knows her. He stops her by her face. ... Some other Latino driver working, he doesn’t stop her.” Last November, Somaya M. Elkaramany, 46, was stopped and arrested by two officers, on Pavonia Avenue, for “no reason”, the woman said in an interview. Meanwhile, she was issued eight tickets for delaying traffic, improperly picking up/ discharging passengers, stopping in a no-stopping or standing zone, failure to signal, careless driving, not having a medical certificate, refusing to obey officer’s orders and impeding traffic while discharging passengers.

Both officers, Juan Berrios and Edwin Medina, asked the woman to show her documents at the time while the jitney bus driver was collecting fares from


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passengers. “(I told him) ‘One second, one second, give me one second,’” she said. Although she gave her documents to one of officers who was standing at the door of the bus, the other one at the window repeated his demand to see her license, even when the other officer waved her license in the air and said “This is her license,” she said. When the women moved to get back her license from the officer, to show it to the other one, she was assaulted by the officer who grabbed her cell phone and threw it on the ground, breaking it, she said. Moreover, the officer pushed her to the ground, putting her face to the floor, and “put his leg” in her back, while handcuffing her. On the other hand the police report claimed that the woman refused to show her documents, rolling up the windows of the bus and locked the doors. Repeated Assaults The Muslim woman’s incident is not the first case in which a jitney bus driver was targeted by Jersey police. One day before the women’s incident, another jitney bus driver filed a complaint with the JCPD’s Internal Affairs Unit against Berrios and Medina alleging that “Officer Berrios targets jitney bus drivers on a regular basis and issues drivers

an excessive amount of tickets for infractions they did not even commit.” The 41-year-old driver said in the complaint that he was “issued a summons for failure to have his medical card even though he was never asked for the card”. On the other hand, Elkaramany said she was seeking legal assistance from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for her case. The council’s executive director in New Jersey, Mohamed El Filali, confirmed that Elkaramary “initiated a conversation” with CAIR, adding: “We don’t know the details of her case just yet.” Though there are no official estimates, the US is home to an estimated Muslim minority of six to eight million. Since the 9/11 attacks on the United States, many Muslims have complained of facing discrimination and stereotypes in the society because of their Islamic attires or identities. A recent report by the umbrella Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has found that Islamophobia in the US is on the rise.


december 2014


Muslims Thank Alberta City for Support ALBERTA – “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Dr. Jamal Badawi told an open forum event titled, “Thy Neighbor”, on November 23, 2014 at the Cold Lake Energy Center in the Canadian province of Alberta. “Cold Lake is an icon of Canadians at their very best,” added Badawi. The Cold Lake Mosque organized the event to thank the residents of this northeastern Alberta city for their support following the desecration of their mosque in October. The MAC Islamic Centre of Cold Lake was vandalized, with its windows smashed and the graffiti “go home” and “Canada” were spray-painted on the exterior of the building. When news spread about the incident, Cold Lake residents showed up to scrub off the hate message and replaced them with posters reading, “Love your neighbor” and “You are home.” “In appreciation of our community’s overwhelming support in response to the recent incident at our Mosque, we have embraced this opportunity in organizing this open house to welcome all honorable citizens of Cold Lake,” said an organizer of the event from the Cold Lake Mosque. Dr. Jamal Badawi is a well-known Muslim leader and President of the

Islamic Information Foundation in Canada.

includes caring for all of humanity because they are all one.”

Badawi, in his keynote address, shared ideas on the “neighbor’s collective responsibilities in safeguarding our multicultural communities”. “One should not harm his neighbor,” he said. “I believe part of this concept extends to the whole world... (It)

“This is not an opinion. The Qur’an is quite clear,” Badawi added. “If anyone takes away the life of a person ... then he is like one that has taken away the life of all humanity.” The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Forces, the mayors of both Cold Lake and Lac La

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Biche, and Christian faith leaders, attended the forum. Share Peace Badawi called on Muslims to explain Islam to their fellow citizens. “We must do our best to educate, correct and report people teaching and encouraging that twisted version of Islam,” he said. Badawi encouraged the Muslim community to return the kindness shown to them by those of other faiths. The Cold Mosque community is pledging to take up his call. “Our goal is to strengthen the bridges of understanding and cooperation within our community while exploring our shared values,” said an administrator of the Cold Lake Mosque. The police is still investigating the October incident and no arrests have been made. Muslims make around 2.8 percent of Canada’s 32.8 million people, and Islam is the number one nonChristian faith in the country. A survey showed that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are proud to be Canadian, and that they are more educated than the general population.

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december 2014


Muslims Create $1M Fund for Veterans TORONTO – Prominent Muslim Canadian business leaders have launched a $1M fund at a downtown Toronto mosque to support veteran families in partnership with the charity, True Patriot Love Foundation. “There has been a gap between immigrant communities and mainstream Canadian causes,” said Mohamad Fakih, CEO of Paramount Fine Foods. “With the launch of the Salaam-TPL Fund, we plan to raise awareness and participation among these immigrant communities, starting with the Muslim community, on a national level to bridge this gap.” The fund was launched on Monday, November 10, by two prominent Canadian business leaders, namely, Mohamad Fakih, CEO of Paramount Fine Foods and Kashif Khan, CEO of The K. Khan Group. Making a $100,000 donation to launch the Salaam-TPL Fund, the Muslim leaders challenged others in the Muslim community to help reach the goal of raising $1M. The Salaam-TPL Fund was created in the wake of the tragic events that shook the nation last month. Muslims make around 2.8 percent

of Canada’s 32.8 million population, and Islam is the number one nonChristian faith in the country.

The attacks came as Canada sent warplanes to take part in air strikes against the so-called “Islamic State”

A recent survey showed that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are proud to be Canadian, and that they are more educated than the general population. Several Canadian Muslim groups have condemned the two attacks against soldiers a few weeks ago, including the hit-and-run murder of a soldier in Quebec and the killing of an honor guard at the National War Memorial by a gunman who then stormed the Parliament buildings.

(ISIL) in Iraq. Supporting Veterans The funds raised will support the needs of veterans and military families. “Mohamad and I recognized the need for a catalyst to engage our community,” said Kashif Khan, CEO of The K. Khan Group. “We challenge fellow Muslims across Canada to show their support

for Canadian military families, who dedicate their lives to the service of our country, by giving to this fund in the months ahead.” True Patriot Love Foundation (TPL) is a national charity that honors the sacrifices of members of the Canadian Armed Forces, veterans and their families in both times of peace and conflict. “TPL is extremely proud to have the opportunity to partner with Paramount Fine Foods and The K. Khan Group,” said Michael Burns, Co-Founder and Vice Chair of the True Patriot Love Foundation. “This demonstrates that all Canadians can and will rally together to show their support for our military families.” TPL funds programs and innovative research in the areas of mental health, physical rehabilitation, family support and veteran transition. Since 2009, True Patriot Love has raised more than $18-million to support military charities across Canada.

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Phoenix Prayer Times

December 2014 • Safar/Rabi Al Awal 1436 H

december 2014


Directions to the Islamic Cultural Center Cemetery

From the Islamic Cultural Center (ICC):

ISLAMIC WEEKEND SCHOOLS Islamic Community Center of Phoenix: Islamic Cultural Center: Muslim Community Mosque: Masjid Omar ICNEV Weekend Islamic School ACA Weekend School Sultan Education in Chandler Greenway Islamic Academy

Sunday at 9:45 am-1:20 pm. Sunday at 10:00 am Sunday at 10:00 am until 2:30 pm. Saturday & Sunday from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. Tel: (480) 346-2081Classes held on Sunday K thru’ grade 12 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 am-1:15 pm. Saturdays & Sundays - children/adults 480-593-7066 Tajweed, Islamic Studies, & Arabic Language 602-565-0500

1) Go South on Forest to University Drive. Turn right. 2) Go West on University to the I-10 highway. Take I-10 East. 3) Proceed on I-10 East (~12 Miles). Exit at Queen Creek Rd. (EXIT #164). 4) Turn right on route 347 South. Proceed for about 14 miles. 5) Turn right on route 238 West. Proceed for about 8.7 miles. 6) Turn right on unnamed/unpaved street after you see the street sign which reads “36 miles” and proceed to the cemetery.

IN CASE OF DEATH • Call Sandy at Angel’s Burial, at 480-962-6435 • Total cost is $1,800.00

Check our website for up to date information ISLAMIC CENTERS IN ARIZONA

PHOENIX Arizona Cultural Academy 7810 S. 42nd Pl. • Phoenix 602-454-1222 Islamic Center of Arizona 9032 N. 9th St. • Phoenix

Islamic Center of N. Phoenix 13246 N. 23rd Ave. 85029 602-371-3440 Islamic Comnty Ctr of Phx 7516 N. Black Canyon Hwy. Phoenix • 602-249-0496 Muslim Community Mosque 1818 N. 32nd St. • Phoenix 602-306-4959 Masjid Al-Rahmah 2645 E. McDowell Rd. • Phoenix 602-275-5493 Masjid Muhammad Ibn Abdullah

5648 N. 15th ave. Phoenix, AZ 85015 602-413-5279

Al Rasoul Mosque 5302 N. 35th Ave. • Phoenix 602-864-1817

CHANDLER Masjid AsSalam 1071 N. Alma School Rd.• Chandler 480-250-7522

PEORIA Greenway Islamic Center 6724 West Greenway • Peoria, Islamic Center of East Valley AZ 425 N. Alma School Dr. • Chandler TEMPE 602-388-9900 Islamic Comnty Ctr of Tempe LAVEEN 131 E. 6th Street • Tempe 480-894-6070 Islamic Center of Laveen P.O. Box 1107 • Laveen Masjid Al Mahdi 602-361-4401 1016 S. River Dr. • Tempe MARICOPA 480-557-9699 Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah Masjid Omar Bin Al-Khattab 44370 W. Arizona Ave. Maricopa Arizona 85138 6225 S.McClintock • Tempe contact# (602)312-7913 480-775-6627 MESA Masjid-el-Noor 55 N. Matlock • Mesa 480-644-0074 SCOTTSDALE Islamic Center of N.E. Valley 12125 E. Via Linda • Scottsdale 480-612-4044

CASA GRANDE Masjid Sajda is located c/o: The Legacy Suites 540 North Cacheris Court Casa Grande`, Arizona 85122 480.332.8618



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