BamCore’s “ultra-sustainable” structural framing systems was brought to Babcock Ranch in December with D.R. Horton showcasing the method to construct new homes ./PHOTO PROVIDED
Innovative home constr uction method comes to Babcock Ranch
Story by Meghan Bradbury
BamCore’s “ultra-sustainable” structural framing systems was brought to Babcock Ranch in December with D R Horton showcasing the method to construct new homes
"This collaboration aligns well with our commitment to innovation and sustainability BamCore's products have been tested to Miami-Dade standards and have proven to be a hurricane-approved product that offers us a way to build stronger, more energy-efficient homes while reducing our carbon footprint Initial assessments suggest we could see thermal performance improvements of up to 55% compared to traditional framing methods," said Justin Robbins, D R Horton's Southwest Florida Division president, in a prepared statement
BamCore Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer Zack Zimmerman said they supplied the material to D R Horton for the Palmetto Landing subdivision at Babcock Ranch
“As we speak, they are just about done building the structure,” he said of a first demonstration of the method
T h e a d v a n c e d p r e f a b r i c a t e d f
BamCore were used by D R Horton to construct all structural walls and roofs The work began at 8:20 a m and it was almost done at 11:30 a m
FirstSource constructed all structural walls and trusses
The event herald in the first of five homes to be built in Southwest Florida They have built as far north as Washington and as far west as Maui, as well as a bunch of states that fill in between
“The first house was built in 2010, but we have gone through multiple generations with each one better than
the predecessor,” Zimmerman said, adding that now they have product lines for a single-story home to a 5,000square-foot apartment complex
BamCore, headquartered in Ocala, has pioneered an advanced panelized solution, which is said to be unbelievably strong
“It is a wood-based system, but we use fast, renewable product eucalyptus, pine and bamboo,” Zimmerman said “Our envelope is very high performing – a lot less interior framing than you have in a normal wood wall ”
The material is thermally better than block, he said
“Our panels, once insulated, have an R value ranging between 17 for a 2x4 assembly up to 27 for a 2x6 assembly that you would have in traditional wood framing and block,” Zimmerman said
The species that they select for their material has a good structural capacity, as well as rejuvenated life due to the speed in which it grows, bringing a large sustainable story to the industry He said they are doing their best to address its footprint by reducing the carbon footprint for homeowners
“We are supplying to the nation’s largest builder (D R Horton), not because we are going to cost them more money, but because we can do it for the same, or in some instances less,” Zimmerman said, adding that they like to think they offer a better product as far as carbon footprint
The material has shown quite an impact on the homeowner’s energy bills, he said, with an average of $125 to $150 per month Zimmerman said the thermal efficiency comes from the amount of installation put in
The acoustics of BamCore is also phenomenal, he said,
He said working with Babcock founder Syd Kitson has been a phenomenal opportunity
“Really what we want people to understand is that even though this is not block, it’s just as good, if not any different, better,” Zimmerman said
He said it has been tested to Miami Dade standards,
and they are finishing up their certification
“We are happy to report that with ease we have passed testing up to 170 mph with ease in D, which is single family,” Zimmerman said. “We are working on our classification for hospitals and police stations as well ”
Kitson & Partners President and Chief Investment Officer Tom Hoban said they started having conversations with BamCore several years ago regarding their technology
“We are not homebuilders, we are developers A lot of our homebuilder partnerships are the ones to help us to create innovative opportunities,” he said “D R Horton took a strong leadership role to bring them in and cultivate that relationship ”
Hoban said they have been very open book on how important innovation is to Babcock Ranch. With the new innovation on the homebuilding side it provides a more sustainable product and provides more storm resilience
“The more we at Kitson bring these types of companies into the fold at Babcock Ranch, the better off we will be in the industry,” Hoban said, adding that when added national builders into the mix, it can be scaled pretty quickly “We are not talking about a small builder; we are talking about D R Horton trying to build 100,000 homes a year ”
With BamCore’s superior product, stronger resiliency, and sustainability it is a win-win for everybody
“There is better thermal capabilities, more sound reduction It should be a better experience for homeowners and residents,” Hoban said “Innovation is important, and sustainability is important, but not at the expense of safety, quality, and security Enhance the overall experience, I think that is what BamCore is doing – superior product from conventional methods The more you can do that with alternative material, process – stronger resilience, sustainability – that’s when you start to move the needle across the sector ”
Christopher Alan Homes receives five honors at the 2024 Lee BIA Industr y Awards
Christopher Alan Homes recently received five awards from the Lee Building Industry Association at the 2024 Industry Awards
The Lee BIA Industry Awards honor individuals, companies and projects at the top of Southwest Florida’s residential home building and commercial construction industry who make superior contributions in sales, marketing, design and outstanding achievement
“Christopher Alan Homes’ numerous wins highlight its dedication to industry excellence and delivering exceptional value with its homes and customer service,” officials said
The builder-owned company received the following awards:
∫ Best Electronic Presentation for the Creekside Run at Babcock Ranch e-brochure
∫ Best Interior Design – Single-Family for the Magnolia model in Creekside Run at Babcock Ranch
∫ Best Sales Center/Office for the Creekside Run at Babcock Ranch sales center
∫ Residential Sales Manager/Director of the Year for Carlos Gilkey, director of sales for Christopher Alan Homes
∫ Title Insurance Salesperson of the Year for Nicole Tansey, title manager at CAH Title
Lee BIA is a not-for-profit trade organization representing the building industry in the regulatory arena for Lee, Hendry and Glades counties The Lee BIA is chartered by the National Association of Home Builders and is an affiliate of the Florida Home Builders Association. It is comprised of over 400 companies involved in every aspect of building and creating a thriving community for a growing Southwest Florida For more information, visit bia net
About Christopher Alan Homes
Headquartered in Fort Myers, Christopher Alan Homes is a builder-owned company that builds on individual homesites in Charlotte, Sarasota and Lee counties in Southwest Florida and Palm Bay on Florida’s East Coast Home Builder Executive ranks the company 59th in the
top 100 private homebuilders by closings nationally and 84th in the top 100 public and private homebuilders by closings nationally Zonda ranks the company 91st in its annual Builder 100 list For more information about Christopher Alan Homes, visit christopheralanhomes com or call 321-926-4929
community connection
Happy New Year 2025
Another New Year to make our lists of goals and resolutions Some we keep and some we don’t I am hoping to get a vacation this year sometime, it’s been a few years as many of you can relate with the hurricanes and life in general sounds good to many of us
January is a busy month and the NFMCA is hitting the floor running Our inaugural Touch A Truck along with the Lee County Parks and Rec at the Lee Civic Center on Jan 4 turned out to be just what the kids needed to burn off a little energy from the holidays before returning to school after the holiday break.
It is not too late for you to nominate and present a Community Service Award to a person in your life who has been there for you or for your community, your neighborhood or before that day a stranger Please join us in rewarding these heroes on Jan 22, at 6:30 p m at the NFM Recreation Center located behind the NFM Library
We are starting a new year and are accepting
new memberships, our Board of Directors election, we are always looking for those of you who would like to help your community, this is a good place to start What do you get in return? So much more than a cup with our name on it, you get the satisfaction of making a difference in someone’s life in a good way
Make sure you stop by and say hello to us at the SWFL Ag Expo, the NFMCA will be hosting the Beer Garden, we look forward to seeing you and saying hello We will be right next to the band Definitely a good time to be had by all And while you are there check out the new digital scale in the livestock barn that the NFMCA helped to purchase for all in Lee County to use
I would like to jump back just a second into 2024 and say to every person who has supported the NFMCA in all our endeavors from Easter Eggs to swimming at the NFM community pool Saturday Splash, school shoes for 70-plus students to start school, four scholarships and so much
the pulse
more We could not do these things without the generosity of our community, and we thank you
This year with the help of our community we also are proud to say we were able to collect, wrap and deliver more than 65 gifts to our veterans
We were able to collect, and hand deliver by Santa himself over 500 toys and gifts to children in our community Along with a Christmas parade made up of volunteer elves and Santa and Mrs Claus Let’s not forget Rudolph, who made his debut this year, all 8 5 feet of him pulling the sleigh. We do this for everyone. It’s a good warm feeling to know that you have made someone’s day just a little brighter It is a humbling experience for sure
Toni Hill President NFMCA
A better way to fund Law enforcement –Transparency, fairness, and accountability
W h e n I t h i n k a b o u t t h e ro l e o f g o v e r n m e n t , I
a m re m i n d e d o f a p r i n c i p l e t h a t P re s i d e n t
R e a g a n o f t e n c h a m p i o n e d : t ru s t b u t v e r i f y We
t ru s t o u r i n s t i t u t i o n s t o w o r k f o r t h e p e o p l e ,
b u t w e m u s t a l s o e n s u re t h a t t h e y o p e r a t e
t r a n s p a re n t l y a n d f a i r l y I t i s w i t h t h i s i n m i n d
t h a t I p ro p o s e a n e w a p p ro a c h t o f u n d i n g l a w
e n f o rc e m e n t i n o u r c o u n t y : c re a t i n g a d e d i c a t -
e d M u n i c i p a l S e r v i c e Ta x i n g U n i t ( M S T U ) f o r
t h e S h e r i ff ' s O ff i c e
T h i s i s n ’ t j u s t a b o u t d o l l a r s a n d c e n t s i t ’ s
a b o u t t ru s t , f a i r n e s s , a n d g i v i n g v o t e r s t h e
t r a n s p a re n c y t h e y d e s e r v e
Why We Need a Law
Enforcement MSTU
O u r S h e r i ff ’ s O ff i c e p ro v i d e s a n e s s e n t i a l s e r v i c e : p ro t e c t i n g o u r f a m i l i e s a n d k e e p i n g o u r n e i g h b o rh o o d s s a f e B u t o v e r t h e y e a r s , f u n d i n g f o r t h e S h e r i ff ' s O ff i c e h a s g ro w n s o r a p i d l y t h a t i t o f t e n c o n s u m e s n e a r l y a l l t h e n e w re v e n u e g e n e r a t e d b y o u r c o u n t y ’ s g ro wi n g t a x b a s e T h i s f o rc e s u s a s c o m m i s s i o n e r s t o h o l d o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s f l a t o r e v e n m a k e c u t s , a ff e c t i n g e v e r y t h i n g f ro m e m e rg e n c y s e r v i c e s t o p a r k s a n d f u n d i n g ro a d p ro j e c t s t h ro u g h o u r
G ro w t h I n c re m e n t F u n d ( G I F )
T h i s i s n ’ t a b o u t w h e t h e r t h e S h e r i ff ’ s O ff i c e d e s e r v e s a d e q u a t e f u n d i n g i t a b s o l u t e l y d o e s
I t ’ s a b o u t c re a t i n g a f a i r a n d t r a n s p a re n t w a y t o m a n a g e t h o s e f u n d s s o t h a t e v e r y d e p a r t m e n t i n o u r c o u n t y h a s a c h a n c e t o t h r i v e , n o t j u s t s u r v i v e
Transparency for Taxpayers
O n e o f t h e m o s t c o m m o n q u e s t i o n s I h e a r a s
a c o m m i s s i o n e r i s : “ H o w c a n y o u a p p ro v e t h e
S h e r i ff s p e n d i n g s o m u c h t o p u t h i s n a m e o n
a l l o f t h o s e c a r s ? ” T h e t ru t h i s , w e a s c o m m i s -
s i o n e r s d o n ’ t g e t t o a p p ro v e o r e v e n s e e e x p e n s e s a t t h a t l e v e l o f d e t a i l O n c e t h e
S h e r i ff ' s b u d g e t i s a p p ro v e d , h o w t h o s e f u n d s
a re s p e n t i s e n t i re l y a t t h e d i s c re t i o n o f t h e
S h e r i ff
C re a t i n g a d e d i c a t e d M S T U f o r l a w e n f o rc e -
m e n t d o e s n o t m e a n a n i n c re a s e i n t a x e s I t
s i m p l y c re a t e s a n e w l i n e i t e m o n y o u r b i l l , s o
y o u h a v e a c l e a r p i c t u re o f h o w m u c h o f y o u r
p ro p e r t y t a x e s g o t o t h e S h e r i ff ' s O ff i c e A n d
f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e , v o t e r s c o u l d a s k t h e S h e r i ff d i re c t l y a b o u t s p e c i f i c e x p e n s e s , f ro m p a t ro l c a r
b r a n d i n g t o e q u i p m e n t p u rc h a s e s , h o l d i n g t h e o ff i c e a c c o u n t a b l e i n a m e a n i n g f u l w a y
Fairness Across the Board
A n M S T U w o u l d n ’ t j u s t b e n e f i t t a x p a y e r s ; i t w o u l d a l s o a l l o w t h e S h e r i ff ' s O ff i c e t o p l a n i t s
b u d g e t m o re i n d e p e n d e n t l y, w i t h o u t c o m p e t i n g w i t h o t h e r v i t a l c o u n t y s e r v i c e s M e a n w h i l e ,
o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s w o u l d n o l o n g e r b e f o rc e d
t o m a k e s a c r i f i c e s e v e r y t i m e l a w e n f o rc e m e n t
c o s t s r i s e T h i s a p p ro a c h l e v e l s t h e p l a y i n g
f i e l d a n d e n s u re s f a i r n e s s i n h o w w e a l l o c a t e
o u r re s o u rc e s
A Vision Rooted in Accountability and Trust
R o n a l d R e a g a n a l s o re m i n d e d u s t h a t g o ve r n m e n t ’ s f i r s t d u t y i s t o p ro t e c t t h e p e o p l e , n o t t o ru n t h e i r l i v e s T h i s p ro p o s a l d o e s e x a c t -
l y t h a t i t p ro t e c t s t a x p a y e r s b y g i v i n g t h e m a d i re c t l i n e o f s i g h t i n t o h o w t h e i r m o n e y i s s p e n t I t p ro t e c t s f a i r n e s s b y b a l a n c i n g t h e
n e e d s o f a l l c o u n t y s e r v i c e s A n d i t p ro t e c t s o u r
c o m m u n i t y b y e n s u r i n g t h a t l a w e n f o rc e m e n t h a s t h e d e d i c a t e d f u n d i n g i t n e e d s t o k e e p u s
s a f e
T h i s i s n o t a b o u t p o l i t i c s ; i t ’ s a b o u t g o o d g o v e r n a n c e . I t ’ s a b o u t c re a t i n g a s y s t e m w h e re
e v e r y o n e t a x p a y e r s , c o m m i s s i o n e r s , a n d t h e
S h e r i ff ’ s O ff i c e c a n w o r k t o g e t h e r w i t h c l a r i t
Brian Hamman Lee County Commissioner, representing District 4, which includes parts of North Fort Myers
Affordable housing community for seniors coming to North Fort Myers
Story by Meghan Bradbury
Hermosa North Fort Myers is the first new construction affordable housing community within unincorporated Lee County in more than 15 years
ReVital Development Group President Michael Allan said what’s more, it is the first affordable housing community to be built in North Fort Myers in more than 30 years and the first development to utilize Florida’s Live Local Act for the creation of affordable housing.
“Without the support of Lee County’s staff and elected officials, Hermosa would not be possible,” he said “ReVital Development Group is developing Hermosa North Fort Myers II in partnership with Birdsong Housing Partners and the Lee County Housing Authority, and will be the team’s third affordable housing community developed together in Lee County over the past two years ”
The Lee County Board of County Commissioners approved $39 2 million in Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funding early December with two projects in North Fort Myers to receive funds
Hermosa North Fort Myers II, located at 16301 N Cleveland Ave , received $5 25 million in CDBG-DR funding The project’s total cost is $28 million for 88 multifamily units This project is for senior housing for those 62 years old and older
“The funding allows us to develop more affordable housing units than we otherwise would be able to,” Allan said. “On the local and national level, the need for affordable housing is outpacing the amount of available affordable units A large factor for this is due to the expiration of the com-
pliance period for existing affordable housing units; meaning units that are currently designated as affordable can be converted to market rate upon the end of the compliance period ”
He said essentially, they are losing affordable housing at a rate faster than they can create them
“We’re committing Hermosa to a 99-year affordability period, basically in perpetuity To achieve this, we need to enhance the design and construction standards to ensure a sustainable and resilient community for the long-term, which this funding assists to accomplish,” Allan said
The property will include both one- and twobedroom units There will be a total of three units for 30% AMI, nine for 40% AMI, and 76 at 60%
Allan said they started construction on the initial phase – 72 units – in mid-November The second phase will begin at the end of 2024
“We’re closing on the construction financing within the next two weeks, with construction commencing shortly thereafter,” Allan said
He said although they use a lot of data when considering their developments, they knew affordable housing is a dire need.
“Hermosa is located with HUD identified Qualified Census Tract, a designated certified by HUD for census tracts that have greater than 50% of households with incomes below 60% AMI, or have a poverty rate of 25% or more,” Allan said
“The median age is 67, and veterans make up approximately 25% of the population within the census tract. The area is surrounded be great resources within close proximity ”
He said Hermosa will provide a safe, affordable and sustainable housing option for the area’s seniors earning up to 60% of the area’s median income, with a preference provided to veterans
“Residents will also benefit from the associated social and economic improvements that come with such a great project Prioritizing senior housing is critical as we continue to see more and more older adults on fixed incomes struggle to keep up with rising costs of housing and living,” Allan said.
Bayshore Pines, 361 Bayshore Road, the other project in North Fort Myers will receive $17 mil-
lion in CDBG-DR funding The project has a total cost of approximately $68 1 million and will offer 180 multifamily units.
The units will serve those at 60% area median income or less
This project has a focus on creating a resilient, community-centered affordable housing development with designs to meet national green building standards, as well as incorporating hurricane-related concrete block construction, elevation to two feet above the base flood level The project is anticipated to be complete by October 2026
The last project, located in Fort Myers Ekos on Evans, 3501 Evans Ave. will receive $17 million in CDBG-DR funding The total cost of the complex is $53 8 million for 144 multifamily units
The project includes 22 units at 30% AMI or less, 56 units at 60% AMI or less and 66 units at 70% AMI or less.
Following the landfall of Hurricane Ian in Lee County on Sept 28, 2022, the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development approved a grant agreement providing $1 1 billion of Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds to Lee County for long-term recovery efforts in November 2023
The proposals were recommended for funding by the CDBG-DR Affordable Housing Development Evaluation Committee. The funded projects will provide for the development of 412 affordable multi-family housing units
Lee BIA Builders Care provides family with total home renovation
Story by Chuck Ballaro
When Erica Tague saw the work done on her North Fort Myers home, tears streamed from her eyes, her face full of gratitude
Tague and her family had just received the best Christmas gift neither asked for nor expected: Their house on Lincoln Avenue in North Fort Myers had been transformed from a state of disrepair to what was, for all intents and purposes, a new home.
This came courtesy of Lee County BIA Builders Care and Lennar Homes which helps families need do repairs on their homes or, in this case, massive renovations
In December, with friends, family and others in attendance, the improvements were revealed, including before and after pictures and video of the home.
Builders Care and Lennar provided the renovations at no cost to the family, with the grand reveal
taking place just in time for the holidays
To think that in the beginning all they requested was a new air conditioner
Tague has a lot more to worry about than having to fix up her home
Tague works with the elderly while her oldest daughter works with Big Brothers/Big Sisters
She also is a single mother, raising three children. Two of them have been diagnosed with autism, with her 15-year-old son also diagnosed with epilepsy, scoliosis, and eosinophilic esophagitis
Tague and her family bought their home 10 years ago Whenever something went wrong with the house, they would usually fix it themselves
Unfortunately, as with older homes, more and more things went wrong They got a new roof after Hurricane Ian, but the inside was falling into a further state of disrepair
“We fixed things up a little at a time, but the hurricanes keep coming There was just never enough time or money to do it,” Tague said
The air conditioner was broken, the electrical work was also failing, and the garage, which was to become another bedroom, was unfinished, and Tague just didn’t have the money to get it all fixed
Finally, with nowhere else to turn, Tague reached out to Builders Care, only seeking assistance with her failing AC system
“I was on the Lee County website with a list of resources. I called and filled out the application, asking of anyone who could help They came out and talked to me,” Tague said
Builders Care is a non-profit arm of the Lee Building Industry Association which does emergency construction service for the elderly, disabled and the economically disadvantaged
Annette Milles, president of Builders Care, said she heard from Tague this summer after their AC had gone out
When Builders Care showed up and examined the home, they found the home needed much more than new air conditioning They needed an extreme makeover
“When we were invited inside we knew they needed more Their kitchen was falling apart, they had lighting that wasn’t working, a bathroom that was unusable,” Milles said
Ray Kershaw, of Lennar Homes, said it was obvious the family needed help
“She’s a single mom with three kids, struggling to pay her bills and put food on the table and the home was neglected from the repairs that needed to be done,” Kershaw said
With this in mind, Lee BIA Builders Care and
Lennar partnered to provide the holiday miracle of a lifetime: a home renovation for this North Fort Myers family in need
The family was moved to the nearby Best Western hotel temporarily while the Builders Care team went to work to completely transform the home
“On day one, we demoed the whole house down to the studs. When we saw the wiring, plumbing and the AC, we took it all out and put in all new,” Kershaw said
The entire project took two weeks Kershaw said the project would have been done sooner, but the new windows hadn’t arrived yet, which delayed the project
They didn’t just fix the plumbing and put up drywall, they made the house into a home, adding the touches needed to compete the transformation They wallpapered the bedrooms, put up pictures on the walls, added that fourth bedroom that wasn’t completed and made it the master bedroom, put in new cabinetry and furniture and, of course, the new kitchen
Each bedroom had a new TV and there were presents under their new Christmas tree The kitchen cabinets were fully stocked with the dry necessities so Erica could do her holiday baking
Kershaw said if the family had to pay for the repairs themselves, it would have cost around $80,000 or more.
“We had all our associates involved as well as dozens of trade partners who donated materials at no cost to the homeowner,” Kershaw said “We want to give back to the community and Builders Care ”
There were still inside the house putting on the finishing touches at 1 a m Just two hours before the family arrived, there were people putting the topcoat on the floors
After two weeks at the hotel, Tague and her family returned home to a crowd of friends, County Commissioner Brian Hamman and others who aided in the renovation
“When I saw all the cars, I was grateful, but there were also an awful lot of people here I had no idea what was going on,” Tague said Kershaw told Tague getting the cabinets took some time so they “did a few little things” and that she might be surprised
When the house was unveiled, the shock was obvious. She was speechless, even breathless at what she saw. And that was just on the outside.
Once inside, she was even more surprised at what was, essentially, an entirely new home Gone were the days where something would break and
they would have to pay to fix something
The kids had their own rooms, each of which had their own personal touches to them Of course, now she had her own room and didn’t have to sleep on the couch as she had after her son had surgery
“They kids have their rooms that are all very different It’s nice to see they have the things they like,” Tague said. “It’s great they learned so much about my family and how they decorated their rooms It was perfect for each one of them ”
The bathroom was specially designed for her older son, who has some difficulty walking and navigating the house He can now get into the shower with little trouble and become more independent The doors were also redone to accommodate that
Even outside, there was a wet bar near the pool, a new grill and a fire pit so the family can hang out in the yard, which was resodded.
The thing she said she liked the best was the new kitchen It is usually the most important room in the house
“I love to bake and I was super excited to have the kitchen It’s where I spend most of my time,” Tague said
There were even the smallest of touches
Over the front door was something that read, “Love you, Bye,” which she tells her kids every day as they go off to school.
“I’m thankful for the big things, but the little things like that mean a lot,” Tague said “These things make our lives so much easier Two boys with special needs, Sometimes, my older son’s legs don’t straighten out and it’s very difficult to navigate the home ”
Other local partner suppliers and contractors making the renovation possible include 84 Lumber; Accurate Grading; All American Shutters; American Woodmark Cabinets; Caloosa Cooling; Carrigan Brothers Plumbing; Clive Daniels Furniture; Coastal Waste and Recycling; DLS Frame Drywall and Stucco; Empire Electric; Fort Myers Sod; GE Appliances; GMZ Masonry; Gulf Coast Grading; HBJ Construction; Holiday Pools; Hometeam Pest Defense; HONC; John to Go; Juniper Landscaping; Lee County; Liberty Aluminum; MI Windows; Moen; Naples Hardscapes; Nash Moving; Niles Design Group; Nova Engineering; Pack Rat; PMC Painting; Raymond Building Supply; Rice Insulation and Glass; Sherwin Williams; Signs In One Day Cape Coral; Star Farms; Timberlake Cabinets; USA Grading; and Wayne Wiles Floor Covering
New year, new location, for the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce
Story by Meghan Bradbury
The new year will bring changes for the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, including a new location
With the closure of the Shell Factory, the chamber will move to the Paradise Vintage Market a 32,000-square foot building at 13821 North Cleveland Ave , North Fort Myers
The move will happen by the end of January with the February Business After Hours to take place at the new welcome center
"We are very fortunate to have a 20-year relationship with the Shell Factory. It was perfect for us, " North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Wendy Murray said
They had a handful of options for their new location
"I had about six offers of places to move to and we decided that will work," Murray said
A major perk of the Welcome Center at Paradise Vintage Market is its hours have been expanded and there is plenty of parking and great visibility on U S 41
The new hours will be from 10 a m to 6 p.m. seven days a week.
John Gardner, Chamber of Commerce President and Board Member
"The staff there will be ambassadors for us, " Murray said "They can come in and get what they need It's going to be a great win-win for both of us We hope we will be able to bring people into to see Paradise Vintage Market
"There are wonderful stalls at the market " North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce President and Board Member John Gardner said it's amazing how much activity Paradise Vintage Market receives
"It's a bustling little facility," he said.
Among the goals for 2025 is to engage the chamber members
"We are all busy, but you will never get more out of any organization than you are willing to put into it," Gardner said "You don't know what the chamber does if you are not there "
He encourages members to attend the gatherings and become engaged in the chamber's committees
"We are a nonpolitical organization, but we are involved in our county government from the standpoint to work with the Economic Development Office and we sit on the Horizon Council We have connections there There is so much going on in North Fort Myers," Gardner said
Issues of interest include growth, traffic, and inadequate infrastructure
"We need those voices to unite To have one unified voice is a whole lot better," he said
Gardner said the chamber does not have a problem being vocal, but it needs the input from its members
The North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce will move to a new location, Paradise Vintage Market — a 32,000-square foot building — at 13821 North Cleveland Ave., North Fort Myers by the end of the month./PHOTO PROVIDED
"The most important thing we need right now is more commercial There is no shortage of rooftops with residential houses under permitting right now in North Fort Myers Developers are not bringing in the commercial We need members to engage and tell us what we need. We have the voice of the people that can make the difference. We are that voice, ear we need to hear more, " Gardner said "Get engaged We want to hear your voice You have a complaint, we want to hear sug-
gestions, or solutions Let’s get back to business " His focus will be on how to get business owners back into the game, as he believes there is a general fatigue from the numerous hurricanes and the lousy economy
"There's a lot (of businesses) trying to stay afloat. I'm not sure how to manipulate the changes thrown at us, " Gardner said
Honory mayor is a man on a mission
Cancer survivor, family man, business owner, Matt Gould devotes time to his community
Story by Meghan Bradbury
The desire to become the voice for the people of North Fort Myers became stronger after one resident beat cancer
“As I got more involved in the community and working with Wendy (Murray) at the chamber and (working with) Rotary, it became open as an option It’s a good platform to get more involved and bring some more community awareness for what we do in our community,” said Matt Gould, North Fort Myers’ current honorary mayor
The election of an honorary mayor is a fundraiser for the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce. The candidates gather “votes” – one dollar equals a vote – through holding events The candidate who raises the most money is then “elected” as honorary mayor
Gould was elected last January
The event usually takes place in February and the new “election”will kick off soon
Gould is the owner of Planet-E Window & Pressure Washing, a business that he opened in 2021 He said he has been doing that type of work through college and his military career
“By the grace of God, it has been very awesome I brought a co-owner onboard at the end of the year We are expanding,” Gould said “It’s been great to be a part of and watch ”
The business owner is an Army veteran, as well as a missionary – a difference maker director at Breeze Church located on Bayshore Road He spends four days a week at his church
After he and his family moved to North Fort Myers from Georgia, Gould was soon diagnosed with oral squamous cell carcinoma cancer after arriving in the state in which he always wanted to live
“It was scary The pain was overwhelming The tumor was in the center of my tongue I could not eat because of the pain,” Gould said
He has been cancer free for 2-1/2 years Seventy percent of his tongue was removed and he was told he probably would not talk or eat
Gould beat the odds He said the Cape Coral VA was fantastic and he had the best surgeon in the world at Moffit Cancer Center
“My post-life experience from the surgery was way better A testament to what God can do in my life,” he said “Even when faced with adversity, Jesus the Lord and Savior can do anything ”
That message he wanted to pass on to his children, another reason he wanted to become the honorary mayor
“I have a whole new perspective I would rather be out there with folks, give encouragement, be able to give some hope,” he said. As the honorary mayor he writes the monthly blog about his family’s experience for the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce
He has two small children, an 8-and a 5-year-old Gould said he has written about such experiences as beach trips, participation at their church and lagoon travels He has also shared information about the closure of the bridge, expansion of Wawa, and Aldi coming to town
Gould also participates in the monthly business networking group, which began in February He said they are a group of business professionals that come
Matt Gould is the owner of Planet-E Window & Pressure Washing, a business that he opened in 2021. The Gould family, Matt, Kari, Greyson, and Gavin./PHOTO PROVIDED
together to have an open conversation for an hour and a half
The honorary mayor position also afforded him the opportunity to attend ribbon cuttings of new businesses, as well as help fundraise for the chamber through a golf tournament that he heads to raise money for the foundation.
As the honorary mayor, Gould said he has
enjoyed the many opportunities to meet and talk to people he would not otherwise meet He said he enjoys interacting with folks in the community to see the direction in which they are headed, in other words to understand the pulse of the community
Story by Meghan Bradbury Chamber of Commerce an advocate & resource for local businesses
There are a plethora of benefits of being a member of the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce referrals, networking, a comprehensive website and more
North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Wendy Murray said she loves to talk to people who want to become a new member and is available on her personal cell phone –(239) 707-6722
“I get calls every day of people wanting a referral where to have dinner, a service referral,” she said
Those referrals go to chamber members
“That is one of our best services,” Murray said
The chamber hosts one to two networking events a month a business after hours and a breakfast The networking events are a great opportunity to meet and talk with other business owners, Murray said
The online presence of the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce is a tremendous asset as well, she added.
“Prior to the digital age, the chamber would put stuff in an envelope and mail it to somebody,” she said “Anything you want to find out about North Fort Myers is on the website from moving here, how to hook up electric to where to get a driver ’s license It is updated daily ”
Chamber members are in both alphabetical order and by category
“You can post hot deals, job postings there is a lot of great features to our website. It gets an immense amount of hits every week,” Murray said, adding that they also have a great media platform on Facebook
The chamber currently has about 175 members including about 20% that are nonprofit organizations
“We are a smaller chamber in the world of chambers in Florida That gives us a unique perspective because we are small – our members are close and they are very connected,” Murray said.
In addition, Murray, who has a journalism background, also takes the time to help businesses write press releases and send them to the best outlets
With the kickoff of 2025, the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce will bring back its Business of the Month The chamber also will do a beautification award four times a year for businesses for such things as redoing an entry, façade, or signage
“We’ve had a horrible two years With Hurricane Ian – I personally lost my home. I had four feet of water in my house,” Murray said, adding that there was also COVID, and Hurricanes Helene and Milton, as well as the temporary closure of the Caloosahatchee Bridge for improvements
“For the past three and a half, four years, it has been tough for businesses,” she said
Following Hurricane Ian, with a lot of businesses displaced, they opened the chamber office and let businesses that needed a place to work, have meetings, and hire people use the chamber office to do so
“We had six, or seven businesses using the chamber office,” she said of the year-long effort.
With Hurricanes Helene and Milton, a lot of businesses took on water
“2024 has been tough on a lot of people The businesses of North Fort Myers are very resilient They seem to bounce back more quickly than any other community I have lived in,” Murray said
The bridge closure in 2024, also impacted a good amount of businesses on U S 41, just north of the bridge Fortunately, the businesses are doing better now after the closure lasted for a year, Murray said.
Volunteers are also the backbone of the chamber as they help answer phone calls, make phone calls for events, and send out thank you notes
“I am always looking for more volunteers I have some wonderful volunteers that work every week It’s always helpful to the chamber because
we really do run on volunteerism,” Murray said
The chamber holds a few events through the year – the Honorary Mayor fundraiser where individuals cast a vote at a $1 a vote
The event will be held in February
Another event is the Calvin Peete Classic, a golf tournament entering its eighth year Murray said it’s one of their top fundraisers and is held the last Saturday in October
The final event is the Annual Business Awards Luncheon, which recognizes local businesses, business people, and entrepreneurs for excellence
Camber membership are of $299 for business members and $100 for nonprofit organizations
For more information, visit www nfmchamber org
Eaglet hatchlings heat up views on SWFL Eagle Cam
Story by Chuck Ballaro
Southwest Florida’s most famous eagle pair are parents once again
M15 and F23 saw their two eggs hatch in November
The first egg was laid on Nov 8 at 2:38 p m and E24 hatched on Nov 9 at 4:01 p m The second egg was laid on Nov 11 at 6:15 p m and E25 hatched Tuesday at 5:48 a m
Both eaglets continue to appear well as mom and dad take turns keeping them warm and feeding them
Fans and followers of the nest off Bayshore Road on the Pritchett property in North Fort Myers got to see everything via the multi-camera Southwest Florida Eagle Cam, now in its 13th season with more than 225 million views worldwide since its inception
Viewers go to see a close-up of the second egg showed the shell weakening and moving as the eaglet inside began to break out.
Later, E24 may have accidentally broken a hole in the egg during a feeding A close-up showed the eaglet peeking out through the hole
Of course, it’s not like you see in cartoons where the egg cracks and the baby emerges seconds later
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam, in its 13th season, has had more than 225 million views worldwide since its inception./PHOTOS COURTESY OF DICKPRITCHETTREALESTATE COM/SOUTHWESTFLORIDA-EAGLE-CAM/
It took until the next morning before the eaglet was seen for the first time
The second was prematurely damaged just before its anticipated hatching. The second eaglet did not survive.
It is unknown what exactly happened to cause the egg to become damaged
It should be interesting how the parent pair will raise two eaglets after only having to raise one their first mating season together last year M15 previously was the mate of nest matri-
It was obvious the eaglet had just emerged as its fluff was matted down and it was still partially inside the cracked egg The eaglet was also exhausted, its face down in the nest as it tried to gets itself somewhat upright
This is the second season for M15 and F23 as a pair
Last season saw only one egg hatch successfully
arch Harriet for eight years. Harriet, who bonded with M15 in 2015, went missing after a successful nesting in 2023 Harriet's previous mate was Ozzie, who died in 2015
The original pair had been coming to this nest since 2006 and Ozzie and Harriet were the original
Gulf Coast Village taking residents and guests on a trip around the world
The North Fort Myers Arts Association and Gulf Coast Village have partnered for their second art exhibit at the community in Cape Coral
“Around the World in 50 Days" opened Jan 9 with a "Cocktails, Conversations, and Collaborations" unveiling The exhibit will be open to the public daily through Feb 27 at Gulf Coast Village.
This exhibit, the second installment in the "Gulf Coast Gallery" art exhibition series, is a unique collaboration between the community and the arts association It allows local and resident artists to display their mixed media art with some of the works also offered for sale
A painting by artist Sunny Lee, a Gulf Coast Village resident, is the first piece in the exhibit Her life as an artist that began at age 4 and she also enjoyed a career in the military alongside her husband Ron
In addition to works by Sunny Lee and other local artists, the acclaimed Southwest Florida artist Douglas MacGregor will be displaying some of his artwork
“We’re excited to once again showcase some of the amazing artwork our residents and the North Fort Myers Arts Association have created,” said Ryan Keller, regional vice president of senior living for Volunteers of America National Services. “It’s not just an opportunity for our residents and local community to admire art, but also a chance to embrace a fresh start by exploring something new ”
Gulf Coast Village is at 1333 Santa Barbara Blvd
eaglet hatchlings
stars of the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam
The eaglets continue to grow steadily and will eventually able to
regulate their own temperatures, losing their down coating and growing feathers, feeding themselves, becoming about the size of their par-
ents within six weeks of their hatching date
After branching and exercising their wings for a couple weeks, they are expected to fledge from the nest sometime in the early spring
Southwest Florida Eagle Cam, in its 13th season, has had more than 225 million views worldwide since its inception./PHOTOS COURTESY OF DICKPRITCHETTREALESTATE COM/SOUTHWEST-FLORIDA-EAGLE-CAM/
Fans can catch all the action in the nest on the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam, which started its 13th season in October as the famous eagles returned home early to work on their nest before mating
They can again follow four cameras that stream the bald eagles live directly to this site.
Camera 1 is positioned
seven feet above the nest and is equipped with night vision
Camera 2 is located at nest level capturing the side view
Camera 3 is in the nest tree and the first ever live camera in history to capture a 360-degree look into a bald eagle’s daily activity. This cam allows you to click and drag to any viewing area for a fully immersive experience
Camera 4 is installed closer to the pond to capture activity happening around the pasture and in the pond area
To follow all of the action in and around the nest 24/7 visit https://dickpritchettrealestate com/ southwest-florida-eagle-cam/. NFMNL
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