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Exercise Effects Between Women And Men
In conjunction with International Women’s Day on March 8th, today we’re going to be discussing the naturally occurring differences in exercise effects between women and men.
There are a variety of physiological and social differences between women and men that can affect how they approach training and exercise, as well as the training outcomes. Everyone can and will benefit from physical activity, but the way in which they train may differ due to factors such as hormonal differences, body composition, and social expectations.
One of the most significant differences between men and women when it comes to training is their hormonal makeup. Men genetically have higher levels of testosterone, which builds muscle and is better suited for strength tasks. However, women have higher levels of estrogen, which can increase recovery capabilities and is beneficial for endurance tasks. This means that women may excel in training at higher volumes over longer durations with fewer rest periods. Does this mean women should avoid heavy strength sets? Absolutely not! It just means that progress will come at a different pace for women and men and a trainer may have to consider different types of programming to help arrive at similar goals.
Another factor that can impact training is body composition. Men tend to have greater amounts of muscle mass starting out, while women naturally have more body fat. This means that men may be able to lift heavier weights and perform more explosive movements. While women may be at a lower starting point, most research do suggest men and women to have similar levels of potential in building muscle and strength.
Social expectations can also play a role in how men and women approach training. Historically, there has been a stereotype that women should focus on cardio and light weights in order look “toned”, while men should prioritize heavy lifting and building muscle mass. However, this stereotype is changing, and more women are embracing strength training and other traditionally “masculine” forms of exercise.
In terms of training strategies, most general principles apply to both men and women. Both genders can benefit from a combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and flexibility work. However, the specific exercises and intensity levels may need to be adjusted based on individual goals and physical abilities.
In conclusion, while there are some minor differences in how men and women approach training, there is no one-size-fitsall approach. Both genders can benefit from physical activity, and the key is to find a training regimen that is safe, effective, and enjoyable. By focusing on individual goals and preferences, anyone can create a workout routine that helps them reach their full potential.
Reach us on our Instagram if you think we can help you with anything at all. Personal Training, Group Classes and Nutrition Coaching available in Hustle Fitness!

by Joshua Tsen Image | Unsplash
Soul searching with cooking
When a person talks about cooking, the immediate thing that comes to mind is food and eating. However, some believe that cooking can be a very therapeutic activity. For some, it helps calm the mind and removes them from the stresses of their surroundings. While for others, it’s a way to improve one’s self, not only in terms of skill but also with self confidence. Let’s see why cooking is good for the soul and how you can implement it in your life.
Healthy eating has been researched and linked to many shortterm and long-term health benefits. One way of adopting healthier eating habits is through home cooking. Prepping your meals and ingredients in advance helps contribute to an overall more nutritionally balanced diet while reducing stress as we avoid last minute decisions on what to eat and rushed preparations.
Patience is a virtue and cooking can help instil that in our daily lives. Cooking requires patience through multiple steps in order to achieve success. Taking the time to mince garlic, ginger, and onions for the best flavours or waiting for your cookies to cool before taking a bite can be good practice for improving our patience.
Cooking for ourselves or other people means we’re setting an achievable goal to attain. Fitting within a therapy known as “behavioural activation”, it focuses on increasing contact with sources of reward. It’s usually used to treat depression and anxiety. Apart from that, it can help combat procrastination with positive, goal-oriented behaviour. Successfully cooking a meal is a positive outcome and can help raise your self-esteem.

The easiest way to start cooking is to make it simple. If you’ve never cooked before, successfully cooking a simple dish will help build that confidence to try out more dishes in the future. Doing it mindfully can help too. Thinking about what you want to cook, the ingredients you need to prepare, and steps you can take can make for a calmer and more mindful cooking experience. Lastly, making it a social experience can also boost your enjoyment. Not only in terms of cooking with others, but just having others taste the dish you cooked can be a great bonding activity. Happiness is great food and great company.
At the end of the day, we all need to take care of our mental health, so why not try out cooking for a change. It can’t hurt to try, right? If it doesn’t feed your soul, at least it feeds your stomach.
by Noel Jinguli Image | Unsplash