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Getting used to dentures
Dentures are a part of life for some people. Whether it’s through old age or other circumstances, wearing dentures is something normal. Normalising the use of dentures, however, does take time and effort on the wearer’s part. Together with Dr. Sylvia Lim of Phi Dental, let’s learn more about dentures and what challenges come with wearing them.
Conventional dentures are removable prosthetics designed to replace missing teeth. Usually, people with two or more missing teeth are advised to get a form of denture so that they will not put undue stress on the rest of their teeth. Continuous dependance on the teeth left in our mouths, we have a higher risk of losing more teeth! Even knowing this, some people still refuse to wear dentures because of the challenges of getting used to them. It takes about 4-8 weeks to get completely accustomed to the feeling of wearing dentures. They may seem bulky and feel like they are pushing your lips out but this feeling will subside over time.
First-timers need to avoid hard, chewy, crunchy, sticky, and even spicy foods initially. Alcohol is also a big no while the mouth is still sore and healing. To get used to dentures, also avoid rushing with your meals. Take the time to pay attention and be mindful of the eating process to avoid any accidents. Take small bites or cut your food into bite-sized pieces so less chewing is needed.
Another issue for most people is the cleaning. Just like our teeth, dentures can and will get stained based on the food and drinks we put into our mouths. So using soft brushes and non-abrasive cleansers, soaking and cleaning dentures once a day is the least we can do. Completely remove adhesives, if the denture uses adhesives, the food, plaque and any deposits. If dentures aren’t cleaned, they will cause bad breath. Other issues with using dentures are chewing and speaking difficulty, excessive saliva production, denture fitting problems, gum and mouth pain, jaw disorders, and even strange facial expressions.
Regular dental visits are important to maintain oral health, especially with dentures. If you have any discomforts with the dentures, you should always consult your dentist. Dentures also don’t last forever. Even high quality ones need to be replaced every 7-10 years.
These are just a few things to keep in mind before you get dentures. Phi Dental is now offering dentures with suction cups for a more secure and comfortable fit in the mouth.
by Noel Jinguli Image | Unsplash