Kota Kinabalu, 15 March 2023 - DUNKIN’ - a brand that has etched itself into the hearts and minds of Malaysians since 1987 - has “taken off” in 2023 with a new milestone by opening its 100th outlet in the country at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) in Sabah. This significant move also marks history in the making as the 1,800-square- feet DUNKIN’ lifestyle café, located kerbside in the Arrival Floor at Level 1 of KKIA, will be the largest ever DUNKIN’ outlet in the country, serving up a whole lot of fun from 6am to 12am daily. With seating capacity for 88 customers at any given time, offering a comfortable dine-in experience for family and friends, and an invigorating experience for weary travellers, the new outlet will not only feature DUNKIN’s much-loved favourites, but will also be the first DUNKIN’ outlet in the country to offer a more crafted experience by serving up fresh brews with the introduction of an array of new beverages. More about DUNKIN’ at
Kota Kinabalu, 30 March 2023 - Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) organized ‘Breaking of Fast with SICC’, an exclusive event attended by 50 Tahfiz students from Tahfiz AlQuran As-Syatibiyah Learning Centre and Ma’had Tahfiz Miftahul Ulum Tanjung Aru along with 600 other invited guests. SICC CEO Datuk Hajah Rosmawait Haji Lasuki was present to give away Raya money to the students. They also had the opportunity to enjoy and experience SICC’s ‘A Taste Of Asia’ Ramadan buffet. This is part of SICC’s CSR programme to give back to the local community.
Kota Kinabalu, March 21, 2023 - The property exhibition, PH Expo 2023, held at Sabah International Convention Centre - SICC on March 10-12 has shown promising signs of a market recovery in the real estate industry. With record-breaking results, the event has sparked renewed interest in the property market, indicating that investors are once again ready to invest in this sector.
Over the course of the exhibition, a total of over 263 units of property were sold, with sales amounting to over RM124 million. This is a 46% increase of units sold and 55% increase of sales amount compared to the previous year’s exhibition and is a clear indication of the growing confidence of investors in the market and that the Malaysian property market is on the rise.
The event was organised by Property Hunter, a leading property media network in East Malaysia, with the support of various associations, property developers, and industry partners. PH Expo 2023 showcased a wide range of properties, including West and East Malaysian residential and for-investment properties.
One of the standout sales at the exhibition were the PR1MA projects, which saw many units sold for their own stay properties around Sabah. PR1MA, or Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia, is a government initiative aimed at providing affordable housing to the middle-income group. The strong sales for PR1MA projects at PH Expo 2023 are a positive sign for the government’s efforts to provide affordable housing to its citizens.
Another highlight of the exhibition was the sales of landed projects, such as Taman Jelita Beringgis, a newly launched landed homes project priced at RM338K only. The project saw the most number of sales following the total sales of PR1MA projects. Other investment properties also received enormous interest from the public including Bay Suites, The Logg and Tropicana Cenang Langkawi.
The PH Expo 2023 has given the real estate industry a much-needed boost after a period of sluggish sales due to the pandemic. The exhibition has not only shown that the market is ready to invest again but also that there is a strong demand for both affordable and investment properties.
In conclusion, the success of the PH Expo 2023 has provided a glimmer of hope for the real estate industry in Sabah. The strong sales indicate that the market is on the road to recovery, and with good policy from the government, the industry can continue to grow and prosper in the years to come.
For more information, please visit
Image | Noel E. JinguliFollowing an exciting day on the green, the 2023 Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Classics – “Caring for People through Golf” tournament celebrated the end of the event with post- tournament awards presentation, dinner and silent auction at The Residence function room. The Awards Dinner saw attendance of 125 distinguished guests, including Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Joachim Gunsalam, Sabah Deputy Chief Minister II cum Minister of Local Government and Housing, Datuk Dr Jamili Nais, Permanent Secretary to the Sabah Housing and Local Government Ministry, corporate partners and sponsors joined in for a sumptuous international spread from Tanjung Ria Kitchen.
The golfers’ jovial mood continued throughout the night, many won fantastic lucky draw prizes, equally considered as another highlight of the evening was the Silent Auction, silent bidders browsed through the attractive hotel stay packages donated by Hyatt group sister properties.
All players looked forward to the Awards Ceremony, where names of best performing teams with their combined scores were announced and individual players congratulated for testing their skills and winning strategies at various on-course hole contests.
The 2023 Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Classic – “Caring for People through Golf” was held on 11 March 2023 at the Sutera Harbour Marina, Golf & Country Club which attracted 122 players and 49 corporate partners including Hyatt group sister properties in the event that raised MYR46,900.00. Proceeds from the tournament and silent auction supports coral conservation projects and the hotel’s selected not-for-profit organisations.
Since its inception in 1996, Hyatt Regency Kinabalu golf tournaments have been a regular highlight of the golfing calendar in Kota Kinabalu, the tournament brings business and golfing communities together to enjoy a game of golf in support of the hotel’s community-based programmes. After the COVID-19 pandemic hiatus, Hyatt Regency Kinabalu is now back on track to host its flagship annual charity event.
“We are thrilled for the opportunity to once again host a successful fundraising golf event, raising awareness on coral conservation through our collaboration with One Ocean Empire”, said Thor Gervasi, general manager Hyatt Regency Kinabalu. “I am grateful to our partners for their generous sponsorship, to the golfers for supporting a good cause by signing up for a day of fundraising and camaraderie, and to the dedicated hotel team for making the 2023 Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Classic a reality.”
The morning flight registered 32 two-player team for the 7:25am tee-off while 25 golfers paired up for the afternoon flight to play a fast-paced 18-hole Texas scramble tournament. In addition to serious play on the green, the golfers were treated to energizing snacks and quenching beverages at the refreshments huts catered by Hyatt Regency Kinabalu’s mobile kitchen team.
Top 10 teams of the 2023 Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Classics:
1. Adzmir Abdul Rahman and Erison Bin Jais @ John
2. Chali Awang and Ishak Janta
3. Iizham Datuk Majin and Adam Aliff
4. Datuk Rusdin Riman and Datuk Dr Abdul Kadir Rosline
5. Mohd Alwie Bin Adnan and Leonard Barnabas
6. Haji Harun Lister and Suhaili Wahap
7. Chung Kai Ming and Joseph Lim Vui Kiong
8. Datuk Tan Cheng Kiat and Peter Tan
9. Kanesan Narayanan and Mohd Izaan Abdullah
10. Basil Jenedi and Richard Jason Stidi
The Longest Drive went to Nigel Majalang, Nearest to the Pin went to Datuk Lee Swi Heng, Nearest to the Zigzag went to Lucas Lo, there were three golfers who won the bullseye; Datuk Lee Swi Heng, Pailin Jani and Jonathan Leong Yeong.
The winners of the 2023 Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Classic received gift vouchers and presented with a beautifully handcrafted eco friendly trophy made using reclaimed wood from Hyatt Regency Kinabalu; furthering the hotel’s environmentally-friendly initiatives. “We are so thankful to have been part of this fantastic evening and to the many golfers, local businesses and supporters who helped fundraise for Coral Conservation Project” said Monica Chin, founder of One Ocean Empire, “proceeds from this event will go towards coral rehabilitation activities for volunteers, to help raise awareness and encourage greater participation in community-based projects to protect underwater world, educate the younger generation to be part of caring communities while making a difference to our environment.”
“ F o c u s i n g o n c r e a t i v i t y a n d f l e x i b i l i t y , w e c r e a t e n e w e x p e r i e n c e s b y e x p l o r i n g u n c o n v e n t i o n a l s p a c e s ” ~ D a t u k H a j a h R o s m a w a t i
T h e C E O o f S I C C D a t u k H a j a h R o s m a w a t i a c c e p t e d t h e a w a r d d u r i n g t h e G a l a D i n n e r a t T h e M a j e s t i c H o t e l K u a l a L u m p u r f r o m l e f t : M s C h e w B e e P e n g – P r e s i d e n t & C E O , D r O h E i S u n - P o l i t i c a l S c i e n t i s t a n d a S e n i o r F e l l o w a t T h e S i n g a p o r e I n s t i t u t e o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l A f f a i r s , D a t u k H a j a h R o s m a w a t i , T a n S r i J a m e s F o o n g C h e n g Y u e n - F o r m e r F e d e r a l C o u r t J u d g e o f M a l a y s i a & D e p u t y C h a i r m a n o f G e n t i n g B e r h a d a n d D r K K J o h a n - W o r l d P r e s i d e n t o f T h e B r a n d L a u r e a t e
S a b a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n v e n t i o n C e n t r e w a s a w a r d e d w i t h t w o T h e
B r a n d L a u r e a t e S u s t a i n a b l e B u s i n e s s & B r a n d s I n s p i r a t i o n a l A c h i e v e m e n t A w a r d s 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 2 u n d e r t h e S e r v i c e s – M u l t i F u n c t i o n a l C o n v e n t i o n C e n t r e a s w e l l a s T h e B r a n d L a u r e a t e B r a n d L e a d e r s h i p C o r p o r a t e I c o n A w a r d 2 0 2 3 b e s t o w e d t o t h e C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r D a t u k H a j a h R o s m a w a t i H a j i
L a s u k i , J P
T h e B r a n d L a u r e a t e c e l e b r a t e s w e l ld e s e r v i n g a n d e n d ur i n g b r a n d s t h a t h a v e d i s p l a y e d e x c e p t i o n a l b r a n d l e a d e r s h i p t o t h r i v e a n d s t r i v e a m i d s t a d v e r s i t y a n d e m e r g e a s s u s t a i n a b l e a n d a w e - i n s p i r i n g b r a n d s
" W e a r e h o n o u r e d a n d p l e a s e d t o r e c e i v e s u c h p r e s t i g i o u s a w a r d s f r o m
T h e W o r l d B r a n d s F o u n d a t i o n , ” s a i d D a t u k H a j a h R o s m a w a t i .
The BrandLaureate Icon Award recognises Datuk Hajah Rosmawati's instrumental role in spearheading the growth and development of Sabah as a Business Events Destination
This has helped to boost the State’s tourism industry and at the same time create business opportunities and more employment for the people of Sabah
“We opened in February in 2020 and went into a lockdown the following month. We had to find innovative ways to sustain the convention centre as well as our team of employees”, Datuk Hajah added.
promote Sabah Borneo as the latest Business Events (BE) destinations, infusing two of Sabah’s greatest asset –nature & culture, creating an exceptional BE experiences through SICC.
“ T h r o u g h t h e s e
s t r a t e g i c p a r t n e r s h i p s
a n d t h e r e c o g n i t i o n s f r o m T h e
B r a n d L a u r e a t e , w e
w i l l e l e v a t e S a b a h
B u s i n e s s E v e n t s a n d
b e c o m e A s i a ’ s
h i g h e s t p e r f o r m i n g
B u s i n e s s E v e n t
i n d u s t r y ”
“We fully utilised these unconventional spaces by turning them into event spaces, and the response was great”.
SICC has been aggressively exploring opportunities as well as new platforms to
To strengthen SICC and Sabah’s international profile and network globally, SICC collaborated with strategic partnerships from various industries.
Datuk Hajah Rosmawati tributed The BrandLaureate awards to the associates for their dedication and contribution during the recent Breaking of Fast with the associates of SICC. Also present were the Executive Members of SICC.Car enthusiasts, get ready to rev your engines! The Cars, Urban Lifestyle and Trends (CULT) event is coming back to Sabah in November 2023 for its second year, and it promises to be bigger and better than ever before.
CULT is a celebration of car culture, where enthusiasts come together to showcase their passion for cars and the lifestyle that comes with it. From fashion and social interactions to activities, motorsports, modifications, restorations, collections, and more, CULT encompasses all things car-related.
The inaugural CULT event, held in October 2022, was a resounding success. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the event attracted 20,000 visitors over three days and featured a total of 650 cars. It was the biggest car culture event in Borneo and the most successful event ever held at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC).
The event in 2022 featured cars from all over the world. From modded Malaysian sedans and kei cars, to legendary JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) sports cars, and Italian supercars, CULT 2022 had a wide variety of showcars admired by all visitors. The Sabah Land Rover Club was also present, showcasing multiple off-road vehicles ready to tackle the harshest of terrain. The King Diesel Isuzu D-Max was also on display with its quadturbo setup.
Building on this success, the organisers of CULT have partnered with SICC for three years to bring the event to the international level. CULT 2023 will be themed “THE APEX OF CAR CULTURE IN BORNEO” and will feature even more exciting programs, international partners, media coverage and collaborations, and, of course, some of the most amazing builds and cars from around the region.
To achieve their target of 30,000 visitors for 2023, CULT has aligned strategic marketing and collaboration activities. The event has received overwhelming support and attention from international media partners in the USA, Japan, Thailand, and other countries. National media outlets from Kuala Lumpur, Sarawak, and Brunei will also be covering the event.
In addition, CULT will have cross-collaborations with other major car shows in the region, such as Retro Havoc, Art of Speed, IAM, and Borneo Customs Show, to encourage international and regional participation. Already, cars from Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei, and Thailand have been confirmed.
CULT 2023 will also focus on innovative programs for new car manufacturer brands. With a growing trend of incorporating car culture and lifestyle into marketing and branding, new car manufacturers can showcase their technology and future visions by customising brand new cars available for sale or concept cars.
One of the highlights of CULT 2023 will be the new competition category called “The Battle of the Builds.” This category will provide a special platform for vehicle builders and custom shops to showcase their imagination, creativity, and skills. Selected entries will be part of the ongoing “Road To CULT 2023” promotions, where the builds will receive periodic coverage leading up to the final event.
Another exciting competition category is the CULT All Stars, where the best of the best cars will be on display. This year’s category promises to be more innovative and exciting for participants to feature their cars. Who will be crowned the KING OF CULT ALL STARS this year?
Registration for the CULT All Stars submissions will be opened on April 30th, 2023, and participants can register online through the CULT website. Early birds who register before June 15th, 2023, will enjoy a discounted registration fee of RM800 per car, and thereafter it will be RM1,000 per car. The show tickets are RM10 per day and can be purchased online from the CULT website.
The ultimate highlight of CULT 2023 is the collaboration with the internationally acclaimed Japanese design firm TRA Racing of Kyoto to create the first Rocket Bunny styled Toyota AE70 in the world. Rocket Bunny / PANDEM is the brainchild of Mr. Kei Miura of TRA Racing that specialises in designing and making custom wide body-kits in the automotive world. The anticipated Toyota AE70 Rocket Bunny will be unveiled at the coming CULT 2023 and will be offered as the grand prize for the lucky draw this year.
Set your dates and don’t miss out on CULT 2023 which will happen on 10 to 12 November 2023. CULT 2023 will surely be the Apex of Car Culture in Borneo.
movies city cineplex April 2023 movies
Release Date: 6 April 2023
Genre: Horror
Director: Julius Avery
Cast: Russell Crowe, Franco Nero, Ralph Ineson, Alex Essoe
Inspired by the actual files of Father Gabriele Amorth, Chief Exorcist of the Vatican, as he investigates a young boy’s terrifying possession and ends up uncovering a centuries-old conspiracy the Vatican has desperately tried to keep hidden.
Release Date: 13 April 2023
Genre: Horror, Comedy
Director: Chris McKay
Cast: Nicholas Cage, Nicholas Hoult, Awkwafina
Renfield, the tortured aide to his narcissistic boss, Dracula, is forced to procure his master’s prey and do his every bidding. However, after centuries of servitude, he’s ready to see if there’s a life outside the shadow of the Prince of Darkness.
Release Date: 20 April 2023
Genre: Amination, Comedy
Director: Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic
Cast: Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day, Jack Black
A Brooklyn plumber named Mario travels through the Mushroom Kingdom with a princess named Peach and an anthropomorphic mushroom named Toad to find Mario’s brother, Luigi, and to save the world from a ruthless fire-breathing Koopa named Bowser.
Release Date: 20 April 2023
Genre: Drama, Mystery
Director: Damian Szifron
Cast: Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo
Baltimore. New Year’s Eve. A talented but troubled police officer is recruited by the FBI’s chief investigator to help profile and track down a disturbed individual terrorising the city.
Release Date: 28 April 2023
Genre: Thriller
Director: Adrian Grunberg
Cast: Josh Lucas, Fernanda Urrejola, Hector Jimenez
Stranded on a crumbling oil rig in the middle of the Baja sea, a family faces off against a vengeful megalodon shark as they figure out how to get back to the safety of dry land.
with “Kemarin Kecewakan Mu”. Keeping it vague, Lotter teased the inspiration of the single. It’s about a woman who hasn’t been able to move on from a past romance. However, listeners can also relate through the feeling of losing a loved one. It was arranged by Lotter and Jun Tingzon, while the music video was shot by Bryan Kouju Studio. Asked on whether it’ll be just the single, Lotter revealed the band is planning to produce a 5 to 7 song album in the future.
The single and music video were launched at K-Bistro. Lotter performed “Kemarin Kecewakan Mu” live for the first time in front of a lively audience of supporters. Among the crowd of supporters were artists such as Rich, Velvet, Felix Agus, and many more who came and showed their support for The Divine Master’s. Some artists even took the stage to perform for the crowd. Lotter thanked all their fans, friends, and especially family for the continued support throughout the years, especially with the long hiatus they took.
The band’s alt-rock style of music is a nostalgic yet refreshing sound in an ever changing musical landscape. Congratulations to The Divine Master’s on the launch of their comeback single and for many more to come. “Kemarin Kecewakan Mu” is available on The Divine Master’s YouTube channel.
When artists or musicians are truly beloved, it isn’t surprising the amount of support they still garner from fans, even after long hiatuses. That support is what The Divine Master’s received during the launch of their latest single after a 15-year wait by supporters. “Kemarin Kecewakan Mu” is a certified nostalgia trip for many listeners and the first of many more singles to come from the Sabah-based band.
The Divine Master’s is a rock group formed in 1995 by Lotter, Lister, Luther, Leill and Vivian from Membakut. They had been active in 2008 and released singles such as “Di Sampingmu”, “Keluhan Ku”, “Merpati Putih”, and “She’s Gone”. Frontman Lotter P. Edwin Edin, better known as Lotter or Dudu, competed in the fourth season of Akademi Fantasia (AF4), a nationwide televised singing competition in 2006. Lotter’s initial purpose of joining AF4 was to get some exposure for The Divine Master’s. He never even imagined he’d end up as the runner-up for the whole competition.
In 2009, the group were slated for a tour but it was delayed due to the H1N1 flu outbreak. Lotter then focused on his career as a radio announcer with Suria FM and later Kupi-Kupi FM until 2019, where he planned to revive The Divine Master’s. Unfortunately, Covid-19 struck and they had to delay their plans for another few years. Today, The Divine Master’s are back
Racing used to be a pastime only enjoyed by adrenaline junkies or the wealthy. A.K.A, it wasn’t necessarily accessible to everyone. You’re either rich enough to do it officially, or crazy enough to do it illegally. With the arrival of video games, more people were able to unleash their speed demons in the digital world. As technology advances further, gamers can now experience the thrill of driving on the Mulsanne Straight of Le Mans’ Circuit de la Sarthe or taking on the famous Laguna Seca corkscrew. Do that and more with Logitech’s G Pro Racing Wheel.
In the sim (simulation) racing world, Logitech is known for their mid-range G923 family of racing wheels. These provide a basic force-feedback experience for casual and competitive gamers alike. To cater to the second group, however, Logitech has recently introduced the G Pro, a direct-drive wheel and pedal system. The direct-drive nature of the wheel provides for stronger force-feedback compared to the G923 system. However, the G Pro also has the Trueforce feature from the G923. It’s essentially a refined rumble motor to give players a sense of the surface they’re driving on.
The steering wheel is made of metal and covered in leather for a premium and comfortable feel of the hand. The buttons are customizable and their layout allows for players to toggle any feature easily, with their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Players can also concentrate on the road better with the integrated game settings and LED display, letting players know when to shift gears and the current set up their cars are on at the
moment. The magnetic dual clutch paddle shifters will provide a satisfying mechanical feel when you shift through gears. You could also connect the Logitech Driving Force Shifter if you’re looking for a H-pattern gear stick experience.
Speaking of connecting other accessories, Logitech also introduced the Pro Racing Pedals to go along with the wheel. Featuring a load-cell brake, swappable springs, and removable pedal modules, players can have an accurate braking feeling all while being able to customise the layout and amount of force they prefer for their pedals.
As great as this new wheel system sounds, some players have some gripes with it. For example, some criticise the weaker feeling force-feedback compared to the wheel’s contemporaries. Others are a bit upset with the wheel’s somewhat “exclusive” nature, that it’ll only work properly with Logitech’s ecosystem of accessories. Personally, I welcome more competition in this space of sim racing development, especially considering Logitech’s G Pro system being one of the cheaper options in the direct-drive wheel category.
by Noel Jinguli Image | UnsplashCULT 2023 press conference & media launch was officially held on 18 March 2023 at Sabah International Convention Centre - SICC. The launch was officiated by Private Secretary Jansen Sai, on behalf of Phoong Jin Zhe, Minister of Industrial Development & Entrepreneurship Sabah.
C.U.L.T. is the abbreviation of Cars, Urban Lifestyle and Trends. CULT is an event to celebrate cars and lifestyles, fashion, social interactions, activities, motorsports, modifications, restorations, collections, and more which is defined as Car Culture. As international travel opens, CULT organisers believe that Sabah has immense potential to develop motorsport and car culture events to further strengthen and boost the tourism and economic development of Sabah.
CULT 2023 will be themed “THE APEX OF CAR CULTURE IN BORNEO” promising more exciting programs, international partners, media coverage & collaborations, more exciting builds, awards, and most of all a great event to showcase your cars and celebrate car culture! To continue the momentum, CULT has networked with national and international partners to bring CULT to the next level. To achieve their target of 30,000 visitors for 2023, CULT has aligned strategic marketing and collaborative activities for this year.
CULT 2023 has received overwhelming support and attention from international media partners from USA, JAPAN, THAILAND to bring CULT to the global car culture network. National media from Kuala Lumpur, Sarawak, Brunei will also be covering their events. CULT 2023 will also focus on innovative programs for car manufacturers featuring their new automotive
lineups. Apart from that, CULT 2023 is organising competitions such as The Battle Of The Builds and CULT All Stars to showcase creative custom builds and the best cars on display respectively.
The highlight for CULT 2023 will be the collaboration with an internationally acclaimed Japanese design firm TRA Racing of Kyoto to create the 1st ROCKET BUNNY TOYOTA AE70 car in the world. ROCKET BUNNY / PANDEM is the creation and brainchild of Mr. Kei Miura of TRA Racing from Kyoto, Japan. The finished car will be unveiled at this year’s CULT event on November 10th- 12th, 2023 at Sabah International Convention Centre. The 1st ROCKET BUNNY TOYOTA AE70 will be offered as the Grand Prize for the CULT Lucky Draw for this year.
CULT will also be collaborating with Breeze Magazine and establish a newsletter for all CULT related news and updates.
If you are exploring Sabah, do not miss Tamu, the weekly (sometimes twice or thrice weekly) open-air native market in the outskirts of Sabah. It’ll feel like a food and treasure hunting tour.
The name tamu derives from the Malay word bertemu which means ‘to meet’ and it has been a place of congregation for farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and traders for over 145 years. In old days there was no supermarket, so every district held a weekly tamu for local villagers to meet, shop, and trade their produce at a designated location.
The first tamu of Sabah was held on 13 December 1878 in Kota Belud (Kampung Siasai) by William Pretyman, a political agent of British North Borneo (now Sabah). In his diary, William said the locals from different tribes were so excited to see the first tamu ground in preparation and kept on asking him the opening day of tamu. It’s a huge success as each ethnic group can offer certain goods that others don’t have. For example, a Dusun farmer can sell rice to a Bajau fisherman who would buy or barter trade it with fishes.
A tamu provides an authentic encounter with the rich cultural, culinary and traditional aspects of the lives of Sabah’s many ethnic groups. The best ways to enjoy a tamu tour are:
• Explore some interesting items.
• Feel the sights, sounds and smells of tamu.
• Sample local snacks, pastries, cakes, fruits, food and drink.
• Interact with the local people.
• Shop for souvenirs, handicrafts, tapestry, trinkets and other handmade crafts.
Every tamu is unique and has its own charm. Recommended tamus will be those in districts of Kota Belud, Penampang, Tenom, Tuaran and Keningau.
Sabah has over 40 tamu in different towns and districts today. Most tamu open as early as 6am and close by 12pm. Different districts has different tamu days, here’s the list of their opening days (some open more than once a week).
• Monday | Kampung Pukak Kiulu
• Tuesday | Kiulu, Kuala Penyu, Pandasan, Tamparuli
• Wednesday | Kota Belud, Kudat, Mambakut, Nabawan, Ranau, Tamparuli
• Thursday | Bingkor (Keningau), Penampang (Dongongon 6am-6pm), Nabalu, Papar, Sipitang, Sumangkap (Matunggong), Taginambur, Tambunan, Telipok, Tenghilan
• Friday | Beaufort, Penampang (Dongongon 6am-6pm), Kundasang, Sapulot / Sepulut, Teginambur Batu 10
• Saturday | Apin-Apin (Keningau), Beaufort, Inanam, Kinarut, Mansiat Sook, Matunggong, Nabawan, Papar, Putatan, Ranau, Telupid
• Sunday | Keningau, Kota Belud, Kota Kinabalu (Gaya Street), Kota Marudu, Mambakut, Papar, Putatan, Sook, Tambunan, Telupid, Tuaran
More on tamus at
saw volunteers and villagers of all ages from as young as 4 years old to senior citizens, united for one cause; a cleaner beach. Children got together and carried the heavy loads as they were excited to compete with each other on who could carry more. While the adults were simply motivated that this time, the clean up was different. It was not the ordinary clean up where rubbish was burnt and buried on the island itself until there was no more space left. This event saw that the rubbish was actually brought back to the mainland to be disposed off properly. The rubbish was also segregated by recyclable plastics and not recyclable items. This was the start of the education for the villagers on proper waste management as part of Meraki Daat’s Unwrapping Plastics program.
“We are truly grateful to our strategic and media partners, donors and most importantly the volunteers who without them, we were not able to achieve this meaningful success. It is a great achievement albeit a small one compared to the journey that lies ahead. We are positive that with such support and awareness created through this event as well our media partner, Daily Express we will be able to step closer towards achieving our club’s vision and mission in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:”
6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
11- Sustainable Cities and Communities
Meraki Daat Sabah Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability, successfully organised a Mega Island Beach Clean Up on March 19, 2023 at Kg Lobong, Gaya Island, as part of the Unwrapping Plastics Project and Stage 1 of Project Picasso. The event was aimed at raising awareness about the growing plastic pollution problem and promoting the importance of keeping our oceans clean and healthy.
The event saw the participation of over 300 villagers, including adults and children, and 125 volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the day. The organisation also had the support of six strategic partners including Sabah Parks, ECHO Resorts, Trash Hero KK, Reef Check Malaysia who contributed towards making the event a success. Together, the participants and volunteers collected a total of 12,035 kg (or 12.035 metric tons) of rubbish from the beaches, of which 243.75 kg (or 0.24375 metric tons) was plastic waste. The success of the event highlights the need for continued efforts towards promoting environmental sustainability and reducing plastic pollution.
Kampung Lobong is divided by the schools, SMK Gaya and SK Gaya, therefore the group of volunteers had to be split into 2 groups to cover the entire area. Group 1 spanning over 64,173m2 was headed by the association’s President, Michelle while group 2 covering an area of 18,622m2 was headed by their strategic partner, Trash Hero KK’s President, Zurainee. The clean up
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
13 - Climate Action
14 - Life Below Water
15 - Life On Land
17 - Partnerships for the Goals
“It was truly an eye opener for all volunteers from the mainland as they had no idea how much rubbish was washed ashore to the island. 80% of the rubbish that the villagers lived with was not theirs and this raised questions as to what the local authorities were actually doing to tackle this issue,” said a Merakit Daat representative.
The Meraki Daat Sabah Initiative is committed to its goal of promoting environmental sustainability and reducing plastic pollution. The organisation expresses its gratitude to all the participants, volunteers, and strategic partners who contributed to the success of the Mega Island Beach Clean Up and invites the public to follow the latest updates on the issues at hand through its media partners Daily Express and Breeze Magazine.
For more information on Meraki Daat Sabah Initiative, the Unwrapping Plastics Project and Project Picasso, contact them at +6019-823 2000 (Michelle) or visit www.merakidaatsabah. org
Azlin Awang Chee is an event director from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, who oversees the management and planning of the CULT event. In addition to this, he also runs an automotive detailing shop that focuses on cars and bikes.
The reason why he started CULT was to showcase the variety of talents that Sabah has to offer related to automotive culture, lifestyles, and trends, and to bring Sabah to the world map. He believes Sabah and Sabahans have a lot to offer to the world, especially in terms of car culture.
Azlin’s love for cars started when his father used to take him on road trips when he was younger, and they would visit restaurants and places of interest while enjoying the ride. It didn’t matter whether the drive was long or a short one, the experiences were part of the biggest influences during Azlin’s childhood. Since 1998, he has officially been passionate about cars since that was the year he got his driving licence.
For Azlin, cars are like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He has them for their own specific traits or reasons. Currently, as a Honda fanatic he drives a HONDA CRX EF8, as a JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) car lover Azlin owns a Nissan Skyline R33, and a classic CLS 350 BENZ for his business commutes.
His dream car is the Honda NSX or the currently popular Civic Type-R FL5 during the day, and a NISMO R35 during the night. He loves to drive on the super stretch of smooth road of the Pan Borneo Highway from Lokawi to Benoni, Papar. His dream road experience is the famous Nürburgring circuit in Germany, which he hopes to drive on someday.
Aside from his love for cars, Azlin is also a foodie and loves to experience great new restaurants. He used to play soccer, but now he enjoys it more as a fan. He is currently a father of two beautiful daughters, Azira and Amira, and a little man, Azraf. He also gives a shout-out to his beloved wife, Caira Geoffrey Abdullah, who has been supporting him since day one.
John Kong is a prominent figure in the automotive industry in Sabah. Born and raised in Kota Kinabalu, his passion for cars has been ingrained in him since his teenage years. He is the Promotions Director of CULT, the international car culture event that is held annually in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. John is also the founder of the EBiz Media Group, a leading media and communications company in Sabah, as well as the founder of 613 Customs, a bespoke car restoration company.
Aside from his work with CULT, John has a diverse portfolio of businesses and projects that reflect his many interests and talents. He has produced and directed several films and TV series, including the “Best of Sabah” TV series and “The Borneo Expeditions,” a 4WD adventure documentary TV series that has aired on National RTM and ASTRO TV channels. He is also a professional photographer, with a passion for capturing nature and urban landscapes.
John’s interest in cars began at a young age, thanks in part to his father, who taught him how to drive at the age of 14. By the time he was 18, John had saved up enough money to buy his first car, a 1976 Alfa Romeo GTV 2000. Since then, he has owned and driven many different cars, but his greatest passion is for Land Rover Defenders.
His love for cars extends beyond just owning and driving them. He also enjoys modifying and restoring them, and has a particular interest in vintage and classic cars. He dreams of one day owning a fully custom 1970s Datsun 510 SSS, and of experiencing all of the iconic cars in automotive history. Although he’s driven a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG 63 Gullwing, the naturally aspirated Porsche 911 is still one of the best cars he’s driven.
While cars are certainly one of John’s passions, he also enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. He loves hiking, camping, trekking, and mountain biking, and is a lover of the beautiful rainforests and rivers of Sabah.
make the most of it. He has certainly taken this to heart, pursuing his many interests and passions with enthusiasm and determination. As a result, he has achieved great success in both his professional and personal life, and
a respected and admired figure in the automotive and media industries in Sabah and beyond.
Albert Lai is from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, who is making waves in the car scene. He is the present Director of Operations of CULT, an event that connects car enthusiasts in Sabah and across the region. Apart from his role in CULT, Albert is also a partner of 613 Customs, overseeing the operations of the company and managing builds for clients.
Albert’s passion for cars started when he was a teenager. His first car was a Honda Civic while he was studying in Sydney. He has been driving ever since and has owned and driven various Honda models throughout the years. When asked about his dream car, he mentions the Datsun 240z.
He loves his early Hondas. The sweet sound and pickup of early V-Tec engines is an experience of its own for Albert. He joked that he drives them because everyone needs a ride, especially in Malaysia. However, he believes that owning a Honda is a built-in trait for his generation of car enthusiasts. Travelling with his car is part of the fun for Albert, and he loves the freedom and joy of driving on the open road. He dreams of driving on the autobahn in Europe someday.
When asked about why he started CULT, Albert mentions that he believes it is a good homegrown event that can add value to the tourism industry of Sabah and connect car enthusiasts in the region. As the Director of Operations, he oversees the overall logistics of the event, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
While Albert has driven many cars throughout the years, he cannot pick a favourite as he believes that each car has its unique character. Apart from his love for cars, Albert also enjoys mountain biking and hiking. Along with the outdoor theme, Albert is also an avid off road and overland driving. He believes that life is a journey, and we should enjoy every moment of it.
In conclusion, Albert Lai is a man who has a deep passion for cars and the open road. He is also a businessman who is making a mark in the industry. His story reminds us that we should pursue our passions and enjoy life’s journey.
Helen Keller, a well-known author and former educator herself, once said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”. In the context of collaboration, this quote rings true in the office of the Department of Research, Industry Linkages, Community, Alumni and Network (PJIMA) at UiTM Sabah Branch. PJIMA is currently spearheaded by the Deputy Rector of Research, Industry Linkages, Alumni and Community Network (PJIMA), Dr. Sharifah Nurafizah Syed Annuar. PJIMA UiTM Sabah branch was first established on 9 February 2009. This division was specifically created to encourage research activity in order to upgrade UiTM’s status as a world-class research university. PJIMA was also established to strengthen relationships with the industry, community, and alumni. The activities and programmes executed by this department are seen to be mutually beneficial for all parties involved, which will ultimately contribute to the development and growth of our country, Malaysia, overall. PJIMA performs its functions through several important units to ensure that this division’s objectives and responsibilities are carried out in an orderly and effective manner. The units under this division are research and publication management, industry linkages, alumni, entrepreneurship and community.
Dr. Sharifah emphasises that collaboration in the workplace is what makes an institution able to broaden its wings and reach greater heights. As UiTM actively expands its educational expedition in a variety of fields, collaboration, the buzzword in the corporate field, becomes more significant than ever. Coincidentally, the Globally Renowned University agenda, or in short, GRU, was first introduced in 2016 after UiTM improved its direction to Global Excellence, which has been used as a guide since 2012. This has initiated a network of collaboration and positive, progressive bilateral relations with industry and international institutions. Looking at the scope of industrial networks, various initiatives have been implemented in the office of PJIMA to strengthen mutual cooperation between various industries and institutions, whether local or international, through Letters of Collaboration (LoCs), Memorandums of Agreement (MoAs) and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) and other related agreement documents. Due to this, various achievements of the UiTM Sabah branch throughout the creation of GRU are notable under the units in PJIMA.
PJIMA research and publication unit aims to publish original works in the form of scientific and research works that reflect the capabilities and performance of UiTM Sabah Branch’s academicians. PJIMA has taken various initiatives to encourage the culture of quality research writing and increased publication among UiTM academicians. Most recently, the cessation of the Work From Home circular for lecturers brought about various face-to-face post-pandemic organised research and publication workshops or discussions. Guest speakers were a mixture of local and international experts in their fields. Among the salient workshops or discussions were:
discussions. Guest speakers were a mixture of local and international experts in their fields. Among the salient workshops or discussions were:
1. Fast Track Writing & Publication Workshop for High Impact Journal
2. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Workshop
1. Fast Track Writing & Publication Workshop for High Impact Journal
3. Emerald Author Focus Group (AFG) Discussion
2. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Workshop
4. The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Writing
3. Emerald Author Focus Group (AFG) Discussion
5. BITCOM Commercialisation Road Tour 2022
4. The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Writing
International competitions and conferences were also jointly organised with various industries. Among the successful collaborations were “The 1st Sabah International Virtual Innovation & Invention Competition (SIVIIC 2019)” which managed to rope local and international collaborators from the Ministry of Science, Technology Innovation SABAH (KSTI), Emerald Publisher (International), Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) (International), Maybank Bhd, Royal Brunei Airlines, and Sabah Economy Development Corporation (SEDCO). This was followed by “The International Conference In SDG Research @ BORNEO” with fellow collaborators from the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation Sabah (KSTI), Emerald Publisher (International), Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) (International) and Maybank Bhd. Additionally, “The International Borneo Innovation Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC 2022)” pooled together collaborators from our neighbouring countries, i.e. Indonesia the Philippines which were Politeknik Sriwijaya, Philippine Polytechnic and Northern
International competitions and conferences were also jointly organised with various industries. Among the successful collaborations were “The 1st Sabah International Virtual Innovation & Invention Competition (SIVIIC 2019)” which managed to rope in local and international collaborators from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation SABAH (KSTI), Emerald Publisher (International), Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) (International), Maybank Bhd, Royal Brunei Airlines, and Sabah Economy Development Corporation (SEDCO). This was followed by “The 1ST International Conference In SDG Research @ BORNEO” with fellow collaborators from the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation Sabah (KSTI), Emerald Publisher (International), Research
Synergy Foundation (RSF) (International) and Maybank Bhd. Additionally, “The International Borneo Innovation Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC 2022)” pooled together collaborators from our neighbouring countries, i.e. Indonesia and the Philippines which were Politeknik Sriwijaya, Philippine Polytechnic and Northern Iloilo University State College and those from our very own soil, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Politeknik Kota Kinabalu.
Programme held at UiTM Sabah Branch, Tawau Campus, involving 231 students and a few members of staff.
The objective of this programme was to expose pre-diploma students to the industry and create a great rapport between the two parties. During the programme, the students were exposed to designing and critical thinking activities which were conducted by PETROSAINS Kota Kinabalu. It ended with the last sharing session by the Senior Vice President of PETRONAS Project Delivery and Technology, Datuk Dr. Hj. Bacho Pilong.
Iloilo University State College and those from our very own soil, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Politeknik Kota Kinabalu.
Lastly, PJIMA managed to take a step further by organising a scientific expedition aptly called the “Imbak Canyon Scientific Expedition (ISCE)” concurrently with the STEM Outreach Programme at Tongod, Sabah. This expedition saw a joint venture with Yayasan Sabah, PETROSAINS and the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation Sabah (KSTI).
Lastly, PJIMA managed to take a step further by organising a scientific expedition aptly called the “Imbak Canyon Scientific Expedition (ISCE)” concurrently with the STEM Outreach Programme at Tongod, Sabah. This expedition saw a joint venture with Yayasan Sabah, PETROSAINS and the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation Sabah (KSTI).
With the organising of these and more workshops, conferences, and expeditions, PJIMA hopes that it will spur
Besides PETRONAS, other significant and major industry players which became PJIMA collaborative partners include Maybank, TikTok, Internspoon, Sawit Kinabalu Group and Yayasan Sabah Group. These collaborations were initiated and sealed with Memorandums of Understanding, which certainly indicate that PJMIA under the guidance of Dr Sharifah as well as all her unit coordinators, has made its mark in the industry. Hard work pays off, and success always follows those who persevere and are creative in the art of attracting smart partnerships.
With the organising of these and more workshops, conferences, and expeditions, PJIMA hopes that it will spur UiTM academicians to write and publish more.
Industry and Linkages
PJIMA, through its ICAN unit, has always strived towards enhancing the involvement of industries and industry players through collaborative efforts which result in programmes that are seen as groundbreaking and benchmarks for other state campuses. One significant industry is PETRONAS, which became the host of PETRONAS BeDigital Bootcamp initiated by PJIMA as a co-host in August 2022. PETRONAS and PETROSAINS, along with other industry partners such as Tata Consultancy, KLCC
PJIMA, through its ICAN unit, has always strived towards enhancing the involvement of industries and industry players through collaborative efforts which result in programmes that are seen as groundbreaking and benchmarks for other state campuses. One significant industry is PETRONAS, which became the host of PETRONAS BeDigital Bootcamp initiated by PJIMA as a co-host in August 2022. PETRONAS and PETROSAINS, along with other industry partners such as Tata Consultancy, KLCC Holdings, Concorde Hotel and Microsoft provided recruitment opportunities for would-be graduates who attended this programme. The main aim was to increase the employability rate of graduates by enhancing their data analytics skills. It also attracted students from other universities such as Universiti Malaysia Sabah and University College Sabah Foundation. The first programme saw 24 out of 50 students chosen for employment. Since its first cohort in August 2022 with UiTM Sabah, there has been another cohort with significant achievements in securing employment with the industry. Another collaboration with PETRONAS and PETROSAINS was the PETRONAS Student Engagement
Without the community, universities may cease to exist. Thus, it has always been a main focus of UiTM Sabah Branch to ensure that bridges are built with various communities, not only those that surround the campus but also those from other parts of the state. Through PJIMA, the university has been able to give back to the community by organising various projects which have helped improve the quality of life, especially for marginalised groups. One achieves happiness by making others happy. This has been achieved by PJIMA throughout its years of existence through projects in areas such as entrepreneurship, educational outreach and aid for victims of disasters. One recent programme to be noted is the STEM Outreach Programme in October 2022 which encourages those who have the means to help the needy, as a good deed goes a long way.
by Assoc. Prof. Jasman Jaafar and Octavia WillibrordResistance training is a form of exercise that is used to build muscle strength and endurance. While resistance training can be performed in many different ways, one important aspect that is often overlooked is the importance of performing exercises with a full range of motion. In this article, we will explore the benefits of resistance training with a full range of motion.
Firstly, resistance training with a full range of motion can help to improve flexibility and mobility. Studies show that resistance training with a full range of motion is just as effective in increasing fascicle length as dedicated stretching. Though if you’re not used to training with extreme ranges of motion, start with as much range as your body can handle pain-free, then slowly progress to achieve deeper stretches on the muscles.
In addition to improving flexibility and mobility, resistance training with a full range of motion can also provide high degrees of hypertrophic stimulus. This is because using a full range of motion requires your muscles to work at longer lengths or in other words, more stretch under load. Which can help to increase muscle fiber recruitment and activation. This can lead to greater muscle growth and strength gains over a prolonged duration of time.
Resistance training with a full range of motion can also help to reduce the risk of injury. This is because using a full range of motion helps to strengthen the entire muscle, including the
tendons and ligaments that support the joint. This can help to reduce the risk of injury, as well as improve overall joint stability and function. Besides, training with a full range of motion reduces the load required to achieve a high amount of mechanical tension.
Finally, we’d like to clarify that though training through a full range of motion provides plenty of benefits from a hypertrophy and joint health point of view, it may not be as important to other athletes that train in other means of sport. For example, though a deep squat may be great for building tree trunk quads, a half squat could benefit a basketball player more whose goal is to increase his vertical jump height.
In conclusion, resistance training with a full range of motion isn’t a “one size fits all” approach but it does indeed offer it’s own sets of benefits such as improved mobility, great at building muscle and reduced injury risk. Reach us on our Instagram if you think we can help you with anything at all. Personal Training, Group Classes and Nutrition Coaching available in Hustle Fitness!
by Joshua Tsen Image | UnsplashIn today’s fast-paced world, finding ways to unwind and relax is more important than ever. Whether you’re dealing with work stress, personal challenges, or simply the overwhelming amount of information and stimuli we encounter every day, taking time to recharge your batteries is essential for your mental and physical health.
One activity that can be a great way to relax and free your mind is photography. Engaging in a creative pursuit like photography can help you focus your attention on the present moment, which can be a form of mindfulness meditation. When you’re behind the camera, you’re focused on finding the right angle, adjusting the settings, and composing the shot, which can help you let go of any other worries or stresses in your life.
One particular form of photography that can be especially rewarding is car spotting or car photography. For many people, cars are more than just transportation; they are objects of fascination, beauty, and even art. Whether you’re a fan of classic cars, modern sports cars, or vintage muscle cars, there’s something about the lines, curves, and colours of a well-designed vehicle that can captivate the eye and stimulate the imagination.
Car spotting is the art of finding and identifying interesting cars on the street or in public places. It can be a fun way to explore your city or town, as you keep an eye out for rare or unusual cars that catch your attention. Car spotting can also be a social activity, as you can share your finds with other enthusiasts online or in person.
Car photography, on the other hand, is the art of capturing cars in photos. It can be a challenging but rewarding pursuit, as you work to find the right lighting, composition, and angles to showcase the beauty and character of the car. Car photography
can be done in a variety of settings, from car shows to scenic routes to parking lots, and can be a great way to practise your photography skills while indulging in your love of cars.
So why is car spotting or car photography such a good way to relax and free your mind? For one thing, it combines two activities that can be very enjoyable on their own: exploring your surroundings and taking photos. By combining these activities, you can create a sense of flow and focus that can be very calming and energising.
In addition, car spotting or car photography can be a form of self-expression, allowing you to capture the world around you in a way that reflects your unique perspective. It can be a way to explore your creativity and challenge yourself to see things in a new way. And because cars are such a ubiquitous part of our world, there’s always something new and interesting to discover.
Finally, car spotting or car photography can be a way to connect with other people who share your interests. Whether you join online communities, attend car shows or meetups, or simply strike up a conversation with a fellow enthusiast, you can build relationships and share experiences that can be very fulfilling.
In conclusion, if you appreciate cars and photography and are looking for a new outlet for entertainment, consider trying car spotting or car photography. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, there’s always something new to discover and enjoy. So grab your camera, hit the road, and see where your love of cars can take you.
Squint is a condition when one or both eyes point in different directions or are misaligned. It is particularly common in young children, but can occur at any age. It can be manifest (tropia) or latent (phoria) whereby the squint is not obvious on observation but can be evoked during clinical assessment), constant or intermittent in one eye or alternating between each eye.
There are 4 different types of squint based on the position of the eye:
• Hypertropia/phoria: when the eye turns upwards
• Hypotropia/phoria: when the eye turns downwards
• Esotropia/phoria: when the eye turns inwards
• Exotropia/phoria: when the eye turns outwards
Signs and symptoms:
• Face turn or chin up / down when looking at something
• Deviated eye (turning in, out, up or down)
• Closing one eye when looking at something
• Reduced binocular function especially depth of perception (3D vision)
• Double vision
• Headache
Squint can be due to:
• Congenital (present during birth)
• Hereditary (suggesting a genetic link)
• As a result of an injury, systemic illness, eye diseases or uncorrected long- or short-sightedness
• As a result of a lesion on a cranial nerve or eye muscle (extra ocular muscle)
Effects of untreated squint:
• Child bullied at school due to abnormal eye appearance
• Low self confidence
• Lazy eye
• Reduce in stereopsis (depth of perception / 3D vision)
• Limited future professional careers (e.g. surgeon or pilot)
Squint should be treated early to prevent its adverse consequence. Parents should consult an eye specialist for a proper eye examination and treatment if they notice a squint in the child. Squint can be treated simply by prescribing spectacles, vision therapy, patching, injection of small amounts of botulinum toxin (Botox™) into the affected muscle and surgery. In some cases, underlying causes must be treated first before other forms of treatment are recommended.
What really happens during squint:
When both eyes are not aligned properly when looking at the same object, the image quality of the object will not be identical between the two eyes. The image from the fixating eye will appear normal, but the image from the deviated eye will usually appear blurred. This leads to overlapping images which may slowly develop to double images as the squint gets worse. If the squint is not corrected after prolonged periods, the secondary blurred image, produced by the deviated eye, can be ignored or suppressed by the brain to result in a single observable object. This image suppression at the level of the brain will lead to amblyopia or lazy eye. Thus, the lazy eye will remain blur even after it has been corrected (by surgery or non-surgical treatment).
by Evix Daud Consultant Optometrist & Contact Lens SpecialistDo you dream of having a flawless smile? Thanks to modern dental technology, you can now achieve your dream smile with the help of veneers and smile design. Together with Dr. Sylvia Lim of Phi Dental, let’s learn about veneers and how you can get a perfect smile with Smile Design technology.
What are veneers? Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are designed to fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. They can be made from porcelain or composite materials and are used to conceal a variety of cosmetic imperfections, including cracks, chips, stains, and gaps. Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments and can last up to 20 years with proper care.
But before you get veneers, it’s important to have a Smile Design. A Smile Design is the planning process for creating your individualised treatment plan to take your smile from what it is now into a smile you can be proud of and makes you feel more confident. With Digital Smile Design, a non-invasive and painless procedure, your dentist can create a 3D model of your face and teeth to design your ideal smile. This process is fast and easy, and you can see the results before any treatment begins.
Veneers are not only used to enhance the brightness of your teeth but also to correct small misalignments and straighten your smile. They can correct issues like discoloration, fractures,
or chips. However, it’s important to choose a registered dentist to perform the Smile Design and veneers cementation procedure to avoid complications.
In conclusion, if you want to achieve a perfect smile, veneers and Smile Design may be the solution you’re looking for. With the help of a skilled dentist, you can achieve a beautiful, naturallooking smile that you can be proud of for years to come. So don’t wait any longer, book your consultation today and take the first step towards your dream smile!
Ialways have this nagging question in my head, why don’t people prefer to buy used cars? Of course, there are definite arguments against it, but it has always struck me as a weird way of viewing things. I mean, why shouldn’t you buy a 30-year old luxury sedan for the price of an entry level compact car today? Let’s talk about it.
First is the lower cost, in terms of the price of the cars and insurance. Of course, certain cars have retained their value, but you can bet most reliable and great cars of their time have devalued over the years. It isn’t hard trying to find deals with the advent of the internet these days too.
In relation to the first point, you could even find cars that offer the same level or more in terms of comfort and luxury for prices that are comparable to entry level cars these days. If you search hard enough, you can get yourself a Mercedes-Benz or BMW for the retail price of a Proton Saga or Perodua Axia even. Most of the time, these cars don’t even need a lot of work to be done to make it feel brand new.
Speaking of working on your cars, used cars are better to work on since you won’t be as scared to screw something up. Personally, people who mod their brand new cars are either too rich to care or are just plain psychopaths (just kidding). Anyway, since older cars have been in existence longer, spare parts are also a bit easier to come by.
There’s also the possibility of owning a classic or legendary car. When you’re on the road with one of these types of cars, you can bet that you’re probably one of the only few people who are
driving that car. Although entry level cars of yesteryear aren’t that legendary, there are some obscure or unloved models that have garnered a cult following through the years, such as the Proton Arena. Sometimes, the older they are, the rarer they might be like a 1985 Proton Saga. How many do you actually see on the road these days?
Now that I’ve made my arguments for buying used cars, let’s take a look at why not many people are into it. First and foremost, warranties. Simply put, you won’t get a long warranty period, if any, for used cars. Then there are the emission standards, used cars would most likely have worse emissions compared to new cars today. Higher fuel consumption in older cars is another thing people will argue about and they are 99% correct about that, barring some weird cases.
With all that said, I still think used and older cars are the way to go if you’re thinking of a cheaper alternative to the car of your dreams.
by Noel Jinguli Image | Unsplashgames were also adapted while short films were made to tie in the storyline between a few of the movies. Toy cars made by Mattel and Takara Tomy were also introduced to younger fans of the franchise.
As cheesy as the cars in the first movies were, many wannabe racers have modified their cars inspired by the cars in the movie. However, I personally think the most influential movie in the franchise was the least popular one. I’m talking about The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. It didn’t feature any of the cast from the first 2 movies, apart from the cameo by Vin Diesel at the end. Though, it successfully introduced drifting to a wider audience. The car line-up was also the best, in my honest opinion, with the Veilside Mazda RX-7, the “Mona Lisa” Nissan Silvia S15, and Sean’s 1967 Mustang Fastback. But none of these cars ever came close to the popularity of the Nissan GT-R R34 driven by Brian O’Conner in 2 Fast 2 Furious.
Today, the franchise is akin to superhero movies. Many people are still enjoying the movies and are awaiting for the last few entries in the franchise coming soon. At the end of the day, it’s all about family or the franchise.
Ever since the first Fast & Furious movie came out, I was starstruck. Not by the people playing the characters in the movie, but by the cars that appeared in them. At the time, I wasn’t even mildly familiar with the black Honda Civics or the famous orange Toyota Supra, I was just awed at how awesome they looked and all the action that centred around cars in the movie. Many car lovers today were just like me, growing up into car enthusiasts because of the “small time” movie that started the Fast Saga franchise.
The Fast And The Furious was the first movie in the franchise. It premiered in 2001 and featured Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. With a budget of “just” $38 million, it managed to gross $40 million in its opening week and $207 million worldwide. Now compare that to the most popular movie in the franchise, Furious 7, which had a budget of $190 million and garnered $1.5 billion worldwide. The franchise simply grew massive.
Since the first movie came out, the shortlist of major names from the entertainment industry who have worked on the franchise have steadily grown through the years. With the likes of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Jason Statham, Chalize Theron, John Cena, Ludacris, Gal Gadot, and Dame Helen Mirren, almost everyone wants to be featured in the franchise. The franchise also spawned multiple spin-offs in terms of movies and television series. Video
by Noel Jinguli Image | Various Resources• 1/2 brown sugar
• 1/2 granulated sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
• 1/2 cup melted butter
• 2 tbspn cocoa powder
• 200 gram dark cooking chocolate
• 1 cup all purpose flour
• 4 large eggs
1. Double boil the dark cooking chocolate and butter.
2. Beat eggs and sugar then slowly added the melted items.
3. Add dry ingredient (flour & cocoa powder) and mix until combined.
4. Bake at 180 degree for 25 minutes.
5. Once the brownies are done, remove them from the pan while leaving the aluminum foil or parchment paper on. Allow them to cool at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.
by Beverly Chow Image | Beverly ChowThis new exciting little fast-food brand is the perfect addition to the busy Inanam-Kolombong business district located at YLY Plaza right off the main Tuaran Bypass highway. It is specially crafted for the busy business person who want a fast yet delicious meal on-the-go!
GogoBox boasts ‘something for everyone’ kind of delicious variety of selections from signature local Malay nasi biryani, Taiwanese braised chicken rice, Western Burgers and creamy Pastas, Thai green and Indian curry, Korean sweet-spicy chicken with fries, Japanese bento, and even sides like char kuey, cheong fun, and home-made soya bean milk! As for young people or families with kids on a hot day, there is even an assortment of icy frozen slurpees, fruit teas, and icecream available!
GogoBox deliciousness will be soon made available on FoodPanda, GrabFood, and they can even offer post-paid orders for your whole office! Not forgetting the perfect place to stop by, destress with an ice cream and takeaway dinner before getting stuck in the jam on the way home!
Address: Lot 1, Ground Floor, YLY Plaza, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Kedai kupi of the month
Opening Hours: 11am-8pm daily
(closed on Sundays)
Tel: +6010 666 1737
Facebook: @GogoboxKK
Instagram: @gogoboxkk
where he spent eight years working in both ne-dining and casual restaurants, including the one Michelin star Corner House restaurant in Singapore. ere, he was placed under the guidance of one who would become one of the biggest in uences on his career: Irish chef Andrew Walsh. Walsh took him under his wing and mentored him through the culinary and managerial aspect of running a restaurant: during their time together, the two opened four restaurants, giving Chef Jun the opportunity to hone his business and leadership skills in addition to his cooking nesse. He also credits France – where he launched his career with an internship in an Asian restaurant – as the country which introduced him to the ne dining side of food and inspired him with how much pride they took in their cuisine, fuelling his own passion.
Versatile, detail-oriented, dynamic, Jun Yip Ho –a ectionately called Chef Jun – personi es the saying ‘Jack of all trades’ at the helm of the kitchen. Originally an aspiring interior designer, his father advised him to instead pursue his interest in cooking, which he had discovered early in his childhood. A er completing his Diploma in Culinary Arts and a bachelor’s degree in F&B Management at Taylor’s University in Kuala Lumpur, the newly grad relocated to Singapore
Craving a change in environment and a new adventure, he ew back over to Malaysia where he has spent these past six months as the Executive Sous Chef of Hyatt Centric Kota Kinabalu. ere, he typically starts his day at 8:30 A.M, preparing an array of Modern Asian inspired cuisine all day. For someone who describes himself as having di culty staying down in one place, this high-paced job seems to have been tailor-made for him. While his personal favourite dishes to concoct are tasty comfort food, his most popular among clients are the lamb shanks and salmon, which – while not technically di cult – take eight hours to cook and braise.
In addition to his undeniable talent, perhaps one of the reasons he has assimilated so well and quickly to his new workplace is his unfailing social skills: he cites treating your sta and friends well as one of the most important qualities a chef can possess and mentions that the highlight of this job for him is to make everyone “happy and full”. In his spare time, he enjoys partaking in Futsal and pinball matches with his Hyatt co-workers. He is also unsurprisingly, an avid watcher of the TV show “Hell’s Kitchen”
where he can relate to many of the chefs’ dilemmas, as well as their hope to someday open their own restaurant.
During his time here, Chef Jun aims to take the dining experience in Kota Kinabalu to the next level, a feat he is currently achieving through his carefully curated and unique menus, all highly re ective of local avours. Judging from the raving reviews and a top reputation for Hyatt Centric Kota Kinabalu’s ON22 Restaurant and ON23 Sky Bar, it appears he is well on his way. Indeed, the opening of this hotel marked a revolutionary turning point in Kota Kinabalu’s dining scene, not least because of their sustainable approach to food supplying: with their location being ideally close to the ocean, ON22 plans to collaborate with and support local suppliers and shermen in order to reduce their seafood importations and give guests the opportunity to enjoy the authentic avours of Kota Kinabalu.
And this isn’t mentioning the quality of the food: the beauty of ON22’s menu is how it appeared to have been created for any and everyone who walks through its doors. From the locally-inspired dishes like Lamb Shank Rendang, Cheeky Masaman, to
Asian interpretations like Curry Cauli ower, Grilled Sweet Miso Pumpkin and other delights like Grilled Chili Lobster Pasta and Salmon Laksa, you are sure to nd something you will adore regardless of your preferences.
It covers a multitude of tastes and takes guests on a journey around the world’s greatest cuisines, all within the most stunning decor. ON22 showcases three spaces, each honouring an emblematic side of Borneo. ‘Sea-Forest,’ framed with sweeping sights of the sea and the lush hills; ‘Wood Garden,’ inspired by the topical rainforest of Borneo; and ‘Dry Garden’ a tribute to Sabah’s iconic Mount Kinabalu and surrounding rich biodiversity with its large boulders, stone oors and cinnamon-coloured wooden panels. A sumptuous place, a masterful chef, and an array of delectable dishes to choose from. What more to ask for?
by Lisa Aveline Image | Hyatt Centric Kota KinabaluTurkish coffee, a deliciously warm and thick beverage made of finely ground coffee beans, leaving a pleasant aromatic aftertaste. Starting with appetizers, we were served with a Fattoush Salad consisting of a variety of greens such as tomatoes, fresh herbs, cucumbers, all under a zest of vinaigrette, giving it a distinctly fresh flavor. If you are looking for a healthy but filling meal, this can absolutely work as a standalone.
Next up were the two types of macaroni: Goulash and Béchamel. Both hearty, cheesy, and delicious! While we tend to associate macaroni as a simple feel-good meal, you could immediately tell that this was made with true skill: the perfectly baked layers of pasta, spiced meat, tomato sauce, and creamy béchamel all topped by a crispy golden crust catapulted macaroni from “comfort food” to “5-star dish” in my mind.
Similarly, wraps are often food we think of as simple and common, but the ones we had that night definitely exceeded expectations. Two platters of lamb and beef Shawarma – famous Middle Eastern street food – were served, a heavenly blend of grilled meat marinated in seasonings of olive oil, lemon juice and warm spices (but not spicy!). The Arabian bread is thick and tasty, bringing the authentic essence of Arabia right to your mouth. And the best part? It’s one of the healthiest dishes you could have!
What if we told you that you didn’t have to travel to another country to taste the exotic flavors of Arabia? What if we told you that you had to drive no further than Donggongon to have authentic Arabian cuisine served on your plate? If you’re not thinking “jump in your car and drive there right away”, let us tell you why you should. A little over five years ago, Syriaborn Mohamed Nabih arrived in Kota Kinabalu to study and after several years spent in the city, he decided in 2022 to open a restaurant. Thus “Aldamasqy Arabic Restaurant” was born with the help of Mohamed’s long-time friend Magdy Rafla, a man of many trades. The name might ring a bell, as the restaurant is a regular attendee of food conventions, notably the recent exposition at SICC, which has introduced them to a batch of new (and very satisfied) customers. The concept of providing high-quality, high-value food at a low price appealed to both locals and foreigners, ensuring that tables were filled every day. Indeed, one of the points insisted on by Mohamed is how loyal his customer base has been: seeing familiar faces come back frequently is a rewarding experience, as well as an opportunity to bond with the clientele.
Flash-forward to the present day, when Breeze Magazine had the pleasure of reviewing this haven of delights, and boy were we spoiled: a twelve-course feast was served on a banquet-style table that Tuesday evening (the staff graciously opened the kitchen during their one off-day in the week for us!) Before the tasting began, we were offered two drinks: Arabic Mint Tea, a flavoursome mix of loose-leaf tea, fresh mint and sugar, and
The true showstopper of the evening was the Aldamasqy Family Meal, a large-sized dish designed for a table six, which includes chicken and beef kebabs, shish taouks, beef and lamb shoulders, as well as a beef shank. Talk about full portions! The meat was grilled to perfection, detaching easily from the skewer and melting in the mouth, and the veggies added another layer of savour. As for the crepe-like bread underneath, it was chewy and layered with an exquisite sauce. The experience left me feeling
very full but I loved every moment! Following a similar path to this we had the Mix BBQ Meal Bread, a similar concept in terms of ingredients but with a side of yellow rice. The spices filling your mouth with each spoonful of rice were delectable, and ended up being the highlight of the dish for me.
We finished off on a top note with three kinds of Kunafa being offered to us: cream, cheese, or chocolate filled. This popular Middle-Eastern dessert was artfully made with a spun pastry soaked in sweet syrup and layered with cheese. While one would expect the creaminess of it to weigh on the stomach, it melts in the mouth with every bite, leaving only a wonderfully sweet savour behind.
Friendly people, wonderful ambiance, and amazing food for great value: that’s how Breeze would describe it. But don’t just take our word for it, and go check the online reviews, as the ratings there unanimously and overwhelmingly agree on one thing: Aldamasqy is a restaurant worthy of 5-stars. I cannot recommend this spot enough, especially during Ramadan as they are having an open buffet in the evenings, surely filled with even more delicacies.
Beyond the excellent service and culinary prowess of the staff, the place itself is lovely: the relatively small room and simple decor exudes a sense of cosiness. The colourful tablecloths reminiscent of Arabian design and the brick alcove kitchen set a homely atmosphere. So much so that when the place gets crowded, the rowdy laughter, cheerful stories, and enticing smells is guaranteed to make you feel as though you are sitting at a family reunion gathering.
If you don’t have any lunch or dinner plans today, this is your sign.
Location: D23A-G, Jalan Cyber Pardana 1, Cyber Pardana Commercial Center, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Opening Hours:
Monday - Sunday (11am-11pm) Tuesday closed.
During Ramadan: Monday - Sunday (3pm-11pm)
Call/WhatsApp: +018 964 1665
Facebook: Aldamasqy Arabic Restaurant
Instagram: @aldamasqy
by Lisa Aveline Image | Noel Jinguli