010125 Sanibel Island Reporter/Islander

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Shell museum announces new programming for year

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium on Sanibel will start the new year by expanding upon its educational mission with a new lineup of lectures, classes, field education and learning experiences

The classes will span a range of scientific and creative subjects related to shells and mollusks and their ecosystems They

See SHELL MUSEUM, page 21

& Aquarium on Sanibel is kicking off the new year with a new lineup of lectures, classes, field education and

Certification” class will take place on Jan. 7.


FISH fundraiser returns with record participation, support

FISH of Sanibel-Captiva reported that its annual JOG N JAM on Dec 7 on the islands welcomed 570 runners, with participants from across Florida and as far a w a y a s t h e N o r t h e a s t , M i d w e s t , Southwest, and West Coast, as well as international runners from Canada, the United Kingdom and Jersey

“This is the largest runner registration in the history of our race, and we couldn’t be more excited,” event Committee Cochair Leah Winkler said “It’s incredible to see participants from across the globe coming together to support our mission

From left, Sanibel Mayor Richard Johnson and FISH of SanibelCaptiva Executive Director Maria Espinoza kick off the annual JOG N JAM on Dec. 7 on the islands. FISH OF SANIBEL-CAPTIVA

we are truly honored to be represented worldwide ” S

Community House on Sanibel, the 10K and 5K races opened with greetings from Sanibel Mayor Richard Johnson and FISH

Executive Director Maria Espinoza, along with the national anthem performed by eighth grader Teagan Clark The finisher medals featured the Sanibel Lighthouse and noted the city's 50th anniversary, while the handcrafted age group awards showcased shells found on Sanibel beach-

See FISH, page 22

Sc hool boa rd dis cusse s heal thy meal opti ons

The Lee County School Board continues to ask the food services department to find healthy and fresh options for breakfast and lunch for students Board Member Jada

harsh, but they can always better their game

“Every one of ou schools should hav garden, K-12, frankly,” she said

The board members were given a sample of what is served at the schools at their meeting on Dec 10 Langford-Fleming said she entered the types food from the meal into an app she had on her phone, which showed how many carbohydrates were in the meal

“Some of these kids eat at 10:30 in the morning and are expected to sustain high


Previous Question

With recovery ongoing from the recent hurricanes, do you expect a normal snowbird/winter season?

∫ Yes, 0% (0)

∫ Maybe, 10% (1)

∫ No, 90% (9)

Current Question How did you celebrate Christmas this year?

∫ Home with family/friends

∫ Traveled/vacation

∫ Went to beach/out on boat

∫ Worked/volunteered

∫ Other

What cardiac imaging is and the main types

Cardiac imaging consists of taking pictures of the heart and surrounding structures It helps physicians learn more about a patient’s heart and take preven-

training, and it matters who looks at them Lee Health has highly trained cardiac imaging specialists on staff that help other cardiologists understand the important details about the heart and how to use this information to provide patients with exceptional care T

Institute is the largest heart program in Southwest Florida It believes in a collaborative approach to cardiac care where cardiac imaging experts work closely with the referring physician to ensure a personalized care plan that meets

HealthPark Medical Center, the Lee Health Heart Institute specializes in everything from primary and specialty care, advanced cardiac imaging, cardiac rehabilitation and more

Hear t is one of most impor tant or gans

The heart is part of the circulatory system, a network of blood vessels, including arteries, veins and capillaries, that carry blood to and from all areas of the body If the heart is weakened, the body's organs won’t receive enough blood

This is important because blood carries oxygen and nutrients that organs need to work properly and perform at an optimal level Valves in the heart keep blood flowing in the right direction and without a healthy heart, none of this would work correctly

Main types of cardiac imaging

Cardiac imagists at the Lee Health Heart Institute work to accurately identify any potential issues and take next steps based on their findings The heart is one of the most complex organs in the body There are intricacies and nuances that must be studied by a professional There are also a variety of heart imaging tests that can be ordered

Sometimes these types of imaging can be combined, such as CT and PET scans Other t i m e s , p h y s i c i a n s r e c o m m e n d a p a t i e n t undergo a variety of tests to get a full picture of the area to determine best treatment options Cardiac imaging tests include:

∫ Cardiac computed tomography (CT)

∫ Echocardiogram (echo)

∫ S i n g l e - p h o t o n e m i s s i o n c o m p u t e d tomography (SPECT) stress testing

∫ Stress echocardiography

∫ Stress MRI

∫ Cardiac MRI

∫ Coronary angiogram or l e f t h e a r t c a t h e t e r i z a t i o n (“heart cath”)

∫ Multigated acquisition (MUGA) scan

When an imaging test is recommended

When a physician orders one of these tests, they’re trying to gather essential information to treat the patient A cardiac imaging test can help determine signs of:

∫ Coronary artery disease

∫ Arrhythmia

∫ Heart attack

∫ Pediatric and congenital heart conditions such as structural abnormalities

∫ Heart failure

∫ Pericardial disease, or disease of the heart lining

∫ Heart valve disease

A cardiac imaging test can also help monitor an existing condition, monitor blood flow and check the condition of the heart

How to prepare for an imaging test

There are no risks associated with these tests However, often there are guidelines that patients must adhere to, such as:

∫ For cardiac CT scans and cardiac MRIs, jewelry should be left at home

‘Ding’ cartoon of the month

“Darling noted the beginning of every New Year, often reflecting the highlights of the past year and commenting on prospects for the coming o n e , ” w r o

C h

p h e r “Kip” D Koss in his book, “A Ding D a r l i n g S a m p l e r ” K o s s w a s t h e grandson of the great editorial cart o o n i s t , J a y N o r w o o d “ D i n g ”

Darling This global cartoon ushers out 1927 as 1928 makes a youthful entrance Here’s hoping year 2025 brings joy and prosperity to all. The “Ding” Darling Wildlife SocietyF r i e

copyright of the “Ding” Darling cartoons


angiograms, avoid foods, beverages and medications that contain caffeine

∫ For cardiac MRIs, remove hearing aids if applicable, and glasses, clips and other items that might contain metal

It’s also a good idea to tell your providers about any medical conditions; all the medications you take, including prescriptions, overt

recreational drugs; if you are pregnant; have any pieces of metal inside your body, and if you have any medical devices, such as pacemakers, mechanical valves, rods or screws implanted in your body

Echocardiogram: Hear t imaging with sound waves

An echocardiogram is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to create real-time images of the heart It provides a dynamic view of the heart's structure and function, allowing physicians to assess heart health, detect abnormalities, and monitor conditions over time

Cardiac MRI: Detailed hear t imaging

A cardiac MRI is a non-invasive scan that uses powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the heart and blood vessels This imaging service offers valuable insights into heart conditions, blood flow, and tissue health, helping physicians diagnose and manage various heartrelated issues


Dr Juan Lopez-Mattei

CCA to host Yoga Flow, Gentle Yoga classes

The Captiva Civic Association will kick off the new year by offering two types of yoga



Thursdays beginning next week, Yoga Flow will be held from 9:15 to 10:15 a m and Gentle Yoga will be held from 10:45 to 11:45 a m at the Captiva Civic Center

If you go What Yoga Flow and Gentle Yoga classes When Tuesday and Thursdays Where Captiva Civic Center, 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva Details

Cost is $29 per class or $195 per month


History Gallery remains closed for storm recovery

The Captiva Island Historical Society (CIHS) provided an update on its History Gallery

Located within the Captiva Memorial Library, the gallery is a replica of the mailboat Santiva, resplendent with artifacts and interactive multimedia The CIHS reported that it is host to several thousand visitors a year, and it is one physical manifestation of the organization's mission

The Santiva sustained damage in late September due to water intrusion into the library from Hurricane Helene and then from Hurricane Milton two weeks later in early October

The CIHS reported that after meeting with construction

the entire gallery be disassembled, salvaging what could be thoroughly dried and stored in air-

the library building


Running through April, the classes will be led by instructor Yali Zawady

“We offer these through the season for anyone to come and take a yoga class, get a good workout in, maybe try a new workout they've never tried before, and to practice mindfulness,” acting CCA Director Kathryn Sisson said “Yali will guide you through the classes, focusing on breathing and movement ”


Housed within the Captiva Memorial Library on Captiva, the Captiva Island Historical Society's History Gallery sustained damage due to water intrusion in Hurricanes Helene and Milton


news yes, but we are an organization fueled by determination, community, visitors, and caring folks just like you,” CIHS Board President Tom Libonate shared “Many have been asking how they can help ”

The CIHS is accepting gift donations to support the repair work to the History Gallery For more information or to donate, visit http://www captivaislandhistoricalsociety org/ The Captiva library is at 11560 Chapin Lane, Captiva

T h e C a p t i v a E r o s i o n P r e v e n t i o n

District reported that Seat 5 on the board of commissioners is vacant for a full term, and the office is coll t ing applications to b reviewed for appointment by the board

T h e b o a r d w i l l make the appointment at its meeting on Jan 13

The CEPD provided the following information:

Why become a commissioner?

∫ You are community-oriented

∫ You care about preserving and sustaining the environment.

∫ You recognize the benefits beach renourishment brings to both the community and your property

∫ You want to make sure Captiva is a viable and thriving community well into the future

How do I become a commissioner?

∫ Elected:

You must be a registered Captiva voter residing within the district

You are elected by the qualified electors residing within the district. Positions come up for election every two years

∫ Appointed:

If a vacancy occurs on the board due to the resignation, death or removal of a member, the remaining members may appoint a qualified person to fill out the remainder of the unexpired term

County board signs off on new emergency plan

On Dec 3, the Lee County Board of

approve a resolution adopting the Lee

y Management Plan, which details the policies and procedures the county will use in managing large-scale emergencies and disasters

The county reported that the plan must be revised and adopted on an ongoing basis It is written to be consistent with requirements in the Florida Administrative Code and established

Agency (FEMA) and Florida Division of Emergency

Yoga classes

From page 6

A vinyasa flow practice, Yoga Flow

inner-strength, postures and balance and integrate different wellness elements into the practice

“It is recommended that you have some experience with yoga,” she said Gentle Yoga is a slower-paced class

n g a n d relaxation Participants will increase their

Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101, the new standards required the entire plan to be rewritten and restructured

The last revision was due to be submitted to the FDEM shortly after the impacts of Hurricane Ian in 2022 The FDEM provided a series of extensions due to the storm impacts The state con-

received in April

The county reported that using input from the Hurricane Ian After-Action Report and Resilient Lee plan, some additional modifications were made

flexibility, body awareness and stress


“Gentle Yoga is good for any levels, whether you've never done yoga before or whether you're experienced at it,” Sisson said.

The cost is $29 per class or $195 per month

“You can either do single drop-in classes or you can get a month's pass,” she

From page 6

What is expected of a commissioner?

∫ Attendance of all monthly board meetings

∫ Attendance at the weekly briefing meeting if possible (These are often canceled and are not mandatory.)

∫ Vote on every motion in which there is no personal interest

∫ Request items be placed on the

meeting agenda, introduce motions and resolutions, and discuss subjects

∫ Attend CEPD public hearings, emergency meetings and special meetings

∫ Any commissioner can serve as an officer (chair, vice chair, secretary or treasurer) if and when elected by the other commissioners

before submitting it for final approval It included changes to the plan itself and supporting policies, which will guide county, partner and community actions before, during and after a disaster

For example, the policies supporting the ordering and communicating evacuations had significant revisions. There were also significant changes to policies on community coordination following disasters, collaborating more closely with the School District of Lee County on sheltering operations, and communicating the safety of neighborhoods after an event has occurred

To view the full plan, visit https://www leegov c


Complimentary mats will be available, but it is recommended that participants bring their own

“And arrive about 15 minutes early for check-in,” Sisson said

The community is encouraged to participate

“Yoga is always a great exercise for your body, mind and soul,” she said “Yali

∫ Commissioners serve a four-year term

∫ Commissioners receive no compensation

Any interested individuals who are eligible are encouraged to fill out the application and send their completed copy, along with their registered voter card and resume, to mycepd@mycepd com

is a wonderful instructor, and she really will encourage you to practice that mindfulness ”

To register, visit https://www ambuyoga.com/2025-classes.

For more information, visit https://ccacaptiva org/ or call 239-472-2111

The Captiva Civic Center at 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva

From Jan. 7 through April, the Captiva Civic Association will present Yoga Flow and Gentle Yoga classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Captiva Civic Center on Captiva
Hosted by the Captiva Civic Association, instructor Yali Zawady will offer Yoga Flow and Gentle Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Captiva Civic Center on Captiva


San Cap Bank announces promotion, hirings

S a n

announced the promotion of senior credit analyst Rachel Flores to vice president, as well as the hiring of Sandy Inness as residential loan operations


as a teller

Located at the Bridge Branch in Fort Myers, Flores will continue in her role analyzing financial statements, evaluating credit risk and recommending appropriate loan structures

She joined the bank in July and has nearly 20 years of experience in commercial and residential underwriting and credit analysis Flores previously held a senior credit analyst p

Southwest Florida

She graduated from the University of North Florida with a Bachelor of Science, double majoring in finance and financial services

Inness will be based out of the Bridge Branch and Downtown Branch in Fort Myers She will oversee the day-to-day operations of the residential loan operations department Inness will manage the loan coordinators and processors, while also streamlining workflows to enhance efficiency

She joins the bank with over 20 years of experience in residential loan processing, underwriting and management Inness most recently served as a senior mortgage underwriter for a large regional bank Throughout her career, she has held various roles including mortgage processing manager, loan originator, mortgage processor and trainer In her previous roles, Inness has been recognized as a top mortgage processor and honored for her exceptional customer service and leadership skills

L o c

, Donfrancesco-St Jean is responsible for assisting customers with personal and business banking transactions

She has an extensive background in retail management, real estate, restaurant operations and banking Donfrancesco-St Jean's prior roles include restaurant manager, real estate broker and, most recently, store manager for a large women’s clothing retailer

Chamber repor ts on increases, successes

SanCap Chamber President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai reported recently to the board of directors that membership numbers grew from 121 active members in 2023 to 452 in 2024

He attributed the growth to the work and dedication of the board and staff, support of the business community and value the chamber continues to provide Lai reported that the demand for the chamber's services continues to trend up, evident in the increase in web visits, Wander map downloads and foot traffic at the visitor center

He underscored the success of the new Preserving Paradise leadership program Other triumphs in 2024


Ribbon-cutting celebrates Bleu Rendezvous’ new ownership

On Dec 17, the Bleu Rendezvous French Bistro, SanCap Chamber and friends hailed the reopening of the Sanibel restaurant by two new owners

Laurence and Chef Pierre Bastien met at the Culinary School in Paris when they were teenagers, then worked for 10 years in restaurants and hotels in France before they decided to change careers Laurence Bastien opened an office design company, and Pierre Bastien served as a police officer in the motorcycle unit

“Last year, we decided to go back to the restaurant industry,” she said. “We searched for a business to buy in Florida and found last summer a French bistro for sale ”

Christian and Mari Vivet have owned the restaurant since 2015 and reopened it in a new location following

devastation by Hurricane Ian in 2022

“They wanted to get retired after 50 years of hard work and made a wonderful transition with us, freshly arrived from Paris in September, proud to continue this French story in Sanibel,” Laurence Bastien said

“And what a wonderful story it has been and will continue to be,” chamber President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai said “The Vivets have made the bistro one of Sanibel’s most well-loved restaurants Chef Christian began the tradition of authentic French cuisine, and Chef Pierre is carrying on.”

The Bleu Rendezvous French Bistro is at 751 Tarpon Road, Sanibel

Kingfisher announces top producers for month

Kingfisher Real Estate announced its top producing agents for the month of November

Sue Plein was the top selling agent She relocated to Southwest Florida in 1979, working in the mortgage industry on the beaches of Lee and Collier counties. A Realtor since 2008 and vacation rental specialist, she specializes on Sanibel and Captiva and in Lee area beaches Plein holds the Sanibel Captiva Island Specialist and the Resort and Second-Home Property Specialist designations

Valerie Tutor was the top listing agent A native Floridian, she grew up on a cattle ranch with her family in rural South Florida, as well as on Sanibel-Captiva Tutor moved to the islands full-time 12 years ago She was awarded the 2021 Realtor Community Service Award by the Sanibel & Captiva Islands Association of Realtors.

For more information, call 239-472-4411 or visit

www kingfisherrealestate com

Kingfisher Real Estate is at 2402 Palm Ridge Road, Suite 3, Sanibel

LWV of Sanibel to host luncheon program

The League of Women Voters of Sanibel will hold a citizen education luncheon program on Jan 8 from 1 1 : 3 0 a m t o 1 : 3 0 p m a t t h e Sundial Beach Resort & Spa, at 1451 Middle Gulf Drive, Sanibel

“Understanding Project 2025's Mandate For Leadership” will fea-

ture Stephen Bear, Gary Chesley and Jon Gustafson The presenters will touch on Project 2025's recommendations for a range of areas, such as the economy, education, environm

weapons and reproductive rights. The league reported that many of the architects of Project 2025 have roles in the incoming Trump admini s t r a t i o n A t t e n d e e s w i l l b e c o m e more informed about the Project 2025 master plan which, if implemented, could change the way the U.S. government works.

See LWV, page 11

Rachel Flores
The SanCap Chamber and islanders celebrate the continuation of the Bleu Rendezvous French Bistro tradition on Sanibel with a ribbon-cutting on Dec 17
Sue Plein
Valerie Tutor

VIP Realty announces top producers for month

VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva announced its top producers for the month of November

Charles Sobczak had the top sales He has listed and sold nearly 1,000 homes on Sanibel Additionally, Sobczak has sold properties in more than 80 island subdivisions and 75 condominium complexes.

Teresa Baker had the top listings She holds a degree from the University of Tennessee in merchandising and m o v e d t o S

i n 1 9 8 6

estate/Broker's license, Graduate Realtor Institute designation and Sanibel Captiva Island Specialist designation

Karen Bell and the Bell Team, which includes John Bates, Holly Peeples and Sherrill Sims, were the top producer Since 1986, Bell has been a prominent broker in the region She was recognized as the “Best of the Islands” Best Realtor in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2017 The Bell Team was recognized as the “Best of the Islands” Best Real Estate Team in 2009, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022

Bear is director emerita of McKinsey & Company. Chesley is an educator who served as the superintendent of the Bethel Public Schools in Connecticut Gustafson, a community development professional, is a retired U S Army Reserves lieutenant colonel and decorated Vietnam veteran

The cost is $30 per person, and payment by cash or check can be made at the door

Registration is requested no later than Jan 2

The league noted that the Sundial ele-

For more information, call 239-472-5187 or go to SanCapIslandRE com

VIP Realty Sanibel and Captiva is at 1560 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel

vator may not be operational by the

attending but unable to climb stairs are asked to contact lwvsanibel@gmail com to let it know If the elevator is operational before the program, the league will contact those interested

lwvsanibel@gmail com


For more information, contact Sally

revsal@gmail com

included 46 ribbon-cuttings, the return of the chamber's annual meeting and awards, p a r t n e r i n g w i t h t h

c i t y i n p l a n n i n g Sanibel's 50th anniversary, first State of the Islands and return of the Luminary Stroll

Looking ahead, Lai expressed optimism for continued hurricane recovery efforts He reported that over 42% of the hotel room inventory is expected to be a v a i l a b l e b y F e b r u a r y a n d 6 5 % b y December

Flip Side Char ters ear ns

Tripadvisor award

Flip Side Charters Sanibel and Captiva Islands ecological tour boat of o w n e r C a p t J e n n i M a u g h a n announced that it has been selected for T r i p a d v i s o r ' s 2 0 2 4 T r a v e l e


It honors travelers' favorite destinations, hotels, restaurants, things to do and beyond based on the reviews and opinions collected from travelers and diners around the world over a 12-month period.

accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently demonstrate a commitment to hospitality excellence

The only female-captained eco boat charter in Lee County, Maughan holds the U S Coast Guard Captain's license and is a Florida Master Naturalist She grew up on Captiva, where she gained years of experience navigating and exploring the Southwest Florida waters

com or contact 239-3098525

Board approves new job descriptions for school district

T h e L e e C o u n t y S c h o o l B o a r d

approved four new job descriptions for the school district one of which is an associate superintendent for adult, career, technical and alternative education at its Dec 10 meeting Board Member Debbie Jordan questioned the need for an associate superintendent, which has a beginning salary of $142,000

“I am confused why we actually need another associate superintendent,” she said, adding that she hears from the com-

munity that the district is “top heavy ”

“We are the ones responsible for these job descriptions,” Jordan said

Superintendent Dr Denise Carlin said one of the very top priorities of the community is to ensure they have more support, particularly around trades

“Our community is loud and proud of the extreme need of students to come out of school and enter jobs I know that multiple people approached me of having resources available,” she said of such things as internships and externships “If we were doing a great job in this area, we

See BOARD, page 22

Capt. Jenni Maughan
Gary Chesley Jon Gustafson
Charles Sobczak Teresa Baker
The Bell Team of Sherrill Sims, Holly Peeples, Karen Bell and John Bates



Do not miss out on Go Wild for “Ding” on Feb. 12 to support the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge.

DDWS reports on refuge programming and more

The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge provided the following updates for the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, at 1 Wildlife Drive, Sanibel:

∫ The refuge's free Winter Programs will run from Jan. 6 through April 5. Daily guided activities include everything from birding walks to a nature photography workshop and beach walks

∫ The free Winter Lecture Series will take place on select Thursdays from Jan 9 through March 13

∫ The deadline for the “Ding” Darling-Theodore Cross High School Photography Contest is Jan 15

∫ Wellness in Nature is planned for Jan 23-26

∫ Go Wild for “Ding” is set for Feb 12, with the theme “Dreaming of White Pelicans ”

∫ The “Ding” Darling Day Conservation Carnival is scheduled for April 26 at Lakes Park in Fort Myers

∫ The 13th annual “Ding” Darling & Doc Ford’s Tarpon Tournament will take place on May 9

The J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's free Winter Programs will begin on Jan 6 and run through April 5

Foundation (SCCF) reported that new

intern Hadas Hacohen is excited to get her hands dirty and dig into South Florida's flora

Growing up next to a state park in

Research associate joins SCCF Marine Lab

Foundation (SCCF) reported that Amy Oxton recently joined the Marine Lab as a research associate

A Fort Myers Beach native, she has

ecosystems that surrounded her Oxton holds a Bachelor of Science in natural

Science in fisheries and aquatic Sciences from the University of Florida Her gradu-

effects of a toxin produced from blue-green algae on juvenile blue crabs

After graduating, Oxton worked as a field technician on a variety of projects from northern Wisconsin to Puerto Rico Upon returning to Southwest Florida, she spent several years in second-

ary education teaching biology and marine science to diverse populations of students

“I am thrilled to join the SCCF Marine Laboratory so I can contribute to research on the waterways that shaped my childhood,” Oxton said

As a research associate, she will conduct field and lab research on existing lab projects and join the team to write proposals to fund new research projects.

“She will develop and refine lab protocols, mentor interns, and help manage both grant-funded and long-term water quality a

Director Dr Eric Milbrandt said “Her interests align well with our focus on tracking the status and trends of important habitats, such as mangroves, oysters and seagrass ”


l Adopt-A-Mangrove Adoption Day of the season on Dec 11 at the B a i l e y H

n Sanibel Through five events, it managed to distribute 772 baby mangroves to 113 homes across Southwest Florida. The primary aim with the initiative is to impart the

North Carolina state, her love of flora has been lifelong In May, Hacohen graduated

University of North Carolina, where she focused her studies on ecological biodiversity research and North Carolina's native flora

coastal islands by actively engaging with the community After three to six months of growth, the seedlings are returned to Coastal Watch to be planted at one of its local restoration sites “By adopting and nurturing m

directly contributing to the health and resilience of our coastal ecosystems,” Director Kealy Pfau said “This program not only restores critical habitats, but fosters a deeper connection between residents and the natural world we all depend on ” For more information about the program, visit https://sccf.org/adoptamangrove/

This summer, Hacohen interned at a wildlife center, where she spent time fleshing out its native plant education materials and removing invasives Now, she is

Amy Oxton

Bailey Tract to temporarily close

The J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge reported that the Bailey Tract on Tarpon Bay Road will be closed during the month of January for trail enhancements to increase accessibility to the Mindfulness and Ani Pond trails Home to the first ever U S Fish and Wildlife Service Mindfulness Trail, the renovations will include resurfacing with fine rock and gravel and level-

ing and widening the trail Federal funding comes from the Great American Outdoors Act and Hurricane Ian disaster supplemental funds The Free Winter Programs at the tract starting on Jan 6 will be postponed until it reopens For updates, visit https://www facebook com /dingdarlingrefuge

Historical village to expand hours

From Jan. 7 through April 30, the Sanibel Historical Museum and V i l l a g e w i l l b e o p e n T u e s d a y through Saturday from 10 a m to 4 p m at 950 Dunlop Road, Sanibel Admissions will be sold until 3 p m ; cost will be $15 for ages 19 and older. From now through Jan. 4, a special $10 admission is being offered for adults Annual membership levels begin at $40; member benefits include free admittance. The Village Gift Shop located in Shore Haven is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p m ; no admission is required For more information, visit www sanibelmuseum org or contact 239472-4648 or info@sanibelmuseum.org.

FDOT provides update on causeway project

The Florida Department of Transportation reported that crews have moved traffic to the permanent lanes on the Sanibel Causeway The causeway islands surrounding the temporary roadway are an active work zone and closed to public access, including from the water. Expect limited work activities over the holidays No new lane closures are scheduled

The following work activities above are scheduled to occur However, unforeseen underground conditions and weather may affect the schedule:

East from toll plaza

∫ Motorists should continue to expect the outside eastbound travel lane of McGregor Boulevard to remain closed from the toll plaza to approximately 3/4 miles east The shoulder on McGregor remains fully closed to access Crews were scheduled to pave the area last week The contractor is scheduled to stabilize the shoulder in early 2025

∫ Outside of the holidays, motorists can continue to expect temporary daytime flagging on McGregor, both eastbound and westbound from Shell Point Boulevard to Punta Rassa Road, for crews to move equipment and materials as necessary.

West from toll plaza

∫ Crews will begin removing the barrier wall along the Causeway Islands in preparation for final asphalt The Causeway Islands Park remains closed to public access

∫ Lee County is installing a post and rope system to temporarily delineate pedestrian traffic on the Causeway Islands during the upcoming recreational facility reconstruction

∫ Motorists should expect traffic to be intermittently stopped at the staging area entrance as equipment crosses the road with materials for work on the south side of McGregor and on the south side of the toll plaza

∫ The westbound merge location is west of the toll plaza Motorists are urged to use caution and obey the 20 mph speed limit Construction vehicles and equipment continue to enter/exit the staging area near the location

∫ Crews continue work in the area of the offisland U-turn under Span A

Many oversized vehicles are crossing the causeway to assist with recovery efforts on the island Please be patient as travel may be slower than usual Bicyclists are encouraged to utilize another mode of transportation to travel the causeway and pedestrians are not permitted on the causeway Motorists are reminded to obey the posted speed limit of 20 mph throughout the work zone

For more information about the project, visit www swflroads com/SanibelCauseway

Brooks and Capt Scott Hamilton

Sanibel FlyFishers holds meeting

The Sanibel FlyFishers welcomed Capt Scott Hamilton, of Palm Beach, as its guest speaker at a recent meeting A specialist in fly fishing for pelagic species, he shared his knowledge and expertise During his presentation, Hamilton also showcased an assortment of his own hand-tied flies The club meets on the second Thursday of each month. For more information, visit https://www sanibelff org/


Isl and lIvIng

SPD releases weekly blotter

The Sanibel Police Department is committed to keeping the community safe and secure To support that effort, a weekly police blotter will be issued to include recent information about law enforcement response to criminal activity

Other enforcement actions

∫ On Dec 17, a records check during a traffic stop revealed the driver did not have a valid Florida driver’s license. The driver was subsequently issued a notice to appear for driving with a suspended license Arrangements were made to remove the vehicle from the scene

∫ On Dec 17, a traffic stop was initiated on a vehicle for excessive speed The driver was subsequently issued a notice to appear for never having a driver’s license issued and warnings for speed and expired vehicle registration The vehicle was left on private property

Enforcement operations statistics

From Dec 17-24:

∫ Alarm calls (business and residential): 5

∫ 911 non-emergency calls: 13

∫ Traffic crashes: 4

∫ Radar details: 61

∫ Traffic stops: 40

Citations issued: 9

Written warnings issued: 2

Verbal warnings issued: 29

∫ Residential area checks: 438

∫ Business area checks: 204

∫ Total area checks: 937

∫ Reported burglaries: 0

∫ Reported thefts: 0

∫ Total CAD calls: 1,198

December to date:

∫ Alarm calls (business and residential): 24

∫ Non-emergency calls: 44

∫ Traffic crashes: 9

∫ Radar details: 235

∫ Traffic stops: 167

Citations issued: 52

Written warnings issued: 6

Verbal warnings issued: 112

∫ Residential area checks: 1,369

∫ Business area checks: 661

∫ Total area checks: 3,087

∫ Reported burglaries: 1

∫ Reported thefts: 2

∫ Total CAD calls: 4,054

Impor tant reminders

The 2025 Annual Beach Parking Permits are available at the Sanibel Recreation Center and are valid through Nov 30 The 2024 permits have expired and will need to be renewed by purchasing a 2025 permit.

Roadside parking is not allowed on Sanibel and is enforceable with a $150 fine

When leaving Sanibel, motorists are encouraged to travel east on Periwinkle Way In order to minimize the number of vehicles driving through residential neighborhoods and increase traffic flow, priority is being given to vehicles eastbound on Periwinkle Motorists using Bailey Road southbound, Lindgren northbound and Periwinkle westbound may experience additional delays as traffic flows are adjusted for efficiency

Sanibel library offers range of programs and topics

The Sanibel Public Library provides a variety of programming for adults and children

Children's Book Bingo will be held on Jan 2 from 1 to 2 p m Appropriate for ages 3 years and older, the program only requires matching skills Snacks and prizes will be provided

On Jan 3, Family Storytime for ages 5 and under will take place from 10:30 to 11 a m Sing, read, question and move around during the stories, followed by early literacy centers of play to flex minds, motor skills and creativity The program will include an art/craft center

Mario Kart Gaming Tournament will be held on Jan. 3 from 1 to 3 p m Youths can test their Mario Kart skills against fellow gamers There will be prizes for first, second and third place winners Snacks will be provided


Baby & Toddler Storytime and Playdate will be held on Dec 7 at the Sanibel Public Library

Mangroves and Resiliency will be held on Jan 6 from 10 to 11 a m Conservancy of Southwest Florida biolo-

See LIBRARY, page 15

Registration to open for youth camp

The Sanibel Sea School has a free Community Camp coming up Open to ages 6-13, “Living Fossils: Horseshoe Crabs” will be held on Jan 20 from 9 a m to 4 p m at its flagship campus, at 455 Periwinkle

W a y , S a n

s have been crawling along ocean floors for over 500 million years, l

around Campers will discover why they are more closely related to scorpions and spiders than crabs and embark on a quest to spot one scurrying by They will learn how to identify their track, create fossils and more Registration will open on

Jan 6 at 10 a m It will also open for camp Counselors in Training (CITs), ages 13-17 For

Weeds ‘n’ Seeds plant walk planned

The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) will host a Weeds 'n' Seeds plant walk on Jan 6 at 9 a m at the Shipley Trail, at 1300 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. Participants will look for plants that did well in the recent storm surges and make note of how they survive in the challenging and changing environment They will also walk the trail to the SCCF's Native Landscape & Garden Center for a look at its demonstration gardens It will last one to two hours; meet in the parking lot No reservations or fees are required Participants are encouraged to wear proper footwear for walking through mud/water and vegetation For more information, visit https://sccf org/events-programs/weeds-n-seeds/

Membership applications are avail-


gist Vanessa Booher will give a presentation that will cover the types of mangroves and how they are important in a changing world.

On Dec 7, Baby & Toddler Storytime and Playdate will take place from 10:30 to 11 a m Open to ages 4 and under, babies and their caregivers will take part in a short story time, sensory play, literacy activities and more

Virtual Reality Reef Tour will be held on Jan 7 from 11 a m to noon Explore a vivid underwater world full of sea life with Coral Reef, Whale Encounter, and Deep Sea Experience Open to ages 10 and older, the HTC Vive VR experience is five to 10 minutes One user per session; first come, first served

On Jan. 7, R.E.A.D. to Rizzo will take place from 3 to 4 p m Participants will practice reading and reading out loud with Rizzo, a trained Reading Education Assistance Dog (R E A D ) therapy dog Registration is


From page 14

I n f o r m a t i o n f o r t h e S a n i b e l B o a t

R a m p :

∫ P a r k i n g a n d b o a t l a u n c h i n g f e e

i s $ 4 0 p e r d a y

∫ P a r k i n g a n d b o a t l a u n c h i n g o n

w e e k e n d s a n d h o l i d a y s i s w i t h A C / B C

p e r m i t o n l y

∫ C o m m e r c i a l u s e i s p r o h i b i t e d

∫ F i n e s f o r v i o l a t i o n s a t t h e b o a t

r a m p a r e $ 5 0 0 . S o l i c i t a t i o n i s n o t a l l o w e d o n

S a n i b e l P l e a s e s h a r e a n y p h o t o s o f s o l i c i t a t i o n h a n g t a g s t o

p o l i c e @ m y s a n i b e l c o m o r u s e

T i p 4 1 1

required by contacting sgafgen@sanlib org

Footprints in The Sand: Memories of Ukraine will be held on Jan. 8 from 10 to 11 a.m. Participants will join Konstantin and Tatiana Tadenev as they look at the tragedy of the present war through the lens of their family

On Jan 8, Creative Writing Program will take place from 1 to 2 p m Attendees can bring their work to share and get feedback on, workshop their ideas, and have some dedicated time to work on new writing prompts and projects The program is welcome to all ages, but caters towards an adult audience

Crafternoon will be held on Jan 8 from 3 to 4:30 p m Open to ages 3 and older, participants will make a work of art. A variety of craft supplies will be available, along with examples and guidance

For the most up-to-date information, visit the calendar at https://sanlib org/

Repor ting suspicious activity

A n o n y m o u s t i p s r e g a r d i n g c r i m e s

o r s u s p i c i o u s a c t i v i t y c a n b e s u b m i tt e d v i a T i p 4 1 1 :

∫ T e x t t h e k e y


t i p t o 8 4 7 4 1 1 ∫ W e b t i p s c a n b e s u b m i t t e d a t h t t p s : /

From Jan 3 at 9 a m through Jan 10 at 5 p m , the library will take registrations for its Author Series event with David Grann on Feb. 11. Utilizing a “lottery system” procedure, those selected to receive tickets will be notified with more information by the email provided during registration For more information or to register, visit www sanlib org or call 239-472-2483

Library cards are available to residents of Sanibel and Lee County at no charge Visitor library cards are available for a $10 annual fee

The library is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a m to 8 p m and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a m to 5 p m It will be closed today, Jan 1, for the New Year's holiday

For more information, call 239-472-2483 or visit https://sanlib org/

The Sanibel Public Library is at 770 Dunlop Road, Sanibel


Recreation center provides update on activities, events

The Sanibel Recreation Center reported on upcoming programs and activities

The New Year New You Health Fair will take place on Jan 4 from 9 a m to 1 p m

True Tours will present “A Historic Glimpse of Fort Myers” on Jan 4 from 2:30 to 3:30 p m The presentation will encompass a deep look into the history of Fort Myers A local historian will explore the city's past, offering a view of the local Southwest Florida area Refreshments will be provided Cost is $ 1 0 f o r m e m b e r s a n d $ 1 2 f o r n o n - m e m b e r s Registration is required

In addition, Sanibel Beach Parking Permits for residents/property owners and non-residents/non-property owners are available for purchase at the center, along with Sanibel Dog Licenses

New and current members can call 239-472-0345 or stop by the front desk for help with setting up their CivicRec account A variety of memberships, passes and punch cards are available

The center is open on Mondays through Thursdays from 7 a m to 7 p m , Fridays from 7 a m to 5 p m and Saturdays from 8 a m to 5 p m It will be closed today, Jan 1, in observance of the New Year's holiday

For more information about fitness classes and a c t i v i t i e s o r t o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t https://secure rec1 com/FL/sanibel-fl/catalog

For questions, call 239-472-0345

The Sanibel Recreation Center is at 3880 SanibelCaptiva Road, Sanibel

Youth Soccer league taking registrations

Sanibel Sports is signing up ch coed Youth Soccer league on the is Open to ages 5-13 prekinderg through eighth grade the winter son will start the week of Jan 13 a run through March Practices will b held on Tuesdays or Thursdays based on the volunteer coaches' schedules; games will take place on Friday evenings. All practices and games will be held at the Sanibel Recreation Center fields All players will need shin guard and proper footwear Each team w have some soccer balls, and it is s gested that each player has their soccer ball of proper size

is $85 per player r registration will close on Jan 3 r more information or to register, t www SanibelSports org In addition, Sanibel Sports is in eed of volunteer coaches; background checks will be required For more information about volunteering, contact Tim Drobnyk at 239-281-3530 or drobnyk@comcast net

The Sanibel Recreation Center s at 3880 Sanibel-Captiva Road, nibel

Motor club to hold monthly event

The San Cap Motor Club will hold its next Cruise-in on Jan. 5 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Periwinkle Place Shops, at 2075 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Coffee and donuts will be provided The event is open to the public; no registration is required For more information, visit https://www sancapmotorclub com/

Holidays hours for refuge, TBE and more

The J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's Visitor & Education Center, Refuge Nature Store, Bailey Tract, and refuge and “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge (DDWS) offices will be closed today, Jan 1, for New Year's Day Wildlife Drive and Tarpon Bay Explorers (TBE) will remain open The gate times for Wildlife Drive are 7 a m to 5:30 p m daily, but closed on Fridays The refuge is at 1 Wildlife Drive, Sanibel. TBE is at 900 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel

Audubon Society to host bird walk

The Sanibel-Captiva Audubon Society will hold a bird walk on Jan 4 at 8 a m at Bunche Beach, at 18201 John Morris Road, Fort Myers It will last about one and a half to two hours Appropriate dress is recommended to accommodate for weather, terrain or insects No reservations are required; parking fees may apply A $5 donation is welcome and appreciated For more information, visit https://sancapaudubon org/ or contact san capaudubon@gmail com


are designed to be accessible to beginning enthusiasts and experts alike

The first session on Jan 7 will prepare attendees to become a Museum Shell Ambassador volunteer and educate and engage with beachgoers and fellow shellers The classes will include:

∫ Jan 7: “Shell Ambassador Certification,” taught by Associate Director of Education Jorden Falker, curator and Science Director Dr José H Leal, and marine biologist Jessie Macaluso

∫ Feb 17: “Marine Biology and Beach Field Lab,” taught by Falker and marine biologist and Collection Assistant Chris Whitt

∫ Feb 26: “Sleuthing with Shells,” taught by Leal

∫ March 29: “Paint and Sip in the Galleries,” taught by artist Laura Ball

The classes will be held at the museum

For times, full descriptions and registration information, visit ShellMuseum org/classes

The expanded program of field education will include shell, mollusk and biodiversity explorations on beaches, coastal ecosystems and natural areas on the islands and throughout Lee County Some programs will feature a community science aspect, whereby attendees will make observations in the field and record data that contributes to scientific research The field programs will include:

∫ Snail Search and Biodioveristy Walks: Jan 16, Feb. 7 and March 24 at various natural areas throughout Lee County

∫ Sunrise Shell and Mollusk Strolls: Jan 29, Feb 12 and March 27 at the Lighthouse Beach Park on Sanibel

∫ Live Mollusk Counts: March 11 and May 25 at various beach locations

For times, full descriptions and registration information, visit ShellMuseum org

This season's Lecture Series will feature talks by prominent authors and scientists, including:

∫ Jan 22: “Picturing Paradise: From John James Audubon to the Florida Highwaymen” by Keri Watson,


Organized by the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium on Sanibel, Live Mollusk Counts will be held on March 11 and May 25 at various beach locations

University of Central Florida

∫ Feb 13: “Shellfish Aquaculture in Florida: Its Status and Potential in a Rapidly Changing State” by Stephen Hesterberg, Ph D , executive director of the Gulf Shellfish Institute

∫ March 13: “Exploring the Atlantic Canyons: Searching the Deep Ocean for Cephalopods and Other

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium on Sanibel will present a “Paint and Sip in the Galleries” class on March 29

Collections and Curator of Mollusks at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science

∫ April 3: “The Rise, Fall, and Renewal of New York Harbor’s Oysters” by author Mark Kurlansky

The lectures will be held at 5:30 p m at the museum For full descriptions and registration information, visit ShellMuseum org/in-person-lectures

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium is at 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel


President Emily Ankerson and Sanibel City

Manager Dana Souza

Kiwanis holds meeting with speaker

The Sanibel-Captiva Kiwanis Club welcomed Sanibel City Manager Dana Souza as its guest speaker at a recent meeting He provided insights into the city's recovery efforts following the recent storms, highlighting the determination of the community His presentation was both informative and inspiring. The club meets on Tuesdays at 8 a m at The Dunes Golf and Tennis Club, at 949 Sand Castle Road, Sanibel For more information, visit www sanibelkiwanis org

Healthy meal

From page 1

academic achievement throughout the day,” she said, adding that too many carbohydrates make both children and adults tired

Board Chair Sam Fisher said he has three kids in the district who eat school meals every day

The presentation showed examples for breakfast Pop Tarts and donuts, but a healthier version a K-12 line, which means they have to be whole grain, lean protein and lower in fat and sodium

“It’s still a Pop Tart, donuts How can we do better?”, he asked, adding that for some kids, school is where they get their main meal

District Food & Nutrition Services Coordinator Amy Carroll said the nutrition standards are set forth by the U S Department of Agriculture (USDA) She said there are limits on calories and fats, and beginning next school year, sugar has to be kept within certain restraints

“There are weekly requirements that we have to meet,” Carroll said

She said when they had to move all meal services to the curve during COVID, there was not prepackaged hot breakfast protein items available

“These items are way too high in sugar,” Carroll said “Over the past couple of years, our biggest request is to


From page 1

es that were donated by TCH The Kids Fun Run ended the morning, with nearly 30 participants receiving a finisher ribbon and ice cream coupon.

The evening festivities took place at the 'Tween Waters Island Resort & Spa on Captiva, where the band Funk You delivered a beach concert that was accompanied by a fireworks display Shuttle service and overflow parking were included, with the resort providing the food and beverages for attendees

Committee Co-chair Diane Cortese

From page 11

would have been meeting those needs We d o h a v e a n e e d f o r l e a d e r s h i p a n d resources in this area ”

Staff asked to provide plan for school board advisory committees

At its meeting on Dec 10, the school board tasked School District of Lee County staff with coming back with a preliminary plan for board advisory committees, as they are currently suspended

Deputy Superintendent Dr Ken Savage asked the board at what point do they resume or make revisions to the current policy in regards to committees He said the final decision rests on the board

“How do we ensure the district and the board have diverse levels of information and board input that is truly data driven,” he said

The recommendation from staff is to keep the District

‘give us more hot items with protein ’ We are getting more into that ”

She said they are looking into semi-scratch cooking verses heat and serve

“It’s a lot of training Training and baby steps Maybe next semester we can go to two semi-scratch menus,” Carroll said F

Messenger said the breakfast requirements must offer at least five items including fruits, vegetables, grains, meat/meat alternative and milk She said students must take at least three items, including a half cup of fruit or vegetable

The same stands for lunch A school lunch example includes whole grain chicken nuggets, whole grain dinner roll, reduced-sodium tater tots, apple slices and 1% white milk

In addition to free breakfast and lunch, the school district also provides super snacks, an after school snack and supper

Messenger said there are 43 schools enrolled for the super snacks, six for after school snacks, 16 for supper and eight community sites for the after school snack program

highlighted the improvements for the 2024 event, including expanded sponsor involvement, a team competition and raff l e b a s k e t d

FISH's gratitude to the sponsors, volunteers, participants and raffle donors who made the event possible

“We are deeply grateful for the outstanding sponsorships from businesses both on and off the islands,” Cortese said “Their generosity and commitment were truly unmatched, particularly during disaster recovery, and we couldn’t have done

said the person will be out in the community 90% of the time.

Advisory Committee (DAC) and School Advisory Committee (SAC) going

“That would be a recommendation we know we can support,” Savage said. “Those are pretty well established.”

Board Chair Sam Fisher said the issue is finding people to sign up, as well as operational issues with the committees themselves

“DAC committees have been very successful,” he said “The participation has been extremely tough, especially trying to recruit people Some of the committees went off track ”

Board Member Jada Langford-Fleming said DAC is a great umbrella to serve all the committees She said she has

See STAFF, page 23

Interactive guide to open businesses

The SanCap Chamber has a list of open businesses on Wander: Maps & Navigation The GPS-enabled interactive map also pinpoints beach accesses, bike parking areas and the user's relative location Points of interest can be filtered by seven categories Users can download the app from the Apple App Store and Google Play They can also access the map online at tinyurl com/sancapwandermap

She said the super meal is a more substantial meal, but also simple to serve as a snack

“We have feedback from the schools that they were concerned the students did not receive enough food with after school snack,” Messenger said

The school district is getting back to serving fresh fruit and vegetable bars This is partially made possible through the 14 school gardens located around the district Carroll said last year the gardens produced a little more than 17,000 pounds of vegetables

“The goal is to get them to consistently be able to furnish their cafeteria with that produce and continue to expand,” she said

There was also discussion about vending machines in schools

Carroll said some of the items include Coke and Takis, while others provide water

“They are not to be turned on until 30 minutes after the end of the school day We are finding they are on all day We don’t run the vending machines,” she said of the food services

machines is an opportunity for the district to explore

it without them ”

The net proceeds from JOG N JAM will support the programs and services offered by FISH.

“We are extremely proud of everyone who has helped us with this year’s JOG N JAM,” Espinoza said “We would like to thank our committee members and LinMark Sports for their superb technical direction and assistance for the race registration, timing and results, as well as concertgoer sales ”

“We also owe a huge thank you to

gap between the business community and the school district.

everyone who helped us raise the funds that will allow us to continue to provide a full range of social services and disaster recovery assistance to our neighbors,” she added “We couldn’t ask for better support from the city of Sanibel, police department, service organizations, our sponsors and, notably, our great staff and volunteers ” For the race results, visit https://runsignup com/Race/Results/146120#result SetId-517206;perpage:100

The position of the associate superintendent is for that person getting out into the community and garnering resources and contacts Carlin said they have wonderful career academies, but there are so many resources that are untapped She

“I anticipate this person will be bringing in much more resources than the salary we are paying them It’s a win-win situation It’s going to be a cost positive for us,”

Board Member Armor Persons said

Board Member William Ribble agreed that this is a key position as there is a big

“I totally support this function,” he said “I don’t think you can put a price tag on the return you will get for this ” The other job descriptions approved include transportation supervisor, transportation coordinator, and safety, security and fleet operations chief

Carlin said the next process is to look line by line and discover those must “todos” and “nice to-dos ” She said the nice to-dos will be put at the wayside

“One of the things they care about is the future of our children,” Carlin said “We don’t have enough resources behind this work and that is why I am bringing this forward ” Board

Cardiac imaging

Nuclear cardiology:

Evaluating hear t function

Nuclear cardiology tests involve injecting a small amount of radioactive material into the bloodstream to assess heart function and blood flow to the heart muscle These tests help physicians diagnose heart diseases, evaluate treatment options, and determine the effectiveness of interventions, providing crucial information for personalized heart care

Cardiac CTA scan:

Closer look at hear t

A cardiac CTA scan, or computed tomography angiography, offers a noninvasive way to create detailed 3D images of the heart and its blood vessels This service is instrumental in detecting coronary artery disease, assessing blood flow, and evaluating overall heart health. A CTA scan is often used to determine the need for further interventions or to monitor heart conditions

When to see a cardiologist

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consider sharing them with your pri-

From page 22

served on several committees and attendance is a huge issue

Langford-Fleming said it is important to give back time to staff to do what is really important

“For the last six years I have been here we have been trying to figure out what the committees are supposed to do,” Board Member

From page 4

mary care physician to help determine best next steps:

∫ A feeling like your heart is racing very fast

∫ Feeling like you might faint

∫ Shortness of breath that’s worsening

∫ Chest discomfort or bad indigestion that’s not going away

∫ Swelling in the legs

∫ Noticeable weight gain

Adults with a family history of heart disease should consider visiting a cardiologist in their twenties or thirties to make sure all is well with their heart health and to develop a plan for how frequently they should come back for a check-up

Younger adults who do not have a family history but want to make sure they’re heart healthy should discuss a plan with their primary care physician who can refer them to a cardiologist if needed

To learn more about cardiac imaging or to make an appointment with a cardiologist, visit https://www leehealth org/our-services/cardiology/cardiac-imaging

Dr Juan Lopez-Mattei is the medical director of Cardiac Imaging for the Lee Health Heart Institute For more information, visit https://www leehealth org/

Debbie Jordan said “The committees were supposed to be here for us What would we like them to work on because they were on our advisory boards We kind of failed as a board to try to figure out what we would like these committees to help us and give us the tools.”

S a n i b e lC a p t i v a I s l a n d e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 , 2 0 2 5 ■ P a g e 2 6

New Year ’s resolutions that are easy to keep

N o w t h a t w e ’ r e i n t o 2 0 2 5 , i s n ’ t i t t i m e y o u

r e v i e w e d a l l t h e N e w Y e a r ’ s r e s o l u t i o n s y o u m a d e

d u r i n g y o u r i n e b r i a t e d s t a t e o n N e w Y e a r ’ s E v e ?

W e r e n ’ t s o m e o f t h e m a

b i t t o o a m b i t i o u s a n d

t r u l y o u t o f r e a c h ?

W h a t ’ s t h e p o i n t o f m a k i n g N e w Y e a r ’ s r e s -

o l u t i o n s t h a t y o u k n o w y o u ’ l l n e v e r k e e p ? I s n ’ t i t f r u s t r a t i n g t o c o n s t a n t -

l y m a k e t h e s a m e g o o d -

i e - g o o d i e r e s o l u t i o n s o v e r a n d o v e r l i k e t h i s y e a r y o u w o n ’ t e a t

d e s s e r t s o r i n s u l t y o u r m o t h e r - i n - l a w ?

W e l l , t h i s c o l u m n ’ s f o r y o u , m y f r i e n d .

H e r e ’ s a l i s t o f N e w

Y e a r ’ s r e s o l u t i o n s y o u

c a n p l a n f o r 2 0 2 5 w h i c h

y o u a b s o l u t e l y w i l l b e a b l e t o k e e p

Rec center and partners to present New Year New You Health Fair

The island community will have the chance this weekend to kick off 2025 in a healthy way

In partnership with Lee Health and the Sanibel Captiva Business Women's Association, the city of Sanibel's Recreation Department will present the New Year New You Health Fair on Jan 4 from 9 a m to 1 p m at the Sanibel Recreation Center It will feature educational booths and health screenings

“Preventive healthcare plays an important role in maintaining optional overall health,” Recreation Services Supervisor Gabby Cooper Angeles said, explaining that the fair will also bring residents and reopened on-island businesses back together after the recent storms “It's a free community event ”

There will be more than 25 educational booths and screenings, plus two screening buses with walk-in availability. Each booth will have educational materials, with some offering free onsite screenings

“Some of the booths will have information on lung cancer, information on chiropractic care,” she said “We'll have the Sanibel Police Department with a medicine disposal drop-off box Island Wellness Pharmacy will be available to talk about medications ”

Other participants will include Barre Roots, FISH of Sanibel-Captiva, GenesisCare, Humana, the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Lee Health's Sanibel Primary and Walk In Care, Sanibel Pilates & Spa, Rachel Tritak of the Island Therapy Center, and United Way 211.

If you go


New Year New You Health Fair

When Jan 4 from 9 a m to 1 p m


Sanibel Recreation Center, 3880 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel Details

Free and open to the public

∫ S i n c e r e d w i n e i s c o n s i d e r e d b y h e a l t h

e x p e r t s a m e a n s t o a h e a l t h y h e a r t , I r e s o l v e t o c o n -

s u m e t e n g l a s s e s a d a y u n t i l I ’ m i n a h e a l t h y s t u -

p o r ∫ I w i l l a s k e v e r y M i n n e s o t a T w i n d u r i n g t h e i r s p r i n g t r a i n i n g i n L e e C o u n t y i n M a r c h w h y t h e y

c a n ’ t b e a t t h e N e w Y o r k Y a n k e e s w h e n i t c o u n t s .

∫ I r e s o l v e t o e a t b l a c k e n e d p i z z a

∫ I w i l l j o i n t h e P o l a r B e a r C l u b t h i s y e a r i n i t s a n n u a l r i t u a l o f m a n h o o d a n d p r e p a r e b y r e m o v i n g i c e c u b e s f r o m m y m a r t i n i a n d s t r a t e g i c a l l y p l a c i n g

t h e m o n v a r i o u s p a r t s o f m y b o d y

∫ I ’ m g o i n g t o s t a r t s m o k i n g t h i s y e a r

∫ I ’ m g o i n g t o g a i n f i f t y p o u n d s

∫ T h i s i s t h e y e a r t h a t I ’ m f i n a l l y g o i n g t o

e m b e z z l e f u n d s f r o m m y b o s s ’ s b u s i n e s s

∫ I ’ v e p u t o f f s p l a s h i n g g r a f f i t i o n m y n e i g h -

b o r ’ s h o u s e m u c h t o o l o n g a n d I p l a n t o d o i t t h i s y e a r .

∫ I p r o m i s e t o r a i s e m y c h o l e s t e r o l c o u n t t o t i t -

i l l a t i n g l e v e l s

∫ I r e s o l v e t o b e c o m e m o r e s e d e n t a r y u n t i l m y

w a i s t l i n e i n c r e a s e s b y s i x i n c h e s

∫ I p l a n t o p r a c t i c e a e r o b i c s b y h o l d i n g m y

b r e a t h

∫ I p l a n t o s n u b m y n i e c e o n h e r s w e e t s i x t e e n

c e l e b r a t i o n a s a s t e p p i n g s t o n e t o a c l e a n b r e a k w i t h m y e n t i r e f a m i l y

∫ I p l a n t o r o o t f o r t h e B r i t i s h o n J u l y f o u r t h

∫ I p l a n t o f a i l m y s t r e s s t e s t

∫ I p r o m i s e t o r a i s e m y b l o o d p r e s s u r e t h i s y e a r .

∫ I p r o m i s e t o i n c l u d e t e n “ h a v e a n i c e d a y ”

d u r i n g a t h r e e - m i n u t e c o n v e r s a t i o n w i t h t h e n e x t p e r s o n I m e e t

∫ I p r o m i s e t o g i v e u p m y v o l u n t e e r w o r k a t t h e p i z z a r e h a b f a c i l i t y

∫ I p r o m i s e t o l i t t e r t h e s t r e e t s

∫ I p r o m i s e t o h o n k m y h o r n i n f r o n t o f t h e

S a n i b e l P u b l i c L i b r a r y

∫ I p r o m i s e t o s e n d C h r i s t m a s c a r d s t o t h e f i r s t s i x t e e n U S p r e s i d e n t s I f y o u c a n k e e p e v e n h a l f o f t h e s e N e w Y e

Jesi Crane of Northwestern Mutual will offer financial health, Alice Jeromin will cover veterinary medicine, and Lee Health's Healthy Life Center will have physician information The Sanibel Skin Spa will do chair massages, and Sanibel Wellness will have energy strength testing and chair massages

“Lee Health will be offering body composition screenings Fleet Feet will offer foot screenings,” Angeles said “Greg Walsh with Sanibel Chiropractic will offer screenings, and the Sanibel Fire and Rescue District will be doing free blood pressure screenings ”

In addition to the body composition screenings, Lee Health will offer lung cancer screening for attendees Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers of Sanibel will provide balance screenings

The 3D Mobile Mammography Bus and On Spot Dermatology will have mobile screening services

“They would like people to make an appointment, but they will also take walk-ins,” she said

Additionally, the rec center will offer the following classes:

∫ Chair Yoga with Lorna at 9 a m

∫ Cycle Zone with Ginger at 9 a m

∫ Functional Strength & Endurance with Ginger at 10:30 a m

∫ LaBlast with Tracy at noon

“The Sanibel Recreation fitness instructors will be offering free classes,” Angeles said

Attendees will need to complete a wavier at the front desk

The community is invited to stop in

“We encourage the community to come out and take advantage of the preventive measures, such as the early detections and screenings,” she said

To make an advance appointment with the 3D Mobile Mammography Bus, visit 3DMobilemammography com or contact 844-546-5871 for more information

To make an advance appointment with On Spot Dermatology, visit onspotdermatology com/cityofsanibel or call 941-444-0011

For more information about the event, contact the rec center at 239-472-0345

The Sanibel Recreation Center is at 3880 SanibelCaptiva Road, Sanibel.


January at The Community House, at 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Three years in the making, the wildlife-inspired collection features over 40 works that capture the heart of Sanibel's birds, animals and natural landscapes. Created through a technique of poured paint, it celebrates the wildlife that calls the island home An opening reception will take place on Jan 3 from 4 to 6 p m It will feature live music, drinks and hors d’oeuvres, and attendees will have the chance to meet Roberts The event is free, but tick-

https://MyraRobertsReceptionatTCH eve ntbrite com The public can view the artwork on Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The original paintings will be available for purchase For more information, visit online or contact TCH at 239-472-2155


Entry by Maya Calkins, a student at Fort Myers High School in Fort Myers

Annual car toon contest entries judged

The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge reported that to honor the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's namesake, Pulitzer-winning political cartoonist and conservationist Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling, the annual “Ding” Darling Conservation Cartoon Contest is held with local schools This year, 12 schools submitted more than 400 entries, which were judged by refuge staff and visitors on Dec 4 “That’s the most schools we’ve had participate in the 20-year history o f

Westland said “The contest provides an engaging platform for students to express their thoughts on conservation through the art of cartooning It aims to inspire future g e n e r a t i o n s t o t h i n k c r i t i c a



The Children's Education Center o f t h e I s l a n d s o n S a n i b e l announced the recent completion of a $70,000 renovation to its only building, Thompson Hall Funded

by a grant from The Sanctuary Golf C l u b F o u n d a t i o n , r e s i l i e n c y improvements were added to the historic building, including impact windows, hardie board siding and g u t

s h a d

n immediate impact on the community, allowing the school to withstand the impacts of Hurricanes Helene and Milton and reopen quickly

ISL AND HOME islander


Bird’s nest fern is not really for birds

Bird’s nest fern (Asplenium nidus), from the Polypodiaceae family, is a plant straight from the rainforests of tropical Asia that thrives in low light c

too much light or direct light will cause the fern to yellow and wither, making it a perfect plant

shady area of the yard

The fern is an epiphyte, which means it can grow in very little soil Ideally, it can be g

attached to a tree or rock with just a small amount of planting medium Attaching the fern to a fibrous slab and wiring to a tree trunk with copper wire or planting it in a pretty pot, it lends tropical flair to any indoor or shaded area

Bird’s nest fern is named for the way the interior leaves slowly unfurl from the center. The entire shape of the fern loosely resembles the shape of a bird’s nest It has wide shiny leaves with ruffled edges in a beautiful shade of bright green

The fern can reach a height of 2-4 feet and be about as wide, but it does grow slowly

Like many ferns, the plant is not drought tolerant and likes consistently moist soil, but not overly saturated Fertilizer should only be applied a couple times a year with a water-soluble fertilizer mixed at half strength Do not pour fertilizer into the center of the plant, but rather around the outside in the soil Too much fertilizer can cause discoloration and deformed leaves

The ferns go naturally well with orchids, bromeliads and other moisture-loving, low light plants If you have an area that is shaded, try a bird’s nest fern and maybe some orchids for an instant tropical rainforest look or plant one in a pretty pot as a dramatic specimen

In The Garden is provided by In The Garden, at 3889 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel For more information, contact 239-395-5859 or visit www facebook.com/rswalshinthegarden.

City committee to offer guided plant walk

The city of Sanibel's Vegetation Committee will offer a free, guided native vegetation and landscaping tour on Jan 8 at 9 a m around the grounds at City Hall, at 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel

Even though the grounds sustained damage from Hurricane Ian and other recent storms, the ongoing recovery of the demonstration garden provides an opportunity to witness groundcovers, shrubs and trees that require very little maintenance and are well-adapted to Sanibel's environmental conditions

In addition to providing information on proper planting and care of native vegetation, committee members will highlight the two rain gardens that were recently restored by the city, in partnership with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Master Gardeners Program

The plantings, sponsored by a grant through the Florida Wildflower Foundation, were selected due to their ability to improve water quality, reduce stormwater runoff and replace wildlife habitat resources

Registration is not required; meet in front of the main

For more information, contact the Natural Resources Department at sandnr@mysanibel com or 239-472-

City: Storm debris pickup finished

On Dec 21, the city of Sanibel reported that hu ricane debris pickup has been completed

“A huge thank you to property owners for properly sorting debris curbside as the city's contractors worked to complete the debris pickup operation,” it reported

The city added that as of now, property owners should follow the normal trash, recycling and vegetative waste collection procedures. For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 239-472-6397

FEMA opens Disaster Recovery Center in county

FEMA recently opened a Disaster Recovery Center in Lee County to p

Floridians affected by Hurricanes

Hurricane Debby survivors

The center is located in Building A

History, at 8099 College Parkway, Fort Myers The hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 7 a m to 7 p m

FEMA does not distribute cash at Disaster Recovery Centers Centers are accessible to people with disabil-

ities or access and functional needs and are equipped with assistive technology

Survivors do not need to visit a Disaster Recovery Center to apply for assistance Survivors are encoura

DisasterAssistance gov or by downloading the FEMA app

H o m e o w n e

a n d r e n t e

m a y also apply by phone at 800-6213362 The lines are open daily and help is available in most languages Those who use a relay service, captioned telephone or other service can

give FEMA their number for that service For an accessible video on how to apply for assistance go to F E M A A c c e s s i b l e : A p p l y i n g f o r Individual Assistance on YouTube. To find other center locations, visit fema gov/drc or text “DRC” and a Zip Code to 43362

For Milton recovery information, visit fema gov/disaster/4834

For Helene recovery information, visit fema gov/disaster/4828 For Debby recovery information, visit fema gov/disaster/4806

SCIAR hosts annual auction, par ty

The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Association of Realtors (SCIAR) recently hosted its 27th Annual RPAC Auction and Party, which featured a live auction with online and in-person bidding. The proceeds will support the REALTORS Political Action Committee (RPAC) SCIAR reported that RPAC is a vital force in the real estate industry, enabling Realtors to advocate for policies that protect homeowners, property rights and the real estate market Event supporters were: Constance Davidson Interior Design, Heidrick & Company Insurance, Pfeifer Realty Group, Private Client Insurance Services, Rosier Insurance, Sanibel Captiva Community Bank, SERVPRO of Sanibel/Captiva Island/Ft Myers Beach, Superior Title and VIP Realtors as platinum sponsors; Bank of the Islands, Mason Mortgage Advisors and Simmons and Cook as gold sponsors; and AccuCheck Home Inspection Services as a bronze sponsor SCIAR thanked the donors who contributed to auction, along with the committee members, RPAC/Water Quality Committee and Affiliates & Special Events Committee.

Brendan Albright.

staircase at City Hall
left, Sanibel & Captiva
Bird’s nest fern

Recipe of the Week: Risotto alla Milanese with Gorgonzola Cheese and Swiss Chard

You can feel the bursting flavor of Milano when you prepare this classic dish (I have to confess that my first attempt at preparing risotto was a terrible disaster! I was just married and I did not take into consideration the fact that the rice expands when cooked I ended up with enough rice to feed an army and enough sauce for only two portions ) Serves eight (Chef tip: Make sure to taste the risotto as you go and adjust the seasoning accordingly )

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for finishing risotto

2 cups Swiss chard, chopped

1 shallot, finely diced

2 cups uncooked Arborio rice

1/8 teaspoon crushed saffron threads

CROW Calendar

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife's Visitor Education Center, at 3883 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, will present the following:

∫ Thursday, Jan. 2

Program of the Week at 11 a m

The presentation will be “CROW ”

∫ Friday, Jan 3

Program of the Week at 11 a m

The presentation will be “If You Care, Leave it There.”

∫ Monday, Jan. 6

Program of the Week at 11 a m

The presentation will be “Snakes of Southwest Florida ”

∫ Tuesday, Jan. 7

Program of the Week at 11 a m

The presentation will be “A Day In The Life ” Speaker Series at 4 p m

A m e r i c a n I

Museum Director Bob Myers will present “The All-American Rattlesnake” in-per-

son and via Zoom Cost is $10 To regis-


∫ Wednesday, Jan. 8

Program of the Week at 11 a m


Admission is $12 for ages 13 and older, $7 for ages 4-12 and free for ages 3 and under.

In addition, CROW offers a Wildlife Walk Hospital Tour on Mondays through F

Limited to 12 people; participants must be age 10 or older The cost is $25 per person; advanced registration and payment is required To register, contact 239-4723644 ext 229 or reservations@crowclinic org


http://www crowclinic org/ or call 239472-3644.

God’s ‘State of the World’ address

A few years ago, on the occasion of her receiving the National Book Award for Lifetime Achievement from the National Book Foundation, the acclaimed writer Annie Proulx offered what came to be described after as a “State of the World” address

Proulx began her remarks by lamenting current conditions, pointing out “repetitive murders by gunmen filled with rage,” “flickering threats of nuclear war,” “a population dividing into bitter, tribal cultures,” “the accelerating destruction of the natural world ” With the tone of that opening, I wouldn’t be surprised if the leaders of the foundation had soon started shifting uncomfortably in their seats as their hopes for a celebratory day started slipping away

writer of Proulx’s rare abilities plagiarized them, but in my mind, heart and imagination, I have heard that “State of the World” address before From God

We don’t get those exact words from God in the Bible, but what Proulx expresses is the exact message of Christmas At Christmas, God, while lamenting the state of the world as it was, still had tender feelings for notions like truth, honor, justice and sharing God still held hope for a happy ending So God sent Jesus into the world as both the embodiment of those notions, and as inspiration for humanity to believe in and grasp for that happy ending

1/2 cup dry white wine

5 cups chicken stock

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 teaspoon white pepper

4 tablespoons freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano 1/4 cup Gorgonzola cheese, crumbled

Melt butter in a 12-inch skillet Cook Swiss chard and shallot until transparent Add rice and saffron Stir until coated, about two minutes Add wine, 1/4 cup at a time, stirring until it evaporates

Slowly add 1/2 cup of hot stock at a time while stirring Always keep the rice moist Cook the rice for 25 minutes over medium heat or until “al dente ” Five minutes before the rice is finished cooking, stop adding the broth to allow the rice to absorb all the liquid.

At the end of the cooking time, when risotto is “al dente,” stir in butter, salt and white pepper Place rice in buttered serving dish, sprinkle with Parmigiano and Gorgonzola cheeses, and serve immediately

Island Worship

∫ Bat Yam Temple of the Islands 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel (Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ), https://www batyam org/, https://www facebook com/batyamsanibel/ Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer

Sabbath service on Friday at 7 p.m. and via Zoom. Torah (Bible) Study on Saturday at 10 a m and via Zoom For Zoom links, email batyamsanibel@gmail com

∫ Captiva Chapel by the Sea 11580 Chapin Lane, Captiva, 239-472-1646, https://www captivachapel com/, www facebook com/Captiva-Chapel-By-The-Sea Rev Dr Doug Dortch

In-person service on Sunday at 11 a m through April Services will be videotaped and posted on the chapel's website and Facebook page Services from the past season can also be found online

∫ Chavurat Shalom of Southwest Florida P O Box 722, Sanibel, www chavuratshalomofsouthwestflorida org

Shabbat service on Friday at 7:30 p m Torah Talk on Tuesday at 7:30 p m There are also speakers, discussions and informal “schmoozes.” For Zoom links, email ChavuratShalom@gmail com

∫ Sanibel Community Church 1740 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-2684, https://sanibelchurch com/, https://www facebook com/sanibelchurch/ Pastor Jeramie Rinne

Sunday service at 10 a m in the Sanctuary Services will be recorded and posted on the SCC's YouTube channel

∫ Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-0497, https://www sanibelucc org/, https://www facebook com/sanibelucc/ Senior Minister Rev Dr Mark Boyea

Sunday service at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

∫ Saint Isabel Catholic Church 3559 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, 239-472-2763, https://www saintisabel org/, https://www facebook com/stisabelcatholicchurch/ Father Edward Martin

Friday Mass at 9 a m Saturday Vigil Mass at 5 p m Sunday Mass at 10 a m

∫ Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-2173, https://www saintmichaels-sanibel org/, https://www facebook com/saintmichaelssanibel/ Rev William “Bill” Van Oss

Saturday service at 5 p m in the Sanctuary, with a social to follow Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a m , with socials to follow; services are available via livestream and the link on the website.

BIG ARTS Calendar

But instead, it was Proulx’s address that soon did the shifting

“Yet somehow,” she continued, “Old values and longings persist We still have tender feelings for such notions as truth, respect for others, honor, justice, and sharing We still hope for a happy ending The happy ending still beckons, and it is in the hope of grasping it that we go on ”

We won’t find it anywhere in the Bible, and I would never remotely imply that a

For those of us in the Christian spiritual tradition then, it seems fitting that the beginning of each New Year so closely follows Christmas As the start of each New Year tends to be a time when we resolve to live in better ways, it is also an opportunity to once again commit to the happy ending that God's “State of the World” address at Christmas reminds us is possible through the example and inspiration of Jesus

The Rev Dr Mark Boyea is senior minister at the Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ.

BIG ARTS, at 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, will present the following:

Ar ts Workshop

Glass Fusing with Petra Kaiser will be held on Jan 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 9:30 a m to 12:30 p m Cost is $135 for donors and $168 for non-donors The deadline to register is today, Jan 1

Ar ts Workshop

Glass Fusing with Petra Kaiser will be held on Jan 9, 16, 23 and 30 from 9:30 a m to 12:30 p m Cost is $135 for donors and $168 for non-donors The deadline to register is today, Jan 1

Ar ts Workshop

Mosaic Mania with Nancy Mayhew will be held on Jan 10, 17, 24 and 31 and Feb 7 and 14 from 9:30 a m to 12:30 p m Cost is $168 for donors and $210 for non-donors The deadline to register is Jan 3

Film Series

“Io Capitano” (2023) will be shown on Jan 6 at 7 p m Tickets are $12

Ar ts Workshop

Capturing The Beauty Of Nature In Watercolor with Christine Reichow will


Loretta Paganini
Rev Dr Mark Boyea Faces on Faith


Cajun Kitchen, 1473 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel

RC Otter's Island Eats, 11506 Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva

islandBEAT islander

The Santiva Islanders will present the following:

Breakfast Club

Santiva Islanders Calendar

Breakfast Club will be held on Jan 2 from 9 to 10

a m at Jerry's Cafe, at 1700 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Attendees will order and pay individually For more information, contact Dan Hopta at 978-239-4612.

Social Bridge

Social Bridge will be held on Jan 2 from 1 to 3:30 p m at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Cost is $5 For more i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t B r y a n t K o r n a t bryantekorn@gmail com

Social Mahjong

Social Mahjong will be held on Jan 2 from 1 to 3:30 p m at Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, at 2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel.

The Community House Calendar

The Community House, at 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, will present the following:


Hear ts Club

The Sanibel Hearts Club will meet on Jan 3 from 1 to 3 p m Beginners to experts are welcome to participate and play the card game No reservations are required Suggested donation of $5


The Shellcrafters will meet on Jan 6 from 10 a m to 1 p m in the lobby A shell crafting class will take place at 10 a m ; it is free and supplies range from $510 Items will be available for sale All sales benefit the operations of TCH

Painting With Friends

Painting With Friends will take place on Jan 8 from 9 a m to noon New painters welcome Bring your own supplies Cost is $10 donation at the door

Shell Critter Kits are available for purchase in a variety of different options Cost is $5 per kit with all of the supplies included, except for glue. Order them in-person at TCH or call 239-472-2155

TCH office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a m to 3 p m

For more information, visit www sanibelcommun i t y h o u s e . n e t o r c o n t a c t 2 3 9 - 4 7

bfundy4648@gmail com

Cardio & Strength

Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength on Jan 3 from 10 to 11 a.m. at Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ, at 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members

Cardio & Strength

Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength on Jan 6 from 10 to 11 a m at Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ, at 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members

Walking Group

The Santiva Islanders Walking Group and Sanibel

Bicycle Club will gather on Jan. 8 from 9 to 10 a.m. to explore the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation's Shipley and Pond Apple trails on Sanibel Meet in the front parking lot of the Bailey Homestead Preserve, at 1300 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel; free parking Afterward, participants can meet for breakfast and coffee at The Lighthouse Cafe, at 1020 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel

Cardio & Strength

Mahnaz Bassir will host Cardio & Strength on Jan 8 from 10 to 11 a m at Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ, at 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Bring water and a towel; no mat is required Light weights may be brought Cost is $5 per class and $60 per month for members or $10 per class and $120 per month for non-members

The Santiva Islanders serve all adult islanders and visitors, regardless of age. The cost is $25 for an annual membership The Island Seniors raise funding to help defray the cost of the program activities

For more information, visit https://santivaislanders org/ or contact santivaislanders@gmail com

be held on Jan 13-14 from 9:30 a m to 2:30 p m Cost is $196 for donors and $245 for non-donors The deadline to register is Jan 6

Ar ts Workshop

Representing The Human Form: Figure & Portrait with Mary Klunk will be held on Jan 13-14 from 9:30 a m to 3:30 p m Cost is $172 for donors and $215 for non-donors The deadline to register is Jan 6

Ar ts Workshop

Alcohol Ink Artistry with June Lanza will be held on Jan. 13-14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $144 for donors and $180 for non-donors The deadline to register is Jan 6

Lecture Series

Ar ts Workshop

Silk Painting with Deborah Zwetsch will be held on Jan 15 from 10 a m to 1 p m Cost is $76 for donors and $105 for non-donors The deadline to register is Jan 8

Ar ts Workshop

Tape It Up: Mixed Media Sculpting with Jeff Ocasio will be held on Jan 15 from 10 a m to 1 p m Cost is $52 for donors and $65 for non-donors The deadline to register is Jan 8

Registration is required for workshops by calling 239395-0900 For more information or tickets, visit www bigarts org or call 239-395-0900

The FORUM will be held on Jan 8 at 7:30 p m , with a livestream option available Akhil Reed Amar will speak on “The Words That Made Us Should the Constitution Be Amended for the 21st Century?” Tickets are $55 for adults and students are free

Dunes Golf and Tennis Club, 949 Sand Castle Road, Sanibel
Rosalita's Cantina, 975 Rabbit Road, Sanibel
Tutti Pazzi
Kitchen, 1200 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel
Cost is $5. For more


From left, PrivateSky Aviation Services Chief Executive Officer Victoria Julia Wolanin, Operations Manager Dominick DeDominicis and Chief of Staff Michael W. Eagan.

Local business suppor ting students

PrivateSky Aviation Services in Fort Myers celebrated the season with cakes from the Termini Bros Bakery in South Philadelphia, while raising money for the Rockin' Christmas Fund Founded and chaired by Sanibel resident Vincent M Wolanin, the company along with the Wolanin family and Wolanin Companies matched all donations up to $1 million The Rockin' Christmas Fund raises funding to help students who suffered the sudden loss of a parent with their education costs


Pfeifer Realty Group members with, center, Charitable Foundation of the Islands Board Chair Chip Roach, Executive Director Dolly Farrell and Pfeifer Realty owners Mary Ellen and Eric Pfeifer CFI presents sponsor

Islands announced that the Pfeifer Realty Group is the presenting sponsor for its Volunteer Expo on Jan 16 from 4 to 7 p m at The Community House, at 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Over 40 organizations and community groups have regis ter ed to tak e p ar t; p ar ticip an ts w ill receive a raffle ticket at check-in for a chance to win prizes For more information or to register, visit https://www char-

volunteer-expo or contact events@sancapcfi org

The Sanibel-Captiva Art League's 49th Annual Juried Art Show is on display from now through Jan 26 in the Dunham Family Gallery at BIG ARTS, at 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel The theme is “The Color of Air,” and it is open to broad interpretation All of the artwork is available

SCAL annual exhibit on display

Tis the night before Christmas in our underwater house,

Not a crumb left over for even a mouse,

We’re dining on food stamps this Christmas night

In our remodeled kitchen, our Euro delight

The extension we added to help entertain

Still cluttered with posters from Kamala's campaign

Tis the night before Christmas in Florida’s Southwest,

Not a bank that survived will lend or invest

The stores are all open till the stroke of midnight

In hopes a late shopper will come into sight

Portfolios still hang with their stocks stripped bare


While Republicans dream of repealing health care

The home equity we tapped has completely run dry,

But the rich keep getting a bigger slice of the pie,

And like rats returning to a sinking ship,

They’ve auctioned the condos we once planned to flip

I’ve cut down on Viagra as has Mom on Botox

We’ve sent back to Comcast our new cable box

That cruise round the world seems far off tonight

As we lie down in darkness to save on the light,

Waiting like children for the clatter and click

Of someone downstairs who won’t be Saint Nick

Joe Pacheco

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